
bduk1Morning everyone06:17
mazalMorning everyobe06:22
bduk1More Mazal06:22
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy theblazehen inetpro and others06:24
ThatGraemeGuymorning Kilos, everyone06:27
Kiloshi Xethron bduk1 mazal 06:27
mazalMôre oom06:37
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy 06:37
ThatGraemeGuymorning :-)06:38
KilosThatGraemeGuy, when you are at home press F5 and write down the second rows first 3 readings06:41
Kilosthat can help to indentify direction when you deep down06:41
Kilosand someone ask superfly to install the mesecons addon the we will have red stone and can build compasses06:42
inetprogoeie more06:44
Kiloseeek now my browser opens all black so cant even see to choose bookmarks06:54
Kilosi reboot and hold thumbs07:01
Kiloswbb hopefully07:01
bdukEk kan nie saamspeel nie minetest hang net by item definitions.....07:08
Kilosohi superfly 07:10
bdukOhi superfly fix your minetest server man 07:11
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:12
superflybduk: fix your face man07:12
bdukish why? 07:13
Kiloshe is busy man07:13
superflybduk: Pointing out the issue would be better than greeting me with "fix your server!"07:13
bdukAt least i got your attention07:14
superflyIn a negative way that makes me disinclined to assist you07:14
bdukNo man you can't be like that07:14
Kilosbduk, he sees it is slow and suffers with us so be assured he is looking for the prob07:14
mazalsuperfly, I get a hang at " Item definitions " upon connect07:15
mazalDunno if that is the error with everyone07:15
Kilosin the meantime bduk try find us a local host for the game07:15
Kilosmine opens quite quick but then struggles to load the map07:16
bdukJa ek weet kilos maar hy moet gou maak ek het onttrekking simptome die naweek was lank. Nee ek speel lekker saam met die fly07:16
Kiloshahaha very addictive hey07:17
Kilosive already purchased the data that should be for month after next07:17
ThatGraemeGuymazal: I had that last night, got in after retrying a few times07:20
mazalMan I have to start mining for proper resources , but ai. That getting lost bit bothers me :P07:20
mazalSo far I am more into faming :P07:21
ThatGraemeGuythe key to not getting lost is to not build crazy mazes07:21
mazalBut my tools are getting done now07:21
mazalI need coal and proper rock and steen07:21
mazalsteel even07:21
Kilosmazal, go to your home then press f5 and write down the c0-ords07:21
ThatGraemeGuycheck out my underwater mining operation, you see i stop and mine horizontally rather than in all directions07:22
mazalGood tip that ta07:22
Kiloseish i get totallt disorientated under water07:23
ThatGraemeGuyit isn't really "under" water, just the entrance to the stairway, is a short swim down07:23
ThatGraemeGuypretty sure you'd drown if it was underwater ;)07:23
ThatGraemeGuysuperfly: what kind of memory & bandwidth requirements do you need to cater for running that server?07:24
superflyThatGraemeGuy: I don't know, I'm running on my VPS (which is in the UK), which and I haven't noticed any alerts come through for high processor or memory usage07:27
charl_good morning07:27
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:27
* Maaz washes some mugs07:27
superflyohi charl_07:27
Kiloshi charl_ 07:28
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:28
MaazKilos: Alrighty07:28
charl_hi Kilos 07:28
charl_hi superfly 07:28
charl_hi ThatGraemeGuy 07:29
ThatGraemeGuyhi charl_07:29
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and Kilos!07:31
KilosMaaz, ty07:31
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:31
Kiloseven when i try open /home it shows black07:34
charl_Maaz: thank you07:37
Maazcharl_: Okay :-)07:37
Kiloslemme go try kde07:40
Kilosai! game all black window in kde07:54
Kilosoh loading slow and i gotta do the gamma thing07:55
superflyThatGraemeGuy: my VPS is 2 gigs of RAM, 2 cores08:00
superflybut I'm pretty sure it's just idling08:00
Kiloskde much easier to do gamma settings, dont need to go use the nvidia settings08:03
Kiloshi Spekko  wokky sick today08:03
ThatGraemeGuysuperfly: what's 'free -m' say?08:04
Kilosohi JabberwockyA19  just slow i see08:04
ThatGraemeGuyor do you set an amount of memory it can use?08:04
superflyThatGraemeGuy: uh, gimme a few08:04
superflyThatGraemeGuy: http://pastebin.com/aRLctL4d08:06
ThatGraemeGuyquite hard to figure out how much bandwith it uses too08:06
bdukThanks superfly im in08:06
Spekkomore Kilos08:07
superflyThatGraemeGuy: http://picpaste.com/linode516294-mK07wGFu.png08:08
ThatGraemeGuycool, thanks08:09
ThatGraemeGuydedi server a little expensive, or i'd just get one of those08:12
ThatGraemeGuystaff perks only apply to plain old web hosting accounts :-(08:12
ThatGraemeGuyi can maybe run a VM, will have to find out08:12
Kiloshi Vince-0  09:44
Kiloshey guys i just had an idea09:44
Kilosyes its gonna rain i suppose09:45
Kilosif you carry gravel with you when you go down under you can build your main path with gravel so it gives you like a marked paveway to where you coming from09:46
Kilosthat should help solve the getting lost inna mine prob09:47
Kiloslike pve the main in out route09:48
ThatGraemeGuybut maybe with dirt instead of gravel09:53
ThatGraemeGuygravel is very rare compared to dirt, and takes longer to mine as well09:53
ThatGraemeGuybut good idea if you're prone to getting lost09:54
ThatGraemeGuyi prefer to mine more methodically, not randomly all over the place09:54
ThatGraemeGuyi did that at first and quickly realised why its not ideal09:54
Kilosgravel that is10:02
Kiloslol i get lost everytime i go down so now carrly lotsa ladders so i can go straight up10:03
Kilosim trying to make my first long drop places so one cant get lost there10:04
Kilosactually thats very clever ThatGraemeGuy  dirt shows well in cobblestone10:04
JabberwockyA19hi Kilos, our telkom line was moved to another building11:00
Kilosoh my and now?11:00
JabberwockyA19now we are on 3g11:00
Kilosi gotta go eat now wbb11:02
JabberwockyA19we were going to move offices last Friday, but for some unknown reason we are not11:02
mazalLo JabberwockyA19 11:06
JabberwockyA19hey mazal, hoe gaan dit?11:14
ThatGraemeGuyi found tin lumps11:14
ThatGraemeGuynever seen tin mentioned on the wiki11:15
JabberwockyA19what server are you playing on?11:15
ThatGraemeGuyis it a mod?11:16
JabberwockyA19no idea, I've never played the game :P11:16
JabberwockyA19I'd love to join, but wont be able to play before wednesday night very busy *hmpf*11:17
mazalGoed dankie en jy JabberwockyA19 ?11:19
JabberwockyA19heel goed, lekker besig eksamen is amper verby :)11:23
mazalJabberwockyA19, weet jy of mens 'n game wat jy besit kan verkoop op die steam marketplace ? Seker nie ne11:24
JabberwockyA19mazal: jy kan net games trade wat jy gekoop het as 'n gift (nog nie oop gemaak het nie)11:42
mazalK ta11:44
Kiloshmm... found diamond, but back by the lava13:10
Kilossuperfly  ty for paying for that server for us to play on13:13
Kilosby the hour nogal13:14
Trixar_zaI have Pentium44 idling on another channel13:15
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: where did you find diamond? and how far down?13:38
Kiloslong wat from where you left you will see lava then tunnel branches to the right13:38
Kilosi left you somein the chest a bit up again13:39
Kilosyou can just follow the steps13:39
ThatGraemeGuyhttp://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Pickaxe, diamond pickaxe lasts as long as  wood pickaxe, whaaat?13:40
Kilosturned right over the lava hopefully13:40
Kilosdiamonds are brittle13:40
Kiloshard but smash with a hammer13:40
ThatGraemeGuyi'll check it out later13:40
Kilosbetter for cutting tools13:40
ThatGraemeGuyyou didn't turn it into a maze did you? :-p13:41
Kilosi read they even have generators and wiring so one can put up lights13:41
Kilosduh! i found my way out13:41
Kilosfound lotsa gravel in some places too13:41
Kiloshoping with the branch to the right to get to other side the lava where my other ladders are13:42
ThatGraemeGuyi hate gravel, it takes longer to mine, falls down all the time and has no practical use13:42
ThatGraemeGuyif i hit gravel in stairways i just route around it13:43
Kilosmakes lekker noise when you walk on it13:43
Kilosim carrying a load home now13:43
ThatGraemeGuyi don't even play with my headphones, lol13:43
ThatGraemeGuysound isn't really a significant feature13:43
Kilosi gotta have sound or miss too much13:43
Kilosone old eye dont see alerts like you peeps13:44
ThatGraemeGuymmmm what do you hear that you can miss? i don't think i've ever had sound on13:44
ThatGraemeGuyoh, messages make noise?13:44
Kiloswell for starters when nick mentioned here there is bell.ogg13:44
ThatGraemeGuymaybe i should put on headphones13:45
Kilosand i get a pling sound when peeps join here when on konversation13:45
Kiloswhen you find your first diamond a heart shows above the bar where you choose tools13:46
Kilosya but what can you do with them cat things13:47
ThatGraemeGuybrag that you found one13:48
Kilosi only want stuff that can work13:48
ThatGraemeGuybut you carry around gravel :p13:48
Kiloslike gold worthless to me but maybe tin makes electrical wiring13:48
Kilosgravel is so i can hear when im off the path13:48
ThatGraemeGuythere's no electricity13:48
ThatGraemeGuymaybe in mods13:49
Kilosthere will be i saw water generator info13:49
Kilosor hydro, i forget now13:50
Kilosthe flys server is gonna groan when all the stuff loaded13:51
Kilosbut its running ok now13:51
Kilosmusta been the host taking strain13:51
ThatGraemeGuywhat stuff?13:53
Kilosall the addons or mods or whatever they are called13:57
Kiloshi Private_User  13:58
Private_Userhi Kilos13:58
ThatGraemeGuydid someone add stuff?13:58
Kiloshe did some of it13:58
Kilosonly he can13:59
Kilosonly he can do it la la la la13:59
bduk1That sounds happy Kilos 14:00
Kilosdont you know the song?14:00
Kilosonly you can do it la la la la14:00
bduk1don't recognise the tune14:01
Kilosi  dont do tube but maybe you can14:02
ThatGraemeGuyi mean did he add new stuff recently, or has it been there since i started?14:03
Kilosi nthink he added 2 or 3 things within the last wqeek14:04
Kilosbut hasnt done a restart that i know of14:04
Kiloshi SilverCode  14:16
SilverCodeHi Kilos14:17
charl_good afternoon all14:36
charl_anyone here with experience https://logentries.com/ ?14:36
charl_just tried it for the first time, looks like an AMAZING tool14:36
charl_only problem, it's a hosted (saas) solution14:36
Vince-0RMS would say: don't Saas me14:42
Kiloshey superfly  im putting stops where your high speed stairs shoot we off the end of your roads ok?15:46
Kilost junctions that is15:46
bduk1superfly: 16:05
bduk1superfly: Your server runs like an ice cream16:11
bduk1Verry lekker, but don't break it again tommorow morning ne16:14
superflyI didn't do anything.16:18
superflyAnd I'm doing this for nothing, remember. If you want to complain, you are more than welcome to get your own server.16:19
bduk1Don't worry just pulling your leg, appreciate the game thanks for your trouble16:19
superflyYou're welcome.16:19
superflyI'm more than happy to troubleshoot issues of people are willing to be nice and you check their end first.16:26
bduk1Well if i didn't sound nice this morning i didn't mean annything bad, I ment everything in a joking way16:29
superflyText conveys no emotion or tone, so just be careful how you say things... I've been burnt before by that :-(16:32
bduk1If i get upset i'd rather say nothing cause i don't like to say things i ll later regret. So as long as i'm talking i'm happy. if you understand16:33
bduk1Anny way don't like to offend my ubuntu friends, i learned a lot from them these past times. Must learn to put these yellow faces in mabe that will help16:35
Kilosadd hahas and hehes 16:43
bduk1Kilos: didn't you have to be in bed by now?16:45
Kiloshaha what you mean i have more late night with minetest than since 1999816:47
bduk1Was also wondering who's the @shole who started this game16:48
Trixar_zaYeah, been messing with MineTest too - had to disable the lighting, particles and shaders to get a decent FPS, but it's nice16:55
Kiloshaha hi Trixar_za   why you had to disable stuff? graphics?16:56
Trixar_zaYeah - with shaders and lighting on I was only getting like 3 FPS16:56
Trixar_zaNow I get like 30 - with it slowing down to 16 when I'm near water and trees at the same time16:56
Kilosdid you go to the flys game or is that in single player16:57
Trixar_zaSingle Player - was testing it out16:57
Kilossingle player is ok for learning the actions but the real pleasure comes when you share16:58
Kiloswhen you get lost inna mine maze there always someone to help16:58
Kilosi never realise online gaming can be such addictive fun16:59
Kilosbut you looking at 100+m per day16:59
Kilosi go ea17:00
Kiloseat too17:00
Trixar_zaMost online games have that effect. Especially with other players.17:04
Trixar_zaYou get a bunch of different kind of players. Some go at it alone, some form groupings and others turn into 'shops'. The style of playing also differs for everybody :P17:05
bduk1It's true Trixar_za  17:06
Trixar_zaHow do I make blocks stay in the air?17:09
Kilosyou build from ground up then remove the bottom ones17:11
Trixar_zaThat will be a little hard from where I am17:11
Trixar_zaHmmm, if I build straight up by alternating between two blocks, it should work well enough17:13
bduk1Kilos: did the national wintersport started in your area yet17:16
KilosTrixar_za  monkey says press super then hold shift and you can build alongside blocks17:23
Kilosi have managed it yet i fall off17:23
Kilosvery cold here bduk1  17:23
bduk1I mean the fires. Did you make your firebreaks?17:24
Kilosplkace too small for that17:24
Kiloswe just keep eyes and ears open17:24
Kilosthen run when we see or smell smoke17:25
bduk1ok we made one from one side to the other of our farm but must still make one on the road's side. 17:25
Kilosthey gotta be like 50metres wide to be of any help in windy weather17:26
Kiloswe used to make them 100 metres in natal17:27
Trixar_zaHey it works17:27
bduk1Thats a story. the main thing is to have a road where you can drive on when fighting the fire. We made two kreaks of 5 meter each and then there is about 10 to m20m meters between them that we burned. If the fire come from that side we just light it and it can burn towards the fire17:29
Kiloshaha how many fires have you fought17:30
Kilosive spent days in natal when burns like from harrismith to um17:31
Kilosthe place east of utrecht17:31
bduk1Also had my share of fire fighting and still do. 17:32
bduk1You also come from kzn17:32
Kiloswith all the farmers from the area17:32
Kilosspent years in utrecht17:32
Kilosand a tar road doesnt stop a veldt fire17:33
Kilosand thats more than 5 metres wide17:33
bduk1I was in the capital of india for a year and then in Eshowe for about 12 years. Yes if the wind is behind a fire it can jump far and if it is in bluegum trees it even jump further17:34
Kilosive seen farmers lose 50 fine wool stud rams in one fire and thats a farmer that is third generation in the area17:34
Kilosbluegums burn along the tops and drop burning leaves everywhere17:35
Kilosblacks call them loie bome17:35
bduk1Thats why the main thing about a firebreak these days is not to stop the fire but it is for the fighters to have a road to travel on. 17:36
Kilosthen you making roads not firebreaks17:36
XethronHeya Kilos17:36
Kiloshi Xethron  17:36
Trixar_zaBtw, falling from high places hurt17:37
Kilosya you lose hearts17:37
Kilosgotta eat to recover17:38
superflyTrixar_za: what textures are those?17:50
Trixar_zaThe normal ones? It just rendered a very long rock tower with a tree on top and a pool of water at the bottom (so like a waterfall?). I'm just building around it.17:51
bduk1Is Maas offduty?17:58
Trixar_zaWell, that was a suicidal swan dive18:01
Trixar_zahttp://trixarian.net/minetest2.jpg - the tower :P18:03
Trixar_zaBuilt a staircase up the side - but it didn't turn out that well18:04
Kiloshi gremble  18:05
KilosTrixar_za  it takes some practise18:05
grembleHey Kilos 18:05
Kilosyou must see the stuff the fly and monkey build18:05
Trixar_zaThis is like lego for adults18:06
grembleLego is for adults >.>18:07
bduk1Cant believe a stupid game like this can keep a bunch of adults so bussy18:07
bduk1Goodnight everyone18:14
Kilosi wish graeme would come online18:14
Kilosnight bduk1  18:14
Kilosi cant find his mine that starts inna water18:15
Trixar_zaWhat is superfly's server addy? :P18:17
inetprokbmonkey, Kilos, superfly, etc: what is this with you guys playing so much you even forget about our meeting? 18:40
Kilosoh my sorry inetpro  its tomorrow18:41
inetproja but you have not talked about it18:41
inetproif I didn't say anything you would have conveniently let it go by18:42
* inetpro unfortunately won't be here tomorrow18:42
charl_hey inetpro 18:44
charl_how's it going18:44
inetprocharl_: tired and you?18:45
inetproour days are way too short this time of the year18:46
charl_ah our days are LOOOONHG18:46
charl_run is setting around 11 now18:46
Trixar_zaEh, I suck at this. Ended up just making a lot of tunnels18:59
inetprosuperfly: you are in big trouble now19:18
inetproare you going to pay for all the lost productivity?19:19
superflyinetpro: when am I NOT in trouble?19:19
theblazehenlol, /me just saw notification in gmail19:19
inetproyou guys haven't stopped playing since our last meeting19:19
theblazehenTrixar_za: that moment when I think you are talking about the "ssh -D" kind of tunnels..19:19
Kilosinetpro  game called minetest in the repos20:50
superflyKilos: he knows20:52
Kilosvery lekker catchy and addictive20:52
KilosMaaz  coffee on20:53
* Maaz starts grinding coffee20:53
Kiloswe need a coffe machine in minetest20:53
Kilosive mined so hard my tongue is hanging out20:53
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!20:57
KilosMaaz  thanks man20:57
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)20:57
* Kilos a lonely bunch tonight20:57
superflynight night oom Kilos, bed time for me. Lekker speel!21:16
Kilosnight superfly  ty sleep tight21:16
Kilosoh my 180 ladders not enough to get to the surface21:55
Kilossleep tight23:45
Kilosgood morning23:45

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