
daftykinsgrrrrraham: less from the standpoint of ubuntu or Linux in general, more my bias against them from back in the day they were new :)00:00
grrrrrahamhaha k... yeah well that's what i was thinking.. old/crappy hardware00:00
daftykinsgrrrrraham: do any of these hard disks operate at SATA levels higher than the board can? e.g. SATA 6 or 3Gb/sec drives on a potentially SATA 1.5Gb board?00:00
grrrrrahamyes.. i tried using the force 1.5 command00:01
grrrrrahamdoesn't seem to help00:01
grrrrrahami tried disabling ncq but the mobo doesn't support it anyway00:01
Beldardaftykins, mmmmm biased opinions, mah favorite. ;)00:01
daftykinslooks like the board's SATA 3Gb actually00:01
grrrrrahamoh ok00:01
daftykinsBeldar: 8D00:01
grrrrrahamwell i tried forcing it to 1.5 anwway :)00:01
daftykinsgrrrrraham: i'd have probably tried to do so from the jumpers you may be able to apply to the disks, if applicable00:01
grrrrrahamyeah there are jumper options.. i just don't have any jumpers handy00:02
grrrrrahamwould jumpers maybe make a difference even if the 1.5 speed is being confirmed by kernel?00:03
grrrrrahamusing the boot flags00:03
daftykinsnot sure, i just thought it might be an extra variable00:03
grrrrrahami found this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21792000:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217920 in linux (Ubuntu) "Computer hangs up (freeze) and reports SATA errors during disk checking after reboot " [High,Incomplete]00:04
grrrrrahamhahha ubottu nice timing00:04
grrrrraham#40 has some flags i haven't tried00:04
grrrrrahamhpet=disable and00:05
grrrrrahamand all_generic_ide00:05
daftykinshpet=disable is what i just found on a somewhat vaguely related thread :)00:05
daftykinsgrrrrraham: sounds like hpet=disable is candidate #1 for a test-run!00:07
grrrrrahami'm remote right now... is hpet=disable a fairly safe thing to do?00:07
grrrrrahamdon't want the computer to not boot at all when i'm not there00:07
daftykinsi've zero experience with it personally, maybe you could add a custom boot menu entry and guide your gran to one-time booting it00:08
grrrrrahamgood call!00:08
* Beldar looks for the tin fedora00:08
daftykinssorry, aunt00:08
Beldartinfoil that is00:08
grrrrrahamall good00:10
grrrrrahamthanks a lot guys00:10
AphisOneIf I'm using gsettings, do I still use `dconf update` to set them as defaults?00:11
ReptiliaIt seems that fglrx is not supported for my graphics card, after the reboot the overall performance got even worse, with more lag, it was sluggish, and the resolution was lowered. What should i do?00:11
ReptiliaIt seems that the drivers are making everything sluggish, which drivers should i install? I have AMD Mobility Radeon X60000:12
daftykinsReptilia: when you say 'after the reboot' , what change did that reboot signify?00:14
Reptiliadaftykins:Excuse me, don't understand the question00:14
daftykinsReptilia: had you installed fglrx via some method at that point?00:15
daftykinsit sounds like you might've booted in as VESA support only00:15
ReptiliaI've installed fglrx, rebooted, and i explained what everything was like00:15
Reptiliadaftykins:What "VESA" is?00:16
BeldarReptilia, If you come here for help, be careful in reacting to questions with I have done my work.00:16
daftykinsReptilia: a very basic driver, with no acceleration ultimately.00:17
ReptiliaBeldar:What was wrong in my reaction to the question?00:17
jeff__molololololo j'me sent pas du tout paumé00:18
daftykinsReptilia: X600 definitely sounds like one of the unsupported devices, i suspect you are stuck using the radeon driver only, for that one00:18
ReptiliaI don't know how to be more descriptive, my knowledge is limited...00:18
BeldarReptilia, Just my comment, and your reflection. ;)00:18
ReptiliaBeldar:Oh, i got what your comment was about, you're right :)00:19
daftykinsReptilia: are you on that computer right now? is it in this lower resolution state?00:20
Reptiliadaftykins:Damn. But what bugs me is that i've had excellent performance with this laptop, using 13.10. After installing 14.04, everything changed.00:21
Reptiliadaftykins:Yes, i am on the laptop now. I've removed fglrx, rebooted, and now the resolution is how it used to be.00:21
daftykinsReptilia: it might be time to consider a different distribution00:21
daftykinsReptilia: ok please run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then if that succeeds "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:22
daftykinsctrl+alt+T to open a terminal00:22
ReptiliaSure, just a moment00:22
daftykinsReptilia: what's the CPU in this thing by the way? must be pretty old :)00:23
Reptiliadaftykins:It's a Compaq nx 8220, let me check the processor :)00:23
ReptiliaCPU: Intel Pentium M 740 (1.73Ghz)00:24
quidnuncI can't install skype on trusty 64 bit: "Package skype-bin:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package"00:24
quidnuncCan anyone help?00:24
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bazhang!info skype partner | quidnunc00:25
ubottuquidnunc: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)00:25
bazhang!partner | quidnunc00:26
ubottuquidnunc: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:26
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quidnuncbazhang: I have partner in sources.list00:26
bazhangquidnunc, then apt-get update and try again00:26
quidnuncbazhang: I did (?)00:26
bazhangpastebin sources.lst please quidnunc00:27
daftykinsReptilia: yeah wow that's one relic, ok reading now00:28
daftykinsReptilia: ok yep it's using the radeon driver, that's the best you're likely to get00:28
Reptiliadaftykins:Hahahahahah, relic, lol00:28
AcRoBaThi all, I have a question, can ubuntu use the secure port 6697 ?00:28
daftykinsReptilia: what RAM does it have?00:28
daftykinsAcRoBaT: 6697 isn't a secure port of anything.00:29
AcRoBaTyes it is, it's for irc, I run mirc via wine00:29
daftykinsReptilia: ooooouch you'd be way better off with something like lubuntu or xubuntu, they're a lot lighter weight - but i really don't think that system has much use left with modern distros00:29
quidnuncbazhang: dpaste.com/3B0DYDX/00:29
Reptiliadaftykins: I am using Xubuntu 14.0400:29
Ben64AcRoBaT: why would you run mirc in linux? use xchat or something else that is much better00:29
daftykinsAcRoBaT: likely your attempt to use a windows client under WINE is the root of all your problems00:30
Reptiliadaftykins: I am not using Ubuntu :/00:30
AcRoBaT6697 doesn't seem to work for mirc and ubuntu so I am using xchat at the moment00:30
daftykinsReptilia: ah and it's still pretty bad?00:30
quidnuncbazhang: I also did sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38600:30
Reptiliadaftykins: Well it is not that bad, but it's noticeable, since i am waiting a lot more after i click the browser icon, open a new tab, etc, compared to how long i've waited on 13.10 ...00:31
bazhangwhat does apt-cache search skype   show00:31
quidnuncbazhang: plugins mostly00:31
AcRoBaT6697 is ssl00:31
quidnuncbazhang: You want output?00:31
jeff__holly ...00:31
AcRoBaTwill xchat use ssl00:31
wheresmypaaantsare you the same sith that helped me with my lightdm problem00:31
wheresmypaaantswell, i can use someone else00:32
bazhangquidnunc, no thats ok00:32
wheresmypaaantsOkay, I have been using GDM lately due to a lightdm issue. But I want to switch to lightdm (not explaining why, too long) but I'm having an issue because lightdm always gave me "The system is running in low-graphics mode" and whatever. anyone got a clue on how to fix?00:33
daftykinsReptilia: i think it's just a sign of progress i'm afraid, i wouldn't force anyone to use such old hardware :(00:33
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jeff__je suis un gros boulet sa race00:35
Reptiliadaftykins:Yeah i know, this is not my main machine, although i am in love with it, i don't know why. My main PC is being serviced, so i have to use this laptop :)00:35
Beldar!fr | jeff__00:35
ubottujeff__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:35
Reptiliadaftykins:And i've chosen Xubuntu because i was amazed of how fast it was working00:35
quidnuncbazhang: I found the problem: apt pinning was preventing installation.00:35
Reptiliaon such an old hardware00:36
jeff__nan mais personne qui parle un peu françcais ici ?00:36
Beldarjeff__, Cesser d'afficher des ordures00:36
daftykinsjeff__: english only thanks. you've been told where to go00:36
jeff__ok it's not a prob00:37
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MasterBlasterWhat's the fastest way to organize my directory and create a good coding environment?01:05
wheresmypaaantsquick question01:09
wheresmypaaantswhat would happen if you uninstalled all display managers (gdm, lightdm, etc.)01:09
wheresmypaaantswould it just ask for password via terminal, then login?01:09
zykotick9wheresmypaaants: yes, it's the same as console (ctrl+alt+f1)01:10
wheresmypaaantsafter the password does it load unity?01:10
wheresmypaaantsjust wondering :P01:10
zykotick9wheresmypaaants: no, you'd need to type "startx" to start xorg01:10
wheresmypaaantszykotick9: Can you help me out with something?01:11
wheresmypaaantsMy lightdm is being a bitch01:11
wheresmypaaantsOMG sorry01:11
wheresmypaaantsI forgot the rules01:11
nevynMasterBlaster: learn scm?01:11
zykotick9wheresmypaaants: i _highly_ doubt it... i've never used lightdm... sorry01:11
wheresmypaaantszykotick9: Then one other issue01:11
wheresmypaaantsrecovery mode gives read only filesystem01:12
wheresmypaaantswhich defeats the purpose of recovery mode01:12
wheresmypaaantsi cant fix anything01:12
wheresmypaaantsany ideas?01:12
zykotick9no, it doesn't.  that's "normal".  remount it r/w if you need too.01:12
wheresmypaaantswhy does it do that?01:13
wheresmypaaantscould i have the command for that?01:13
nevynbecause recovery drops you into the boot process before the disks are remounted r/w01:13
wheresmypaaantsi see01:13
nevynit's an ormal part of booting.01:13
wheresmypaaantswhats the command to remount it as read/write01:14
nevynremount -o remount,rw /01:14
wheresmypaaantsoh wait, i got it01:14
nevynor whatever the filesystem is01:14
wheresmypaaantssudo mount -n -o remount /01:14
nevynit should be in the recovery banner.01:14
wheresmypaaantsits not :F01:14
wheresmypaaantsbut i got it01:14
nevynbleh remount doesn't even exist as a command01:14
AncientPCIs there a way to push something via command line over http:// for a bandwidth test? I have reason to suspect my ISP is throttling rsync / scp connections.01:14
MasterBlasterscm? nevym01:14
wheresmypaaantsmy lightdm is having a civil war with ubuntu01:15
wheresmypaaantsi really dont want gdm :F01:15
wheresmypaaantsbut i have to...01:15
somsipwheresmypaaants: why do you have to?01:15
nevynMasterBlaster: source management.!scm01:15
wheresmypaaantsbecause otherwise i get "The system is running in low graphics mode"01:15
wheresmypaaantsSo, to fix, GDM01:15
nevynreally ubutt/win 3501:15
wheresmypaaantsThat's my solution :F01:15
wheresmypaaantsi tried a clean reinstall of lightdm01:15
wheresmypaaantsive tried EVERYTHING01:15
MasterBlasternevym: ah01:15
wheresmypaaantsit hates nvidia01:16
somsipwheresmypaaants: try a different login manager. I use Slim. It's  abit old but it's very simple and does the job for me01:16
wheresmypaaantsdo you remove remnants of uninstalled packages with apt-get purge?01:16
nevynMasterBlaster: git/cvs/sourcesafe/proforce etc.01:16
somsipwheresmypaaants: I don't tend to installa  lot of new stuff, but usually I would purge if I uninstalled something for testing and removed it soon after01:16
zykotick9somsip: just curious, are you using gnome3/unity or something else as a DE/WM environment?  i hear Slim has issues with creating the environment for many...  i too used Slim for a period, but it wasn't with a DE.01:17
wheresmypaaantscant install slim01:17
wheresmypaaantsit suggests updating my thing with apt-get update01:17
wheresmypaaantsthat wont work01:17
somsipzykotick9: I use awesomewm. I didn't know there might be other issues with slim, so maybe it's not a good recommendation01:17
wheresmypaaantsi just dont like gdms look01:18
wheresmypaaantsany other display managers?01:18
zykotick9somsip: i'm an awesomewm user as well ;)01:18
MasterBlasternevym: I use git but I would like to clean and organize my directory too.01:18
somsipzykotick9: Slim and awesome is nice and quick I find. And Slim solved PCmanfm not auto-mounting USB drives for me too.01:19
wheresmypaaantssomsip: What about MDM01:19
somsipwheresmypaaants: never heard of it01:19
zykotick9somsip: interesting.  thanks.01:19
wheresmypaaantssomsip: Mint Display Manager01:19
wheresmypaaants^^ Linux Mint login01:19
somsipwheresmypaaants: I've had nothing to do with Mint so have no experience of that01:20
wheresmypaaantsi tried mint once01:20
wheresmypaaantsit wouldnt do a single thing01:20
wheresmypaaantsi didnt go wrong... it just hated my hardware01:20
wheresmypaaants>:D today i mac'd my ubuntu01:22
wheresmypaaantsi made it look OSX-y01:22
daftykinsthat's lovely but off topic01:22
somsipwheresmypaaants: just in case you're still chatting to me, I won't respond as that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic01:22
wheresmypaaantssomsip: Can we take it there :P01:23
somsipwheresmypaaants: you can. I have work to do.01:23
daftykinsmint is also off topic01:23
wheresmypaaantsokay, see ya later01:23
hexacodeanyone got any idea what i do next after creating a gpt fat32 partition on a usb so i can get a bootable version of ubuntu on it?  do i use unetbootin next to take care of the rest?01:25
hexacodefor uefi01:25
shunya_chakrahi, i change my screen brightness from settings, but everytime I restart my lap my screen brightness comes back to default. How can i set my brightness.?01:25
Beldarhexacode, The uefi stuff is built in for install a regular usb loader works fine.01:25
Beldarhexacode, No gpt on the usb01:26
hexacodeBeldar you saying unetbootin automates it? has an option for it?01:26
Beldarhexacode, automates what?01:26
ArbitionHi, how is the updater path from 12.04 to 14.04 looking? I notice that this path isn't in the upgrade notes.01:27
Beldar!uefi | hexacode look here01:27
ubottuhexacode look here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:27
BeldarArbition, Official LTS upgrade is in July01:27
ArbitionAh right01:28
BeldarArbition, You can upgrade from the cli though if you can't wait. ;)01:28
ArbitionI might just do that. apt-get dist-upgrade?01:29
zykotick9!dist-upgrade | Arbition01:29
ubottuArbition: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.01:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:30
Arbitiondern it01:30
Arbitionhate going in circles01:30
FlannelArbition: LTS to LTS upgrades aren't enabled by default until 14.04.1 (3 months after release, approximately).  You can upgrade early if you like though.01:31
FlannelArbition: To do that, just run your upgrade manager with an additional "-d" flag.  (`update-manager -d`, `do-release-upgrade -d`, etc)01:35
Arbitionheh, I already did that, though I used the long option version01:35
daftykinspretty sure -d is a bad idea since at some point it'll upgrade people to 14.1001:36
Flanneldaftykins: Not from 12.0401:37
Flannel(or 13.10, but they don't need the -d)01:37
ArbitionWell I've begun the process. I don't really expect any more support :P If it breaks I'll just have to rebuild it01:38
daftykinsan excellent approach!01:38
knobHey guys, got a Ubuntu-Server mixed with WordPress question.01:43
knobI did a fresh 14.04 Server install.   All running good.01:43
knobI installed WordPress, all good.01:43
knobI then installed a WordPress plugin that changes from using ftp for uploads, to sftp (SSH SFTP Updater Support)01:43
knobWhen I try to use it for the first time, it throws me   "Could not copy file."01:44
knobSo I thought it was because of the permissions to where it's uploading.   I checked, and the permissions of that directory (plugins/)  were set to  nobody and nogroup01:44
knobI then created a new group, www01:44
knobI added my user (not root) to the www group01:45
knobI then did     chown myUSER:www plugins/01:45
knobYet when I use the sftp plugin, it still throws the   "Could not copy file" error.01:45
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knobAny idea what I could check?01:45
daftykinsthat's a wordpress and plugin support question more than an OS question01:46
Beldarknob, your right index finger for overheating? ;)01:46
knobBeldar, sorry for that.   I hit it trying to make it more clean.01:47
Beldarknob, Your fine.01:47
Beldarjust having fun, well at least for me.01:48
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knobdaftykins, yeah.  Those are my thoughts... yet I wanted to run it by you guys.     I'm a n00b at this.          If the directory has owner  myUSER, and the group www... it *should* permit that user to do what it wants, right?01:48
knobBeldar, cool cool =)01:48
daftykinsknob: assuming what's running is even running as said user01:48
daftykinsknob: in fairness i run wordpress stuffs and in a lot of cases i just transfer data manually :P01:49
knobdaftykins, yeah... I did it that way.  Yet starting this server/website from scratch, I thought to try and go more secure from the get-go.01:49
knobI'm posting over in the forums... lets see what they say.=)01:50
Flannelknob: Is this writing being done by the user (via straight FTP/SFTP) or via a webpage?01:50
knobFlannel, via webpage01:50
Flannelknob: That's being written by the webserver's user (www-data) not your own user.  So you'll want to make it writable by that user.01:50
knobFlannel, ohh... so    chown www-data    ?01:51
Flannelright, you need the www-data user to be able to access it.01:51
daftykinswhat i do is add my user + www-data to a group called 'webby' then set the ownership to www-data:webby01:52
daftykinsthat way, you can modify the user's permissions separate to that of the group01:52
boy_wandersHey My keyboard isn't functioning correctly now, I'm on a UK layout keyboard and pressing the hashtag button turns into a <01:52
Flanneldaftykins: you can do a similar thing by simply adding your user to the www-data group01:53
knobdaftykins, that was what I was looking for... going to try that now!01:53
daftykinsFlannel: yep, i'm not sure what the logic i saw in making my own, oh well :D01:53
knobFlannel, oh yeah?   So say,       usermod -a -G www-data myUSER           ??01:53
Flannelknob: NOOOOOOO01:53
Flannelknob: Never use usermod to add users to groups, you'll eventually forget the -a and mess things up.  Use adduser (adduser USER GROUP) to do it instead.01:54
knobOk ok... good info.      These are my first hours in Ubuntu server/desktop01:55
knobFlannel, and the directory to be modified... should it be owned by  myUSER    , and group    www-data     ??01:57
Flannelknob: That's up to you.  If the group is set to www-data and it has group write permissions, then it'll work fine.  The other way around is true too.01:58
knobOk ok... checking that now...01:59
Jeffrey_fFlannel: best doing access by groups.  Keeps permissions neat and compact02:01
qinHope no one mind if above would be quoted somewhere, since it is practical Linux problem: never use usermod to modify your user, funny but true...02:02
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rio_zentaHello Guest9404602:02
Beldar!es | Guest9404602:03
ubottuGuest94046: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:03
Guest94046hello rio zenta02:03
Guest94046my name is alan02:04
Guest94046what s02:04
rio_zentaNice to meet you alan02:05
boy_wandersIs there a way to fix the Dropbox not syncing issue on 14.04?02:06
Beldarboy_wanders, syncs here02:06
tuga3dhi all, is there a ppa for Trusty with vim compiled with support for python3?02:07
rio_zentawow, I just installed ubuntu server through wubi, lol02:07
daftykinspretty sure WUBI is unsupported now02:07
tuga3dthe vim-daily repo is too old :(02:07
daftykinsyou're on your own02:07
boy_wandersBeldar did you just install it from the software center?02:07
rio_zentatuga3d what do you mean vim compiled with support for python3?02:07
tuga3dthe default vim comes with python2 support but not 302:08
rio_zentadaftykins: ubuntu12.04 LTS. I converted desktop to server using tasksel02:08
Beldarboy_wanders, I forget, I'm in W8.1 at the moment, I believe there is an addition to the sources.list though.02:08
rio_zentatuga3d: oh you want vim (the commandline editor) to work with python3?02:08
tuga3ddo a vim --version and check if you have +python3 or -python302:09
Beldarboy_wanders, I think I have the repos info using the dropbox site, so no not the ubuntu repos.02:09
somsiptuga3d: vim-gtk is -python3 FWIW02:09
rio_zentano vim installed by me lol02:09
Beldarrio_zenta, YOU know wubi is not supported, and that support there was, was one person?02:10
tuga3ddo you guys know any ppa that as this?02:10
rio_zentatuga3d: there should be a way to make python3 like vim, most likely from the python resources02:10
Beldar!ppa > tuga3d02:11
ubottutuga3d, please see my private message02:11
rio_zentaBeldar: It's fine, as the server is a small part-time test server. I'd love to have a full system dedicated to centos/ubuntu server, but not right now (circumstances).02:11
rio_zentawb alan02:11
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Beldarrio_zenta, The wubi designer themselves said for testing in lieu of a regular install.02:12
Beldartesting if you like ubuntu02:13
rio_zentaBeldar before doing full installs of ubuntu desktop, i was using a wubi Mint for a year or so.02:14
tuga3dBeldar: thanks, but i could't find any up to date :(02:14
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rio_zentaif only there was a way to do wubi-esque installs of ubuntu within ubuntu02:15
rio_zentathen i wouldn't need wubi.02:15
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tuga3dok, out to compile vim, cya!02:15
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somsiprio_zenta: use a VM02:15
Beldartuga3d, YOU don't have to have the 14.04 version, I don't and it works on 14.10.02:15
rio_zentasomsip: you mean run ubuntu within ubuntu using something like virtual box? I tried doing that with damn small linux and the program crashed.02:16
tuga3dBeldar: ok, thanks :)02:16
somsiprio_zenta: DSL has very little to do with ubuntu so you are not comparing like for like. I run numerous VMs under ubuntu with no problems02:17
rio_zentasomsip what are your specs?02:17
somsiprio_zenta: what are you particularly interested in knowing?02:17
rio_zentamy hardware is limited somsip. I know that DSL crashed because of hardware limits.02:18
somsiprio_zenta: then maybe you have your own answers. Anyway, it's a moot discussion. I was making a suggestion for you02:19
rio_zentathank you for the suggestion somsip.02:19
tuga3dBeldar: thanks, downloading...02:20
qintuga3d: /j #vim; since it takes few trick install it with features you want.02:21
jarray52Does the Ubuntu LTS to LTS upgrade work pretty well for a desktop?02:21
jarray5212.04 to 14.0402:22
Beldarjarray52, That context does not matter.02:22
Beldarno supporting data anyway02:22
daftykinsjarray52: that upgrade isn't available until the 14.04.1 point release02:23
jarray52daftykins: Thanks.02:23
jarray52Beldar: What do you mean by supporting data?02:23
Beldarjarray52, There is no information (data) on your question.02:24
qinjarray52: There is no upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 yet, apparently...  but you could upgrade with -d switch02:24
Beldarjarray52, I would not upgrade without cloning myself though.02:25
Beldarcloning, myself*02:25
Jeffrey_fjarray52: If you are not too far behind, you may have to step up on the upgrades.  As an example, If I remember right....my only available bootable was 13.04.  It upgraded to 13.10 then to 14.04.  But it worked well for me02:31
jarray52Im on 12.04.02:32
Beldargoing through two eol's is terrible advice02:32
jarray52Beldar, you recommend waiting for 14.04.1?02:33
Beldarjarray52, I can't really say I always fresh install, with an app list, reos and keys in about 1/4 the time and have a fresh OS.02:34
Jeffrey_fjarray52:   If you are too far back, you may not get the ability to upgrade.....I haven't tried.  Dump your home folder (include select hidden folders) to a portable drive and just wipe/install the latest.02:34
jarray52Beldar: In the past, I always fresh installed, but one might as well use upgrade functionality that someone built.02:35
Beldarjarray52, Your opinion, not mine, but that's what makes the world go around. ;)02:36
Beldarthey made it possible to do it the way I do, so...........02:37
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold
daftykinsjarray52: heh, my entire time around Windows, everyone in the IT world laughs at the word 'upgrade'02:38
daftykinsclean installs or nothing imo02:38
=== NaStYdoG is now known as Guest6416
DANtheBEASTmantrying to install a [non-Free] package that's i386 on my 64bit system, I've gotten a few of the libs installed, but I can't find 'libgthread-2.0.so.0'02:40
Beldar!find libgthread-2.0.so.002:41
ubottuFile libgthread-2.0.so.0 found in libglib2.0-002:41
BeldarDANtheBEASTman, ^^^^^^ not sure that helps, but there you go.02:42
DANtheBEASTmanlibglib2.0-0 is already the newest version02:43
BeldarDANtheBEASTman, This a 3rd party app/package?02:44
DANtheBEASTmanI think they built it on squeeze02:44
DANtheBEASTmanbut the squeeze lib relies on old libc02:45
BeldarDANtheBEASTman, Probably best to get with their support, unless you can lay out the issue so clear someone here knows.02:45
BeldarTechnically not supported is all02:46
AphisOneHow do I disable the guest login with dconf?02:53
xanguaAphisOne: you disable it in lightdm conf, not dconf02:54
AphisOnexangua: can you point me in the direction of documentation for that?02:54
=== administrator is now known as Guest15915
Jeffrey_fAphisOne: http://itsfoss.com/disable-guest-account-session-ubuntu-1304/02:59
AphisOneCan I safely uninstall gdm-guest-session to disable guest login?03:00
AphisOnethanks Jeffrey_f03:00
Jeffrey_fAphisOne: NO PROB.03:00
AphisOneJeffrey_f: do you know if that works in 13.1003:00
Jeffrey_fAphisOne: It should still be valid.03:00
Jeffrey_fAphisOne:  back up the config file, then mess with it03:01
AphisOneOkay, thanks bunches Jeffrey_f03:01
AphisOneThese are all on fresh installs, and I'll be testing it on a test system... but yah!!03:01
fancyfetushey guys03:03
fancyfetushow come when I try to add the cinnamon repository to 14.04 LTS through the terminal, it gives me -  gpg: "tag:launchpad.net:2008:redacted" not a key ID: skipping03:04
xanguafancyfetus: https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/cinnamon-stable It looks like the repository has no public acces03:05
fancyfetusHmmm... it's in their public download page.03:06
fancyfetus"Use the following PPA: <>"03:06
fancyfetusI'm not a fan of unity. I prefer a traditional desktop task bar that still looks sexy03:07
xanguafancyfetus: and as you can read in the ppa site it says 'this page is private'03:07
rwwPerhaps you should ask the Cinnamon folks about it.03:08
fancyfetusalrighty :)03:08
Jeffrey_flqptrigger: Just ask your question03:13
john2xhi. i'm trying to set up GitHub ssh keys on a server. It's working, except that I need to run `ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa` every time I login.. how do I make it permanent?03:14
mortal1_me trouble with the whole disk encryption installation03:15
mortal1_I'm having some trouble with the whole disk encryption installation03:15
mortal1_initramfs can't seem to find my root partition03:16
mortal1_lemme pastebin my crypttab / fstab for yall03:16
[asimov][[lutchy]]: Where are the hex addresses seen for the ata devices?03:21
dw1fancyfetus: I use the gnome classic (sudo apt-get install gnome-session-flashback) - more at http://askubuntu.com/questions/65083/what-different-desktop-environments-and-shells-are-available03:26
mortal1_^ that's my crypttab / fstab03:27
mortal1_If anyone has a working install of ubuntu with whole disk encryption, I'd be very interested in seeing a working crypttab file03:28
[asimov]mortal1_: Hi03:29
mortal1_[asimov]: hello03:29
[asimov]mortal1_: What for?03:30
mortal1_[asimov]: I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong with respect to re-using an existing encrypted lvm03:31
[asimov]Reusing it for what?03:31
mortal1_[asimov]: I have an encrypted root, swap, and home from a previous install03:32
mortal1_I don't care about the root or swap03:32
mortal1_I'd actually prefer those were formatted03:32
mortal1_but the encrypted home I have to save03:33
mortal1_it has 500+ gigs of family video03:33
mortal1_(hd video eats disk space :^)03:33
[asimov]mortal1_: copy it out03:33
[asimov]mortal1_: family video?03:33
mortal1_home video of family, softball games etc03:34
[asimov]Is mortal1_ another script?03:34
[asimov]Why is it on ubuntu?03:34
mortal1_uh, because I'm installing ubuntu03:34
[asimov]That is something to put on archival dvd's03:34
mortal1_or attempting to03:34
mortal1_it's on my hard drive03:35
[asimov]copy it out03:35
mortal1_(granted my backup strategy hasn't been the best)03:35
mortal1_[asimov]: that's the thing, my only other drive is like 300g03:35
TechnicusHello anyone here have experience with the Intel Galileo?  Yes, I know this is a Ubuntu channel.  The Galileo has Yocto a Linux OS, but the community is small, that is why I am here.03:36
mortal1_[asimov]: look, I was just asking around trying to find a working example of a crypttab03:37
mortal1_I take it you don't have such a thing, 's alright03:37
[asimov]Where are the hex addresses seen for the ata devices?03:38
[asimov]mortal1_: Why do you want to be mort?03:39
BeldarTechnicus, Use ubuntu and you will have the larger support.03:40
mortal1_[asimov]: when I first started unix, root == superuser, and I needed a name for my normal user, a mere mortal :^)03:40
AphisOneHow do I use wildcard with `rm` in a script... when I attempt to insert what I would type on the command line it tells me no file or directory matches03:41
BeldarTechnicus, ##linux is another that supports all, you have to be registered with freenode though.03:41
TechnicusBeldar: Ok, thanks.03:41
[asimov]How is it that it is a mere mortal? Unless root goes.03:42
Beldarno prob03:42
* [asimov] slams glasses on the table03:43
mortal1_[asimov]: think greek god vs mere mortal if it helps03:43
[asimov]What is a mans life worth?03:43
[asimov]prepare the nukes03:43
* mortal1_ wonders if he's getting trolled03:43
[asimov]time to reckon accounts03:43
[asimov]mortal1_: do you touch abaddon?03:44
mortal1_right, back on topic, does anyone here have ubuntu running with whole disk encryption?03:46
[asimov]Am I the only one?03:47
[asimov]Stop that cipher shit03:48
ridethespiralanyone on 14.04 have issues with chrome taking forever to open?03:49
Beldarridethespiral, I rarely use chrome but I set my browsers to save nothing but the passwords.03:51
mortal1_rww: thanks, for some reason I thought the guys in []'s were admins, and I was confused by the behavior03:52
ridethespiralI don't know why I didn't try deleting cache and saved files from chrome but that Just did the trick Beldar03:52
Beldarridethespiral, Cool, enjoy. ;)03:53
=== AndroUser is now known as lujinda
DatzHi, I'm trying to get irssi to ding in gnome terminal. It's not working, and I can't figure out what's wrong.04:02
babinlonstonI Want to allow one person to check my server for some issue, and he needs to check the server in root privileges, how can i give him login detail's using ssh key file.04:05
cr33pbabinlonston, if you trust him, just make him a root account or give him your login details04:07
Datzor include him in the sudoers file too04:08
Jeffrey_fbabinlonston: That ssh key does not necessarilty give login , just connection.  Login is credentials (user/pass), which is separate.  Also, each machine should have a unique SSH key if possible04:09
somsipbabinlonston: do not share your public key. Do not allow root access through ssh. Create a new user with a new private key. Give him that04:10
somsip*do not share your private key04:10
somsipbabinlonston: give the new user sudo access if you feel that's appropriate. Better (IMHO) would be to not give him the password and to share the session with him so you can watch what he is doing and enter the sudo password yourself.04:11
cr33psomsip, that is the best idea04:12
cr33pjust get teamviewer, let him come in... show him your terminal and watch what he does04:12
Jeffrey_fbabinlonston: Also, remember, as a sudo'er, that person can traverse the private folders, either use encrypted home folders or create a group, add this person to that group and deny access to this person to certain areas/folders/actions04:14
SchrodingersScatcr33p: or screen -x04:15
=== Sway is now known as Sway|away
somsipbabinlonston: so make sure you have a backup in case they mess up, accidentally or delibearatlely, and that you know how to kick the user and rescind access if they prove to be malicious04:16
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest93126
sheerhey has anyone lost their chrome extension tray icons recently?04:20
sheerI can't get a hangouts icon to appear any more04:20
Beldar sheer You checked that extensions preferences?04:21
sheeryeah, set to show in 'system tray'04:22
sheerit was fine until a day ago04:22
storyIs there a way to watch what files a process opens?  Just the files?04:23
Beldarsheer, Chrome does have a reset that saves the bookmarks and passwords.04:23
SchrodingersScat!lsof | story04:23
ubottustory: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:23
AcidRain2012story, i think there is a wiretrip program04:23
SchrodingersScat!info lsof | story04:24
ubottustory: lsof (source: lsof): Utility to list open files. In component main, is standard. Version 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 244 kB, installed size 455 kB04:24
sheerBeldar, I tried setting up everything again in Chromium (instead of Chrome), so new profile from scratch, and still no dice04:24
storySchrodingersScat, so story is the process?04:24
=== Sway|away is now known as Sway
allen_guys i have a question, i am still running unity, i have everything installed and all working great, but i was more of a fan of Cinnamon DE or even XFCE, am I gonna risk messing up any of my apps if install the other DE?04:26
cfhowlettallen_ no but you won't have unity integration.04:26
Beldarsheer, Not sure that although both are separate you would not have cross contamination, I would go to .config in home and remove the google-chrome folder and restart chrome, you could save that if needed.04:26
allen_i've switched over from MINT and I am wondering if the issues i had were Mint, or if they were caused by the DE04:26
allen_cfhowlett, what does the integration do for me? only been on ubuntu for a week, so any insight is greatly appreciated04:27
SchrodingersScat!info xubuntu-destop | allen_04:27
ubottuallen_: Package xubuntu-destop does not exist in trusty04:27
cfhowlettallen_ can't say.  install xfce4, logout, login and test.  free and easy04:27
holsteinallen_: you should be able to easily install xfce404:27
cfhowlettallen_ easier for you to experience for yourself: sudo apt-get install xfce404:27
allen_thanks guys i'm just concerned i will be back to the issues i had before i switched.04:29
cfhowlettallen_ if you don't like it, logout, choose ubuntu/unity session, log back in.  fixed!04:30
allen_i ASSUME it was issues in Mint but not 100% sure04:30
holsteinallen_: what issues?04:30
allen_I use deluge, and Deluge stopped working in Mint if i used a proxy server, which i do.04:30
Beldarsheer, I think that google file in .config is actually the whole file so not a good idea probably unless you save passwords and bookmarks.04:30
SchrodingersScatallen_: so does it work now?04:31
allen_i was having some video issues as well, that i have not experienced in ubuntu04:31
allen_yes it works like a charm now SchrodingersScat04:31
SchrodingersScatcharms don't work..04:31
holsteinallen_: you could be comparing the mint based on ubuntu 13.10 to ubuntu 14.04 as well, and be finding issues more with a specific kernel and your specific hardware04:31
DrRodneyMckayIs there any sort of log that can tell me if the network interface has changed recently? I need to find out if someone changed the network interface from eth0 to eth104:32
storySchrodingersScat, lsof seems to be a snapshot, I need soemthing that will watch the process from beginnig to end, see all files it opens04:32
sheerI'll see how I go, thanks Beldar04:32
allen_holstein, yeah i thought of that, i'm just not comfortable enough yet that when i get into a mess i can get myself back out of it, and i would hate to reload again now that everything is so smooth04:32
holsteinallen_: could have been anything in the config..04:33
allen_just having a hard time getting used to unity.04:33
DrRodneyMckayActually cat /var/syslog | grep eth - seems to have what i need04:33
holsteinallen_: unity is just one of many options04:33
allen_so can i ask what you all run ?04:33
SohronDrRodneyMckay: ifconfig? that'll show you which network interfaces are up and with what adresses04:34
holsteinallen_: openbox, lxde, xfce... depends.. i'll run unity if it fits the needs best04:34
DrRodneyMckaySohron - Sorry was looking if someone had changed the interface name at any point04:34
DrRodneyMckayHad a issue with some software that relied on a hardcoded name of eth0, Wanted to find out how and when it became eth1 - Syslog has the info i need :04:35
DrRodneyMckayThanks anyway dude :)04:35
SchrodingersScatstory: internet is telling me maybe strace04:35
SohronDrRodneyMckay: ah okay04:37
allen_thanks guys04:37
storyI tried this to cut down on output: strace -ff -e trace=write gedit04:45
storyBut it didn't actually show me the filepath to gedit file I saved.04:46
storyThe short sentence I wrote, did show up as being written:  [pid  5110] write(17, "now is time to see something.\n", 30) = 3004:47
storyAnyone here know how to connect to wifi in chroot?04:53
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storyIs there a tool for installing themes for Ubuntu 14.04?04:59
=== iMNotCreative is now known as iGenco
qstrahlThe Caffeine icon has completely stopped appearing in my unity systray... don't suppose anyone could help me diagnose the issue? :<05:00
qstrahl(It's running, for starters)05:00
Beldarqstrahl, You tried just dragging a new icon from the dash?05:01
qstrahlBeldar, The issue is there used to be an icon in the upper-right for Caffeine, but there isn't any longer. I'm not sure why.05:01
qstrahlWith the icons for transmission, diodon, wireless, battery, etc05:02
Beldarqstrahl, Ah, I thought you meant in the left panel.05:02
qstrahlI'm not sure about my Unity terminology. In every other WM I've used, I've known what I'm talking about as the "systray". What should I be calling it? =P05:03
Beldarqstrahl, Not sure.05:03
qstrahlOkay. No ideas then?05:03
storyTrying to install mypaint but getting this error: E: Unable to locate package mypaint05:04
storyI already sudo apt-get update.05:04
=== iGenco is now known as goeo_
Beldarqstrahl, Have you tried closing the app and seeing if it shows again when on. I'm not real familiar with unity so I hate to waste your time on a goose chase05:05
qstrahlYeah, tried killing and restarting the program a few times, no dice :<05:05
BeldarI like unity I just use the gnome shell05:06
EzeQL_______hi, im using "mail" for reading mails. when i want to delte all using d 1-50 and then x, all goes ok, but when i enter again, all of them alll are there, whats aheppning?05:07
storyOk, mypaint will install on my installed system, but in chroot why can't it find the package?05:07
cfhowlett!info mypaint05:08
ubottumypaint (source: mypaint): paint program for use with graphics tablets. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-3 (trusty), package size 435 kB, installed size 1698 kB05:08
storycfhowlett, yeah, but for some reason in chroot it is not able to find the package.05:09
storyI have installed gimp, inkscape in chroot, but mypaint is not found.05:09
cfhowlettstory why do you need chroot to install?05:09
linuxdragonwhat happens when you download netflix and does not work05:10
storyI've extract Ubuntu 14.04 and am adding apps to the live cd.05:10
linuxdragonand how you fix it05:10
ubottuIf you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop05:10
storyUsing this guide to make a custom cd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization05:10
storyDoes anyone know how to install mypaint inside chroot?05:14
qstrahlIs there a limit to how many icons display in the systray or something?05:15
=== josh is now known as slouch
IsvaraIs it possible to install Ubuntu (desktop) onto drives already partitioned with LVM?05:19
bazhanghttp://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO   Isvara have a read first05:23
Isvarabazhang: That's not about Ubuntu...05:26
nevynIsvara: is there spare space in the vg?05:27
nevynI suspect it's well into expert mode install stuff regardless.05:28
nevynit's not going to be very automatic or pretty but it might be doable.05:28
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:30
IsvaraActually, I said lvm, I really mean md. I have three partitions on each of six drives. One is an lvm partition that I want to preserve entirely, and I want to install Ubuntu onto my raid1 partition using my raid0 partion for swap.05:34
Isvara(The lvm is actually on top of raid6, but that doesn't matter as I don't want to touch that.)05:34
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:34
IsvaraWhere's this alternative installer?05:37
bazhangthere isnt one05:37
IsvaraI'm surprised Ubuntu is so lacking in this area. I had expected it would be at least as good as Debian's installer.05:39
=== aman is now known as Guest5459
bazhang!mini | Isvara give this a look05:40
ubottuIsvara give this a look: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:40
Artemis3Isvara, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:40
IsvaraYeah? I'll give it a whirl.05:41
Guest5459i just installed lampp in ubuntu unable to load my web application05:42
Guest5459Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 005:42
Guest5459Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/opt/lampp/htdocs/Huskies/index.php' (include_path='.:/opt/lampp/lib/php') in Unknown on line 005:42
somsipGuest5459: the file is not at the path specified or has incorrect permissions. Check these05:45
Guest5459file is there and i tried giving 77705:45
somsipGuest5459: and the directory it's in? As an aside - 777 is rarely needed. If you find yourself doing this, chances are you are doing something wrong05:46
bazhangthat shouldn05:46
bazhangbe in /opt05:46
bazhang!lamp | Guest5459 try this instead05:47
ubottuGuest5459 try this instead: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.05:47
Vivekanandahi everyone. installed p7zip-full , ubuntu 12.04  but dont see it as option in nautilus on right click on a .rar file05:53
vonsyd0wVivekananda, I've got p7zip-rar installed as well05:55
Vivekanandaoo ok . This wasnt the case earlier if I remembe correctly05:57
user123321how can I join localized ubuntu chat?06:00
user123321In my location.06:00
bazhanguser123321, what language06:00
bazhanguser123321, what locale06:01
user123321My country ubuntu?06:01
user123321I don't know :|06:01
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
bazhangwhats your locale06:01
bazhanguser123321, you want to join a "local ubuntu chat", for what country06:03
babinlonstonsomsip: got good idea from u thanks06:04
user123321bazhang, Ah I found the list @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList, thanks :)06:05
user123321Eh, there's no one in my country's Ubuntu IRC :( :D06:07
user123321I have ATI GPU, is it not advisable to install proprietary driver?06:09
bazhangwhich card06:10
user123321Umm, I think it's 5600 series.06:11
user1233211 GB06:11
somsipbabinlonston: no worries06:14
wllrtIs there a way to lock screens in Lubuntu 14.04? Kinda like Windows with the split pane.06:17
wllrt^Or half screen rather.06:18
ianorlin  in lubuntu there is windows key plus left or right but what aren't you asking in #lubuntu?06:19
wllrtianorlin: I did asked there first. I am patiently waiting :)06:20
* smokerboy sup06:28
=== aman is now known as Guest78748
avi87\msg arlen06:39
=== damian is now known as Guest31171
owhUnder Ubuntu 10.04.4 is there an application (not gnome-panel) that I can launch that will show the Global Applications Menu? I cannot launch gnome-panel, since it doesn't play well with OS X using xquartz.06:49
pushkarhow can i share my wifi network in ubuntu06:53
owhpushkar: With whom and with what kind of device?06:53
pushkarbasically i want my wifi network to be used as a hotspot06:54
pushkari know it is possible with wired connection06:54
pushkarbut how do i do this with wireless06:54
owhpushkar: This is what google told me: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/06:55
KM0201question... there is an internet directory with about 100 zip files i want to download.. wget doesn't allow wildcards, so i can't use that... what would be an easy way to download all of a particular file extension06:56
pushkarowh: but that is telling me to convert a wired network into a hotspot06:56
pushkarhow do i convert wireless network into a hotspot06:56
owhKM0201: It doesn't, but you can use bash wild-cards, like wget http://blah'{a,v,b}.mp306:56
owhpushkar: When I read it, it said to click on the make hotspot button. How is the computer connected to the 'net.06:57
owhKM0201: In effect, you'll be creating a wget with multiple URLs.06:58
KM0201hmm, i don't really understand what you're saying there06:58
KM0201i've never used bash though06:58
boozKM0201: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11783280/downloading-all-the-files-in-a-directory-with-curl06:59
owhKM0201: The command I gave you (without the extraneous quote) would become wget http://blaha.mp3 http://blahv.mp3 http://blahb.mp3.06:59
owhKM0201: wget also has a --mirror option.06:59
owhKM0201: Something like wget --mirror --no-parent http://blah/theDirectory07:00
* owh prefers wget to curl any day.07:01
KM0201hmm, that might work07:01
KM0201yeah, if that doesn't work, i'll try curl07:01
KM0201meh, wget seems to be working just fine in that manner07:02
=== paiti is now known as Stierlitz
=== Stierlitz is now known as paiti
bit_boywhy this error    raise RuntimeError("autoconf error") RuntimeError: autoconf error  ?07:42
bit_boyon insallation of a software    raise RuntimeError("autoconf error") RuntimeError: autoconf error  why?07:45
IsvaraThanks to whomever told me about the text-based installer earlier. Now running from Ubuntu installed over my existing RAID partitions (and I didn´t lose my data).07:46
=== jerry is now known as JerryP
JerryPhi! anyone have a good sound enhancer? My laptop came with dolby home theater which worked great in Win, but I am having trouble finding anything for Ubuntu. Thanks!07:47
=== christophe is now known as Guest71790
=== Guest71790 is now known as think-free
IsvaraWow, why does window dragging lag behind my cursor so much?07:52
bit_boywhy this error    raise RuntimeError("autoconf error") RuntimeError: autoconf error  ?07:54
NecrophagosIs it possible to create a shell user who can move freely through the file system (like root) but cannot write anything (except their homedir maybe)?08:00
owhNecrophagos: A normal user can move through the file system.08:01
KM0201ok, another question08:02
Necrophagosowh: yeah but when directories don't have +x for them they can't access the directory08:02
IsvaraHmm. Why are ´ and ¨ acting as compose keys?08:02
KM0201i have about 60 zip files, that are all in 1 directory, i'd like to extract them all into a particular directory (saving their directory tree)... is there a single command to do that?.. i know how to do it 1 at a time08:03
owhKM0201: for n in *.zip ; do unzip "$n" ; done08:03
bit_boy on insallation of a software    raise RuntimeError("autoconf error") RuntimeError: autoconf error  why?08:03
Ben64bit_boy: we'd need a lot more details08:04
owhNecrophagos: That's done for a reason. You don't want users to roam around the /etc directory.08:04
KM0201owh: huh?. you lost me again there08:04
owhKM0201: That command will unzip all the files in a directory.08:04
Ben64KM0201: type that in a terminal in the directory with the zip files you want to extract, its a simple for loop08:04
KM0201is there a way that i can unzip them to a differentdirectory?08:05
owhKM0201: sure... hold on08:05
Necrophagosowh: thats why I asked, I want the user to roam around everywhere and read everything. but not write08:06
owhKM0201: for n in *.zip ; do unzip -d "someDir" "$n" ; done08:06
KM0201i'll try it08:06
Ben64Necrophagos: its a security feature08:07
owhNecrophagos: You *don't* want users to roam everywhere! What about if they read the password file, or read a memory file, or a device file? Those actions are not intended for simple users.08:07
KM0201thanks owh08:08
owhKM0201: Pleasure08:08
KM0201i really should be more efficient in command line than i am..lol08:09
Ben64KM0201: well now you know a bit more, this is how it works :D08:09
dweezBen64: And knowing is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!!08:09
owhKM0201: It depends on what you want to achieve. Sometimes a command line is faster, sometimes it's not.08:09
KM0201Ben64: but i'll forget by tomorrow most likely08:09
Ben64that seems like a bot response...08:10
KM0201this isn't something i normally need to do,08:10
Ben64KM0201: well now you know a bit more, this is how it works :D08:10
dweezBen64: And knowing is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!!08:10
* owh nods.08:10
aeon-ltdGO JOBRA08:11
=== ted is now known as tedg
owhBen64: It is "affiliated", so that's a little weird.08:11
Ben64aeon-ltd: community?08:12
* owh has increased productivity and decreased productivity at the same time today. Still not sure which way is up.08:12
* owh is running bare VMware Ubuntu guests (which previously were running window managers) and is not connecting via xquartz.08:13
owhBen64: well now you know a bit more08:14
dweezowh: And knowing is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!!08:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!08:14
owhthe G.I. JOE is a bot08:14
Ben64owh: its not that critical, i already left them a message in #ubuntu-ops08:14
owhFair enough.08:14
* owh thought there was a strict policy.08:15
Ben64owh: well now you........ know, #ubuntu-ops i think is the preferred way unless something serious is happening08:15
owhRight, as in real-time annoyances.08:15
owh'nother thing learnt ;-)08:16
Flannelowh: How do you know that it is08:20
owhFlannel: Watch this08:20
Flannelwell, that's disappointing.08:20
owhFlannel: well now you know a bit more08:20
dweezowh: And knowing is half the battle. G.I. JOE!!!08:20
FlannelAh.  owh now you know.08:21
bit_boyBen64, what deatails you need08:22
Ben64bit_boy: what you're trying to install, how you're trying to install, which version of ubuntu, what is giving that error08:23
bit_boyBen64, command : pip install fabric08:24
owhbit_boy: That looks like a #python question to me.08:25
TomyWorkhi. i'm behind a proxy and flashplugin-installer cant download its stuff08:25
TomyWorkI set up the *_proxy variables in /etc/environment, set a .pac file in kde's proxy settings and configured apt via apt.conf.d. I've restarted since08:26
TomyWorkthis is on kubuntu 14.0408:26
BeldarTomyWork, It is the ubuntu repos, that is not all you will not get.08:27
TomyWorkthey're down?08:27
TomyWorkbut i downloaded stuff earlier08:27
bit_boyowh, I can't have access to #python showing #python-unregistered :Cannot send to channel08:27
BeldarTomyWork, No if your erring with flash, you would be with anything else.08:27
TomyWorkbit_boy register yourself with nickserv08:27
TomyWorkBeldar not true08:28
Beldaroh okay08:28
owhTomyWork: It appears that you can set the proxy for wget in /etc/wgetrc. See bug 23246908:28
=== tom_ is now known as Guest55566
ubottubug 556293 in apt (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #232469 apt/aptitude need to take global proxy settings into account" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55629308:28
TomyWorki can wget fine, my browser works fine, aptitude downloads fine08:28
TomyWorkok, that makes 4 places i need to set up my proxy08:29
TomyWorkthat's seriously starting to suck08:29
owhbit_boy: I'm not sure why that might be. I just joined and it's happy for me to do so.08:29
BeldarTomyWork, You are making your bed, and complaining?08:29
TomyWorki do what?08:29
BeldarTomyWork, it's a metaphor08:30
TomyWorkyes and i dont get it08:30
bit_boyBen64, kubuntu is the OS08:30
Beldaryeah I know, lo9l08:30
TomyWorkowh would that bug also apply to kdesu+wget?08:31
owhTomyWork: Dunno08:31
TomyWorkor kdesudo or whatever the update notifier uses08:31
jacobianMy compose key no longer works after upgrade to 14.0408:32
jacobianAnyone else experience this?08:32
TomyWorkalso, this bug seems to be old. much older than 14.0408:32
owhTomyWork: I looked for people with the same issue you described, a person with something that worked and others who agreed and sent that to you. I do not have personal knowledge about what exactly is causing your issue, but it seemed a safe bet given what you told us.08:33
owhbit_boy: It appears that all the errors that google throws up relating to the one you showed us are to do with missing dependencies. I do not know about your specific package, so I cannot be more precise than that.08:34
TomyWorkah i see08:35
TomyWorkI'm gonna try some other stuff though, before being stuck with a 4th place to configure my proxy08:35
owhTomyWork: First I'd try it to see if it works and then go from there.08:36
TomyWorkgood point08:37
TomyWorklooks like i cant wget the url it's trying to access, either08:38
TomyWorknope, it worked... just took a while08:38
TomyWorkand now the installer worked too...08:39
TomyWorkso no wgetrc needed. on the 5th attempt it decided to start working :)08:40
TomyWorkthanks for the help, owh08:41
TomyWorkand Beldar, I am not in control of whether I have a proxy or not (I don't know why you would even make that assumption), nor am I in control of what flashplugin-installer decided to do or not, once I install it. I could of course uninstall it, but then I would have no flash plugin, right?08:42
TomyWorkSo either I am indeed not getting your metaphor or it makes no sense. Either way, the result is confusion.08:43
k-joseph_h guys, i use ubuntu 12.04 LTS for developement and i run heavy staffs, recently it began freezing and some times when i run heavy commands the cursor may stop moving and i have to sleep or reboot the system to continue, i wanted to add more swap space but am thinking that /dev/sda6    partition size: 4140028 used: 129451 -1, is just enough, what is the cause of such behavior!!!08:46
mama999Hallo, "slartibartfast": Whats the question, when 42 ist the answer?08:46
Beldark-joseph_, you might set the swappiness lower08:47
k-joseph_Beldar: how do i do that, any links!!!08:50
=== k-joseph_ is now known as k-joseph
BongoHow do I use scp with emacs?08:50
owhBongo: #emacs08:51
owhBongo: Or if you're brave #vim08:51
Bongothanks owh08:52
Beldark-joseph, http://askubuntu.com/questions/103915/how-do-i-configure-swappiness  this stuff is easily found on the web.08:52
k-josephBeldar: thanks08:52
Beldark-joseph, No problem.08:53
mama999What calendar do you prefer?08:53
Beldar!ot > mama99908:53
ubottumama999, please see my private message08:53
salseroempty calendar08:54
Kaapahey there. I can enable natural scrolling for the trackpad in unity - can I also do the same for mouse pointers?09:03
Kaapahum, external mouse, I meant09:03
grymama999: I believe you can set the OS to display and sync to any calendar of choice (I simply don't know them)09:03
Unknown0BCHi, I don't know much about joysticks and game controllers, but bought this really cheap one.09:05
Unknown0BCI thought I might regret it. Its a USB one.09:06
afidegnumhi, please I am having broken heart.     , mysql can't start after i did some performance tuning. here is the my.cnf configuration:    http://paste.ubuntu.com/7519891/                           and this is the error log I am getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/7519875/09:06
somsipafidegnum: try #mysql09:07
somsipafidegnum: but unless you have lots of memory, you have your buffers set up wrong: 140526 10:46:01 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 848.0G09:08
Unknown0BCI'm using jstest-gtk to check the sensitivity of the analog sticks on this game controller after being very annoyed at its sensitivity.09:08
ouioui49first time here. anybody from france?09:08
aliefhy all09:08
somsip!ot | ouioui4909:08
ubottuouioui49: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:08
afidegnumsomsip: thanks, my I am having 32Gig of Ram09:08
afidegnumI thought the buffer will be saved into the harddisk09:09
somsipafidegnum: hence why it's failing to allocate 848GB of RAM. Why would you possible want to put 816GB of buffers into swap?09:09
Unknown0BCIt seems this came controller has very dumb analog sticks, when you move them you see nothing happening then suddenly a jump. It has totally dead spots around the center and at the edges of the movement.09:09
Unknown0BCThe actual movement detection of the sticks has a short range making this came controller very difficult to handle.09:11
ouioui49i have a problem with my packard bell easy note. sometimes, my screen freeze and next i have a black screen for a few seconds and it return to normal. sorry for my english09:11
Unknown0BCIts for small chinese hands ?09:11
Unknown0BCAnyone here experienced with game pads for ubuntu ?09:12
somsip!fr | ouioui49 (I can't help, but if you want to ask in French...)09:12
ubottuouioui49 (I can't help, but if you want to ask in French...): Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:12
diffenHello. Im planning on setting up a ubuntu cluster with atleast two machines in an active/passive cluster. My plan is to have them straight on the internet on two separate locations. Then let DNS send the users to the active server. Is this doable and are there anyone in here that might have some tips on what software to use?09:24
somsip!zh | bcao09:31
ubottubcao: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:31
arnabI am using libre writer09:37
arnabI cut something on it but could never paste it09:38
arnabwhere can I ercover the text from?09:38
arnabcan anyone tell me?09:38
OerHeksctrl + z sometimes reverses the paste/cut command09:39
OerHeks= step back09:39
arnabafter I cut i closed the document09:39
arnabwould it still work?09:39
grydiffen: assuming you're using Ubuntu Server as people don't set up clusters with desktops: try #ubuntu-server please. I guess it's a "failover" kind of thing and DNS isn't really the driving force (see http://serverfault.com/questions/57755/free-dns-software-with-failover-support).09:40
OerHeksarnab, no, closing the program/document ends it.09:40
arnabhow can i recover ot then?09:40
arnabthis is really stupid09:41
OerHeksarnab, unless the paste is still under your mousbutton, but then you would have been able to paste it in a new document09:41
Fuchsgry: as I just see you here: could you have a look at d__, it is a  bot that is in several channels, uninvited. It replies to certain ! commands and might log as well. Thanks.09:41
arnabIts not getting pasted09:41
grydiffen: I think it would have to be a "load balancer" than a DNS kind of thing eventually.09:41
arnabcan i get it on clipboard?09:41
arnabif yes how?09:41
arnabI was writing for months09:41
somsiparnab: if you don't have a clipboard installed that supports multiple clips, it will either be on CTRL-v or it's gone09:42
OerHeksarnab, if you installed clip-it or simular ( before cutting/pasting), you can check if it is still there09:42
arnabI did not install anything :(09:42
arnabthanks guys09:42
arnabI think its gone09:42
OerHeksthen i think it is gone too :-(09:43
Ben64arnab: don't cut, close the program without a backup, and expect everything to work out fine09:43
arnabok Ben6409:43
damoclessomebody to help me ? i have a probleme to install my wifi broadcom BCM4313.09:46
damoclesen francais peut etre ?09:46
rwwubottu: fr09:47
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:47
damoclesok no problem for english :)09:47
damoclesi just ask09:47
damocles /join #ubuntu-fr09:48
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humbag!bcm | damocles09:50
ubottudamocles: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:50
=== skinkitten is now known as indent
=== Guest65442 is now known as varunendra
the_drowIs there a way to run python scripts from a virtualenv using upstart?10:09
ikoniaif it's physical or virtual should make no difference10:09
ikoniait's still the same binary install with the same init proces10:09
the_drowikonia: So if I workon myvirtualenv everything should be fine right? (as in it won't propogate to any other shell)10:11
ikoniathe_drow: I have no idea what "myvirtualenv" is, if that's some sort of self contained python enviornment, then I don't see why it would be a problem, python is just files/directories10:12
rwwikonia: (virtualenv is a python thing and doesn't mean "inside a virtual machine")10:12
the_drowIt affects the current shell10:12
ikoniarww: I have zero idea what it is10:12
rwwand I have zero idea of how to wrangle upstart, so I guess we're both incapable of answering this one :P10:13
ikonialooks like virtualenv is just a sort of "chroot" setup, but just isolating python10:14
the_drowIs my global /etc/profile loaded on upstart scripts?10:14
the_drowikonia: Kinda10:14
ikoniathe_drow: you'd do better to set the env within the actual upstart job10:14
somsipthe_drow: you would need to wrap the virtualenv bin/activate in a shell script called in the upstart script before calling the python script in the virtualenv10:14
grythe_drow: myvirtualenv does not propagate to other shells unless you add something to your bashrc.10:14
ikonia(from what I'm reading)10:14
somsipikonia: it just prepends the virtualenv directory bin and libs to path, in a nutshell10:15
the_drowsomsip: And what's suggested in the gist isn't ok?10:15
ikoniasomsip: yes, that's how I'm reading it10:15
ikoniaI personally don't see the point of this tool other than creating problems10:16
ikonia(reading the docs on it now)10:16
somsipthe_drow: I have no idea about upstart but the script is not doing what I suggest from what I can tell10:16
the_drowikonia: Because you're not a python dev10:16
ikoniathe_drow: of course not, but from maintaining a system - this seems a very bad idea10:17
the_droweach app has it's dependencies10:17
rwwcan we stick to support topics and not "i have no idea what this is but it's bad", please?10:17
ikoniarww: I don't think it's unreasonable to raise a concern10:17
ikoniamore so when you're trying to call this as an init process10:18
rwwikonia: I do, considering you have no idea what you're talking about and our usual recommendation for helpers in that situation is to leave the question to somebody else.10:18
ikoniarww: I'm pretty sure I do have an idea what I'm talking about10:18
rwwikonia: You literally didn't know what virtualenv was until I pointed it out. So no, you don't.10:18
rwwNow. Back to support.10:18
ikoniarww: actually - I did, however I've never used it personally, but reading the docs on it from the offical site, it appears to be an unwise move10:19
the_drowOk, so I need a different script that will run workon right? (I'm using virtualenvwrapper)10:19
the_drowOr should I use bin/activate directly?10:19
somsipthe_drow: plenty of possibly helpful information on a search, example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14823001/why-cant-upstart-run-source-bin-activate10:20
gryDirectly I believe.10:20
the_drowWhere is the most sensible place to place the script? /usr/local/sbin?10:20
=== damian is now known as Guest85669
user123321The environments variables I have exported seem to be gone, what would have happened?10:26
gryOdds are you closed the bash session, so they're gone in the new one.10:26
user123321How to make them persistent?10:27
JerryPAnyone have a recommendation on how to use google drive on ubuntu? I mounted it as a drive, but it was going really slow (even loading a directory list of a few files) and I imagine that wont work offline. Thanks!10:27
gryYou have to use bashrc I believe.10:27
jribuser123321: what environment variables are you setting?10:27
gryJerryP: See http://askubuntu.com/questions/161273/is-there-a-google-drive-client-available but it is unsupported, as it is a PPA - PPAs are maintained by volunteers, and if they did not package their thing into main repositories, it should tell you something about quality.10:28
user123321jrib, for example, ant home.10:30
user123321I just read about setting them in etc/profile.d/ ?10:30
jribuser123321: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Session-wide_environment_variables this is the best way10:36
the_drowHow do I set the upstart service status to failed if a file doesn't exist?10:38
the_drowOh, just use exit right10:38
jnhghyhow can I install libstdc++ 32bit on ubuntu 12.0410:47
maris`use apt-get10:48
jimchaela re giorgo10:48
gtitakisela re10:49
jimchati kaneis?10:49
gtitakiskala re file10:49
jimchare mlka10:49
jimchagiati gamiountai toso edw10:49
gtitakisden 3erw re10:49
Sohronjnhghy: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i38610:49
rwwgtitakis, jimcha: cut it out.10:49
gtitakisrww nte gamhsou10:50
gtitakis{sign}?{digit}+{dot}{digit}*{exp}?   |10:50
gtitakis{sign}?{digit}*{dot}{digit}+{exp}?   {printf("token CONST_REAL:\t\t"); return TK_FLOAT; }10:50
* rww sighs10:50
Ben64!gr | gtitakis & jimcha10:51
ubottugtitakis & jimcha: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes10:51
rwwah, romanized greek. i always forget about that one.10:52
jimchare sy ubottu, mipws ksereis10:52
jimchapws na kanoume private10:52
jimchachat ?10:52
jimchana min grafoume edw..10:52
rwwjimcha: #ubuntu is a technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux, in English only. Please speak English here. Use #ubuntu-gr for Greek Ubuntu discussion. Thanks.10:52
Ben64jimcha: να σταματήσει. το κανάλι αυτό είναι μόνο στην αγγλική γλώσσα.10:53
jimchado u know how can i make a private chat here?10:53
Sohronor just /msg user10:54
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
SohronBen64: /privmsg doesn't work with irssi it seems, /msg does10:55
unopastejimcha you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:59
* rww sighs10:59
=== badbz is now known as badbz|zzZz
the_drowI created circus.conf under /etc/init/ but sudo service circus status says that the service is not recognized11:00
tarneaany idea to solve this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7520593/'11:00
tarneamy apt is broken11:01
tarneaunable to install anything11:01
tarneadpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libwx-perl:  libwx-perl depends on perlapi-5.10.111:01
the_drowhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7520594/ - here is the upstart configuration11:01
the_drowtarnea: apt-get -f...11:01
the_drowtarnea: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33949/how-to-repair-apt-get-command11:01
tarneathanks, let me check11:01
tarneathe drow: i tried those already11:02
tarneaany other idea?11:03
the_drowtarnea: that should help11:03
tarneaeven the first command given there11:03
tarneasudo apt-get -f install11:03
tarneadid not work11:03
the_drowdoes not work doesn't mean anything11:04
the_drowplease provide a log11:04
ts14icGreetings to everyone : ) . Can I ask a short question about zim wiki here?11:04
hackeryesko na vaskodigama11:05
Ben64siva: stop that11:05
=== hacker is now known as Guest12966
sivagusa gusa11:05
the_drowtarnea: no idea sorry11:05
Guest12966vongobey vatam11:05
tarneasome package called libwx-perl is not getting removed11:05
tarneathat is the problem11:05
tarneaany way thanks for trying the_drow :)11:06
Guest12966tarnea : entey vagutunnav?11:06
Aaruniguys, gnome-screenshot doesn't reflect the settings to save the screenshot from dconf. help ?11:06
k1l!english | Guest1296611:06
ubottuGuest12966: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:06
tarnea<Guest12966>: can't get you11:07
k1ljimcha21: stop that. please keep this channel free fro ubuntu support. thanks11:07
yitz_Heya. Trying to get a 30" monitor to work with my laptop. (mini display port->HDMI.) X11/xrandr is only showing one mode for the monitor: 1280x800. Specs says it's 2560x1600. I used cvt to get a modeline. Used xrandr to create the new mode and add..11:08
yitz_... it to the output. Trying to switch modes, I get:11:08
yitz_$ xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 2560x160011:08
yitz_xrandr: Configure crtc 1 failed11:08
woshtyYou can not do more that 1920x1080 over single link dvi/ hdmi <1.411:09
yitz_o.o How's someone supposed to drive a 2560x1600 monitor that only got HDMI inputs (3 of 'em) from a single computer?11:10
woshtyUsually those monitors also have display port ports, and newest hdmi can do higher resolutions - but I have run into issues setting proper refresh rates11:12
Aarunirepost1 : guys, gnome-screenshot doesn't reflect the settings to save the screenshot from dconf. help ?11:13
Yogeshhey guys How I Create account Irc11:14
yitz_This is the HP LP3065. 3 HDMI inputs and nothing else11:14
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode11:14
SamuraiAlbaYAY! LAMP with ISPCONFIG3 :)11:19
* SamuraiAlba shimmies across the dance floor11:20
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest95043
Aarunirepost2 : guys, gnome-screenshot doesn't reflect the settings to save the screenshot from dconf. help ?11:38
=== fred_ is now known as Guest48333
ubuntu1 /budus macro setup11:43
ubuntu1adobe reader11:44
bibi234Hello, I have some CSV files, I'm getting them from a provider. I use them to populate my database, they're getting updated from time to time so I have to pull them every X days in order to "refresh" my data. Until now I've done this setup myself and it's not very clean. Today, I might have  a second provider for my data, I'd need to aggregate them. I'd like to know what are the recommanded...11:51
bibi234..."techniques" for those integrations? I'm not looking for any particular tool, but some tutorials about the concept.11:51
=== gnu is now known as Guest61041
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
=== noob is now known as Guest81844
dacobihow do I change nick color?12:00
Fuchsdacobi: depends on your client12:01
dacobiin xchat?12:01
Guest81844hi guys, i cant manage to update my system (ubuntu 12.04 with gnome) everything fine up to last update. followed various wikis, tried many different ways, last one "sudo apt-get -f install" and i get this errors /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.2.0-63_3.2.0-63.95_all.deb  /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.2.0-63-generic-pae_3.2.0-63.95_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:01
Guest81844thank you12:01
Fuchsdacobi: seems to be hardcoded12:03
Fuchsat least that is what I find in the source12:03
dacobiare there any linux client that has that feature?12:03
Fuchsdacobi: konversation  can do custom nick colours, yes12:03
Fuchs(well, fsvo, you can't assign it to specific nicks, but you can configure which colours you want)12:04
Fuchsirssi and weechat can do it as well, note that these are CLI clients, though12:04
dacobion some webirc servers the nick can have colors. How does that work?12:06
brianblaze420good morning12:06
dacobiI mean if its the client that sets the colors12:06
Guest81844yitz, i cant manage to update my system (ubuntu 12.04 with gnome) everything fine up to last update. followed various wikis, tried many different ways, last one "sudo apt-get -f install" and i get this errors /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.2.0-63_3.2.0-63.95_all.deb  /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.2.0-63-generic-pae_3.2.0-63.95_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:06
dacobiis there a stander?12:06
kryptohi i am looking for some old xen kernels 10.10/11.* from where i can download that http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ is not having those distros12:06
yitz_Guest81844: Try deleting those files, doing an update and trying again12:07
Fuchsdacobi: it is up to your client how to display the nick12:07
Guest81844yitz, i did mv list list.old in /var/ but nothing12:07
Fuchsdacobi: e.g. if you set me to red, that is only visible in your client, not for anybody else12:08
Guest81844yitz, *lists12:08
Fuchsdacobi: text can have colours and there is a pseudo standard for it, invented by the horrible mIRC client, which most clients these day do understand. Fortunately most channels block these colours, though.12:08
yitz_Guest81844: Erm. When did list come up? delete the files that it complained about12:08
Guest81844yitz, ok, will do in a min and brb12:09
Guest81844yitz, files deleted, redone "apt-get -f install" it says no space on device, but i do have over 1 GB... i dont get it12:10
yitz_Guest81844: Did you do the apt-get update, too?12:11
dacobiFuchs: So if a webIRC server has nick colors that would be a server specific feature?12:11
Fuchsno, a feature of the webclient12:12
Guest81844yitz, the update returns no error...12:12
Guest81844yitz, i'll log-out and in again, let's see...12:12
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guest19283yitz, ubuntu software center says it is broken, it tries to fix it without succeeding and this is its output http://bpaste.net/show/yjsYspfVJkcIyycGGdFW/12:20
guest19283yitz_, ubuntu software center says it is broken, it tries to fix it without succeeding and this is its output http://bpaste.net/show/yjsYspfVJkcIyycGGdFW/12:21
anonymous_hi all12:24
jellowguest19283, you need to clear some space12:24
guest19283jellow, ive got over 1gb free, i read that, but, over 1gb...12:24
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bananabobHey! Is there any issues of having duplicate entries in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist files?12:26
Ilyes512 Hey guys... any reason why I should use sudo /sbin/mkswap instead of just sudo mkswap?12:26
Ilyes512I am using the last but I also came across the /sbin/... version. Any benefits of specifing sbin?12:27
guest19283jellow, do u think i need more?12:28
jellowguest19283, is everything in one partition have you checked each to see if none are full ?12:29
jellowguest19283, 1gb to me sounds like plenty12:29
guest19283jellow, everything on the filesystem partition, and 1gb for some updates sounds a lot12:30
jellowguest19283, suppose you've tried apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install -f ? not the foggiest as to what is wrong perhaps some one else will.12:32
Aremisjellow he wouldn't need to do && he could just use pipes12:33
guest19283Artemis, output says "Broken Pipe"12:36
guest19283yitz, same error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:36
khaxubuntu doesnt load up12:37
Mozak ineed ua help12:37
Pessimist!ask | Mozak12:37
ubottuMozak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:37
khaxblack screen, i have to restart pc once before it load up. help me pls12:37
AremisTo get proper help, use proper english.12:37
khaxanyone have any idea why12:38
ReptiliaI've asked the same question yesterday, but i got only one answer / possible reasons for the problem. The problem is, i've noticed a major drop in performance, after i've switched from Xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04. Although i am using a relatively old laptop, HP Compaq nx 8220, it was performing well, and that's why i liked Xubuntu. But, that's not the case anymore. Browsing is slow, i noticed a major drop in frame rate, applications are opening slower, everyt12:38
Reptiliahing seems laggy, etc. Lots of people say that they're suspecting the video driver, according to what i've red on the net. I am using ATI Mobility Radeon X600. Yesterday, someone told me that fglrx is not supported for this video card, and i am stuck with the open source drivers. Any ideas / recommendations? Thanks in advance.12:38
khaxmy ubuntu 12.04 doesnt load up when pc is load first time (black screen after bios load), i haveto restart my pc to get it load . pls help12:38
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ReptiliaI've asked the same question yesterday, but i got only one answer / possible reasons for the problem. The problem is, i've noticed a major drop in performance, after i've switched from Xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04. Although i am using a relatively old laptop, HP Compaq nx 8220, it was performing well, and that's why i liked Xubuntu. But, that's not the case anymore. Browsing is slow, i noticed a major drop in frame rate, applications are opening slower, everyt12:46
Reptiliahing seems laggy, etc. Lots of people say that they're suspecting the video driver, according to what i've red on the net. I am using ATI Mobility Radeon X600. Yesterday, someone told me that fglrx is not supported for this video card, and i am stuck with the open source drivers. Any ideas / recommendations? Thanks in advance.12:46
bgillI upgraded my hp mini laptop to 14.04 and now the touchpad isn't detected at all. Is there amodule I need to load or a package I need to install? Using an external mouse for now but it's a poor solution12:47
bgillusing xubuntu if it matters12:47
bgillworked fine under 13.x12:47
Reptiliabgill:I used to have a perfect experience with 13.10, but 14.04, it's so bad.12:50
the_drowCan anyone tell me why this upstart configuration isn't working? http://pastebin.com/p1d5tGDX12:51
TJ-the_drow: The "exec" statement ends with "&" backgrounding operator; is that really correct?12:53
the_drowTJ-: It was an experiment12:54
jose__alguien que hable español12:54
the_drowI removed it and the service is still at the stop/waiting status12:54
the_drowIt starts but then goes down and respawns until upstart kills it12:54
Mozakhow do i get ubuntu ambian theme in xubuntu?12:54
TJ-the_drow: does the daemon being writing to its own log files? Does it fail to start, fail to stop, or what?12:54
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TJ-!es | jose__12:55
ubottujose__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:55
the_drowTJ-: The deamon is being killed12:55
jose__gracias ubottu12:55
TJ-the_drow: does the daemon start if you run it manually12:56
ReptiliaI've asked the same question yesterday, but i got only one answer / possible reasons for the problem. The problem is, i've noticed a major drop in performance, after i've switched from Xubuntu 13.10 to 14.04. Although i am using a relatively old laptop, HP Compaq nx 8220, it was performing well, and that's why i liked Xubuntu. But, that's not the case anymore. Browsing is slow, i noticed a major drop in frame rate, applications are opening slower, everyt12:58
Reptiliahing seems laggy, etc. Lots of people say that they're suspecting the video driver, according to what i've red on the net. I am using ATI Mobility Radeon X600. Yesterday, someone told me that fglrx is not supported for this video card, and i am stuck with the open source drivers. Any ideas / recommendations? Thanks in advance.12:58
the_drowTJ-: It seems that the problem is pyenv12:59
the_drowTJ-: How do I load the /etc/profile on upstart?13:00
the_drowdo I have to source it?13:00
PessimistReptilia: maybe you aren't running the free driver ? what's the output of glxinfo (you might have to install mesa-utils iirc)?13:01
ReptiliaPessimist:Just a second, sorry for the delayed response.13:04
ReptiliaDo i have to install "mesa-utils" or "mesa-utils iirc" ?13:05
TJ-the_drow: I don't use python for system daemons so I can't help you there13:08
the_drowTJ-: The problem is with .profile not being loaded13:08
the_drowIf I exec from sh -l will my script be loaded with my /etc/profile file13:09
the_drowProbably no?13:09
TJ-the_drow: see http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#job-environment13:10
ReptiliaWhat is the difference between "mesa-utils" and "meta-utils iirc"?13:10
ReptiliaWhat is the difference between "mesa-utils" and "mesa-utils iirc"?*13:11
trndrReptilia, IIRC - If I Recall Correctly13:11
Reptiliatrndr:... :D13:12
psih0manhello! I installed ubuntu server 14.04 and it seems to be using systemd. however I can't find the systemctl utility. where is it?13:12
KGM70Reptilia, there is no mesa-utils iirc , it's just mesa-utils13:12
ReptiliaKGM70:Yeah, it turns out it was an abbreviation, but i did not know :D13:13
ReptiliaPessimist:Should i pastebin the output of the glxinfo command?13:15
PessimistReptilia: yes. Iirc = if I recall correctly13:15
lucidohow can I detect if the screen is off?13:19
lucidoon a desktop 14.0413:19
Pessimistlucido: run xrandr from the terminal and check the output13:19
lucidoPessimist, as root?13:20
Pessimistlucido: no... why?13:20
jakewc2hi, I have just had an update on 12.04, and restarted the machine and there is no wireless connection seen for my router. It sees every other persons wireless but not mine. So I dont think the wireless board is  broken. I have other machines that I'm using the wireless connection ok13:21
jakewc2is there any way to reinstall the wireless board, to see if it will work, or is there anything I can do to get the wireless to work13:22
TJ-jakewc2: Check which radio channel the router is currently on, and which regulatory zone the PC's wifi is currently in. It's possible the router is operating on say channel 13, but the PC is limited to only channels 1-1113:23
jakewc2 but it worked before the update, but I will check, how do I check what channels the laptop works on13:23
jakewc2I can use the terminal, if shown the commands13:24
TJ-jakewc2: Take a look at "/var/log/dmesg"; or check the ongoing kernel log with "grep cfg80211 /var/log/kern.log"13:25
jakewc2ok, will try that13:25
knobHello everyone.   Last night I was adviced against using usermod to add a user to a group.    Yet I didn't write down the command to do it the other way (not using useradd)13:26
knobAnybody know what I Can use?13:26
TJ-jakewc2: Also, do "iw list" and look at the list of channels under "Frequencies"13:26
nickname2how do you "follow" underscored links in manpages?13:27
TJ-jakewc2: This all presumes regulatory zoning is the issue; check with the router as to which channel it is operating on currently13:27
ReptiliaPessimist: http://pastebin.com/vWpFYTin13:27
arlekinhello there13:29
arlekinanyone here could give me opinion about ubuntu phone ?13:30
PessimistReptilia: I know, you are running the free drivers and they should be good enough. Maybe something else is broken in your system, dunno. old proprietary drivers for ati gpus are notorious for bad 2d performance so you should be getting a much better experience in firefox and other simple applications13:31
jakewc2ok, the iw list showed 1 tp 14 works and in the wireless section on the router it only has 1 to 13, so will go try change a channel see what happens there13:31
TJ-jakewc2: If the PC can handle more than the router, then regulatory zoning isn't the issue.13:32
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jakewc2ah, that worked, i was channel 13 changed it to channel 9 and the wireless settings sees the router, now why would it work before the updates and not after the updates, thank you so much, that was a really big help13:33
ReptiliaPessimist:What bugs me is, what is the difference between 13.10 and 14.04, because i used to have an excellent performance in 13.10. Thanks btw.13:33
ReptiliaPessimist:Afk, 15 mins13:33
TJ-jakewc2: Regulatory Zones are to prevent radio interference on channels used by other non-Wifi services; The Wireless Access Point chooses a channel; the PC clients simply search for the Access Point on all the channels they are allowed to based on their Regulatory Zone. So if your PC can scan 1-14 then it should see channel 13, if that is where the Access Point is operating.13:34
jakewc2speaking to you from the wireless instead of ethernet cable13:34
TJ-jakewc2: As you're in the UK, channels 1-13 are the legal zone13:36
IamEld3stguys can any of you look on this site and tell me if it loads apache default page for you?13:41
=== Baked is now known as Loaft
yyijoihPLEASE help me with that , anyone knows how to open Gnumeric file in windows ??? i create the file in ubuntu long ago and am not using ubuntu now ..??13:43
IamEld3stuse virtualbox13:43
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IamEld3stor put ubuntu os on usb boot into live and do what you want13:44
trijntjeyyijoih: http://www.gnumeric.org/download.html13:44
yyijoih<trijntje> thanks i appreciate , i didn't know there is a windows version :) so thanks13:46
trijntjeyyijoih: no problem, lots of 'linux' software also release a windows version13:47
weebeepower-commands from atareao ppa do not work on ubuntu 14.04. While logout, lock and kill applications work just fine, the shutdown and restart applications do not respond at all. Is there any known fix for this (v0.16)?13:50
qstrahlHow can I get my touchpad settings (eg. three-finger-tap = middle-click) to persist after suspend/resume/logout/etc in 14.04?13:52
lucidohow can I check if a particular user has been inactive for let's say 5 minutes and how can I tell if there is a movie playing (youtube or otherwise)?13:53
lucidoI'm trying to improve kidtimer13:53
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flipnoob here, need a bit of help.13:59
flipanyone here?14:00
flipIs there a different channel I should use?14:00
somsip_!ask | flip14:01
ubottuflip: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:01
flipI need help finding the ndiswrapper gui14:01
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:02
markleeveHi, has anyone managed to install LLVM+Clang before?14:02
trijntjeflip: have you searched the software center? It should be listed there apt://ndisgtk14:02
flipi tried that. nothing shows up. the app center tells me i have it installed, but nothing comes when i search for it.14:03
flipI open ndisgtk and all I get is a text document14:04
trijntjeflip: btw, why do you need ndiswrapper?14:05
flipinstalling a wireless adapter14:05
TJ-flip: "sudo /usr/sbin/ndisgtk"14:05
trijntjeflip: which wireless adapter? ndiswrapper is the least recommended way to get wireless working14:05
flipTJ got it. My adapter is the Netgear WNA3100. It seems that this is the route everyone has to take with this particular adapter14:06
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flipany more thoughts? My reserach made it seem like a foregone conclusion to use ndiswrapper.14:10
mizWould any of you recommend that I upgrade my ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS? Just curious because I really new in-window menu options.14:10
mizSo do any of you think their will be any problems upgrading to 14.04?14:16
lucidomiz, no14:17
mizthanks lucido14:17
lucidoohw the hell can a script tell if my screen is blanked?14:17
ISmithersWhat is the best way for me to connect my linux system to a NAS on my lan? It has CIFS/AFP and NFS file services enabled at the moment however I can see it, but not connect/browse it at all.14:19
lnxslckISmithers, mount it through nfs14:21
ISmitherslnxslck: Do I need to mount each folder I've shared? I don't really know how NFS works, seems pretty manual compared to other services.14:22
digi0psHey. A problem with my Ubuntu. Everytime I shutdown my computer ( whether Graphically or through  commandline ) it shutdown and restarts itself. Its just few days since I installed this. But this is happening everytime. Anyone help please.14:22
lnxslckISmithers, do something like: mount -t nfs /media/NFS14:22
ISmithersOn the server-side I assume I have to set NFS permissions to the shares lnxslck?14:23
lnxslckdigi0ps, what new software did you installed ?14:23
flipI just installed my wna3100 wireless adapter using ndiswrapper, and everything looks fine, but it won't connect to my wifi. It continues to ask for my password.14:23
lnxslckISmithers, om the server side, activate NFS share, get the ip and it should be good14:23
lnxslckflip, wrong password?14:24
digi0pslnxslck, i didnt install anything new. it was behaving like this from the first!14:24
lnxslckdigi0ps, what about in a console as root: poweroff ?14:24
digi0pslnxslck, I didnt try the poweroff command. but i did using the shutdown command but the same reboot happens.14:25
lnxslckdigi0ps, try poweroff14:25
digi0pslnxslck, okay i will try now.14:26
flipI just installed my wna3100 wireless adapter using ndiswrapper, and everything looks fine, but it won't connect to my wifi. It continues to ask for my password.14:27
lnxslckflip, wrong password?14:27
nickname2where is the trash?14:32
ISmithersThanks lnxslck - so basically I do need to mount each file-share is what you are saying? It's different from Windows/OSX where I can see the device and select it to open and browse it's filesystem that I have permissions for?14:33
flipnickname, bottom left corner14:33
DJones!trash | nickname214:33
ubottunickname2: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.14:33
trndrflip, try changing the router settings to only use b/g14:33
lnxslckISmithers, no, you can mount the entire nas drive14:33
lnxslckISmithers, so you get like one directory with everything on it14:34
ISmithersOh OK lnxslck14:34
fliptmdr, what will that do?14:34
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enkindleI'm trying to set up a server with two nics to do something simple (at least i assume this is simple)... I want all default traffic via eth0 and then all local traffic via eth1. Anyone know of a writeup on this?14:35
trndrflip, N can cause problems especially with doggy drivers.14:36
Sohronenkindle: connect eth1 to lan router14:36
flipThanks. But won't that slow down my connection?14:36
the_drowWhat uids are safe to assign?14:36
enkindleSohron, its all going to be via one switch.14:36
Sohronenkindle: connect eth0 to somewhere which has straight internet access14:36
Sohronenkindle: ah okay14:37
Sohronthe_drow: cat /etc/passwd14:37
Sohronthe_drow: usually on ubuntu uids start at 100114:37
trndrflip, only if you have a connection ;) So the question is if you want 54 Mb/s or 014:37
Sohronfor normal users14:37
fliptrue, but I'd rather not slow down the other computers in the house!14:38
the_drowSohron: 99999 will work right?14:38
flipif i can help it.14:38
Sohronthe_drow: maybe not14:38
the_drowSohron: Let's see if you get the inglorious bastards reference14:38
Sohronthe_drow: i don't remember the exact limit of uids on linux14:39
TJ-flip: Check "/var/log/syslog" for clues as to why it fails to connect14:39
the_drowSohron: so what's safe to assume that will work and will not be overriden (given that we won't have a million users on the machine)14:39
trndrflip, fair enugh, but you could test it, if that does the trick then you know.14:39
the_drowSohron: No guesses? Well http://www.google.co.il/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CCsQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DInsspuvAmBs&ei=OFKDU-XLF6je7Aa3h4GoCw&usg=AFQjCNGeJOYwZnZ7a1qcq5ZJWDve4RNkRA&bvm=bv.67720277,d.ZGU14:40
flipthanks, tmdr, I'll give it a try. Tj, what am I looking for? I have the log pulled up.14:40
TJ-flip: You should be able to recognise a series of reports as the WAP and client establish a connection, and then (via wpa_supplicant) try to negotiate the secure connection14:41
Sohronthe_drow: well good for you :)14:41
the_drowEasy to remember14:42
the_drowand it works14:42
maaruksDoes AMD graphics card driver work in ubuntu 14.04 ? I have got FirePro card and I can't get it to work with Trusty Tahr.14:43
Sohronthe_drow: so why are you asking silly questions if you can google it yourself14:43
TJ-the_drow: see "/etc/adduser.conf and "LAST_UID" and "LAST_GID"14:43
Sohronthe_drow: and /etc/login.defs14:44
ichatmaaruks:  there are about a milion diferent  cards that have been release under the  firepro flag,    the only think to say is, try the prop drivers and see for yourself.14:45
lnxslckmaaruks, it should work14:45
the_drowTJ-: hmm 29999 is the limit and 99999 works14:46
flipTJ, the supplicant says "WPA: 4-Way Handshake failed - pre-shared key may be incorrect" but I know the key is right14:48
TJ-flip: then maybe the driver doesn't support the same encryption scheme as the WAP14:49
TJ-flip: in these cases the usual approach is to put the/a WAP in open mode and ensure you can connect to it, then progressively increase its security settings and keep connecting... WEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK, etc. If one fails, you know there's a driver-support issue14:50
flipOk, thanks, TJ. I'll give that a go.14:51
systom404can anyone confirm if ubuntu for acer c7 chromebook is all singing all dancing fully working with 0 issues ?15:00
ki7mt0 issues .. that's asking a bit much.15:01
OerHekssystom404, there is chrUbuntu for those machines > http://chromeos-cr48.blogspot.nl/15:02
arun_is it possible to install a amd64.deb file in 32-bit OS ?15:02
OerHeksarun_,  no15:02
compdocdont think so15:02
ISmithersIs there a way to tell if the mount command has succeeded?15:03
compdocif you have a 64bit cpu, you should be using the 64bit version15:03
OerHeksISmithers, you can check with the same 'mount' command15:03
IdleOneISmithers: check in /mnt and see if what you mounted is there?15:03
IdleOneor run mount by itself and see15:04
ISmithersIs /mnt the default location for all mounted volumes?15:04
arun_how can I compile a source to 32-bit .deb in 64 bit OS15:04
jribISmithers: did you get an error?15:04
ki7mtmount && echo $?  ... you should also see all the devices that mounted.15:04
jribISmithers: if it didn't fail, then it succeeded15:04
IdleOneISmithers: generally in linux no errors means it was successful15:04
ISmithersAh OK :)15:05
ki7mtIndeed, it it fails you normally get all sorts of nasty grams :-)15:05
ki7mtif it .. ..15:05
llutzISmithers: mount bla || echo "yes, an error occured"15:05
sydneyHow do i install the cinimon desktop in ubuntu?15:06
ISmithersOK thanks guys :>15:06
ISmithersAppreciate the helps!15:06
arun_hello guys15:06
CarlFKhow can I track down what gets run when I press my audio volume +/- buttons?15:06
weebeepower-commands from atareao ppa do not work on ubuntu 14.04. While logout, lock and kill applications work just fine, the shutdown and restart applications do not respond at all. Is there any known fix for this (v0.16)?15:06
arun_OerHeks: how can I compile a source to 32-bit .deb in 64 bit OS15:06
ki7mtuse debootstrap, debuild / pbuilder15:08
digi0pslnxslck, that didnt work too.15:08
arun_ki7mt: are u saying me?15:09
ki7mtarun_, yeah, be prepared for some reading though: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto15:09
lnxslckdigi0ps, what ?15:11
ki7mtI build 32bit apps on 64bit all the time for packaging, same fer 64 on 32 .. does not mean they will run on the opposite though.15:11
digi0pspoweroff command still results in rebooting.15:11
lnxslckdigi0ps, that's weird15:11
lnxslckmaybe some kernel issue15:12
lnxslcknot sure15:12
ISmithersIf my /etc/exports has something like: /volume1    *(... lots of flags ...) - does the asterisk mean any host may connect?15:12
cfhowlettubuntuaddicted "greetings" covers all instances ... :)15:13
ubuntuaddictedcan anyone tell me how to auto-mount some NFS shares when I log in? i tried adding mount -a to rc.local but that didn't work15:13
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: log in or boot?  (boot is easy: /etc/fstab)15:14
ki7mtarun_, you'll need to install package-dev, then  ;  sudo pbuilder --create --architecture i386 ; then ; sudo pbuilder --build <packagename.dsc>15:14
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, either or, i've already added them to my fstab and they're not getting auto mounted even with the auto option15:14
llutzISmithers: "man exports|less -p anonymous"15:15
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: mine do ;).  I would focus on fixing that.15:15
=== Baked is now known as Loaft
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: my fstab line: /home/pi/mnt/cw1      nfs     soft,auto,user,defaults 015:17
arun_ki7mt: are u saying me for dependencies?15:17
arun_package-dev.... ?15:17
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: severs exports: /home/carl192.168.1.0/24(rw,sync,no_root_squash,insecure)15:17
enkindleSohron, simplest solution to my dual nic\local network issue was to just put the second nics on a different subnet, and it just works15:18
zacktuI'm using the instructions for openvpn at help.ubuntu.com/serverguide/openvpn.html and have set up a server.  When I try to start the server I get the message "May 26 14:55:10 localhost ovpn-server[6821]: TCP/UDP: Socket bind failed on local address [undef]: Address already in use"  What's wrong?15:18
Sohronenkindle: good :)15:18
ki7mtarun_, sri that's: packaging-dev not package-dev ... yeah, the dsc file  has the build deps in the control file15:18
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: setup the files, then use "sudo mount foo" and see if it gives any errors15:18
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, they mount just fine when I issue sudo mount -a15:19
RoDiMuS-XHow would i go about switching from Ubuntu-Gnome distro to regular Ubuntu15:19
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, or if I add the users to the fstab entry, i can click on the folder and it will then mount them15:19
ki7mtarun_, once you gotten to the dsc stage, pbuilds downloads and installs all the deps, then does the build.15:19
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, my fstab entries are _netdev,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr,hard,defaults  0       015:20
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: are you using wifi (which I don't think comes up till you log in to the desktop and nm kicks in?15:20
arun_ki7mt: should I need to follow all those steps in that manual?15:20
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, WTH, i just noticed the auto option is missing. LOL15:20
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: quack quack I'm a rubber ducky.15:21
ki7mtarun_, If you going to build packages, here's where to start: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/15:21
quackgyverNo you're not.15:21
quackgyverI am.15:21
arun_ki7mt: nah, I have the source code and its ready to get build15:21
ki7mtarun_, may as well join #ubuntu-motu also, those guys are the guru's on packages, can answer allot of questions15:22
cfhowlettRoDiMuS-X sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will pull in the missing pieces IIRC15:22
romanhello. can anyone help me connect my kindle fire with Xubuntu 14.04?15:22
arun_ki7mt: I mean should I need to do all the steps of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto15:22
CarlFKarun_: not sure where you are, but here is my workflow for what you might be doing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb15:22
ki7mtarun_, If you on a 32bit box, there's not much point in building 64bit code really.15:23
ki7mtFor 64bit box and 32bit code, that's ok, can do the multi-lib installs and you good to go.15:23
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, nope, even after adding auto to my fstab they still don't automount15:24
arun_ki7mt: I have 64 bit box and need to build 32 bit deb, I do have the source code15:24
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: are you using wifi (which I don't think comes up till you log in to the desktop and nm kicks in?15:24
Komahi there15:25
ki7mtarun_, then your fine. If it's true 32bit code, you'll need whatever libs are required to build, just install them.15:25
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, no wifi, it's hard wired. They mount just fine if i issue sudo mount -a15:25
Komathere is no cman package for 14.04 .. has been deprecated?15:25
Komawhat is the cluster alternative?15:25
ki7mtarun_, I work on an app that needs 23bit gfortran, so I install libgfortran:i386 .. easy peaszy.15:25
ki7mtneeds 32bit .. sri15:26
CarlFKubuntuaddicted: my guess is networking isn't up yet. hmm.. this sounds familiar...15:26
ISmitherssudo mount -t nfs /mnt/media gives me "mount.nfs: remote share not in 'host:dir' format" and sudo mount -t nfs just shows the mount help info... so, what am I doing wrong?15:26
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, that's why _netdev is in the fstab entry. I am using Xubuntu 14.0415:27
llutzISmithers: mount -t nfs /where-to-mount15:28
ubuntuaddictedISmithers, you need the server:path and also where you want to mount it. So it would be sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/media15:28
pouetehello peoples, a question here, my lock screen shortcuts are not working : passing throught dbus works perfectly, but once i want to use the shortcut, i have no reaction at all15:29
ISmithersOh OK. Someone gave me an example earlier which was: mount -t nfs /media/NFS hence why I was trying that, but I see that -t has a 3 part syntax, so I wasn't sure heh.15:29
nijoHey Guys, Is there any way to start an xterm for a user instead of loading the GUI on bootup???15:29
ki7mtjust thought, but need nfs (either common or server ) installed as well right?15:29
ISmithersThanks llutz / ubuntuaddicted :>15:29
pouetehow can i solve this little problem ? :)15:30
ubuntuaddictednijo, so you want to boot into a terminal console not a desktop manager?15:30
nijoyes :)15:30
CalimeroTeknikhello, what is accountsservice / accounts-daemon for?15:31
nijoa terminal console with GUI support to be exact15:31
ubuntuaddictednijo, you could just hit ctrl-alt-f1 and log in that way but I am sure there's a way to not launch lightdm or whatever greeter you're using and only have it launch a console. i am not sure how to do that, i'd have to google it15:31
ki7mtISmithers, it's a bit dated, but lot of good info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo15:32
ISmithersOh cool, thanks for that ki7mt! :D15:32
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nijothanks for the reply ubuntuaddicted, i tried the ctrl+alt+f1 but that console has no GUI support... Anyway i will try the 2nd method you said, Let me know if you find something thabks15:34
jjavaholicgiven the option would you install java JDK systemwise (via sudo) or locally for each user?15:34
nijothanks for the reply ubuntuaddicted, i tried the ctrl+alt+f1 but that console has no GUI support... Anyway i will try the 2nd method you said, Let me know if you find something thanks15:34
ubuntuaddictednijo, if you want GUI support than all you would do is hit ctrl-alt-f7 and log in to the GUI15:35
Jakiii99a tyttu15:35
ubottuJakiii99: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:35
ubuntuaddictednijo, f1 thru f6 are the 6 terminal consoles and f7 is where X server is running15:36
nijoyes but i prefer the xterm with no GUI to improve my linux command skills :)15:36
ubuntuaddictednijo, than you use ctrl-alt-f1 and do what you need to do15:36
ubuntuaddictedCarlFK, any other suggestions for getting my NFS shares to auto-mount ?15:36
nijobut when i play a video with vlc it shows some x server issues....15:37
nijoany way thanks for the tip ubuntuaddicted15:37
ubuntuaddictednijo, ah i see what you want to do. you want a terminal window BUT with X running as well.15:38
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stevecamWho had the clever idea of disabling workspaces by default in Unity?15:38
ubuntuaddictednijo, not sure how to do that other than just logging into you desktop environment and then launching xterm15:38
ki7mtI'd have to go looky, but I thought there was a line commented out in the Grub2 config for this, where quiet-splash is uncommented, and test is commented out.15:38
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:39
ki7mttext .. commented out..15:39
nijoyeah so far me also knows that method :)15:39
ubuntuaddictedki7mt, bazhang but isn't that text only without X running?15:39
ubuntuaddictedki7mt, bazhang he wants X running so if he launches VLC it will open a player15:40
ki7mtAhh, well Ctrl+Alt+T then :-)15:40
ubuntuaddictednijo, you could launch xterm, set it to fullscreen and save the session so that whenever you log in it will always open xterm15:41
ki7mtthen hit F11 fer a full screen of gnome-teerminal :-)15:41
ReptiliaDoes someone know what is the major difference between Xubuntu 13.10 and 14.04? I am asking because after the upgrade 13.10 --> 14.04 i noticed a major drop in overall performance. I am using a HP Compaq nx 8220 with ATI Mobility Radeon X600. Thanks in advance.15:42
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ISmithersCool stuff, got the mount working. I do appear to have a mount on my desktop which I cannot seem to unmount. It's not actually listed in the mount table, it's just an icon which I can't get rid of for some reason.15:43
nijosounds like a cool workaround ubuntuaddicted, Thanks15:43
ki7mtReptilia, info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu15:43
joelmodo anyone know how i  enable users init config files15:45
joelmoconfig files in directory ~/.config/upstart15:45
OSaddictIs there a way to put the launcher on the bottom of the screen in 14.04? I've got a widescreen laptop and there's much more space there.15:46
ki7mtarun_, sri mate, I dont do those private chat deals, besides, its best to ask in the main channel as there's lots of knowledgeable folks here.15:46
arun_ki7mt: yeah15:47
Macerhm. is there a reason why i can't copy anything off a windows phone that uses mtp ? or open it?15:50
Macerdo i have to be part of a particular group?15:51
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AngelusCan anyine help me with an install issue?15:54
arun_ki7mt: dude , can u help me use pbuilder15:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:54
AngelusI'm trying to install ubuntu on my new server, with 64bit xeon CPU's15:54
OSaddictAngelus: What's the problem?15:54
Angelusproblem is, that I get an error booting the CD, because it can't find a 64 bit CPU, but only a i68615:55
Angelusand when I instaal a 32 bit version I can't use most of the 10G ram...15:55
AngelusIs there a diff version for 64 bit xeons? or is that configuration not supported?15:57
daedelothI have finally become super human!15:57
daedelothI can type faster than a computer can register!15:57
daedelothI am a true superhuman!15:57
OSaddictAngelus: Wow! That's strange. AFAIK, Xeon is very similar to i7, so it should work. Did you md5 the iso?15:57
daedeloth(when will the bug with autocomplete be fixed?)15:57
Beldardaedeloth, This is support, do you need that?15:58
ki7mtarun_, the links I sent eariler is the best information I have on pubuilder, there may be some sites here and there, can also look at the Debian Maintainers Guide for more info.15:58
daedelothyes. autocomplete is slow. has been since 14.04.15:58
bazhangdaedeloth, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat; here is support Only15:58
daedelothok: how can I fix my autocomplete being slow?15:58
Angelus12.10 64 bit has the same error, and I used that disk on a diff server15:58
Beldardaedeloth, Bug link?15:59
daedelothhm, haven't really reported it to be honest, I'd figure a lot of people would notice the same.15:59
ki7mtarun_, Just be fare warned, packaing for Ubuntu or Debian is not a 30 minutes session, takes allot of effort.15:59
Macerhm. i can't seem to get mtp working15:59
Maceri can see all the content on the phone but can't seem to xfer anything :/15:59
Beldardaedeloth, Ah, well it's not a bug it is your issue. ;)16:00
daedelothso nobody has noticed that ubuntu got sluggish after upgrading? Perhaps it indeed is my problem...16:00
daedelothhere is my bug.16:02
daedeloth(hm, sorry, that's not a bug, but a question :))16:02
OSaddictdaedeloth: What's your CPU specs?16:02
daedelothIntel® Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz × 816:03
daedelotho-ow, I just notice something: VESA: CAYMAN16:03
OSaddictDamn, it should definitely not lag on that!16:03
daedelothcould be graphics16:03
daedelothit's really annoying, i can type faster than chrome autocomplete áaand it sometimes messes up the order of the letters.16:04
daedelothhm, but according to "softwrae & updates", I'm using fglrx, but in "info" it sais vesa: cayman16:04
OSaddictCould also be swap overuse. Linux manages swapping in a terribly inefficient way.16:04
daedeloth0 bytes swap used16:05
BeldarOSaddict, Careful making broad statements you can't prove, it is not helpful, recognize the context and the person your helpings ability to understand that.16:05
daedelothI do have a system load of around 1, but with a quad core that shouldn't be a problem16:06
daedeloththe "slugginess" is also noticeable on my laptop16:07
daedelothso I consider this "an ubuntu issue". 13.10 was faster.16:07
daedelothon all devices I own16:07
daedeloth(that is: 2.)16:07
Beldardaedeloth, If you just externalize the blame you will never, get stuff working.16:07
OSaddictBeldar: Sorry. That's just been my experience, though. Probably different for others.16:08
BeldarOSaddict, Not a big deal it just clouds the issues. ;)16:09
TJ-daedeloth: Is typing slow in a console terminal (Alt+Ctrl+F1) ?16:09
daedelothwell, it's not about externalizing the blame, but I don't know anything about ubuntu development. as an end user, I can only say that I did 2 fresh ubuntu installs and my experience has been twice that 14.04 is slower (or at least: less responsive) than 13.1016:09
daedelothno, seems fine there16:10
OSaddictI've always found 12.04 to be waaaay faster than any of the later releases.16:10
daedelothalso, I can't really say it's "slow". It's just that I notice there are delays16:10
TJ-daedeloth: what does this report: "lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA"16:11
IamEld3stjoin #friendly-coding16:12
TJ-daedeloth: So, that ask.Ubuntu question isn't yours? Because that has an Nvidia graphics adapter16:12
daedelothah, no, that wasn't mine, that was just me googling16:12
daedelothand it kindof matched :)16:12
BeldarIamEld3st,   /join16:13
TJ-daedeloth: Have you run "glxinfo" and pastebinned the results anywhere?16:13
daedelothnot yet16:13
IamEld3sti know i just missclicked :D16:13
TJ-daedeloth: "sudo apt-get install mesa-utils && glxinfo | pastebinit"16:13
BeldarIamEld3st, cool, just wanted to see you get there16:14
TJ-daedeloth: How about "xrandr -q | pastebinit"16:15
daedelothI was just wondeering if there wasn't an automated pastebin bot :p16:15
TJ-daedeloth: How many physical monitors are connected ?16:16
daedeloth4, 1 disabled16:16
superlouSo, I have a pile of Acronis trueimage .tib files from back in 2008 or so.  Is there any way to open those in ubuntu?  It seems like it's a proprietary backup format (which I regret)16:17
TJ-daedeloth: "F=/etc/X11/xorg.conf; [ -e "$F" ] && pastebinit $F"16:17
daedeloththat didn't work. :)16:18
daedelothno xorg.conf16:18
TJ-daedeloth: probably auto-configured, so no file, which was why I wrote it as a conditional16:18
daedelothaah, ok16:18
ki7mtsuperlou, I used TrueImage for a long time, I've never been able to use anything but TI on them.16:18
daedelothme no speak bash.16:18
Beldarsuperlou, In general you can get a 30 try period on windows releases, put it it a virtual and access those.16:19
TJ-daedeloth: OK, my best guess here is that you've got the one desktop spread over all the monitors as a single X screen, is that correct?16:19
superlouki7mt, that's what i was afraid of16:19
superlouBeldar, unfortunately i don't have any valid windows licenses available16:19
ki7mtIm not saying there isn't somethign, haven't looked in a long time, but at the time, was TI or nothing.16:19
superlouthough maybe i'll just do it one day in the office16:19
Beldarsuperlou, You do not have to have one for a trial period16:19
daedelothTJ-, yes, fairly sure it is. a default xinerama setup I think16:19
superlouki7mt, yeah.  I've been googling, but haven't hit anything16:20
superlouBeldar, wouldn't i need a windows licenese to install it in a VM?16:20
daedelothmultiple x-screens is a hussle.16:20
Beldarsuperlou, Not that I know of in a try scenario, you might ask in ##windows16:20
n0x_42Is there a way to output the value of a variable to a file while using "EOF"?16:20
superlouBeldar, googling now.  apparently if i can get hold of a windows 7 dvd, i can try it for 30 days.  just need to get a dvd16:21
TJ-daedeloth: OK, it is *usually* the case with Xinerama that 3D rendering is disabled, which might explain your symptoms. I'd suggest you try running on 1 monitor as a test, and see if it is faster responding. If they do, that tends to confirm its a xinerama issue16:21
n0x_42Something like "${variableName}" is actually printed out instead of the value of that variable.16:21
TJ-daedeloth: I run 6 monitors here over 3 GPUs, and I use separate X screens to avoid that issue myself16:22
n0x_42That's in bash btw.16:22
daedelothTJ-, I'm pretty sure 3d is enabled, but my main problem is: this problem didn't exist in 13.10.16:22
TJ-n0x_42: You mean, using a '<< here-document'16:22
n0x_42No, I am using read -d '' String <<"EOF"16:22
ki7mtMan, TJ- I can barely keep up with one monitor, let alone 6!! :-)16:23
n0x_42Would here-document work?16:23
superlouBeldar, well I'll give http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/hh699156 a try. Beldar, ki7mt thanks!16:23
Beldarsuperlou, https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_install/cannot-find-digital-river-download-site/66a8439b-0d16-4b70-92f7-1c8486a46ebf16:23
superloueven better16:23
Beldarsuperlou, YOu want a legit download16:24
superlouBeldar, yep.16:24
skeamzsoz for barge but is this where i can get newbie support ?_?16:24
TJ-n0x_42: "TEST=HI!; cat <<EOT \n $TEST \n EOT"16:24
trndr!ask | skeamz16:25
ubottuskeamz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:25
n0x_42Ok, so is there a way to not use \n to indicate a newline? It's a pretty long document.16:25
TJ-n0x_42: If you want parameter expansion you must *not* quote the word, so <<EOF not <<"EOF"16:25
superlouBeldar, I'll try out the official 8.1 version first, and resort to 7 if i have to16:25
Beldarsuperlou, I was hoping you would.16:26
TJ-n0x_42: I typed those "\n" just to indicate line-feeds; you would not put them in literally, just normal line-feeds16:26
n0x_42Ahh ok I see. There will also be a lot of single quotes. Will that be an issue?16:26
n0x_42So basically something like this: define('DB_NAME', '"${mysqlName}"');16:26
superlouBeldar, yeah.  I'd prefer not to have to resort to something sketchy to recover backups16:26
TJ-n0x_42: Best thing is to test it on a sample16:26
superlouThat said, I don't mind blasting the VM every 90 days, or every acronis trueimage timeout.  I'm a little miffed of a backup tool that no longer lets you access your backups if you stop paying.16:27
TJ-n0x_42: but it should be OK provided you don't have embedded BASH expansions... to get a literal "$" you'd need to escape it "\$"16:27
Beldarsuperlou, Digital River was the official release link on W716:27
superlouBeldar, will try to find something more ubuntu friendly for backups16:28
Beldarsuperlou, clonezilla is one I use.16:28
Beldarit clones though16:29
superlouBeldar, my understanding is that that's full disc imaging?  At this point, i'd rather just backup folder diffs16:29
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Beldarsuperlou, Cool, handful or more of those available, including rsync.16:29
skeamzok so i fiddled around with the terminal ... (i like to theme things) and i set color, name and transparency of a new terminal profile and in my noobness i made that profile the default one and i dont seem to get the menu list where i can add new profiles and stuffs.  Anyone got anything :D16:29
dhanvii have an error while installing ubuntu16:30
dhanvithe attempt to mount a file system16:31
Beldardhanvi, Way to vague.16:31
trndrskeamz, File->New Profile...16:31
skeamzi dont get the "File" option ... or any other for that matter16:31
trndrskeamz, it auto-hides at the topbar16:32
dhanviwith type vfat in SCSI1 (0,0,0) ,partition #5(sda) at /boot/efi failed16:32
dhanvican any one tell me how to figure it out16:33
skeamzall my other apps do but the terminal that is now my default does not16:33
Beldardhanvi, What is on the HD right now, and when do you see this error?16:33
superlouBeldar, rsync's very interesting.  I was using simplebackup, or whatever the included app was for a while, but ran into issues restoring, though at least i can manually grab files.  At this point, I've just been backing up my home directory before each ubuntu release into a folder, and deleting out the large files that are dups.16:33
dhanvii am having already having windows 8 and ubuntu gnome16:34
dhanvii messed up with the grub16:34
dhanvii tried boot repair16:35
Beldarsuperlou, I use a gui that uses rsync to back up home, just for a backup no reuse of it as home again, just saved stuff.16:35
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superlouBeldar, ever looked at Bacula?  Looks like the whole kitchen sync, but a learning curve16:35
Beldardhanvi, Ah post the bootinfo summary auto generated by bootrepair here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post1087191716:36
Beldarsuperlou,  I have a way I use that works, kinda different than most use, but thanks.16:37
dhanvisome how i pressed continue16:37
dhanvii am installing ubuntu right now16:38
admanHello, I had 12.04 installed by wubi, then upgraded to 14.04 and then I found out that wubi is not supported anymore so it broke something and I cannot boot now. It says "cannot mount /" . Is there any way how to repair it or de-upgrade back to 12.04 ?16:38
dhanvii have have some errors i will send u the link in a message16:38
Beldardhanvi, I have the feeling your worked up and are just sort of flailing, that is a good way to brick your setup.16:39
rijackso I have a problem getting grsec to patch into the zen kernel. Im doing it as part of a script and the patch runs successfully till the last file then halts causing the main script to throw a fatal error. Has anyone successfully patched into a non standard kernel16:39
Beldardhanvi, I know hardly nothing about UEFI or EFI stuff, I'm just trying to get you the right help.16:40
Beldaradman, Not really, I would pull out what you need accessing from windows and do a dualboot.16:42
jcstarkenI have installed 14.04 on external hdd, using usb port my machine should want to boot from it first but is not, instead going straight to my 12.04 that is on the local hdd, any advise and thank you in advance16:42
Beldarjcstarken, Use the per-session manual boot menu.16:43
Beldaror set it first in the bios16:43
Beldaradman, THere is a wubi megathread at the ubuntu forums, the one person who has done support is found there.16:44
jcstarkenBeldar: Thank you I have tried holding down the c button and it still just goes to 12.04 I will look up per session manual boot menu thank you16:44
skeamzok i managed to figure it out using gconf and editing profiles manually thnx though :D16:45
Beldarjcstarken, Mine is a f12 at powering on.16:45
Beldaryour bios splash should tell you jcstarken16:45
jcstarkenBeldar: yes mine is f1 and it is set to external that is why I cant figure it out thank you16:46
Beldarjcstarken, Not the bios itself the splash you see first, has this info generally.16:46
TJ-jcstarken: Is the system UEFI?16:47
Beldargood question16:47
jcstarkenTJ: I am not sure will need to check bios for that I am only running 12.04 on local hdd no other os16:49
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qstrahlCan I blacklist the skype icon from the systray in ubuntu 14.04?16:51
citrixaa gai16:53
Beldar!info libappindicator116:57
ubottulibappindicator1 (source: libappindicator): Application Indicators. In component main, is optional. Version 12.10.1+13.10.20130920-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 94 kB16:57
Beldarqstrahl, You have this 'libappindicator1' installed to see the icons I assume?16:58
Beldarqstrahl, Is this an upgrade to 14.04, and the issue is still the missing caffeine icon?16:59
kostkonqstrahl, remove sni-qt:i38616:59
kostkonqstrahl, sni-qt:i386 package*16:59
kostkonqstrahl, and then install skype-wrapper if you want  https://launchpad.net/~skype-wrapper/+archive/ppa17:00
qstrahlBeldar, No, I started on 14.04, and I do not have libappindicator117:01
qstrahlkostkon, What's sni-qt?17:01
Beldarqstrahl, Cool.17:01
kostkonqstrahl, you want to remove the icon?17:01
vilambit_how do I fix suspend/resume working with the nouveau driver on 14.04?17:01
r1n3any idea about latest AMD driver in 14.0417:02
r1n3I have not tested yet17:02
kostkonqstrahl, sni-qt adds indicator support to qt apps, mostly old ones that don't have already. in this case the 32bit version of the pacakge17:02
Diplomatguys is it possible to view from logs or somewhere why my server crashed ?17:04
AcidRain2012what OS?17:05
qstrahlkostkon, I see, thank you17:05
AcidRain2012oh ubuntu obviously17:05
kostkonqstrahl, np17:05
AcidRain2012Diplomat, /var/log/17:05
geniiDiplomat: Usually they are stored in the directory /var/log , sometimes in subdirectories named after the program they are logging for17:05
DiplomatI dont mean my software, but real physical server17:06
DiplomatFor some random reason it shut itself down17:06
SchrodingersScatwouldn't you still be interested in the logs?17:07
Diplomatyes but i was wondering maybe there are some kind of specific logs17:07
AcidRain2012genii> Diplomat: Usually they are stored in the directory /var/log , sometimes in subdirectories named after the program they are logging for17:08
Beldarvilambit_, In general here it helps to have more distinct details.17:08
Diplomatah ok my bad17:08
vilambit_Beldar: ok17:09
=== lewq_ is now known as lewq
Beldarfor the channel, not me in particular vilambit_ ;)17:09
SchrodingersScatDiplomat: there's lots of good stuff in there, kern.log, syslog, dmesg, etc.17:11
MegabyteHi guys17:11
MegabyteDo you need help with organizing documentation?17:11
MegabyteI'd like to help. Is there anything that you would need that is in great need of rewriting?17:11
SchrodingersScat!participate | Megabyte17:12
ubottuMegabyte: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu17:12
BeldarMegabyte, I can make some mean soup, do you need help there. ;)17:13
rihi, i need help17:14
=== ri is now known as Guest3258
qstrahlkostkon, What does skype-wrapper do exactly?17:15
Guest3258Wired network device not ready (sundance technology(17:15
BeldarGuest3258, Use a nick the guest is a hassle17:15
Guest3258 Wired network device not ready (sundance technology) i dont have .deb drivers on cd.. what to do?17:15
BeldarGuest3258, This a live situation or install, and can you find the exact ethernet info by running lspci in the cli.17:16
kostkonqstrahl, it integrates skype into the messaging menu and also uses the ubuntu notification system. like this http://ubuntuone.com/34WXSroBFAGgz9IqdBrKdM  you can close it and then easily bring it up from there17:16
Guest3258installed version, i type lspci and got all hardware, what to do next, please?17:17
Beldar!details | Guest325817:18
ubottuGuest3258: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:18
=== RwtRecs is now known as Guest26275
qstrahlThanks kostkon17:18
Guest3258what details? paste here?17:18
kostkonqstrahl, np17:18
TJ-Guest3258: "lspci -knn | grep -A2 -i 'net'17:18
cquach_nlhi.. since the upgrade to trusty unity fails to start..17:19
cquach_nlgnomw-shell on compiz works fine though..17:19
cquach_nlany hints how to debug the problem..?17:19
Beldarcquach_nl, the shell is using mutter.17:19
Guest3258kernel driver in use sundance, kernel modules sundance17:19
Guest3258what to do next?17:19
Guest3258please help17:21
cquach_nlbeldar, so u think the problem is with compiz..?17:21
Beldar!who | Guest3258 for best help17:21
ubottuGuest3258 for best help: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:21
wgetHi guys. Does anyone know if the feature, that makes the Lightdm background picture change according the user's wallpaper, is available with Gnome or KDE?17:21
wgetOr is this feature Unity-only?17:21
Beldarcquach_nl, No idea, just saying the shell is not compiz. unity is a plugin in compiz though.17:21
Guest3258@Beldar , what to do now?17:22
TJ-Guest3258: "sudo ethtool eth0" (assuming the interface is "eth0") ... check the "Speed:" and "Duplex:"17:22
Guest3258sudo: ethtool: command not found17:22
TJ-wget: I seem to recall it's a lightdm feature, but it won't (always) work if the user has an encrypted home directory (since it can't access it until the user logs in)17:23
cquach_nlthx beldar.. I'll try to start a non unity compiz session to rule that one out.. :)17:23
Beldarcquach_nl, That will not work.17:23
TJ-Guest3258: I thought that might be the case; I assume the system doesn't have any other network access?17:23
Guest3258no, it doesnt17:23
Beldarcquach_nl,Sorry I miss read that as unity without compiz.17:23
Guest3258i writing this from other computer17:24
cquach_nlbeldar, lol.. I think I can boot in a plain gnome (metacity) session and start compiz in the foreground..17:24
wgetTJ-: I know it's a lightdm feature. The question is "should this feature work when Unity is replaced by Gnome"?17:24
TJ-Guest3258: Is the system a desktop system with a graphical user interface, or a server system with only text terminals?17:24
Guest3258desktop system with gui17:24
TJ-wget: it's controlled by the lightdm scripts so should work as long as its the DM17:25
Beldarcquach_nluse the fallback it's set to use compiz or mutter.17:25
Beldarerr maybe it's metacity, not sure exactly17:26
BeldarGuest3258, You are getting help from an excellent helper, have some patience, no helps here and pleading for what to do please. ;)17:27
wgetTJ-: Mmmh. Which scripts are you talking about? I've Gnome installed and LightDM defined as the only default DM. When I change the user's wallpaper, the DM has still a black one :-/17:27
TJ-Guest3258: OK, so the problem could simply be a failure to obtain a DHCP lease from the router... in a terminal do "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" and then 'tell' network manager icon in the taskbar to try to connect. Observe the messages scrolling in the log output, and see if anything stands out as an error or failure to make contact with the router17:27
TJ-wget: Is the user's home directory encrypted?17:28
wgetTJ-: Nope.17:28
Guest3258hostname not found17:28
wgetGuest3258: could you echo the PATH env variable with echo $PATH ?17:29
Guest3258sorry, i dont understand.. what should i do?17:29
PupenoMy custom upstart job stopped writing to /var/log/upstart/jobname.log. Any ideas what it could be or how to troubleshoot it?17:30
Guest3258i have drivers on cd, but dont know how to install i dont have .deb files...17:31
wgetGuest3258: What is your problem actually? You previously said that 'hostname' and 'ethtool' commands were not found. When are you encoutered these issues?17:31
Guest3258i cant go to internet17:31
Guest3258wired network - device not ready17:32
wgetGuest3258: Do you have a wired connection or are you using Wi-Fi?17:32
Guest3258wired connection17:32
Guest3258this is my first time use ubuntu17:32
Guest3258why is device not ready, how to start it?17:33
wgetGuest3258: Yep, I see that ;-)17:33
Guest3258can you help me or i must go back to windows..17:34
wgetGuest3258: So your main problem is that you cannot connect to the network. What error message do you have?17:34
hoijuii think, device not ready means, some basic thing is not right.. like.. no cable plugged in or so17:34
Guest3258its plugged, i checket it17:34
Guest3258i cant click on it in , it just say not ready17:34
hoijuiplugged on both sides? what about the lights (on the router and on your computer17:35
Beldar!who | hoijui17:36
ubottuhoijui: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:36
volkradhi all17:36
wgethoijui: IMHO, his device is soft blocked.17:36
wgetGuest3258: Could you please open a terminal?17:36
Guest3258i opened it17:36
wgetGuest3258: type ip a17:37
Guest3258i got some information17:37
wgetGuest3258: then could you please post these information somewhere like on pastebin.com?17:37
Guest3258i dont have internet on that PC.. how?17:38
wgetGuest3258: You have another PC right?17:38
Guest3258wait i will17:38
wgetGuest3258: Then how are you talking to me now? :D17:38
Guest3258please wait17:38
SchrodingersScatwget: he probably has to type it out17:38
SchrodingersScator sneakernet?17:39
valleydaddy78hello all17:39
akatAfternoon folks, trying to use a preseed file for some stuff, and it mostly works, but I can't seem to get it to accept the root password as an md5 hash.  plaintext works fine but is obviously not ideal.  Is there some gotcha that's not outlined anywhere?17:39
TJ-wget: Do you have "lightdm-gtk-greeter" installed?17:40
wgetTJ-: For sure ;-)17:41
jj1234anyone know why in later versions of ubuntu I seem to never be able to stop a service, service ssh or smbd both say Unknown job.  /etc/init.d/script stop doesn't seem to work either17:41
bluezonehow long does it take for applications to get approved on the ubuntu store :S17:41
T4b1Lubuntu 14.04, which command do I use to get the printer progress dialog, where it displays what it's printing right now and if something doesn't work?17:41
jj1234did I just completely miss the new way of stopping services?17:41
valleydaddy78my wireless hard switch and soft are opperational but only wired shows up in my network drop down menu17:42
Guest3258no i cant , ubuntu not reconize USB17:42
valleydaddy78i cant use my wireless only wired17:42
wgetTJ-: Actually, I don't want the gtk greeter, I'm using the Unity one. Indeed my fault17:42
Guest3258 no i cant , ubuntu not recognize USB17:43
wgetTJ-: Actually the ligthdm gtk greeter it too deferent from the Unity one. This is the reason why I wanted the Unity greeter.17:44
watamachahey guys17:44
volkradhi watamacha17:44
watamachafor some reason update manager is frozen while configuring kernel headers17:44
valleydaddy78can anyone help17:44
watamachawhatcha think I should do?17:45
wgetGuest3258: I said to you to post the 'ip a' command results to pastebin.com. Don't ask for 'help' again.17:45
qstrahlkostkon, I'm missing a bunch of UI from my messages indicator menu. All I see is two entries, "xchat" and "skype"17:45
Guest3258i cant17:45
Beldarwatamacha, Do you have a boot partition?17:45
kostkonqstrahl, what version of ubuntu are you on17:45
watamachaBeldar: boot partition?17:46
valleydaddy78i wish someone could remotly help me grrr17:46
kostkonqstrahl, that is normal then.17:46
SchrodingersScatjj1234: so what did you try?17:46
wgetNote to myself: "avoid the #ubuntu channel as much as possible"17:46
jj1234well I thought I tried the only ways short of kill -917:46
Beldarwatamacha, Some users make a partition for the boot info, rather small and will get filled up with kernels, just asking.17:46
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wgetGuest3258: From which computer are you chatting to me now? Use that computer to not ethe 'ip a ' command results.17:46
watamachaBeldar: would that just be having all my OS files and non OS files on seperate partitons?17:46
jj1234service stop, /etc/init.d/script stop17:46
qstrahlwget, Careful, you shared your private note with the whole channel! =)17:47
wgetGuest3258: Otherwise I cannot help you.17:47
watamachaBeldar: dont believe I ever intentionally configured it like that17:47
jj1234what is the proper way to stop the smbd or ssh service?17:47
kostkonqstrahl, it will only show the services that you have already setup.17:47
wgetqstrahl: Yep. I should keep restrained to #ubuntu-dev (or ubuntu-kernel since I'm a dev).17:47
Beldarwatamacha, Do you have a separate /17:47
Beldarwatamacha, What I'm looking for is a partition filled.17:48
wgetTJ-: I'm gonna ask on ubuntu-dev, the #lightdm channel is too desert. If I've no answer. I'm gonna read the code then.17:48
TJ-wget: liblightdm calls  lightdm_user_get_background() which calls common_user_get_background() which calls load_user_values() which calls load_dmrc ()  which calls dmrc_load() which looks for $HOME/.dmrc or a cached version17:48
jj1234schrod: is there a different way?17:48
watamachaBeldar: how would 2 partitions appear in nautilus?17:48
Beldarwatamacha, I'm not going to be able to help you, others can though. ;)17:49
wgetTJ-: Hum ok more clear when you talk me like this ;-)17:49
jj1234ok, nevermind...I think I know the problem17:49
jj1234I didn't su - all the way to root17:49
wgetTJ-: Do you have a structure of the elements I need to put on that file?17:50
TJ-wget: It's over 2 years since I hacked on this stuff so having to refresh my memory. there's a cache at /var/cache/lightdm/dmrc/$USER.dmrc too. I recall, with encrypted homes, I used that to point a bitmap image outside the ecrypted home, but I don't have that config any more17:50
watamachafor some reason update manager got stuck while configuring new kernel headers, any ideas how to fix it anybody?17:50
pmatulis_anyone playing 'Metro Last Light' on 'buntu?  segfaults a lot for me.  related to video driver17:51
wgetTJ-: Mmh. This is what I assumed the /var/cache/lightdm is empty. I'm gonna check on VM with a real Ubuntu Unity.17:52
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wgetTJ-: (07:48:23 PM) TJ-: wget: liblightdm calls  lightdm_user_get_background()17:55
wgetDo you have a link to that code?17:55
joelmocan you17:56
wgetTJ-: Not much parameters then. https://help.gnome.org/admin/gdm/stable/configuration.html.en#userconfig17:56
wgetSeems like this isn't the right file where the wallpaper location is stored.17:56
wget(current defined wallpaper)17:56
valleydaddy78can anyone provide remote help17:56
TJ-wget: "apt-get source lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm"17:56
watamachafor some reason update manager got stuck while configuring new kernel headers, any ideas how to fix it anybody?17:56
wgetTJ-: Actually, you'are always talking about the gtk-greeter. But the Unity one is different.17:57
Beldarvalleydaddy78, Can you post the wifi hardware in fo you will see it in lspci if internal or lsusb if external.17:57
valleydaddy78can anyone provide remote help???? noob here17:58
Beldarvalleydaddy78, we don;t do that nor do you really want it.17:58
valleydaddy78#beldar im new17:58
valleydaddy78yeah but this wifi prob has me wooped17:59
Beldarvalleydaddy78, Take a deep breath, and relax, this is not the end of the world, and read posts to you.17:59
valleydaddy78how do i get to the info you want18:00
TJ-wget: is it? I thought that was the base greeter... which one are you running (package) ?18:00
volkradanyone know by anychance if there is a chromebook channel as well?18:00
TJ-wget: I switched to KDE because Unity can't support my display setup18:00
Beldarvalleydaddy78, THis wifi internal or a usb device?18:00
wgetTJ-: I'm running KDE too and ArchLinux. This Ubuntu configuration is just for a friend ;-)18:01
bazhang!alis | volkrad18:01
ubottuvolkrad: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:01
Beldarvalleydaddy78, open the terminal and run lspci fine the wifi and psot the hardware info.18:01
wgetTJ-: unity-greeter != gtk-greeter18:01
Beldarlspci only18:01
wgetTJ-: The package name is simply unity-greeter18:01
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volkradawesome thanks to you bazhanb18:02
volkradand ubottu18:02
Beldargerard__, Do you have a support issue?18:02
wgetTJ-: While the gtk one is lightdm-gtk-greeter18:03
TJ-wget: The code's a bit different in there, too18:03
valleydaddy7800:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 14h Processor Root Complex18:03
valleydaddy7800:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 6320]18:03
valleydaddy7800:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler HDMI Audio18:03
valleydaddy7800:11.0 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode]18:03
valleydaddy7800:12.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB OHCI0 Controller18:03
unopastevalleydaddy78 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:03
yesmarguys may I ask on how to fix this? https://imgur.com/96j5u9G18:03
Beldarvalleydaddy78, No, just the wifi info.18:03
yesmaradwaita theme is not working18:03
gerard__what??? i don't understand18:03
wgetvalleydaddy78: Your Wi-Fi adapter isn't recognized. If your machine is a laptop make sure the hardware key is enabled.18:03
TJ-wget: looks like you need to follow the code-path from the unity-greeter setting "draw-user-backgrounds"18:04
Beldaryesmar, Fix what, details please.18:04
valleydaddy78i did18:04
mzazaI am having problem, with grive-tools indicator after first reboot after installing grive-tools The indicator doesn't show up, even if i try opening it18:04
valleydaddy78it goes on and off in the terminal but the color dont change18:04
TJ-wget: starts from here   src/user-list.vala:585:        if (menubar.high_contrast || !UGSettings.get_boolean (UGSettings.KEY_DRAW_USER_BACKGROUNDS))18:05
yesmarguys may I ask on how to fix this? https://imgur.com/96j5u9G. Adwaita or the window decoration is not working. I'm using trusty gnome-shell
valleydaddy78and wireless dont even show up in the drop down18:05
Beldarvalleydaddy78, Have you made sure the physical switch is not off?18:05
wgetTJ-: I assume you're in the unity-greeter code? Not in the gtk-greeter code any more?18:06
Beldaryesmar, If you mess with the theme it can be problematic.18:06
TJ-wget: correct18:06
valleydaddy78it stays off acording to the led light18:07
Beldaryesmar, Looks the same as mine except for the colors18:07
Macerhm. can't seem to figure out how to get stuff to copy off a windows phone to ubuntu18:07
valleydaddy78mine is the f12 button18:07
wgetTJ-: Btw, I didn't know the unity greeter was written in Vala.18:07
Beldarvalleydaddy78, You are far from making any sense in this, read questions and answer cogently.18:07
Macerseems like the windows phone uses mtp and ubuntu can see the device and i can list the files but i can't cp anything over to the ubuntu box18:08
Maceram i supposed ot be part of some special grp to copy from mtp devices or something?18:08
TJ-wget: src/user-list.vala::class UserList18:08
valleydaddy78ill youtube it18:08
buharinmam problem usunalem przez przypadek18:09
buharinnie wiem jak to odzyskac teraz bo nie moge nic doinstalowac18:09
yesmarBeldar: nope I didn't modify the theme. I am just using Adwaita, I just reboot the computer and then here it is.18:09
wgetTJ-: Ouch. With the Vala getters are setters, this reminds me the C#/.NET properties :-/18:09
DJones!pl | buharin18:10
ubottubuharin: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:10
Beldardoh, thanks DJones18:10
TJ-wget: "new_background_file = (selected_entry as UserPromptBox).background"18:10
T4b1I've still gotten the question about the printer dialog. And now I'm trying to log in to the cups web interface. I did "ssh -L 8000:localhost:631 remotehost -N" and now visit localhost:8000 with my local web browser, enter correct user/pw of the remote machine. User is in group lpadmin. It still doesn't accept the login, just asks again.18:11
T4b1There are non-ASCII characters in the password, can that be a problem?18:12
T4b1(oh, forgot to mention, the printer is connected to the remote host, to which I don't have physical access right now)18:12
T4b1(I'm trying to fix  "The PPD version (5.2.9) is not compatible with Gutenprint 5.2.10-pre2." by clicking around the web interface, hope the printer just starts to work again that way)18:14
=== mgorbach_ is now known as mgorbach
brakattakHaving trouble mounting a compact flash drive. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Anyone able to help?18:15
ldurosanyone knows of an admin interface for postfix?18:16
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wgetTJ-: I assume we have a class background then with such an attribute call background.current_background18:16
lucidobrakattak, error msg?18:16
brakattaklucido, none. The drive isn't detected at all, doesn't show up in fdisk -l18:16
lucidobrakattak, does it show up in lsusb?18:17
brakattaklucido nope18:17
wgetTJ-: or UserPromptBox.background this is the location where the background is loaded into the variable.18:18
brakattaklucido, I tried cleaning out the port with a blast of canned air, just in case of debris. No help there.18:18
TJ-wget: look in "fill_list ()" ... "var users = LightDM.UserList.get_instance ();" ... "foreach (var user in users.users)" -> "user_added_cb (user);"18:19
Maceroh neat. it seems to have started working18:19
Macerat least to copy stuff over from the phone18:19
Macerwonder if i can write to the phone too :) that would be awesome18:19
TJ-wget: So, it get's a UserList containing Users from lightdm, and one member of the User class is .background... so lightdm should pass it18:19
TJ-wget: so you're back to lightdm library :)18:19
lucidobrakattak, try another port or another machine18:20
wgetTJ-: Indeed you're right.18:20
brakattaklucido, yeah, that's what I was worried about. I'll give it a go later, no other machine around that I can try right now.18:20
T4b1Okay, don't need an answer anymore, logged in via VNC and did everything the boring graphical way.18:20
GilesWhen I click the sound icon in the notification area, and pick "sound settings", I just get the System Settings panel, but only a few icons, none for sound settings (Ubuntu 14.04)18:20
wgetTJ-: seems like Ubuntu loves singletons.18:20
T4b1Btw, how is it possible vnc (tunneled through ssh) is faster than ssh -X? shouldn't ssh -X work in a smarter way?18:21
GilesT4b1: X protocol is optimisted for faster connection speeds.18:21
wgetTJ-: Do I need to search in the liblightdm-gobject-1-0 or directly in the lightdm source package?18:23
wgetTJ-: The only thing I can find is C source code.18:23
TJ-wget: the lightdm source package contains everything18:24
=== mgorbach_ is now known as mgorbach
GilesWhen I click the sound icon in the notification area, and pick "sound settings", I just get the System Settings panel, but only a few icons, none for sound settings (Ubuntu 14.04)18:27
buharinI got now big problem i Removed dpkg and got errors like no file or directory "/var/lib/dpkg/available"18:29
trismGiles: which desktop?18:30
TJ-wget: do you have "/home/$USER/.gconf/desktop/gnome/background/%gconf.xml" containing "<entry name="picture_filename" mtime="1364377580" type="string">" containing "<stringvalue>file:///home/$USER/..."18:31
Megabyteguys, how to install an AMD Radeon 4200 on 14.10?18:32
trismGiles: do you have unity-control-center installed?18:32
wgetTJ-: I've no background directory :-/18:33
wgetTJ-: While other files/directories exists.18:33
Gilestrism: no, Installing it now.18:33
nszcetahow can I find ~90% similar file duplicates with 1 million files at 5 TB total size18:33
TJ-wget: I'm using KDE, but that's the only place I've got a reference to the background image that is loaded when I log-in18:33
Gilestrism: Ta, thats fixed it.18:34
TJ-wget: Before I moved to KDE, and was using Unity, was when that setting was written18:34
Macerodd. i got it to work18:34
Macermaybe because whatever file browser unity uses requires mtp-tools for mtp devices?18:34
Macerafter installing mtp-tools it seems to have started to work. i can copy stuff off my windows phone... don't tell MS :P18:35
wgetTJ-: Ok. Because on my KDE desktop I've no .gconf folder in my home directory. Indeed it's an old inheritance from your old Unity install.18:35
KM0201Megabyte: that device is no longer supported if i'm not mistaken18:36
Macerwget: doesn't kde still use .gconf for gtk based things?18:36
MegabyteKM0201, is there no backwards compatibility? No open source driver?18:36
Beldarnszceta, This homework?18:36
KM0201backwards compatibility?  i dunno.. the open source driver gets installed when you install ubuntu.18:36
wgetMacer: Mmh. I don't think. Maybe it is stored at another location.18:36
KM0201Megabyte: are you using 14.10, or 14.04?18:37
TJ-wget: I *believe* that as its lightdm, its reading the gconf database18:37
nszcetaBeldar negative18:37
MegabyteKM0201, it's for a Brazilian fella running 14.1018:37
nszcetaBeldar I have a FreeBSD machine serving ZFS over NFS and I need to reduce duplicates18:37
KM0201then tell the brazillian fella the first suggestion would be not going to a version that is still very very very early in alpha18:37
BeldarMegabyte, 14.10 is #ubuntu+118:38
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wgetTJ-: I've even not that background folder in the .gconf directoty of my 14.04 Ubuntu Unity install18:38
=== s3ri0us|away is now known as s3ri0us
Beldarnszceta, Than ask freebsd this is ubuntu support is all.18:38
nszcetaBeldar the principles are the exact same18:38
nszcetawe are all POSIX, after all18:38
KM0201Megabyte: 14.10 is still extremely early in development.. theres lots of things that will break w/ that version... ubuntu+1 is where development chat happens18:39
Beldarnszceta, Does not matter is all, you are wasting your time here, just a heads up. ;)18:39
TJ-wget: OK... you can (get/set) it with for example "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri"18:39
MegabyteKM0201, oh, it's 14.0418:39
MegabyteKM0201, So, what do you do in 14.04?18:39
KM0201Megabyte: exactly what i told you to above... 1. use the open source driver... that device is no longer supported.18:39
KM0201http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2222265  Megabyte18:40
Beldarnszceta, ##linux might help if your registered with freenode18:40
TJ-wget: see https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/background.html.en18:40
bobo69Nszceta what are you trying to do with dedupe?18:40
wgetTJ-: Btw. I get lost in the code. in user-list.c, in the common_user_get_background (CommonUser *user) function.18:40
wget    g_return_val_if_fail (COMMON_IS_USER (user), NULL);18:40
wget    load_user_values (user);18:40
wget    return GET_USER_PRIVATE (user)->background;18:40
wgetI don't understand that GET_USER_PRIVATE which defines G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((obj), COMMON_TYPE_USER, CommonUserPrivate)18:40
TJ-wget: it's a pre-processor wrapper that creates the correct typing to access members18:41
MegabyteKM0201, He's complaining his resolution is not correct, which is odd18:41
nszcetaI am trying to reduce the amount of duplicate data on my array18:42
nszcetabobo69 ^18:42
KM0201no, he's not18:42
TJ-wget see also: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66914/how-to-change-desktop-background-from-command-line-in-unity18:42
Beldarbobo69, this is not a supported OS here take it to a pm18:42
KM0201Megabyte: did you read it?.. he's complaining about lag, etc..18:42
MegabyteKM0201, yes. Basically, the performance of the oss drive is not good18:43
KM0201Megabyte: exactly18:43
MegabyteKM0201, but the resolution is apparently ok18:43
KM0201lagging, etc..?18:43
MegabyteKM0201, This guy of the Brazilian Ubuntu channel is not even getting the resolution right18:43
bobo69Nszceta: zfs set dedup=on "name of filesystem here"18:44
wgetTJ-: Thanks for your links. Indeed changing the background in CLI is related.18:44
wgetBtw, G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE has to be defined somewhere too? No?18:44
bobo69Then just copy data off the file system and back on18:44
nszcetabobo69 the issue isn't 100% similar data18:44
bobo69Warning: you need a ton of ram to pull that off18:44
nszcetaand I don't have enough RAM18:44
nszcetaI only have 32 GB of ECC DDR318:45
TJ-wget: https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/unstable/gobject-Type-Information.html#G-TYPE-INSTANCE-GET-PRIVATE:CAPS18:45
KM0201Megabyte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver  try double checking the open source driver installation18:45
nszcetabobo69 copying the data off the FS and back on will put you back at square 118:45
Beldarbobo69, This is not bsd support the user is now being enabled to use a channel they should not use a pm.18:45
bobo69The dedupe is block level not file level so you will save space for even if they aren't 100pct identical. But there isn't a way to get around the ram kssje18:46
nszcetaBeldar I am not interested in BSD solutions!18:46
nszcetabobo69 thank you for your input18:46
MegabyteKM0201, All right. I'll tell him to purge the proprietary install.18:46
wgetTJ-: It's awful. We shouldn't be able to access all private variables directly. This is breaking encapsulation.18:46
Beldarnszceta, YOu are using bsd period I gave you another channel, do not abuse this one.18:46
* nszceta goes off to see what he can do with fdupes on ubuntu over NFS18:46
wgetTJ-: Btw, I don't see exactly and more precisely where the background gets loaded.18:47
mojtabaHi, do you know how can I change the default behavior of the fn keys on my keyboard?18:51
TJ-wget:  src/background.vala:598:            var new_background = load_background (current_background);18:51
wgetTJ-: On Debian/Ubuntu, I forgot is dpkg --get-selections | grep MY_PATTERN the only way to check if a package containing my pattern is installed?18:52
TJ-wget: "dpkg-query -l <pattern-glob>"18:52
TJ-wget: that is lower-case L18:52
TJ-wget: I have to leave now; good luck in your quest :)18:53
wgetTJ-: Thanks a lot ;-)18:53
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mojtabaHi, do you know how can I change the default behavior of the fn keys on my keyboard?19:09
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Beldarubuntuaddicted, Note we use nicks when communicating to each other.19:23
mojtabaHi, do you know how can I change the default behavior of the fn keys on my keyboard?19:24
=== Beldar is now known as frankleee
ubuntuaddictedBeldar i'm well aware of that, xchat hadn't moved in a long time so i was asking if it had froze.19:25
ubuntuaddictedfrankleee,  i'm well aware of that, xchat hadn't moved in a long time so i was asking if it had froze.19:25
frankleeeubuntuaddicted, Ah, a one word question no context mmmmmmmmmmmmmm19:25
ubuntuaddictedfrankleee, thanks19:26
r1n3I am trying to create a .deb package for boot-to-gecko desktop build19:26
r1n3I am facing some problems while debuilding :(19:26
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woof-woofhow do I disable multiple login from same user on ubuntu?19:37
ianorlinwoof-woof do you mean into x windows multiple times? not into tty?19:39
woof-woofI mean in tty19:39
drewdmplayer displaying weird colors with -vo directfb in a tty, any thoughts?19:43
Exogar_hi guys19:43
lorenzHey, I got a problem with my 14.04 Server, it won't boot anymore. It seems like that all upstart jobs are failing, because when I run it in debug mode, they start at a 5-second interval (which is the default for upstart when services fail). Does anybody know what's going on?19:45
ianorlinlorenz you might get better help in #ubuntu-server as some people here are more expirenced in desktop19:46
lorenz@ianorlin thank you, on the official Ubuntu hompage #ubuntu-server is not listed19:47
Fohlenanyone knows about ubuntu and android? My ubuntu absolutly won't recognise my samsung ace (android 2.3) and I have no clue what to do about it19:47
luisthey guys…. when i run ffmpegthumbnailed i get error “Failed to load gio libraries” need some help :(19:48
BeldarFohlen, What ubuntu release and android release?19:48
BeldarFohlen, Ah 2.319:48
BeldarFohlen, I believe that is to old in general, if in 12.04 there is a ppa for mtp19:49
Beldarif it's going to mount Fohlen releases past should mount if not to old19:49
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FohlenBeldar: ubuntu 13.04 and android 2.3.419:51
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring19:51
BeldarFohlen, There are android apps though that should work through the browser19:51
Diplomatguys i have one pretty funky question19:51
Fohleneh ups Beldar, 14.0419:51
Diplomatis it possible that when im installing ubuntu 64bit.. it somehow turns into 32bit ?19:51
mojtabaHi, do you know how can I change the default behavior of the fn keys on my keyboard?19:51
Fohlenwrong one.19:51
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BeldarFohlen, 13.04 is eol and not supported is all.19:51
Jordan_UDiplomat: No.19:52
ubuntuaddictedDiplomat, not possible19:52
Fohlenyeah, I installed a fresh ubuntu some weeks ago19:52
Diplomatno im not retarded or something.. im just having a very very very weird problem19:52
BeldarFohlen, THe android is to old for mounting.19:52
FohlenBeldar: any workaround?19:52
BeldarFohlen, I gave you one19:52
Fohlendo I need specific drivers or shit19:52
MannerMan2How do you guys handle storage in a dualboot system? I dualboot with Ubuntu and Win 7 a lot and storing stuff on NTFS-partitions is not ideal when working in Ubuntu since its very slow..19:52
Fohlenhmm, only through apps, kk19:52
DiplomatI downloaded and installed this ISO: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04.4-server-amd64.iso19:52
Jordan_Ufolivora: Please post the output of "lsb_release -r"19:53
BeldarFohlen, no swearing here please. ;)19:53
jjavaholicwhich package has java and javac?19:53
Diplomatand for some reason this is what i have19:53
DiplomatWelcome to Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.11.0-22-generic i686)19:53
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Fohlenokay :)19:53
BeldarFohlen, try airdroid from google play for a browser link.19:54
FohlenI'll see, thank you sir :)19:54
BeldarFohlen, hope that works, no problem. ;_)19:54
Jordan_Ufolivora: Please post the output of "lsb_release -r".19:55
FohlenBeldar: is there any technical specification I could read through to get more into the error?19:55
Fohlenreally curious what blocks that stuff.19:56
BeldarMannerMan2, A stand alone ntfs partition is the suggested method19:56
BeldarFohlen, Not really it is just to old, no workarounds, install a 4 release of android, it will mount.19:57
MannerMan2Beldar: Well, that's pretty much what I have today19:57
MannerMan2Been considering NAS share with NFS / Smb but it seems to be a hassle really (and prob. even slower)19:57
BeldarMannerMan2, Best option, you do not want to change the windows OS from linux in general.19:57
aljosa14.04 doesn't mount android phones when connected w/ usb cable, works as expected on 13.10. any ideas?19:57
Beldaraljosa, Mounts my phone and nexus 719:58
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ianorlinat least it doesn't brick a  viewsonic gtablet when I connect it19:58
ianorlinfor you at least19:58
Beldar!who | ianorlin19:58
ubottuianorlin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:58
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Beldaraljosa, turn the mount off hen on in the android to see if it is a anomally.20:00
Beldarthen* anomaly*20:00
aljosaBeldar: it's not, i can connect it to another computer running 14.04 upgraded from 13.10. but on clean install it doesn't work20:01
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Beldaraljosa, You sure the usb port is working, this is a variable search at this point, it should be mounting.20:02
ianorlinaljosa does another port work?20:03
Beldaraljosa, Try the guest account, to see if maybe you tweaked to hard in your account trying to get it to mount, or there is a install problem.20:03
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Beldaraljosa, lsusb in the cli will tell you if ubuntu sees it.20:04
aljosaBeldar, ianorlin: usb port works. also when i switch from MTP to Camera/PTP i can access photos20:04
Beldaraljosa, What android release?20:05
aljosait's not phone/android problem since i can plug it into antoher pc and it works20:06
Beldaraljosa, THis a ubuntu derivative or actually ubuntu?20:06
g1_Hey, on my ubuntu 14.04 in System Settings, nothing is shown except printer, language support and 3 more. No other hardware is shown. Please help. Screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/8sil1wo8v/20:07
TJ-aljosa: "sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log" then plug the phone in and see what the kernel reports; maybe pastebinit for us20:07
Beldaraljosa, Not sure, are you unmounting when removing when changing the mtp to ctp to make sure it is a fresh use situation.20:07
Beldarandroids can be finicky mounting in linux I have found aljosa20:09
aljosaTJ-: http://dpaste.com/0BAKXMV/20:09
HankMccoyI am trying to use http://www.canyouseeme.org/ and it seems to not work it is not a firewall issue but why can't I see my own ports?20:09
aljosaBeldar: this is the first time i had an issue since android G1, so it's been working for couple of years w/o issues20:10
ElPinguinoguys i dont see any rc.d file/. I only see rc0.d rc1.d etc...20:10
ElPinguino(Im trying to make a boot script)20:10
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:12
Beldaraljosa, Hardly critically thinking with several of your beliefs but that is you not me. "so it's been working for couple of years w/o issues"  "it's not phone/android problem since i can plug it into antoher pc and it works" Just saying20:12
Beldar!java | jjavaholic20:14
ubottujjavaholic: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:14
meek_geekguys is ubuntu touch support for laptops restricted to just Unity or Ubuntu Gnome works pretty well ?20:14
aljosaBeldar: my point was that something in my installation of 14.04 isn't ok. thanks for your time20:14
psilo2I'm looking for a way to dump the /etc/network/interfaces file after `source` and `source-directory` lines have been parsed.  Any pointers?20:14
Beldarmeek_geek, They support the touch platform, and ask them.20:15
TJ-aljosa: What mode is the phone in when it was connected? The Vendor:Product ID it shows isn't matched by any udev rules I can find20:15
Beldar!touch > meek_geek20:16
ubottumeek_geek, please see my private message20:16
aljosaTJ-: don't know what mode means but on android it's "Media device (MTP)"20:17
TJ-aljosa: Yes, MTP, that was what I was after. There is no matching rule for it in "/lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules"20:17
TJ-aljosa: Can you do the same test on the system where it does work, and pastebin what that system's kernel.log shows?20:18
aljosaTJ-: http://dpaste.com/01R52FD/20:20
TJ-aljosa: I see references to te device in some obscure github device repos, as an "Oppo Find 5"20:21
TJ-aljosa: and it mounts OK on fakanana?20:21
TJ-aljosa: Because, I notice that on fakanana it is using USB 3 (xhci_hcd) whereas on aljosa-imac it's using USB 2.0 (ehci-pci)20:22
aljosadifference is that fakanana is system upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 and the other one is a clean install20:23
TJ-aljosa: Try this on fakanana, see if you get a result: "grep -rn 22d9 /lib/udev/rules.d/*"20:23
aljosaTJ-: nothing20:24
guest-dz7aBuHii al20:24
guest-dz7aBui am using 14.0420:25
guest-dz7aBui just reebooted my system20:25
Beldarguest-dz7aBu, All in one post please20:25
TJ-aljosa: OK, didn't think there would be, but it seems as if something is recognising that device differently20:25
guest-dz7aBubut now i cant access my acount from login. it is occuring again and again as i put pussword there20:25
januszhi i install ubuntu 14.04 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT216M [GeForce GT 330M] (rev a2) how to setup biger resolution , i run  own drivers but still have poor screen resolution20:26
guest-dz7aBuWhy it is so..?20:26
aljosaTJ-: thanks for your time20:26
guest-dz7aBuNow i am logged in from guest account.. please help20:26
TJ-aljosa: OK, let's find out if it has a device node20:26
januszi have max maximum 1024 x 76820:27
aljosaTJ-: how do i do that?20:27
TJ-aljosa: I'm looking for the tools :)20:27
januszi reboot20:28
k1lguest-dz7aBu: log into konsole (ctrl+alt+f1, come back to X with ctrl+alt+f7) and make sure all files in your users /home belong to your user (ls -al ) will tell you20:28
OerHeksaljosa, own drivers? not from the build-in driver tool?20:28
OerHeksaljosa, sorry for janusz20:29
guest-dz7aBuk1l, yes all my file belongs to my user name20:29
TJ-aljosa: when udev probes for a MTP device it runs "/lib/udev/mtp-probe /sys$env{DEVPATH}"20:30
aljosaOerHeks: don't understand, it uses whatever is installed by default20:30
k1lguest-dz7aBu: are you sure? the .XAuthority too?20:30
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=== WLM|oeG is now known as WLM
k1lguest-dz7aBu: i am not talking about the guest account. please log into konsole to check20:30
guest-dz7aBuk1l, it belongs to root20:30
k1lguest-dz7aBu: there you go20:30
guest-dz7aBuyes i dd20:30
k1lguest-dz7aBu: make it belong to your user with chown20:31
k1l!away | WLM20:31
ubottuWLM: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:31
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guest-dz7aBuk1l, what is the command? chown .Xathority20:32
k1lguest-dz7aBu: so you must have been messing with sudo/root and GUI to get to that issue20:32
k1lguest-dz7aBu: sudo chown user:user .XAut.....      make sure you insert the correct user into user:user20:33
guest-dz7aBuk1l, sorry i didn't get you20:33
TJ-aljosa: I think you need to run udevadm --monitor  and capture the DEVPATH so you can run the mtp-probe against that DEVPATH20:33
guntbertk1l: might as well rm the file, I'd say20:33
k1lguntbert: does it rebuild it on login?20:34
TJ-aljosa: "udevadm monitor --kernel --property" then plug the device in20:34
guntbertk1l: iirc, yes20:34
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k1lguntbert: ok, i am not sure on that but i thought so too. but with chown'ing we are on the safe site :)20:35
guest-dz7aBuk1l, done20:35
guest-dz7aBunow do i restaart20:35
guest-dz7aBuor i startx?20:35
k1lguest-dz7aBu: then logout of geust account and login to user20:35
DiplomatAnybody knows how is it possible to turn x64 into i686 ?20:35
k1lguest-dz7aBu: never ever use startx20:35
mr-tech-guyhello every one20:35
k1lguest-dz7aBu: that made you that trouble. let the lightdm start the xserver for you.20:36
mr-tech-guycan I chat with someone about my  Ubuntu Server20:36
aljosaTJ-: got some data but don't have mtp-probe although i have a bunch of other mtp-* tools20:36
k1lmr-tech-guy: you can ask here or in #ubuntu-server20:36
OerHeksk1l, guntbert  shouldn't this file be altered from tty login, not from guest account20:37
k1lOerHeks: yep, i told him to use konsole20:37
guntbertOerHeks: yes, of course, guest account cannot sudo20:39
trndrDiplomat, you have been informed it is impossible.20:39
guntbertk1l: I just checked, it get recreated every time you rm it20:39
Beldartrndr, long gone. ;)20:39
k1lguntbert: thanks :)20:39
aljosaTJ-: /lib/udev/mtp-probe DEVPATH returned 020:39
CaucasHey fellas20:40
trndrBeldar, oh well. not like he was going to get the answer he wanted anyway :)20:40
Beldarsudo apt-get install ubuntu-magic-kit20:41
TJ-aljosa: Yes, it would. You need to find out what the variable DEVPATH is using "udevadm monitor ..."20:45
DaemonFCIs there really such a package?20:49
DaemonFC"I got the magic kit. What? What? Magic kit. Uh huh, uh huh!" (Sorry.)20:49
mr-tech-guyI click on Connect to Server and when  i see my server, when I click on the file with my server name  it ask for a user name and password  and when I put in my user name and password  it want take20:50
ubuntuaddictedmr-tech-guy, are you trying to access the smb shares or what do you mean you click on your server?20:50
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mr-tech-guysorry it my smb share20:51
mr-tech-guyI see my server name20:51
Gallomimiaummm. hallp. if i'm running a raid5 and some encrypted volumes, what filesystem should i use with ubuntu?20:51
aljosaTJ-: ok, i'll continue tomorrow and try to figure out howto use mtp tools. i need to go but thanks again for your help20:52
bekksGallomimia: Just the same as you would use without encryption. ext4 e.g.20:52
geniiGallomimia: Probably "classic" ext420:52
Gallomimiasweating bullets over nothing20:53
HadesWatch3rNew install 14.04 on a Asus Maximus V Formula Z77 S1155 ... no sound ?  Worked before in on the 13.04 release... ?20:53
mr-tech-guyI am  tyring to connect to my Server from my  laptop running  Ubuntu 14.420:54
mr-tech-guywhen I click on Connect to Server I see a folder with  the server name20:55
mr-tech-guywhen I click on that folder what should have is I should see my other share folders20:56
mr-tech-guyon that server20:56
mr-tech-guybut it ask me for a user name and password20:56
mr-tech-guywhen I put in the user name and password for to connect it want let me in20:56
trndrDaemonFC, if you are refering to magic-kit, then it was a joke about transforming a 64bit install to a 32bit20:57
chamunksIs there a better SIP client then Empathy for ubuntu20:57
chamunksThis thing on 12.04 refuses to send DMTF tones.20:58
Azamorchamunks:  did you try linphone?20:58
chamunksI can20:58
chamunksAzamor, does it integrate as well with unity as empathy?20:58
Azamordon´t know since I don t use Unity but I think it s gtk320:58
jwarrickDoes Kubuntu use Deb package manager?20:59
bekksjwarrick: Yes.20:59
chamunksAzamor, ok have you had good results with linphone?20:59
jwarrickthanks bekks20:59
Gallomimiai want to hear more about linphone20:59
Azamorchamunks: for the moment it s ok20:59
chamunksI need fairly decent Noise canceling because I really don't want to plug in a headset.20:59
Azamorchamunks: best think to do is try it21:00
Azamorchamunks: sorry it´s gtk2 based21:01
user45633hi, I have a laptop HP G62 with hybrid graphics ATI/Intel, I'm trying to switch to the ATI. This is what I'm doing: before login in I press ctrl + alt + f1 and login by commandline; then I chown the /sys/kernel/debug  folder and switch file; then I type sudo echo ON > switch and after cat switch I see that the graphics pwr stays the same (0:IGD + pwr | 1:DIS Dynoff)... i'm not an expert on ubuntu so I'm might have missed something, thanks21:01
mr-tech-guyI can ping it21:02
mr-tech-guyI can ssh to it and see my folders21:02
chamunksAzamor, does linphone receive calls as well?21:05
mr-tech-guyHello any one I am trying not to redo my  Ubuntu server , I can't connect to my folder on my server when I try to connect from my laptop running Ubuntu 14.0421:10
savidI'm getting this error when trying to run an application: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-xrJgymK0OX: Connection refused21:10
mr-tech-guyit keep asking for a user name an password \21:11
Gallomimiamostly that's provided to the server when you set it up21:11
savidIt looks like /tmp/dbus-xrJgymK0OX is set in DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS. How do I make sure that value is correct?21:11
Azamorchamunks: I know it cans but never tried21:11
chamunksTurns out you have to select publish presence.21:11
Azamorchamunks: always prefered to receive them on my physical phone21:11
chamunksAnd I would but I'm trying to reduce the number of silly devices I have around.21:12
=== Azamor is now known as Azamor_afk
Gallomimiai want to increase the number of sensible devices i have around21:12
Azamor_afkchamunks: ok21:12
Gallomimiatoo bad that's zero so far :(21:12
Azamor_afkGallomimia: lol21:12
Gallomimiai'll get there one day!21:13
chamunksMy desktop has a pretty decent condensor mic so its significantly better then a telephone mic21:13
psicobrasavid, What's the output of: systemctl status dbus.socket dbus.service21:13
adamcunningtonHi, i've just installed ffmpeg and it succesfully installed but the command, ffmpeg is not found21:13
Gallomimiaffmpeg is not a command, it's a library21:13
adamcunningtonlooking at the docs, i can use it as a command; ffmpeg -i oldfile.wav newfile.mp4 for example21:14
Gallomimiamust not be installed into the path you're using21:14
adamcunningtonGallomimia: or perhaps i need to install something on top offfmpeg?21:14
lorenzadamcunnington: It's no longer possible under 14.04, it's been deprecated in 12.04 or so21:15
adamcunningtoni just did sudo apt-get install ffmpeg but might need to download something else as well?21:15
adamcunningtonlorenz: what do you mean deprecated? :|21:15
adamcunningtonlorenz: how can i easily convert an avi file to a mp421:15
lorenzadamcunnington: mencoder is the solution21:15
adamcunningtonlorenz: can i easily do this to 900 files?21:15
Gallomimiaevery freakin' time. failed to install grub on /dev/sda21:16
lorenzadamcunnington: Yes21:16
adamcunningtonok installing mencoder now, will check the man page, thanks21:16
cidadaoadamcunnington, not sure but have a look at avconv21:16
Gallomimiaanyone want to suggest what i can do to get the grub2 loader to install properly on my maniacal system configuration?21:17
adamcunningtonlorenz: i know nothing about codecs, can i do something as simple as mencoder oldfile.avi newfile.mp4 ?21:18
gt_jimcha: dwd\\21:19
adamcunningtonlorenz: the syntax looks fine looking at the man page but is conversion as simple as that21:19
Gallomimiacan someone tell me what the heck this means:21:19
Gallomimiano boot loader has been installed, either because you chose not to or because your specific architecture doesn't support a boot loader yet.21:19
Gallomimiayou will need to boot manually with the /vmlinuz kernel on partition /dev/mapper/hydra-root and root=/dev/mapper/hydra-root passed as a kernel argument21:19
Ben64adamcunnington: look into avconv, its the replacement for ffmpeg21:19
adamcunningtonBen64: i've been told that mencoder does the job just fine?21:19
psicobraGallomimia, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207053321:20
Ben64adamcunnington: yeah, but avconv is faster and easier21:20
psicobramight help21:20
lorenzadamcunnington: avconv works too, it's just another encoder21:20
adamcunningtonlorenz: ok fair enough - but with regard to my above question21:20
jimchagt_: malaka gamiese?21:20
Ben64adamcunnington: also, you'll need to specify more. avi and mp4 are not codecs. they are containers, they can have the same codecs in them even.21:21
adamcunningtonBen64: ok, how do i know what to specify? i just want my avi file to "work" as a mp4 as it currently won't play on my android phone21:22
gt_jimcha: 00521:22
unopastegt_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:22
lorenzadamcunnington: Install MXPlayer is wayyy simpler21:22
adamcunningtonBen64: currently via vlc on my android phone, video looks fine but the sound is all crackly, nothing audibly english21:22
Ben64adamcunnington: see what codec the avi is, see what codecs are supported by your phone21:22
adamcunningtonBen64: looks like i can donload (if it's not already on there) MX Player Codec (ARMV7)21:23
adamcunningtonlorenz: what do you mean?21:23
adamcunningtonlorenz: install mxplayer on my mobile?21:23
lorenzadamcunnington: Yes21:23
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adamcunningtonlorenz: will it defo support whatever codec my avi file is using?21:24
adamcunningtonlorenz: i was really surprised as i expected vlc to support everything so i assumed i couldn't get round this problem without giving my phone a different audio format21:24
lorenzadamcunnington: MXPlayer supports almost everything (with the exception of DTS)21:24
adamcunningtonlorenz: fair enough, will give it a go now, thanks!21:25
NGC982Has anyone of you guys used tellprox in ubuntu?21:25
adamcunningtonlorenz: you are my hero, i need nothing more!21:26
lorenzadamcunnington: Glad I could help :)21:26
adamcunningtonlorenz: it has ads grr! apart from that, plays beautifully thanks21:27
mr-tech-guyHello every one21:27
BeldarNGC982, Not sure that is a ubuntu support issue, do you have any support issues attached?21:28
mr-tech-guyI am trying to keep from redoing my Ubuntu Server. I can connect to my share folder on my server21:29
mr-tech-guyI can ping the server21:29
mr-tech-guyI can ssh to it21:29
Beldarmr-tech-guy, lighten up the enters and use one post.21:29
qstrahlBeldar, Maybe he is giving you play-by-play updates and wants you to have information as soon as it becomes available! =P21:30
mr-tech-guywhen I try to connect to my folder it ask for a user name and password , and when I put in my user name and password it wan take.21:31
Beldarqstrahl, sure, but we have to have an understandable cogent set of info, many users, will use the enter like punctuation, si it is best to say something. ;)21:31
Gallomimiai think i'm going wrong by having my mobo locked into non-uefi only. which should i choose for best option to get ubuntu running under a raid/crypt/lvm config?21:32
NGC982Beldar: No, not really. It's a service that helps me connect and control radio controlled hardware via the Tellstick USB interface. The documentation is -very- limited. :/21:33
BeldarNGC982, Cool, so you understand the channels role?21:34
mzazaWhat is the best Virtual Machine solution in terms of performance and graphics for Ubuntu? Paid or free, closed or open source.21:34
adamcunningtonlorenz: as it happens, i still need to convert because i am playing files from my media server and these can't play outside of the mediaserver app so i need to use a supported format (mp4)21:34
qstrahlmzaza, VirtualBox is a pretty standard staple21:34
adamcunningtonlorenz: i don't understand what params i need to supply mencoder to convert avi to mp421:34
lorenzadamcunnington: What media center app?21:35
Ben64adamcunnington: again, the codec is what matters, not the container21:35
NGC982Beldar: Absolutely. It's not really a Ubuntu support question. You guys are often helpful in most everything.21:35
mzazaqstrahl: I felt KVM was little bit faster, do you have different experience?21:35
NGC982Like soldering, or invading countries.21:35
BeldarNGC982, Yeah you never know, it is the details that make this happen. ;)21:35
qstrahlmzaza, I don't have much experience with KVM but what I do know about it causes me to not doubt that it can perform better.21:35
BeldarNGC982> Like soldering, or invading countries. lol21:35
adamcunningtonlorenz: plex21:35
adamcunningtonBen64: yea hence why i was asking21:36
adamcunningtonBen64: i don't know what codec i need21:36
lorenzadamcunnington: Ok, then you'r out of luck with alternate apps21:36
adamcunningtonlorenz: yea so i need to convert file21:36
Ben64adamcunnington: but you weren't asking, you just keep saying avi -> mp4 without saying what codec you want or have21:36
Ben64adamcunnington: this is not even on topic for #ubuntu21:36
adamcunningtonI tried "mencoder "blah.avi" "blah.mp4" -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video -of mpeg"21:36
lorenzadamcunnington: Try mp3 as audio codec, It'll work everywhere21:37
adamcunningtonBen64: i don't know what codec i want or have21:37
lorenzadamcunnington: -oac mp3 -ovc copy21:37
Ben64then find out21:37
mr-tech-guyBeldar am I in the wrong room for help21:37
adamcunningtonlorenz: thanks21:37
adamcunningtonlorenz: definitely -oac mp3 -ovc copy, not -oac copy -ovc mp3 ?21:37
Ben64you want your video codec to be mp3?21:38
lorenzadamcunnington: Well, -oac is the audio codec and -ovc the video codec, and you said that the audio is the problem21:38
adamcunningtonlorenz: yea ah i see, thanks21:38
adamcunningtonis "mp4" a codec?21:39
adamcunningtonor do mp4 files use the mp3 codec?21:39
Ben64mp4 is a container21:39
bekksmp4 is a container.21:39
adamcunningtonwhat does that mean? can a container use any audio codec?21:39
* Gallomimia gets mad at usb-drive for not booting when it contains a copy of the Hannibal movie and not a livecd :(21:40
Ben64you might want to do more reading before jumping into this stuff21:40
adamcunningtonlorenz: Error parsing option on the command line: -oac Option oac: Unknown suboption mp321:40
Ben64or use avconv like i suggested earlier21:40
bekksadamcunnington: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4_Part_1421:40
adamcunningtonBen64: i literally just need to convert a file from avi to something that works on my phone :|21:40
Ben64and i literally told you that avi is not a format21:40
lorenzadamcunnington: -oac mp3lame21:41
Ben64still is not on topic here21:41
adamcunningtonBen64: i don't mind using avconv but can you suggest what i type to convert an .avi file to something that is supported21:41
adamcunningtonlorenz: thanks21:41
notemolooking for advice / opinion - running ubuntu 10.04 desktop, which i use as a desktop - but ended up installing / usng a LAMP stack, plus running 4 vm's under VirtualBox - i want to upgrate to 14.04. I have a second system i can migrate to. - should i stick with Virtualbox? shuld i install the server version, then isntall the deskup on top of that, or start with desktop as i did before and21:41
notemoinstal the lamp stack on that? (dorry for the long post)21:41
adamcunningtonBen64: yes it is as it's the parameters that i'm passing that i'm struggling with21:41
Ben64we're not a mencoder/avconv help channel. we're not a phone channel, this is not within the scope of #ubuntu21:41
notemotypo city.. but hope that made sense.21:42
lorenznotemo: I suggest libvirt with virt-manager as frontend and qemu-kvm as backend. Can start VMs in the background easily, you can administrate them remotely using virt-manager and they are fast because of kvm.21:42
k1l_notemo: you can upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 and then wait for 14.04.1 to upgrade to 14.0421:42
Ben64notemo: if you need the desktop, you should install the desktop version. its up to you if you want to continue using vbox21:42
mr-tech-guywhen I try to connect to my folder it ask for a user name and password , and when I put in my user name and password it wan take.21:43
k1l_adamcunnington: get to know what video formats your phone/mediaplayer on your phone works with. i bet there are a lot of howtos with exact parameters as examples21:44
trndrmr-tech-guy, have you read http://askubuntu.com/questions/182131/samba-does-not-accept-my-password and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1583601 ?21:44
notemoi'm definatly not hung up on vbox, as long as i cna manage the vm's i am good, but, the caviot is i need to migrat ehte vm's to wahtever the palstform is.21:44
lorenzadamcunnington: With avconv it's avconv -i test.avi -c:v libx264 -c:a mp3 outputfile.mp421:44
mr-tech-guytrndr n o but I will check it out Thanks21:45
notemois there any kernel diffrences between the desktop and server in 14.04?21:46
k1l_notemo: no21:46
ODB2yo dawgs21:52
ODB2what's happening?22:02
k1l_no support questions. that is a good sign :)  if you want  to talk you can go to #ubuntu-offtopic22:02
ODB2woah thanks, that is indeed convenient22:03
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adamcunningtonsoftware advises me that the files i need to backup are saved in $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/ - where is this location? no idea what $PLEX_HOME corresponds to22:08
rajumohhow do we remove the full path from appearing in command line prompt ?22:08
Gallomimia#grub-installer /dev/sda122:09
Gallomimials: /dev/sda1/proc: Not a directory22:09
badbztry echo $PLEX_HOME22:09
Gallomimiawhat kind of crazy error message is this??22:09
adamcunningtonbadbz: thanks22:09
adamcunningtonbadbz blank22:09
Beldarfugitiva, English?22:09
adamcunningtonbadbz: the whereis command showed me soemthing though...22:10
fugitivahey beldar22:10
dw1Gallomimia: why installing to a partition22:10
fugitivabeldar mi ingles es malo22:11
dw1Gallomimia: i install to the drive22:11
Gallomimiadw1: no idea really. the command with no partition doesn't work either. it's a raid device, and i can't get the silly thing to install grub for anything22:11
Beldar!es | fugitiva22:11
ubottufugitiva: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:11
dw1Gallomimia: dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc   or grub-efi whatever you use22:11
Beldarno prob ;)22:11
badbzadamcunnington: it is under /var/lib/plexmediaserver/*22:12
Gallomimiadw1: keep in mind this is the shell from the installer drive. also i'm using the server installer due to the limited options in the desktop version22:12
badbz$PLEX_HOME = /var/lib/plexmediaserver/22:12
Gallomimiadw1: /bin/sh dpkg-reconfigure: not found22:13
adamcunningtonbadbz: yea is that definitely everything?22:13
dw1Gallomimia: with sudo22:13
badbzshould be22:14
adamcunningtonbadbz: how did you find that?22:14
dw1Gallomimia: shell from installer? hr,22:14
adamcunningtonbadbz: when i echo'd it, it was blank22:14
Gallomimiadw1: /bin/sh: sudo: not found22:14
dw1Gallomimia: nm i dont know what youre doing :p22:14
Gallomimiayes it's already a # prompt22:14
Gallomimiathat makes 2 of us :P22:14
dw1youre tring to set up grub on the hard drive ?22:14
adamcunningtonbadbz: you're the man thanks22:14
BeldarGallomimia, This a boot issue?22:15
badbznp :)22:15
Gallomimiai haven't gotten the system to boot at all yet beldar. still trying to install22:15
Gallomimiaall the installer ran, the partitions are all set up in my crazy complex config.... grub won't install22:15
BeldarGallomimia, Ah, I missed earlier info, this a uefi, msdos or gpt?22:16
Gallomimiauh.... i think i have the choice?22:16
Beldar!bootinfo | Gallomimia this would help us22:16
ubottuGallomimia this would help us: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).22:16
Gallomimiai'm going to suggest uefi. i don't know what i should proceed with.22:16
BeldarGallomimia, YOU in a gui install?22:17
Gallomimiano it's quite text-based menu like stuff22:17
Gallomimiaup and down arrows...22:17
BeldarGallomimia, If yoiu have a command line you can confirm the partition table type, if you're not sure.22:18
adamcunningtoni'm getting an error when copying due to permission denied, can i do this via commandline using sudo?22:18
Gallomimiai do have a very limited command line.22:18
Gallomimiamost "commands" result in the command not being found. grub-install fails to execute most of its script22:19
BeldarGallomimia, Try parted -l22:19
BeldarGallomimia, Which means?22:20
Gallomimiacommand not found22:20
BeldarGallomimia, Server right?22:20
Gallomimiayeah i used that installer to gain access to the raid/crypt/lvm options22:21
BeldarGallomimia, Hmm, not quite complex enough, lol, I can't help there.22:21
Gallomimiai just need grub to work :P22:22
TJ-Gallomimia: "ls /sys/firmware/efi/"22:22
dw1adamcunnington: yup22:22
GallomimiaTJ-: contents of /sys/firmware: acpi/ memmap/22:23
TJ-Gallomimia: OK, it's not an efi system. if it was, you'd have /sys/firmware/efi/efivars and a few others22:23
Gallomimiathe system does have efi. i must not be using it22:24
TJ-Gallomimia: which may be part of the problem22:25
* Gallomimia plays with the bios a bit22:25
jstrongHi everyone. I'm trying to debug a nasty issue with a Radeon HD 6000 card not working properly. The xOrg open source drivers work, but they give a lot of screen artifacts. Any time I install any version of AMD"s proprietary drivers my machine boots into low graphics mode and I cannot do anything. I have followed most if not all the different answers present in this lengthy StackOverflow thread to no avail: http://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-th22:27
htechHey All, is there a way to debug network configuration issues in the Ubuntu Server Installer? Basically can I escape to a shell and use ifconfig, ping, ect.  Stuck on "Checking the Ubuntu Archive Mirror"22:28
jstrongMy card worked perfectly on Ubuntu 12, so it's strange that Ubuntu 14 would start giving that many problems22:28
sickmindAny one knows, the hotkey to open nautilus?22:28
jstrongMy xorg logs show the following glx error: can not get required symbols with a segmentation fault and a stack trace I can provide22:28
jstrongat this point i'm totally stumped22:29
TJ-Gallomimia: now lets test if the disk is partitioned using GPT:  "dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=4 skip=1 | grep 'EFI PART'  "  replace "/dev/sda" with whatever the boot device name is22:29
TJ-Gallomimia: if that works (it finds 'dd' and 'grep' then if the disk is GPT you should see, amongst the output, "Binary file (standard input) matches"22:30
Gallomimiathe partition menu has now renamed a 2GB slice at the start of my first disk as efiboot22:30
Gallomimiarepuprosed i mean22:30
trndrjstrong, just to make sure, are there any artifacts in bios, or in grub? I wasted way too many on a dying video card.22:31
TJ-Gallomimia: 2GB? The EFI System Partition (EFI_SP) doesn't need to be any bigger than 256MB in almost all cases22:31
Gallomimiathat's okay save a little room22:31
Gallomimiaon a 2TB drive it's not too much22:32
Gallomimiaespecially when you have 3 of them in a raid522:32
TJ-Gallomimia: If there's an EFI-SP then the disk is partitioned using GPT22:32
jstrongtrndr: I apologize for using the word artifact. Didn't mean literal vcard artifacts. The card is barely 6 mo old and works perfectly on Windows so there's deff no problem there.22:32
psusiheck, the ESP doesn't need to be bigger than like 10mb really22:32
jstrongtrndr: It's more of a refresh problem. With the open source drivers the screen doesn't refresh. You get the sort of effect you'd see when completing solitaire on windows xp where the cards would duplicate22:33
jstrongtrndr: e.g. typing a letter in a terminal window won't show until i type another one, so everything displayed seems to be a "step behind"22:33
trndrjstrong, then there is hope, can't say I have any pointers for you though :(22:33
Gallomimiamust afk for RL22:33
jstrongtrndr: yeah, I figure vcard drivers esp for radeon cards it's going to be hard to get an answer for that here.22:34
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trndrjstrong, well people always complain about AMD drivers, but I personally haven't had any problems with them22:35
jstrongtrndr: yeah. i hadn't until now either22:36
orst3ni ive just updated from 12.04lts to 14.04 lts remotly. seems verything worked fine.. server is restarted22:37
jstrongtrndr: going to try nomodeset with xorg drivers.22:37
orst3nbut i cant get into vnc/ vino anymore22:37
orst3nwaht could i do?22:37
orst3ni read and tryed this : http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/remote-desktop-sharing-in-ubuntu-14-04/164022:38
orst3nbut wont help it still refuses..22:38
trndrjstrong, nomodeset is only during boot, if I understood right22:38
jstrongtrndr: yeah.22:38
jstrongtrndr: oh22:38
trndrjstrong, have you tryed the prop drivers?22:39
jstrongtrndr: nope!22:39
jstrongtrndr: wait sorry yes, absolutely22:39
jstrongtrndr: those are what boot me into low graphics mode where nothing works22:39
jstrong(my brain didn't connect prop with proprietary there for some reason)22:40
jstrongtried a number of different fglrx versions22:40
jstrongtrndr: nomodeset actually works but all it does is force a crappy very generic unaccelerated driver. sigh.22:43
orst3n** (vino-server:7044): WARNING **: The desktop sharing service is not enabled, so it should not be run.22:44
orst3nhow to fix this on 14.04 ?22:44
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Pupeno_My custom upstart job stopped writing to /var/log/upstart/jobname.log. Any ideas what it could be or how to troubleshoot it?22:49
dw1Pupeno_: are you logrotating the log file22:50
dw1orst3n: enable the service? :)22:50
Pupeno_dw1: those files are being logrotated, yes.22:50
dw1Pupeno_: unless youre using copytruncate logrotate option, is the job being restarted so it starts a new log file connection?22:50
Pupeno_dw1: I am manually starting and re-starting the job, so, it should create a new file.22:51
dw1Pupeno_: maybe the custom app doesnt create a new file, but expects it to exist22:52
MegabyteGuyys, I was browsing through Ubuntu's documentation...22:52
MegabyteAnd I found that you need someone to help you documenting it.22:52
MegabyteIs that right?22:52
MegabyteWell... who do I talk to?22:52
Pupeno_dw1: this file should be created by upstart, not by the app I wrote.22:52
rajumohany doc on using newrez when there are external monitors22:53
orst3ndw1 how trough ssh ;)22:53
MegabyteI guess no one here can answer this?22:53
advaitazenMegabyte: No need, you can edit any page or create new ones on the wiki. If they are good, they will be moved to help.ubuntu.com22:54
k1l_Megabyte: #ubuntu-doc could be the channel you are looking for22:54
Megabytek1l_, thanks!22:55
dw1orst3n: its kind of old but might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/4474/enable-remote-vnc-from-the-commandline22:56
k1l_Megabyte: and as a tip for the future: dont be upset if noone reads the whole link you gave and finds the solution within 1minute and 30seconds.22:56
dw1orst3n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186170722:58
dw1orst3n: all i did was google the error ;)22:58
dw1orst3n: seems might be better to switch from vino to something else22:59
linuxuz3rthe new ubuntu release is freaking awesome22:59
dw1orst3n: or google vino-server 14.04 :p23:00
dw1orst3n: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/remote-desktop-sharing-in-ubuntu-14-04/164023:01
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neterminatorI have a problem discovered in the new release. Sometimes, when a new window open, the menu (where there is the close button, and others) is situated under the principal menu (where is found the wifi network manager, the system button, notifications...) and I can't move the window down for clic on close button, or redimensionate it... Someone have this problem?23:02
DonkeyHoteihttp://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso fails md5sum on ./casper/filesystem.squashfs, is there a better download?23:04
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clypsoHey faw*23:05
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Use a torrent from the ubuntu website23:07
trndrDonkeyHotei, try to redownload, it's more likely the error accured on your end then at Canonical's23:07
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DonkeyHoteitrndr: the iso's sha256sum matches23:07
trndror what Beldar saied23:07
DonkeyHoteiBeldar: is that a different iso?23:07
BeldarDonkeyHotei, No but it is a different download that checks the sum as well. I have had downloads that summed out fine but did not work.23:08
BeldarDonkeyHotei, There are a handful of variables that could be in play here, you do not say what got to checking the sum, I assume it was a install problem.23:10
DonkeyHoteiBeldar: i am using the usb disk creator and it auto checks the sums before writing a bootloader23:11
BeldarDonkeyHotei, There are also handfuls of usb loaders, do you see my point?23:11
DonkeyHoteithe ubuntu one23:12
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Can you layout the whole ordeal to some extent, what led you to checking the sum is one issue I'm curious about.23:16
DonkeyHoteiit's checked automatically by the ubuntu startup disk creator23:17
DonkeyHoteiif it doesn't match, no bootloader is written23:17
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Cool, it helps to have some details, there are just variables is all. If it were me I would have tried another usb loader, and checked the sum at some point. I never use that app myself.23:19
GallomimiaTJ-: Beldar i've gotten back to installing my system with uefi. it says:23:19
BeldarGallomimia, Cool, TJ- is your best help in this.23:19
Beldarbetter than I anyway23:20
Gallomimiathe attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in scsi1 (0,0,0) partition #2 (sda) /boot/efi failed23:20
peacehopeMy NVIDIA GF108M [GeForce GT 525M] isn't sending HDMI output sound. HDMI isn't appearing in the output list. (Ubuntu 14.04)23:20
TJ-Gallomimia: That'd make sense, if "/boot/" is also a separate file-system and hasn't yet been mounted23:21
Gallomimiai guess so yeah. i tried putting a /boot on another slice outside the raid/crypt/lvm system and the error stayed the same23:21
peacehopeI've tried to use NVidia proprietary driver, but didn't work.23:22
TJ-Gallomimia: I think that might be bug #106665323:22
ubottubug 1066653 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""reinstall Ubuntu 12.10" on efi system fails when trying to mount /boot/efi" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106665323:23
Bray90820_How well does the microsoft multitouch mouse work with ubuntu i know that the apple one is pretty bad23:23
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peacehopeHDMI output sound isn't working in second monitor. What can it be done? (NVIDIA GF108M [GeForce GT 525M] / Ubuntu 14.04)23:24
TJ-Gallomimia: See this... it suggests that an EFI-SP size larger than 256MB can cause the failure in some circumstances, due to the FAT-xx file-system mandated in EFI-SP:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2021534&p=12088983#post1208898323:26
DonkeyHoteiBeldar: now trying unetbootin instead23:26
Gallomimiaand so it must be 256MB, it needs min 256 and cant be more than 256 due to error?23:27
Bray90820_How well does the microsoft multitouch mouse work with ubuntu i know that the apple one is pretty bad23:28
TJ-Gallomimia: It only needs about 50MB mostly, it depends on what you install there!23:28
TJ-Gallomimia: I usually for for 256MB because I put recovery tools and other useful odds and ends there too23:28
Gallomimiai'll learn all about those one day :/23:28
Gallomimiaplease excuse me while i dive off the deep end into an encrypted raid install23:29
Bray90820_clop2: im sorry i hate raid installs23:31
TJ-Gallomimia: That's easy!23:32
Ben64Gallomimia: why? it just makes it harder to come back from a problem23:32
oldsmokeyhello fellow ubuntu peoples23:32
oldsmokeyuh oh23:33
ADW sup sup23:33
oldsmokeynm here checking out the LXLE on distrowatch23:33
orst3ndw1 found that link as well but tryed that without any luck23:35
orst3nwell im going to sleep 4sure i will find a solution tomorrow, my brain is fuckedup right now23:36
orst3nthanks anyway gnite..23:36
psusiGallomimia, the EFI spec says it should be 100mb, but on a disk using 4kb sectors, that uses fat16 instead of fat32, and apparently there are at least one or two broken systems out there that don't recognize fat16, even though the efi specs say they should23:36
psusiso they raised the size in the debian-installer recently to 256m to make sure it is fat32 even with a 4k sector drive23:36
psusipersonally I think that was a bit of a knee jerk reaction but...23:37
bsdbanditi have a startup script in the /etc/init.d which i would like to add to upstart http://paste.pound-python.org/show/J3n9earX6EB80Fzkb0AK/23:39
gala_hi all23:39
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Cool.23:43
Aki-Thinkpadstrange question; is there any sort of official ubuntu sytax highlighting standard23:43
DonkeyHoteiBeldar: the resulting usb stick is having trouble booting23:44
BeldarDonkeyHotei, In what way, remember details matter. ;)23:44
DonkeyHoteii selected the install ubuntu boot option, connected to wifi, then the screen went black23:46
bsdbanditi have a startup script in the /etc/init.d which i would like to add to upstart http://paste.pound-python.org/show/J3n9earX6EB80Fzkb0AK/   anyone here good at creating custom upstart scripts23:46
gala_is someone here ware of some multi threaded unrar or any other program of which can use multiple cores to unrar archives with rarparts?23:46
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Right after the choice or you saw the desktop than the black?23:46
bsdbandit ?23:46
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Ah, you chose the install lets see if you get to the desktop.23:47
DonkeyHoteii just did a ps and xinit has zombie status23:47
Beldarbsdbandit, A question mark means nothing don't do that.23:47
bsdbanditno problem23:48
BeldarDonkeyHotei, I have to leave shortly for a music gig, but try to stick with what is asked of you and not just throw in command info, it just really makes it hard to help.23:49
Beldarbsdbandit, THanks. ;)23:49
=== aman is now known as Guest44890
DonkeyHoteirebooting doesn't even get me to the menu23:50
BeldarDonkeyHotei, YOu were there before right?23:50
bsdbanditso Beldar is there something that im missing23:51
DonkeyHoteibsdbandit: yes23:51
DonkeyHoteiBeldar: tes23:51
Beldarbsdbandit, If I knew I would have said. ;)23:51
bsdbanditi was  just asking im trying to be respectful i would like it if you did the same23:52
BeldarDonkeyHotei, It is not a perfect world, if that happens to me I try again, from a reboot or full shutdown.23:52
Beldarbsdbandit, I have been.23:52
Beldar!attitude | bsdbandit23:52
ubottubsdbandit: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:52
nicolasHello. Would anyone know how to set up a virtual camera? For use with things like Pidgin. Webcamstudio? Thanks.23:52
Beldarbsdbandit, I'm direct, I don't hold hands, I'm not new here or to linux.23:53
bsdbandithey Beldar i dont have an attitude i thought you were having an attitude this is why i came off that way bro23:53
bsdbanditneither am i im just new to  using  upstart23:55
dw1nicolas: webcamstudio is popular http://sourceforge.net/projects/webcamstudio/files/WebcamStudio4Linux/0.56/webcamstudio_0.56_all.deb/download23:55
raggghow come the default gnome-flashback.session files use unity-settings-daemon instad of gnome-settings-daemon?23:56
ragggif i am setting up a custom session with i3, should i also be using unity settings daemon instead of gnome settings daemon?23:56
ragggin ubuntu23:56
dw1raggg: some bug thing23:57
dw1raggg: theres a reason23:57
ragggdw1: safer to stick to unity settings daemon then?23:57
dw1raggg: i imagine so23:58
dw1raggg: cant find the bug but the change is mentioned at http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/universe/base/gnome-session-fallback23:59
dw1raggg: 3/1123:59

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