
ahoneybun_who do you have to talk to about sponsorship for Akademy?02:15
valorieahoneybun_: you apply to canonical04:37
=== 92AAA6XQQ is now known as frecel
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1323274] Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1323274 (by Martin Pitt)07:33
jussiRiddell: pingle07:44
jussiRiddell: please pm when you can07:44
Riddelljussi: morning08:02
=== vinay is now known as Guest31161
=== vinay is now known as Guest90274
apacheloggerdebian bug 64544008:23
ubottuDebian bug 645440 in polkit-kde-1 "obsolete conffiles not removed on upgrades" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/64544008:23
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1323274] Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1323274 (by Martin Pitt)08:34
shadeslayeryofel: any news on that kdeconnect SRU09:31
yofelI forgot, sorry :(09:31
* shadeslayer logs out from neon09:32
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1323274] Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1323274 (by Martin Pitt)09:35
apacheloggeroh, a wild shadeslayer appeared09:37
* shadeslayer swishes his cloak and disappears09:38
yofelit escaped09:45
shadeslayerScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeconnect/+bug/131936509:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1319365 in kdeconnect (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please update kdeconnect to 0.5.2" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:49
shadeslayerQuintasan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/128902609:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289026 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Trusty) "usb-creator-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteTLSysExtra() on exit" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:56
shadeslayerI fixed ye crash09:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://trello.com/c/b72xiNc610:10
shadeslayerwhere be this magical branch10:10
shadeslayeralso, are we continuing with python10:10
* shadeslayer throws a octopus at spotify for spamming me with notifications10:12
BluesKaj'Morning all10:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: lp:~apachelogger/software-properties/rip10:23
apacheloggerit's nowhere near usable, it's basically what I did to find the issues with the present code 10:23
apacheloggerit's pretty much removing the entire wiring between UI and code IIRC10:24
apacheloggerand replicating parts of what the gtk thing looks like10:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: where are we on sddm?10:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: fwiw I think the init scripts need fixoring10:28
shadeslayerwhich I shall do today/tomorrow10:29
shadeslayeralso, pid support is missing10:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: of sddm?10:29
shadeslayer*pid file10:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes10:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: isn't start-stop writing the pid?10:31
apacheloggernot very fancy10:32
shadeslayernot afaik10:32
shadeslayer       -p, --pidfile pid-file10:32
shadeslayer              Check whether a process has created the file pid-file. Note: using this matching option alone might cause unintended processes to be acted on, if the old process terminated without being able to remove the pid-file.10:32
apacheloggerfair enough10:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe just don't care and write a systemd unit instead ^^10:33
shadeslayerheh well10:33
shadeslayerdoes utopic use systemd yet10:33
shadeslayerI saw pitti doing thingums10:34
shadeslayerbut idk if there's a switch planned yet10:34
apacheloggerno, my point is if it works well enough it is good enough until systemd lands :P10:34
shadeslayerI need to blog10:34
apacheloggerso any time spent on making the sysvinit script perfect IMO is time wasted in the end10:34
shadeslayerso much stuff to do!10:34
yofelI think they're working on the switch, but for now they're restoring sysvinit compatibility10:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1323274] Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1323274 (by Martin Pitt)10:38
ghostcubeurgs systemd 10:48
=== soee_ is now known as soee
santa_Riddell: apparently you forgot to upload to bzr the debian/*.install files to the kf5 kdnss12:04
kubotusanta_ meant: "Riddell: apparently you forgot to upload to bzr the debian/*.install files to the kf5 kdnssd"12:04
ScottKshadeslayer: Did kdeconnect get verified?  Last I checked, it wasn't.12:07
Riddellsanta_: it's at bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdnssd-kf5/ and it has three .install files in it12:37
sgclarkAnyone available to help me with this debian merge diff  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7529015/ 12:40
* Riddell looks12:41
Riddellsgclark: which is which?12:41
sgclarkline one states which is kubuntu12:42
santa_Riddell: oh. it seems you have 2 bzrs for kdnssd kf5 based? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdnssd http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdnssd-kf5/12:42
Riddellsgclark: but go with whatever is in debian12:42
sgclarkRiddell: ok, thanks!12:42
Riddellsanta_: yep some packages we have to rename the source to as they have the same names in kdelibs4 land12:42
Riddellsgclark: .PHONY: override_dh_auto_test  this makes it not run dh_auto_test12:42
sgclarkRiddell: also I want to verify, they have a eigen3 patch but we do not because eigen3 is available, do I keep or remove patch?12:43
Riddell+$(overridden_command) -V -- -c0  that makes it not stop on a symbols change12:43
sgclarkahhh thanks12:43
Riddellsgclark: I think we're trying to move from eigen 2 to eigen 3 so keep the patch, I seem to remember sending that to upstream and/or debian in the hope they'd pick it up but it might be a good idea to send a reminder12:44
santa_Riddell: jftr the one without the -kf5 contains kf5 stuff, but that's obsolete I guess, thanks again for the info12:45
Riddellsanta_: or I pushed to the wrong place maybe12:47
sgclarkRiddell: also, what is going on with baloo, it is holding me up on kf5 progress12:47
Riddellsgclark: needs someone to finish it off, if it's holding you up then you can go ahead and do that12:48
santa_I did build baloo, had to change a bit the ubuntu packaging12:48
sgclarkRiddell: will do!12:48
santa_I can give you the changes if you want12:49
Riddellsgclark: seems source renamed to baloo-kf5 I guess (I can't think of a better name)12:49
Riddellsanta_: please do12:49
shadeslayerScottK: I verified it12:49
santa_sgclark: interesting for ubuntu, I have just completed the build depends12:51
santa_sgclark: http://paste.kde.org/pmo7pxh1o12:52
santa_btw what's the standard sources.list for a chroot to build kubuntus kf5 packages?12:53
santa_I tried to browse the documentation but got lost12:54
Riddellsanta_: just the same as any other? deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main universe12:54
santa_+ the ppa I guess12:55
Riddelland the qt5 ppa12:55
sgclarkI am lost. Who is doing baloo? I was removed as a maintainer?12:56
Riddellsgclark: go ahead and take it back12:56
santa_sgclark: I'm working for a debian derivative - siduction, I'm porting kubuntus packages12:57
santa_and I would like to send some changes back to kubuntu, that's it12:57
santa_I don't have permissions to push to your bzr repos12:57
santa_sgclark: just check the build depends I added, that's the only change interesting for ubuntu :)12:58
sgclarkok thank you12:59
santa_sgclark: also if you are on the mood, I could create some bzr branches in launchpad with changes I would like to include in kubuntu and request you a merge13:00
santa_I have seen various things to fix13:01
sgclarksanta_: ask Riddell about that13:01
Riddellsanta_: sure go ahead13:01
shadeslayerRiddell: you uploaded 4.13.0 but forgot to update bzr13:16
Riddelloh, doh13:18
Riddelldoes that screw up lots of things?13:18
shadeslayernot really13:19
shadeslayerRiddell: or possibly just my fuck up13:20
* shadeslayer needs coffee13:20
* sgclark does as well13:20
shadeslayerthough it fails13:24
shadeslayerbut yay13:24
* yofel notes that not updating bzr messes with the scripts - but that's about it13:29
yofelshadeslayer: IIRC we had another test related setting in pkg-kde-tools, not sure what that was about though13:30
shadeslayeryofel: oh?13:30
yofelremembered correctly:13:31
yofelqt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk:    -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=false \13:31
yofelmight mess with you13:31
shadeslayerI thought we used 213:33
yofeloh right13:34
shadeslayerinclude /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/debian-qt-kde.mk13:34
yofelfor some reason I thought the count started at 0 -.-13:34
ScottKsgclark: maintainer and uploader only really matter in Debian. 13:34
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1323274] Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1323274 (by Martin Pitt)13:45
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
sgclarkRiddell: paste.ubuntu.com/752964114:13
shadeslayeragateau: can you give me a link to your fancy KF5 graph14:14
santa_sgclark: the -dev package should depend on libkfilemetadata5 (= ${binary:Version})14:14
agateaushadeslayer: the big one?14:15
shadeslayeragateau: yes14:15
shadeslayeror just tier 114:15
santa_sgclark: that's why it failed to build for me14:15
agateaushadeslayer: I don't have an up-to-date version of it right now14:15
* agateau generates one14:15
* shadeslayer sends cookies to agateau14:16
agateaushadeslayer: actually I have one from last week, is it good enough?14:16
santa_shadeslayer, agateau: in case you are interested https://gitorious.org/siduction-kde-kf5/the_graph14:16
shadeslayeragateau: yes14:16
santa_that one is more packaging-wise14:16
santa_an edge a ->b means b build depends on any of the binary packages of a14:17
santa_giving you the order in which you should build the packages14:17
shadeslayersgclark: fwiw I'd suggest stopping on merges for today, I'm working out a plan so that we can get tests running again14:18
shadeslayeralso, archive is broken14:18
shadeslayerso can't build packages anyway14:18
agateaushadeslayer: http://agateau.com/tmp/kf5.png14:18
agateausanta_: weird, how comes kapidox depends on kconfig and ki18n?14:18
sgclarkshadeslayer: ok stopping!14:18
* sgclark is real upset about14:19
shadeslayersgclark: upset about?14:19
sgclarkit was a joke14:19
* shadeslayer can't build packages because archive is kaput :(14:19
santa_agateau: just see the build depends14:19
santa_perhaps they are wrong, I don't know14:20
agateausanta_: where can I see those?14:20
santa_but that's what we have in the packaging14:20
santa_agateau: inspecting the debian/control file of kapidox14:21
sgclarkshadeslayer: this doesn't affect kf5 stuff or does it?14:21
shadeslayersgclark: probably does14:21
sgclarkshadeslayer: oh ok14:21
santa_agateau: https://code.launchpad.net/kubuntu-packaging -> kapidox -> "browse the code"14:23
shadeslayersgclark: see #ubuntu-devel14:23
agateausanta_: thanks. looks odd14:24
agateauRiddell: why does kapidox depend on kconfig, kjs and ki18n?14:25
santa_agateau: btw it's done by hand, it may have mistakes. I would write an script to do it automatically but I didn't get enough time14:25
santa_so allways check the control files when you are in doubt14:26
agateausanta_: I am not a packager14:26
santa_ah, ok14:27
santa_but you are a kde developer aren't you?14:27
Riddellagateau: it only Depends: python14:27
santa_your name sounds familiar to me somehow14:27
agateauRiddell: oh, that's build-depends14:27
shadeslayerRiddell: have you thought about collaborating with Debian on KF514:28
Riddellagateau: oh yes, looking..14:28
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, they're all aware that we're packaging it, I've been asking their advice whenever I'm unsure to make sure the packages are useful, they have nobody able to spend time on it for now but I really hope they take our kf5/plasma next packages when they do get onto it14:29
Riddellsgclark: I do have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkfilemetadata.so.4.97.014:31
Riddellsgclark: it's part of libkfilemetadata514:31
Riddellsgclark: I guess I just didn't fix the version number before releasing 4.96.0, naughty upstream riddell14:32
sgclarkRiddell: ok14:33
santa_well, the version is wrong, but still the -dev package misses a depend on libkfilemetadata514:37
Riddellagateau: yep, unneeded, removed14:42
agateauRiddell: thanks14:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping14:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: pong14:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: got anything for me, not archive related14:58
apacheloggersoftware-properties? :P14:58
shadeslayeruh yeah about that14:58
Riddelltest utopic images? I've not looked at them at all14:58
shadeslayernothing interesting there?14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: talk to cj about isos with ppas?14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: new stuff isn't deployed yet15:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: write up a wiki page on how to pull of the workspace migratin ... what to watch out for, general overview of the plan and stuff15:00
shadeslayerplus he's probably in malta, sprinting15:00
apacheloggerpatch review15:00
apacheloggerfigure out qapt i18n15:00
shadeslayerI hate patch review :<15:00
apacheloggerport qapt to qt515:01
shadeslayercould do that 15:01
apacheloggerrepoke blocked cards15:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: did some of that15:01
apacheloggerfigure out a way to upstream the gwenview on demand plugin install15:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do you propose doing that15:02
apacheloggerI was recently thinking... perhaps instead of patching gwenview we should make a kipi plugin15:02
apacheloggerthat handles the install15:02
shadeslayerso meta15:02
apacheloggerthat way aaaaaaaaallllllllll kipi enabled applications will by default have an actual entry in their listing (assumign they have one) which allows ondemand installation15:02
sgclarkRiddell: so I am still stuck with baloo, adding libkfilemetadata5 as a depend to -dev did nothing. Are you fixing libkfilemetadata5?15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: so, plugins are in categories, how do plan to deal with that15:15
Riddellsgclark: it just doesn't compile?15:20
sgclarkRiddell: correct, gets stuck on configure15:20
Riddellsgclark: do you have libkfilemetadata5-dev installed?15:21
sgclarkRiddell: yes15:21
Riddellhmm, let me try on a new chroot15:21
Riddellno problems on my local system but who knows what I have installed here15:21
santa_sgclark: same error as before :S ?15:22
sgclarksanta_: yes15:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: thoughts?15:22
santa_Riddell: I'm setting up a chroot and ppa to make a custom build of the packages targeted to trusty and thus fix some things I have found. I have uploaded a package but it just doesn't show up in my ppa15:29
santa_are unsigned uploads allowed?15:29
Riddellsanta_: no launchpad will need uploads to be signed15:30
santa_that must be the problem then15:31
DarkwingRiddell: Do you know anyone on the Debian KDE team?15:36
Riddellsgclark: ah hah, libkfilemetadata5-dev does not depend on libkfilemetadata515:38
Riddellsgclark: so install libkfilemetadata5 and it should be fine, I'll fix the packaging15:38
RiddellDarkwing: svuorela is one of the longest standing dudes15:38
DarkwingOkay, 15:39
Darkwingthanks. :D15:39
sgclarkRiddell: yup that fixed it, thank you15:42
Riddellfixed kfilemetadata5 uploaded15:42
santa_<Riddell> sgclark: ah hah, libkfilemetadata5-dev does not depend on libkfilemetadata515:43
santa_that's what I said, I tought you already tried that :)15:43
sgclarksanta_: added as a depend in the -dev not the build depend, that was the confusion. Fixed ow though. thanks15:46
santa_ah, ok lol15:47
santa_Riddell: wrt my ppa I have added my pgp key in launchpad and tried to upload a signed package, is that enough?15:48
santa_it doesn't show up yet15:48
yofelshould be enough, at least you now should get emails about what happend to the upload15:49
shadeslayersgclark: things should be good to go15:49
shadeslayersgclark: and try enabling tests again15:49
shadeslayerand see if they work15:49
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell ^^15:49
Riddellshadeslayer: what what?15:50
shadeslayerRiddell: KDE 4 merges, please start running tests via autopkgtest :)15:51
shadeslayerI think https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.13.0-0ubuntu4 onwards you should be able to run tests15:51
santa_yofel: ah, ok, got the mail this time, it says "Source/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed." what I should be uploading? only source? does the ppas have buildds to build the stuff automatically?15:52
yofelsanta_: yes and yes15:52
yofelyou can only upload source, binaries aren't allowed15:53
Riddellshadeslayer: is that the new-ish debian packaging testing method?15:53
yofelyou can see what they're doing on https://launchpad.net/builders if you ever feel that your upload is stuck in the queue15:54
Riddellhmm, looks scary http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git;a=blob_plain;f=doc/README.package-tests;hb=HEAD15:56
Riddellshadeslayer: could you send an e-mail with a summary about it to the mailing list?15:56
Riddellseems like something we all should know about15:56
DarkwingRiddell: what kernel are you guys using?16:00
DarkwingWant to return to Kubuntu but need the updates added to 3.14 :/16:01
DarkwingFor my laptop. 16:01
RiddellLinux gallus 3.13.0-24-generic  says my computer running trusty16:02
* Darkwing grumbles16:02
Riddell3.15 says utopic16:02
Riddelllive on the edge Darkwing http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20140527/16:03
santa_yofel: https://launchpad.net/~panfaust/+archive/kubuntu-kf5-experiments/+build/6045379 \o/ thanks for the help16:03
yofel3.13 on my T440 here (without a wireless driver which will probably  be in 3.16)16:03
Darkwingbingo. looks like the fix was released 3 days ago lol16:05
DarkwingI have a 2nd gen Carbon with the adaptive function row16:05
Riddellsounds like a funky keyboard16:05
DarkwingTook some time to get used to but, I like it.16:05
DarkwingThe only things I've had a hard time with the keyboard is the ~ key is in between the right Alt and Ctrl16:07
Darkwingand the Home . End keys replaced Caps Lock16:07
Darkwingdouble tap left shift for caps lock16:07
* Riddell out16:08
santa_sgclark: where is the ppa for qt5 which I presume you are using to build your packages?16:15
sgclarksanta_ ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/canonical-qt5-edgers16:17
santa_sgclark: so the sources.list line is? I'm familiar with *.deb packaging but I get lost easily with the ubuntu specific stuff16:25
santa_seems it should be this one https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa ?16:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/124746116:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1247461 in Ubuntu CD Images "Move live filesystem building into Launchpad" [High,In progress]16:30
santa_sgclark: oh, in any case it seems it's not being used by your ppa buildds https://launchpadlibrarian.net/176417921/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.kfilemetadata5_4.96.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa3_UPLOADING.txt.gz16:32
santa_so I won't use it either for now16:33
shadeslayeryofel: what's with https://trello.com/c/2rCE8EoT16:57
santa_sgclark: hey I'm wondering why you are not hitting this https://launchpad.net/~panfaust/+archive/kubuntu-kf5-experiments/+build/6045478/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.kcoreaddons_4.99.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:15
santa_I tought it would be a siduction specific thing17:15
santa_I had to change a lot of packages because of that17:15
shadeslayerinstall file looks wrong17:22
shadeslayersanta_: -- Installing: /build/buildd/kcoreaddons-4.99.0/debian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/modules/qt_KCoreAddons.pri17:22
shadeslayerso fix the install file I guess17:22
santa_shadeslayer: yeah, I know how to fix it, but I'm wondering why you (apparently) didn't hit it17:23
santa_can any of you confirm you can reproduce the issue?17:23
santa_if yes, there's a lot of packages to adjust17:24
shadeslayerpossibly something in Qt changed?17:26
santa_maybe, I'm using whatever is available in trusty17:27
shadeslayeranyway, I'm done17:28
shadeslayercya tomorrow17:28
santa_and for siduction debian sid's qt17:28
santa_shadeslayer: bye17:28
yofelshadeslayer: that's really a meta card because our scripts had 0 exception handling at the beginning17:36
yofelI think we have most issues covered now...17:36
sgclarksanta_: sorry I do not know what ppa that is you linking too, we did not have that issue, here is the log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/174689027/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.kcoreaddons_4.99.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa2_UPLOADING.txt.gz17:42
yofelsanta_: I do remember some talk a few days ago about changing some install paths, so maybe we just didn't hit it yet17:54
santa_I'm inclined to think you will, I'm digging into it17:55

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