
TBotNik_Walex2: OK, but if script, why not BASH, or do I need to interpret between the 2?00:05
TBotNik_Walex2: Sorry had to take care of things for a while!00:06
=== robert___ is now known as Logomachist
noaXessupgraded to 14.04.. dolphin don't show image dimension in side panel.. how to reactivate that?04:40
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BluesKaj'Morning all10:19
chachanmorning :)10:42
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest37566
=== Elle-Es-Dee is now known as Jews4Jesus
rpshahiHi can any one help me...installation configuration with windows 7..11:08
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BluesKajhi cers13:42
cersi have a question about my iphone13:43
cerscan you tell me how to connect my iphone 5 in kubuntu 14.04 ?13:43
cerscan anyone tell me how to connect my iphone 5 in kubuntu 14.04 ?13:44
cersany idea ?13:45
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:47
cersthank you ubottu13:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:21
webber_i'm using a radeon r9 290 (with 290x bios), when using wine, should i be using the open source drivers or the fglrx / fglrx-updates ones??14:39
MCHammer_I've just downloaded several updates on a Kubuntu 12.04 machine, which required a restart.  After the restart, I'm unable to log in to KDE; I just come back to the login screen.  I've tried creating a new user through the console, and the same thing happens.14:39
webber_same question goes for if not using wine14:40
webber_i'm using the latest version of kubuntu14:40
jussiMCHammer_: have you attempted to update again?  perhaps some packages were not yet built or otherwise not fetched?14:40
MCHammer_jussi: no.  Good idea.  I'll try that  now.14:41
BluesKajMCHammer_, have you tried updating and upgrading again in the virtual konsole/tty?14:41
BluesKajjussi, :)14:42
MCHammer_BluesKaj: trying it now14:42
BluesKajwebber_, dunno how well the fglrx driver works anymore, i hear there are problems with it14:43
webber_i could indeed not get anything in wine to work with them14:43
webber_but i'm new to linux (installed it yesterday)14:43
webber_so i figured maybe there's some way to fix that or something. i'd really love to stay and contribute when i can. but first i must get my experience and feel back, like i had on dos ~ win714:44
BluesKajwebber_, what are you running in wine?14:44
webber_i'm trying to get HEX to work, (hextcg.com)14:45
webber_been trying for over 20 hours by now14:45
MCHammer_jussi, BluesKaj: That did not work.  In fact, the only thing the update did was to remove old linux headers.14:47
jussiMCHammer_: hrm14:47
jussiMCHammer_: double check you have kubuntu-desktop installed14:47
webber_its a simple game, created in unity 3d, a bit to heavy for what it does but it should not be this low on fps. looks like my processor is doing all the work on its own14:47
MCHammer_jussi: confirmed kubuntu-desktop is installed14:48
jussiMCHammer_: Im sorry, Im out of ideas14:49
MCHammer_by the way, the "failsafe" options do exactly the same thing.14:49
MCHammer_OK, thanks.14:50
BluesKajwebber_, is this ubuntu or kubuntu, the driver for your gpu is supposed to be better than the windows driver in performance terms, but I see no alternatives to run your hex game except in wine as you say, however I do see in some forums that the game uninstallable with wine :/14:55
webber_kubuntu, are you talking about the open source driver?14:56
webber_also, my 7 year old laptop with an intel chipset runs the game just fine (better than it did on windows even)14:57
BluesKajwebber_, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2942114:57
BluesKajwebber_, yeah ati gpus are troublesome in linux nowadays14:59
webber_yea i've been there. i just find it odd that it works perfectly on my laptop with a clean kubuntu + open source drivers + wine 1.6, but it does not on my pc with a 500 dollar graphics card14:59
BluesKajwebber_, does ati have a linux driver for your gpu available on their site?15:01
webber_yes, i believe so15:02
BluesKajnormally we don't recommend that, but it might be worth a try15:03
webber_yes it does15:03
webber_i already tried that one15:03
BluesKajthen I'm out of ideas, webber_15:07
webber_BluesKaj, allright thanks for your input!15:07
BluesKajmy experience with ati used to be great, but since 8.10 (when amd bought ati) I've stuck with nvidia15:09
geniiI also used to be an ATI fanboy but stick mostly with NVidia now15:11
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webber_BluesKaj, This is the error log i get with any other driver than the open source one. (this particular one is from the AMD driver from the official AMD website) : http://pastebin.com/bp1t2FyN15:32
BluesKajwebber_, sorry, not real familiar with wine errors... not much of a gamer16:16
=== robert___ is now known as Logomachist
sanjebHi all18:32
sanjebhow can I put files in my virtual box running windows?18:33
sanjebanyone there?18:39
lordievadersanjeb: Vbox supports file sharing/18:41
lordievaderProbably easiest to use that.18:41
sanjebok, will check it again18:42
=== Elle-Es-Dee is now known as Jews4Jesus
=== Jews4Jesus is now known as ricketflick
delightwhy isn't kdeconnect installed by default ? I have the feeling it should as it is advertised in the new features of 14.0420:52

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