
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
jtvLarge branch up for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/wean/+merge/22103007:46
rvbajtv: I'll take it.07:46
=== Jarek is now known as Guest48770
jtvSmall documentation branch for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/doc-import-sources-option/+merge/22103709:05
* jtv re-reviews rvba's branch09:06
rvbajtv: I just built a package from your "wean" branch and, when I run the import script, it still defaults to using /etc/maas/bootresources.yaml… I guess I did something wrong…09:19
jtvLemme look...  May be a merge problem.09:20
jtvrvba: are you quite sure you've got my branch?  r2374?  I see no way it could be reading that file.09:21
rvbajtv: yes, that's the right branch, revision 2374.09:22
rvbajtv: arg!  I think the package from trusty took over :/09:23
jtvThat'd do it.09:23
rvbabigjools: shouldn't the packaging reference 1.5.1 (or even 1.5.2) now that 1.5.1 has been released?09:25
rvbaIn debian/changelog I mean.09:25
bigjoolsrvba: it does09:26
bigjools1.5.3 in fact :)09:26
rvbabigjools: I see… the Trusty packaging.09:26
bigjoolssee the packaging.trusty branch09:26
bigjoolsthe mainline needs updating to 1.609:27
rvbaSo packaging should reference 1.609:27
rvbaRight :)09:27
* rvba updates.09:27
bigjoolsneeds doing sooner so there's no archive conflicts09:27
rvbaI couldn't agree more.09:27
rvbajtv: now I've got the right package instead and I get this when I run the import script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7528019/09:32
bigjoolsrvba: just bump the version09:32
rvbabigjools: so, what does "New upstream release" means?09:33
bigjoolsrvba: exactly what it says!09:33
bigjoolsthere has been no release on the 1.6 branch09:33
bigjools(aka trunk})09:34
rvbabigjools: ah, okay, I see.09:34
jtvrvba: funnily enough I was just writing an MP for the fix for that...  Graham left a small bit out there.  The --sources-list option is mandatory, and the way this is handled was broken.09:37
jtvrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/mandatory-sources-list/+merge/22105009:39
rvbajtv: okay, I guess I'll review that now :)09:39
jtvThanks.  :)09:39
jtvSuper-easy branch for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/don_t-talk-about-the-bootresources.yaml/+merge/22105309:49
rvbajtv: on it09:50
jtvThanks.  By the way, I documented the sources yaml in the manpage, in an earlier branch.  :)09:51
rvbajtv: ah cool.  Maybe we should add a reference to that in what the user sees when he runs `<import-script> -h`.09:53
jtvGood idea.09:53
rvbaI'll do it09:53
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jtvI'm seeing some landing failures because of a rabbit error.  :(10:29
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=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
jtvWhoopsie.  Another Rabbit error, with clearer output this time: out of memory!10:51
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rvbajtv: small branch up for review if you feel like it: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/bootsource-doc-fix/+merge/22109114:54
jtvrvba: done14:58
jtvrvba: I have two branches up for review as well.  And with that I leave you for the night.  :)15:04
rvbajtv: I'll have a look now.15:04
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=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
onezero1With maas 1.5 I can no longer set           Default distro series used for commissioning18:58
onezero1The only option is Trusty18:58
roaksoaxonezero1: that's correct19:15
onezero1Is this change documented somewhere I missed?  Why the change?20:52
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
bigjoolsonezero1: it changed because that is now the minimum series you need for commissioning, it has dependencies only in trusty22:58
bigjoolsit has no bearing on what you actually deploy22:58
jerobaali need a book for ubuntu 14.04 mass and juju for a cloud lab23:22

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