
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 50 building (started: 20140527 02:10) ===02:10
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 50 DONE (finished: 20140527 03:25) ===03:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/50.changes ===03:24
=== tedg is now known as ted
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
kdub_cjwatson, is there a bug for that mir/libandroid-propreties-dev issue?06:39
kgunnsil2100: hey there, that silo where the arm64 issue popped up for mir appears to still be "building" for days? ...and i jenkins isn't displaying a "stop" icon (like i usually see) ? can you kill ?06:44
sil2100kgunn: ok, let me try aborting that06:44
sil2100hm, strange that it's not appearing06:44
* sil2100 actually thought that kgunn already aborted that06:45
sil2100That's probably our longest build ever ;)06:45
sil2100kgunn: aborted06:45
kdub_cjwatson, there's a bug+mir fix now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/132350406:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323504 in Mir "ci train blocked due to missing arm64 libandroid-properties-dev" [High,In progress]06:50
cjwatsonkdub_: not that I know of06:50
robruted, hey I saw your UAL request but it's not marked as 'ready: yes', are you still preparing that?06:54
tedrobru, Yeah, need a review from tvoss who is in a meeting.06:55
tedrobru, For the content-hub branch.06:55
robruted, ah ok. well I'm happy to assign it whenever, just ping me. thanks06:55
tedrobru, Cool, thanks06:55
tedrobru, If there are silos free I'd be happy to start it. I'm pretty sure the review will be simple.06:56
tedrobru, Just not publish until it gets reviewed.06:56
robruted, oh ok, for sure I can assign it now06:56
tedIt'll take a while to build with all the deps06:57
=== ted is now known as tedg
Mirvhmm, only 1 silo left07:26
MirvSaviq: no chance of landing splitting the greeter or suru theme before new unity8 landing? I'm just wondering because of the number of silos.07:30
SaviqMirv, yeah, I know07:33
SaviqMirv, I'll mark the ones that we can't do yet as flushable, in case07:33
Ursinhasil2100: hey :) I'm looking into cu2d code and saw the last commit was yours; it seems there is a file/symlink missing and a test is failing07:33
MirvSaviq: ok, thanks07:33
Mirvwe've the preprod silo as well so I guess with that and those I can assign the last one to mzanetti07:34
Mirvthere should be one silo freed too soon from mhr_307:35
sil2100Ursinha: oh! Which revision are you using? Latest?07:36
sil2100Since I thought I added all missing files07:36
sil2100Ursinha: (since yeah, I've missed one file before, but I thought I re-added it)07:36
Ursinhasil2100: I assume latest trunk, r59807:36
sil2100Maybe I didn't push07:36
sil2100Ursinha: ahah, right, I think I dreamt about the file being added, but didn't commit in the end07:37
Ursinhasil2100: thanks :)07:37
Ursinhasil2100: are the scripts on cu2d/citrain tested somehow?07:38
elopioplars or sil2100: All the gallery tests are failing for me on image 50.07:38
elopiois this the right command? phablet-test-run -p gallery-app-autopilot gallery_app07:38
sil2100Ursinha: I don't think so, I guess the only thing that is tested are all the tools being used - testing the citrain things themselves would be a bit too complicated07:39
sil2100elopio: hi! So, first of all in smoketesting we use gallery-app as a click package now, but it's still strange that all of them are failing for you07:40
Ursinhasil2100: got it07:40
sil2100ogra_: did you see the smoketest results for #50? psivaa told me that the system-settle tests didn't run (he'll re-run those after the meeting), but in overall we only got failures in shorts and filemanager o/07:42
ogra_sil2100, well, Wellark still needs to fix the constantly crashing indicator-network07:43
sil2100ogra_: yeah, well, I didn't say we don't have crashes ;) Just the image is getting greener somehow07:43
elopiosil2100: is this page maintained by you? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing07:43
sil2100elopio: no, I know I did some edits there though, but it seems a bit outdated indeed07:44
SaviqMirv, thanks, we'll clear the silo asap07:44
sil2100elopio: let me modify the gallery app commands07:45
elopiosil2100: I just found it, and liked it. But if it doesn't show the way you run the tests, it's not useful.07:45
sil2100elopio: right, it was being updated by various people, it seemed to have been a bit 'forgotten' recently though07:45
sil2100But let me fix that up07:45
elopiosil2100: thanks! I'll bookmark it.07:46
plarssergiusens: sorry, I think I asked this a while back but I don't recall. Where is click available for precise? and shouldn't it be in ppa:phablet-team/tools since it's now a dependency of phablet-tools?07:55
sergiusensplars: in the sdk07:55
sergiusensplars: I need to remove that dep though07:56
plarssergiusens: where is the ppa for it?07:56
elopiofginther: hello. This should fix the py3 package https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/unity-scope-click/autopilot-install_py3/+merge/22098208:04
elopioalready landed on devel, so it would be nice if you can give it another try.08:04
fgintherelopio, trying again08:06
cjwatsonplars,sergiusens: it would be vaguely nice to know when we can stop supporting precise in click08:10
cjwatsonthere's some cognitive load on the source code from having to do that08:10
cjwatsonparticularly the test suite08:11
sergiusensnow that trusty is out, it should be easier to negotiate08:11
robrutedg, ping about pay-service08:15
tedgrobru, ping about ping about pay-service08:15
robrutedg, ok hey, so I just noticed that pay service is in both silo 17 and 18... silos are really crunched right now, so I'm going to free silo 17. that'll cause pay-service to get lost from the NEW queue, but it'll get back in there when silo 18 publishes. is that ok with you?08:16
robrutedg, sorry, strong language. I should say "I want to free silo 17", not "I'm going to"08:17
elopiosil2100: running the gallery tests as click fails too. robotfuel says that we need to generate a new click file.08:21
sil2100elopio: how many tests are failing?08:22
elopiosil2100: all of them, 37.08:22
sil2100elopio: since basically we had gallery-app tests running on smoketesting and all of them passed08:22
thomitrainguards - silo 19 is ready to land08:25
sil2100thomi: hi! Yes, we have that on our radar :)08:26
robruthomi, thanks. we have a meeting shortly and then will land it after that08:26
thomicool - just wanted to make sure, thanks guys08:26
sil2100thomi: we want to discuss it on the meeting, it will be landed today for sure just we wanted to have full test results before landing the new AP08:26
sil2100thomi: while there have been some infra issues with smoketesting08:26
sil2100ogra_, popey: meeting!08:31
tedgrobru, Let me see if I can find seb128 real quick to free it that way.08:32
robrutedg, that would also work ;-)08:32
sil2100psivaa, plars: are you guys busy?08:32
plarsdoanac: ping: did you push a fix yet?08:35
plarsdoanac: I heard there was some quick thing to fix08:35
plarsdoanac: nm, I think I see what needs to change08:42
doanacplars: sorry - i patched it with psivaa earlier and pushed it in08:44
plarsdoanac: doh08:45
plarsdoanac: I just pushed also... I didn't see yours08:45
plarsdoanac: we were looking to rerun real quick though, so needed it in quickly08:45
doanacplars: sorry - should have pinged you. my bad08:45
tedgrobru, I can't find seb128 anywhere, so go ahead and deallocate.08:47
rsalvetirobru: sil2100: can I get a silo for line 40?08:48
tedgrobru, Stop! Found seb128, just a sec08:49
sil2100rsalveti: hi! hm, let us check08:50
tedgrobru, sil2100, can you guys reconfigure 18, forgot an MR :-/08:52
robrutedg, on it08:53
robrursalveti, also on it08:53
rsalvetisil2100: robru: thanks08:54
robrutedg, ok, please build now08:54
robrursalveti, ok, you got silo 808:55
tedgrobru, Cool, thanks!08:55
robrutedg, oh, warning about upstart-app-launch. CI Train pukes hard if you try to rename a source package in an MP. so you should probably just manually merge that MP and then do a nullmerge in the silo in order to build & release the package08:56
rsalvetirobru: thanks!08:56
robrursalveti, you're welcome08:56
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
tedgrobru, Oh, okay. Can do, I'll stop the build.09:01
tedgrobru, Do I need the source package name to match the project name?09:04
robrutedg, oh yeah, that too, sorry09:04
robrutedg, yeah, rename the launchpad project, merge the merge, CI train will build it and it'll have to go through NEW when you publish. make sure everything else in the silo depends on the new package name so that none of it slips through -proposed prematurely09:05
cjwatsontedg: do you need the old name left around as an alias?09:14
tedgcjwatson, I don't need, but it might be handy for Google.09:16
ogra_tedg, whats the testplan for this landing ? i dont see anything on the spreadsheet (and would expect that it is intrusive enough to require running all AP tests against the silo)09:18
tedgogra_, Yes, sorry, I plan on doing that.09:18
ogra_ah, thanks :)09:19
tedgogra_, need to update the sheet :-)09:19
ogra_yeah, np ... i was just wondering09:19
davmor2Morning all sorry I missed the meeting only just managed to get online09:22
davmor2sil2100: is there a particular image you'd like me to try?09:22
davmor2ogra_: ^09:22
ogra_davmor2, 5009:22
ogra_(and morning :) )09:23
davmor2ogra_: will do09:23
davmor2ogra_: are the morning and afternoon meetings going on as normal?09:23
cjwatsontedg: ok, that's renamed for you with an alias, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch09:23
tedgcjwatson, Awesome, thank you!09:24
robruseb128, hi, I saw your request but unfortunately there are no silos to be had. maybe if you could NEW pay-service then we could free silo 17 ;-)09:24
sil2100davmor2: hi!09:28
sil2100davmor2: yeah, 50 would be nice :) Give us a sign if you want to block on the known issues09:28
ogra_davmor2, yesterday we skipped the evening meeting (because it clashed with a dinner event) .... not sure if we plan to hold it today ... up to sil210009:29
seb128tedg, robru: NEWed09:32
tedgseb128, Thanks!09:33
tedgrobru, Do I need to clean now, or wait for it to go through?09:33
robruseb128, thanks!09:33
seb128robru, is indicator-printer going to be targetted to trusty or utopic? (how does that work?)09:34
robrutedg, hmmm, best to wait for it to get through proposed, then I have to clean it09:34
tedgrobru, Okay09:34
robruseb128, are you SRUing it? it has to be fixed in utopic before you can SRU it...09:34
seb128robru, yes and not it doesn't09:35
seb128well it does, but we are handling that as well (larsu is putting a mp up)09:35
seb128so it's going to land before the SRU team reviews it09:35
seb128the one currently listed is the SRU one09:35
robruseb128, ah I see. so your branch is specifically for trusty?09:36
robruseb128, I get to choose what series is targetted when I assign the silo09:36
seb128robru, l41 is trusty, l43 utopic09:36
seb128I updated the description09:37
robruseb128, ah ok. yeah once we get a free silo I'll assign a new one and I'll make sure they are targetted correctly09:37
robruseb128, if you could maybe NEW signon-apparmor-extension as well we could free yet another silo ;-)09:37
seb128let me have a look09:38
elopiosil2100, robotfuel: I reflashed and now all gallery tests pass.09:38
elopioit's weird, but works for now.09:38
robruseb128, thanks09:38
sil2100elopio: phew, hm, did you do a complete bootstrap?09:38
tedgrobru, Can you reconfigure 18 again please? Got the project renamed.09:40
elopiosil2100: I'm with dual boot, so I went to cyanogenmod, removed ubuntu and reinstalled it. I think that's the same as --wipe.09:41
robrutedg, ok, going09:41
seb128robru, NEWed09:41
robruseb128, thanks!!09:41
robruseb128, that one was waiting for weeks ;-)09:42
tedgrobru, Great, thanks!09:42
robrutedg, done09:42
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robrutedg, ah, with silo 17 landed now, you'll have to rebuild pay-service in silo 18.09:52
robruseb128, ok, i got you silo 17 for trusty09:57
seb128robru, thanks09:57
robruseb128, you're welcome!09:58
tedgrobru, Oh, okay.09:59
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: yeah no worries popey isn't around till thursday Iirc I'm going to be on-line from 9:00-18:00 BST so an hour out on you guys so if you need me a meeting for anything just give me a ping with a hangout or whatever :)10:02
dbarthrobru: hi, are you in malta!?10:11
robrudbarth, yes I am!10:11
dbarthah cool10:11
dbarthso i finished silo 1410:11
robrudbarth, so I think we can publish your silo soon, but our plan is to kick an image build with just autopilot (which is in proposed now), so it might take a little bit to get autopilot landed, then an image kicked, then I can publish your silo. 3-4 hours maybe.10:12
robrusil2100, ^10:12
dbarthhowever i will need more work on the greasemonkey silo this week (can't retake a silo for it just yet)10:12
robrudbarth, yeah there are zero silos available right now ;-)10:12
dbarthrobru: ok, s'fine10:12
dbarthand i'm now moving to the OA one10:13
sil2100robru, dbarth: right, as robru said, we want to first kick a new image for autopilot10:13
dbarthok, np10:13
sil2100Autopilot still in proposed, let me look what's up10:13
robrusil2100, i think autopkgtests are still running10:14
sil2100robru: they're done now, should migrate in a moment10:14
sil2100So we should be able to kick a new image soon10:14
robrusil2100, so i'm going to watch rmadison this time in order to avoid kicking an image prematurely10:14
=== josharenson is now known as josharenson_lunc
popeyyou know it's lunchtime in Malta.. when everyone leaves the channel at once ☻10:37
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
t1mppopey: or the network broke ;)10:46
popeyt1mp: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1322527  ?10:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1322527 in Ubuntu Terminal App "Terminal app shows no text in #44 on mako" [Critical,Triaged]10:51
popeyseems something between #36 and #38 broke the terminal ☹10:51
popeyhttp://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/38.changes only thing that looks likely is qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin or ubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme10:52
popeydunno who might be able to help debug that.10:54
t1mpzsombi: ^ do you think that bug may be related to textfield changes?10:57
t1mpmy first guess would be some settings/statesaver issues, but I don't see changes for that in our changelog10:58
t1mppopey: did you try it on a desktop?10:59
zsombit1mp: we saw that first time with Qt5.3, but seems that has been sniffed in earlier. If you change the color/size of the font, the text will be shown. I don't have anything that changes the color of the text in TextField...10:59
zsombit1mp: or TextArea.... that has not been changed at all.10:59
zsombipopey: ^^10:59
robruogra_, rsalveti, cyphermox: whoever's around, can somebody kick a new image build?11:18
robrutedg, your newest request got silo 311:25
t1mppopey: how do I run terminal-app on a desktop?11:28
t1mppopey: somehow I am not getting the import right http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7528651/11:28
=== tedg is now known as ted
rsalvetirobru: would just like to land one minor fix first, would that be fine?11:30
rsalvetirobru: can you get me a silo for 44?11:30
rsalvetirobru: should be a quick one11:30
robrursalveti, there's no silos! :-(11:31
rsalvetirobru: will just dput it then11:32
rsalvetirobru: should be done with it in a few minutes, then we can trigger a new build, if you don't mind11:32
robrursalveti, alright11:32
t1mppopey: ok, I got it to work by creating org/kde/ and linking konsole in there11:33
robrusil2100, btw ^11:33
robrusil2100, (the stuff about image building I mean ^^)11:33
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
plarssil2100: you probably saw, but the results are all refreshed for 5011:34
sil2100rsalveti: so, we landed autopilot and first we wanted to kick a new image with that - but if that's a small change than I guess we can land it ;)11:35
sil2100plars: excellent, thanks, let me take a look11:35
rsalvetisil2100: yeah, small, and only emulator related11:35
sil2100rsalveti: love those, land and kick an image if you can :)11:36
rsalvetisure :-)11:36
robruseb128, your other printer landing got silo 19 for utopic11:39
sil2100ogra_: test result wise we look good (the terminal failure pisses me off a bit though), but we seem to have more crashes11:42
sil2100ogra_: the usual ones though that we know11:42
sil2100ogra_: so nothing new, but going in the right direction11:42
=== ted is now known as tedg
sil2100rsalveti: could you give us a sign once the new image is kicked?11:53
rsalvetisil2100: sure, hopefully in ~15 min11:53
ogra_sil2100, the terminal one is serious ... we need to find an owner for that since it is very user visible ... (terminal is unusable without fiddling in the settings first)11:53
sil2100ogra_: yeah, currently terminal has no official maintainer, but I saw Victor doing a lot of development there11:54
sil2100ogra_: so I'll ask him to take a look11:54
sil2100ogra_: btw. I already sent an e-mail to the filemanager maintainer about the failing tests11:55
popeyt1mp: zsombi_ sorry, was afk, yeah, it fails on first start every time, and is fixed whenever you fiddle with any font stuff in settings.11:56
t1mppopey: I'm debugging11:57
zsombi_popey: I'm wonder how the text input is set up there....11:57
t1mppopey: looks like it broke with my changes (r1048 of UITK), but I don't know yet why11:57
popeyt1mp: thanks.11:57
t1mpI'm thinking something changed in the order of initializing components, and some binding/connection is set up at the wrong time now?11:57
ogra_sil2100, great12:02
ogra_sil2100, so i signed up for a landing team lightning talk tomorrow12:03
sil2100ogra_: excellent12:05
rsalvetirobru: you should do a lighting talk to show your cool system12:09
rsalvetisil2100: robru: just waiting package to move from proposed and will trigger a new image12:09
robrursalveti, hah, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I should12:09
rsalvetirobru: sure :-)12:09
sil2100rsalveti: thanks :)12:10
dbarthrobru: btw, i removed the branch that you had already merged in silo 10 (line 16)12:38
robrudbarth, hey sorry, which one did I merge?12:40
dbarthrobru: the one with signon-plugin-oauth212:41
dbarthlast week or so12:41
dbarthi'm re-testing now but may need a final reconfig of the silo before asking to land12:41
dbarthanyway post the image today12:41
dbarthhmm, i mean, "after" the image is made today12:42
sil2100ogra_: so! Can I have a selfish request for your changelog generating script? ;)12:42
robrudbarth, for sure I can reconfigure, no worries.12:42
sil2100ogra_: could you add the version number to all new packages appearing in the image? It's a one-liner, but it will change the looks of the changelogs12:43
sil2100ogra_: not super required, but it would easen some of the workarounds I'm doing12:43
robrudbarth, sorry did you want me to reconfigure it right now?12:43
robrudbarth, it will need a reconfig if that entire project no longer has any merges in the silo12:43
dbarthyeah, if you can do now, that'll be safe12:44
dbarthi'm not blocked anyway, i'm already testing the packages that have be redone anyway12:45
robrudbarth, ok, on it12:45
ogra_sil2100, i'll look into that, buut not this week12:54
robrursalveti, hey, just curious about that upload were you doing... did you get that done yet?12:54
rsalvetirobru: yup, waiting the migration12:54
robrursalveti, cool, thanks12:55
ogra_rsalveti, fuel it up ... it takes forever !12:55
rsalvetilp already thinks it's in release12:56
rsalvetiso it should be soon12:56
ogra_yeah ... rmadison doesnt yet though12:56
sil2100Mirv: hi! Do you know if a new version of shorts app has been built?12:57
Mirvsil2100: let me check12:57
davmor2sil2100: got some serious issues on 50 with dialer/messaging/contacts I'm just turning it off and on again12:58
sil2100Mirv: can you check on what revision was the last package built12:58
sil2100davmor2: what's the problem?12:58
Mirvsil2100: looks like it, 237 http://s-jenkins:8080/job/rssreader-app-click/137/12:59
rsalvetirobru: sil2100: migrated, can I trigger a new image?12:59
davmor2sil2100: I think the issue lies with contact sync not working on this fresh install and it has had an adverse effect on the apps that use contacts12:59
sil2100rsalveti: sure :) THanks o/13:00
rsalvetisil2100: ogra_: robru: done13:00
sil2100ogra_: ^ image building13:00
sil2100davmor2: so, how does the problem look like? What's happening?13:01
ogra_so theoretically mterry could land his stuff now ;)13:01
sil2100ogra_: right13:01
dobeyseb128: hey, i think i heard you and ted discussing yesterday that a coredev or something needs to review anything that has packaging changes?13:02
davmor2sil2100: so dial displayed the touch pad then completely locked up, messaging app took about 2 minutes to open, Contacts app just stayed white13:02
sil2100Oh crap13:02
sil2100davmor2: what was the last working image that you tested?13:02
sil2100Mirv: thanks! Looking at that13:03
sil2100Oh, strange, I don't have access to s-jenkins on my VPN13:04
davmor2sil2100: so reboot and now everything works but I have no contacts. so I hit the sync button and now everything is good.  I'm assuming that the google sync managed to get locked I'll dig into it a bit more and get back to you13:04
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 51 building (started: 20140527 13:05) ===13:04
seb128dobey, correct13:05
sil2100davmor2: ok, thanks! It's anyway a problem worth noting, especially that 3 key components were locked up13:05
sil2100davmor2: there are anyway 2 other issues that I guess are still present (one of which seems to be a design decision)13:07
dobeyseb128: ah. what team is it? i a have a branch that changes the soname of a lib and updates the symbols file13:07
sil2100davmor2: not sure if you think we should block on those or not13:07
seb128dobey, whoever would have upload rights for the package13:07
sil2100davmor2: i.e. not being able to disconnect from the current AP and the second is the camera app being broken13:07
dobeyso any motu? :P13:07
sil2100davmor2: both seem minor, especially that the camera app one wasn't noticed for like ages13:08
* sil2100 hopes to become a MOTU soon, keeps his fingers crossed13:08
robrursalveti, oh, thanks for starting the image build13:20
davmor2sil2100: okay so it looks like it migh of been a networking issue cause I can't reproduce it but I think I'll write a bug saying that contacts failing to sync should be handled better.13:55
* ogra_ sees "remaining silos: 0" and waits for the world to implode13:59
sil2100ogra_: no worries! We'll survive ;)14:09
jameshAre utopic Jenkins jobs running on Utopic's 3.15 kernel?  I was running into some AppArmor/D-Bus failures that may be related to that kernel version14:11
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 51 DONE (finished: 20140527 14:20) ===14:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/51.changes ===14:19
=== tedg is now known as ted
bfillersil2100: I need a silo for line 31 please14:41
robrubfiller, hey, sorry there are no silos at the moment... you're first in line when one opens up though14:43
sil2100bfiller: hi! So, we're critically low on silos right now... waiting for some stuff to land14:43
bfillerok thanks14:45
robrukgunn_, hey, you around? I just noticed that silos 1 and 15 are "testing only" and aren't ready for publishing... we're out of silos, do you mind if we free one of those?14:46
robruSaviq, also silo 6, can I free that please?14:47
* davmor2 needs to go get his car biab14:49
tedrobru, sil2100, I'm confused on how this is failing, can you guys look?  https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-018-1-build/53/console14:54
* ogra_ guesses it simply doesnt want to be renamed14:57
kgunn_robru: go for it...i'd prefer to give up 15 i think14:58
robrukgunn_, great, thanks14:59
robrubfiller, ok, got you silo 1515:24
bfillerrobru: thanks15:25
robrubfiller, you're welcome15:25
robrusil2100_, hey silo 20 says testing pass, do we dare publish unity8 right now? I really need a silo...15:26
sil2100_robru: yeah, we need to do that anyway, mterry is waiting for unity8 to land before he can publish his greeter split15:27
robrusil2100_, oooooh ok i'll publish it now!15:27
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-sprint
robrusil2100, https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/IS/SSHebang15:50
sil2100ogra_: reminding about teh meetin!16:00
ogra_=== IMAGE 50 Promoted ===16:14
ogra_davmor2, did you notice that if you start an app from the launcher you get the icon shown twice in there ?16:22
ogra_(i dont thinnk i saw that on 44)16:22
davmor2ogra_: I don't however I had some issues last week with icons randomly disappearing16:23
davmor2ogra_: I have 2 apps open right now that have been opened from the launcher and neither have a second icon16:23
ogra_weird, i have three opened and all three are doubled16:24
ogra_(ask sil2100 ... i'm not lying)16:25
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
davmor2ogra_: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-27-173230.png16:33
davmor2ogra_: and these are the apps I  have open http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-27-173401.png16:34
ogra_davmor2, use an app that hasnt been in the launcher before, start that one ... i see it with apps that i added myself ages ago16:35
ogra_(by hold -> lock to launcher)16:35
davmor2ogra_: right so not the standard apps you mean16:35
ogra_i have G+ in there for example16:38
* ogra_ goes to find dinner (or beer or whatnot)16:39
davmor2ogra_: http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-phone/device-2014-05-27-174006.png16:40
popeyogra_: #51 has started with wifi down again for me.17:48
popeycyphermox: ^17:48
t1mpis autolanding down for ubuntu-ui-toolkit?17:52
t1mpwe have 6  MRs waiting to be merged here https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+activereviews some were happroved 7h ago17:52
t1mpkalikiana: what's up with this MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/noFontsHere/+merge/22068317:53
t1mpkalikiana: ^ is it intentionally targeting lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit?17:53
kalikianat1mp: no :-(18:08
kalikianat1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/noFontsHere/+merge/22113218:14
t1mpkalikiana: I happroved it again18:16
t1mpI don't know if that helps, nothing seems to autoland today18:16
t1mpoh.. something did land today. weird18:18
rsalvetipopey: clean flash or just upgraded it via settings?22:18
popeyoh, OTA22:19
rsalvetipopey: hm, that shouldn't happen22:19
rsalvetipopey: did you get any logs?22:19
popeyrsalveti: no, i enabled wifi after no reply22:20
rsalvetipopey: that's fine, syslog might still be useful though22:20
* popey pastebins22:21
popeyrsalveti: http://popey.com/~alan/syslog22:27
rsalvetipopey: thanks, will check this again with cyphermox tomorrow, too drunk to do anything useful right now22:33
rsalvetibig log22:34

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