
mitya57larsu: Which gtk bug?06:06
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desrtseb128: hi :D06:40
seb128desrt, howdy06:40
larsumitya57: this one https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72272706:41
ubot5Gnome bug 722727 in Theme "Widget state CSS pseudoclasses should work on all selector elements" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]06:41
mitya57larsu: ok, feel free to comment & reject.06:43
larsumitya57: heh, okay06:48
sil2100didrocks: hi! So, I duplicated the meeting event, you can remove yours I guess ;)06:57
didrocksthanks sil2100!06:58
* didrocks does06:58
didrocksLaney: \o/ yeah07:03
larsuLaney: rishi had a good point about my patch (only enable app-paintable when transparency is on). Please wait a bit with your review ;)07:08
Laneyyeah, was waiting for the go ahead anyway07:08
larsuok cool07:08
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darkxsthey seb128 Laney larsu08:36
Laneyhello darkxst08:49
larsudarkxst: hi08:52
darkxstany progress on gtk update?08:53
larsumaybe Laney uploaded it accidentally?08:54
Laneysomebody greased my gpg key08:55
Laneythings just keep sliding off it08:55
Laneyjoking aside, I think larsu is working on it but dialogs require fixing08:56
Laneyit'll take time08:56
darkxstarent the dialogs just an xsettings to disable headerbars?08:57
mitya57I think we just need to make unity-settings-daemon support that Xsettings key and export it, yes08:59
darkxstmitya57, yeh that is easy to fix09:00
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darkxstso there must be other issues?09:04
larsudarkxst: that xsetting is only used to decide whether buttons are shown in the headerbar09:05
larsudialogs always use csd though09:05
larsuhaven't decided yet if we want that or if traditional titlebars are better09:06
mitya57Hm, then they have chosen a terrible name for that XSetting (Gtk/DialogsUseHeader)09:07
darkxstlarsu, which again would come down to ignoring the WM hints?09:10
larsudarkxst: which hints?09:20
darkxstlarsu, the motif WM hints09:22
darkxstunity should ignore them09:22
darkxstif you want titlebars09:22
larsuI don't think we can do that...09:22
larsuthere are a lot of windows that set those hints09:22
darkxstlarsu, there is only one specific hint, that controls the titlebars09:23
larsuplease let's not make this situation messier than it already is09:25
larsuif there's a hint that says "remove the title bar", unity should remove the title bar09:25
larsueverything else is madness09:25
darkxstlarsu, upstream don't quite agree with that!09:25
larsuwhy not?09:26
darkxstI spoke with them about adding a xsetting and/or theming attribute to control titlebars and they weren't to interested09:28
darkxstbasically said unity should ignore the hints if it wants real titlebars09:28
larsuright, but that's adding a new xsetting is different from changing an existing (very old) one09:29
larsuignoring the hint seems to be a very bad idea to me09:30
larsuI'd rather patch gtk09:30
darkxstlarsu, right, which is also what I intended to do, however upstream weren't interested and this was during our 3.10 cycle so I never bothered apart from a couple of hacked together PoC patches09:32
larsuif they're not interested, we'll just keep it downstream09:34
darkxstlarsu, sure, it just wasn't that important last cycle09:37
larsuLaney: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/gnome-terminal/update-restore-transparency-patch/+merge/22104909:38
larsulet's wait for rishi's opinion as well before merging it09:38
Laneylemme know09:39
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darkxstlarsu, I supposed that is based on Fedora's downstream patches?09:59
larsudarkxst: slightly modified, yes10:05
darkxstlarsu, ok10:10
darkxstI haven't had a chance to look over them yet, but have heard of there existence.10:10
aramlankhorst, hey! quick question about https://bugs.launchpad.net/oem-priority/+bug/130770110:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307701 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu Trusty) "xserver mouse pointer emulation from touch breaks with QML app." [High,In progress]10:21
aramlankhorst, is the fix in qtbase enough? or are you still working on fixing stuff in the x server as well?10:22
seb128happyaron, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~hennekn/ubuntu/trusty/ibus/bug-1240198/+merge/220843 ?10:22
seb128attente, ^10:23
seb128chrisccoulson, is https://launchpad.net/bugs/1236351 the compiler bug you mentioned yesterday?10:24
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1236351 not found10:24
mlankhorstara: it's in code review, see attached bug10:25
aramlankhorst, attached bug?10:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, yes (see also https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=983817)10:25
ubot5Mozilla bug 983817 in Spelling checker "[x86 Linux Ubuntu packages] crashes during spellchecker initialization (various textfield/textarea interactions) due to compiler bug using a 32-bit read for a read from an array of unsigned short" [Normal,New]10:25
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks, can you triage the bug/cvomment?10:26
mlankhorstara: it's fixed in the utopic package, 5.2.1+dfsg-1ubuntu1710:26
mlankhorstara: but it's queued for utopic, no idea how that's going *checks*10:26
aramlankhorst, OK, so with the fix in qtbase is enough10:27
mlankhorstshould be10:27
mlankhorstat least to avoid the issue10:27
araok, thanks10:27
mlankhorstit's queued for the qtbase-opensource-src sru too, but I have no idea how that's going10:28
mlankhorstafk, food10:29
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seb128attente, ubuntu-codesearch.surgut.co.uk/search?q=keyboardsrock11:31
seb128thanks firefox11:32
seb128that one is clickable11:32
attentethanks seb12811:32
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* xnox loves when my dns is used =)12:17
sarnoldxnox: it sure beats remembering the IP :)12:18
Laneychrisccoulson: https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/dbd3e5e0-bdec-4e24-9fc5-729722140526 ;-)12:21
chrisccoulsonLaney, mmmm, in the cycle collector - good luck with that one ;)12:29
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mlankhorstLaney: oh did you find my name in totem yet? :P16:01
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Laneymlankhorst: looks like you updated one of our default applications to a new upstream series without thinking about it20:03
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