
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
pittiNoskcaj_: merge flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound> am I touched-it-last? sure, please do06:09
Noskcaj_pitti, You were the last to look at it. oneric i think06:10
pittiapachelogger, ScottK: do you mind if I upload kde-workspace to put back the init.d script? (needed for insserv compatibility, it won't actually ever run on Ubuntu)06:25
pittifor bug 1323274, blocking https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/utopic/sysvinit/unreviewed/+merge/21999906:25
ubottubug 1323274 in kbd (Ubuntu) "Restore Debian's init.d script for insserv compatibility" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132327406:25
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dholbachgood morning06:39
pittiapachelogger, ScottK: well, I'll just do and take the bullets (it's just reverting that particular delta to Debian)06:39
TheMusogreyback: happy to meet up with you out where the coffee break is held.06:56
greybackTheMuso: ok, see you there06:57
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dholbach@pilot in07:21
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach, infinity
apacheloggerpitti: I'll only mind if you break something, that's my job :P07:21
pittiapachelogger: hehe; yes, of course07:22
pittiapachelogger: if it ever finishes building :)07:22
mterryjjohansen1, is there a bug for those lxc test failures?07:33
jjohansen1mterry: 132352807:36
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ogra_xnox, where are you hiding ?07:40
jjohansen1mterry: btw I am testing and will submit the fix for it soon07:41
mterryjjohansen1, cool, thanks07:41
Shockpitti: can you take a look at bug #1247584 and tell me if there's anything else I need to do or I can consider it done?07:42
ubottubug 1247584 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[keymap] Since upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10, udev doesn't map middle mouse button." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124758407:42
pittiShock: hey! yes, I saw your response yesterday07:42
pittiShock: thanks for your patch!07:42
Shockpitti: sure07:42
pittiShock: I probably won't get around it this week (sprint), but it's on my TODO list now07:42
pittiShock: so from your POV it's "done"07:43
Shockpitti: cool, thanks07:43
xnoxogra_: studio 8 at the moment07:43
xnox(on the sunset strip)07:43
xnoxwgrant: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu-touch.utopic/touch.sources ~ 226 source packages07:44
ogra_xnox, we need to talk if you are not in a meeting anymore07:45
wgrantxnox: Plus core, I suppose?07:45
xnoxwgrant: yeah.07:45
wgrantRight, vaguely manageable.07:46
xnoxwgrant: yeah, i would have thought some of kde ppas are bigger.07:46
wgrantThey're a bit of a problem, but yeah.07:47
cjwatsondoko: Would you mind having a look at the wxwidgets3.0/arm64 build failure?  ICE, I'm seeing something that looks similar in redeclipse/arm64, but am in meetings and haven't had a chance to investigate properly yet07:51
cjwatsonxnox,wgrant: touch inherits from sdk-libs, so I think you need to count that too07:52
pittixnox: could you put a quick look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/7527535/ ?07:53
cjwatsonlittle things like qtbase there07:53
pittixnox: in particular, for the "shim" nfs-common upstart job I supposed I should add a "stop on" for maybe runlevels 0 and 6?07:53
cjwatsonSo more like ~600 ...07:54
pittixnox: stop on runlevel [016] ?07:54
xnoxpitti: no, no stop on needed.07:58
xnoxpitti: let me double check.07:58
xnoxpitti: actually it should be "stop on (stopped idmapd and stopped gssd and stopped statd)" no?08:00
wgrantcjwatson: That'll be in the top 10, and might end up kicking me into making NMAF suck slightly less, but shouldn't be fatal. Thanks for the details.08:01
pittixnox: ah, I think an "or" in that case08:01
pittixnox: stop on (stopped idmapd or stopped gssd or stopped statd)08:01
cjwatsonwgrant: ok, sorry to accidentally blindside you08:01
pittixnox: cause if either is down, nfs-common is not "fully" running any more08:02
xnoxpitti: ack.08:02
cjwatsonwgrant: I think I tacitly assumed "will probably fit within default quota => not a problem"08:02
wgrantIt's number of packages rather than size of packages.08:02
wgrantNMAF index generation is unbelievably terrible.08:02
xnoxpitti: i'm ok with that, and that's a good state approximation.08:03
pittixnox: ack, thanks; testing now08:03
cjwatsonwgrant: yeah, that's obvious now you say it08:05
cjwatsonhmm.  struggling to think of an alternative, all the same08:05
wgrantNah, it's easy to make it not suck.08:06
cjwatsonderived distros obviously wouldn't work, and I don't think we should be creating extra distroseries for vendor-specific RTM projects08:06
wgrantBut if you were looking at more than a couple of thousand packages I would have died :)08:06
cjwatsonyeah, I think it will be impractical to make the PPA build entirely standalone for that reason08:06
zygaara: my desktop died08:06
wgrantImight get bored on the plane and fix it.08:06
evfooldoes anyone know about docs on how to do ubuntu online accounts integration?08:06
cjwatson(i.e. full germinate-speak depends+build-depends closure)08:06
zygaara: I managed to log in to see a stream of kernel errors related to NMI and USB08:07
zygaara: I need to have a look at it, maybe the fan is stuck or something08:07
cjwatsonwgrant: benefit of living in .au, lots of plane time to get bored in?08:07
wgrantI attempted it back in '09, but that was before anybody cared about performance, so it was never acceptable to people who could land it.08:07
seb128evfool, try asking mardy maybe, he can probably point you to the right direction08:08
evfoolthanks seb128, I'll ask mardy08:09
mardyevfool: hi! There aren't many docs at the moment, but I can hopefully help you :-)08:09
pittislangasek: do you have a minute to review http://paste.ubuntu.com/7527609/ ? that's a nontrivial (but not too complicated either) diff for nfs-utils08:10
mardyevfool: do you want to add support for a new service, or are you developing an application?08:10
evfoolmardy: I have found an html5 tutorial08:10
pittislangasek: I tested it in a VM (upgrade, various start/stop), and it works fine here08:10
evfoolmady: would like to add uoa integration for an existing app08:10
mardyevfool: OK. What application is it? Is it a HTML5 one?08:13
evfoolmardy: that would be straightforward based on the HTML5 tutorial, it's Vala, but C code would also help me08:14
evfoolmardy: just found your signong-glib-google-demo, trying to decipher it :)08:18
mardyevfool: there's a patch for shotwell (it's written in Vala) to add support for Online Accounts08:19
mardyevfool: you could do "apt-get source shotwell" to get it08:19
evfoolmardy: found it on launchpad already, in the deb folder, I assume 06_uoa.patch is the thing to look at ;)08:21
mardyevfool: yep :-)08:21
evfoolmardy: thanks, I'll try some stuff, and will ping you if I get into trouble08:27
dokocjwatson, arm64 recently has issues with precompiled headers, not reliably reproducible.  as a workaround build without pch. would like to wait until 4.9 is the default and see if this persists08:36
darkxstdholbach, infinity while your piloting would be nice if you could look at the mega cleanup of g-s-d! seems no one else wants to!08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1318539 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Vanilla gnome-settings-daemon 3.8" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:43
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dholbachdarkxst, I'll have a look, but I could imagine that I won't know enough about it to make a good decision08:50
pete-woodsmardy: hi, I'm trying to add a SSO provider for vimeo08:52
pete-woodsbut the process doesn't quite complete08:52
pete-woodsI have logging output from the signon-ui: https://pastebin.canonical.com/110741/08:53
pete-woodsit seems to get most of the way through the process08:53
pete-woodsbut the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?=&code=4ee3705aabf48607fb237a925f9fd68b4a0f2d7a URL looks a bit weird to me08:54
pete-woodsI can provide the provider / service files if that will help08:54
jameshjdstrand: hi.  Would you know how to debug why dbus on my laptop doesn't seem to be handling apparmor?08:55
mardypete-woods: hi! It's not clear from the logs what's happening; do you get to enter your username and password?08:55
mardypete-woods: yes please, so I can try here08:55
pete-woodsmardy: yes, I enter the credentials on the first page, it then does the usual "would you like to authorise this app" stuff08:55
pete-woodsmardy: but then when I click accept it dumps me out with no error08:56
mardypete-woods: it actually seems that the process completed successfully, I can see an authentication token in line 8908:56
jameshmardy: I passed on your debug tips to pete-woods.  It is handling the authorize workflow, but never converting the access code into a token08:56
cjwatsondoko: this one seems pretty reliable, FWIW ...09:00
dokocjwatson, ok, will try a local build09:00
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cjwatsondoko: I don't see a gcc option to disable precompiled headers - am I missing it?09:01
pitticjwatson: would you happen to know why this isn't in -proposed yet? it got uploaded yesterday: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot-gtk/1.4+14.10.20140526-0ubuntu109:04
thomipitti: the langing hasn't completed yet09:04
pittiit seems LP doesn't want to publish it?09:04
pittithomi: oh wow, you can upload something to Ubuntu and then kind of hold it back in limbo somehow?09:05
thomipitti: check silo 19 on the SS09:05
thomipitti: it didn't get uploaded to ubuntu09:05
pittiah, so that LP page is just utterly confusing then09:05
thomihmmm, yeah, it's odd that LP shows it has been uploaded09:06
cjwatsonpitti: The build was 22 hours old, but it was only very recently copied to -proposed09:06
thomisurely that doesn't include PPAs?09:06
cjwatsonpitti: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot-gtk/+publishinghistory makes it clearer09:06
cjwatsonthomi: Sure it does :)09:06
thomioh, ok, cool09:06
cjwatsonThe buildd still has to upload builds for PPAs09:06
pitticjwatson: aah, that makes much more sense now; thanks!09:06
cjwatsonAnd indeed in this case it was uploaded by the jenkins bot09:07
mardyjamesh, pete-woods: the token is there, but somehow after receiving it, the authentication plugin gets an error serverReply : "{"error":"application/vnd.vimeo.auth"}"09:07
cjwatsonYou have to get the source into LP somehow at some point09:07
jdstrandjamesh: I am going to point you at tyhicks09:07
cjwatsonThough you can then copy it around as much as you like later09:07
pitticjwatson: yeah, I was confused by "uploaded by ps-jenkins bot 22 hours ago"09:08
cjwatsonRight, that was the original source upload to the PPA09:08
cjwatsonBut yeah, I tend to reach for +publishinghistory pretty quickly09:08
cjwatsonSince that's comprehensible :)09:08
jdstrandjamesh: though, I'm curious what you mean by 'handling apparmor'09:08
jameshjdstrand: I'm getting errors when trying to execute org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionAppArmorSecurityContext09:09
jdstrandjamesh: is this on utopic or trusty?09:09
jameshe.g. "dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionAppArmorSecurityContext string::1.1" returns an error09:09
jameshjdstrand: utopic.09:10
jdstrandjamesh: and you said on desktop?09:10
jameshthat command returns "unconfined" on my phone hardware, and an error on desktop09:10
jdstrandactually, I don't think tyhicks is needed after all09:10
sarnoldhow up-to-date is your utopic desktop? apparmor hasn't been adapted to the changes in the new 3.15.x kernel yet09:11
jdstrandjamesh: the utopic desktop kernel does not yet have all the apparmor patches (it has what is upstream, not the additional stuff we are in the process of upstreaming)09:11
jameshand the phone has a completely different kernel09:11
jdstrandjamesh: that coming. if you boot a trusty kernel, that should unblock you09:11
jdstrandjamesh: yes09:11
jdstrands/that/that is/09:12
jameshthank you.09:12
jameshjdstrand: fyi: we should have the mediascanner QML bindings going through D-Bus shortly.  I'm now working on adding the apparmor hooks to it09:13
jameshthe next step is to get every client of the mediascanner going through d-bus09:13
jdstrandjamesh: nice! that sounds great :)09:15
jameshjdstrand: I'm a little concerned about encoding security policy directly into the daemon though (in particular, making decisions for particular security context labels)09:16
jdstrandjamesh: that is a workaround until there is trusted session support09:16
jdstrandjamesh: in mir. that isn't intended to be there forever. we don't now have a way to prompt the user if the access is ok (ie, you can't use trust-store) and we don't want to break the music-app, so we just do this09:17
jdstrandit is icky, but temporary09:17
dokocjwatson, it should be in the packaging. configure.in: bk_use_pch=no09:18
dokobut I'll try to reproduce it first09:18
jameshjdstrand: I was thinking more about the way media-hub encodes knowledge that an app has access to ~/.local/share/$package and ~/.cache/$package09:19
jameshwhich presumably wouldn't invoke a trust-store dialog09:19
jdstrandlet me look at the code real quick09:19
slangasekpitti: hmm, so, nfs-utils is a mess.  Are you readding the nfs-common init script because something depends on it?09:20
pittislangasek: yes09:20
xnoxslangasek: yeah.09:20
slangasekpitti: because we need to split this init script for proper systemd integration too, so I'd greatly prefer to move the other direction09:20
slangasekah, what depends on it?09:20
* pitti tries to find the pastebin again, hang on09:21
xnoxslangasek: but pitti only created a dummy upstart job (ala mountall.sh)09:21
slangasekbut IIRC, idmapd may not always start?09:21
slangasekditto statd09:21
xnoxslangasek: should it be just or'ed ?09:21
pittiutopic/etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh:# Should-Stop:       $network $portmap nfs-common09:21
pittiutopic/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server:# Required-Start:    $remote_fs nfs-common $portmap $time09:21
pittiutopic/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server:# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs nfs-common $portmap $time09:21
pittislangasek: ^09:21
slangasekah, nfs-kernel-server, hah09:22
xnoxslangasek: (sure the dependnecy will fire earlier then.....)09:22
slangasekso we at least could fix that in one place ;)09:22
pittislangasek: so, not that much, but these could still creep in with syncs/merges from other packages, so I thought it'd be cleaner to keep Debian's and shadow it09:22
cjwatsondoko: oh, you meant turn off pch in the gcc build, I thought you meant turn it off in the wxwidgets3.0 build09:22
slangasekpitti: right, but as nfs-utils comaintainer ;P, I'm planning to move this in the other direction in Debian09:22
jdstrandjamesh: ok, right. the point of media-hub and mediascanner is that they are trusted helpers. they are purposefully there to enforce access controls beyond the static apparmor policy. since media-hub and mediascanner2 allow access to other files, they need to be careful about how they do so09:22
pittislangasek: other direction sounds even better, of course09:23
jameshjdstrand: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/media-hub/trunk/view/head:/src/core/media/player_skeleton.cpp#L153 <- that's the code09:23
pittislangasek: do you plan to do that "soon", or can/should we use this to unblock the insserv transition (it09:23
pitti's the last affected package)09:24
slangasekpitti: I was certainly planning on doing it "soon", and think it would be easier if we didn't then have to unpick another Ubuntu-specific upstart job in the process09:24
jameshjdstrand: It just seems a bit weird to be repeating these parts of the security policy in each daemon (determining package names based on apparmor contexts, what files those contexts automatically have access to, etc)09:24
jdstrandjamesh: every trusted helper will be a little different. some, like location service, won't need to have more logic because they don't give out more access09:24
jameshbecause if we change details of the policy, we'd need to go through each of these services and update it09:24
jdstrandjamesh: most trusted helpers don't have to do this09:26
jdstrandjamesh: and we don't expect the paths to change, cause the specification is using standard XDG directories09:26
pittislangasek: so the other option which wouldn't introduce blocking right now is to drop that shim upstart job and just drop the dependency in nfs-kernel-server?09:26
slangasekpitti, xnox: anyway, I'm not exactly sure which of the components of nfs-common is a prereq for nfs-kernel-server, but each of these is possibly not going to start on boot and could block09:27
slangasekpitti: I wouldn't want to just drop the dep either09:27
pittislangasek: ATM we only have an init.d for nfs-kernel-server and upstart jobs for nfs-"common"; how is that dependency being enforced right now?09:29
dokocjwatson, no, turn it off in the wxwidgets build09:31
slangasekpitti: because the nfs-kernel-server init script starts in runlevel 2 and the upstart jobs 'start on local-filesystems'.  If you have both nfs mounts and nfs-kernel-server there's guaranteed ordering, if you don't have nfs mounts there's a race but nfs-common has a head start09:32
pittislangasek: ah, ok; so isn't that the same with changing nfs-kernel-server to either drop the nfs-common dep or drop it to should-start?09:32
pittislangasek: (to avoid having to clean up nfs-common.conf later on after you do the split)09:33
cjwatsondoko: oh, ok.  let me know if you want me to upload that then09:33
cjwatson(--disable-precomp-headers apparently)09:34
slangasekpitti: as long as you're on upstart, yes; will do the wrong thing on systemd, but that's a deeper problem which I suppose we can deal with a little bit later09:34
pittislangasek: *nod*09:34
slangasekhmm, so did you already upload this?09:34
pittislangasek: yes, but with block-proposed, so easy to change09:35
pittislangasek: so the total delta to what's currently in utopic would just be th drop the LSB header dep of kernel-server09:37
pittithomi: "Jenkins Fixed - utopic-adt-autopilot-gtk 13" \o/09:37
slangasekpitti: makes sense09:38
thomipitti: virtual high-five!   o/09:38
pittislangasek: ack09:38
pittithomi: ^5s09:38
pittithomi: I think that warrants a :-)09:40
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mterry__ogra_, any objections if I make /var/lib/lightdm (the greeter user's HOME dir) persistent?09:53
mterry__ogra_, in touch09:53
ogra_is there much stuff in it ... ?09:54
ogra_mterry__, (also do we need to wipe it for factory reset ? if so, please tell sergiusens )09:57
mterry__ogra_, just some typical cruft from being a user (some junk in .cache/.config)09:57
mterry__ogra_, for factory reset...  hmm  I guess -- I had assumed we just wipe disk and reinstall base system image?09:58
xnoxstgraber: how does system image update10:00
xnoxstgraber: does shutdown?10:01
dokocjwatson, please do. is not reproducible, and segfaults on a different file each time10:04
GunnarHjHi pitti10:20
pittihey GunnarHj10:20
GunnarHjpitti: Did you see this:10:20
brendandanyone come across this error before? dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to trunk/.bzr/repository/packs/9245e3e3055bac62bf0c407a72389cbc.pack: binary file contents changed10:20
brendandwhy does debuild care about what's in .bzr?10:20
cjwatsonuse the exclude option10:21
cjwatsondebuild -S -i -I10:21
stgraberor call bzr bd if it's that kind of branch10:21
cjwatson$ grep BUILDPACKAGE .devscripts10:21
cjwatsonDEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-i -I -uc -us"10:21
cjwatsonor that yeah10:21
Wellarkdoko: which room are you in?10:26
Wellarkthere is something weird going on with gcc -dbg package dependencies10:27
jameshjdstrand: thanks for your help.  I've got an MP for mediascanner here: https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/mediascanner2/dbus-apparmor/+merge/22105810:29
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=== tedg is now known as ted
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dholbachhey seb128 - I'm sure you're busy sprinting, but do you think somebody could take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1318539? attente seems to have ACKed it already, but I personally can't judge if it should be uploaded or not11:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1318539 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Vanilla gnome-settings-daemon 3.8" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:36
seb128dholbach, go for it11:36
seb128dholbach, it's basically up to the GNOME remix team and it has been acked by attente11:36
infinity@pilot out11:36
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
seb128+1 on the principle from me, but I didn't do a detailed review11:37
dholbach@pilot out11:38
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
dholbachseb128, we could probably take a look and see what still depends on gnome-settings-daemon11:38
dholbachseb128, I had to "dpkg -P gnome-settings-daemon gnome-packagekit-session gnome-session ubuntu-system-settings gnome-control-center gnome-packagekit ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts  account-plugin-ubuntuone  unity-scope-click" - I probably still had it installed from some older installation11:39
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ScottKpitti: That's fine, the only thing is to please commit the changes to our bzr repo.12:08
ScottK(didn't check if you did already)12:08
mterry__ sergiusens, talk to me about factory reset when you get a chance12:09
mterry__sergiusens, on the phone12:09
sergiusensmterry__: sure, just come by 2c... I have only one meeting today; everything else is adhoc12:10
seb128dholbach, sorry, I got disconnected, not sure you got my reply (guess so from your upload)12:11
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pittiScottK: ah, will do12:12
ScottKpitti: Thanks.12:12
xnoxslangasek: nexus 5 works12:19
xnoxslangasek: bregma is not online =)12:19
pittiinfinity: argh, I just noticed that I didn't bump the copy limits of eglibc, which explains the timeouts12:30
infinitypitti: Meh, it'll be "fixed" after I merge from Debian anyway.12:31
pittiinfinity: while I'm at it, if I give the VM 4 CPUs, does the build make use of that?12:31
infinitypitti: Yeahp, the build will happily eat more cored.12:31
infinitypitti: cores, too.12:31
pittiinfinity: ack, config pushed (with 4 cores)12:32
pittiinfinity: current build cancelled and restarted, I think/hope it'll succeed now12:32
pittiargh, I thought we already had an override; for that it held up surprisingly well..12:33
pitti... or I would if jenkins wouldn't be nasty again12:39
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mardypete-woods: hi! According to https://developer.vimeo.com/api/authentication, it should be possible to find the authorization header on the application webpage12:47
mardypete-woods: could you please tell me the code? I'm generating it according to the instructions, but vimeo stills gives me an error, so maybe I'm doing it wrong12:47
Mirvhmm, I'm getting chroot error on amd64, i386 and ppc64el builders: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/176409150/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.qtbase-opensource-src_5.3.0%2Bdfsg-2ubuntu1~utopic1~test1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz12:54
jameshjdstrand: the d-bus AppArmor stuff doesn't seem to work in Jenkins builds.  Do you have any suggestions on how to handle that?12:57
jameshjdstrand: allowing everything when the AA check fails would work, but sounds like something that could be used in an exploit.12:58
sarnoldjamesh: are they perhaps using the 3.15-ish kernels?13:02
jameshsarnold: I don't know.13:03
jameshIIRC, it runs the tests in a chroot so I don't know what the host system is13:04
shadeslayerpitti: re autopkgtests , what happens if a autopkgtest fails? Does it block package migration from proposed to release?13:06
tyhicksjamesh: can you give me more detail on why you think dbus mediation isn't working with jenkins?13:10
pittishadeslayer: if it ever succeeded, i. e. it's a regression, then yes13:11
pittishadeslayer: if it always failed, we consider the test broken and ignore it13:11
shadeslayercool, thanks13:12
GunnarHjpitti: Did you forget about the link I posted?13:12
shadeslayerpitti: and just so I understand correctly, autopkg tests are run separately from the actual build on launchpad correct?13:12
pittishadeslayer: yes13:12
shadeslayerack, thanks13:12
pittiGunnarHj: sorry, probably drowned (sprint/discussions here)13:12
GunnarHjpitti: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2014-May/006512.html13:13
pittiGunnarHj: yep, got your mail, just didn't find time to respond yet13:13
GunnarHjpitti: Ok.13:13
GunnarHjpitti: One thing I wonder about is who is supposed to initiate translation updates. I haven't found any schedule for when things are copied to -proposed for testing.13:14
jameshtyhicks: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mediascanner2-utopic-amd64-ci/19/consoleFull <- right at the bottom one of the erros is "Error getting apparmor context: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AppArmorSecurityContextUnknown: Could not determine security context for ':1.1'"13:15
pittiGunnarHj: there's nobody right now; it used to be dpm, but he works on other stuff now13:15
GunnarHjpitti: Just as I feared, then.13:15
jameshtyhicks: which is the error I was getting locally with the Utopic kernel (I reverted locally to the trusty kernel at jdstrand's suggestion)13:15
infinityxnox: Where are you?13:29
shadeslayerlooks like something went kaput https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.13.0-0ubuntu413:29
infinityxnox: Making everything in the archive have a versioned upstart dependency seems like exactly the opposite of what we want.13:29
shadeslayerseems like what I'm facing ^^13:30
infinityshadeslayer: Oh, fun.13:30
stgraberxnox: thanks for breaking the archive13:34
tyhicksjamesh: I suspect that securityfs is not mounted (or bind mounted) in the chroot13:46
tyhicksjamesh: the apparmor dbus mediation sees that and can't determine if it should enforce rules so, by default, it disables the apparmor checks13:47
tyhicks(there is an option in the bus config file to not fall open like that, but that's not the issue here...)13:48
tyhicksjamesh: the only issue is when you're asking for the apparmor confinement context of a given connection13:48
tyhicksjamesh: IMO, it is currently doing the right thing by returning a DBUS_ERROR_APPARMOR_SECURITY_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN error13:49
tyhicksjamesh: I think the best fix here would be to get securityfs mounted in the chroot13:50
xnoxinfinity: sorry........... =)13:53
tyhicksjamesh: but... it is completely possible that the jenkins kernel is the 3.15 utopic kernel that doesn't have the necessary apparmor patches13:59
tyhicksjamesh: I just don't know enough about that environment or how to find more info on it13:59
jameshtyhicks: okay, I'll try following up there.  Thanks for the help.14:01
jjohansen1tyhicks, jamesh: the 3.15 utopic kernel is missing the necessary patches, that will be fixed soon14:01
pittixnox: oh, you still want to block sysvinit? kde-workspace went in14:05
dpmGunnarHj, pitti, exactly. A community member used to help creating the schedule in later times, but he got busy with other stuff too. Here's an example of the release schedule we set up for releases a while ago: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/NattyLanguagePackReleaseSchedule14:06
GunnarHjdpm, pitti: Thanks, that's exactly what I had in mind. Would you recommend that we basically copy it for trusty?14:08
pittiinfinity: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/systemd/204-10ubuntu5 -> "Broke the world from the new upstart dependency" ?14:11
pittiinfinity: do you have some details on that? I've run this for 2 days now14:12
pittior did that interact badly with the dh_installinit upload or something?14:13
infinitypitti: See the build log for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.13.0-0ubuntu4 for instance.14:16
rbasakWhat do people use to get the source package name of a binary package? chdist bin2src is crashing on me.14:16
infinitypitti: Dep loop that triggered an apt bug.14:16
infinitypitti: But, apt bug notwithstanding, having everything with an upstart job have a dep on upstart is just plain wrong.14:16
infinitypitti: So, we're moving that lsb init snippet to lsb-base, and moving the dep there instead.14:17
pittiinfinity: ah, perhaps we could turn this into a Breaks: upstart (<<)14:17
infinitypitti: And rebuilding everything with the upstart dep.14:17
infinitypitti: We thought about a breaks, but can't quite sort out WHAT would break upstart.14:17
pittiinfinity: ah, even better14:17
pittiinfinity: with breaks: we'd need sourceful changes, so depends: indeed would be better14:18
pittiinfinity: are xnox and you already at it? anything I should do now?14:18
infinitypitti: stgraber and I are on it.14:18
infinitypitti: How did you notice the systemd deletion, BTW? :P14:20
infinitypitti: Oh, I guess you nogticed me copying in the old one.14:20
pittiinfinity: I got a "released to utopic" mail for ubuntu4, and wondered where ubuntu5 went to14:20
diwichmm, I thought we were all going to ditch upstart for systemd but now it seems things are going the other way around...14:23
pittidiwic: how so?14:23
pittidiwic: it's just a rather long dependency chain14:23
diwicpitti, you were adding empty upstart scripts and infinity talks about systemd deletion? :-)14:24
pittidiwic: fixing our packages to comply to Debian init.d/upstart/systemd policy → moving from legacy init.d ordering to insserv → merging sysvinit → adding systemd equivalents to upstart jobs14:24
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pittidiwic: ah, I didn't see the implied :)14:24
pittiit's kind of weird that we have to fix sysvinit first, but overall that's the path of least resistance/work/delta to Debian14:25
pitti(in fact it's mostly "remove some Ubuntu delta")14:25
diwicpitti, okay, looks like you have it all under control then ;-)14:26
pittikind of, except for details like breaking all builds (thanks infinity for quick action!)14:27
pittidiwic: so, let's say we know the path now :)14:27
diwicpitti, all right then :)14:27
pittiinfinity: I suppose we can retry https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debhelper/9.20140228ubuntu3/+build/6045112 now :)14:29
shadeslayerso is the brokenness fixed now?14:30
pittishadeslayer: AFAICS, yes14:30
pittiudev | 204-10ubuntu4   | utopic          | amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el14:30
pittiand nothing in -proposed14:30
pittii. e. the apt dependency loop should be gone14:30
pittiand debhelper is happily installing its build deps now14:31
shadeslayerrebuilding kdelibs, lets see14:31
shadeslayerbecause it doesn't work locally14:31
pittishadeslayer: wait14:31
pittihttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/176413792/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.debhelper_9.20140228ubuntu3_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz still failed, hmm14:31
shadeslayerpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7529745/14:32
dpmGunnarHj, sorry for the delay. I'd say yes, but let me find you a more recent template than the one for natty14:32
pittiUnpacking udev (204-10ubuntu5) over (204-10ubuntu1) ...14:32
pittishadeslayer: ^ your build log still has the ubuntu5 version which infinity removed14:33
shadeslayerpitti: yeah, trying to figure out why14:33
pittishadeslayer: probably just mirror lag; the LP buildds use ftpmaster.internal14:33
shadeslayerpitti: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/176413830/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.kde4libs_4%3A4.13.0-0ubuntu4_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz  < plymouth issue14:33
pittiyes, same as debhelper14:33
dpmGunnarHj, here's the raring one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule14:34
GunnarHjdpm: It says raring in the URL, but it's actually precise. ;)14:35
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pittiprobably this:14:36
pitti initscripts depends on upstart (>= 1.12.1-0ubuntu6); however:14:36
pitti  Package upstart is not configured yet.14:36
dpmGunnarHj, I guess it was copied from Precise and we never actually used that one :)14:36
pittithus we need to rebuild the latest sysvinit upload against the reverted debhelper, and need the rebuilt sysvinit to build debhelper; yay loops14:36
GunnarHjdpm: I see. So there hasn't been any systematic translation updates since 12.04?14:37
dpmGunnarHj, most probably no. I know we've done some updates, but as you're saying, not systematically14:40
GunnarHjdpm: Ok. Anyway, thanks for the link. I'll make a proposal for trusty based on it.14:40
dpmGunnarHj, sounds great, thanks!14:41
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shadeslayerpitti: hah :D14:42
xnoxpitti: sysvinit must depend on new upstart though....14:43
xnoxpitti: if that's bad, we'd need to move the hook elsewhere.14:43
xnoxpitti: sysvinit is currently blocked from migrating.14:43
pittixnox: the hook is being moved to lsb-base AFAIUI14:43
pittixnox: hm, it did migrate already14:43
pittiI can't reproduce the upgrade failure in a schroot14:43
Elv1313I got this while accessing errors.ubuntu.com for a little while http://pastebin.com/2s4ud5rk as an error message, it look as a hack, might not be the brightest idea ever14:44
xnoxpitti: ok, i hread that mentioned, but it was not definitive at the time, i don't think.14:44
xnoxslangasek: infinity: stgraber: what's the current plan for unbreaking & steps that we need to do to land insserv?14:44
xnoxpitti: cause e.g. adding in sysv-rc breaks upstart << (version with hook) was also offered.14:45
xnoxwhich shouldn't have any side-effects if upstart is not installed to begin with, and triggers the update otherwise.14:45
pittiinfinity, stgraber, xnox: so I'm trying to understand the current failure, did you already reproduce this somehow?14:46
pitti[-upstart,-] {+upstart (>= 1.12.1-0ubuntu6),+}14:46
pittiI figure it's somehow related to this change initscripts, but I don't understand why14:46
xnoxpitti: that's manual change in the debdiff.14:46
infinitypitti: It's actually probably the sysv-rc/initscripts loop, I'm doing some reversions.14:46
infinityxnox: stgraber and I are sorting this out.14:47
xnoxinfinity: ok. thanks.14:47
xnoxpitti: let's wait for inifinity & stgraber to unwind this =)14:47
mdeslaurinfinity, pitti, stgraber, slangasek: are we still having a tech board meeting in an hour?14:49
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pittimdeslaur: yes, I think so; we can have it IRL, maybe at the nice patio in front of the coffee area?14:50
mdeslaurpitti: sounds good to me14:50
Laneyis the whole tb here?14:50
pittiinfinity: wow, I didn't know we could do this now (revert ubuntu13 to ubuntu12 in the release)14:51
pittiLaney: yes14:51
pittimdeslaur: and I expect today's meeting to be < 15 mins :)14:51
infinitypitti: We can't.  You didn't see anything.14:53
pittiinfinity: /me performs self-lobotomy14:54
infinitypitti: Good job.14:54
infinityxnox: Was there a reason you decided sysv-rc needed a dep on initscripts?14:54
infinityxnox: Before I tear that right out again? :P14:54
xnoxinfinity: yes, cause insserv in sysv-rc may not be enabled without the update initscripts.14:56
xnoxinfinity: initsctipts & sysv-rc can instead both break "upstart (<< magic-version number)" (the version that first introduced the hook)14:57
infinityxnox: Well, that introduces a dep loop, so won't do what you wanted even if it worked.14:57
xnoxinfinity: would the two breaks do what I want?14:57
infinityxnox: initscripts will depend on the lsb-base where we moved the hook.14:58
xnoxinfinity: ok, that works fine then.14:58
infinityxnox: But what does sysv-rc have to do with it?14:58
xnoxinfinity: that mean that initscripts can be upgraded independant of sysv-rc.14:58
pittiso breaks: then?14:59
infinityxnox: Right, so sysv-rc breaks initscripts << foo.14:59
infinityI'll give that a spin.14:59
xnoxinfinity: yes.14:59
xnox(which should result in the same desired final outcome)15:00
xnoxcyphermox: can you take this patch into urfkill http://paste.ubuntu.com/7529928/ ? to potentially remove two races.15:01
cyphermoxxnox: sure15:03
cyphermoxxnox: where did you see these issues?15:03
xnoxcyphermox: this is by inspection, not from real problem.15:08
xnoxcyphermox: awe_ and I were inspecting things trying to find a race, and these are two minor but potential issues.15:09
cyphermoxwell, I have them applied here, will include in the next upload15:09
xnoxcyphermox: tah.15:09
zbenjaminsarnold: any luck yet? :)15:09
cyphermoxI'm testing some other fixes that could correct races15:09
cyphermoxxnox: awe_ should know, I have a package ready to test in my PPA15:10
sarnoldzbenjamin: no, sorry :)15:13
zbenjaminsarnold: ok thx15:13
zbenjaminsarnold: would it be different if i would ship gdbserver inside the click package? Or would the ptrace still fail?15:14
zbenjaminsarnold: not that i want to do that because with fat packages it would be a mess. But would be interesting to know15:16
sarnoldzbenjamin: the ptrace operations should still fail, yeah15:16
sarnoldzbenjamin: probably the 'right' approach would be to create a new child profile for gdb or gdbserver. it might be worth going down that road a little bit to see what's required inside the child profile.15:17
sarnoldzbenjamin: http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/QuickProfileLanguage#Child_profiles15:18
zbenjaminsarnold: that means gdbserver would run unconfined but the click app would not?15:19
sarnoldzbenjamin: well, I got to thinking that perhaps the gdbserver Ux, might actually run the whole thing unconfined.15:20
zbenjaminok that would make the whole effort pointless15:20
sarnoldzbenjamin: creating a child profile for gdbserver would let us keep it in a profile and keep the 'main' profile clean -- if we added the needed privileges right to the profile, the program may not behave the same when the debug group is added15:21
zbenjaminsarnold: true, that sounds good to me.15:22
rbasakWhat do people use to get the source package name of a binary package? chdist bin2src is crashing on me.15:32
rbasak(before I go and write my own grep-dctrl wrapper...)15:33
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xnoxrbasak: is it crashing because source has been removed.... ?!15:33
rbasakxnox: I just filed https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74950415:34
ubottuDebian bug 749504 in devscripts "[chdist] bin2src fails with "chdist: bad apt-cache : 13"" [Normal,Open]15:34
xnoxrbasak: such package does not exist in debian?! $ rmadison -S apache2-bin -u debian15:35
xnoxrbasak: however, it exists in at least saucy, trusty and utopic.15:36
sarnoldrbasak: I've got an 'lpsrc' shell function: apt-cache showsrc "$*" | grep --color=auto '^Binary: ' | sed -e 's/Binary: //' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,/\n/g' | sort -u15:37
sarnoldrbasak: it's far from perfect but I can usually spot the source pcakage I need with it..15:37
infinityxnox: Eh?  It's a binary package.15:37
infinityxnox: You might be rmadisoning incorrectly. :P15:37
xnoxinfinity: oh, rmadisoning against ubuntu and debian is different. =)))) on ubuntu -S is like a modifier (iff source, also print all binaries). Cause against ubuntu "rmadison libc6" & "rmadison -S libc6" for example return the same thing.15:40
infinityxnox: That would be a bug in the Ubuntu madison.cgi15:40
xnoxinfinity: =(15:41
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pittislangasek, infinity, kees, mdeslaur, stgraber: reminder that TB meeting is in #ubuntu-meeting-2 (collision with server meeting in #u-m)16:00
stgraberpitti: oh, is that going to be happening every week? we probably should have considered that when doing the doodle :)16:00
pittistgraber: well, we already had few enough options without considering meeting channel colissions :)16:01
sarnoldpitti: mdeslaur may have taken the physical meeting suuggestion literally :)16:02
ogra_slangasek, bug 1323732 for you16:02
ubottubug 1323732 in adduser (Ubuntu) "adduser should support managing additional password/shadow/group files from libnss-extrausers" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132373216:02
sarnoldmdeslaur: #ubuntu-meeting-216:02
mdeslaursarnold: thanks!16:03
jdstrandjamesh: hey, so I got the MR, I'll look at it when I have a moment16:04
jameshjdstrand: thanks.16:05
jdstrandjamesh: I did want to mention that I was thinking about your question about the policy in the trusted helper, and I remembered that we are introducing the apparmor query interface16:05
jameshjdstrand: in case I have more questions, which room are you in this week?16:05
jdstrandjamesh: we have a bit of it now, but when it is done, we will have libapparmor api such that you can ask 'hey can this process running under this profile access this file?"16:06
jdstrandjamesh: once we have that, we can clean up mediascanner and media-hub. however, that isn't going to be fixed super soon16:06
jdstrandjamesh: just fyi16:06
jdstrandjamesh: I am in 2C when I am not in meeting16:06
jameshjdstrand: sounds good.16:06
tyhicksjamesh: fyi, I'm in 2C this week, too16:07
mhall119slangasek: ping16:08
ogra_hallyn, we see a new cgmanager crash during image tests ... http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/50:20140527:20140523/8241/click_image_tests/ (scroll to the bottom)16:10
hallyn"pass rate 100%"  /me doens't know how to interpret that16:10
slangasekmhall119: hi16:10
hallynoh that one16:11
ogra_hallyn, well, the test itself passes but alongside that .crash file appears16:11
mhall119slangasek: hey, every track but Platform Dev has at lest one non-Canonical track lead, do you have any recommendations for who in the community (Ubuntu's or Debian's) would be a good candidate for that?16:11
mhall119I'd very much like to get more community participation in the call for and scheduling of sessions16:12
hallynogra_: there is a new version in utopic-proposed.  i'm hoping that''ll fix that (though no guaarentees)16:13
hallynit looks like genuine stack corruption...  hm16:13
hallynogra_: can you run a set of tests with the -proposed version?16:13
slangasekmhall119: what's "platform dev"?16:13
hallyn(I assume this is not 100% reliably failing, so it wouldnt guarantee anything, but...)16:13
ogra_hallyn, well, we'll just wait til it lands then16:14
slangasekmhall119: has the core track been renamed, or is this something else?16:14
ogra_hallyn, our nightly automated image build will pick it up anyway16:14
hallynogra_: ok, thanks  (i also need ot sru that to trusty today, though it'll be a tough one to write a testcase for :)16:14
ogra_hallyn, oh, does that also include the fix for mterry__ ?16:15
mhall119slangasek: it's a combination of foundations, client and server tracks16:15
hallynogra_: yeah that's his in fact16:15
ogra_yay, thats grat16:15
ogra_*great too :)16:15
mhall119slangasek: so basically everything from past vUDS except community and appdev is now "Platform Development"16:15
hallyni have a feeling there's another bug which may be responsible for yours - i'm guessing similar to the one mterry__ fixed16:16
hallyni.e. due to my mis-use of nih16:16
ogra_heh, k ... we'll see16:16
slangasekmhall119: hmm. and where can I see a list of the other tracks (to understand who from the community might relevantly fit under this umbrella, vs. being on a different track)?16:16
mhall119slangasek: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/tracks16:17
mterry__hallyn, we need lxc/kernel fixes to unblock cgmanager  :(16:17
mhall119slangasek: anything that's historically  been considered "Ubuntu development" would fall under this track16:18
hallynmterry__: hm?16:18
hallynwhy would cgmanager be blocked on lxc?16:18
mterry__hallyn, cgmanager has been in the proposed queue for days16:18
slangasekmhall119: ok; off the top of my head, maybe ScottK?16:18
hallynmterry__: exactly waht is it blocked on?16:18
mterry__hallyn, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html16:18
mterry__hallyn, lxc's autopkgtest fails16:18
mterry__hallyn, due to some kernel issues16:18
mhall119ScottK: would you be interested in being a track lead for Platform Development in the next UDS? It'll be June 10-12, but your main responsibility would be in asking people to propose sessions and getting them approved & scheduled16:19
hallynhm there's an open bug for that right?  i guess that should move to the top of my queue then16:19
mterry__hallyn, ogra_, bug 132352816:20
ubottubug 1323528 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "apparmor3 patches not available on 3.15 kernel" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132352816:20
mterry__hallyn, ogra_, additionally there was a needed lxc update (but that's sitting in proposed too)16:20
hallynmterry__: d'oh.  ok i can't do anything about that one16:21
mterry__hallyn, yeah  :(  me neither16:21
hallynback to packaging netcf then - thanks, ttyl16:21
ogra_mterry__, you actually can ... pay beers to the kernel team till they agree on fixing it asap16:24
ogra_beer always works16:24
ogra_at least on them16:24
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brendandogra_, just remember to do it during happy hour :)16:40
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ScottKmhall119: Sorry. No time in the near term for something like that.20:43
mhall119ScottK: even just recruiting sessions and approving them?20:44
mhall119ScottK: anybody else from the Kubuntu devs you think would be good for me to ask?20:44
ScottKKubuntu has already had its planning session for the cycle.20:46
ScottKI think the only thing we really care about is getting moving on Qt5 5.3.20:47
ScottKmhall119: Even that. I expect to be offline more than on between now and then.20:48
mhall119ScottK: how about presentation-style sessions like how to get involved20:51
ScottKAsk Riddell.20:52
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