
rwwlol, valorie just used it in a blog post00:34
valorieI warned genii I was stealing it.....00:35
k1l_"my precious"00:37
[asimov]Why was [asimov] banned?03:39
rwwban evasion03:39
rwwokay. are we talking about #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic?03:40
rwwtry one of the answers "#ubuntu" or "#ubuntu-offtopic"03:41
rwwoh, you're ban evading here too03:41
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.03:41
rwwSee the wiki link to see how you should escalate this if you feel like we're wrong. You will be removed from this channel after your next message (upon which I presume you will have read this one).03:42
[asimov]you disagree?03:43
valoriesuch a meanie, rww04:42
rwwthat one's wasted a whole heck of a lot of operator time :(04:42
=== mrmist is now known as mist
k1l[ODB2] (~ODB@ Elliot Rodger      that realname is pointing into a direction18:18
bazhang<ODB2> yeh, if you hold down shift and press chink key18:20
* Jordan_U wonders why they haven't been banned yet.18:21
k1lbecause if you swing the banhammer you are a bad op.18:21
PiciThey've been warned enough18:21
ODB2why have I been banned?18:21
Jordan_UODB2: You used racial slurs multiple times, which is never appropriate, and continued to do so after being asked to stop.18:22
ODB2Jordan_U I will refrain in future18:22
ODB2please would you kindbly unblock18:22
Jordan_UODB2: First I'd like you to read the channel guidelines, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines , completely so that you understand what type of conduct is expected in #ubuntu.18:24
ODB2Language and Subject - Duly noted18:25
ODB2I however feel that your response was disproportionate18:26
ODB2in light of the racial slurs out there18:26
ODB2and in this particular incidence there was no such context of racial hatred18:26
ODB2however, I accept your ruling18:26
Jordan_UODB2: Ok. Please do try to be more concientious of what you say in #ubuntu in the future, and remember that it is a technical support channel.18:28
Jordan_UODB2: Thank you. You should now be able to re-join #ubuntu.18:28
Jordan_UODB2: Please change the "Real Name" field in your IRC client.18:39
Jordan_UODB2: Your ban has been re-instated as I frankly expect that you will try to be intentionally offensive in #ubuntu again. Feel free to discuss your ban again, but realize that you'll have to convince us that you will not simply try to troll the channel again before the ban will be removed.18:43
Havenstance2...How would one know that is not his real name? Pretty sure that there would be multiples in this world and I've Personally seen ODB2 on the server plenty of times in the past. In fact he has helped me with one or two issues in the past. Not second guessing you Jordan_U but rather offering a second opinion :)18:46
Jordan_UHavenstance2: It's possible, but that combined with the racial slurs is not likely to be anything but trolling. Is there anything we can help you with?18:47
ODB2I'm currently not on the channel as far as I'm aware18:48
ODB2but I do genuinely contribute at times18:48
ODB2feel free to keep the ban if you wish18:48
ODB2I don't see how I would be able to convince you otherwise18:48
Jordan_UODB2: Contributions do not entitle you to troll. If you're done here please leave #ubuntu-ops per our no-idling policy.18:49
ODB2ta ta for now18:49
phunyguy(sorry, I hate that word)18:49
Jordan_Uphunyguy: Any suggestion for a better word/phrase? "As per our channel topic"?18:50
k1lrule, guideline, law,...18:50
phunyguyYes that sounds better18:50
phunyguyguideline != law/rule/etc18:51
phunyguyI think just quoting the topic is a good idea.  Because it really isn't as much of a rule as it is just a way of keeping the channel clear.18:52
phunyguyand since the channel is publicly logged, it shouldn't be that big of a deal for folks to be present... it just makes it easier for us to know who has an issue that needs to be resolved.18:53
k1lfrom my experience things get out of hands way faster if there are several users in here.18:54
phunyguythis channel is to resolve issues/bans/etc.  That would happen regardless of someone being here.18:55
k1lno i dont agree on that18:56
Jordan_Uphunyguy: My reason for asking this time was that I have other things to do, and if the aren't in the channel I don't feel as much of an obligation to check the channel regularly to follow up on a discussion I started.18:57
phunyguyJordan_U, I don't see an issue with asking folks to leave.  I think we should just be more careful with words.  We have grown a habit of stating things are "rules"/"policies"/etc... but that isn't really what it is.18:59
phunyguyWe have Guidelines, and a Code of Conduct.19:00
phunyguyneither of them mention idling in the -ops channel as being a rule.19:00
Jordan_Uphunyguy: Thank you, I'll try to be more careful with my words in the future.19:00
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhang"A new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst  and trusty?20:24
geniiI guess you could use grub1 instead of grub2 if you really wanted.20:31
bazhangor lilo20:31
geniiHeh, yes20:32
bazhang!info yum20:32
ubottuyum (source: yum): Advanced front-end for rpm. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4.3-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 801 kB, installed size 3201 kB20:32
phunyguyyeah those amazon images may very well use grub 1220:32
phunyguyit is entirely possible.20:32
Jordan_Uecho "apt-get install yum; yum install lilo" | sudo bash20:34
* Jordan_U feels dirty20:34
geniiYes, yes you should.20:36
phunyguythat was brilliant20:36

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