
DonkeyHoteipleia2: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso is corrupt on the mirror and won't install. pass it on02:19
darthrobotContent type: [application/x-iso9660-image] Size: [1017118720]02:19
nhainesIs it?02:22
nhainesIt was fine on 17 April.02:23
nhainesWhat do you mean by "on the mirror?"  Ubuntu has hundreds.02:23
* ianorlin thinks there was a mirror with skynet in its name02:24
DonkeyHoteisha256sum for the iso matches but the md5sum.txt entry for ./casper/filesystem.squashfs doesn't, and while installing, there is a zlib error reading squashfs02:24
DonkeyHoteiand by on the mirror i mean at the above url02:25
DonkeyHoteinhaines: ^02:25
nhainesNot sure that counts as a mirror.  Well, I'll test it, and I'll try and see if I can figure out who handles this.  If pleia2 doesn't show up first.02:27
DonkeyHoteinow doing a netinstall instead in the meantime02:30
nhainesSounds like a good start.02:31
nhainesDonkeyHotei: did you md5sum your disc?02:32
DonkeyHoteii sha256sum'd it02:33
nhainesThe install media you created?02:33
DonkeyHoteii did not create install media, this was on flash02:34
ianorlinmight be bug in startupdisk creator02:34
nhainesAny medium prepared to boot from to install Ubuntu is install media.02:34
DonkeyHoteithe ubuntu startup disc creator refused to take the iso because of the md5sum mismatch, so i used unetbootin, and upon trying to install, it found the mismatched file corrupt02:35
ianorlintry a torrent download?02:35
nhainesThen something's wrong, because I did it several times over the weekend.02:35
nhainesDo a zsync download.  It should be very quick.02:36
DonkeyHoteiianorlin: the sha256sum for the iso matched02:36
DonkeyHoteibut the sha256sum matched02:36
nhainescheck the md5sum.02:36
DonkeyHoteiof the iso?02:36
nhainesFor a start, yes.02:36
nhainesI'm about 2/3rds through an install at the moment.02:40
nhainesI'm almost certain we did a 32-bit install Saturday but I wasn't the one assisting.02:40
ianorlinyeah there was defintely someone with a 32 bit there02:40
nhainesianorlin: two, but I think only one did an install.02:41
ianorlinyeah the other one had already installed mint with cinnamon and wanted something for vector graphics installed02:42
ianorlinalso why did mint remove the mark all updates in synaptic02:46
nhainesDunno.  Mint does some really weird (and in my opinion dubious) things in terms of updates.02:48
nhainesWell, my i386 install is just cleaning up packages now.02:49
nhainesDonkeyHotei: congrats!  You discovered you have a bad flash drive.02:49
rwwbecause they think not all Ubuntu updates are reliable02:49
nhainesrww: too bad the the result turns out to be "well, guess no one can have updates then!"02:49
rwwit's all very silly02:49
rwwi mean, they're right, but the alternative is worse02:50
DonkeyHoteinhaines: the iso has a corrupt file02:50
nhainesI haven't seen updates be *that* unreliable.  But yeah, they take a sub-optimal situation and make it worse.02:50
* rww hums and downloads the x86 iso to mount it and test this02:50
DonkeyHoteii'm md5sum'ing it now02:53
nhainesInstall finished successfully with no errors.02:54
nhainesI'm going to start md5summing ./casper/filesystem.squashfs02:54
DonkeyHoteiodd, it matched02:54
DonkeyHoteiare flash problems that consistent? i tried this over and over02:55
nhainesThey can be.  The main symptom is that they're unpredictable.02:55
nhainesOr as I sometimes would explain to customers on the phone, "You're asking a potentially damaged device whether or not it is damaged."02:56
nhainesYup, my copy's md5sum matches too.02:56
nhainespleia2: emergency is cancelled.  :)02:57
DonkeyHoteinow try the usb startup disk creator02:57
nhainesI did on Saturday.  Worked great.02:57
DonkeyHoteiwith that iso?02:57
nhainesSold the resultant, working USB stick for $20.  \o/02:57
nhainesYup, same file, same computer.02:58
DonkeyHoteiwell, now i know my most capacious flash drive is faulty02:58
nhainesDonkeyHotei: all things considered, it's one of the better ways to find out.02:59
DonkeyHoteigood thing i didn't actually buy it, was one of those trade show things02:59
nhainesOh, *those* go all the time.03:00
DonkeyHoteiprobably from arm tech con in 201203:00
nhainesTypically they are made in China for as little money as possible.03:00
DonkeyHoteii once had a 128MB one die completely, probably a loose connection03:01
nhainesMy awesome and cute orange Ubuntu USB drive I got at SCALE from jcastro three years back died within hours.03:02
pleia2ah, corrupt usb fun :)03:14
DonkeyHoteithere was a gtk netinstaller for a while, what happened to that?03:18
rwwthe framebuffer one? Debian still has it, in the boot menu thing03:18
DonkeyHoteino, it looked like the normal installer03:19
nhainesI like the text installer.  It makes me nostalgic.03:19
DonkeyHoteii know, but progress marches on03:20
rwwnhaines: did you deliberately share that photo of meat with me? i got a notification about it03:20
rwwinstead of normal posts which just show up03:21
nhainesrww: no, Google probably just thinks I'm really important.03:21
rwwi imagined you sitting there giggling. "muhahahaha, this picture involves meat, i will share it with rww because he is vegetarian"03:21
rwwit was amusing, i'm going to pretend it happened03:21
nhainesI didn't know or care.  :)03:21
nhainesAlthough G+ did add the "cooking" hashtag.03:22
rwwalso, i already told you to stop pretending to be jono ;(03:22
nhainesWell, this isn't really the smoking kind of barbecue he does.03:22
nhainespleia2: so the good news is that Canonical is ready to wire me pizza money for the installfest.03:26
nhainesBut the bad news is that my bank doesn't accept international wire transfers.  :P03:27
rwwdid that report on use of community funds ever get released03:27
rwwjono was all "this week!" and then quit03:27
nhainesNope.  And jono is probably preoccupied.03:27
nhainesrww: sounds like tomorrow's OMGUbuntu headline.03:28
rwwheadcannon: jono quit because he found out sabdfl has been using the community fund to buy bitcoins03:28
nhainesArticle: "These things are totally unrelated and probalby a coincidence.  Here's a little about both."03:28
nhainesrww: I sold a thumbdrive for bitcoin and the price went up.03:29
DonkeyHoteibanks that do accept international wire transfers typically charge around $35 to receive them03:29
nhainesThat's fine.  My bank doesn't charge anything.03:30
rwwnhaines: how much is it?03:30
rwwoh wait actually nvm, my bank fees03:30
rwwi was gonna send it to you as bitcoins :P03:31
nhaines0.03824 BTC was $20, now $21.41.03:31
nhainesWhich coincidentally wipes out the transaction fee for the one I sold via credit card.03:31
MarkDudeAmazing Community Manager needed in #SF @1Deg cool nonprofit tech startup http://fb.me/2iQp22tHm19:48
darthrobot[R: www.1deg.org] Title: [Join Us | One Degree]19:48
DonkeyHoteiMarkDude: are you applying?20:05
MarkDudeSpanish requirement- otherwise I would have done so20:14
MarkDudeReally cool group tho. Once they get their hire- I would like to work with them on projects20:15

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