cwillu | Question: the xorg-edgers ppa doesn't have packages for lucid anymore, does that sound about right? | 05:52 |
cwillu | I ask, because the non-existence of a packages list for that release makes ppa-purge fail to function | 05:54 |
mlankhorst | possibly, do you still have a lucid ppa somewhere? | 06:08 |
cwillu | I still have several machines running lucid, which have had edgers on them | 06:19 |
cwillu | on this latest one, it appears that addng the ppa, changing it to point to precise, doing an apt-get update, and then ppa-purging'ing it works | 06:19 |
cwillu | at which point, do-release-update stop failing to calculate an upgrade :)_ | 06:20 |
cwillu | mlankhorst, ^ | 06:20 |
cwillu | it appears that all that's actually needed is the Packages list | 06:21 |
cwillu | (the last time I tried this, I just ended up doing a fresh install and manually moving pieces from the old /etc and similar into place, but that was an ordeal that I'd imagine most people in my situation (including myself today, and myself in the future :p) would like to avoid | 06:22 |
cwillu | I'm heading to bed, but I'll read pm | 06:23 |
cwillu | ... | 06:23 |
cwillu | read pm's sent to cwillu_at_work, which is online, but not in this channel | 06:23 |
mlankhorst | no idea | 06:23 |
mlankhorst | I never tried lucid before, tbh | 06:24 |
cwillu | I'm mostly just reporting that the removal of the ppa packages for lucid breaks do-release-upgrade, which is still supported for server installs, and is getting close to retirement, so I'd expect this to start cropping up more | 06:25 |
tjaalton | edgers isn't supposed to be used on servers.. | 06:25 |
cwillu | sometimes you just need to bring up the display | 06:25 |
tjaalton | and you need edgers for that? doubtful | 06:25 |
cwillu | it's not core to the function, and so an xorg breakage isn't terribly risky | 06:25 |
cwillu | um | 06:26 |
cwillu | yes, rather often you do | 06:26 |
cwillu | or did | 06:26 |
mlankhorst | yes lucid is still supported, but that ppa is not supported :p | 06:26 |
cwillu | sure | 06:26 |
cwillu | I'm not saying that it should be supported | 06:26 |
cwillu | I'm just saying that, having used it, do-release-upgrade fails, and ppa-purge also fails, so getting back to a supported environment is tricky | 06:26 |
tjaalton | manual purge or a reinstall | 06:27 |
cwillu | if you don't care, that's fine | 06:28 |
cwillu | (if a little surprising) | 06:28 |
tjaalton | eh | 06:28 |
tjaalton | there's nothing to do | 06:28 |
cwillu | "on this latest one, it appears that addng the ppa, changing it to point to precise, doing an apt-get update, and then ppa-purging'ing it works" | 06:28 |
cwillu | ppa-purge just needs a package list | 06:29 |
cwillu | doesn't need an actual working ppa | 06:29 |
tjaalton | so you're asking someone to provide that, by guessing what it might have had at the time? | 06:30 |
tjaalton | lucid desktop was EOL a year ago, that's probably when the ppa got cleaned up | 06:31 |
cwillu | I'm mentioning that a Packages file that approximately matches what was there is all that's necessary to get it to work, in case anyone else runs into this | 06:36 |
cwillu | yes, a guess | 06:36 |
tjaalton | no edgers maintainers present atm anyway | 06:36 |
cwillu | anyways, g'night | 06:36 |
mlankhorst | launchpad is RAOF's happy place | 08:05 |
tseliot | :) | 08:27 |
tjaalton | que? | 08:29 |
jcristau | i don't suppose there's a way to get into precise-updates? | 12:00 |
jcristau | mlankhorst: ^ | 12:05 |
mlankhorst | what xorg-server exactly ? :p | 12:06 |
mlankhorst | and if it's in newer, can't you grab xserver-xorg-lts-saucy or something? | 12:07 |
mlankhorst | jcristau: /\ | 12:27 |
jcristau | mlankhorst: well | 12:32 |
jcristau | i suppose i could, but that's a rather bigger upgrade for a single fix | 12:32 |
jcristau | so at that point i'd just upgrade to a newer release altogether | 12:34 |
mlankhorst | there's trusty :-) | 12:35 |
mlankhorst | jcristau: the xorg-server in precise is a mess, especially in input | 16:24 |
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