
kgba virtual camera? o.000:07
AndthenitwasVirtual webcam.00:08
AndthenitwasI tried setting up one with webcamstudia - to no avail...00:08
bah_hi.. I try to set up short-keys so hey work the same way in different applications, for next tab I want to use control+tab but it seems like the editable accelerator don\t accept the tab key,  Is there a way to fix this _00:12
bah_*don\t   don't00:13
NRDisciplehey guys need some help installing xubuntu on a friend's computer.  They only have a cd drive, so i had to download and burn the mini.iso00:31
NRDisciplenow that i'm setting it up with the ubuntu installer menu00:31
holsteinNRDisciple: with the ubuntu mini iso installer?00:31
NRDiscipleit fails to install now00:32
NRDisciplefor some reason00:32
NRDiscipleunder detect and mount CD_Rom00:32
holsteinNRDisciple: you'll need to elaborate on some level00:32
NRDiscipleit says that the CD cannot be used for installation00:32
holsteinNRDisciple: those iso's are so small, i would just make sure you have the proper one00:32
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:32
holsteinand check the sum00:32
NRDisciplenot working for the windows version00:37
NRDiscipleoh nvm00:37
bah_sometimes I really miss OSX,  Why can't all applications use the same short-keys ? Do you use different sort-keys  for same tasks ?00:37
holsteinbah_: i use what i like..00:38
bah_holstein, but for example to go to next/previews tab you can not use the same keys in firefox and the terminal00:39
holsteinbah_: basically, you can do whatever you have the time, and patience, and skill to figure out how to implement00:40
holsteinbah_: i usually suggest starting with something that is more closely relative to what your needs are.. but, you can literally customize any/all parts of a linux operating system.. nothing is hiding from you00:40
holsteinubuntu its self is not really meant to be, or expecting to be tinkered with that much, though.. you may want to think about what your habits are, and where they come from, and how long it has taken to cultivate them in another OS.. consider giving some time to the default system00:41
NRDiscipleok the md5 matches00:42
NRDisciplei downloaded the mini.iso for 14.0400:43
holsteinNRDisciple: if its the size, i would consider a lubuntu live CD.. you can always install xubuntu-desktop afterwards, and you may get more helpful output, and more of a minimal system to start with00:43
bah_how ?  I want to be able to set the shortcut control+tab to toggle tabs but It seems that shortcut are not supported00:43
holsteinbah_: i just search for how to implement what i like00:44
bah_holstein, well , I have done that without any results00:44
NRDisciplealright gonna try lubuntu00:45
NRDisciplethanks guys00:45
holsteinbah_: sure.. so, consider either asking here, or a mailing list.. or, trying other alternatives that may supply what you like, or facilitate more easily editing what you want00:45
bah_and to not use the same short-keys in diffrent applications have nothing to do with habits. It is just stupid00:45
holsteinbah_: "stupid" is a matter of opinion.. if you feel you have a bug, you are welcome and encouraged to report00:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:46
bah_the question is how to use the control+tab for a short-key (as in firefox)00:46
holsteinbah_: i just use the GUI to set what i need.. have you tried? are you not able to find the settings menu? or is the setting not working? you want to press control and tab and have firefox launch?00:47
bah_holstein, to set short-keys for the terminal app you have to enable  editable accelerators in the Appearance menu. The problem is that the shortcut are not accepted00:49
holsteinbah_: you'll have to elaborate.. i have not had those issues, and must either be using something different, or not trying the same00:51
holsteini have not had to "enable editable accelerators".. i just use the GUI.. what GUI are you using?00:51
bah_I use Xfce 4.10 and are setting the shortcuts by hovering over the menu item and select00:52
bah_(but first editable accelerators need to be activated)00:53
holsteinbah_: i do as well, and i just use the GUI.. have you tried?00:53
holsteinbah_: i dont activate editable accelerators.. i just set keyboard shortcuts.. is that what you are asking about?00:54
bah_if I hover over for example "tabs/Next tab" and hit control+tab nothing happens (other short-keys work fine)00:55
holsteinbah_: try using the GUI settings.. in the menu. for adding keyboard shortcuts00:56
bah_holstein, can you do that for the xubuntu terminal app ?00:57
woof-woofdo what?00:57
holsteinbah_: http://docs.xfce.org/faq may help you where you are00:57
bah_holstein, yes I been reading that and everything seems to work except to use the "tab key"01:00
holsteinbah_: what do you mean?01:00
holsteinbah_: you mean, you cant set the tab key to do something? but, you can set another combination?01:01
bah_if I hover over a menu and select for example the short-key control+a it works fine but not if I  want to use control+tab01:02
bah_can you do that ?01:02
bah_yes (did not see your question)01:03
bah_holstein, yes    on your question (sorry)01:05
holsteinbah_: i have not tried.. but, i have not had that exact error.. i can try it later from my production machine running xfce01:05
bah_holstein,  thanks for your effort to help01:06
bah_giving up for tonight,  have to go to sleep01:08
SnuggyfooAnyone home?01:13
holsteinSnuggyfoo: just ask, if you have a support question. otherwise, enjoy the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat :)01:13
SnuggyfooDocky keeps crashing when I close my laptop lid. I found a few things via ddg search but nothing has worked. Anyone familiar with this issue?01:14
SnuggyfooDocky has worked flawlessly on this laptop prior to a format01:15
holsteinwell, the format didnt do anything.. so, lets start here. are you up to date with upgrades?01:15
SnuggyfooI ran docky from prompt to get the output01:16
holsteinwhat output?01:16
Snuggyfoo[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.UPower" doesn't exist01:16
SnuggyfooTheres more... a lot more01:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:16
Snuggyfooty one sec01:17
Snuggyfoorunning docky --debug gave me this01:23
Snuggyfoo[Error 19:22:31.411] [SystemService] Could not initialize power manager dbus: 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.UPower" doesn't exist01:23
Snuggyfoo[Error 19:22:31.568] [DBusManager] Bus Name 'org.gnome.Docky' is already owned01:23
holsteinSnuggyfoo: you said it was when you suspended.. correct?01:23
SnuggyfooI have power management set to do nothing when I close the lid01:23
Snuggyfoowhen I close the lid it doesn't suspend, but when I reopen docky is gone01:24
Snuggyfooholstein also occurs when I unplug and replug the power. which i did see somewhere01:28
Snuggyfoosomeone with the same problem i mean...01:28
Snuggyfooim going to try this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/docky/+bug/130970601:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271131 in Docky "duplicate for #1309706 Docky crashes - System.Exception: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.UPower" doesn't exist" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:30
Snuggyfoothanks for the help holstein01:32
SnuggyfooI'm actually going to add the PPA direct from docky and reinstall01:33
SnuggyfooWhat should I do if I discover that it works fine that way?01:33
holsteinit can help..01:33
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:33
holsteinSnuggyfoo: you can file a bug about docky, but, if its fixed already, it may be on the way in01:34
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.01:34
Snuggyfoothank you01:34
Snuggyfooholstein, installing from docky's repo fixed the problem01:43
sheerhey is there any way to get window animations going on in XFCE? I looked online and it was suggesting to install compiz and stuff04:16
sheerjust for when minimising and whatnot04:16
Unit193You can try out compton, it can do the basics.04:16
Poisoned_DragonI love compton04:18
Poisoned_DragonNot too flashy on effect, but does phenomenal where it matters.04:18
sheerthank you Unit193 Poisoned_Dragon I will look up compton :)04:26
sheernot after super flashy shit, just basic visual feedback04:26
Snuggyfoosheer I'm using compton too and love it. A note though, make sure you disable the built in compositing before starting compton04:43
Noskcaj_What folder is the default wallpaper in?06:11
baizonNoskcaj_: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=531706:12
baizonfirst google result :P06:12
Noskcaj_i'm too stupid/lazy06:12
Dy|anAnyone wanna help a brotha out?10:02
Dy|anJust fuxxed my xserver, reinstalled and now everything is working again. Problem is, i lost all the stuff I had on my previous profile10:03
Dy|anIt's still in .cache (I think) but I don't know how to get it set back up, thunderbird is dling all my mail again, wallpaper is gone, etc etc10:03
Dy|anAny suggestions?10:03
tierpod~/.thunderbird - for thunderbird mail database10:04
tierpod~/.config/xfce - for xfce settings10:05
Dy|anYou know how I'd import them to my current config though?10:05
Dy|anSorry if i'm not making much sense, just was bashing my head for 2 hrs fixing this V_V10:06
knomeDy|an, did you reinstall xubuntu completely?10:06
tierpodjust copy this directory from previous home directory10:06
Dy|anknome, nope.10:06
Dy|anHad an issue with Xorg10:06
knomeDy|an, then what did you do? created a new user?10:06
Dy|anctrl+alt+f1ed it10:07
Dy|anthere was a permissions issue or something, I got stuck in a boot loop10:07
Dy|anX wouldn't start10:07
Dy|anIt would for guest and as root, but not for my profile10:07
knomeand then what did you do?10:07
Dy|anChanged perms for10:08
Dy|anand  also ICEauthority10:08
Dy|anrebooted, seems to work now, it's just like a new install though, all my customization is gone10:08
Dy|anfilesystem is same though10:09
knomewhat are the permissions for ~/.config?10:09
Dy|andrwx owner me10:09
knomein that case it should work...10:11
knomedo you have the root account enabled?10:11
knomeprobably not then. you shouldn't.10:12
Dy|anNot on the GUI? I usually just su10:12
gryUnit193: I have filed bug https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10914 then. (Ristretto should show image description from metadata when viewing images)10:12
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10914 in Application "Ristretto should show image description from metadata when viewing images" [Normal,New]10:12
knomeDy|an, that's fine.10:12
Dy|anThe weird thing is that my old "profile" (if that's what you call it) is completely gone10:13
Dy|anwallpaper changed, icons gone, mail resyncing, etc10:13
Dy|anso weird10:13
knomewhat are the permissions for .X/ICEauthority?10:14
Dy|anowner me10:14
knomethen i don't know10:14
tierpodmaybe you removed some files in home dir?10:18
Dy|anI removed x files10:20
gryWould it not write logs, if it tries to read/write to ~/.config but fails? Which logs would it write?10:20
Dy|anIt's like all my customization has been reset10:21
Dy|anfor every prog10:21
Dy|anbut the .cache is still there10:21
Dy|anliterally the filesystem is untouched besides xorg shit10:21
Dy|ankeyboard shortcuts reset, inbox reset, bitcoin reset10:22
tierpodlooks like you had removed .config and .local directory... or permissions errors... or filesystem errors10:23
Dy|anlooking at them right now10:24
Dy|anthey're fine10:24
Dy|anIs there a way for me to recover .profile?10:30
Dy|anI see it but idk if I can run something that will fix this10:30
xubuntu578I I have a broblem renaming files when saving files, I aket this question on askubuntu, but withot answer, after the last update, I cannot rename files when I want to save from application, for example: if I want to owervrite a file, but preserve the original, I have to make a copy of the origina, and I can not do this hen saving, I need to open thunar, and navigate to that file to do this, whitch is a waste of time.10:44
notwistxubuntu578: the problem is your workflow, not the application. why can't you save with a new name?11:53
elfyxubuntu578: use nano -B and it'll save a backup too12:12
elfyor install gedit - that has a setting to save a backup I believe12:13
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planktonHi, everytime when I close my notebook and Xubuntu suspends, when I return, after type password, the screen becomes black, and I must have to power off my computer. I notice that it continues works when black, but just without images. It starts after last Ubuntu update. :)14:33
knomeafter upgrade to 14.04?14:34
TheSheepyay for light-locker :(14:36
knomeplankton, would you *please* read the release notes?14:37
planktonnot yet, should I?14:37
knomeTheSheep, the bug's been fixed and waiting an upload. can we please try to be a bit more positive?14:38
knomeplankton, that would explain your issue...14:38
TheSheepknome: sorry14:38
planktonknome, thanks, I'll read. :)14:38
knomeplankton, we write the release notes to try to warn people about potential problems, but if people do not read them...14:38
planktonI'm system analyst and I write those release notes... I know that kind of problems about people that dont read it! :)14:39
xanguaknome: whe bug is alreadu fixed¿ what is the bug number¿15:04
knomexangua, please read the release notes.15:08
jostHi! Recently (for the last 4-5 months), I have experienced some problems with my keyboard state in XUbuntu: When I hold the Ctrl key and do something while it is hold down, the the OS seems to "forget" that the key is pressed. One example would be if I press Shift and Ctrl at the same time and then mark text using the arrow keys. I have already replaced my keyboard. This happened both in XUbuntu 13.10 and in 14.04. Does someone know how to fix15:45
xubuntu274c'è qualcuno italiano17:03
xubuntu274che mi da una mano per terminare l'installazione?17:03
TheSheep!pt | xubuntu27417:04
ubottuxubuntu274: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:04
TheSheep!es | xubuntu27417:04
ubottuxubuntu274: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:04
TheSheepoh, I'm stupid17:05
xubuntu274i'm installing xubuntu in italian17:05
TheSheepsorry, sorry17:05
TheSheep!it | xubuntu27417:05
ubottuxubuntu274: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:05
ToeTagFor the Xubu 14.04LTS 'known issues', there is a "Due to the switch from xscreensaver to light-locker, some users might have issues with timing of locking; removing xscreensaver from the system should fix these problems" but no referenced bugtracker?17:09
ToeTagI can't find any more details on this... Would like to upgrade my work machine from 13.10, but it's important that I be able to lock my screen when not at desk17:10
ToeTagAnyone have experience with that 'bug' ?17:10
amigamagicToeTag, you can try that from the live distro17:16
ToeTagamigamagic, Thanks, will do17:17
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ARM9hello, any guide to dual booting xubuntu with windows 8.1 (uefi, recent laptop, secure boot and such nastyness)19:01
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:10
Unit193ARM9: Basically get the 64bit CD.  I've done it once, it seemed to work out.19:11
ARM9already created my liveusb19:11
ARM9with unetbootin19:11
ARM9but it crashed when I tried booting to it from that ridiculous contraption they call advanced settings in win 819:12
mmazingfor some reason, my "virtual" screen size is 3600x1200 when using dual monitors, but my screens are 1920x1200, so it should be 3840x1200, and this is causing part of one monitor to "overlap" part of the 2nd19:20
mmazingi know there is an easy way to fix this using xrandr, but it is eluding me19:20
mmazingnvm, got it :)19:24
mmazingxrandr --fb 3840x120019:24
mmazingxrandr --output HDMI2 --left-of HDMI319:24
rigo_hi anyone else experiencing problems while or after installing xubuntu 14 with usb stick on a laptop without optical drive?19:46
rigo_i mean install runs errorfree but after rebooting it does not wants to boot up. /dev/sda1 contains only an EFI directory the sda2 is the / and the sda3 is the swap.19:47
rigo_any idea please19:49
rigo_on sda2 the /var/log/installer/syslog i see the funny line19:51
rigo_May 27 18:59:03 xubuntu grub-installer: Installation finished. No error reported.19:51
rigo_parted -l /dev/sda19:53
rigo_ 1      1049kB  538MB  537MB   fat32                 boot19:53
rigo_in fact i know where i ruined everything `cause i already had xubuntu installed. you know i tought i try out w8.1 :D after this i can not reinstall xubuntu well19:54
Barnabasrigo, have you tried to select that boot device directly from either a boot manager or perhaps the bios?19:55
rigo_first boot device is the hdd by default in bios. i changed nothing in bios.19:56
rigo_im not sure about it but shouldnt the /dev/sda1 contain something else then the EFI directory?19:57
rigo_which contains only a directory ubuntu and its contents are grub.cfg  grubx64.efi  MokManager.efi  shimx64.efi19:58
rigo_in the matter of fact i dont have efi bios. so i GUESS this can be a problem..19:59
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lawrOMG its delt !!!!!21:12
kuba111I have a problem with installing .run file. Can somebody help me solve that?21:16
knomekuba111, why not ask the real question and find out if anybody can help with htat21:19
kuba111Ok, so I tried to install eagle on my xubuntu from .run file but i get this error: error while loading shared libraries: libXrender.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:21
kuba111I tried to download this package, but I can find only 0.9.x versions21:21
kuba111I need 1..1 or newer21:21
kuba111I have core i5 and x64 system21:22
knomewhere did you get the .run file then?21:22
kuba111from the developer website21:22
knomeit clearly states you need a 32-bit runtime environment21:24
kuba111hmm? How you know that?21:24
knomei actually read the download page.21:24
kuba111Ok, i found it21:24
kuba111So it will not run on my computer?21:25
kuba111Or I can emulate it on some easy way?21:25
knomeit might work with the 32-bit library support ubuntu offers, or not21:25
kuba111So how can i check it?21:26
knomedid you install the required dependencies?21:26
kuba111ystem requirements: Linux based on kernel 2.6 for Intel computers, X11 with a minimum color depth of 8 bpp, 32-bit runtime environment with the libraries libssl.so.1.0.0 and libcrypto.so.
xubuntu950Is bottom panel (launcher) removed on 14.04 or is it something wrong ?21:43
knomexubuntu950, it's removed from clean installs21:49
xubuntu950knome. ok thank you.21:49
oneof3hello i updated for LTS but the lock screen didnt change. Its still the little black box. is that right?22:28
ochosioneof3: if you upgrade, then yes22:32
oneof3by upgrade you mean the usual update?22:39
ochosiupgrade means going from one version/release to another, e.g. 13.10 to 14.0422:40
ochosiupdate is just a package update within a version/release, e.g. firefox 35 to firefox 36 in xubuntu 14.0422:40
oneof3so installing it again, not just simply updating LTS versions?22:40
oneof3i know it i hav new generic boot option and recovery etc..22:41
oneof33.2.0 6322:41
oneof3so 3.2.0 63 wasnt an upgrade as i think of it?22:43
oneof3ochosi, ?22:46
ochosioneof3: so how did you update exactly?22:49
ochosi(also, 14.04 has a newer kernel, which is 3.13)22:49
oneof3update manager as usual22:49
knomeoneof3, what does 'lsb_release -a' in terminal say?22:50
ochosibut not just package updates, there was a separate dialog guiding you through the update process?22:50
ochosiheh, yeah, that's better :)22:50
oneof312/04.4 lts22:51
knomeoneof3, then you didn't upgrade yet, nor should have the upgrade be proposed to you yet22:51
oneof3okay so what was the 320 36?22:53
oneof3changed my boot order22:53
knomesounds just like a regular kernel update.22:54
oneof3ty :)22:54
ubuntuaddictedright clicking on my desktop does nothign anymore and I can't set the wallpaper and I am missing all my desktop icons23:32
ochosirestart xfdesktop then23:33
ochosie.g. from the terminal23:33
ochosior hit alt+f223:33
ubuntuaddictedjust type in restart xfdesktop?23:35
ubuntuaddictedwow, that was it. will i have to do that everytime i start my computer?23:37
ochosii hope not :)23:38
ubuntuaddictedochosi, can you think of any reason why that wouldn't auto launch?23:39
ochosiif it happens again, go to settings > sessions and startup > session and check whether xfdesktop is there23:39
ubuntuaddictedochosi, ok, i'm going to try a restart23:46
ubuntuaddictedochosi, all fixed. it started up this time, i went to startup and session and made sure i saved the session. why did that happen do you know?23:48
ubuntuaddictedochosi, been using xubuntu since 12.04 and i've never experienced that ever23:48
ochosiwell it can happen23:48
ochosixfdesktop is an app like any other23:49
ochosiso it *can* crash23:49
ochosiit shouldn't though23:49
ubuntuaddictedok, thanks for your quick help23:49
ubuntuaddictedthat's why i love using Ubuntu, the community is generally very helpful23:53
ochosidoing our best i guess23:53
ubuntuaddicteduse to use regular ubuntu until they switched to unity23:54
ubuntuaddictedi've been using ubuntu since breezy badger and it seems like no matter how much i know there's still something i learn every day23:54

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