
=== thumper-otp is now known as thumper
=== jordan is now known as charles``
=== charles`` is now known as jordan``
=== jordan__ is now known as jordan
hazmatis there a way to do bzr status if on a non HEAD revision12:37
lifelesshazmat: what do you mean 'on a non HEAD revision' ? status is a tree operation...20:37
hazmatlifeless, i do bzr up -r 42  && echo foo > README  && bzr status20:51
hazmatlifeless, i get back.. update to run status20:51
hazmatlifeless, its a simple operation via the api.. but i wanted to run it with the cli20:52
hazmatlifeless, basically i want workingtree/copy status .. but the cli refuses to work when on a non head revision20:52
lifelesshow very odd; status should be well defined for any tree state like that20:53
fullermd_Sounds like you've got something squirrely, since it works fine here...20:53
fullermd_% bzr stat20:53
fullermd_working tree is out of date, run 'bzr update'20:53
fullermd_  README20:53
lifelesspossibly a change since my time :( possibly oversight ? or squirrels :>20:53
fullermd_Though that reminds me that I need to double check that I filed that bug about status an !workingtree cases $YEARS ago...20:55
hazmatlifeless, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7539216/20:56
hazmatwhich i try to workaround via the api doing..         tree = WorkingTree.open(self.path)20:56
hazmat        return tree.has_changes()20:56
hazmatfullermd_, oh..20:57
fullermd_That all looks fine.  "working tree out of date" isn't an error that's stopping things, it's just a warning displayed along the way.20:57
hazmatfullermd_, cool20:57
mgrandithats how you tell if a tree has changes? i couldn't find that it seemed lol20:57
fullermd_(and there're no changes at that point, so it doesn't have anything else to display)20:57
hazmatfullermd_, the message through me that it wasn't20:58
hazmatworking, but your right it is20:58
mgrandithought you had to get a TreeDelta20:58
fullermd_If it's a small change, you'll need a TreeEpsilon instead.20:58
* fullermd_ goes back into hiding.20:59
lifelesshazmat: so that tree has (correctly) no delta in it21:07
mgrandibut where is tree.has_changes() defined? i dont see that in tree or working tree21:07
lifelesshazmat: at the end echo bar > readme again and then do st again21:08
lifelessmgrandi: its on the delta object I think21:08
mgrandithere it is21:09
mgrandiworking trees were confusing to get a delta from, but i managed to figure it out21:10
mgrandiexcept has_changes() doesn't report if it has unversioned files, hmm21:12

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