
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 52 building (started: 20140528 02:10) ===02:09
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 52 DONE (finished: 20140528 03:30) ===03:29
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/52.changes ===03:29
bzoltanMirv: anyhow, I turned the Silo16 tested, as all functional tests gave acceptable results.04:12
bzoltanMirv: it is really bad, that on a stock Utopic, fresh device all the click AP tests are disfunctional04:13
Mirvit'll need core-dev ack on https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-016-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_ubuntu-ui-toolkit_0.1.46+14.10.20140527-0ubuntu1.diff04:14
Mirvthere was autopilot update yesterday, maybe it's related04:15
bzoltanMirv:  I have tried both new and old AP ... the outcome is the same04:43
bzoltanMirv:  I wonder if there is anybody in Malta who could ack it in few hours04:56
alan_gcihelp - we're seeing problems finding boost on across all MPs on utopic amd64. Can you see what the problem is? E.g.: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/357/console05:03
Mirvbzoltan: sure there ard, and maybe 1h from now they've finished breakfast05:28
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bzoltanMirv:  Yes, let's give them some time :) I take a short walk and be back in an hour or less05:32
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sil2100bzoltan: hello! What's up with the problem with running click tests?06:26
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alan_gcihelp - we're seeing problems finding boost on across all MPs on utopic amd64. Can you see what the problem is? E.g.: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/357/console06:30
sil2100Mirv: hi! You know what's the deal with UITK's not running click tests during the manual test plan?06:32
sil2100Mirv: as per Zoltan's comment on the spreadsheet06:32
bzoltansil2100:  I do not know what the problem is, but it looks strange06:33
bzoltansil2100:  I have dine this -> ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed --wipe; phablet-click-test-setup; phablet-test-run ubuntu_calculator_app -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/753157006:33
robruMirv, what's going on??06:34
bzoltanrobru:  ^^06:34
bzoltanrobru: sil2100: Mirv: I just simple flashed the device, run phablet-click-test-setup06:35
sil2100bzoltan: ah! Did you do this:06:36
robrubzoltan, ok we're in a meeting now, but I'll try to reproduce the failures myself shortly06:36
sil2100phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable06:36
sil2100bzoltan: try running it after wiping and before the phablet-click-test-setup06:37
sil2100(or after booting)06:37
Mirvsil2100: I don't see the comment but apparently a lot of click failures. my own device is not testable right at the moment but at least on test infra the autopilot upgrade didn't change anything (somehow I'd guess this is related to it)06:39
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bzoltansil2100:  it could be that I have run these commands in a wrong order ... I check it again as you suggest06:42
sil2100bzoltan: so it's like, try running clicks as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing06:43
sil2100(RUnning CLick tests)06:44
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alf_cihelp: Hi! We are having trouble with a CI job not installing Mir package dependencies: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/351/console and later (broken) vs https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/350/console (working)07:00
cjohnstonare you able to build it locally?07:05
jameshcihelp: I'm getting an apparmor related test failure in Jenkins: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mediascanner2-utopic-amd64-ci/19/consoleFull07:08
jameshfrom discussions with others, it is either caused by using the 3.15 kernel, or not having securityfs mounted in the test env07:08
sil2100bzoltan: any luck with the tests :) ?07:14
alf_cjohnston: yes07:18
alf_cjohnston: plus, all other jobs succeed07:19
cjohnstonalf_: I suspect you will need to wait for fginther to be free to take a look07:19
alf_cjohnston: ack, thanks07:20
bzoltansil2100:  same result :( is the order of phablet-click-test-setup and phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable important?07:29
bzoltansil2100:  or do I need to reflash the device?07:29
sil2100bzoltan: I don't think so :|07:35
sil2100bzoltan: ok, give us a minute, robru will try confirming if everything is working ok07:36
fgintherjamesh, the build machines are using the 3.13 kernel and a pbuilder chroot. Have these new tests or did they used to pass?07:37
jameshfginther: these are new tests07:37
elopiofginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/unity-scope-click/check_call/+merge/221173 <- please give it a try07:39
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jameshfginther: is /sys/kernel/security mounted in the CI environment?07:41
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ogra_tedg, pay-services seeded (and meta uploaded)07:44
alf_fginther: Hi! We are having trouble with a CI job not installing Mir package dependencies: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/351/console and later (broken) vs https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/350/console (working)07:44
fgintheralf_, ack, I'll take a look when I have a moment07:47
alf_fginther: thanks07:47
tedgogra_, Great, thank you!07:47
fgintherjamesh, $ mount -l |grep security07:58
fginthernone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)07:58
fgintherjamesh, does your branch build in a PPA?07:59
jameshfginther: I haven't tested it in a PPA yet07:59
fgintherjamesh, I suspect a PPA may have the same problem. I can't modify the build environment to add external mounts if that's the problem08:04
robrufginther, oh hey, have you had any luck getting those extra resources allocated for me in HPCloud?08:05
jameshfginther: if securityfs is already mounted, then it must be something else.  I'll give a PPA build a shot and follow up with the AA guys08:06
davmor2Morning all08:06
fgintherrobru, I sent them a support request, I'll poke them again08:06
jameshfginther: thanks08:06
fgintherjamesh, ack08:06
fgintherjamesh, and you're welcome08:06
robrufginther, thanks. will they email me when it's ready? if not, how can I check that?08:06
bzoltansil2100:  OK, thanks for looking after this issue08:06
fgintherrobru, they won't email you, I should get a message since I opened the ticket. You could check the dashboard for your resource limits if you like polling :-)08:07
robrufginther, mmmm, polling ;-)08:07
alecuhi all! have you seen missing icons for installed apps, or apps that cannot be installed on #54 and possibly #52?08:10
alecuwe found that click is not being able to create some symlinks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/132399808:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323998 in click (Ubuntu) "Apps fail to install with utopic image #54" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:10
alecucjwatson: ^08:12
sil2100tedg: hi! So, I found the problem ;)08:13
sil2100tedg: and we have a solution as well, but first the explaination08:13
tedgsil2100, \o/08:14
cjwatsonalecu: #ubuntu-touch08:14
sil2100tedg: so, all is cool, just well... since the source name has changes, the .changes file that's generated has all the changelog in it (as it treats the package as a new package basically)08:14
sil2100tedg: and!08:14
ogra_sil2100, looks like we will run over a lot with this meeting i am in ... not sure i can make the landing meeting08:15
sil2100tedg: the check that CI Train does for empty commit messages is really simple, it's an regex over the .changes file - and since there was one empty commit message in the past before the check has been added, it is now failing on that one ;)08:15
sil2100tedg: so what needs to be done basically is: could you simply remove the empty ' * ' in debian/changelog? It's in version 0.3+14.04.20140210-0ubuntu108:16
sil2100tedg: you can do that in the dummy merge-proposal I guess08:16
sil2100tedg: I guess no one will be mad at us that we rewrite history in this case, as it's some bogus line anyway ;)08:17
sil2100ogra_: ok08:17
sil2100We'll have just quick chat today anyway08:17
tedgsil2100, Sure, I'll do that.08:18
tedgI will note that changelog entry wasn't written by me :-)08:18
* Mirv hit 10GB limit on landing PPA, had to ask for it to be raised again :(08:20
tedgsil2100, building08:20
robrubzoltan, hey, sorry for the delay. I just ran all the calculator app tests and got 100% passing with your silo enabled. so everything looks good on our end. I'll publish it!08:21
sil2100tedg: let's see how it goes now08:26
bzoltanrobru:  cool, thanks for your help!08:27
robrubzoltan, you're welcome!08:27
sil2100Mirv: oh no!08:27
sil2100Mirv: you monster, eating up space!08:28
Mirvsil2100: I think that even though I started the landing PPA as "test silo", I can continue using it all the way to the actual landing. the "test" version numbered Qt modules just need a final build when we actually are approaching final.08:29
mardysil2100: hi! Do you know to whom I should talk to in order to have jenkins run on some branch other than trunk?09:09
gatoxseb128, did you have the chance to review my last u-s-s branch?09:11
sil2100mardy: hi! I think poking cihelp would be the best bet :)09:11
seb128gatox, no, let me add that to my todo for today09:12
gatoxseb128, thanks09:12
mardysil2100: what is that? a nickname or a channel, or something else?09:14
sil2100mardy: if you write that sentence, all CI people get a ping basically :)09:14
mardysil2100: cool :-)09:14
sil2100They're on a sprint with us here so it might take a bit longer to answer though!09:15
ogra_seb128, Laney, so we see that TZ page AP test failure again on the system-settings tests :/09:15
mardycihelp: I'd like to have Jenkins running on a staging branch for my projects (by jenkins I mean: run unit tests and build arm packages on every MP, then do the merge when the request is set to approved)09:16
davmor2Mirv: did you just set trusty to devel?09:17
davmor2Mirv: on the desktop09:17
psivaa-sprintmardy: i think you'd need to report a bug against https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself with all the details on it09:18
cjohnstonmardy: I don't think we really do the merging stuff anymore.. that's up to the train... but: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CI/AddingTests09:18
psivaa-sprintoops, yea may be what cjohnston said09:19
mardycjohnston: I know that other teams have it09:19
sil2100cjohnston: I think mardy wants a staging branch like for instance the UITK guys have09:19
sil2100Not sure who set those up though09:20
mardycjohnston: yes, AFAIK also bfiller's team has one, and the Mir guys09:20
cjohnstonsil2100: I'm not familiar with what they have... but either way, with us sprinting, filing a bug will be the best thing09:20
fginthercjohnston, mardy, we do setup non-trunk merging09:20
fginthercjohnston, it's not very common, but we have been adding it on a case by case basis09:20
mardyfginther: cool! Should I file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself or is there another way to do it?09:21
fginthermardy, please file a bug and ping cihelp, we can add it to the todo list09:21
mardyfginther: if you ask me, though, the best thing would be to let me use trunk like it worked before, and synchronize the image with trusty/utopic instead :-)09:22
vilamardy: sounds appropri... what fginther said09:22
fginthermardy, hold that thought...09:22
fginthermardy, that could be an option, just need to clear it with the landing team09:23
Mirvdavmor2: yes I did. it's not entirely convenient because apt warns that the names don't match from then onwards, but on the plus side you save time every half a year whem you don't need to edit sources.list!09:23
cjwatsonyeah, there are a few bugs around this which is why we haven't finished advertising it everywhere09:24
davmor2Mirv: I do a whole bunch of fresh installs  at the end of the 6 months so that doesn't bother me so much :)09:25
MirvI think the only time I've done a fresh install on any machine aside from switching from i386 to amd64. once I even updated a running installation to amd64, but let's say the packaging system was quite confused after all my hacks so I ended up with reinstallation anyway09:37
mardycihelp: I filed bug 132403909:38
ubot5bug 1324039 in Ubuntu CI Services "Setup non-trunk merging for Online Accounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132403909:38
cjwatsonMirv: I converted my production server from i386 to amd64 in-place a while back and it's still running fine :)09:45
cjwatsonit's possible, you just have to be REALLY CAREFUL09:45
sil2100Mirv: can you help me? :)09:45
* sil2100 looks at Mirv with begging eyes09:54
Mirvcjwatson: cool!09:57
Mirvsil2100: I should be just a moment :)09:57
wgrantthom/win 4710:05
Mirvbzoltan: silo ready10:13
bzoltanMirv: thanks :)10:14
davmor2Mirv: yeah mine is work related it's to test that the cd images actually install :)10:15
* sil2100 off to lunch10:27
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Mirvdavmor2: sudoku works with Qt 5.3 now with qt5-beta2! thanks to the one (two) lines in UITK.12:05
robrusergiusens, hey, I submitted a branch to fix ogras bug, give it a look over, if you're happy with it I'll push through a release.12:06
sergiusensrobru: sure12:07
* sergiusens checks mp queue12:07
robrusergiusens, sorry, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/phablet-tools/dont-clobber-bashrc12:09
robrusergiusens,  https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/phablet-tools/correct-citrain-deps also this one is minor, ran into this issue last night12:09
sergiusensrobru: that's fine, I had it open12:11
Mirvdavmor2: whoah, system settings work too12:14
robrusergiusens, any thoughts? I just saw ogra approve12:22
sergiusensrobru: heh, I said it was fine, but forgot to take that action12:22
* sergiusens is sitting in front of ogra_12:22
robrusergiusens, oh ok. I'll start a silo then. thanks12:22
davmor2Mirv: I don't believe you :P12:24
davmor2Mirv: is the mystical one liner in the ppa?12:25
rsalvetirobru: we got an upload for ubuntu-ui-toolkit and the -gles version wasn't updated12:25
robrursalveti, oh, right.12:26
rsalvetirobru: I'll sync it again, but remember that both needs to be uploaded at the same time12:26
robrursalveti, is this a temporary situation? or will the emulator always require this? Because that's a long list of packages and clearly I already forgot to look for that. we need to automate this somehow12:27
sil2100We might try automating that indeed12:28
Mirvdavmor2: yep, via a manual build (going to land officially via CI Train on line 37)12:29
robruif not automating the work to do the sync, we at least need some kind of automated warning that the -gles sync is required12:29
Saviqricmm, rsalveti, is silo 008 landing any time soon? (we want to land silo 002 with qtubuntu)12:29
Saviqbut it will take until tomorrow for sure12:29
davmor2Mirv: updating now12:29
Saviqtedg, is silo 018 landing any time soon? (we want to land silo 018 with ubuntu-touch-session), but it will take until tomorrow for sure12:30
davmor2sil2100: so 52 is looking pretty good to be fair I see no new regression, and it looks like the contacts sync issue isn't mobile but I'm digging into that some more12:30
Saviqand unity-mir12:30
sil2100davmor2: awesome12:30
Saviqricmm, rsalveti, unity-mir conflicts, too12:30
Mirvdavmor2: there's a new qtubuntu manual upload that has only just built. meanwhile you'll lose the previous rendering fix since it didn't go in yet (I've asked ricardo to land it now). in around 15 minutes another update will bring updated that.12:30
sil2100davmor2: not sure if we'll promote anything today though12:31
Saviqand unity812:31
Mirvsil2100: FYI I'll be away tomorrow. if anyone asks about Qt 5.3, point them to https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 description page and https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.3 bugs page12:37
sil2100Mirv: sure thing ;)12:37
davmor2Mirv: and picker still seems to be crashing stuff from what I can see if you click on Sounds in setting it quickly dies a death12:46
sergiusensrobru: ah, with the deps issue; we have gone to suggest using Recommends instead of a hard depends12:46
sergiusensI forgot to make that comment12:47
robrusergiusens, I don't understand, sorry. citrain tool uses sudo and add-apt-repository (it totally fails without those), so you can't "recommends: sudo" because it literally does not work without sudo.12:47
sergiusensrobru: yeah, the script should check for it12:48
Mirvdavmor2: no it should not be picker in case, but maybe related something to sound? if you install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples (and tap search -> "components" to refrsh the apps cache), you can see how the picker is working now.12:48
sergiusensrobru: something like [ -x /usr/bin/pybootchartgui ] || ERROR="please install pybootchartgui" exit 112:48
robrusergiusens, ok, I'll add that12:49
davmor2Mirv: meh yeah ofcourse it's using media forgot about that12:49
* davmor2 wonders why he keeps reading toolkit as trollkit :)12:51
Mirvdavmor2: qtubuntu update is now there too, so you get launcher and other rendering issues back fixed, in addition to these new ones.12:53
Mirvonline accounts seems to work too.12:53
davmor2Mirv: \o/12:53
robrusergiusens, ok, I updated the MP. let me know if it's ok with you then I'll rebuild the silo12:56
cyphermoxsil2100: robru: line 4013:06
robrucyphermox, on it13:06
cyphermoxthx... seems there's only one free right now13:07
robrucyphermox, you got 2013:07
robrucyphermox, yeah, silo 16 is gonna go quick, it's ok13:07
ricmmSaviq: yes, today13:23
ricmmthats the plan at least13:23
ricmmtested and works fine just needs a cosmetic change in ctrl13:23
dbarthrobru: o/13:25
robrudbarth, hey, what's up13:25
dbarthrobru: hi, can i get your help on silo 10 (line 16) again13:25
robrudbarth, sure13:25
dbarththe oxide switch is making process transitions worse, so need to test / land that change set first in the end13:25
robrudbarth, right. so the last thing you asked me to do with that silo is reconfigure. looks like you rebuilt. ... did you need me to run some tests on that, or reconfigure?13:26
dbarthrobru: reconfigure again13:27
dbarthi've taken 2 branches out, added one in13:27
robrudbarth, ah ok great13:27
robrudbarth, oops, looks like you've got lp: syntax in the spreadhseet, unfortunately we need the full URL to the MP there.13:28
dbarthah, sure13:28
robrudbarth, no worries, I fixed it13:39
robrudbarth, looks good now, feel free to build13:39
dbarththank you (sorry was otp)13:45
robrudbarth, you're welcome!13:49
renato_fginther, could you check why this branch did not get merged automatically? https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/address-book-app/new-header/+merge/21843714:10
rsalvetiSaviq: yeah, we'll try to land it today14:17
Saviqrsalveti, ok, we'll have to wait for that then :/14:18
tyhickshello - I'd like to debug some jenkins failures for mediascanner that were caused by apparmor mediation in dbus-daemon14:23
tyhicksit may be related to the jenkins environment14:23
* jamesh looks14:23
tyhickshow can I access the jenkins schroot?14:23
tyhicksshell access, I mean14:24
tyhicksjamesh: you already know about those failures, I'm just getting some time to look at the jenkins environment14:24
alan_gfginther: have you had a chance to look at the Mir/utopic/amd64 CI failures?14:25
jameshyeah.  My IRC client highlighted the message.  You obviously want someone else to look14:25
tyhicksgrr... my network connection dropped shortly after I asked for instructions on accessing the jenkins chroot14:27
tyhicksif anyone provided instructions, please repaste them :)14:27
fgintheralan_g, only briefly.  The only thing I've learned so far is that when it tries to install the dependencies from debian/control, it fails to do that14:29
fgintheralan_g, so maybe mk_build_deps is broken or can't parse debian/control14:29
cjwatsonare arch qualifiers (:native, :any) involved maybe?14:30
cjwatsonthough I thought you stripped those out now14:31
alan_gfginther: acck. If it helps: we had a rev that had previously passed fail amongst the fails. It is the environment that changed.14:31
fgintheralan_g, I see14:31
Saviqtrainguards, we would like to ask to not ignore conflicts any more with silo 00215:06
Saviqwe want to land it finally15:06
sil2100Saviq: excellent news15:06
Saviqsil2100, there are still two conflicts (008 and 018)15:06
Saviqsil2100, 008 should land today, I'll find out about 01815:07
sil2100Saviq: so, UAL is still just a 'silo for testing', so don't worry about that15:07
sil2100Saviq: didn't know 008 will land today though, thought the greeter is first in the queue15:08
Saviqsil2100, we're waiting for a kernel fix15:10
sil2100Saviq: ah, still blocked on that one...15:10
Saviqsil2100, and it needs QA sign off (and it's not tested: Yes yet, either) ;)15:10
Saviqsil2100, so it will take at least until tomorrow15:10
Saviqso I want to let 008 land15:10
elopiofginther: any results for my click scopes branch?15:36
fgintheralan_g, the tests are passing again15:49
alan_galf_: ^15:49
alan_gfginther: it was building that was failing. Like this one (just in) https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/368/console15:50
fgintheralan_g, yes, I should have said the builds are working again15:52
ogra_sil2100, we have a team review meeting with rick and alex, i wont make the landing meeting15:52
sil2100ogra_: ok, np15:52
fgintherelopio, I haven't got to it yet. let me try to get that done before I go to bed15:52
ogra_i wonder why all my meetings run over today15:52
alan_gfginther: thanks! (did you find the problem or did it die of old age?)15:53
sil2100davmor2, ogra_, psivaa-sprint, plars: so, I guess no meeting today, since we had no new image (no new test results), Robert didn't feel well so he's gone since an hour already, so uh15:53
sil2100It would be just me and davmor2 ;)15:53
ogra_heh, k15:53
fgintheralan_g, I didn't change anything, my guess it there was a dependency breakage / conflict issue that has been resolved15:53
psivaa-sprintsil2100: thanks15:53
sil2100ogra_, davmor2: for a status update: shorts-app failures should be gone with 53!15:53
=== psivaa-sprint is now known as psivaa
sil2100ogra_, davmor2: a probable cause for the flakyness of filemanager has been also identified, but there is no one who could dig into the code and fix it properly for now15:54
ogra_at least that15:54
alan_gfginther: thanks again. I hope to see some builds working real soon now. ;)15:55
sil2100ogra_, davmor2: as for the dialer-app crash and failure, boiko has it on his radar, but the actual test failure seemed to be caused by url-dispatcher15:55
sil2100I would wait with promotion till like #53 to get a nice greener image promoted15:56
ogra_sil2100, yeah15:56
ogra_sil2100, and indeed i'm poking Wellark at least once a day about the indicator crash15:56
davmor2sil2100: we hit some more issues, clock seems to be locking up before an alarm goes off again, mms messages are not being received and adding a feed to the shorts app is ugly15:56
davmor2writing up a bug for the mms one currently15:57
davmor2sil2100: that is mms, sms is fine15:57
ogra_davmor2, i dont think that is supposed to be complete yet ... sergiusens is actively working on MMS support15:57
davmor2ogra_: MMS receive should apparently already work15:58
ogra_davmor2, sitting next to him ... yu are right15:58
ogra_sergiusens1, MMS doesnt work for davmor215:58
sergiusens1davmor2: just include all the data I asked you to a couple of hours ago15:58
davmor2ogra_: I'm writing up a bug with the things sergiusens1 already ask for :)15:59
ogra_sorry for causing confusion15:59
davmor2I just got caught up with other stuff15:59
elopiofginther: don't worry, I don't want to put work stuff in the middle of your happy hour :)16:00
elopioI'll remember you tomorrow.16:00
fgintherelopio, I just kicked off a test16:03
elopiofginther: ok, thanks. Give me the link please so I don't have to bother you to see the results.16:05
fgintherelopio, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-utopic/483/16:05
sil2100davmor2: could you give me the bug for the MMS thing?16:05
bfillersil2100: silo 15 ready for publish16:06
elopiofginther: thanks sir. Today I'll skip beers, but tomorrow you'll get the one that comes free with mine :)16:06
davmor2sil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/messaging-app/+bug/132418216:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1324182 in messaging-app "MMS messages are not being received" [Undecided,New]16:06
fgintherelopio, :-)16:06
sergiusensdavmor2: can you send me /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads/f3798d5d7a684b0bb3484faa316d72fa or whatever is in .local/share/nuntium ?16:29
sergiusensdavmor2: you have basically hit one of the bugs I was hoping to see; the weird decoding ones :-)16:29
davmor2sergiusens: /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads is empty16:31
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
cwayne1hello, can someone please clean the workspace on s-jenkins for job savilerow-demo please?23:28
cwayne1i'd done a bzr push --overwrite and i forgot that messes with it23:28

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