
mrgoodcatcmaloney: think i should remove it?01:28
rick_h_jcastro: doh! http://r.bmark.us/u/ded145755b075d01:36
cmaloneyrick_h_: Doesn't surprise me02:11
cmaloneyValve is used to manufacturing bits, not plastic02:12
mrgoodcatvalve delayed a launch? what else is new?02:32
mrgoodcatthe moment when git became self hosting https://github.com/git/git/tree/e83c5163316f89bfbde7d9ab23ca2e25604af29003:43
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/zpC2hs - git/git at e83c5163316f89bfbde7d9ab23ca2e25604af290 · GitHub03:43
cmaloneyGood morning11:44
brousch_Oh my. The Django drama thread is still going12:29
cmaloneybrousch_: That's not getting stopped anytime soon12:30
cmaloneyEspecially not after the events of last week / this week12:30
cmaloneyThere's a lot of "righting the wrongs of the world" happening at the moment12:31
brousch_Only 627 comments12:31
cmaloneyNot that it's a bad thing12:31
rick_h_*lalalalalalalalalalala* /me gets packed to head to the woods and forget all this12:31
brousch_What events?12:31
cmaloneyI wonder how many of those folks actually use Django12:32
cmaloneybrousch_: #yesallwomen12:32
cmaloneyrick_h_: Are you going to be at CHC tonight?12:32
rick_h_cmaloney: no, but thanks for reminding me to send out reminders12:32
cmaloneyrick_h_: This is not good. :)12:32
* cmaloney missed last week, you miss this week12:33
brousch_hm, clicking that hashtag in irccloud took me to a channel12:33
cmaloneyWe're going to have to coordinate schedules.12:33
rick_h_cmaloney: heh, well vacation and all that. I'll be there next week12:33
rick_h_We get back on Tues but I'm taking moar days off!12:33
cmaloneyHopefully something won't blow up over here.12:33
* rick_h_ is getting a little fed up about working at 11pm, especially when stuff starts before 7am12:34
cmaloneyOh, so you are taking a week off? that's nice.12:34
rick_h_yea, dad is coming up from VA tonight and we head to mackinaw in the morning12:34
rick_h_never been to the island12:34
cmaloneyyou camping south of the island?12:35
rick_h_yep, just SE of the bridge. Camp site is supposed to have 'lake and bridge view'12:36
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/79QDKO - Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping is a Mackinaw City RV Resort Camp on the Straits of Mackinac and has Cabins with Kitchenettes12:36
cmaloneyNice flash banner.12:36
rick_h_well, not expecting them to be web experts12:37
cmaloneyOh, it's a landing page. That's awesome.12:37
cmaloneyI didn't know those still existed. :)12:37
brousch_rick_h_: Awesome!12:37
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/7UZAAa - image/jpeg12:37
brousch_Bringing your bikes?12:38
rick_h_brousch_: definitely12:38
cmaloneyI dodn't know Edgar Froese did revolutionary LARPing.12:38
rick_h_brousch_: though we'll probably have to rent one for me and the boy since I don't think he can keep up on his little bike12:38
rick_h_brousch_: so we'll rent a tandem thingy and let my dad ride mine12:38
cmaloneyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Froese <- for those who don't know who that is.12:38
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Lxj2p - Edgar Froese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia12:38
brousch_Biking around the island isn't hard, but once you start going up it is difficult12:39
cmaloneyIt's kind of like biking around Kensington. It's great about half-way around. ;)12:40
brousch_Also, don't forget to eat a pastie http://www.mackinawpastie.com/12:40
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/MkpPte - Mackinaw Pastie & Cookie Co.: Serving the finest pasties to the nicest people since 196412:40
cmaloneyThen you realize you need to go further to get back. ;)12:40
cmaloneyOh yeah, Pasties are the best.12:40
cmaloneyBar none.12:40
cmaloneyThough not sure how they are in the summertime but in the winter they're awesome.12:41
brousch_rick_h_: I'm very interested in how that camp ground turns out12:41
cmaloneyIt's like love in a flaky pastry12:41
brousch_We've always stayed at hotels in Mackinaw City12:41
rick_h_brousch_: yea, will let you know. It's a big big/less woodsy than I wanted but the wife loves all the stuff (pool/etc)12:41
rick_h_there's some smaller ones across the bridge we looked into as well12:42
rick_h_cheaper and more camping feel12:42
brousch_We took a day trip up to Soult St Marie last time. That was fun12:43
brousch_Take a tour boat through the locks, go to the ship museum, watch the reall big ships go through12:44
rick_h_yea, that'd be cool12:44
cmaloneyhttps://plus.google.com/communities/105711849406316277146 <- rick_h_13:30
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/rMP9jN - Royal Oak Coffee House Coders - Community - Google+13:30
rick_h_cmaloney: rgr, joining13:31
cmaloneyIf anyone else wants to join the CHC community please feel free13:38
mrgoodcattoday is early mode right?13:45
rick_h_mrgoodcat: roger though not sure how many people will be there early. Never know13:47
mrgoodcatgot stuff going on today?13:47
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yea, I won't be there tonight but normally early CHC people forget and show up normal time and such13:49
rick_h_so it's hit/miss how well it goes off :)13:49
mrgoodcatgot something fun planned?13:49
mrgoodcator just busy with work stuff?13:49
rick_h_nope, just 7 meetings today and a couple fly by's to get out the door13:50
mrgoodcatwhere you going?13:51
rick_h_the woods! or the lake, not sure I guess13:51
rick_h_camping up north13:51
brousch_Bring your swim suit and take a dip in the straights13:52
rick_h_heh, I'm thinking I'm not going in any water13:53
brousch_I went in Lake MI last weekend. It was cold but not impossible13:53
mrgoodcati went in our lake up north13:53
mrgoodcatwould not recommend13:53
mrgoodcatmy balls are still frozen13:54
brousch_Lake Superior still has ice bergs13:54
mrgoodcatgot to waterski though so not a total loss13:54
jrwrenhow far north?13:54
mrgoodcat45th parallel almost exactly13:54
mrgoodcater chester twp more accurately13:54
jrwrenthis makes me appreciate our heated pool even more.13:55
mrgoodcatit should13:55
jrwrenit was like bath water when I went on Sunday13:55
cmaloneyYeah, there's actually a store there that makes a big deal about being on the 45th parallel.13:55
mrgoodcatthe lakes down here weren't so bad last week though13:55
cmaloneyCharlevoix iird.13:55
mrgoodcatmain street in gaylord runs on the 45th parallel13:55
mrgoodcatlunchtime yet?14:02
brousch_Second Breakfast14:03
=== mrgoodweb is now known as mrgoodcat
mrgoodcat.isup yakko.cs.wmich.edu14:08
bookiebothttp://yakko.cs.wmich.edu appears to be down14:08
mrgoodcatwhelp that would be what happened to my stupid irssi14:09
mrgoodcat.isup ccowmu.org14:10
bookiebothttp://ccowmu.org returned a response code of 200 in 0.27705 seconds14:10
mrgoodcati'm back14:13
bookiebotRobot crocodile burgles hippo turds in the name of science | DVICE14:20
brousch_I just wanted bookiebot to say that14:20
* mrgoodcat approves of that motivation14:21
bookiebotUptime: 48 days, 23:15:4114:23
ColonelPanic001anyone going to this Self.conference thing?14:35
mrgoodcati was going to but it's the wrong weekend for me14:37
mrgoodcati'm already doing the belle isle grand prix and the hoedown14:37
ColonelPanic001just curious if I knew anyone going14:40
ColonelPanic001is "J Wolfgang Goerlich" someone in here? they replied to me on twitter saying they were going, but honestly, I have no recollection who that is at all.14:41
=== mrgoodcat is now known as dickweed
=== dickweed is now known as mrgoodcat
ColonelPanic001ah, we're both on the misec list, that probably is it14:50
mrgoodcatbrousch_: it's a country festival14:53
mrgoodcati like everything14:53
cmaloneyI think I went to hoedown once15:00
cmaloneyThat was... um... erm...15:00
cmaloneyOr maybe it was a 4H thing.15:01
cmaloneycan't remember. :)15:01
_stink_same thing.15:20
cmaloney_stink_: That's what I was getting at. :)15:20
_stink_yeah, i happily explained your joke for you :)15:21
_stink_i have been to two country concerts15:23
_stink_i try not to think about them.15:23
cmaloneyIt's the largest number of people who clap on the downbeat ever assembled.15:25
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/MEF1Q1 - Too Many Requests15:57
cmaloneyCivilization V15:57
brousch_Shut up. I like my free time.15:58
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/G6pKcw - Pre-orders start today for Flame, the Firefox OS developer phone ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog17:24
mrgoodcatwtb https://developer.leapmotion.com/18:42
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/TdMsK - Skeletal Tracking | Leap Motion Developers18:42
rick_h_bwuhahaha two toys at once https://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/14293011815/20:01
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/ZifRaj - P1000015 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!20:01
cmaloneyOh jeez.20:40
cmaloneyrick_h_: What's the keyboard in the foreground?20:41
rick_h_cmaloney: the kenisis freestyle 220:41
rick_h_errr kinesis that is20:41
rick_h_pic taken from the new camera to the new keyboard20:42
cmaloneyLooks a little fuzzy when I zoomed in20:42
rick_h_yea, going to take some learning on the camera20:43
rick_h_and I was focusing on the V key vs the name20:43
cmaloneyHas some strange dithering under low light20:43
mrgoodcatwhat camera?20:43
rick_h_panasonic gx7 micro 4/320:44
cmaloneyRubber Dome for $119?20:44
rick_h_just in time for camping20:44
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, I wanted to see if I could use this as a travel keyboard20:44
cmaloneyThat's about $100 too many20:44
rick_h_not sure though, bit beefy, but we'll see20:44
* cmaloney will split your keyboard for cheap.20:44
mrgoodcattime to go home20:45
cmaloneyhttp://www.amazon.com/Fiskars-25-33-Power-Lever-Extendable-Hedge/dp/B001KVZTSG <- split keyboards done dirt cheap.20:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/d2fEhI - Amazon.com : Fiskars 25-33 Inch Power-Lever Extendable Hedge Shear (9169) : Fiskars Products : Patio, Lawn & Garden20:46
cmaloneyThough I have to say if I could stomach a split keyboard that would be the one I'd choose.20:47
cmaloneyhere we go20:47
cmaloneyI can't get over the cavity split keyboard20:48
greg-ghold out your fingers like you are looking at your nails20:51
greg-gnotice something?20:51
greg-gyour fingers are different lengths!20:51
rick_h_greg-g: you so crazy20:55
cmaloneygreg-g: Hold your hands up in front of your face22:29
cmaloneynow turn your wrists so you're looking at the backs of your hands22:29
greg-gare you going to be a bully and shove my hand in my face?22:29
cmaloneyfold your fingers into fists22:30
cmaloneynow extend the middle fingers on both hands22:30
jrwreni feel ashamed. I used itertools.chain.from_iterable(l) instead of [y for x in l for y in x]23:05
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/JYHS1H - The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile - YouTube23:12

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