
studio-user713dingding...newbinhere, just checkin..00:45
t001I am unable to install ubuntu studio 14.04 out of the live DVD02:38
holsteint001: how are you able to install it, then?02:39
t001The previous version installed ok02:39
holsteint001: 13.10 installed?02:39
t001I upgraded02:39
holsteint001: so, you installed 13.10, and cant upgrade?02:39
t001that was the only way to get it on another machine02:39
holsteint001: well, thats an assumption02:39
holsteint001: but, im glad you got it sorted out02:40
t001I can upgrade but I can no do a fresh install with 14.04 DVD02:40
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:40
t001First of all how can i test the integrity of my iso image?02:40
holsteinyou can also use the verification step in the installer02:40
t001thank you I will check that02:40
holsteint001: the 2 above methods can help verify both the downloaded image, and the actual media you create02:41
t001Thank you holstein I will make sure my image and media are ok before I ask any further02:41
=== usuario is now known as Ant7202
Ant7202Hi I can not do a fresh install of ubuntu studio 14.04. I only get to the install ubuntu on hard drive page and then garbage graphics04:47
Ant7202My DVD media is Ok I already checked the iso and the burned media04:48
Ant7202Not even try ubuntu without installing works for me04:49
Ant7202The dvd from previous version works fine.04:50
Ant7202Same problem with a GeForce 6200 TurboCache and other machine with Geforce 720004:52
Ant7202Any help or orientation on what to do next or research for is appreciated04:53
Ant7202It seems every one is busy right now, I'll try tomorrow.04:56
t001Hi anyone knows if it is possible to get multiple outputs with using mixxx with qjackctl and a sblive soundcard?06:18
marios_ΨΩ  ΩΔ ΔΦ ΔΦ16:17
leo100bishelp me22:39
leo100bisi can help22:39
leo100bisi dont know thats ?22:40
leo100bisho fuck you tell me !22:40
lehthanisevening everyone!  I'm having a problem with VLC...whenever I try to convert/save or stream to a compressed stream from my capture device23:05
lehthanisIf I set Sout Stream->Transcode settings and just hit record, I can capture the open capture device, but the bitrate doesn't seem to want to go low enough to make the file size manageable...(8 gb for a 40 minute low def vid)23:07
lehthanisbut if I go to Media->Stream->Capture Device and set up a stream to H.264+MP3, it just crashes.23:09
lehthanisAnd thats the method I feel will get me a better filesize.  Because on my windows machine I can convert/save the 8gb file using those settings and get a filesize of about 200Mb.23:10
lehthanisbut if I try to do that on this UbuntuStudio machine, it crashes just like the Stream option does...23:11
lehthanisAnyone have any ideas?23:11
lehthanisoh here's some info:  vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in x264_encoder_delayed_frames()23:30
lehthanisBy the way, I'm on 12.0423:40
lehthanis12.04.2 to be precise23:40

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