
sergio-br2ochosi, almost done webapps00:06
ochosisergio-br2: nice!00:08
sergio-br2i think it's missing only gmail00:08
ochosivery much looking forward to it00:09
sergio-br2in 16 px, what the standard? icon use all the 16x16 px area, or 15x15 ?00:09
sergio-br2facebook use 16x16, others 15x1500:09
ochosidepends a bit00:10
ochosithe 16x16 icons should just use what works best00:10
ochosithey're so constrained, sometimes it's almost impossible to do 16x1600:11
ochosilooks great so far00:12
ochosithe 16px gcal icon is a bit off to the right (the font)00:12
ochosiwith that one you could go 15x1500:14
sergio-br2open it with inkscape, it's right00:14
ochosii know, i did ;)00:14
ochosiactually the png export looks better00:15
ochosiso just keep it then00:15
sergio-br2each app in linux has it own svg implementation... why not just one?00:16
sergio-br2libreoffice, inkscape, eog, ristreto...00:17
ochosii think there is a libsvg that ristretto uses00:19
sergio-br2common to eog?00:20
ochosino idea what eog uses00:21
ochosinight everyone!00:24
=== jono is now known as Guest50754
elfyochosi: -release will have you in it in ~48 hours06:38
ochosielfy: that sounds like a threat..?06:59
knomeochosi, you should extend elfy's and bluesabre's membership07:00
elfynot at all - just the end result of the only admin on the team not doing things :p07:00
ochosiaha aha, elfy's talking in riddles again :)07:03
elfyochosi: kind of - the previous attempts at making it obvious - like "ochosi - bluesabre and I will be expring from -release" didn't work :p07:04
ochosiaha, i guess i didn't notice07:04
ochosior i thought knome had still taken care of it07:04
ochosigotta run07:05
knomeof course not, i'm not an admin (or anything) there07:05
elfyyou would of in 48 hours - you should then get a elfy has expired message07:05
ochosiLP is so slooooow07:05
knomeand i did notice you about that07:05
knomei extended the memberships for some while already07:05
knometo give some breathing space07:05
elfyso many things to juggle 07:05
knomei threw all of the 30 balls at ochosi07:06
knomeat the same time..07:06
elfyha ha ha 07:06
elfybit like playing 52 card pickup then07:06
knomesome of them didn't have a very ballistic course..07:07
knomealso known as "the janitor"07:07
ochosielfy: you've been extended10:00
ochosii also extended bluesabre, but i'll extend him for the rest of the cycle after we had the technical lead vote10:00
ochosialthough voting is a bit ridiculous if we only have one applicant10:01
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabrethanks ochosi10:29
ochosii think it'll be a formality, but it seems better to do it this way10:30
ochosiif i forget to extend you, please ping me as elfy did ;)10:30
bluesabrewill do :)10:32
ochosiknome: have you warned any of the recent OT posters on the devel ML already btw?10:38
ochosithe "it is beautiful" is nice and all, but really OT :)10:38
ochosielfy: btw, please talk to Unit193 whenever he's around again about the -core testing11:33
ochosiwhile he has an iso available, he suggested merging the seed file to give testers an easier/better way to provide feedback11:33
ochosiso that is for the two of you to decide11:33
brainwashochosi: mark bug 1287171 as invalid or wishlist? vt switching is part of the concept of light-locker, if it breaks something, then people should not use it12:15
ubottubug 1287171 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "light-locker breaks x11vnc as service" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128717112:15
elfyochosi: thanks boss12:56
ochosibrainwash: at least it's what i think is the cause for the vnc trouble,m i personally don't use anything like that13:10
* ochosi lost his remote login for the moment, lemme know if stuff comes up20:13

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