
designatedblake_r, got a 401 response during juju bootstrap, both the node being commissioned and the maas node have the correct time settings in bios.  /var/log/maas/maas.log show the following: OAuthUnauthorized: 'Expired timestamp: given 1401305369 and now 1401326866 has a greater difference than threshold 300'01:49
designatedi found an old bug that discusses this issue but it was supposedly fixed, plus both nodes should be syncing with ubuntu's NTP server.01:50
designatedargg...cannot sync with ntp.ubuntu.com.  don't know what's going on there.02:03
designatedapparently the bootstrap node is being configured with a timezone of UTC which is causing oauth failure.  How do I change it from UTC?04:01
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blake_rdesignated: were you able to get ntp.ubuntu.com to work?09:33
allenapjtv: Fancy a quick non-MAAS review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/rabbitfixture/rabbitmq-3.3-and-later/+merge/22136812:39
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jtvallenap: approved12:52
allenapjtv: Thanks!12:53
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designatedblake_r, I did get ntp.ubuntu.com to work.  the problem that I was having was maas had a timezone of MDT but was booting nodes with UTC so there was a 6 hour time difference, causing OAUTH to fail.  I altered the preseed to set time to MDT, that resolved the issue.15:43
blake_rdesignated: cool, glad you go it to work15:44
designatedblake_r, building new preseeds this morning to handle NIC mapping inconsistencies and proper disk partitioning for each node.  I'm assuming a juju charm will have the ability to do NIC bonding but no one in the juju channel was talking last night :)  otherwise I may have to use curtin to bond nics.15:47
blake_rdesignated: well curtin can do it15:54
blake_rdesignated: just "curtin in-target ...."15:54
blake_rdesignated: hopefully that will give you the ability you want15:54
designatedblake_r, first i have to figure out WTH happened with udev in 14.04.  They changed the default behavior to use firmware/bios index numbers for onboard nics in the naming scheme but pci nicsget named according to a completely different method.  you wind up with something like emX for your onboard NICS and ethX for your PCI nics, only add-on hardware winds up in the 70-persistent-net.rules file.  back to same problem of inconsistencies acros16:27
designateds multiple servers.  According to http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ this is supposed to resolve the problems we were seeing but it seems overly complicated for no apparent reason.16:27
designatedgonna digest this documentation to figure out the best way to proceed.16:28
designatedthey addressed the problems associated with inconsistencies for a single server, but this doesn't make it anymore predictable if I have 100s of servers that need to be consistent.16:29
blake_rdesignated: i am surprised you are having so many inconsistencies with nic naming, the should normally come up in the same order16:38
designatedblake_r, check this out16:42
designated2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100016:42
designated    link/ether 00:8c:fa:0d:4e:38 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:42
designated3: em1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100016:42
designated    link/ether 00:a0:d1:ed:77:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:42
designated4: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100016:42
designated    link/ether 00:8c:fa:0d:4e:39 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:42
designated5: em2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100016:42
designated    link/ether 00:a0:d1:ed:77:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:42
designatedwent from eth0 to eth2...where is eth1?  on another server, it was completely different.16:42
designatedI think I'm just going to disregard the changes and write out my own persistent-net.rules file to override all of this nonsense :)16:44
blake_rdesignated: yeah that is wierd16:52
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designatedblake_r, I'm reading http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/curtin/utopic/view/head:/doc/topics/overview.rst but it's not entirely clear where these commands would go.  it looks like they would go here: /etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata, but the syntax is different.  /etc/maas/preseeds/curtin only contains "{{preseed_data}}", not sure exactly what that is a reference to, unless it's the preseed file but I thought curti19:48
designatedn didn't use preseeds.  is there a link to more comprehensive curtin documentation?19:48
AskUbuntuHow can build relation between Rabbitmq-Server (as buffer for request interface) for my owm locla charm( process the requests) | http://askubuntu.com/q/47409720:04
blake_rdesignated: they do go in curtin_userdata20:07
blake_rdesignated: http://astokes.org/customizing-fastpath-curtin-installations/20:07
designatedblake_r, thanks20:28
designatedin maas I have the default distro for commissioning and deployment set to trusty, but when i deploy a juju charm, it installs precise...20:55
designatedi wonder if that has something to do with the charm20:56
roadmrdesignated: not sure if juju's documentation is up to date but: "The default series for MAAS will automatically be set to 'precise'. You can override this setting by adding the optional configuration: default-series: trusty"21:01
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designatedroadmr_afk, yeah i just figured out juju set-env "default-series=trusty" will fix it, but then not all charms exists in the trusty charm store :/21:03
designatedyay :)21:04
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AskUbuntuUbuntu MAAS Setup - Newbie - adding nodes | http://askubuntu.com/q/47414022:30
designatedblake_r, do you know if variables and conditional statements in a preseed will work?22:51
designatedsomething similar to the following:22:51
designated{{if SETTIMEZONE}}22:51
designatedd-itime/zone string $TIMEZONE22:51
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