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Logan_ | Noskcaj: you want https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/utopic/xfce4-eyes-plugin/4.4.2/+merge/221146 sponsored/ | 03:41 |
Logan_ | sxsponsored/xsponsored?x | 03:41 |
Unit193 | elfy: Just the person I needed. Sorry I didn't catch you earlier, had to visit the doc and crap. | 06:07 |
elfy | such is life | 06:08 |
Unit193 | So I presumed with core testing, we'd want to get it in first so we can use tasksel from the mini ISO, or install the meta without adding any extra repos. I made the merge request and ochosi kindly reminded me that I should confirm this is how you'd prefer to go about testing this (I was going to wait on getting something installable before contacting you.) | 06:10 |
elfy | yea that sounds right to me | 06:12 |
elfy | I would think the best way is | 06:12 |
elfy | 1 - get -core so tasksel sees it | 06:12 |
elfy | 2 - do some double checks between us | 06:12 |
elfy | 3 - let -testers know - those who are brave enough can then do it | 06:12 |
elfy | 4 - I've still got people that might look elsewhere | 06:12 |
elfy | does that make sense to you? | 06:12 |
Unit193 | All except 4, so sounds great and what I was aiming for. Thanks! | 06:13 |
elfy | \o/ | 06:15 |
Unit193 | Oh, since ochosi isn't on IRC (connection problems), do you want to approve https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu-seed/+merge/221149 or want me to make a comment/ | 06:15 |
elfy | I can - bit like asking a blind man to check your expenses though | 06:16 |
elfy | Unit193: is that what I think it is - adding core in so it's available for tasksel? | 06:19 |
Unit193 | Also how the xubuntu-core metapackage is created. | 06:20 |
elfy | ok | 06:20 |
elfy | done | 06:21 |
Unit193 | Thanks! Want me to hit up trello with the plan? | 06:22 |
Unit193 | elfy: Sorry to sound stupid, but suite b? | 06:23 |
elfy | the testcases need to be checked before we call | 06:24 |
elfy | I assume you're looking at the package testcase card with the checklist | 06:25 |
elfy | 6 testcases to check over before we call | 06:25 |
Unit193 | No I wasn't, OK. | 06:28 |
elfy | why did you mention it then? | 06:28 |
Unit193 | https://trello.com/c/kKLiedUe/15-suite-b-call saw it was due soon. | 06:28 |
Unit193 | (I got this, I know what's going on.) | 06:29 |
elfy | woohoo | 06:30 |
elfy | so people look and it works \o/ | 06:30 |
Unit193 | elfy: Sorry, I cheated. :( | 06:31 |
Unit193 | xubutrello: due soon | 06:31 |
xubutrello | -> 1. Suite B Call (id: 15) due: 2014-06-09 11:00:00 UTC from list: To Do 14.10 | 06:31 |
elfy | yep - I guessed :) | 06:31 |
elfy | still you looked | 06:31 |
elfy | now you know also that the testcases need to be checked :p | 06:31 |
Unit193 | Right. Isn't lls going to change? | 06:32 |
elfy | it is - but atm it hasn't - so we can only go with what we have | 06:33 |
elfy | if it changes after then we can always ask people to test *that* | 06:33 |
elfy | there's now a newer due date too :p | 06:33 |
elfy | should make more sense with the previous one | 06:34 |
Unit193 | Mhmm, I see. | 06:37 |
ochosi | elfy: i've been disconnected for a day or so, so i didn't see any reply wrt -core testing. i presume you +1-ing the merge request means that you wanna merge first, then test? | 10:06 |
Unit193 | Yes. | 10:07 |
Unit193 | ochosi: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/05/29/%23xubuntu-devel.html | 10:08 |
gry | Hello. Skype, battery indicator, and goldendict go to 'indicator (unity)' applet. Notes and power indicator go to 'notification area' applet. Quassel icon goes nowhere. Would someone please package things properly and consistently? I am not using unity and do not need the 'indicator (unity)' applet. | 10:10 |
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gry | Where do I file bugs for that? | 10:11 |
brainwash | gry: https://launchpad.net/ | 10:19 |
knome | ochosi, no | 10:23 |
slickymasterWork | morning knome | 10:24 |
knome | hey slickymasterWork | 10:25 |
gry | brainwash: Bugs in what? In the packages which go to the wrong tray? And what application includes that 'indicator (unity)' applet - I think it shouldn't do that unless unity is installed? | 10:44 |
brainwash | gry: you mean xfce4-indicator-plugin? | 10:49 |
brainwash | if you don't want to use it, simply remove it from the panel | 10:50 |
Unit193 | knome: You're the assignee for "Attribute documentation translators" right? ;) Can I just pass the short, proof of concept script I have and be done? | 22:54 |
knome | of course you can ;) | 22:54 |
Unit193 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/PgGsQsa9qy4dslpNuY4Q/ two different options, I think you remember them. It pulls the lists of contributors, though of course is a tad hacky. | 22:56 |
knome | yep, looks good. | 23:01 |
Unit193 | I of course can't do the html hackage, but any more help needed on whichever method slickymaster chooses, and I think I can likely help. | 23:02 |
knome | do we want to inject the credits after converting to html? | 23:03 |
Unit193 | Like in the startpage process? | 23:04 |
knome | well, yeah... | 23:04 |
knome | because the other option is to mess with the xml. | 23:04 |
Unit193 | I think html is a better bet, no? | 23:05 |
knome | i don't prefer either way | 23:05 |
Unit193 | Unless you would rather somehow do an #include. | 23:05 |
knome | hmmh | 23:05 |
knome | that might be a good option | 23:05 |
knome | but the include would need to be dynamic | 23:05 |
knome | well, actually not | 23:06 |
knome | because we could just be sneaky and change the same file to other content | 23:06 |
Unit193 | Or re-generate it and remove. :P | 23:07 |
knome | well, that | 23:07 |
knome | but practically the same, since the index file could be static | 23:07 |
knome | hmm, this looks promising | 23:09 |
knome | for some reason, the included file must have one wrapping element or the XML parsing will fail | 23:16 |
knome | but we can overcome that. | 23:16 |
knome | ...i think | 23:17 |
knome | hmm... | 23:18 |
knome | Unit193, http://paste.openstack.org/show/Ij9D2RgY1KB6Cb5XpG0Z/ | 23:20 |
knome | that's the markup we need | 23:20 |
knome | not too hard, eh? | 23:20 |
knome | then in index.xml, something like this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/390DO9UEoWDKcGyOURTR/ | 23:21 |
knome | of course, it's a bit meh with the default language, because we can't revert the <para> so easily | 23:22 |
Unit193 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/nVtJFesnc45w9aPj5Q1U/ there's the output. | 23:29 |
knome | you need <itemizedlist> too | 23:30 |
Unit193 | Well yes, but that's the simple one. | 23:30 |
knome | and we do not want the launchpad contibutors line. | 23:30 |
Unit193 | So, changed. (Those were simple.) | 23:32 |
knome | yeah | 23:32 |
knome | that's the only thing we need from the included xml | 23:32 |
knome | i'm also considering how we should word the <para> | 23:33 |
knome | it might be a good idea to note that those people did not necessarily *translate* anything, but might have helped with the technical side or sth. | 23:33 |
Unit193 | Some output 'translator-credits', but no Language above the cutoff will do that. | 23:33 |
Unit193 | I don't get my name there anywhere. :( | 23:33 |
Unit193 | :P | 23:33 |
knome | well the script could change that to "Unknown" | 23:33 |
knome | what even creates that situation? | 23:34 |
knome | only suggestions in LP? | 23:34 |
knome | or things that need reviewing? | 23:34 |
knome | because those aren't saved as translations in the .po files. | 23:34 |
knome | which is... silly | 23:34 |
knome | or they are fuzzy or something. | 23:34 |
knome | i can't remember, it's too much time | 23:34 |
knome | but there was something "meh" about it | 23:35 |
Unit193 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/9IKKhGnExd2SjY0ZwrBw fixed! Yeah, that's when there isn't any listed translators. | 23:35 |
knome | d'oh! | 23:35 |
knome | the start tag is without / ;) | 23:36 |
Unit193 | I know that. :P | 23:36 |
Unit193 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/4VjQ9nQ0oApHx4mcSTbJ/ so that's really what it'd be. | 23:37 |
knome | yyyyep | 23:37 |
knome | that looks good. | 23:37 |
knome | do you want to land the stuff in a branch? | 23:38 |
knome | i can help with the missing bits, i sorted it out locally | 23:38 |
Unit193 | Are you really sure you want to commit something like http://paste.openstack.org/show/GCsmT8eQqgKMFcfd1lkw with so much sed? :P | 23:38 |
knome | well, | 23:39 |
knome | i don't know why sed would be so evil | 23:39 |
knome | if it works for us | 23:39 |
knome | i mostly just want this out. | 23:39 |
knome | then, if people have suggestions how to improve it, do that. | 23:39 |
Unit193 | Want to drop the grep_creds, or fix it? | 23:40 |
knome | but for now we don't have anything else, so either we put it out like this, and *have it*, or wait for somebody to come up with something "better", which might take a long time | 23:40 |
knome | that just outputs? | 23:40 |
Unit193 | Right, it uses the grep feature rather than building then checking. It's no faster, but may be cleaner. | 23:41 |
knome | ah, right. | 23:41 |
knome | i don't think i have a strong opinion | 23:41 |
knome | fwiw, you can even leave it there | 23:41 |
knome | if it's potentially helpful later | 23:41 |
knome | just leave a note that it's not used | 23:42 |
Unit193 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/niMrCLdTLtMhN2uO7YWA/ <<< | 23:44 |
knome | looks good. | 23:44 |
knome | what do you think about the placement of the translator credits? | 23:44 |
knome | i was thinking after the documentation contributors, but before the contributors to the old docs | 23:44 |
Unit193 | http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/ln-idp57636336.html Somewhere in here? | 23:45 |
Unit193 | Yep, exactly. | 23:45 |
knome | yeah, then dump one of my pastes there | 23:45 |
knome | and the next question: | 23:45 |
knome | actually, nvm | 23:46 |
knome | or, yeah... | 23:46 |
knome | different POV: | 23:46 |
knome | where do we need/want to create the temp xml file? | 23:47 |
Unit193 | Either the current working dir, desktop-guide/tmp/ or perhaps desktop-guide/libs/ ? | 23:48 |
knome | current working dir is meh, because it's included related to the index.xml file. | 23:48 |
knome | i was thinking libs, as long as it's cleaned and does not get copied to the installation :P | 23:49 |
knome | tbh, it shouldn't matter too much where it is, again as long as it doesn't get left in the installation | 23:49 |
Unit193 | So here's the problem, does the build bail if the include file is missing? | 23:49 |
knome | probably. | 23:49 |
knome | but i'd guess you can just have an empty one. | 23:49 |
knome | so touch that and delete for non-translator-languages | 23:50 |
knome | hmm, no. | 23:50 |
knome | boo | 23:50 |
Unit193 | Actually, I need to change that script to follow what I made translate.sh do. | 23:51 |
Unit193 | Oh, was I supposed to add my name as part of translate.sh's copyright header? :P | 23:51 |
knome | as you said, we probably don't run into problems with "no translators", because those won't be built | 23:52 |
knome | but you could just drop "No creditable translators" or sth | 23:53 |
knome | (having an empty file fails the build, it expects to have some content...) | 23:53 |
knome | i have a fancy idea. | 23:54 |
knome | which would need more work | 23:54 |
knome | but we could create start-translator-credits.xml | 23:54 |
knome | which would *only* have the starting paragraph | 23:54 |
knome | which would be translatable. | 23:55 |
knome | then create the temp file, and *if* there was translators, include start-translator-credits.xml and list the translators. | 23:55 |
knome | otherwise, show empty content | 23:55 |
knome | which would solve the problem for the default language | 23:56 |
knome | and no weird "these are the translators: none, haa-haa" | 23:56 |
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