
josecan't find any flights :P00:00
ahoneybunso most likely 1600 for the bus, food, and room00:00
* ahoneybun just saw that he would be going to Austria00:00
joseahoneybun: now that I checked, I'll be attending a conference 3h from your location00:01
ahoneybunjose: in Fl?00:01
joseahoneybun: yep, fossetcon.org00:02
josekinda-same dates at akademy00:02
* ahoneybun really wants to go00:03
* jose has already got his ticket00:03
valorieI've not heard of that one, jose00:03
valoriesounds cool00:03
josevalorie: me neither until this year, they magically invited me00:04
valorieoops, dinner time00:04
ahoneybunjose: I have heard of it before00:05
ahoneybunheck I'll stay at the cheapest place if I can go00:05
joseahoneybun: maybe we can share a room if that's possible?00:24
ahoneybunjose: I have no problem with that at all00:25
joselet me know what you decide and I'll see if I can talk for room-sharing00:26
ahoneybunI want to go, just wonder if the funds would cover the passport00:29
josenot sure about that00:29
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1324805] Unable to launch Gnome from KDM in 14.04 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1324805 (by Marcus Karlsson)08:21
lordievaderGood morning.08:43
Riddell"Fathi Boudra (fboudra) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team" yay fabo still loves us!09:20
shadeslayerbon dia :D09:27
Riddelloh molt be shadeslayer 09:32
Riddellcom estas?09:32
yofelso, scarlett passed with +6 \o/09:33
yofelwho wants to do the paperwork?09:33
Riddelladd her to team, e-mail list and sabdfl?09:33
Riddell"Scarlett Clark (scarlett-7) has been added as a member of this team."09:34
yofelpretty much IIRC09:34
shadeslayerRiddell: bueno, y tu?09:34
Riddellem sap greu, no parlo catala09:35
Riddellmare meva!!09:38
Riddellwhat should I do today? merges or plasma next packaging?09:40
RiddellI'm mostly wanting to do plasma next because I see fedora have an iso out and I'm jelous09:40
shadeslayerwe have an ISO too10:12
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Riddellshadeslayer: true10:20
BluesKajHowdy folks10:22
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1322968] Changing country leads to invalid locale @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1322968 (by Dimitris Kardarakos)10:33
shadeslayerRiddell: did you backport milou? or should I request it?10:38
Riddellshadeslayer: oh forgot about that, go ahead10:45
shadeslayerRiddell: http://open.spotify.com/track/0hzih5wPuGN8tCIZ16puJx10:46
Riddellshadeslayer: now there's a tune that deserved a good bass speaker10:47
* BluesKaj breaks out the subwoofer test signals11:13
shadeslayerdebfx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/trusty-backports/+bug/132491112:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1324911 in trusty-backports "Please backport milou 0.1-0ubuntu2 (universe) from utopic" [Undecided,New]12:42
shadeslayerRiddell: btw I'm keeping our own symbol files12:51
shadeslayerwhen merging packages12:51
Riddellyeah that makes sense12:53
shadeslayermuch fun12:59
Riddellwhy is it red? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-baloo/13:00
Riddellis this a good red? maybe red is good https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-kde4libs/13:00
shadeslayerRiddell: debhelper is missing a depends on dh-acc13:05
shadeslayerin Debian/Ubuntu13:05
Riddellpresumably it's optional13:06
ScottKshadeslayer: Why would debhelper require it?13:06
Riddelldoes it not need to be added to build-depends?13:06
shadeslayerScottK: <maxy> shadeslayer: Looks like dh-acc is missing a dependency of debhelper in ubuntu13:06
shadeslayer<maxy> And in Debian13:06
ScottKDebhelper doesn't directly depend on the optional bits, you have to do it yourself.13:06
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shadeslayermerging packages will take forever14:40
shadeslayer139 more to go14:40
shadeslayerRiddell: VCS entries for baloo look wrong15:01
Riddellshadeslayer: oh I should change them to our ones I guess15:36
shadeslayerRiddell: yep15:39
shadeslayerpretty sure I missed a couple too15:39
shadeslayerneed to review on monday15:40
shadeslayerdebfx: haha, neat snowman :D15:57
debfxshadeslayer: shamelessly copy'n'pasted from http://unicodesnowmanforyou.com/ :)15:58
Riddellshadeslayer: is there much reason not to switch to 4.13.1 as we merge into debian since debian now has 4.13.1?15:59
shadeslayerno, infact, I am using the 4.13.1 changelog entries where applicable16:00
Riddellshadeslayer: right but are you using the 4.13.1 tars?16:00
Riddellok cool, I'll do that then16:01
Riddellshadeslayer: why the makeshlibs override in http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kdepimlibs.diff ?16:09
Riddell(at bottom)16:09
shadeslayershould be dropped, unless it comes from debian16:12
Riddellshadeslayer: kdepim looks fine but you drop the 4:4.13.1-1 changelog from debian, any reason?16:17
shadeslayerRiddell: must be a mistake16:18
Riddellmaybe you merged from an older version in debian16:18
shadeslayerah yes16:18
Riddellshadeslayer: I'll fix those and upload16:18
shadeslayerRiddell: thx for taking care of uploads16:19
shadeslayerRiddell: might be useful to upload kdelibs 4.13.1 as well, but block it in proposed16:19
shadeslayerso that everything that depends on it is blocked16:19
shadeslayerthen once we upload all of 4.13.1, unblock kdelibs16:20
ScottKSInce kdelibs is binary compatible, it shouldn't need blocking.16:20
shadeslayerthen I guess we can keep uploading stuff16:21
Riddelldpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address16:29
Riddelldon't forget about that shadeslayer 16:29
shadeslayerRiddell: yep, I've missed some of those16:29
shadeslayeras mentioned before :)16:29
shadeslayer( realized that yesterday evening )16:29
shadeslayerit's raining here -.-16:30
ScottKRain affects memory?16:31
Riddellshadeslayer: move to edinburgh, it's gorgeous sun here!16:31
yofelit causes disturbing sound waves16:31
* yofel sends some more clouds to shadeslayer16:32
shadeslayery u destroy Barcelona16:32
shadeslayerit used to be sunny here, till d_ed moved here16:32
yofelhe can't live without the weather he's used to :P16:33
Riddelldon't worry, I'll bring back the sun16:33
Riddellalthough this might affect my ryanair luggage allowance16:34
shadeslayerI highly doubt it16:34
d_edwhy am I blamed for everything?16:38
RiddellI wonder why debian don't have watch files16:40
Riddelld_ed: because you voted for UKIP!16:40
ScottKRiddell: Mostly because they consider it superfluous for KDE SC.  No one will fail to notice a release happened.16:46
Riddellmakes bzr-buildpackage less likely to work16:48
Riddellshadeslayer: is alex still around? seems debian just added a patch to solid to kde4libs16:48
Riddellshadeslayer: kdepim goes boom! https://launchpadlibrarian.net/176625151/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.kdepim_4%3A4.13.1-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:50
yofelah right, 2 missing libs16:51
yofelanother one for .2 IIRC16:52
shadeslayerRiddell: https://plus.google.com/115138410189586016392/posts/QwJ8YejWWw416:53
Riddellsomething is growing!16:54
shadeslayerlooks worse in real life16:54
shadeslayerah yes :P16:55
shadeslayerRiddell: we did have usr/lib/libgrammar.so before16:57
shadeslayer!find usr/lib/libgrammar.so utopic16:57
yofelas I said, it's gone in .116:57
ubottuFile usr/lib/libgrammar.so found in kdepim-dbg, kdepim-dev, libgrammar416:57
yofelsame for another lib16:57
shadeslayermmm, missing kgapi too16:58
shadeslayerwhat fun ^_^16:58
yofelkgapi isn't supposed to be missing...16:58
yofellibpimactivity is16:59
shadeslayer-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:16:59
shadeslayer * LibKGAPI2 (required version >= 2.1.0) , KDE-based library for accessing various Google services , <https://projects.kde.org/libkgapi>16:59
shadeslayer   LibKGAPI is required to build Google Drive Storage Service16:59
shadeslayeryofel: that's not fun, this is http://imgur.com/PMsKOUm17:08
Riddellshadeslayer: how come you've not been uploading?17:13
shadeslayerRiddell: no reason, just thought I'd get to it at the end17:14
shadeslayerbeen locally building things17:14
* shadeslayer loves kompare17:20
Riddellje4d's baby as I remember17:27
shadeslayeralright, I'm done for the day, see you on Monday :)17:31
Riddellhave a sunny weekend17:31
Riddellshadeslayer: cervisia is WIP?17:31
Riddell  * Merge with debian, remaining changes17:42
Riddell    - Disable tests17:42
Riddellyofel: around? any idea why libkipi would have that?17:42
yofelnot really, esp. as I'm not convinced that'll even work 17:44
Riddellseems he removed kxmlkipicmd too17:45
yofelah, libkipi actually has a check whether tests are built so that would work fine17:45
Riddellstill no reason for us to disable it if debian don't17:46
* Riddell adds back17:46
yofelI'm wondering about that. libkipi might actually work without adt stuff17:47
Riddelladt stuff?17:47
keithzg_Where does the d come from? heh18:10
Riddellhi sgclark18:50
sgclarkRiddell: hello :)18:51
Riddellinternet better?18:52
sgclarkyeah, my husband got a nasty virus, darn windows users18:52
santa_Riddell, sgclark: hi, I have some partial unmature work for plasma-desktop and plasma-workspace, I'm going to push it to a personal bzr branch in a few minutes18:57
santa_it's too chessy yet, but it's a beginning18:57
sgclarkI have already been working on it18:57
santa_sgclark: on both? would you mind to publish your work so I could check if I have here something worth sharing?18:58
sgclarkI will when it is ready, i am behind today due to a slight network issue18:59
Riddellsgclark: well you know the solution to his problems19:06
ahoneybunIs there a reason muon manager is not installed?19:34
ahoneybunmuon package manager?19:35
ahoneybunyofel: but muon discover limits the searching 19:36
yofelahoneybun: it covers most use cases, and for the rest you can either install muon or use ap19:38
ahoneybunI see19:41
ahoneybunsgclark: congs!19:59
sgclarkoh thanks :)20:02
ahoneybunsgclark: welcome to the group!20:20
ahoneybunyofel: mind if I try to package again?20:20
sgclarkahoneybun: thanks :)20:20
yofelahoneybun: always. I'm a bit busy with life recently but I'm sure Riddell or sgclark can point you to something20:23
ahoneybunyofel: sweet thanks20:23
ahoneybunsgclark: the dev stuff is in build-essenstail or something like that20:24
sgclarkahoneybun: not a good day today, very behind due to some network issues.20:24
ahoneybunsgclark: np just wanted to know so I have the packages installed for when it is a good day20:24
sgclarkahoneybun: right and you are going to want to set up a chroot, here is a good guide that worked for me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot20:26
ahoneybunsgclark: thanks20:28
NoskcajWhat does kde need before upower 0.99 can be uploaded to ubuntu?20:35
NoskcajGnome needs the new upower sometime this cycle20:36
santa_Riddell: so the next kf5 libraries release is june 1? may I help with packaging?20:45
Blizzzdid someone else has had trouble installing ejabberd on 14.04? upon installtion (purged and installed couple times meanwhile)  the service fails to start, ejabberctl always ends with "Failed RPC connection to the node ejabberd@HOST: nodedown"20:47
Blizzzsry, wrong chan20:47
Riddellsanta_: sure although date is more like whenever dfaure has time21:05
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valorieweeeeee, I got funding!23:34
emmadoes Kubuntu 12.04 have any packages for qt5 ?23:36
emmasome software I want to compile tells me I need this stuff: apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools \ build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev \ libssl-dev libdb++-dev23:37
emmabut apt-get doesn't see any qt5-default etc23:37
valorie!info qt5-default23:41
ubottuqt5-default (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 development defaults package. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0.2+dfsg1-7ubuntu11.1 (saucy), package size 13 kB, installed size 91 kB23:41
emmaIs there a way to get qt5 in Kubuntu 12.04 ?23:42
valorieoh, what's the code name for 12.04?23:42
valorieso long ago.....23:42
emmaim not sure, how can i tell?23:42
emmais there a way to update to the new version of Kubuntu?23:42
valorieis it precise?23:42
valorieof course23:42
emmaYes it is precise23:42
emmaIs it possible to update from Precise to the latest?23:42
valorie!info qt5-default precise23:43
ubottuPackage qt5-default does not exist in precise23:43
valoriethere you go23:43
emmathat's not good23:43
valorieyes, LTS > LTS is always possible23:43
emmais the current an LTS?23:43
emmashould I make backups before doing the upgrade?23:43
valorieare you developing?23:43
emmaI don't want to do a whole install23:43
valorienaturally, always back up23:43
emmavalorie: not exactly.23:44
emmajust trying to compile so github23:44
emmasomething from *23:44
valorie12.04 is two years old, so qt5 was not even done back then afaik23:45
DalekSec14.04 becomes an upgrade option to Precise users at the first point release, so August.23:56
ScottKDalekSec: For general consumption that's true. People can upgrade now if they want.23:58

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