
Noskcajdarkxst, I'll get to that sometime today, have to do alacarte utopic first04:28
Noskcajdarkxst, Do i base it one the -updates or -release version?05:12
Noskcajdarkxst, You around?07:20
darkxstNoskcaj, hi08:12
NoskcajMy work so far is at https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/upower/+packages08:12
NoskcajAnd alacarte merge is waiting08:12
NoskcajIs it possible to just package gnome-packagekit 3.12 straight to ubuntu? It drops all use of upower08:13
darkxstNoskcaj, use -updates package, that fix is not in the 0.16.4 release08:14
NoskcajAny bug that tracker needs linked?08:14
darkxstjust make a generic bug for it08:14
darkxstit should be an MRE08:15
darkxstpackagekit 3.12 should be fine08:16
NoskcajCOuld you try and see why -session is ftbfs at https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/upower/+packages when you have some spare time?08:18
darkxstNoskcaj, you forgot the patches for gnome-session?08:32
darkxstgnome-power-manager can got straight to 3.12 also (only really change is the upower port)08:32
darkxstpowerd will need to be ported, since it ubuntu upstream08:35
Noskcajdarkxst, I'm pretty sure -session has it's patches08:49
darkxstNoskcaj, there are no patches in the diff08:50
NoskcajI've made two uploads of -session. the first had the patches, the second readded upower to the build depends08:51
darkxstah ok08:51
darkxstNoskcaj, please use proper git-formart patches!08:54
darkxstthey should look like https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/patch/?id=3b518cadecf07f3885b2207152fff92e4f4aaff108:54
darkxstyours are missing headers?08:54
Noskcajoh. I'd just been copying the diff08:54
NoskcajI'll fix that in the final uploads08:55
NoskcajHow long till -desktop 3.10 or 3.12 is uploaded?08:58
darkxstNoskcaj, I want to go straight to 3.12, but that means we need gtk-3.12 first08:59
darkxst(and upower)08:59
darkxstNoskcaj, if you are copying diffs off the webpage, then click the "patch" link next to the commit id09:00
darkxstif you are using git itself, then git format-patch --stdout09:00
darkxstupstream gnome-session seems to have dropped gsm-logout-dialog.c, so it won't have been ported09:06
darkxstNoskcaj, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/commit/?h=gnome-3-10&id=705699b2799a3434d1a8f35c9a92868a5057f73e09:15
darkxstbut better check if Unity uses those!09:15
NoskcajI'll add -session to my "do last" list09:17
darkxstNoskcaj, try building gnome-session 3.9.9109:41
Noskcaj-shell is only a depend, i'm not sure what actually uses it09:43
darkxst-shell 3.10 used upower via g-s-d09:44
darkxst-shell 3.12 uses upower directly09:44
darkxstNoskcaj, even gnome-session 3.10.1 might be ok, I think the build-dep on gnome-desktop might have just been forced to avoid a mismatch between gnome-deskop and mutter version09:49
Noskcajdarkxst, Dad says i have to turn of my pc now. I've just uploaded 3.9.91 to the ppa, hopefully it works09:51
darkxstok, night09:54
Noskcajdarkxst, I'm currently waiting for a responce from sugar + kde for upower. Could you try and upload desktop, g-c-c, and g-s-d 3.10 so i don't have as much to cherry pick21:32
NoskcajI really don't know which of the 1000 patches i'm meant to use for those21:34
darkxstNoskcaj, that would require a gnome-desktop 3.10 transition (which I am trying to avoid)21:36
darkxstI will do g-s-d and g-c-c, basically the same patches will be required for unity- versions anyway21:37
Noskcajok. I'll try and get shell and packagekit 3.12 done sometime today21:42
darkxstNoskcaj, I did see kde patches for upower somewhere21:45
darkxstnever look at sugar21:46
darkxstnot sure if any others are required though21:46
NoskcajA few other kde packages use it21:47
darkxstNoskcaj, which ones?22:06
Noskcajalthough some of those are binaries22:07
darkxstmost of those are meta packages?22:07
darkxsthmm codesearch seems broken ;(22:08

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