
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:03
wilee-nileeI think we have a bit doing PM on #ubuntu05:07
bazhang<Radon_3> anudas: I am n ot sure cause many people are seeding asnd leeching it already07:14
bazhangthe other shoe drops07:14
Jordan_UDo we discourage helping users with anything related to pirated content?07:14
bazhangup to you, I suppose07:14
bazhanghe pretty much brazenly stated it, hard to ignore07:15
bazhangthe only better ones are: "why can't I get more seeders", and "I need an internet accelerator"07:16
Jordan_UI am personally inclined to still help, as it's not a question of helping them obtain the media, just how to unzip the file they already have.07:16
bazhanghah, he quit07:17
bazhangthought that Macbuntu theme was pretty much a system wrecker07:20
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:32
sarnoldmikey is back, pretending to be ikonia in #ubuntu-server.13:16
ikoniahuh ?13:31
ikoniawhat's up ?13:31
sarnoldikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7551534/13:32
ikonia@mark #lkonia #ubuntu-server the user mikey85 pretending to be me to cause problems with abuse - ban on sight13:33
ubottuError: Not in that channel13:33
ikonia@mark lkonia #ubuntu-server the user mikey85 pretending to be me to cause problems with abuse - ban on sight13:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:33
ikoniathanks sarnold13:33
sarnoldthanks ikonia :)13:33
h00koo, you have an admirer13:38
h00kmaybe again in #ubuntu-offtopic right now13:39
ikoniadifferent host13:40
bazhangwas he ddosing people?14:28

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