Hatten | What devices (if any) have you used with ubuntu touch? | 00:00 |
alfonsojon | I have the Nexus 4 | 00:00 |
alfonsojon | Runs like molasses | 00:00 |
Hatten | I see | 00:00 |
alfonsojon | In fact, right before you joined | 00:00 |
alfonsojon | I said "I'm on utopic #50 on my nexus 4, and it generally is running like molasses in antarctica. what can I do to speed things up a bit?" | 00:01 |
Hatten | Ah, I see. | 00:01 |
Hatten | Well, it's not exactly a consumer-ready OS yet. | 00:01 |
alfonsojon | I know, but I had high hopes. | 00:01 |
alfonsojon | Shot down, of course. | 00:01 |
alfonsojon | Still cool though. | 00:02 |
Hatten | Naturally. It's presented well | 00:02 |
Hatten | But lacks execution at this point | 00:02 |
alfonsojon | At least it looks pretty | 00:02 |
alfonsojon | I like the UX. | 00:02 |
Hatten | It looks beautiful. I can't wait for it to be on the consumer market. | 00:03 |
alfonsojon | Me neither. | 00:03 |
alfonsojon | I am also hoping they do something Blackberry-esque and add some sort of Android functionality | 00:03 |
alfonsojon | "Favorite app not available? Convert the .apk" | 00:03 |
Hatten | Definitely. | 00:04 |
alfonsojon | I've noticed that Blackberry OS 10.2 and Ubuntu Touch take a lot of cues from each other. | 00:04 |
Hatten | They are quite similar, yes. | 00:04 |
Hatten | well, going to attempt to install it over on my touchpad. | 00:08 |
alfonsojon | Goodl uck. | 00:09 |
alfonsojon | Flash the stable channel | 00:09 |
alfonsojon | When it tells you to run | 00:09 |
alfonsojon | ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap | 00:09 |
alfonsojon | Run this instead | 00:09 |
alfonsojon | ubuntu-device-flash --channel=stable --bootstrap | 00:09 |
Hatten | Will do. | 00:13 |
alfonsojon | The experience has been much better on stable so far. | 00:15 |
alfonsojon | I'm experimenting right now, just installed today. | 00:15 |
JqS99 | I'm excited about Ubuntu Touch, but can't find anything about it, except that it's in Dev. It's been there for a while. Does anyone know if any progress has been made? | 00:22 |
Hatten | It's more of a proof of concept. If you're looking to make a switch over and use it as your daily OS on your mobile, don't. | 00:25 |
JqS99 | I was thinking of playing around with it. I have a cheap RCA Tablet that I'd like to try it on | 00:25 |
JqS99 | I also have a nexus 7 | 00:26 |
Hatten | I'm currently adding it over to my HP Touchpad. | 00:26 |
Hatten | It's good to play with | 00:26 |
JqS99 | I have an Asus R7 that I'd like to try it on as well | 00:26 |
JqS99 | Are there any other distros that are built for tablets? | 00:29 |
Hatten | There's a whole list, let me link you. | 00:29 |
Hatten | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/ | 00:29 |
Hatten | There you go, JqS99 | 00:29 |
JqS99 | sorry for nagging, but I saw the video for it, and got all excited about it last year. It looks pretty dang awesome | 00:30 |
JqS99 | I'm actually looking at the devices now | 00:30 |
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frecel | is anyone awake? | 05:17 |
frecel | how do I manually push a click package to my phone? | 05:17 |
Mirv | frecel: adb push file.click /home/phablet, and adb shell ; su - phablet ; pkcon local-install file.click | 05:33 |
frecel | Mirv thanks | 05:33 |
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cyphermox | jhodapp: do you know how music-app chooses its audio sink? | 07:40 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, it does so by playbin (the sink caps and priority), but there's also an env var one can set to explicitly set it | 07:40 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, why do you aks? | 07:42 |
jhodapp | ask | 07:42 |
cyphermox | playbin, is that android stuff or our stuff? | 07:42 |
cyphermox | because it's not switching when it should ;) | 07:42 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, it's a gstreamer sink, it's on the Ubuntu side | 07:42 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, it's using pulsesink | 07:42 |
cyphermox | aye | 07:43 |
cyphermox | we wrote that? | 07:43 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, no that's stock: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-good-plugins/html/gst-plugins-good-plugins-pulsesink.html | 07:43 |
cyphermox | ah | 07:43 |
cyphermox | then it ought to do the right thing... | 07:43 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, can you show me what's happening? | 07:43 |
cyphermox | sure | 07:44 |
cyphermox | let me double-check | 07:44 |
jhodapp | k | 07:47 |
cyphermox | yeah, be there in a sec | 07:47 |
dobey | cjwatson: hrmm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1324802 | 07:49 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1324802 in click (Ubuntu) "Re-installing a pre-installed app after removal breaks on reboot" [Undecided,New] | 07:49 |
jdstrand | popey: fyi, if you see the soundcloud scope come through the store, let me handle it. (pete-woods will be uploading; he and I are preparing a demo) | 07:51 |
jdstrand | popey: hi btw :) | 07:52 |
jdstrand | sergiusens, mhall119, beuno: fyi ^ | 07:53 |
jdstrand | I think a alerted all the regular reviewers that are online | 07:53 |
sergiusens | jdstrand: ack | 07:53 |
* jdstrand is preparing a branch of click-reviewers-tools for scopes too | 07:53 | |
sergiusens | jdstrand: sounds like a cool demo :-) | 07:54 |
jdstrand | sergiusens: when you are out of your meeting can you see me? | 07:54 |
sergiusens | jdstrand: sure | 07:54 |
jdstrand | (related to this) | 07:54 |
jdstrand | thanks | 07:54 |
popey | jdstrand: kk | 07:59 |
cjwatson | dobey: uhhhhh | 07:59 |
cjwatson | dobey: will need to grab you at some point and have a look, if you can reproduce it | 08:00 |
dobey | cjwatson: yep. i did so on my n5 before reporting it | 08:00 |
jhodapp | cyphermox,GST_DEBUG=*pulse*:5 CORE_UBUNTU_MEDIA_SERVICE_VIDEO_SINK_NAME=mirsink media-hub-server | 08:01 |
jhodapp | cyphermox, make sure that you do a "stop media-hub" before running a manual instance, otherwise music-app will connect to the first instance of media-hub and you'll get weird behavior | 08:02 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 08:06 |
cjwatson | dobey: trapped in meetings but are you generally in ... was it 2a? | 08:08 |
dobey | cjwatson: yep | 08:09 |
cjwatson | dobey: ok, will try to get round at some point today | 08:09 |
dobey | ok | 08:10 |
dobey | it's pretty easy to reproduce | 08:10 |
davmor2 | ogra_: does that mean we all blame pitti currently for the breakages? | 08:11 |
davmor2 | :D | 08:11 |
ogra_ | davmor2, well, it just exposes older breakage that pitti didnt expect when syncing that stuff from debian ... | 08:14 |
davmor2 | ogra_: is that a polite way of saying yes we all blame pitti now ;) | 08:15 |
ogra_ | hahaha | 08:15 |
rsalveti | cyphermox: to check for touch, check for /usr/bin/ubuntu-touch-session in default.pa | 08:20 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Loomis Day! :-D | 08:22 |
dbarth | hi | 08:29 |
dbarth | i'm looking for a way to change kernel boot options | 08:29 |
dbarth | and set the memory to just 1G | 08:30 |
dbarth | where in the boot process can i change that? | 08:31 |
davmor2 | dbarth: on device or on emulator? | 08:39 |
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dbarth | davmor2: device if possible | 08:44 |
dbarth | i can't find my way around the various parts of the process | 08:44 |
davmor2 | ogra_: ^ | 08:45 |
davmor2 | sil2100: can you point ogra_ at this incase he missed it please :) | 08:46 |
cyphermox | rsalveti: aye, thanks | 08:46 |
ogra_ | dbarth, with you in a minute ... we have tools for this | 08:47 |
davmor2 | ogra_: thanks dude :) | 08:47 |
ogra_ | dbarth, on the device we ship append-cmdline-arg/remove-cmdline-arg ... just use them with the arg you want to add/remove | 08:51 |
dbarth | ah | 08:52 |
dbarth | ah cool | 08:52 |
dbarth | ok, trying that | 08:52 |
dbarth | hmm, so i went: append-cmdline-arg mem=1024M | 08:56 |
dbarth | and after reboot, i'm stuck on the google logo | 08:56 |
ogra_ | dbarth, you are not on image #54, are you ? | 08:58 |
dbarth | was something like #51 52 maybe | 08:58 |
ogra_ | (there is some massive breakage on this image, you might see some fallout here that we didnt have yet) | 08:58 |
dbarth | how can i take control of the device without adb shell? | 08:58 |
dbarth | is there a low level serial i can use? | 08:59 |
ogra_ | only from recovery ... and no, there is no serial (unless you solder a special cable yourself) | 08:59 |
dbarth | hmm, i'll keep the iron aside for now ;) | 08:59 |
ogra_ | :) | 08:59 |
mzanetti | ogra_: is the situation with the writable image resolved? I'd need to reflash and upgrade from a ppa | 09:22 |
ogra_ | mzanetti, a hack is building in the archive currently, for now flash with --revision 53 | 09:22 |
mzanetti | ogra_: yeah, tried that, but then the dist-upgrade I need to do pulls in the breakage | 09:23 |
mzanetti | I can probably cherry-pick the packages I need... will try that | 09:23 |
ogra_ | (will still be a while since the hack needs to propagate through the archive before we can even start an image build) | 09:23 |
mzanetti | ok, thanks | 09:23 |
ogra_ | mzanetti, try disabling the main archive from sources.list | 09:23 |
mzanetti | ah, good idea | 09:23 |
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ybon | since one day, I've no more GSM connection, not even the "Unlock Sim" menu when I switch on my phone, anyone has already heard about this? | 09:30 |
ybon | I've tried my SIM card on another phone, it works | 09:30 |
ybon | and I've upgraded this morning on #50 (I was on #44) just in case, but still the same | 09:30 |
rickspencer3 | bzoltan, on bug #1324555, your diagnosis did not seem to be the issue, can you please take a look? | 09:42 |
ubot5 | bug 1324555 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Run application on Device does not work on emulator" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1324555 | 09:42 |
ybon | humm, I've just reinstalled the devel channel, and I don't have the "network" panel on the top-down menu anymore :/ | 09:50 |
mterry | ogra_, if we wanted to try to land silos today, are we still good for that? | 09:53 |
ybon | restarted, "network" panel is back, but still no "unlock sim" in the menu :/ | 09:56 |
awe_ | ybon, is your SIM locked? | 09:58 |
awe_ | also what image did you flash? | 09:58 |
awe_ | 53 or earlier should work | 09:58 |
ybon | awe_: I don't have the menu to unlock the SIM | 10:00 |
ybon | I've flashed 14.10#50 | 10:00 |
ogra_ | mterry, not before image 55 has built and done its tests ... ~3h to go i guess ... | 10:01 |
awe_ | ybon, but your SIM *is* locked, correct? | 10:01 |
ybon | in the indicators, I don't even see "SIM locked" like it was since #44 image, I see the GSM indicator, grey | 10:01 |
ybon | awe_: yes | 10:01 |
ybon | awe_: at least, I can't phone or send SMS or anything | 10:01 |
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ogra_ | sil2100, robru, ^^^ can you handle mterry as soon as we are ready ? | 10:01 |
sil2100 | ogra_: sure | 10:01 |
awe_ | Wellark, was "Unlock SIM" removed from the network menu in prep for the split Greeter landing? | 10:01 |
sil2100 | ogra_, mterry: keeping that on my radar! | 10:01 |
ogra_ | thx :) | 10:02 |
awe_ | ybon, it may have been removed prematurely. You can unlock your SIM manually by using a script | 10:02 |
awe_ | hold on a sec and I'll get you the command | 10:02 |
ybon | thanks :) | 10:02 |
awe_ | ybon, adb into the phone, and run the command: /usr/share/ofono/scripts/enter-pin pin <your pin> | 10:05 |
awe_ | this should unlock | 10:05 |
ybon | dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.ofono.Error.InvalidFormat: Argument format is not recognized | 10:06 |
ybon | do you want the full stacktrace? | 10:06 |
ybon | I may be missing the pin_type | 10:07 |
ybon | this is what the help of the script says: | 10:07 |
ybon | /usr/share/ofono/scripts/enter-pin [PATH] pin_type pin | 10:07 |
ybon | but I don't know what [PATH] should be | 10:08 |
awe_ | ybon, so an actual example would be "enter-pin pin 1234" | 10:11 |
ybon | that's what I've done intially | 10:12 |
ybon | but I got this error | 10:12 |
ybon | if I type enter-pin 1234 I've the help message | 10:12 |
Wellark | awe_: should not have been | 10:13 |
ybon | meaning that I'm missing some command line argument | 10:13 |
ybon | what [PATH] expected to be? | 10:13 |
awe_ | ybon, you don't need path | 10:13 |
ybon | ok | 10:13 |
awe_ | but you need pin_type which is "pin" | 10:13 |
awe_ | enter-pin pin xxxx | 10:14 |
ybon | this gives me the error I pasted before | 10:14 |
ybon | "Argument format is not recognized" | 10:14 |
awe_ | Wellark, well ybon flashed image 50 and there's no Unlock PIN command in the network manu | 10:15 |
awe_ | s/manu/menu/ | 10:15 |
Wellark | awe_: ok. I will give it a spin | 10:15 |
awe_ | thanks | 10:15 |
awe_ | I know it's supposed to land in the greeter, but am surprised it's not in the menu anymore. Is it supposed to be dynamic? | 10:15 |
awe_ | ( ie. is it only supposed to appear if the SIM is PIN locked ) | 10:16 |
Wellark | yes. it should only be visible if the sim is locked | 10:16 |
ybon | well, the "Unlock PIN" disappeared yesterday, when I still was in #44, and I've tried to upgrade to #50 just in case | 10:17 |
ybon | oh, so maybe the phone thinks the SIM is unlocked when it's not? | 10:17 |
awe_ | ybon, can you run 'list-modems' and pastebin it? | 10:17 |
ybon | yes | 10:17 |
ybon | bash: list-modems: command not found | 10:18 |
ybon | awe_: you mean when in adb shell, right? | 10:18 |
awe_ | yes | 10:18 |
ybon | should I install some package on the phone? | 10:19 |
awe_ | again you need to either /usr/share/ofono/scripts to your PATH | 10:19 |
awe_ | or type the fully qualified path: /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems | 10:19 |
ybon | oh, sorry | 10:19 |
awe_ | the package is pre-installed, just not auto-added to PATH | 10:19 |
ybon | yep | 10:19 |
ybon | pastebing it | 10:20 |
ybon | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7550491/ | 10:20 |
creature | Hello. Can I customise the Unity gestures at all? For instance, I'd like it if 3-finger-swipe-left would be "Go to previous workspace". | 10:20 |
popey | jdstrand: click-reviewers-tools is telling me "'ubuntu-sdk-14.04' is not a supported framework" | 10:21 |
popey | jdstrand: this conflicts with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Click/Frameworks and https://docs.google.com/a/popey.com/spreadsheets/d/1t_JGpg4r8BLluzfzmqa-gAbcKUjKUOufSCTSdPpFc5g/edit#gid=0 | 10:21 |
awe_ | ybon, looks like you're hitting a problem with urfkill | 10:22 |
awe_ | cyphermox, what's the status of the urfkill race bug? | 10:22 |
ybon | ok | 10:22 |
awe_ | ybon, please run /usr/share/ofono/scripts/online-modem | 10:23 |
awe_ | the modem is offline | 10:23 |
ybon | ok | 10:23 |
cyphermox | awe_: silo 20 | 10:23 |
ybon | awe_: Unlock sim is back! :) | 10:23 |
awe_ | after onlining it, if you have a PIN defined, you *should* see the Unlock Pin menu item | 10:23 |
awe_ | ybon, nice | 10:23 |
awe_ | sorry about the trouble. We're testing a fix for your problem now, and hopefully it'll land in the image early next week | 10:24 |
ybon | okay | 10:24 |
awe_ | in the meanwhile, list-modems will tell you the state of the modem | 10:24 |
ybon | can I do something for help? | 10:24 |
awe_ | and if it's not Online | 10:24 |
ybon | like giving some logs or whatever | 10:24 |
awe_ | ybon, we're pretty sure we know what the issue is, and we have a fix pending | 10:24 |
ybon | okay, good news :) | 10:24 |
awe_ | it's currently being tested | 10:24 |
ybon | thanks a lot for your help awe_ :) | 10:25 |
ybon | If I can do something to help, just ping me | 10:25 |
awe_ | ybon, no problem | 10:25 |
awe_ | Wellark, false alarm on your side | 10:26 |
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popey | jdstrand: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/791/ being the problem app | 10:56 |
beuno | jdstrand, how'd the demo go? | 11:05 |
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ogra_ | mterry, your silo is not set to ready yet ? | 12:18 |
mterry | ogra_, right. Saviq is doing manual testing | 12:19 |
ogra_ | ok | 12:19 |
ogra_ | in about 1h we can land it ... | 12:19 |
pland | hey. sorry to be such a n00b but if there a reference info site on dual-booting ubuntu touch on android device? old site points to developer.ubuntu.com/start but that’s erasing android not dual booting | 12:20 |
pland | is this the right place? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DualBootInstallation | 12:21 |
ogra_ | pland, apparently | 12:21 |
pland | thanks ogra_ | 12:21 |
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jdstrand | beuno: it hasn't happened yet, however, it is on track :) | 12:43 |
beuno | jdstrand, the store didn't reject it then? | 12:44 |
jdstrand | nope | 12:44 |
jdstrand | I just pointed pete-woods at the normal interface | 12:45 |
jdstrand | and it worked | 12:45 |
jdstrand | I reviewed it, he had a tweak to do and uploaded again, I approved, it showed up in Available Applications | 12:45 |
jdstrand | beuno: there is some work to do, like you said, about it showing it with other apps. there was an issue with uninstalling (it never thinks it is installed) and something else, but the scopes team will be looking at that, filing bugs, etc | 12:48 |
jdstrand | beuno: but the hard part seems to be done, at least on the client | 12:48 |
jdstrand | (bugs aside) | 12:48 |
beuno | jdstrand, w00t | 12:49 |
jdstrand | (they also need to land a branch to not require a reboot for it to show up-- but the demo will have that branch) | 12:50 |
pete-woods | note that we aren't able to land new branches until after MAE | 12:55 |
AskUbuntu | UBUNTU touch DUALBOOT dualboot.sh install problem | http://askubuntu.com/q/474421 | 13:12 |
mterry | Cimi, where you at bro? | 13:16 |
Cimi | mterry, I am in the terrace | 13:16 |
Cimi | mterry, does it work? | 13:16 |
lotuspsychje | anyone found a pdf reader for ubuntu touch yet? | 13:37 |
popey | lotuspsychje: frecel was working on one. | 13:38 |
lotuspsychje | popey: nice hope it working soon :p | 13:39 |
frecel | lotuspsychje: you have to nag people to make content hub work with html5 apps sooner | 13:42 |
lotuspsychje | frecel: what will your app name like? | 13:43 |
frecel | probably pdfViewer or pdfReader, something simple | 13:43 |
lotuspsychje | nice | 13:44 |
lotuspsychje | the smoothest one ive tested on android was foxitreader | 13:44 |
frecel | I use ezPDF Reader on android | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje | i loose android for good with new ubuntu touch :p | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje | that google play store is like a warzone for hackers | 13:50 |
frecel | well that's a little unfair, play store is much bigger and therefore harder to manage | 13:51 |
lotuspsychje | also true, but ill stick to ubuntu's security | 13:51 |
lotuspsychje | that liveRSS app is awesome, use it every day | 13:53 |
lotuspsychje | handy for fast browsing | 13:53 |
lotuspsychje | and opening the specific page | 13:54 |
alfonsojon_ | What's the timeline for a general public release of Ubuntu Touch? | 14:02 |
popey | alfonsojon_: this year | 14:15 |
popey | (if you mean devices) | 14:16 |
mhall119 | frecel: I think Content Hub is already supported for HTML5 apps: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/html5/sdk-14.10/ContentHub/ | 14:28 |
mhall119 | alfonsojon: like popey said, devices should be later this year, the software has been available since early last year | 14:29 |
frecel | mhall119: I talked to daker, it doesn't work yet | 14:30 |
daker | frecel: hm ? | 14:31 |
frecel | daker: contenthub in html5 apps, it doesn't work yet, right? | 14:32 |
daker | frecel: i am not sure, but if the docs are there this means it "should" works | 14:35 |
daker | -s | 14:35 |
daker | frecel: ah i see what you mean | 14:35 |
daker | you are talking about the filepicker ? | 14:35 |
frecel | yes | 14:36 |
daker | yes you are right, for webapps/browser it works but for the HTML5 apps it doesn't since we need to switch to oxide | 14:36 |
daker | but just to be clear, the filepicker is différent from contenthub, you can invoke contenthub using Javascript | 14:37 |
daker | the filepicker is using contenthub, and the filepicker needs to be invoked when someone hit the "browser" input(file input) | 14:39 |
daker | this is done for the browser/webapps but not for HTML5 apps since we are still using qtwebkit | 14:39 |
frecel | is there a deadline for the switch to oxide? | 14:40 |
daker | frecel: i don't have control on that, alex it should done before the sprint in Malta(last week) but i think he hadn't time to do it | 14:41 |
daker | alex said* | 14:41 |
popey | frecel: "As Soon As Possible" I thought | 14:41 |
popey | https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg08323.html | 14:41 |
daker | popey: that's webapps not HTML5 apps | 14:42 |
popey | ah | 14:42 |
daker | webapp-container = webapps | 14:43 |
popey | i am easily confused ☻ | 14:43 |
daker | ubuntu-html5-app-launcher = HTML5/cordova apps | 14:43 |
frecel | well can I point a webapp-container at a local file? | 14:43 |
daker | no | 14:43 |
daker | you need to set some regx rules | 14:43 |
daker | webapp-container http://m.example.com | 14:44 |
daker | or webapp-container --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://mobile.twitter.com/* | 14:44 |
cwayne | Wellark: hi - would it be possible to implement the fix suggested by Elleo in https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-network/+bug/1324296? | 14:45 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1324296 in ubuntu-keyboard "Password prompt is shown repeatedly after properly entering the password using pinyin input method" [Undecided,New] | 14:45 |
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frecel | daker: I get this http://i.imgur.com/W5CoHFD.png when I'm trying to use webapp-container | 14:50 |
popey | dbarth: ^^ | 14:50 |
mhall119 | daker: do you know the LP project for the G+ webapp? I need to file a bug | 14:51 |
popey | mhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-googleplus | 14:56 |
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mhall119 | thanks popey | 15:01 |
mhall119 | dbarth: kenvandine: not sure if this is a webapps thing or a content hub thing (or both): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-googleplus/+bug/1324970 | 15:04 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1324970 in unity-webapps-googleplus (Ubuntu) "Can't upload photos to status" [Undecided,New] | 15:04 |
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kenvandine | mhall119, ah... the g+ webapp doesn't have content_exchange policy | 15:06 |
kenvandine | dbarth, ^^ | 15:06 |
dbarth | kenvandine: ah, indeed | 15:19 |
dbarth | kenvandine: that's an easy fix | 15:19 |
frecel | I keep getting this error and have no clue how to fix it, is there a bug or am I just doing something wrong | 15:20 |
frecel | https://code.launchpad.net/~frecel/+junk/heremaps | 15:20 |
frecel | popey: | 15:21 |
* popey branches | 15:22 | |
popey | frecel: http://imgur.com/6BA3Fkb | 15:24 |
frecel | well thats odd | 15:24 |
frecel | are you running r50? | 15:25 |
popey | #56 | 15:26 |
frecel | oh I'm on utopic not utopic-proposed | 15:32 |
mamenyaka | hi ogra_, have a moment? | 15:32 |
frecel | I think this means its time to get breakfast | 15:32 |
frecel | popey: updated to 56 and it still doesn't work | 16:05 |
frecel | I'm confused | 16:05 |
daker | frecel: what do you get ? | 16:06 |
frecel | daker: I'm getting this http://i.imgur.com/W5CoHFD.png | 16:07 |
frecel | when trying to run this https://code.launchpad.net/~frecel/+junk/heremaps | 16:07 |
popey | frecel: wonder if it's a region thing | 16:08 |
popey | move to the UK | 16:08 |
popey | WONTFIX | 16:08 |
frecel | popey: I will have to crash on your couch for a while until I find a job there :D | 16:09 |
frecel | also it works in a browser | 16:10 |
frecel | popey: but I'm thinking of applying for applying for the linux tech job at gog.com | 16:11 |
popey | oooh, that would be fun | 16:13 |
mamenyaka | can someone help me with a port? I'm getting black screen after boot, what should I check? | 16:17 |
popey | frecel: dbarth I am seeing apparmor failures when visiting here mobile site in frecel's webapp [Fri May 30 15:44:33 2014] type=1400 audit(1401466671.622:196): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mkdir" parent=1182 profile="com.ubuntu.developer.frecelto.heremaps_example_0.1" name="/home/phablet/.pki/" pid=25969 comm="Chrome_IOThread" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=32011 ouid=32011 | 16:22 |
popey | what's ".pki"? | 16:22 |
ahayzen | popey, Public Key Infrastructure? | 16:23 |
popey | i assume so, dunno why though | 16:24 |
popey | jdstrand: ^ something you know of? | 16:24 |
frecel | popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7552564/ | 16:27 |
dbarth | popey: hmm | 16:43 |
dbarth | popey: yes, i've seen that ocassionally, but that didn't seem to affect the app | 16:44 |
popey | hmm | 16:44 |
popey | its odd that here works for me, but for frecel he gets an odd error http://i.imgur.com/W5CoHFD.png | 16:44 |
dbarth | popey: i was hoping it would get clarified once we get certificate confirmation dialog | 16:44 |
dbarth | s | 16:44 |
popey | from the same code | 16:44 |
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dbarth | ah, that's a frank error here | 16:45 |
dbarth | what's his app again? | 16:45 |
dbarth | oh i see (just read the backlog) | 16:45 |
popey | https://code.launchpad.net/~frecel/+junk/heremaps | 16:45 |
popey | yeah, i just did a "click build " of that, shoved onto my phone and ran it | 16:45 |
popey | it worked fine here. | 16:45 |
popey | frecel is in the snowy wastes of Canadia, so who knows what's going on there | 16:46 |
popey | oh, it works for him in a browser too! | 16:46 |
dbarth | yes, i verified that as well | 16:47 |
dbarth | i can't reproduce the weather conditions though | 16:47 |
dbarth | that seems weird | 16:47 |
dbarth | frecel: do you get that error because you have a user login with here? | 16:48 |
frecel | dbarth: nope | 16:53 |
dbarth | hmm ok | 16:54 |
dbarth | frecel: maybe you can try removing the ~/{.cache,.local/share}/com.<something> directories | 16:55 |
dbarth | to purge the cache and cookies db | 16:55 |
dbarth | frecel: in all cases, feel free to file a bug against webbrowser-app, tagged [webapp-container] | 16:56 |
frecel | dbarth: deleated the files, it dodn't help | 17:00 |
dbarth | frecel: ok, can you send a but with the full log of the app in ~/.cache/upstart | 17:02 |
dbarth | i wonder if there isn't a redirection somewhere where we happen to get that weird url with cookies | 17:02 |
frecel | dbarth: this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7552564/ | 17:04 |
dbarth | yup | 17:05 |
dbarth | frecel: and that logs ends with you getting that error message with cookies right? | 17:06 |
frecel | yes | 17:06 |
dbarth | nothing obvious, apart from that pki message | 17:07 |
mhall119 | oh hey, there's a scope in the store | 17:14 |
frecel | I wonder what is different about my phone that causes me to have that error and no one else | 17:14 |
dbarth | frecel: do you see anything apart from that DENIED in syslog above? | 17:15 |
mhall119 | doesn't seem to install correctly though | 17:15 |
frecel | dbarth: I just noticed this webapp-container: unrecognized option '--webappUrlPatterns=https?://m.here.com/*' | 17:16 |
dbarth | which is noise mostly, something between the app and upstart, but the parameters are actually used | 17:18 |
dbarth | otherwise the containment would not work | 17:18 |
dbarth | frecel: i'm trying various things but can't seem to get the error so far | 17:22 |
dbarth | frecel: are you behind a proxy or something? | 17:22 |
frecel | I can go to m.here.com from a browser and it works just fine | 17:23 |
dbarth | i know, same here, but it's also fine in webapp-container here as well | 17:23 |
frecel | I dont have anything important on that phone, I'm tempted just to flash it and see if that helps | 17:24 |
dbarth | shouldn't have to | 17:25 |
dbarth | the fact you removed all cache files and it still happns | 17:25 |
dbarth | this makes me feel like you are served a different version than we have here | 17:25 |
dbarth | ie, from a different map server | 17:25 |
frecel | hmm | 17:26 |
dbarth | cause it happens right when you start, with a clean container | 17:26 |
dbarth | and we were just in the same configuration here | 17:26 |
dbarth | hmm, maybe: which image version? | 17:26 |
dbarth | popey: what's yours? ^^ | 17:26 |
frecel | im running 56 and so is popey | 17:29 |
dbarth | ok, so same image, different results, that excludes that track | 17:31 |
dbarth | deep mystery | 17:31 |
dbarth | i'm not even sure that relaxing the apparmor policy to let it create the dir would help | 17:32 |
dbarth | it feels like your hitting a situation where oxide gets confused and send us that cookies url | 17:33 |
dbarth | frecel: if that's ok, could tar and share the .cache and .local/share folders related to your app | 17:33 |
dbarth | and then we can test if that's what is in the cookies | 17:33 |
frecel | ok give me a sec | 17:33 |
frecel | do you have any idea as to where the weird cookies url could be coming from? | 17:34 |
dbarth | url management i'd say | 17:35 |
dbarth | the http://cookies comes from a navigation request that went wrong | 17:36 |
frecel | so I removed the app | 17:36 |
frecel | and decided to install it again from a newly rebuild package and now it works | 17:37 |
frecel | so now my cache is from a working app | 17:37 |
frecel | I tried rebuilding the package two or three times before and it didn't helop | 17:38 |
frecel | I seriously don't know what I did different this time | 17:38 |
dbarth | now it works!? | 17:38 |
dbarth | frecel: and do you still see the same DENIED occurences in syslog? | 17:39 |
frecel | dbarth: nope | 17:43 |
dbarth | frecel: to summarize, i think it's due to a hiccup on the server, that drove oxide crazy | 17:53 |
dbarth | frecel: it's worth keeping us posted if you see that happen again, cause that server side issue exposed a bug in our nav. mgmt module i guess | 17:54 |
frecel | I'll keep the chache and send it your way if I see it happen again | 17:55 |
dbarth | ok | 17:56 |
frecel | now I can't play music on my phone | 18:14 |
frecel | today is not my day | 18:15 |
danielbeck1 | Hello. I would like to get the x86 ubuntu-touch emulator to work. However, the screen stays black. | 18:16 |
danielbeck1 | However, I can login with adb. | 18:16 |
danielbeck1 | I posted the log when starting the emulator here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7553065/ | 18:16 |
MATPOC | Hi, I was wondering if anyone had experience running asterisk on Ubuntu Touch? I installed it on Nexus 5. SIP clients work fine. Need to make GSM work. Don’t know how yet. | 18:26 |
MATPOC | The question is how can I communicate with GSM modem? Is it TTY device? | 18:26 |
kenvandine | tedg, ping | 18:36 |
Noskcaj | Do ubuntu-system-settings and powerd both support upower 0.99? | 20:30 |
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luvs2spooge | Hey guys! I want to install ubuntu-touch on a sony vaio duo 11. First question, is this device supported? Second question is, can anyone direct me to a download/installation tutorial for ubuntu touch. I can't seem to find it | 23:05 |
frecel | luvs2spooge: here's a list of supported devices and installation instrucitions https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Target_devices | 23:14 |
luvs2spooge | frecel: is this designed strictly for phones and android based tablets? | 23:28 |
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frecel | luvs2spooge: sony vaio duo is x86? | 23:33 |
luvs2spooge | frecel: no. 64 | 23:34 |
frecel | well 64-bit but what architecture? | 23:34 |
luvs2spooge | ARM | 23:35 |
frecel | luvs2spooge: I'm looking at sony website and it looks like they are all x86 am I missing something? | 23:37 |
luvs2spooge | frecel: no but perhaps I am. I got my information from here: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-Ultrabook-Computer-i7-3517U-Professional/dp/B009QG86EQ/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1401493089&sr=8-4&keywords=sony+vaio+duo+11 | 23:38 |
frecel | yea that's just regular x86 | 23:39 |
frecel | so on that you just install regular ubuntu | 23:40 |
frecel | but I would try to run it from live usb rather than installing at first | 23:40 |
frecel | in case you run into some driver issues | 23:40 |
luvs2spooge | hm | 23:40 |
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