
mazalMorning everyone06:25
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:38
bduk1More Almal06:41
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy  bduk1  and everyone else06:46
mazalMôre oom , Greame06:47
Kiloshi maz07:20
Kilosoh my musta falling in a mine07:20
Kilosi go take sheep out07:21
Kiloshi Vince-0  07:31
Vince-0Hi Kilos 07:33
Kiloshi Xethron  inetpro  plustwo  superfly  08:00
inetprogood mornings Kilos08:02
inetprooh and hi everyone else08:02
Kiloshi Golynx  08:16
Golynxhi Kilos08:17
Golynxa damn process sucked all my data 08:17
Golynxi had the same issue before but with a different process08:18
Xethrongreetings peeps08:34
Kiloshi gremble  N8Wulf  09:10
grembleo/ Kilos 09:11
Kilosoi! superfly  whats with the bye?09:15
Kilosdidnt i greet you today?09:15
Kiloserror (main) couldnt generate image invisible.png while building texture when i open minetest09:19
Kiloswhat must i do please guys?09:19
Kilosmaybe thats why i cant build straight up09:20
ThatGraemeGuyoh Kilos did i tell you i managed to find my bones from that time i accidentally fell into the centre of a lava lake09:38
ThatGraemeGuyit turns out they sink to the bottom of the lava lake, so once i'd watered and mined obsidian like 3 layers down i stumbled upon the bones09:39
ThatGraemeGuygood thing too i had lots of mese and diamonds on me at the time09:39
Kiloswow ThatGraemeGuy  great, i told you one they they would pitch up09:41
Kilosmese is a pain in my life09:42
ThatGraemeGuyhttp://wiki.minetest.net/Ores says that it gets more common at around -25609:43
Kilossomeone started a new mine right next to my houseand also mine in a disorganised fashion09:43
Kilosive been to -392 and also found min but stronger09:43
ThatGraemeGuywait until they're inside and drop some lava inside the entrance :-D09:44
Kilosthe desert mine goes to -39209:44
ThatGraemeGuythere's a desert mine?09:44
Kilosya man that one where you found the way out09:45
ThatGraemeGuyoh wow is it that deep? :-o09:45
ThatGraemeGuyi want to go to -1024 and find some mese blocks09:45
ThatGraemeGuyi wonder if anyone's ever gone down to like -32000 and how long it takes to get there/back up09:46
* Squirm yawns09:50
Squirmgoing to go and watch Crash Car Burn :D09:50
Kilosyip its a major ladder drop09:51
Kilosactually was a ladder climb and you did the last bit where i ran out of wood remember09:51
Kilosi battle to find my way to the desert mine and back again. get confused with the junctions in the road09:52
Kilosthats why i mine straight down as well09:53
Kiloswe need to mark routes nicely with different colour blocks09:54
KilosThatGraemeGuy  even gravel just in the branches off the main shaft so one can get back again will work09:59
Kilosso every branch leeds back to the shaft09:59
Kilosand the desert mine is safe , its past the lava10:00
Squirmhow do I find you guys?10:00
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: that's why i like to use a lot of cobble steps and torches, it makes it more obvious where you came from and where to go next10:02
ThatGraemeGuyand that's why we almost got lost after that lava killing episode, because i rushed in and forgot to leave steps and lights10:02
Kiloslol ya whew10:03
Kilosi get totally lost if i gotta turn around10:04
Kiloshow you gonna use scroll right and left click onna fone Squirm  10:05
Squirmit'll have it's buttons10:06
Squirmwhat linux client do you use?10:06
Kilosubuntu has minetest in the repos10:06
Squirmok, I have it10:07
Kilosthey actually work quite hard on it if you watch #minetest10:07
Kilossome clever kids there10:08
Squirmit's stuck downloading media10:13
superflyKilos: I went out... and now I'm going out again for the rest of the day... bye!11:17
Vince-0didn't realise it was Friday11:22
Vince-0Maaz, tell magespawn how's your Asterisk treating you?11:23
MaazVince-0: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode11:23
mazalThatGraemeGuy, what do you do when you find your bones. I have two lying somewhere that I know where they are , but I can't pick them up or anything11:34
ThatGraemeGuyright-click them and you'll get to see the stuff you had at the time you died11:35
ThatGraemeGuylooks just like a chest basically11:35
mazalCan I take it then back ?11:35
mazalAwesome !!! Thanx11:35
ThatGraemeGuyi think for something like 20 mins after you die only the owner of the bones can take stuff, and after that anyone can11:35
ThatGraemeGuyso hopefully nobody decided to rob your corpse ;-)11:36
mazalGoing to get my stuff right now. Already died twice in lava :P11:36
mazalAnd know exactly where they are lying11:36
ThatGraemeGuyon the edge of lava i assume?11:37
ThatGraemeGuyi feel on top of a lava lake, and my bones sank to the bottom of the lava11:37
ThatGraemeGuytook a lot of water and obsidian mining before i could eventually get to them11:37
mazalIs obsidian good for anything ?11:37
ThatGraemeGuynot really11:38
mazalCan you throw water directly on lava ?11:38
ThatGraemeGuyyou can craft a block into 9 shards, and shards can be smelted into obsidian glass, which looks different to normal sand-based glass11:38
ThatGraemeGuyyou can, but its tricky11:39
mazalgonna go try now11:39
ThatGraemeGuyif you look carefully at lava you will see some blocks look like they are flowing, and you may notice the lava is angled a bit11:39
mazalAnd somme get my stuff back from the bones11:39
ThatGraemeGuythen there are others that look static and are a perfect flat cube11:39
ThatGraemeGuythe flat, static ones are source blocks11:40
ThatGraemeGuywater onto those turns them to obsidian11:40
mazalcool , thanx11:40
ThatGraemeGuythe non-source ones turn to stone when they contact water11:40
Kiloshahaha lekker warning message ThatGraemeGuy  11:43
Kilosi was sure i built a lit tower here11:43
ThatGraemeGuythe best is when you encounter a lake, try and position yourself above it and usually there's a side of the lake that's only source blocks, then you put a water block down there11:43
ThatGraemeGuywhich warning is that?11:43
mazalWorks like a bomb !!! I'm busy killing my killer !!! Revenge is sweet :)12:04
mazalThanx ThatGraemeGuy 12:05
ThatGraemeGuyfrom now on you will not run from lava in terror ;-)12:16
ThatGraemeGuyi like the lava lakes because they tend to be surrounded by all types of ores12:16
ThatGraemeGuygo in, water it down and mine like crazy12:17
ThatGraemeGuyalso i didn't mention just now, but there's no need to leave the water there, i let it run over the lava and then left-click it back in the bucket for later use12:17
KilosThatGraemeGuy  now desert mine entrance is as it was meant to be13:31
Kilosladder all the way to the top13:37
ThatGraemeGuyah ok13:42
SquirmPmb time14:04
SquirmCrash Car Burn tonight14:05
=== Rynofear is now known as Rynomster
KilosMaaz  coffee on14:44
* Maaz flips the salt-timer14:44
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:48
KilosMaaz  dankie man14:50
MaazGroot plesier my vriend14:50
Kiloshi theblazehen  16:11
Kilosyay i found my way home16:12
KilosThatGraemeGuy  you not going home?16:12
Kilostumbleweed  you still here by us?16:13
KilosPrivate_User  so tell us about it man16:13
Private_Userhi Kilos16:15
Private_Usertell you about?16:15
Kiloslubuntu man16:18
Private_Userlol I was just about to talk about "it" i.e. the word it16:19
Private_Userits a pronoun by the way for this who did not know16:20
Kilosis it working? has the pc crashed or what?16:20
Private_Userah have not had a chance to look at it although16:20
Private_Useryesterday I left it on without touching it16:20
Kilosyou windows peeps and your priorities16:20
Private_Userand it seems to have froze16:20
Kilosi suppose thats an unupdated/upgraded install16:21
Private_Userso I switched it off and was gonna look at it during my Nite Surfer time to perform updates etc but I fell asleep :(16:21
Kiloswell boot iand we run a file system chaeck16:22
theblazehenhey Kilos 16:22
Private_UserI am wondering if I should re-image it but I doubt its gonna work with 14.0416:23
Kiloswhew typos16:23
Kiloswhat release is installed?16:23
Kilosstill supported but 14.04 is better methinks16:23
Private_Userremember I had issues with any version above 12.0416:24
Kilosand no heavier16:24
Private_Usercould never get it to install16:24
Private_Usermaybe 14.04 will be different I can give it a try16:24
Kiloshmm... i dont rermember but any way16:24
Private_Userok I have not downloaded Lubuntu 14.04 on Ubuntu 14.04 wondering if 512MB ram is enough for Ubuntu... I doubt it16:26
Kilosit might install but will be slow16:27
Private_Userok hang on let me move this laptop into the room with the desktop we can mess around with it and maybe fix any issues that might be existing. I think tonight during Nite Surfer time I will update it and maybe download Lubuntu 14.0416:28
Kiloseven xubuntu is lighter16:28
Private_Userlighter than L?16:28
Kilosxubuntu much faster than unity16:29
Kilosno l is lightest16:29
Private_Userok and it works fine with regards to performance on the desktop so will leave it as is until I can upgrade or maybe change the laptop OS but I was going to but if clients need me to have a win machine then I would be in a bit of a pickle since I do not even have a copy of any version of win16:31
Kilosall it needs is more ram16:31
Kilos2g would be ideal16:32
Private_Useryep I have 2 slots on the desktop and both filled with 256MB16:32
Kilosor ddr216:32
Private_Userhmm... DDR I think I will have to double check16:33
Private_Userok let me go get a snack or maybe even dinner then we can start playing around with Lubuntu16:33
Kilosi struggled to get ddr for my other pc16:34
Private_Userah ok so you guessing it won't be easy to upgrade?16:34
Private_Userits cool it serves the purpose for now16:35
Kilosit is available at pc repair shops but they charge more than for ddr3 the swines16:35
Private_Useralways ripping people off16:35
Kilosi have a couple of 500mb cards here 16:36
Private_Userok brb16:36
Kilosneed full particulars of the cards though, im not sure which are which16:36
kbmonkeyevening folks17:05
theblazehenhey kbmonkey 18:13
Kiloshi kbmonkey  18:29
Private_UserKilos: you off to bed?19:06
Kilosmaybe 30 mins19:07
Private_Userah ok do you think I should re-image this Lubuntu machine or how can I check if all is well but if this will take a while then we can do it tomorrow19:07
Private_Usercause I was doing nothing on it and it was like it was frozen just now so had to reset machine19:08
Private_Userok where are all the package updates stored so if I do re-install then I don't have to use up data again for updates?19:10
Kilosyou have a stick to save them to??19:11
Kilossudo rsync -ac /var/cache/apt/archives/ /media/ stick/ folder/19:12
Kilosafter archives/ thats the path to the folder on the stick19:12
Kilossorry sorry -av19:13
Private_Userok yhis command I run to save the updates to stick or update the machine after re-install?19:13
Kilos sudo rsync -av /var/cache/apt/archives/ /path to folder on stick/19:13
Kilos\you reverse the command then do sudo apt-get update and it will see what you have19:14
Kilosbut there will most likely be a lot of upgrades because you months behind19:15
Kilosyears actually19:15
Kilosso anything up to about 400m19:15
Private_Userok cool but still not sure if I should reload or just perform updates tonight and maybe look at it tomorrow  for any issues etc19:16
Kiloswell does it boot?19:17
Private_Useryep but it like suddenly just does not respond without me touching it19:17
Kilosif it boots then run sudo apt-get update19:17
Kiloswas it ever updated/upgraded19:18
Private_Useryep it was19:18
Kilosupdate sees whats available19:18
Kilosupgrade fetches the packages19:18
Kilosso update hardly ever more than 20m19:19
Kilosohi superfly  19:19
Private_Userok I will do the updates tonight i.e. during Nite Surfer time19:19
Private_Userthen tomorrow we can test and make sure all is well19:19
Kilosok run this now lets see if we can sort the prob now19:19
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck then reboot19:20
Private_Userok its rebooting now19:21
Kilosshould be stable after running that19:21
Kilosthats a filesystem check19:22
Private_Userok cool and if anything was wrong it would have told me correct?19:22
Private_Usercause its now at login screen19:22
Kilosthen its sorted19:22
Kilosdo you have aptitude installed?19:22
Private_Userok cool then I will perform updates later19:23
Private_Useraptitude I think I might let me check19:23
KilosPrivate_User  do you have aptitude installed19:23
Kilossudo apt-get install aptitude19:23
Kilosthen here are your update commands19:24
Kilossudo apt-get update19:24
Kilossudo aptitude upgrade19:24
Private_Userok how would I confirm if its installed Synaptic Package Manager?19:25
Kilosaptitude does kernels and all else where apt-get dont do the kernel stuff19:25
Private_Userok cool I will run these commands after 00:00 cause I assume its gonna get them from the repositories19:26
Kilosit will be marked green in synaptic19:26
Private_Userah there is a tick19:26
Private_Userinstalled version 0.6.6-1ubuntu1.219:26
Kilosso there are your commands19:27
Kilosaptitude dont worry about versions it always works19:27
Private_Userok cool I will run them19:27
Kilosit also tells you if it sees p[robs and lets you choose what it suggests as solutions19:28
Kilosi always trust aptitude19:28
captineKilos, thanks for that rsync command.  Am using it now to backup my archives...19:28
captinePS. Hi all19:28
Private_Userok cool19:28
Kiloshaha you welcome captine  19:28
captineKilos, I am wiping my ubuntu machine and loading osx on it to lend it to someone as a test for a couple days.19:29
captineback to my acer with ubuntu on it...19:29
Kilosrsync has saved me tons of data19:29
Kilosi actually make a storage partition at the end of the drive and rsync to there19:32
Kilosmuch faster than to a stick 19:32
Kiloscaptine  if youve used apt-get clean or auto clean there wont be mouch in the archives19:38
Kilosalso one needs to tell synaptic in the beginning to keep all archives19:39
captinenever used that19:40
captinei dont mind re-downloading... jsut takes long.  i was running an apt-cache server which was GREAT.  any machine would get it's downloads from that, at 20MB/s19:41
captineif it was cached19:41
captinekilos, think you were 100% correct.  not many files left in my local archives folder.... darn19:45
captineoh well.  will be a big download.19:45
captinejust need to backup the installs I have so i can quickly re-install everything19:45
Kiloshaha if you dont tell synaptic to save them then it throws some away on its own19:46
captineam hoping to get 2 IBM 2U's and an old Novel based server for home.  will then have a decent proxy running to store all this stuff....  old machines, but will be fun to do all this storage stuff19:47
Kilosalso when using apt-get to install a package it tells you that some other package isnt needed anymore run apt-get clean to remove it and it clears out your archives19:47
Kilosthat is one of the reasons i use aptitude19:47
Kilosthat would be nice19:48
Kilosif you got no cap then you can get the whole repo when you sleeping19:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:49

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