
sebas538_somebody used juju-nat ?00:00
sebas538_cmars: ping00:00
sebas5384cmars: juju-nat can be used to expose ports from a service through the host machine? let's say a virtualbox(host machine)00:03
cmarssebas5384, yes00:14
cmarssebas5384, how do you have virtualbox set up as a host? manual provider?00:14
cmarsor are you using the local provider inside vbox?00:15
sebas5384cmars: juju-local00:17
sebas5384im using lxc on the host00:17
cmarssebas5384, i'm not sure if juju-nat will work in that setting, though I've not tested juju-nat with local (I typically deploy into lxc containers with the manual provider or cloud providers)00:19
sebas5384cmars: hmmm gotcha00:20
sebas5384well i teste with a juju-local, and tried to expose the ports of a service through the host machine(vbox)00:20
sebas5384but didn't work :P00:21
sebas5384would it be cool to have a tool like that00:21
sebas5384do you think that your plugin can be extended to meet that feature?00:22
cmarssebas5384, indeed. the iptables commands would be similar. the tricky part is the way vbox networking is usually set up00:22
cmarsbridging or the host-only interfaces would have to be used00:23
sebas5384but i'm already exposing 80 and 443 in using vagrant :)00:23
cmarsah, they've certainly figured that out... good point. there should be a way then00:23
cmarssebas5384, i'll have to play with vbox00:24
sebas5384yeah, i was using something like "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to"00:24
sebas5384but that rule was breaking some things hehe00:24
cmarsjuju-nat specifies -d DEST and the interface, see https://github.com/cmars/juju-nat/blob/master/cmd/common.go#L10400:27
sebas5384i was there, trying to understand hehe00:28
sebas5384so you specify the interface, never tried that00:28
cmarspretty sure it shouldn't be the default vbox NAT one00:29
sebas5384so an interface parameter in the juju-nat00:31
sebas5384maybe would fix that problem00:31
sebas5384cmars: juju nat-expose drupal/0 --interface eth200:32
sebas5384just saying hehe00:33
cmarssebas5384, i might be able to do a bit better. detect if we're using the local provider, and then require an interface (if I can't figure out a way to autodetect one)00:33
sebas5384cmars: what you think?00:33
sebas5384liket that00:34
sebas5384cmars: i'm cloning here the project from git :P00:35
sebas5384just for playing, btw thank you for this tool!00:35
cmarssebas5384, https://github.com/cmars/juju-nat/issues/500:36
cmarssebas5384, thanks :)00:36
sebas5384cmars: i don't know go lang, but, do you think i can do it?00:37
sebas5384or its toooo easy for you00:37
cmarssebas5384, golang is pretty easy to pick up, though it might become contagious to write00:38
sebas5384cmars: hehe contagius? what you mean?00:39
cmarssebas5384, some developers can't stop writing in it once they start00:39
cmarshabit-forming, i should say00:40
sebas5384nice, like that kind of lang00:40
sebas5384cmars: well I will try to make that happen00:41
sebas5384if i cant do it, can i ping you?00:41
cmarssebas5384, certainly00:41
sebas5384great! thanks cmars!00:42
sebas5384cmars: ping04:01
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s3an2Hi, is there a reason when deploying the ubuntu juju charm using the MAAS provider br0 is added instead of just using eth0?17:49

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