
siretartwbs, who provided the patch, mentioned that he isn't entirely sure if the code actually works on ppc64el, running the fate testsuite would be great but none of us has access to some porter machine for that00:15
siretartinfinity: ^^00:15
Logan_rsalveti: are you going to merge in zoneminder from Debian experimental for the libav10 transition?02:32
siretartsorry for the alsa mess. I have just cleaned it up02:41
Logan_xnox: are you planning on merging qutecom?03:33
Logan_xnox: also, do you think we can try syncing paraview and seeing how the buildds handle the parallel build? c.f. http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/p/paraview/paraview_4.0.1-1ubuntu1/changelog03:35
darkxstcjwatson, is there an easy way to avoid "Cannot handle more than one kernel for generic (3.13.0-24-generic07:10
darkxst3.13.0-27-generic)!" when live-building trusty images?07:10
darkxstcjwatson, fwiw I am trying to build with livecd-rootfs, using PROJECT=ubuntu-gnome07:20
cjwatsondarkxst: sounds like maybe -updates isn't added early enough or something ... would need to see the full log to make a better guess (FWIW I won't be around too much this weekend)07:51
darkxstcjwatson, ok, no rush, I will file a bug with the full logs07:52
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BluesKaj'Morning folks14:17
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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