
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
jomc0How do I enable WiFi. Seriously someone help!03:07
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:07
holsteinjomc0: you likely need proprietary drivers03:07
holsteinjomc0: ugh?03:08
Unit193What chipset?03:08
jomc0Of some kind03:08
holsteinwell, that should just be working. and might be03:08
holsteinjomc0: confirm what kind *exactly*03:08
jomc0Hm75 chipset03:11
jomc0Does that sound right?03:11
holsteinjomc0: only you know..03:11
holsteinthe link i gave will tell you how to find out.. please refer to it03:11
jomc0I got it. Thanks chaps03:20
xubuntu541I am having a grub problem03:46
holstein!grub | xubuntu54103:48
ubottuxubuntu541: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:48
xubuntu541can someone help me find a solution for when I get "error: unknown filesystem. Entering rescue mode... grub rescue> set?"03:48
xubuntu541I tried a boot repair disc03:48
xubuntu541it told me something like, "you have installed on sda 7 a version of linux which isn't EFI compatible. Your computer probably cannot dual boot between this linux and other operating systems" or something03:50
xubuntu541but I had a perfectly good dual boot system set up before I installed windows 8.103:50
holsteinxubuntu541: you can typically restore grub after installing windows.. what boot repair did you do?03:51
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair is what i suggest03:51
xubuntu541I used a disc that I made from an ISO of boot repair for ubuntu I think03:51
holsteinwindows is designed to install and break grub.. it wont ask if you have another boot loader03:51
holsteinxubuntu541: if you "think", try the link i gave03:51
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holsteinxubuntu541: you'll use a normal ubuntu live CD03:52
xubuntu541I'm in xubuntu now because I tried this:03:53
xubuntu541set boot=(hd0,7)03:53
xubuntu541set prefix=(hd0,7)/boot/grub03:53
xubuntu541insmod normal03:53
holsteinxubuntu541: try the link i gave, specifically03:53
xubuntu541and that gets me in03:53
xubuntu541isn't that supposed to just help you get in so you can use a terminal? I can access one now03:54
xubuntu541if you mean the boot repair thing the one in that link looks exactly like the one I tried to use03:54
xubuntu541which told me that I can't have this version of linux or something03:54
holsteinxubuntu541: its supposed to specifically help you in your situation.. where you have installed windows which broke grub03:55
xubuntu541isn't there aa way I can fix this in the terminal real quick instead?03:55
xubuntu541yeah but I tried that and it didn't work03:55
holsteinxubuntu541: the link i gave offers that method03:55
holsteinxubuntu541: you'll just need to ask a question "it didnt work" is a statement03:55
xubuntu541when I tpye set03:56
xubuntu541I get "cmdpath=(hd0)"03:56
xubuntu541I think that this is just somehow off a little bit and when I tpye set it's supposed to say "cmdpath=(hd0)" "prefix=(hd0,gpt7)/boot/grub" "root=hd0,gpt7"03:58
holsteinxubuntu541: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#The_terminal_way is what i suggest, actually03:58
xubuntu541is there a tut that show you how to..03:58
xubuntu541i'll take a look03:58
holsteinsudo grub-install /dev/XXX03:58
holsteinxubuntu541: you can paste all the errors or whatever03:58
holsteinxubuntu541: thats specific to your machine, friend03:58
xubuntu541lemme try03:58
xubuntu541I think it's sda03:59
holsteinxubuntu541: you cant "think" though..03:59
holsteinxubuntu541: just read, and confirm. .. and put it where it should go03:59
xubuntu541I'm pretty sure I installed xubuntu yesterday and installed the boot for grub to sda03:59
holsteinwhere you are asking the machine to boot03:59
xubuntu541this is the error I get when I try terminal method04:03
xubuntu541zx@Zx-Lenovo-PC:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda7 [sudo] password for zx:  Installing for i386-pc platform. grub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding. grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged.. grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.04:03
holsteinxubuntu541: why are you installing to sda7?04:04
holsteinxubuntu541: why not the superblock?04:05
xubuntu541straight to sda you mean?04:05
holsteinxubuntu541: thats where it would have been by default, and where windows is now04:05
xubuntu541I can do that I just thought the instructions meant I should do it to the partition I have Xubuntu on04:05
xubuntu541so should I try on sda instead?04:06
holsteinxubuntu541: thats what it was by default,a nd what im suggesting, and the link is, and where windows is now, overriding your boot04:06
xubuntu541lol I'm sorry I'm such a noob04:06
holsteinxubuntu541: no worries..04:06
xubuntu541$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda Installing for i386-pc platform. grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible. grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged.. grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.04:08
holsteinxubuntu541: whatever you do with windows that breaks or changes your system, you'll need to address04:08
holsteinxubuntu541: what would i do? read up on what you have done that could be broken by installing grub04:09
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:09
holsteinxubuntu541: posts like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1790260 make me think the issue is trivial04:10
holsteinxubuntu541: i would proceed cautiously after backing up my data04:10
xubuntu541its a fresh install, there's no data to back up. I could uninstall xubuntu and reinstall but I need to learn this for when that's not an option04:11
xubuntu541thanks for the link04:11
xubuntu541I still can't figure out how to make it work05:00
benonsoftwareMmm, anyone might know why the latest ISO is wanting to boot for me? :)06:35
Noskcajbenonsoftware, Probably the systemd break a few days ago06:43
NoskcajOr was that only existing installs06:44
benonsoftwareInteresting, I get passed (what I think is) the splash page, then got some white on black scary looking text then a blank screen06:45
xubuntu346when upgrading to xubuntu 14.04, will my user data in /home/user/* be saved or will it be overwritten?06:48
baizonxubuntu346: if you upgrade no data will be lost06:49
xubuntu346what if i do a clean install without formatting the drive?06:50
baizonxubuntu346: if /home is on a separate partition and you don't format it06:50
xubuntu346it's not.  so I should back up all of my data, thanks06:51
baizonthen yes :)06:51
xubuntu346in the future, what's the best practice for seperate partitions, i.e. /home, /var, etc.?06:51
baizonwell it depends, i have 3: /, /home and swap.06:52
baizonbut thats always a personal matter06:52
xubuntu346would /var/log be a good idea as well?06:55
xubuntu346and i do a lot of programming/development, would i get better performance on a sep. partition just for my dev. files?  30-50,000+ at least06:56
sergio1949ciao sto cercando di scaricare xubuntu con usb . Sarò capace?07:15
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Guido1Hello, I'm considering to buy a new laptop so that I can study outside in the sun and by excursions in a ban. I want to put xubuntu on it and use it for more than one jear. Can anyone give me some advice what for propertys the laptop should have?08:27
NoskcajGuido1, Xubuntu needs nothing specific08:42
NoskcajPretty much whatever laptop you like should work08:42
NoskcajAs general advice, try to make sure it has a matte screen and a good touchpad08:43
Guido1Noskcaj: it seams that there is also a difference about how long a laptop can be used as a laptop. (quick dying battery etc.) My laptop now doesn't start by a temperature between 18 and 20 degree. only by 21 or warmer08:50
bekksthe lifetime of a battery depends on how you charge it.08:51
Guido1bekks: and how much energy the laptop needs, i gues. I realy want to use it longer than one or two years08:54
bekksHow much energy the laptop needs determines how often you have to recharge, most batteries have a lifetime of 1000 cycles and more.08:54
bekksSo again: it depends on how you recharge.08:55
cfhowletteven then it's not like *POOF* no more charges.  the battery will just hold a lower percentage of charge e.g. my 2012 battery now - 100% charged at 75% capacity.08:56
bekksI am currently typing on a 2008 laptop with 70% capacity.08:57
Guido1bekks, cfhowlett: 2006 battery, sinds 2012 or 2013: not working at all08:58
bekksSo replace the batteryß08:58
bekksfar more cheaper than getting a new rugged laptop.08:58
cfhowlettGuido1 yes, look into battery replacement.  personally, I prefer OEM replacement.  see amazon08:58
Guido1I also found out that you need a specific grafic card if you want to use it with an external screan or beamer08:59
Guido1cfhowlett: the battery is not the only problem and costs already about 60 or 80 € and for a bit more you could get a laptop08:59
bekksFor a bit more? For just a bit more you just get a bit more crap.09:00
Guido1but is it a good laptop? that's why i ask. as a student i don't have a lot of money which i can spend, but after the trouble last week it seams nessessary09:01
bekkspersonally I'm going to get a Dell 7000 series soon - the cheaper ones are... not that "good" for what I need/want it.09:03
cfhowlettno budget listed so really can't define what "good" means.  fwiw: dell xps 13 developer edition seems to be a right sparkly device.  and there are other options.09:04
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:04
Guido1prefeur below 1000, below 500 even better, but is it good? (long livetime without crashing)09:08
bekksGuido1: I wont buy it.09:11
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xubuntu761hallo to everyone13:06
GridCube!hi | xubuntu76113:08
ubottuxubuntu761: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:08
=== WLM|weg is now known as WLM
xubuntu761I recently installed xubuntu. I have a problem with the wireless card that is not recognized and I think I've Seen the solution (http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviSenzaFili/Broadcom) -. I need to know which program is associated apt to make executable files. to indicate on the window that opens when I click on it. thanks Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dell13:12
xubuntu761sorry for my bad English13:13
Stek_Turkuhi all... xfce4-appfinder starts very slowly (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-appfinder/+bug/1048805). Does anyone solve the problem on Xubuntu 12-04 LTS and XFCE 4.8 ?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048805 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfce4-appfinder launches very slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:18
drcBased on a quick reading of the bug report: no.16:29
Stek_Turkudrc: hi drc, is your answer related to my question?16:31
drcStek_Turku: yes, sorry.16:32
Stek_Turkuthank you drc16:35
drcStek_Turku: The Xubuntu team is pretty good about following up on the bug reports if there is a real solution (or even a work around), so if there's no solution in the bug report there's probably no solution (yet).16:39
Stek_Turkuwhat a pity... i love appfinder but it is inusable for me... i hope that when i upgrade my distro it will be ok16:47
drcStek_Turku: Read the last few posts...don't count on it. :(16:55
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
DoDiesisHello all18:27
DoDiesisI have q auestion18:27
TacobuntuHi, I've got a fresh Xubuntu 14.04 install and I am running into issues setting up the aesthetics. I have a dual display setup and I want the panel on the left display to only have icons. Is there any way I can do this with the XFCE panel or will I have to switch to using a lxpanel?18:27
DoDiesisduring downloading of updates, the system went to crash18:27
Tacobuntuonly have icons for the applications menu is what I mean18:27
DoDiesisnow it does not recognise my password18:28
DoDiesisshall I reinstall everything?18:28
Tacobuntu*Window list18:28
DoDiesisPlz, can somebody help me?18:31
deshipuDoDiesis: there is a way to change your password, but if that got corrupted, there is a chance that a lot of other files are corrupted too18:32
deshipuDoDiesis: so unless you have files that you want to recover, a reinstallation would be best18:32
DoDiesisthanks deshipu. I supposed to have to reinstall it again18:33
DoDiesisthe problem is that my netbook does not have a disk drive18:33
DoDiesisI willhave to lend an external one again18:33
DoDiesisthanks anyway: maybe I could go from xubuntu 12.04 to the 14.04 version18:34
DoDiesisbut if I tried to enter as admin and download updates?18:35
deshiputhe problem is, in order for your password to not be recognized, the system files have to be corrupted pretty bad18:36
DoDiesisdeshipu: yes, that's for sure...18:37
drcIt's been a while, but does 12.04 even have a root password?18:37
deshipuand there is no sure way to fix such a syste18:37
deshipudrc: no18:37
deshipudrc: but there are ways18:37
DoDiesiswell.. ok. If there is not any other way, I will reinstall everything.18:38
deshipudrc: as long as you have physical access and the disk is not encrypted18:38
drcyeah, but a reinstall, as you said, "is the only way to be sure".18:38
DoDiesisthe system lets me onter only with "guest session"18:40
drcAnd I'm guessing that "chroot" would scare him even worse :)18:41
xubuntu412Are anyone of you running xubuntu on an x200 tablet?20:28
meek_geekguys I have heard gnu+linux slows down after one month of use and bsd does not ?20:31
meek_geekis that a myth ?20:32
brainwashyes, it is a myth20:32
xubuntu412what is bsd?20:32
brainwashxubuntu412: why would anyone do this? xubuntu is not optimized for touch/tablet usage20:33
xubuntu412x200 tablet is less of a tablet than a penmanship digitizer20:34
xubuntu412Add xournal, anki and nixnote/evernote and you have a pretty potent study machine20:34
brainwashright, so do you have any specific question?20:35
xubuntu412Then... you can scan all your books into it too <(20:35
xubuntu412Yes, I've had screen freezes after locking the screen20:36
xubuntu412I've disabled the automatic lockscreen for now. But It'd be nice to use it20:36
brainwashthat's bad, it's most likely related to the new screen locker called 'light-locker'20:37
xubuntu412That is the screen locker I disabled20:37
xubuntu412Can I uninstall it and reinstall the old one?20:37
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xubuntu412Or solve it some other way?20:38
brainwashyou can keep it installed, the old one is 'xscreensaver'20:38
brainwashbut you can install and use any other screen locker app20:38
xubuntu412Thanks, where can I find it?20:38
brainwashsoftware center20:39
brainwashor via terminal "sudo apt-get install xscreensaver"20:39
brainwashI also recommend reading this article http://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/20:40
xubuntu412Sweet, post your vertcoin or bitcoin adress and I'll send a beer to you20:40
xubuntu412Reading, thanks20:41
brainwashnah, no need to get paid for support here :)20:41
xubuntu412Hehe, okay20:42
xubuntu412Though it's cool that we can20:43
meek_geekm having issues with tor on xubuntu20:47
longbonglungfishhello everyone. i have noticed two strange bugs in regard to the new indicator plugin on the panel in xubuntu 14.04:21:18
longbonglungfish1. in the panel preferences dialog, when i set the background style to "none (use system style)" the entire indicator plugin area and all the icons in it, refuse to match the rest of the panel and instead take on a semi-transparent grey background. this happens with all themes that i've tried. here is a screenshot that shows how out of place and incosistent the indicator area looks under these conditions; http://i521:18
longbonglungfish.minus.com/i13axvucGfWum.png now, if i change the background style to "solid color" the bug disappears; http://i6.minus.com/ibjum6Wc3c9Anz.png but that means my panel will no longer match whatever theme i use automatically.21:18
longbonglungfish2. some icons in the indicator plugin area have portions cut off, there is no other way to describe this. here is a screenshot; http://i5.minus.com/i51zpfDWSL0nE.png if anyone could help me remedy these issues it would be much appreciated!21:18
longbonglungfishthe link illustrating the first bug might have gotten cut into two posts, here it is again in full: http://i5.minus.com/i13axvucGfWum.png21:19
brainwashlongbonglungfish: does restarting the panel fix the transparency issue? xfce4-panel -r21:29
longbonglungfishbrainwash, nope. doesn't change anything.21:31
longbonglungfishlogging in, restarting, changing themes. problem is still there.21:32
brainwashmmh, not sure21:34
brainwashI've reported this issue during the development cycle21:35
brainwashand it should be fixed (cannot test right now)21:35
longbonglungfishwow, thanks a whole bunch!21:35
brainwashbut you can still trigger this issue, mmh21:36
brainwashcut off panel icons have been reported by some users too, not sure about the current bug status21:36
brainwashor if a bug report even exists21:37
brainwashcan you please report these bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-indicator-plugin ?21:38
brainwashwith all the details you've posted here21:38
longbonglungfishgreat. thanks for all the info. aside from that issue, there's another problem i noticed in regard to the mailwatch plugin. it ceases to function after one notification during a session and i have to log out and log back in again to get it to recognize new emails.21:38
brainwashthat's odd21:39
longbonglungfishaside from these the upgrade to 14.04 went splendidly. and yes, i can make a report. where should i put the one for the mailwatch plugin?21:39
brainwashthis problem hasn't been reported yet21:40
longbonglungfishokay great! will have reports posted within  a few hours.21:40
missionWould it be possible to include the 'Wacom Control Panel' GUI tablet tool in the next Xubuntu release? It doesn't work at all in 14.04 :(21:41
brainwashthe GUI doesn't work currently?21:41
missionnope, at all21:41
brainwashwhy should we include it then by default in the next release?21:42
missionI mean, make it work, somehow :D21:42
brainwashah, well, the xubuntu team does not maintain this particular software21:42
brainwashyou'll have to file a bug report on launchpad, so it will be fixed eventually21:43
missionok I will! thanks!21:44
brainwashthanks :)21:44

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