
s-foxWho is here for the meeting? coffeecat Iowan howefield19:58
howefieldhello s-fox :)19:58
s-foxWould i be right in thinking i saw something from elfy and iowan about not being able to make it?19:59
coffeecatElfy already mentioned that he won't be able to be here.19:59
IowanHot off the road - driveway 5 minutes ago.19:59
s-foxany news on cariboo?19:59
howefieldnot that I#m aware of.19:59
s-foxokay, i guess i'll give him a few minutes20:00
s-foxare we all well?20:00
IowanHEalthy here!20:00
s-foxalright, i guess i'll start the meeting20:02
s-fox#startmeeting Ubuntu Forums Council Meeting20:02
meetingologyMeeting started Sun Jun  1 20:02:58 2014 UTC.  The chair is s-fox. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Ubuntu Forums Council Meeting | Current topic:
s-fox#chair s-fox20:02
meetingologyCurrent chairs: s-fox20:02
s-fox#voters s-fox Iowan coffeecat Iowan howefield20:03
meetingologyCurrent voters: Iowan coffeecat howefield s-fox20:03
s-foxOkay, nothing on the agenda. so i guess the main thing to go over is the todo list elfy posted last week20:04
s-foxI think the list we have now is pretty much everything now, so thank you for putting it together20:05
s-foxI haven't been online much this week, but it looks like we still need to put up a thread for each of the items20:08
s-foxI can do that tomorrow, unless anyone wants to do it sooner.20:08
s-foxAny objections ?20:08
IowanI can't find 'em ATM, but i remember some of the items looked interesting...20:09
IowanNo objections.20:09
s-foxhere is the thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222577020:09
s-foxit got stuck20:09
s-fox#action s-fox to create the starter thread for each of the topics20:11
meetingologyACTION: s-fox to create the starter thread for each of the topics20:11
Iowanprobably why I couldn't fine it - who reads stickies? ;)20:11
s-foxDoes anyone have anything else to bring up in the meeting?20:11
Iowannothing here.20:11
howefieldnothing for public consumption from me.20:12
s-foxOkay, well I will be around properly next week. The docs gave me some meds and i am no longer dying :)20:12
s-foxsorry, new20:12
howefieldgood to hear.20:13
howefieldabout no longer dying, I mean.20:13
IowanGood news - finding replacement admins is sSUCH a chore ;)20:13
howefieldyou'd be surprised.20:13
s-foxoh, i saw something on the ml about someone wanting unbanning.20:14
s-foxhas that been resolved, or is it still ongoing?20:14
coffeecatthat was a recurra-troll if I'm thinking about the same one. At least 4 previous alter egos.20:14
IowanThought howefield got that one...20:14
s-foxokay, great20:15
Iowan(not the recurratroll)20:15
howefieldif that is matt114 you refer to, finished as far as I am concerned.20:15
coffeecatyep - previous was 64bitiso going back to someone we banned who kept trolling at about the time of the forum coming up again after the security breach.20:16
howefieldthat's the one.20:16
s-foxwell, glad it's been sorted.20:17
s-foxI guess one of the few things we have to do this month deciding who will do what20:18
s-foxwho fancies the report?  i don't mind doing it20:18
s-foxhaven't done it for a little while20:18
IowanNo argument!20:18
s-fox#action s-fox to do the report20:19
meetingologyACTION: s-fox to do the report20:19
s-foxhow are we looking for the archiving at the moment?20:20
s-foxare we good, or is it outstanding?20:20
s-foxyeah, the old threads20:20
IowanHave we done that since re-install?20:20
s-foxi'm not certain20:21
coffeecatThat's something Elfy seems to be interested in. Can't say I it floats my boat whatsoever.20:21
s-foxMaybe we should talk more about  it in the threads i'm going to create in the morning20:22
s-foxi am 99% sure it is one of the items20:22
howefieldmakes sense.20:22
coffeecatyes it's in the list. At the top! :)20:22
s-foxOkay, lets carry on20:22
s-foxAny other tasks that we try to alternate?20:23
s-foxthe ml to me seems the one that needs to the most "effort"20:23
IowanPretty much everything else is tag-team20:23
coffeecatI *think* everything else -ml, RC etc - is first-come first do.20:23
s-foxokay, i am ready to end it and go back to bed :)20:23
howefieldnighty night.20:23
s-foxgood to end it?20:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Sun Jun  1 20:24:41 2014 UTC.20:24
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-06-01-20.02.moin.txt20:24
s-foxThank you for coming all :)20:24
IowanThank YOU for chairing!20:24
coffeecatthanks s-fox20:24
howefieldthanks for chairing s-fox20:24
s-foxno issue, kinda straight forward and not *that much* to go over20:25
s-foxanway, nighty night20:25

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