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mihirGood Morning :)06:22
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Rocky Road Day! :-D08:48
DanChapmanGood Morning all08:54
nik90_bzoltan: hey, could you release UITK 0.1.46+14.10.20140527-0ubuntu1 to the PPA please.09:51
bzoltannik90_:  sure09:51
nik90_bzoltan: thnx09:51
nik90_bzoltan: also I was discussing in our core apps hangout meeting about the availability of Qt 5.3 in the PPA. Would that be provided in the SDK PPA?09:52
bzoltannik90_:  no, the PPA will not receive any Qt updates09:53
bzoltannik90_:  the qt5.3 is already available in an other PPA09:53
nik90_bzoltan: so I could technically add the other PPA and the SDK PPA and have a working UITK in Qt 5.3?09:53
nik90_when the whole transition is over09:54
dpmmorning popey, core apps branches review call?10:03
popeystupid phone didnt alarm ☹10:04
dpmpopey, is it ok to upgrade to the latest -proposed image on the N4? I read on the ML that it brings a black screen on flo, but I'm not sure if affects all devices10:29
popeylatest proposed is fine dpm10:30
dpmok, upgrading then, thanks!10:30
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dpmpopey, so this morning when I said Reminders already had the last translations I made a mistake. Could we prepare a store upload for Reminders from trunk?13:18
popeysure, I'll do that now13:18
popeydpm: jenkins already has r155 built as a click to go.13:19
popeydpm: do you know if the AP tests work / pass?13:19
popeyI'll try here, but last time I tried it all went wrong.13:19
dpmpopey, excellent, thank you. Afaik, the tests that we've got should pass13:21
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dpmpopey, ah, sorry, didn't see your last comment. If they fail, let me know and let's ping Leo when he's around13:25
danielbeck_hello! The ubuntu touch emualtor (x86) does not work on my machine. The screen stays black.13:54
danielbeck_I posted the log here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7573163/ . Does someone know how to get the emulator to work?13:55
dpmhi danielbeck_ - I cannot help, sorry. I'd suggest to ping rsalveti on #ubuntu-touch. He should be able to help13:56
danielbeck_thanks dpm13:56
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renato_jdstrand, ping14:10
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popeydpm: mhall119 http://imgur.com/ujRRueF14:55
dpmpopey, cool, so that's the latest trunk with a working password prompt (and no re-prompts) and fetching e-mails?14:56
mhall119popey: I posted screenshots last week with it using the new header too, looks even nicer (but doesn't all work)15:00
* popey hugs DanChapman 15:02
popeythis makes the phone 10x more useful.15:10
popeyDanChapman: we were chatting just now about getting Trojita in the store.15:10
popeySeems sending mail is the only real major thing missing before we do that. Do you agree?15:10
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DanChapmanpopey, yeah i would say so. Plus a bit of tidying up for a first release. I sent a message to the ML to try and get it progressing, so gcollura's branch doesn't get stale.15:26
popeyDanChapman: I think it's fine for us to have a "warts and all" 'beta' release in the store. Especially if we help users to find the bug tracker and other help channels if they get problems.15:27
popeyWe can add some of that detail in the app description in the store, (do people read that?) ☻15:28
popeyYou (or someone else) could blog about it before it hits the store too, to raise awareness and let people know where to get help, and what to expect?15:28
dpmbfiller, when you've got a minute, would it be possible to do an upload of Gallery and Camera to the store? Last week oSoMoN prepared a landing that includes translations for the MAE image and the last step is just to upload the clicks to the store. I asked Sergio last week if he could do it, but he's been probably busy with other stuff and he's not online now15:31
t1mpmhall119: screenshots, new header? url?15:32
* t1mp lazy to make a sentence ;)15:32
bfillerdpm: will do15:32
dpmgreat, thanks!15:32
DanChapmanpopey, Yeah the app description is a good place i would say. I plan to get my blog up and running again anyway, so i can definately start posting about it15:34
mhall119t1mp: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109919666334513536939/posts/iEPjDAvyxdn15:41
t1mpmhall119: nice :)15:57
t1mpmhall119: I think it looks better than the toolbar.. just we need to switch the icon themes soon to get the proper back icon15:58
frecelwhat is the launchpad project for notifications16:21
frecelWhen I'm getting a text message the notification has a phone number in it even though the number is in my contacts16:22
frecelis that a known bug?16:23
kenvandinefrecel, not sure if it's known, but you can file that against the telephony-service package16:44
frecelkenvandine: I filed it against indicator-messages https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/132564916:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1325649 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Notification displays phone number instead of a name" [Undecided,New]16:47
nik90_t1mp: once the new header API lands, will we (app devs) need to make changes to the transitions we just did?17:12
ahayzennik90_, transitions?17:17
nik90_ahayzen: we just transitioned from the old toolbar to the new headers. Once the new headers API land, do we need to make any changes.17:18
ahayzennik90_, ah right thought u meant like transitions as in effects17:18
nik90_ahayzen: ah no..my bad17:19
nik90_wrong choice of words :P17:19
nik90_ahayzen: hey, does it make sense to have another core apps hangout this week? As in do we have stuff to discuss?17:20
ahayzennik90_, erm i don't mind we could have one more in the american timezone to pick up the others guys? I've just added a load of stuff to the trello board for music-app which is all WIP17:21
* nik90_ looks at the trello board17:21
ahayzennik90_, most of it has code from us but is either hitting issues/blocked upstream/trying to fix AP tests17:22
nik90_ahayzen: alrite, I will send a mail to the mailing list. Hopefully we can get the rss reader folks and file manager devs.17:22
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nik90_popey: when is the next file manager meeting?17:22
ahayzennik90_, yeah that would be good17:22
popeynik90_: tomorrow evening17:23
nik90_popey: what time? I like to join to ask if the file manager devs can join us in the core apps hangout this week.17:24
popeynik90_: 20 UTC17:25
nik90_popey: thnx17:25
mihirpopey: did we got trell board for calculator and calendar ?17:26
nik90_mihir: https://trello.com/b/Ie2rAS3W/core-apps-management17:27
nik90_mihir: it is a common board for all core apps17:27
mihirnik90_: could you please invite me , ?17:27
mihirnik90_: email :- mihirsoni.123@gmail.com17:27
nik90_mihir: I am not admin, so I dont think I can invite other members17:28
popeyi thought i had, sorry17:28
mihirpopey: could you please ?17:28
mihirpopey: thanks a lot :17:29
nik90_popey: have you heard from the weather app guys recently?17:32
popeyYes, mbo is around.17:35
t1mpnik90_: we won't break whatever we have now17:36
t1mpnik90_: but there will be some new functionality for which you will need to use the new API17:36
nik90_t1mp: ok17:37
t1mpnik90_: the new API will add (for example) a head.actions property to the Page to set the actions in the header17:37
mihirpopey: when you get time , could you test this on device , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/129773917:37
t1mpnik90_: but if you set only tools, as you do now, the actions will automatically be extracted from the tools17:37
t1mpnik90_: so no need to change, but the code will become prettier if you switch to use the new actions property :)17:37
nik90_t1mp: ah I understand now17:38
t1mpwe'll keep it compatible with the code you have now17:38
nik90_t1mp: btw, did you have the faintest idea if dialog will stay or would it be deprecated like sheets?17:38
t1mpnik90_: it will stay17:38
nik90_t1mp: I am moving some stuff from popover to dialog since I cannot use popover on the new headers properly17:38
t1mpnik90_: why doesn't popover work? if you don't set a caller, there won't be a pointer and it will be centered in the screen.. that should work?17:39
nik90_t1mp: it does work on a tablet and desktop. However on the phone the location of the popover is wrong. it sticks to the top of the screen.17:40
t1mpmaybe that's a bug17:40
t1mpwhen I first created the popover it was centered when there is no caller, I don't know if it was changed afterwards17:41
nik90_t1mp: yeah..I will report the bug17:41
nik90_I got to go..dinner is calling..bye17:41
t1mpnik90_: I have seen some updated visual designs for both dialog and popover, so they are not going away :)17:41
t1mpnik90_: it depends on what you want to accomplish whether you should use a popover or dialog,17:42
t1mpfrom a design doc, dialog: We use this pattern when we need people to make a decision before carrying on using the app.17:42
t1mpNote: The dialog can be launched from the main app view, or from within a popover.17:42
t1mpand popover: We use popovers when there are a few more options to show and we don’t want to change the view.17:43
t1mpnik90_: interesting, in the design mockup the popover on the phone is also at the top of the screen17:43
nik90_t1mp: hmm. that's interesting18:54
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t1mpnik90_: I cannot share the doc, we have to ask giorgoventuri or bjkeyser for that, but the document is still work in progress, maybe we have to wait until it is done19:14
nik90_t1mp: no worries, in that case I will stick with the popover since I just want to show more options without changing the view.19:14
t1mpnik90_: it is also easier for you :) if the positioning is wrong we need to fix that in uitk19:15
nik90_t1mp: yeah :) ... I noticed that the incorrect positioning only happens in the phone portrait mode...in the landscape mode the positioning is correct.19:17
nik90_let me try to reproduce it with a sample app.19:17
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