=== zequence_ is now known as zequence [23:53] pleia2: any advice about doing a session during UOS? [23:54] ahoneycutt: having a blueprint prepped with some basic info in the whiteboard helps so folks have some idea of what the session will be about so they can attend [23:54] Do you need one scheduled? [23:55] I also pretty much let anyone who wants to join the Hangout part join, the limit is 10 people but most sessions I go to barely hit 4 :) everyone else is in IRC [23:55] ah yes, belkinsa is one of the track leads for the community sessions (I'm one for User track) [23:56] I see the tract for the Kubuntu docs. [23:56] belkinsa: jose got it setup for us, I followed your layout :) [23:56] \o/ [23:56] \o/ [23:57] keeping things on a schedule/topic helps though, much like running an irc meeting, make sure someone is keeping things on topic :) [23:58] * pleia2 eyeballs need screen break, bbiab [23:58] pleia2: belkinsa https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs/+spec/community-1406-kubuntu-documentation-team [23:58] I saw. [23:59] Do you have a time for the track to be scheduled?