
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-away
shadeslayerScottK: can you acceot cvsservice in binary new11:17
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elfyanyone got an idea why utopic dailies stopped building a few days ago? (with the exception of ubuntu core and touch)13:58
cjwatsonelfy: I literally just fixed that13:59
cjwatsonbroken by syslinux 613:59
elfythanks cjwatson13:59
cjwatsonwhich image do you particularly care about and I'll rebuild it?13:59
elfyI knew I should have drunk the tea before posting :)13:59
elfyxubuntu would be awesome :)13:59
cjwatsonI can't vouch for whether the images actually *work* with syslinux 6, but I guess we'll find out14:00
cjwatsonelfy: queued14:00
elfyyep :)14:00
elfyok - thanks cjwatson14:01
shadeslayercjwatson: I hear code imports from packages are broken14:02
cjwatsonshadeslayer: lots of individual imports are frequently broken14:02
shadeslayerah I see14:02
cjwatsonshadeslayer: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ has status and reasons14:02
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elfycjwatson: in a few words - not very well, can boot the image - but trying to install with the desktop launcher does nothing15:40
seb128elfy, it boots for you? the ubuntu iso doesn't give me a language selection menu in virtualbox15:51
seb128(same in kvm btw)15:51
elfyseb128: yea - no screen for language, no choose between try or install - but it does boot for me15:52
seb128hum, k15:52
elfybug 132563215:52
seb128elfy, thanks15:53
elfythat's in a vbox by the way15:54
seb128kvm does the same15:55
luket_Hello. Is this the correct place to ask about the possibility of backporting the Python 2.7.7 SSL support to 2.7.3 in Precise?16:23
infinityluket_: The correct place would be filing a bug on python2.7, but given that precise users and upgrade to trusty, I'm not sure asking for feature backports to precise makes much sense.16:39
infinitys/and upgrade/can upgrade/16:39
luket_Thank you. We're stuck on 12.04 and OpenStack Essex. We need the SSL support added to 2.7.7 to properly secure Glance.16:41
xnoxinfinity: hm, 2.7.7 is only in utopic-proposed.16:43
infinityxnox: Yes, I know.16:43
infinityAnd, in theory, if the backport is similar for both versions, auditable, and meets SRU criteria (some of these things seem less likely than others), we could perhaps do both.16:44
infinityluket_: Please file a bug on python2.7, however.16:44
infinityluket_: Use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template for the description (ie: we need to know exactly why this is needed, impact, etc)16:45
luket_Thank you. I'll do that.16:45
ScottKWould need to update trusty too.16:45
infinityScottK: Obviously, yes.16:46
infinityluket_: Especially, if you can expand on what "to properly secure Glance" really means, I could see making an exception for the SRU on that basis, if the argument is sound.16:46
ScottKObviously to you. A surprising number of people need that sort of the pointed out.16:47
infinityScottK: Well, hopefully obvious to any SRU team member who would be reviewing the proposal. :/16:48
ScottKOf course, it was for luket_'s benefit.16:49
luket_Python 3.4 properly verifies an SSL certificate. Python 2.7 didn't until the Python dev team backported the support to
luket_I'll use the template and go from there. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.16:52
=== chorrell is now known as chorrell-away
infinityluket_: Ahh, yes.  I think some other software (like ubuntu-one) actually does their own cert chain verification specifically because python doesn't seem to do it itself.16:55
infinityluket_: So, that's another option -- make glance, in the face of python << 2.7.7, sort it itself.16:55
infinityProbably the smarter option for glance upstream, since they can't exactly demand all their users use bleeding edge python.16:56
=== chorrell-away is now known as chorrell
luket_Yes. I'll check with the Glance team to see if there's any other way to do this before filing the bug report.16:57
infinitycjwatson: And, of course, it doesn't fail under GDB.  Whee.18:23
* ogra_ wonders what happened to his touch image build ... 18:35
ogra_i see a process on nusakan18:35
ogra_but no related build running on kishi00.buildd18:35
ogra_infinity, do you have an idea whats going on there ?18:36
ogra_looks like hung ssh stuff ...18:37
ogra_ogra@nusakan:~$ ps ax|grep kishi18:37
ogra_10891 ?        S      0:00 ssh -n -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes buildd@kishi00.buildd /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -l -f plain -A armhf -d utopic ubuntu-touch18:37
ogra_22116 ?        S      0:00 ssh -n -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes buildd@kishi00.buildd /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -l -f plain -A armhf -d precise ubuntu-core18:37
slangasekhow are you checking for the build on kishi?18:38
ogra_slangasek, w3m kishi00.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD/utopic/ubuntu-touch/18:38
ogra_from nusakan18:38
ogra_there should be a 0602.1 build18:38
ogra_but even the top level BuiltLiveCD.log is empty18:38
ogra_alst write to that seems to have been at 4:30 UTC18:39
infinityogra_: How old is that build?  kishi00 was down last night.18:40
infinityAhh, old.18:40
infinityMight need a stale lock removed or something.18:41
ogra_infinity, i triggered the new buuld 2.5h ago18:41
infinityogra_: Sure, but the old one could be locking it.  Lemme poke a WeBop.18:41
ogra_yeah, thanks18:41
infinityogra_: You should be able to try again now.18:51
ogra_lets see if my imgbot can cope with that :P18:52
ogra_bah, cjwatson's attempt to fix samba seems to have failed bcause it cant build a manpage ... only on i386 and armhf19:00
ogra_thats weird19:00
ogra_all other arches passed19:00
infinityogra_: Yeah, known.  Looking into it, but it's making my head hurt.  Might try eating breakfast first.19:07
ogra_stgraber, hmm, so i triggered a new touch build with the iso tracker a while ago ... seems it hasnt been picked up19:07
ogra_infinity, well, i think zul just said in another channel he would be doing the merge ... probably coordinate with him19:08
zulogra_:  yeah im going to re-try the build first19:08
stgraberogra_: there was a stall process on nusakan, killed it now, let's see if that helps...19:09
stgraberogra_: cleared the DB state and requested a rebuild of touch, let's see if it gets picked up now19:12
ogra_stgraber, great, thanks19:16
stgrabercdimage   3394  0.0  0.0   4404   612 ?        Ss   19:15   0:00  |   \_ /bin/sh -c rebuild-requests -b -q utopic iso19:16
stgrabercdimage   3398  0.1  0.0  54392 11696 ?        S    19:15   0:00  |       \_ /usr/bin/python /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bin/rebuild-requests -b -q utopic iso19:16
stgrabercdimage   3419 96.4  0.1  62076 15172 ?        R    19:15   1:08  |           \_ /usr/bin/python /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bin/cron.daily-preinstalled --live19:16
stgrabercdimage   3440  0.0  0.0  47252  3712 ?        S    19:15   0:00  |               \_ ssh -n -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes buildd@kishi00.buildd /home/buildd/bin/BuildLiveCD -l -f plain -A armhf -d utopic ubuntu-touch19:16
stgraberso looks like the rebuild request got picked up now and things are building19:16
ogra_i see it on kishi0019:17
ogra_thanks a lot19:17
infinityzul: Retrying the build won't help.  I don't imagine merging will either, unless that xml file changed.19:17
ogra_infinity, funny that it is only on these two arches19:18
ogra_the rest built fine19:18
zulinfinity:  googling looks like it might be fixed in 4.1.719:23
cjwatsonzul: that seems surprising given that the crash is in xsltproc not samba?19:26
cjwatsonunless there's some bad XML that tickles a bug in xsltproc or something19:26
zulcjwatson:  my mistake19:26
zuli spoke too soon19:26
cjwatsonnot saying it's impossible, just surprising :)19:26
=== chorrell is now known as chorrell-away
zulwell 4.1.7 built fine for me (amd64) but i dont have arm or i38619:40
cjwatsonif you have amd64 then you have i38619:41
cjwatsonjust use a chroot19:41
cjwatsonI reproduced the same failure locally19:41
cjwatsonI uploaded because it was still better than before, I was running out of day, and there was some chance that it might have been some bizarre local failure19:42
=== chorrell-away is now known as chorrell
zulive reached a hard EOD for me...4.1.7 builds fine for me on amd64 (untested on i386 and arm) i need to go take my kid to swimming lessons20:02
rcjstgraber, Would you have time to look at the SRU in bug #1275656? This is open-vm-tools trusty backport to precise for HWE kernels.  It's becoming critical now.20:15
stgraberrcj: oh right, sorry, had a bit of a busy week last week. I'll take a look this afternoon, hopefully it's all good and I'll let it into -proposed.20:16
rcjstgraber, thanks.20:17
rcjstgraber, the precise upload went into universe but this package from trusty had a MIR and is in main for trusty.20:17
rcjwill it land in main for precise?20:18
stgraberrcj: yeah, don't worry about it, if it's good, I'll override it to main20:18
rcjstgraber, thanks for taking the time to review this20:18
cjwatsoninfinity: I can reproduce it within waf but not if I pick out the exact same command from strace output and run it manually20:38
cjwatsonincluding what look like the relevant environment variables20:38
cjwatsonno-change rebuilding libxslt doesn't help20:43
cjwatsonfaketime isn't relevant20:44
cjwatsonI can confirm it works under gdb for me20:45
infinitycjwatson: I can reproduce without waf just fine.  Just need to export the right environment.20:46
cjwatsonOK, I expect I missed something20:46
cjwatsontrying with valgrind, it's certainly taking a while20:46
infinitycjwatson: gdb on the dumped core is pretty monumentally unhelpful.  Might be more interesting with a -O0 libxml220:46
infinity(Though -O0 may also make the behaviour go away...)20:47
* cjwatson listens to his laptop take off which in fairness doesn't take a lot of provocation20:47
cjwatsonvalgrind also makes it go away20:47
ogra_hovertop :)20:47
cjwatson-O0 doesn't make it go away20:50
infinitycjwatson: In both the gdb and valgrind case (and your "I can't make it fail without waf" case), could the common thread be lack of environment?20:50
cjwatsonI inserted gdb by editing debian/bin/xsltproc20:50
cjwatsonSo I don't think so20:50
infinityOh, nevermind.  I can reproduce with a clean env too.20:51
infinity(utopic-i386)adconrad@cthulhu:~/review/samba-4.1.6+dfsg/bin$ xsltproc --nonet -o default/docs-xml/manpages/smb.conf.5 /home/adconrad/review/samba-4.1.6+dfsg/docs-xml/xslt/man.xsl default/docs-xml/manpages/smb.conf.5.xml20:51
infinityBus error (core dumped)20:51
infinitySo, no debian/bin foo, and no export before.20:51
cjwatsonHaven't managed to get it to dump core despite prodding ulimit20:52
infinitycjwatson: Want my core?  It's not particularly enlightening to me, but maybe you'd do better with it.20:52
infinityOh, except mine is against a local rebuild.  I should downgrade and get a matching one.20:53
cjwatsonSince it's still reproducible with -O0, I'd suggest doing that first20:53
infinitycjwatson: -O0 of libxslt or libxml2?20:53
cjwatsonThen hopefully the traceback will make sense20:53
cjwatsonI didn't try libxml220:53
infinitycjwatson: I'm not convinced that it's not libxml2's fault.20:54
cjwatsonWe have an Ubuntu delta to that ...20:54
cjwatsonI wonder what happens if you back out the recent security update?20:55
infinitycjwatson: Here's the 'bt full' from the core: http://lucifer.0c3.net/~adconrad/bt-full.txt20:55
* cjwatson grabs the previous version20:57
infinitycjwatson: Same bus error with -3ubuntu420:57
cjwatsonYeah, likewise20:58
infinityBuild log diff between previous successful samba build and this one to see what else has changed?20:58
cjwatsonout of time21:00
infinityI'll keep digging in a bit.21:00
infinityMost everything (except xml2) looks untouched...21:02
infinityWell, and libgcc...21:03
infinityI'll have to give this a spin in a trusty chroot and then do selective partial upgrades, I think.21:03
cjwatsonI had one last test already running: libxml2 -O0 still fails21:03
cjwatsondisas /rm in gdb says21:06
cjwatson=> 0xf75bb588 <+12>:    e8 23 71 f7 ff  call   0xf75326b0 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx>21:06
cjwatsonsome kind of multiple declarations problem?21:07
cjwatsonor wrong linker or something21:07
cjwatsonanyway, really gone21:08
stgraberrcj: ^21:15
rcjstgraber, Thank you so much21:16
stgraberrcj: please do another full test once both packages are built and published in -proposed then confirm that everything looks good in the bug report21:17
rcjstgraber, I will.21:17
cjwatsoninfinity: works after "ulimit -s unlimited"22:10
cjwatsoninfinity: if that's any help?22:10
cjwatsonI might just upload with that to unblock us22:17
cjwatsonhopefully that'll stick this time22:20
cjwatsonmakes sense given the length of infinity's bt-full though22:21
cjwatsonI can certainly well believe that XML/XSLT processing might hit stack size limits22:22
infinityGross, though.22:22
infinitySo, possibly just a fluke of a few kB one way or the other than ppc didn't explode?22:24
cjwatsonCould be22:24
cjwatsonOr different stack layout22:24
infinityOh, fair.  PPC is a whole lot of different in that area.22:25
cjwatsonzul: all sorted now23:10
stgraberrcj: hmm, so there's a problem with having open-vm-tools-lts-trusty in main for precise, it build-depends on libdumbnet-dev which isn't in main23:19
* stgraber should have spotted it in the review...23:19
stgraberrcj: so there are two options, 1) keep it in universe, 2) check for any other build-dep that's in universe, convince the security team to support them all, then promote them to main23:21

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