
hatchhuwshimi rockin huge diff on that branch :D03:27
huwshimihatch: I panicked for a second there, I wondered what I'd broken :)03:28
hatchit's been +1'd03:28
huwshimiI hope the tests pass.03:30
hatchhaha - if they don't then it'll fail on the merge03:33
=== lazypower-travel is now known as lazyPower
frankbanmorning rogpeppe: are we in the middle of the git migration?09:54
rogpeppefrankban: i'm guessing so09:56
rogpeppefrankban: i haven't seen much activity recently tho09:56
rogpeppefrankban: well, go get github.com/juju/core/... works, so i guess it's all go10:14
frankbanrogpeppe: yeah I see they are probably fixing some remaining bits (lbox stuff etc) I guess a message will be sent when the migration is done10:15
rogpeppefrankban: i'm going to submit PRs anyway :-)10:16
frankbanrogpeppe: :-) I am trying to figure out our next steps10:16
rogpeppefrankban: me too10:16
frankbanrogpeppe: I ended up with this schema: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7579583/ do you want to chat about next moves?11:05
rogpeppefrankban: i can't quite see why utils/ssh is factoring in there11:10
frankbanrogpeppe: I think it's ssh.ParseAuthorisedKey in testing/environ.go11:12
rogpeppefrankban: but we don't need anything that's in that file, do we?11:13
frankbanrogpeppe: FakeHomeSuite11:13
frankbanrogpeppe: unless we decide to replace that with something else. my schema just reflects the current status11:14
rogpeppefrankban: i don't think FakeHomeSuite uses FakeAuthKeys or FakeConfig, does it?11:15
frankbanrogpeppe: charm uses testing.CustomEnvironConfig, which in turn calls FakeConfig(). however, it seems in that file ssh is only used for a check done in init(). perhaps that can be removed and we just assume FakeAuthKeys to be valid11:18
rogpeppefrankban: i think we could make charm avoid using CustomEnvironConfig11:20
frankbanrogpeppe: that would be great11:22
rogpeppefrankban: just going for lunch. i may be in patchy contact this afternoon - will let you know when i am online11:26
frankbanrogpeppe: ok hanks, I'll try to extract some action items from that document, I'll send you an email later11:27
frankbanthanks even11:27
frankbanrogpeppe: for when you are back: here is a lst of actions we can work on in parallel, please let me know what do you think: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7579844/11:42
rogpeppefrankban: that all looks good12:16
kadams54guihelp: still looking for review/QA on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/35713:03
frankbankadams54: looking13:04
jcsackettmorning (or afternoon), all.13:11
frankbankadams54: LGTM13:12
frankbanmorning jcsackett 13:12
kadams54frankban: Super. Another one bites the dust.13:12
kadams54morning jcsackett 13:14
* redir broke unity13:15
jcsacketti break unity with some regularity.13:15
rogpeppe1frankban: am online for 30 mins now, then away for an hour, then back again for 3 hours (working a bit later to make up for breaks)13:24
frankbanrogpeppe1: ack13:24
rogpeppe1frankban: do you want to make sure that there are tasks for those things on the kanban that you mentioned?13:31
frankbanrogpeppe1: I'll create cards for each item13:32
rogpeppe1frankban: there are already cards for some13:32
frankbanrogpeppe1: ok13:32
rogpeppe1frankban: e.g. "migrate juju utils package"13:32
rogpeppe1frankban: what are you on now? i will get on with something other than that :-)13:33
frankbanrogpeppe1: I'd start with filetesting, not sure if we can start working on the github project yet, asking13:34
rogpeppe1frankban: ok, if you create filetesting in github/juju/testing, then try a PR against github/juju/core...13:35
rogpeppe1frankban: it looks like CI is going, and everything seems like it's working, so might as well give it a go13:36
frankbanrogpeppe1: I'll try to move the testing package preserving the git history. This means I will use the git commits in github.com/juju/core as a base, that's why I asked on the channel if the project is ready to be used13:37
rogpeppe1frankban: ah, i see13:37
rogpeppe1frankban: what's the procedure for doing that?13:37
frankbanrogpeppe1: wait looking13:38
rogpeppe1frankban: (i haven't done that when moving other pieces to github/juju)13:38
frankbanrogpeppe1: well, for small pieces I am not sure it's worth the effort, but when migrating a whole package/subdir then it's nice to preserve the history, and should also be easy enough13:39
rogpeppe1frankban: right; i have no idea how to do that - i presume there's a tool to help, or do i have to do it manually?13:39
frankbanrogpeppe1: I guess "git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter $folder -- --all" should do the trick13:41
* rogpeppe1 reads up on filter-branch13:41
frankbanrogpeppe1: and then, for importing the tree into testing, something like "git subtree add --prefix=filetesting $branch master"13:42
frankbanrogpeppe1: see #juju-dev, we need to wait13:44
bachey jcastro, i may be doing a barcamp talk tonight.  you have a favorite bundle for doing demos to a group of people who've never heard of juju?13:44
jcastrobac, other than the simple wordpress ones? 13:46
bacjcastro: those would probably work.13:47
jcastroI like mediawiki:scalable13:47
jcastrocomplex enough to get the point across, but not too complex13:47
* rogpeppe1 leaves. back in an hour.13:54
bacthanks jcastro14:03
kadams54guihelp: currently looking at the "adding unit to undeployed service and clicking machine view gets you 'stuck' in machine view" card and not seeing the same behavior. My guess is that I'm just not going through the right steps to duplicate.14:06
kadams54Anyone know more details?14:07
hatchfrankban thanks for trying that bug - did you fix the machine to machine.id first?14:17
frankbanhatch: no, I didn't see the initial error14:20
kadams54hatch: getting selenium timeouts in my merge build. Should I retry, or does jenkins/selenium need to be kicked first? http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui-merge/367/console14:20
hatchfrankban oh ok, sorry I wasn't clear - that needs to be done 'machine' is a string so 'machine.id' is always undefined so it will always place a new machine14:21
hatchI'll update the bug14:21
hatchkadams54 you can re-run it in jenkins14:22
frankbanhatch: I'll take another look with the bug and dupe instructions updated14:22
kadams54hatch: do I re-run by deleting the comments on the PR?14:23
hatchfrankban thanks!14:23
hatchkadams54 no you log into jenkins and re-run it manually14:23
hatchdo you know your jenkins account info?14:23
kadams54I thought that was the case for builds on the PR branch, but not for merge/shipit builds.14:24
hatchmerge builds you can just delete the comment which says that the merge has been accepted14:26
kadams54Ah yes, OK…14:28
frankbanhatch: so machine in that code is not a model instance, it's just an ecs record key... 14:42
hatchfrankban correct14:49
frankbanhatch: what placeholder name do we give to new ghost machines?14:50
Makyojujugui call in 1014:50
hatchwell I figured we should use the record id's14:50
frankbanhatch: _createMachine does not create a ghost machine and just passes null as modelId: that does not seem correct14:51
frankbanhatch: we should create a ghost machine in the db (e.g. by using an incremental placeholder name, like new1, new2 etc...) and pass the id to both addMachines and placeUnit14:51
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
frankbanhatch: then, when everything is committed, ecs code already handles replacing the placeholder name with the real one returned by juju-core IIRC14:53
frankbanrogpeppe: cards created/updated14:53
rogpeppefrankban: cool, ta14:53
rogpeppefrankban: one thing wasn't clear to me about migrating history: how do you get the commits out of the bzr commit format and into git commit format?14:54
hatchfrankban lets chat after the standup14:55
frankbanrogpeppe: FWIW, while waiting for the migration to be completed, we could start working on 1) moving FakeHomeSuite and 2) moving testing/http.go14:55
frankbanhatch: cool14:55
rogpeppefrankban: i think the biggest part of this work is creating the stuff in github/juju/testing. changing juju-core to use the new location should be quicker and easier.14:56
frankbanrogpeppe: if the migration is done today then we don't have to do that, because we use the git repository.14:56
rogpeppefrankban: i don't quite get that. surely we still need to move testing/http.go, because we don't want circular repo deps?14:57
hatchjujugui call in 114:59
frankbanrogpeppe: let's talk after the daily standup14:59
bacredir: that guy working on private charmworld seems to happy, fwiw15:05
redirbac: nice:)15:06
baci blue myself15:07
rediruh, yeah15:08
redirblue team15:08
bacnice, url, google15:08
bacjujugui: sorry, i said "i sat in on the HR presentation.  only took 30 minutes. "15:09
rogpeppefrankban: are you still busy?15:23
frankbanrogpeppe: done now15:33
frankbanrogpeppe: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=115:33
kadams54hatch: let me know when you get a chance to look at the "stuck in machine view" card. I'm also looking for more work… maybe getting started on the document Luca and Spencer created, turning those into cards/bugs?15:44
hatchkadams54 looking15:46
hatchkadams54 I am pretty sure that issue was the UI equivalent to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/131954915:48
hatchkadams54 so maybe if you could try and dupe this in the UI if not, comment on this bug that it's not reproducible in the UI15:48
hatchand that can be this card15:49
hatchI haven't had a chance to look at the list from UX but I want to be careful that any changes there don't push the release back or cause conflicts for my branch15:49
kadams54hatch: Sure. First step would be to get the items in the doc turned into bugs and cards. No code changes.15:51
kadams54hatch: I don't think this card is about Chrome freezing. I remember we both had that problem. The way I read this card is that the tabs to switch between Service and Machine Views stop working. (Which has also happened to me in the past.)15:52
kadams54But I'll investigate https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1319549 nonetheless.15:52
hatchkadams54 yeah I remember that - but when the tabs stopped working the whole UI was locked - I don't remember if refreshing worked though...15:53
kadams54No, refreshing did not work15:53
kadams54It wasn't just the Chrome tab, but all of Chrome15:53
kadams54I had to kill -9 it when that happened.15:53
kadams54It was bad.15:53
hatchahh right right15:53
kadams54But I've also seen where the tabs stop working - I can still do stuff in MV, just can't get out of it. Usually due to an uncaught exception.15:54
hatchhmm yeah I also remember that15:54
hatchI cannot remember how to reproduce - I created a friday card about cards which are incomplete15:55
* redir may have to put the a/c units in the windoes15:55
redirreal soon now15:55
hatchredir what? They aren't built into the wall?15:57
redirhatch: bwahaha15:57
redirnot in buildings from the 19th century15:57
hatchlol serious - all condo's and apartments here have them cut in the wall15:57
hatchahh maybe they don't want to cut into old buildings15:58
redirhatch: yeah, historic area15:58
* hatch hands you a saw15:58
hatchgit-r-dun! 15:58
redirhatch: brick buildings.15:58
* hatch hands you a brick saw15:59
redirgoing to 30 today15:59
hatchyikes - I've had the AC on for a bit now - but it only turns on during the afternoon still 15:59
hatchmy limit is about 25C15:59
hatchany hotter and I dig a hole in the garden and lay in it16:00
kadams54It's an almost perfect 23C here16:01
kadams54With a breeze16:01
kadams54Too bad the mosquitoes are TERRIBLE!16:01
hatchfrankban card created in Project 1 fyi16:02
hatchkadams54 ahh nice, we are 19 now which is about perfect. very few biting bugs still, the flies are out in force though16:02
hatchkadams54 do they spray for mosquitos there?16:03
kadams54I don't believe so, no.16:03
kadams54We've had some heavy rains recently and it seems like they really came out in force afterwards.16:03
hatchdarn - they do it here - we have a bunch of standing water in the ditches and stuff16:03
hatchI -think- it helps16:03
hatchahh yeah I bet16:03
kadams54We're going to bomb the yard16:03
hatchyoutube it!!!!16:03
kadams54I don't think it's going to be that dramatic ;-)16:06
frankbanhatch: thanks16:06
hatchkadams54 then you're not using enough explosive! 16:08
hatchugh the poplars are seeding16:13
hatchbloody white fluffs everywhere16:13
hatchthey are nice big trees but boy do they make a mess16:13
hatchpretty much the worst in-yard tree anyone could plant haha16:14
hatchkadams54 thanks for doing the review and qa on Huw's branch - if he can land it after making your changes you can ":+1: with above mentioned changes" or something along those lines16:17
kadams54OK, updated my comment to clarify16:18
hatchworking across timezones can be challenging sometimes :)16:24
kadams54hatch: Commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1319549 - I can't reproduce in develop using the console commands.16:33
kadams54I'm tempted to remove my current card - we can always add it back in if needed.16:34
hatchkadams54 thanks, and yeah I agree16:34
rogpeppefrankban: https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/916:54
frankbanrogpeppe: looking16:54
rogpeppefrankban: i haven't changed one byte :-)16:55
frankbanrogpeppe: :-) LGTM16:57
rogpeppefrankban: thanks16:57
hatchkadams54 have you found something to do?17:23
kadams54Eat lunch17:23
redirrogpeppe: given a current clone of juju-core + godeps -u ... should the full test suite be passing?17:24
kadams54hatch: But that's wrapping up :-) Got any suggestions? If not, I'll work on going through the feedback from Luca and Spencer.17:24
rogpepperedir: i think so, but it's always a bit fragile. what's failing for you?17:25
redirrogpeppe: a bunch, but hard to tell there is no summary17:25
redirdumping into a file for review17:25
rogpepperedir: could you paste the full output?>17:25
hatchkadams54 yeah that might be best - there are other cards but I really want to get my branch landed first17:26
redirrogpeppe: yes17:26
redirrogpeppe: not so bad without all the logs. summary: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7581747/17:33
redirfull output ^^17:33
redirI like the jujubot avatar17:37
rogpepperedir: hmm, i don't recognise those failures17:39
rogpepperedir: i have to stop for the day, but one thing to look into: are you using the right mongod?17:40
redirrogpeppe: prolly n ot17:40
hatchyuss I found some cascading failures17:40
redirbut I think I have the charmworld one today17:40
hatchI can get to 50% now without a failure lol17:40
rogpepperedir: some folks on #juju-dev should be able to help17:40
redirhatch: *applause*17:40
rogpeppeg'night all17:40
redirrogpeppe: k tx. have a great eve17:40
hatchkadams54 maybe you could also give Makyo a hand with his CSS issues (if they still exist)17:47
Makyohatch, kadams54 it appears to be a thing with the sticky headers taking a bit to generate, not what I'd thought.17:48
MakyoIt allocates space for them, then generates them at the end of loading.17:48
hatchdown to 107 failures *sigh*17:54
bacjujugui: anyone have access to safari to do a quick test?18:57
hatchbac yep18:58
baccool, hatch, can you try connecting to my juju-gui at https://ec2-107-22-137-117.compute-1.amazonaws.com/ with safari?18:59
hatchbac ok I get the ssl warning18:59
bachatch: i get 'connecting to the juju environment' but it hangs there18:59
bacssl warning or certificate warning?19:00
hatchyeah this is a known bug19:00
bacthanks hatch, hadn't seen that bug.19:01
hatchnow you have :)19:01
bacwell, in that case, juju-quickstart on os x is now working.  whee!19:01
bacmust be packaged19:02
bachatch: you still using atom at all?19:02
hatchbac nope back to sublime19:02
hatchI probably won't switch from sublime to anything for quite a while19:03
* redir applauds19:03
redirand you wrote it swiftly in swift!19:03
hatchlol what19:04
* hatch thinks redir is drunk19:04
redirredir wishes19:04
redirmore just trying to do stuff but can't blame in bzr in sublime 19:04
* redir means praise or annotate19:05
hatchhaha, I mean why are you applauding me for using sublime?19:06
redirhatch: juju quickstart on osx19:20
* redir applauds bac for juju-quickstat on osx, hatch19:21
* redir backs up GOPATH and starts fresh...19:21
bacredir: thanks.  how about a review and qa?19:22
redirbac: OK19:23
redirneed to get the mac back out19:23
redirmoved it to put the AC in19:24
* redir now sees his notebook cpu at 48C instead of 78C19:25
hatchhaha that's probably for the best19:26
bacredir: i'm doing QA on linux to ensure i didn't mess up there.19:26
bacredir: will bug you shortly19:26
MakyoMan, another stupid branch with a one-line fix.  I guess it's good that we had all these useful methods in there, just need to know where to use them.19:34
Makyojujugui little tiny PR https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/36119:38
hatchMakyo that's not guna work :(19:39
hatchthe reason is that we dont' want to re-render the whole sectionA every time the state changes19:40
hatchwe only want to do that when the component changes 19:40
hatchI've commented in kind in the PR19:41
MakyoThis state thing is an enormous mess.19:43
hatchsorry - I can take another look at it, I think I am on my final test (which of course is causing huge issues)19:43
hatchjust need to grab some food first19:43
MakyoWe switch everything over to views, then decide we can't treat them like views.  We need to destroy what's there in order to render what needs to be there, but somehow need to do it without destroying what's there?19:43
MakyoI worked through lunch too, I'm gonna take a break.  We can talk after.19:44
hatchsure, ping when you're back19:46
bacredir: https://codereview.appspot.com/105810043 por favor19:49
Makyohatch, alright, fed and calmer.  Sorry for the outburst.19:52
hatchtis O K :)19:52
redirMayko channel the  stateless whisperer19:54
redirroy would be proud19:54
MakyoSo, the problem is that changeState doesn't clean up the inspector or the charmbrowser when the state changes.  All emptySectionA does is clean up lingering inspectors and charmbrowsers.  We need to be able to either destroy, or have the subapp be able to clean up without destroying.19:55
MakyoRight now, the state code and its events take approximately 750ms to change state.  Rendering is fast, sticky headers are quick, and the spinner is negligible.  In all, it winds up being about 780ms.19:56
hatchwow, why does it take so long?19:56
hatchit should be damn near instant19:57
MakyoIt's either state or navigate that's being such a drag.20:00
hatchok that's definitely not acceptable because with everything running through state for user interactions it needs to feel instant20:01
MakyoBut either way, the inspector/charmbrowser needs to be cleaned up on navigate.  The spacing is caused by lingering elements.20:01
MakyoLet me prefix everything with timestamps and I can get back to you.20:01
hatchwhen it switches components it should be calling the empty bit20:02
hatchoh great databinding doesn't work on the il flag for the unit details20:03
redircloning juju with git from gh is so way faster than bzr from lp20:05
hatchredir are the repos the same size?20:08
hatchI have mixed experience with github and network speed20:08
redirwell it is juju from today in both20:08
Makyohatch, it's looking like navigate, not state.  Almost a full second to get through navigating.20:12
hatchhmm ok so...20:12
redirhatch: roughly 19700 commits 20:12
redirbot thso ...20:12
hatchMakyo ok so we need to track that down I guess20:14
hatchit has to be something from pretty recently20:14
hatchit didn't used to do that20:14
MakyoIt did, it was just hidden by the fact that we didn't cache anything.20:14
hatchI mean before the switch over20:15
MakyoTo il?20:15
hatchI wonder if our navigate modifications don't mesh with the state stuff20:15
MakyoBecause that time difference was clicking the home button from a search, not dismissing the inspector.  Can poke around, though.20:15
redirs/bot thso/both so20:16
hatchMakyo right but I think that the same delay happens when switching between ghost and service inspectors too20:16
MakyoOkay.  Hmm. Maybe in the ns-routing-app-ext?20:17
MakyoConflicting with state, I mean20:17
hatchyeah that's what I mean20:18
MakyoOkay, I'll dig in there.20:19
hatchI'm fairly close to getting this monstrosity of a branch up for PR then I can lend a hand20:22
hatchMakyo when you navigate around the charmbrowser and the url changes, does it change really fast, THEN hang?20:31
Makyohatch, I put console loggers in and everything's twice as fast.  It's my new solution.20:31
MakyoURL changes quickly, then it slows down, seems to be between either _navigate and _dispatch in ns-routing or _cleanup and _loadCurated in charmbrowser20:32
MakyoBut seriously, I'm getting half the times I was before, to the point where it looks almost fixed.20:33
MakyoI'll keep digging, the sticky headers are definitely part of the problem, almost 100 ms20:34
Makyohatch, here's the times I'm looking at https://gist.github.com/makyo/0cf154d2d9996de7d45b20:35
hatchahh so maybe because we aren't emptying out the token list soon enough before it calls _loadCurated20:37
hatchthere is a _cleanUp method in there20:37
hatchmaybe it can be purposed to fix that up20:38
hatch(almost PR'ing)20:38
MakyoYeah, I'm poking around.20:38
MakyoLet me know when you're ready, I owe you a review.20:38
hatchMakyo you mean this 1900 line one? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/36220:40
hatchMakyo maybe we get this one landed and then work from it?20:40
hatchthen we are working with more 'final' type code20:40
MakyoYeah, totally.  I'd rather rebase than not.20:41
MakyoOr just start over and trash this branch of mine20:41
hatchwe probably should have done state and then il20:42
hatchmerging them was a bad idea it's looking like20:42
hatchlive and learn I suppose :)20:42
hatchkadams54 I re-sorted your new cards - cards after the il green card are required for relase20:43
MakyoYeah.  Two flags is a good limit, but each flag could have been more limited in scope.  State, then il.  ECS, then mv.20:43
hatchif you disagree with any of my moves feel free to lemme know20:43
hatchMakyo yeah good point20:44
hatchI suppose I'll create a card friday to discuss how we got here and what we can do in the future to make sure it doesn't happen again20:44
hatchit took almost 3 full days to remove the il flag haha, that's no good :)20:45
redirbac: LGTM20:45
bacthanks redir20:48
rick_h_feature flags always seem to take a bit. We've had a few chats on trying to help with that but I don't think we did all the stuff we've mentinoed20:52
hatchrick_h_ wb20:52
hatchI created a friday card - just so we can spitball some ideas 20:52
hatchwhile it's still fresh20:52
* rick_h_ loads up leankit for the first time20:53
rick_h_hatch: why do flags need to be more than 2 char? it's always flags.il ?20:55
hatchrick_h_ there were instances (albeit not many) where grepping flags.il wasn't enough20:55
hatchas in, flags: { il: ...20:56
hatchvery hard to find20:56
hatchit never should have passed review...but things happen20:56
rick_h_then il:  didn't work out? 20:56
rick_h_yea, I guess when I suggested it I was thinking it'd be flags.il and easy to spot20:57
hatchil : 20:57
hatchthat did20:57
hatchbut yeah I figured that because the urls are often 'cached' we could stand to use more grep-able ones and not lose much on the typing20:57
hatchthis isn't exactly a problem, but did waste time which could have been avoided if it was something wako like 'ispl' or something easy to grep for 20:58
hatchrick_h_ mv is probably not going to be as much of an issue because m and v aren't usually beside each other in English, whereas il....well....heh21:00
hatchMakyo are you reviewing/qaing that branch? 21:04
hatchthe il one21:04
Makyohatch, yeah21:04
hatchok cool21:04
hatchI'm not looking forward to the databinding bug21:05
Makyo-1513!  I like it.21:05
hatchMakyo there is probably at least another 1000 in there which are left in but not used 21:05
rick_h_hatch: which databinding bug?21:05
hatchrick_h_ somewhere in the il work, databinding stopped working for the unit details breakout panel21:06
hatchI'm guessing it has something to do when it got moved to the right.....but yeah....it's broken21:06
hatchcan we switch to react yet? kehehe (kick a man when he's down)21:07
MakyoFired...you are...no job.  Anymore.21:11
Makyohatch, going to walk dogs, I'm getting stomped.  Promise I'm reviewing.21:11
hatch:) np take your time21:12
hatchthese past few days have not been enjoyable21:12
rick_h_bac: can you link that bug and fix to hazmat in case he's interested please? 21:15
* rick_h_ goes back to vacation mode uploading tons of pictures21:15
rick_h_new camera means lots and lots of pics21:16
hatchMakyo I just updated the PR with another commit so if you had pulled it down and were QA'ing you'll want to pull again21:26
Makyohatch, alright, thanks21:44
Makyorick_h_, awesome21:44
Makyohatch, QA looks good.  Good to get rid of all that code.21:59
hatchand CI passed21:59
hatchMakyo so can i land it?22:26
Makyohatch, crap, yeah, sorry!22:26
hatchhaha ok22:26
hatchMakyo ok so once this merges in we will use that as the source of truth22:52
Makyohatch, +a lot22:52
MakyoReboot for updates22:54
hatchMakyo so when I do a search then click back, the url changes and the UI updates, hangs for about a second, then snaps to the actual cached results 23:00
hatchhuwshimi morning23:00
hatchI had a chat with frankban about the bug and we came up with a good fix for it - he will be starting on it at his start of day23:00
Makyohatch, yeah.  That second is spent on a couple of operations.  Finishing routing, building tokens, and building sticky headers.23:01
MakyoAll of that was there originally, just hidden by the lack of a cache.23:02
hatchMakyo I'm thinking there is some problem in the charmbrowser because it's getting the operation to switch view types, then hangs23:02
Makyohatch, it's not hanging, it's doing plenty of work, it's just not very efficient work.23:02
hatchhaha right, hanging to the user I mean23:02
MakyoYeah :)23:02
MakyoOne solution would be for the spinner to stick around and properly indicate loading.23:03
MakyoThat done, we could work on efficiency.23:03
MakyoAs two iterations, I mean.  The spinner wouldn't be the fix.23:03
hatchit looks like it only hangs when going from search to curated23:03
MakyoSearch doesn't have as many sticky headers.23:03
hatch1 less :)23:03
rick_h_huh? there's only 3 sticky headers23:03
hatchdamnit you just pop in here23:04
MakyoYeah, I just mean that search is less complicated. 23:04
rick_h_the sticky headers is very light, shouldn't be a perf issue. Never has been and we did have a working cache when it was working23:04
hatchlike on the show 'The Office' haha23:04
huwshimihatch: Ah great, thanks for chasing that up.23:04
rick_h_hatch: heh, yea bad timing. Tired and crabby and I look and go 'wtf'23:04
hatchhuwshimi hopefully we'll be ready for your start of day tomorrow23:05
hatchto unblock you23:05
rick_h_Makyo: so the thing is that the result rendering isn't async any more since it's not part of an async ajax call? 23:05
huwshimihatch: Thanks. I've been landing some chunks of work from that branch anyway23:05
rick_h_and has turned blockign?23:05
Makyorick_h_, It's hard to pick apart, but yes, I think so.  The combination of load and render (and all the component steps) seem to be tripping over themselves.  Here's the timings: https://gist.github.com/makyo/0cf154d2d9996de7d45b23:06
hatchnow that we have a more stable base to work from can take a peek in the AM to give you a break Makyo 23:06
MakyoLoad takes a while, the two render steps take a while.23:06
rick_h_400ms in routing?23:07
rick_h_Makyo: is this taking into account double dispatch? e.g. are these times doubled up somewhere?23:08
Makyorick_h_, no, that's the entire log for clicking 'home' from search results (i.e.: loading curated from cache)23:09
rick_h_hatch: huwshimi is the issue with the padding in the categories on comingsoon known?23:09
hatchrick_h_ refresh23:09
hatchkadams54 landed a fix yesterday23:09
huwshimihatch: It still happens for me23:10
hatchhmm comingsoon might need a clean-all23:10
rick_h_hatch: cleared browser cache reloaded and still has an issue23:10
rick_h_ok, so that's not a full second but is annoying. Definitely need to show a loader and hide the UI while it updates. 23:11
rick_h_yea, css on comingsoon is toast. inspector is a mess23:13
Makyorick_h_, yeah.  At the very least, it needs the spinner while it's churning.  Optimal fix would be to get rid of the delay, but that's proving tough to track down.23:14
rick_h_Makyo: yes, I think making the UI transition smooth is a good easy goal23:14
rick_h_Makyo: I think that you're right that there's a tree of code to take the models, create the tokens, etc and it's not instant23:14
rick_h_is kadams54 around today? I don't see any card on the board for him?23:15
hatchlemme check develop23:20
hatchyeah local develop looks fine23:20
hatchand comingsoon is broken23:20
hatchso looks like it could use a kick23:20
hatchrick_h_ he was - last I heard he was reading the comments from luca and making cards for them23:28
huwshimiCan anyone else not get into canonical IRC?23:31
hatchhuwshimi I'm in now23:32
huwshimihatch: What happens if you try to reconnect?23:33
hatchworks fine23:33
hatchcheck that you accept the ssl cert23:33
huwshimihmm... it isn't asking me to, it just says it has expired.23:34
hatchmight be your client?23:35
huwshimihatch: It doesn't even work with "accept invalid ssl certificate"23:36
hatchhmm odd23:36
huwshimiworked fine up until now.23:37
hatchyeah works fine for me, not sure what's up23:38
huwshimiOh, I did just do some Ubuntu updates which included some ssl packages. Might reboot.23:42
huwshimiAnd now all my builds are failing :)23:45
hatchyeah I saw that23:45
huwshimihatch: It's "origin/pr/360/merge" to kick of a new "shipit"?23:54
huwshimi(for pr #360)23:55
hatchnope just delete the merge request accepted msg23:55
hatchthat other method is for the non-merge case23:55
huwshimioh ok23:56

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