
mwhudsonhey uh, do we make an armhf image that contains a kernel that can work on midway?01:45
=== _salem is now known as salem_
infinitymwhudson: Yes.02:53
infinitymwhudson: If by "image" you mean "d-i netboot images".02:53
infinitymwhudson: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/trusty/main/installer-armhf/current/images/generic-lpae/netboot/02:54
mwhudsoninfinity: yeah, i think i was being confused02:54
mwhudsonhave i mentioned my deep and abiding love for uboot recently02:55
infinitymwhudson: I sense sarcasm.02:56
mwhudsonvery perceptive of you02:57
mwhudsonmidway just has broken uEnv.txt support03:02
mwhudson${fs}load ${devtype} ${devnum} ${script_addr} ${prefix}uEnv.txt && Executing ${prefix}uEnv.txt...03:02
mwhudsonthat explains the Unknown command 'Executing' - try 'help'03:03
mwhudson message03:03
infinitymwhudson: Hrm, I've never had any issues on the midways I've played with.03:09
infinitymwhudson: Maybe I don't use uEnv?  I dunno.03:09
mwhudsonprobably not03:09
mwhudsonmaybe this one has out of date firmware, i dunno03:10
mwhudsonjust means i need to re-remember how to use boot.scr03:10
nathaneltitanehello amigos03:39
nathaneltitanei've set up a build dir to generate my first deb package (from source), after running  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot i get an error message. it complains that the Package field is missing in the control file03:40
nathaneltitaneany idea?03:40
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infinityslangasek, xnox: heads up, lennart plans to remove udev's netlink interface, effectively breaking udev on all !systemd without people fixing things: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2014-May/019657.html04:12
pittiGood morning05:22
dholbachgood morning06:15
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ogra_pitti, thanks for the suggestion !! ... do you know if we have a tool for editing thises options or should i "just sed from postinst" ?07:58
pittiogra_: no, we can't change it in a package, it's a conffile07:58
pittiso at most during an image build07:58
ogra_thats what i feared07:58
pitticertainly not ideal07:58
pittiogra_: i. e. I was mostly suggesting that as a quick fix if you want to unbreak images, not as a long-term solution07:59
pittishould have mentioned that in the mail, sorry07:59
ogra_well, the only "proper" longter solution is to create a single package for a single file i think08:00
pittiogra_: perhaps an even better thing to do would be to change /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75dbus_dbus-launch to not run $DBUSLAUNCH if [ -n "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]08:00
ogra_which is ugly as well but less intrusive08:00
pittiogra_: i. e. if there already is a session bus, started from upstart or whatever08:00
ogra_well, this one seems to be actually get started by the first gdbus call08:00
pittiogra_: gdbus runs dbus-launch if there's no $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, that seems like a separate issue08:01
pittiogra_: what is supposed to start "the" session bus on the phone?08:01
pittiit obviously wasn't 75dbus_dbus-launch as we didn't install that until yesterday08:01
ogra_pitti, no idea how it looks like in the new split greeter world ... usually we have an upstart job starting it08:02
ogra_but i dont think lightdm processes a full session startup in upstart08:03
ogra_at least not in our setup08:03
ogra_(in our new setup)08:03
pittiogra_: so I think the first thing to do is to get some agreement what starts the session bus -- lightdm, 75dbus_dbus-launch, 00upstart (through a session upstart job), or something else08:04
ogra_mterry did a lot of complex things to make the lightdm dbus have access to the user dbuses it seems08:04
pittiogra_: aside from that, I think changing 75dbus_dbus-launch to not do anything if there already is a session bus is a sensible and safe thing to do08:04
ogra_we definitely dont want to have two per session :) (two for lightdm, two for the phablet user)08:05
pittiogra_: yes, absolutely; two session buses will break $world08:05
pittiif different processes use differetn addresses (otherwise it's just a waste)08:06
ogra_http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/ .... it happens pretty visible since image 59 :)08:06
ogra_but as i said, mike does some trickery to get the buses talk to each other it seems08:07
ogra_so that phone calls get through etc08:07
pittiogra_: can you easily test http://paste.ubuntu.com/7578684/ ?08:09
ogra_will do ... i dont have my test device near ... but in 10min or so08:10
ogra_pitti, doesnt seem to help08:26
pittiyou still get two buses?08:26
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:~# ps aux|grep dbus |grep session|grep -v upstart|wc -l08:26
pittiogra_: that means that 75dbus_dbus-launch comes first and the second one is started after that08:26
ogra_which is weird08:26
ogra_pitti, i see the same socket twice as well http://paste.ubuntu.com/7578759/08:27
pittiogra_: right, one for lightdm, one for phablet08:28
ogra_look at the two phablet ones08:28
ogra_they are identical and use the same address08:28
pittiogra_: yeah, I know, looks odd; can you grep for dbus-launch?08:28
ogra_not there08:28
pittiogra_: was it there without the Xsession.d change?08:29
pittiif yes, that change at least helped a bit; if no, dbus-x11 wasn't the reason08:29
ogra_and before split greeter we had exactly one dbus-daemon per session08:30
pittiI have three in my desktop session, presumably it forks internally08:30
pittimartin    1648  0.0  0.0  39240   324 ?        Ss   07:18   0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session08:30
pittimartin    1660  0.0  0.0  41444  4008 ?        Ss   07:18   0:04 dbus-daemon --fork --session --address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-4jEVwkHdJv08:30
pittimartin    1806  0.0  0.0  39504  3492 ?        S    07:18   0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --nofork --print-address 308:30
ogra_oh. ok08:30
pittiogra_: but not two with the same --address thing08:30
pittiogra_: on the phone we probably don't have the a11y bus, so we can ignore that08:31
pitti1660 is started by session upstart (lightdm -> init -> dbus-daemon (1660)08:32
pitti1648 isn't, not sure where that comes from, but the --print-address sounds like it's coming from dbus-launch08:32
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ogra_pitti, could you upload the dbus-x11 fix in any case ?08:37
pittiogra_: sure08:37
ogra_(since i dont see dbus-launch it seems to have worked)08:37
pittiogra_: was that tracked as a bug, or just on u-phone@ so far?08:37
ogra_just the ML08:38
pittiack, thanks08:38
pittiogra_: test-building now, will test on desktop before I upload08:41
pitti(just to make double-suree)08:41
pittiI still wish we could avoid all teh Xsession.d/ legacy and shellery on the phone08:42
pittiit's not even running X :)08:43
ogra_we will at some point :)08:46
xnoxpitti: i did remove dbus-launch from ubuntu-touch images. it shouldn't be seeded on touch images at all...08:47
xnoxpitti: any clue as to why it was pulled back in?08:47
xnoxsorry, i mean dbus-x1108:47
pittixnox: no, I don't know why it came in there08:47
ogra_xnox, split greeter uses gdbus ... which needs dbus-launch08:47
ogra_xnox, but sadly also ships the Xsession.d script that fires up a second session bus08:48
pittino, gdbus doesn't *need* dbus-launch08:48
ogra_well, *uses*08:48
pittiit really shouldn't08:48
pittiour session should already have a bus08:48
pittiif a process doesn't have $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, that's a bug in passing the env variables or starting the bus too late08:48
ogra_well, lightdm seems to spawn one thats not upstart driven08:49
ogra_xnox, so its a new dependency of the new greeter session implementation08:49
pittiso the dbus-x11 Xsession.d/ change is a cheap and harmless help for that, but it in no way address the actual bug08:50
ogra_if it even is a bug08:50
xnoxogra_: that dependency is black-listed from the seed =)08:50
ogra_we verified yesterday that it fixed the AP issues08:50
xnoxogra_: I guess we didn't enforce it.08:50
ogra_xnox, talk to the greeter team ...08:50
xnoxogra_: i'm talking to landing team / person in charge of the seed =)08:51
xnoxogra_: dev teams will always try to use haskell & what not =)08:51
ogra_xnox, split greeter is the base for a ton of other features, feel free to work with mterry on improving it (and file a bug) but we need to land this if any possible so others can move on with their dependant work08:52
xnoxogra_: is there no featureflag to run split greeter in non-split mode?08:52
ogra_not that i know of08:52
ogra_and it is also pretty complicated ... making sure phone calls to the users get handled by the greeter, you can start apps in the user session from the locked greeter etc ... the feature set is huge and scary :)08:54
sil2100ogra_: btw. do you remember who robru poked to ACK all the crazy packaging changes of the greeter landing?08:58
ogra_xnox, if you like getting scared in the morning ... https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/split/+merge/213149 (there are about ten other packages with changes but this is the core)08:58
ogra_sil2100, no, probably me ... doesnt the train record that ? i know rob always puts my name into the lander field or some such when i ack something08:59
ogra_(i have seen him putting it in a jenkins form)09:02
ogra_xnox, my theory is that dropping dbus-launch would need a re-org of the unity8-greeter-wrapper script (so that the first gdbus --session call happens after upstart ran init --user for lightdm ...) but i wont touch that code with the author not around09:05
sil2100ogra_: let's hope mterry will be around today09:15
ogra_xnox, Saviq, pitti, sil2100 bug 1325882 ... i think thats our final solution09:20
ubottubug 1325882 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-greeter-wrapper needs a re-org to not use dbus-launch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132588209:20
ogra_(but mterry needs to agree)09:20
pittiogra_: yes, sounds good to me (i. e. fix the startup ordering)09:20
Saviqogra_, yeah, I thought that's what was happening..09:21
ogra_great :)09:21
* ogra_ likes agreement09:21
ogra_i see dbus already hit proposed09:22
* ogra_ prepeares the accompanying unity8 upload09:22
pittiogra_: FWIW, you don't really need that dbus on a new image, it's mostly to make debugging less confusing09:23
pittiand it'll be stuck in -proposed until I fix the tests for udisks2 in -proposed (which broke due to enabling logind session tracking)09:23
Saviqogra_, if I agree, do you still need mterry's agreement? shall I push an MP?09:24
ogra_pitti, crap09:24
ogra_Saviq, well, given the above comment from pitti it is unlikely that we can make our 12:00UTC deadline ... so yes, go ahead ... cant become worse, can it ?09:25
Saviqogra_, ;)09:27
ogra_sil2100, keep a silo ready for Saviq ^^^;)09:27
pittiogra_: why do you need that fix urgently? (if so, release team can fast-track it)09:28
ogra_pitti, we are in TRAINCON-0 mode ... which means nothing can land (except some select bits) until we have resolved the major issue ... if we cant fix it in a given timeframe we have to roll back the whole landing09:29
ogra_the timeframe we have set ourselves for this one is 12:00 UTC ...09:30
ogra_so that we can be sure we can drop TRAINCON-0 in any case tonight09:30
pittiogra_: ok, but I still don't understand how that dbus change actually fixes the bug, or why fixing the ordering in bug 1325882 would need that dbus fix09:30
ubottubug 1325882 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8-greeter-wrapper needs a re-org to not use dbus-launch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132588209:30
ogra_by either having a proper fix or by rolling back all packages that make up this landing09:30
ogra_pitti, the re-ordering wont since we drop all deps on dbus-x11 with that09:31
ogra_pitti, if we would keep dbus-x11 and *not* re-order we would need your fix though09:31
ogra_pitti, with Saviq offering to take the risk of the re-order we get around using dbus-x11 at all ... and make xnox happy too ;)09:32
pittiah, ok; it seems a bit curious that this dbus-x11 fix would actually fix things09:33
ogra_well, the dbus-launch call for gdbus makes things currently work09:34
pittihm, "work"09:34
pittiit still means that this spawns another bus which no othe process wants..09:35
ogra_well, "not fail" is probably better :)09:35
ogra_no, it spawns *the* session dbus ... the upstart job wont fire if there is one allready09:35
ogra_but that session dbus wont use the upstart defined options for the daemon etc09:36
pittiurgh :) yes, then Houston we have a problem09:36
pittibecause no other processes will know about that one09:36
ogra_well, the indicators do ... they dont start without dbus-launch available09:36
ogra_(and other weird things happen)09:36
pittiso we should not install dbus-x11 so that we actually see which processes try to call dbus-launch (and then LART them)09:37
pittiDON'T *spank" START *spank* A NEW *spank* BUS! *spank*09:37
ogra_right, thats what Saviq will now implement ...09:38
ogra_in the hope that it works09:38
Saviqogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/resync-distro-split/+merge/221845 + https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-split-dbus/+merge/22184709:38
* sil2100 keeps his fingers crossed09:39
ogra_if not we'll have to roll back and leave it to mterry to come up with a proper solution09:39
ogra_Saviq, both acked ... (with a comment on the second)09:41
Saviqogra_, yeah, added telepathy-ofono test plan to the landing09:42
Saviqsil2100, line 36 is ready for you09:42
sil2100Saviq: excellent! The reorder seems ok...09:43
sil2100Let me assign09:43
sil2100Saviq: silo 20 for you09:43
sil2100Let's get it building and tested o/09:44
ogra_and then get an image that fixes our world ;)09:44
rbasak@pilot in09:45
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Utopic boot fixed in sysv-rc 2.88dsf-41ubuntu15, boot with init=/lib/systemd/systemd until then | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patc
sil2100ogra_, Saviq: let's hope that it does!09:49
Saviqogra_, hmm... so without dbus-x11 it's upstart that will start dbus, and indicators in greeter should then work again, 'cause the gdbus → dbus-launch *before* upstart caused things to mess around?09:49
ogra_it should09:50
Saviqok it's an easy thing to check on 61, /me tries09:50
ogra_let me quickly try your change on my flo09:50
Saviqbut yeah, in any case, the fact that gdbus just launches dbus... nasty09:52
Saviqogra_, looks legit!09:52
* ogra_ reboots with the change 09:53
pittiwell, it does that if tehre is no $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS -- not having that is the actual bug09:53
ogra_Saviq, no indicators for me ... are you sure you removed dbus-x11 ?09:54
ogra_(i purged it)09:54
Saviqogra_, I just have 61, so no dbus-x11, never installed it09:54
Saviqoh wait09:54
ogra_let me reflash then :/09:54
Saviqogra_, no, I have it here09:55
ogra_so that doesnt really fix it09:55
rbasakmitya57: for https://code.launchpad.net/~chris-good/ubuntu/trusty/netkit-rwall/fix-for-1277981/+merge/216563, it looks like the source package isn't version 3.0, so how would you expect a dep3 patch in that case? I don't see any patch system in use.09:55
rbasakI was looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netkit-rwall/+bug/1277981 but just realised it's the same bug.09:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1277981 in netkit-rwall (Ubuntu Precise) "rwall adds \377 bytes to short messages" [Undecided,New]09:56
ogra_Saviq, trying something ...09:56
Saviqogra_, so yeah, no dice here either :|09:57
mitya57rbasak: He could switch to 3.0, or use dh_quilt, or just add the patch to debian/patches to indicate that it is a patch09:57
mitya57also, three changelog entries for one upload looks like an overkill09:58
popeyis there an easy way for me to do "apt-get source libdbus-cpp3=utopic" for example where I am on trusty?09:59
popey(i.e. I want to get the source package from utopic version of a package, on my trusty system)09:59
Saviqpopey, download off of launchpad easiest probably, otherwise you'd need to add utopic repos to your system10:00
popeyyeah, figured it was going to be that way, thanks10:00
maxbpopey: use pull-lp-source from ubuntu-dev-tools10:02
sil2100ogra_: what are you trying now?10:06
ogra_sil2100, a few other things ... gimme a bit10:06
ogra_Saviq, so even when adding "initctl start dbus" to the script (and actually getting a proper dbus) i dont get indicators ... looks almost like greeter-started never gets emitted10:08
Saviqogra_, well, don't they crash for you?10:09
ogra_Saviq, they do10:09
Saviqogra_, so they are getting triggered, but their env doesn't have the dbus details, I'd say10:09
rbasakmitya57: he's not the DM for the package though. Isn't adding a patch system in an Ubuntu delta a little invasive? I agree that he should send the patch upstream or get it in through Debian though. No need to introduce an Ubuntu delta for this.10:09
ogra_Saviq, right, looking into that atm10:10
rbasakmitya57: I agree about the excessive changelog, though I assume that he's just unfamiliar with tooling. I'd have just fixed that up had I uploaded (which I won't)10:10
Saviqogra_, it's like upstart a) never started dbus or b) didn't put their details into its global env10:10
rbasakmitya57: (also, he needs to fix Utopic first now. Easier to just fix Debian)10:10
mitya57I agree.10:11
ogra_Saviq, right, i have code in place here that calls initctl start dbus now ... pulls the address from it and exports10:13
ogra_lets see10:13
* ogra_ got indicators 10:13
ogra_that looks good !10:14
Saviqogra_, just push under my MP10:15
Saviqogra_, it's ~unity-team, so you should be able to10:15
Saviqogra_, or well, gimme a diff and I will10:15
Saviq(test and push)10:15
ogra_Saviq, paste.ubuntu.com/7579305/ ... preparing an MP10:16
Saviqogra_, I'll just add it to mine, let's not break things up in multiple MPs10:17
sil2100Damn, hackish10:18
Saviqogra_, wonder if we should use set_greeter_var for it, though10:18
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:18
Saviqogra_, or erm, put it on the upstart env10:18
ogra_sil2100, i'll leave the proper cleanup to mterry :P10:18
sil2100ogra_: +1 ;p10:18
Saviqogra_, or does "start dbus" take care of it already?10:18
ogra_Saviq, well, calling start dbus is the first wrong thing ... the rest is just fallout :P10:19
ogra_Saviq, it doesnt give us the address and doesnt export it either ... but luckily stores in that file that i source10:19
ogra_its a hack on top of a hack10:20
ogra_but seems to work fine at least10:20
ogra_this needs some serious re-work to be right10:21
ogra_in fact i think much of it should move into proper upstart jobs and get the right ordering10:22
* ogra_ looks if it is possible to pull the address more elegantly out of the upstart session global vars instead10:26
Saviqogra_, well, upstart get-env?10:27
ogra_thats what i'm trying here10:27
ogra_but iits a bit fiddly10:27
ogra_/sbin/initctl start dbus10:30
ogra_export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="$(/sbin/initctl get-env DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS)"10:30
ogra_drop the file ... this works too10:30
ogra_one hack less10:31
xnoxSaviq: i've updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CrossCompile with some notes from the session. Is there anything missing? And where should I circulate it, such that people from the session see it?10:31
xnoxSaviq: also, I didn't yet find where unity-scope-go bindings in cgo are, and trying to cross-compile those. Can you please remind me who can point me to them?10:32
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Saviqxnox, jamesh10:34
Saviqxnox, and ubuntu-phone@ would definitely be a place to post this10:34
Saviqxnox, there's some common data in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild too, maybe we should combine those10:35
Saviqogra_, kicked another build in the silo with your fix, then10:37
sil2100Saviq: \o/10:37
* Saviq tries to repro the split bug10:37
ogra_let me re-flash my device so i can test on a virgin install10:37
sil2100Now it looks so much nicer - although still a bit hackish :)10:38
ogra_sil2100, yeah, the starting of dbus should not be needed ... but init is started with --no-startup-event which makes the dbus upstart job not being called10:39
Saviqogra_, does mtp-server respawns here constantly :|10:40
ogra_(since it is "start on startup")10:40
ogra_not for me10:40
Saviqunder the greeter session (where it should probably never start in the first place)10:40
ogra_why doesnt it do that here10:40
ogra_do you have a porper cable in use ? i'm not sure this is related10:41
ogra_(sadly i'm flashing now so my device is taken for the next 12-15 min)10:41
Saviqogra_, I can access it fine10:42
Saviqogra_, but there's the user one running (working), and then the greeter one respawning and crashing in a loop10:42
Saviqwhich kind of makes sense10:42
Saviqgiven it's10:42
Saviqstart on :sys:android-mtp-on or :sys:android-usb-connected10:42
ogra_how can i uniquely know i'm in a lightdm session now ...10:44
ogra_Saviq, "start on :sys:android-mtp-on or :sys:android-usb-connected and not unity8-greeter-started"10:46
ogra_Saviq, try chaning it like that and see if the user mtp-server still starts fine10:46
ogra_hmm, i think that needs some brackets to group the old arg10:46
ogra_Saviq, "start on (:sys:android-mtp-on or :sys:android-usb-connected) and not unity8-greeter-started"10:47
ogra_more like that i guess10:47
Saviqogra_, ok, I'm starting to feel like we're not progressing at all...10:47
ogra_the unity8-greeter-started shouldnt be in the users env10:47
ogra_Saviq, why is that ?10:47
sil2100There's still some time, we can push the revert if this doesn't work10:48
* sil2100 upgrades his phone10:48
* ogra_ gets some breakfast while teh flo downloads 62 ... 10:49
ogra_Saviq, wht i dont get is why mtp didnt start before for you but now does ... it isnt related to dbus in any way10:49
ogra_its not like we changed anything else10:50
ogra_execpt for the dbus bits10:50
Saviqogra_, no mtp at all now10:51
* Saviq doesn't get how that could work... they're events, not states, or am I dumb?10:52
ogra_Saviq, well, i dont get why you have it all of a sudden10:55
* Saviq reflashes10:55
xnoxSaviq: correct, upstart only has events. There is a separate job which emits yeah/nay events (android-mtp-on & android-mtp-off events)10:55
xnoxSaviq: on system level, which are re-emitted into session init as "sys:android-mtp-on" for example10:56
Saviqxnox, sure10:56
Saviqstart on (:sys:android-mtp-on or :sys:android-usb-connected) and not unity8-greeter-started10:56
Saviqthat I don't get10:56
xnoxSaviq: it's a fake approximation of the state =)10:56
ogra_there is another system job that emits android-mtp-on if the android property is set10:56
* ogra_ wrote both these jobs 10:57
xnoxSaviq: the first two are emitted, however, I don't know who/where/what emits "unity8-greeter-started" or how "not" works.10:57
xnoxSaviq: i don't think that's valid job.10:57
ogra_it just hands through the porperty to upstart10:57
ogra_xnox, "unity8-greeter-started" is emitted by the new greeter10:57
Saviqogra_, oh so it's a property or an event?10:58
ogra_which should only spawn inside the lightdm session10:58
xnoxogra_: you apear to be waiting for event called "not" though.10:58
ogra_Saviq, we have an upstart property watcher ... the property is watched ... on change it emits the event10:58
xnoxogra_: well not you, but that job.10:58
xnoxstart on condition10:58
Saviqso that explains why it didn't start at all10:59
ogra_xnox, well, we only want mtp if that event doesnt even exist10:59
xnoxogra_: not possible =)10:59
ogra_or rather if the greeter doesnt run in our session10:59
xnoxogra_: pre-start script10:59
ogra_there must be sommething we can check for thoush10:59
xnox! status unity8-greeter-started || {stop; exit 0}11:00
xnoxend script11:00
* ogra_ idly waits for his device to finish flashing11:00
xnoxogra_: if that's a job.11:00
xnoxogra_: but it's not a job.11:00
ogra_well, an event11:00
xnoxogra_: check for the job presence instead.....11:00
ogra_it has a sub-job we could look for11:00
dokobarry, what is the status of Debian #749692?11:00
ubottuDebian bug 749692 in python-pip-whl "python-pip-whl is missing dependencies on dependent wheels" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/74969211:00
ogra_that was my initial idea11:00
xnoxogra_: we don't at all store state, thus one has no idea if an event fired in the past and is now gone. Nor one can negate, future events.11:01
ogra_right, i think your pre-start thing will work11:02
Saviq↑ yeah, that's why I didn't understand it...11:02
ogra_Saviq, add a pre-start script11:02
ogra_! status unity8-greeter-started || {stop; exit 0}11:02
Saviqlet's see, flashing now11:02
pittijodh: hey James, thanks for the procenv fix; need a sponsor for Debian?11:02
xnoxogra_: is unity8-greeter-started an actual job?11:03
ogra_err, no, one sec ...11:03
xnoxogra_: status can only be run on jobs, not events....11:03
ogra_there is an actual job though11:03
xnoxogra_: see upstart cookbook on how to make mutually exclusive jobs.11:03
jodhpitti: thanks for the offer, but I have upload rights for procenv (it's currently building on their buildd's).11:03
xnoxogra_: there is a snippet11:03
ogra_Saviq, use that11:03
pittijodh: FYI, I have some improvements for the sbuild test to automatically use the host's apt proxy, so that it runs much much faster locally; I'll test/upload this once procenv actually becomes buildable again11:04
pittijodh: ah, sweet; thanks11:04
xnoxSaviq: ogra_: once you have a merge proposal, I'd offer to review it.11:04
ogra_my prob is that i cant reproduce it at all ... and dont get how Saviq got to that state11:04
Saviqogra_, it does make sense, though - there's only one usb cable, who gets it?11:05
ogra_the system first of all :)11:05
Saviq(well, the active session, probably)11:05
jodhpitti: thanks. I'd like to understand a bit more about why 3.15 dropped that feature, but I plan to add extra procenv guards to avoid such a problem happening again.11:05
ogra_it seems to be a race i dont see on flo11:05
Saviqyeah, I'm on mako11:05
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ initctl status unity8-greeter-init11:06
ogra_unity8-greeter-init stop/waiting11:06
ogra_so there we go11:06
Saviqogra_, that's a task :|11:07
ogra_Saviq,  ! status unity8-greeter-init  || {stop; exit 0}11:07
ogra_thats what you want in pre-start11:07
ogra_in the mtp-server job11:07
ogra_try it11:07
ogra_hmm, probably we dont want the negation11:08
* ogra_ is confused 11:08
SaviqI don't really think this will help, it's a task, it just goes to stopped straight away11:09
ogra_Saviq, haha ...11:10
ogra_how about "and started unity8" ;)11:11
ogra_lightdm should never start that11:11
ogra_since the greeter is its shell11:12
Saviqogra_, USER != lightdm?11:13
ogra_oh !11:13
Saviqthat sounds about right11:13
ogra_yeah, that should work too11:13
* ogra_ tests silo 11:20
Saviqwhat am I doing wrong?!? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7579709/11:20
Saviq/bin/sh: 1: [: lightdm: unexpected operator11:20
Saviqah sh?11:20
ogra_POSIX ... drop one =11:21
Saviqok good11:21
ogra_silo confirmed to work fine11:22
Saviqogra_, on that note http://paste.ubuntu.com/7579717/11:22
Saviqthe list of things running in the greeter session, we should probably strip some of the11:22
Saviqbut yeah, not necessarily now11:23
ogra_yeah, looks ok for now11:23
ogra_xnox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7579742/11:26
ogra_please take a look11:26
ogra_Saviq, i guess i need to upload that, right ?11:27
ogra_(core dev ... etc)11:27
sil2100hm, I wonder why I can't upgrade to the unity8 from the silo PPA11:27
ogra_sil2100, i just pulled the debs and did a dpkg -i *.deb11:27
ogra_worked fine11:27
sil2100Yeah, will try that as well then11:28
sil2100A bit strange though11:28
ogra_you need unity8-common from the i386 build ...11:28
Saviqogra_, that broke user mtp for me (pre-start needs exit 0 always?)11:28
ogra_Saviq, err11:28
ogra_no, the code is wrong11:28
ogra_needs to use curly brackets11:28
ogra_sorry, fixing11:28
ogra_another bashism :)11:29
ogra_Saviq, xnox http://paste.ubuntu.com/7579772/11:30
ogra_that should work11:30
ogra_hi mterry btw ...11:31
mterryogra_, hello!  I just read the thread11:31
sil2100mterry: !11:31
mterryAm responding to some of the bugs11:31
sil2100mterry: FINALLY!11:31
ogra_hehe, yeah ... the world fell apart as expected :)11:31
mterryogra_, sil2100: the dbus thing doesn't make any sense11:32
ogra_mterry, we have it fixed now11:32
Saviqogra_, can't say that it does...11:32
Saviqogra_, job failed to start11:32
ogra_mterry, but another issue with mtp showed up11:32
sil2100mterry: ogra_ and Saviq are doing a nice job of trying to workaround/fix the issues, but I guess someone knowledgable in the very core would be helpful11:32
mterryogra_, sil2100: /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-greeter-session launches dbus for the greeter, upstart does it for the session11:32
ogra_Saviq, sigh11:32
ogra_mterry, only if youhave dbus-x11 installed which spawns multiple session dbuses becaause Xsession.d scripts get processed too11:33
ogra_(and drags in X11 deps ... )11:33
Saviqogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7579797/ works for me11:33
ogra_Saviq, hmm, k11:33
Saviq+/- ;11:34
ogra_Saviq, can you try without the exit 011:34
ogra_that should be a no-op11:34
mterryogra_, why does the Xsession.d script do that in Mir?  And why didn't we see that in testing I wonder11:34
Saviqmterry, that's a great question indeed11:35
ogra_mterry, locally run AP tests work fine ... in the lab AP somehow connects to the extra spawned dbus it seems11:35
ogra_so you didnt see that ... but in any case running multiple session buses is wrong11:35
ogra_and for that we have a fix11:35
mterryBut I've also done plenty of ps aux | greps in my testing.  I feel like I would have noticed a whole extra dbus, not to mention the problems that would cause the greeter session11:36
ogra_mterry, what i find more interesting is why didnt you see the mtp issue11:36
ogra_your desktop should have been plastered with mtp errors11:36
mterryogra_, what's the mtp issue?11:36
ogra_mterry, it starts for lightdm11:36
ogra_and when the user one starts it clashes11:36
ogra_and crashes11:36
Saviqogra_, no, no errors on desktop11:36
ogra_Saviq, oh ?11:36
Saviqogra_, it crashes in the *lightdm* session11:37
ogra_ah, k11:37
Saviqogra_, not in user11:37
ogra_so just a .crash file11:37
Saviqso anyway, it works fine, connects fine, *just* apport dumping your battery down the drain11:37
ogra_Saviq, anyway, does dropping exit 0 still work ?11:37
* ogra_ would liek to get rid fo that 11:37
Saviqogra_, worse than that, I just lost indicators again :|11:37
ogra_oh my11:37
ogra_Saviq, with no changes to the greeter stuff and using the silo packages ?11:38
* ogra_ reboots his flo 10 times ... lets see11:38
Saviqogra_, no, patched manually, will flash again and get the silo now11:38
mterrybut I would have seen the crashes in /var/crash then...11:38
Saviqmterry, yeah, I do have the feeling that something moved under our feet :|11:39
mterryogra_, and why was it only flo that had the dbus problem?11:39
ogra_mterry, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/11:39
ogra_not only flo11:39
ogra_i just dont have a mako for hacking11:40
ogra_Saviq tests mako, i test flo atm11:40
xnoxogra_: that pastebin is good.11:40
mterryogra_, on the mailing list only flo was listed as having the black-boot problem11:40
mterryogra_, all had it?  (We also tested flo in Malta...)11:40
ogra_mterry, black boot ?11:40
Saviqmterry, yeah, no black boot11:40
mterryogra_, people were saying there was a boot problem getting any session on flo11:40
ogra_mterry, that was with the half done landing ... unrelated11:40
mterryogra_, I don't think it was the half done landing11:40
ogra_mterry, unity8 didnt land til sunday late afternoon11:41
ogra_all other bits from the silo did11:41
Saviqogra_, I don't think the exit 0 is a noop11:41
Saviqogra_, if USER != lightdm11:41
Saviqogra_, it will exit with ['s retcode11:41
mterryogra_, (A) I'm not sure the half done landing caused any problems.  I *thought* I set all the dependencies correct -- in this case, ubuntu-touch-session woudln't have landed until unity8 did, so no split boot would be enabled.11:41
mterry(B) people reported same black boot after unity8 landed11:41
ogra_Saviq, which either triggers stop or not ...11:41
Saviqogra_, yeah, and when not11:42
ogra_Saviq, the exit 0 is after the "if"11:42
Saviqogra_, pre-start exits with 111:42
Saviqogra_, so job fails11:42
xnoxSaviq: did you test it.11:42
ogra_i dont get why the curly brackes we use everywhere else didnt work for you11:42
xnox"[foo] && bar" construct is considered guarded, and works correctly under `set -e`11:43
* mterry re-reads thread to see which symptoms were from the second dbus11:43
ogra_mterry, the half done landing was an infra prob ... unity8 was stuck somewhere11:43
ogra_mterry, not your fault11:43
Saviqxnox, I did11:43
xnoxSaviq: ogra_: it can be changed to ' [ "$USER" != "lightdm" ] || { stop; exit 0; }11:43
sil2100mterry: right, it wasn't on your side11:43
ogra_mterry, the double dbus caused http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/ to regress heavily11:43
mterryogra_, oh, so if ubuntu-touch-session got through then without unity8, yeah that could cause problems11:43
Saviqxnox, ok let me try that11:43
ogra_mterry, which doesnt show up when testing locally11:43
Saviqnot sure why || would behave differently than &&?11:44
* mterry has to run real quick for 15m, be back11:44
sil2100In 15 minutes we will commence the big revert ;p!11:44
ogra_Saviq, 10 reboots in a loop ... i always had indicators here11:44
xnoxSaviq: it shouldn't. maybe -1 exit is comming later? also you do need to fully stop the job, for the new config to take effect on next start. (restart is not enough, one needs stop&start)11:45
ogra_sil2100, thanks for telling us ... :P11:45
ogra_sil2100, the silo looks fine for me, did you try ?11:45
Saviqxnox, yeah yeah, I had it stopped and went "start foo", it barfed11:45
Saviqxnox, I'll try in a sec, flashing11:46
sil2100ogra_: rebooting and looking, but what about that adb problem? Is the pre-start hack working?11:47
Saviqsil2100, mtp, not adb, and yes, we're almost ther11:47
ogra_sil2100, it should ... waiting for Saviq for a final test, then i'll upload to the silo11:47
ogra_sil2100, we use the same code xnox pointed to above in a ton of other scripts ... should definitely work11:47
sil2100Ok, I like how it works11:49
ogra_got indicators ?11:50
sil2100Nice greeter indicators indeed on my mako11:50
ogra_now just mtp ...11:50
sil2100Trying the fix outlined above11:51
ogra_sil2100, check if they opertes right11:51
ogra_sil2100, battery should look different in the greeter than in the session11:51
ogra_clock too11:51
ogra_if you expand them11:51
sil2100So far so good, they look different indeed + disabling/enabling wifi works11:52
ogra_then all should be fine with that landing11:52
* sil2100 tries to run some AP tests to see if all is ok11:53
ogra_good idea11:53
ogra_perferably some of the ones we know did fail11:53
ogra_sudoku is a good one for that11:53
ogra_xnox, Saviq, final version that works fine here ... no crashes and mtp still starts fine for the user http://paste.ubuntu.com/7579893/11:57
ogra_sil2100, feel free to try that too (and check if there are crashes in /var/crash for the 111 user after applying it )11:58
Saviqogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7579899/11:58
* Saviq had some network weirdness11:58
* mterry is back11:59
ogra_Saviq, yeah, identical to mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/7579893/11:59
mterryIs there anything I can help with or did you heroes already just solve something?11:59
ogra_Saviq, works fine for me ... did you verify on mako ?11:59
Saviqogra_, yes, have mtp for user, no crash11:59
ogra_mterry, i think we are fine for now ... but read the rest of the thread there are more regressions12:00
ogra_mterry, i guess bfiller would appreciate if you could help with these12:00
ogra_Saviq, good, dputting to the silo ... then a final test of the package, then lets publish and fire off an image12:00
Saviqogra_, yeah, I'll do some telephony stress-testing in the mean time12:01
sil2100mterry: some regressions might have been fixed by ogra_'s and Saviq's fixes, but some others might still be a problem12:01
mterryogra_, all the telephony ones?  Yeah, I saw that.  Some were known, but some are surprises yeah12:01
ogra_Saviq, ++12:01
pmcgowanmterry, btw shouldnt the indicators only show different behavior when the phone is locked12:01
* sil2100 runs sudoku-app tests12:01
sil2100pmcgowan: they do right now, right?12:01
ogra_sil2100, but we have no actual "locking" enabled atm12:02
mterrypmcgowan, no they have a slightly different UI even in no-password mode to my knowledge12:02
pmcgowansil2100, they are aways reduced features from greeter - without lock12:02
mterrypmcgowan, they export differences via phone vs phone_greeter profiles12:02
pmcgowanmterry, thats different than android and ios afaik12:02
pmcgowanmore a question for design12:02
ogra_and surely not a blocker for now12:02
mterrypmcgowan, right.  We have the information available to indicators to show what they wish on the greeter12:02
Saviqpmcgowan, indeed, and then we're the first doing that kind of thing on a phone AFAICT12:03
mterrypmcgowan, we export current user, whether they need a password, and that we are in a greeter12:03
pmcgowannot a blocker, just noticed in 5912:03
pmcgowanmterry, ok12:03
ogra_mterry, the boot animation is really really tiny ... is that wanted ? its only like 1-1.5cm on the flo screen12:03
pmcgowanmterry, I also looked at the memory overhead for all the additional processes, its not terrible but not great either12:04
ogra_pmcgowan, huh ? it doubled12:04
mterryogra_, I don't know about the scaling...  Mirco wrote the actual gl code.  It probably should scale bigger on flo12:04
pmcgowanogra_, its around 40MB more12:04
ogra_and causes issues with app lifecycle ... apps dies way eralier12:04
mterrypmcgowan, yeah.  We double the shell memory12:04
ogra_pmcgowan, not what i see12:04
pmcgowanogra_, oh, perhaps I mssed something12:04
sil2100From what I saw it was much higher than before12:05
mterrypmcgowan, and some of the extra telephony processes etc12:05
Saviqpmcgowan, mterry, but a lot of that mem should be shared, no?12:05
pmcgowanmterry, see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1kBNHXCh941rcl7ZUbpjpRlyMtNAZmqCRhEy0jOM4Izo/edit#gid=012:05
Saviqsame libs etc.12:05
pmcgowanSaviq, yeah I counted PSS12:05
Saviqoh k12:05
ogra_pmcgowan, bug 132558012:05
ubottubug 1325580 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "after split greeter landing unity8 and the greeter consume a lot more memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132558012:05
ogra_pmcgowan, will definitely need improvements ...12:06
Saviqyeah, that's to be fixed for sure, shell should have reduced, greeter shouldn't be that big12:06
mterryogra_, pmcgowan: are you saying that unity8 RSS got bigger by itself after split landing?12:06
Saviqand well, we can probably strip the greeter session (there's mediascanner running, for example)12:06
sil2100ogra_: all sudoku tests passed locally \o/12:06
ogra_and there are a lot upstart jobs we dont want in the greeter ...12:06
mterryOr just that having an extra greeter process is causing problems?12:06
ogra_sil2100, yay12:06
sil2100ogra_: let me revert and see if I had those failures before actually...12:06
pmcgowanmterry, I was saying the latter12:06
mterryogra_, we don't start most of them -- we have a custom startup event in greeter shell12:06
ogra_mterry, well, we have two full sessions atm12:06
sil2100As per smoketesting12:07
ogra_we dont start most of them but still too many12:07
ogra_the greeter itself shouldnt eat 90M+ either12:07
Saviqwe should not start maliit in the greeter until it's needed, that's for sure12:07
mterryogra_, mediascanner is an interesting one -- wonder why it starts12:07
ogra_might need the same change we used for mtp12:07
Saviqhud, should be gone, too12:07
pmcgowanwe need to fix maliit to begin with12:07
mterryYeah, maliit probably shouldn't be the biggest RSS consumer anyway12:08
pmcgowanthats already known issue12:08
ogra_anyway ... lets see that we get out of TRAINCON-0 now12:08
Saviqthat, too12:08
ogra_then we can look into optimizations12:08
mterryogra_, so what fixes do we have lined up?12:08
* ogra_ is also curious about boot time 12:08
ogra_mterry, silo 2012:08
ogra_proper dbus handling and dropping of dbus-x1112:09
mterryogra_, boot probably suffered.  I remember doing some testing and it got slightly worse, but surprisingly not as bad as I expected12:09
ogra_and mtp suppression in lightdm sessions12:09
mterryogra_, but I don't have those numbers12:09
ogra_mterry, i'll produce bootcharts once w ehave a proper image12:09
ogra_one step at a time :)12:09
ogra_currently we are around 30sec12:09
Saviqmterry, I don't seem to get dialer when accepting a call12:10
ogra_thats the last one i did12:10
mterryogra_, Saviq, sil2100, others: thanks for taking care of this yesterday/today.  I owe you all beers and hugs.  I would have been able to help a little last night, but my flight got delayed 3h because someone died on it(!)12:10
ogra_OH GOD !12:10
sil2100mterry: oh crap...12:10
Saviqmterry, I mean it doesn't unlock12:10
mterrySaviq, that's new...12:10
mterrySaviq, you press the button, does it launch dialer in session and just fail to unlock?12:11
Saviqmterry, yes12:11
Saviqmterry, when I launch from launcher, unlocks fine12:11
mterrySaviq, they come from different places...  notification is via us pretending to be url-dispatcher12:11
mterrySaviq, but if it launches in session, we are seeing the event12:12
Saviqmterry, yeah, so by then it's greeter that should unlock itself, that's what fails12:12
Saviqmterry, btw, I wrote on one of the bugs... I feel like we need to converge on just one notification UI12:13
ogra_Saviq, mtp has built in the silo ... can you test the deb12:13
ogra_sil2100, ^^^12:13
Saviqogra_, doing12:13
* ogra_ does too on flo 12:13
mterrySaviq, yeah.  I just looked at code, and we are doing a hide right after telling session.  Odd12:13
sil2100Saviq: I'm ready to publish anytime12:13
mterrySaviq, one process can't currently draw on each session -- I suppose we could make a system daemon that talked to USC and overlayed a notification12:14
Saviqmterry, well, greeter can, can't it12:14
mterrySaviq, not on user session when you're in it12:14
* ogra_ reboots with the mtp-server deb12:14
Saviqmterry, oh thought greeter is just a layer on top12:15
mterrySaviq, it's its own Mir session -- can we interleave Mir surfaces and sessions?12:15
Saviqmterry, understood it's a complete session that hides, now12:15
Saviqmterry, they get composited are they not12:15
Saviqmterry, as you swipe the greeter away12:15
Saviqmterry, anyway... LATER12:15
mterrySaviq, yeah but that's just one session on top of another.  But you're right, I think we could interleave if we wanted.  But we'd have to proxy notifications that only session sees through the greeter in that case12:16
mterrySaviq, sure.  :)12:16
Saviqmterry, yeah, some smarts need to happen12:16
Saviqmterry, but yeah, it reliably does not unlock for me12:16
mterrySaviq, reliably.  OK.  Let me get a phone hooked up with latest image12:17
Saviqmterry, can you start looking into that?12:17
ogra_mtp is fine here12:17
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
Saviqogra_, sil2100, should I run AP locally or are we going for fur smoke test12:23
ogra_i think sil2100 tested a few12:23
Saviqogra_, +1 on mtp12:23
Saviqdialer and messaging would be most useful12:23
sil2100Saviq: I ran sudoku app which was said to be failing12:23
Saviqbut I don't want to delay12:23
sil2100Saviq: and it passed12:23
ogra_and given that we were never able to reproduce the AP failures locally anway i would go for smoke12:23
Saviq+1 then, let me just run through manual tests for ofono12:24
sil2100Saviq: but those passed with the old unity8 from #62 as well...12:24
ogra_they always passed locally12:24
ogra_and failed in the lab12:24
ogra_except when plars did the hackery of removing Xsession.d ..12:24
ogra_this part should be fine now so AP should pass in the lab12:25
ogra_lets probably take that to the -ci-eng channel now12:25
sil2100I would say, let's get this released and check the image results12:25
=== _salem is now known as salem_
barrydoko: i'm working on this whole stack today, so i will verify that particular bug12:50
=== tedg is now known as ted
GunnarHjrbasak: Hi Robie!13:15
rbasakGunnarHj: hi!13:17
GunnarHjrbasak: Thanks for looking at bug 1314402! How would you suggest that we ask for input from other developers?13:18
ubottubug 1314402 in Ubuntu "Please upload skype-translation to the archive" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131440213:18
rbasakGunnarHj: np, thank you for your work! ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-motu maybe?13:18
rbasak(as in, mailing lists)13:18
rbasakOr if somebody experienced on here can answer, I'd be happy with that too - I would just copy and paste into the bug for future reference in that case.13:19
rbasakOthers: the issue is that GunnarHj's proposed package provides extra translations for Skype, so sort of integrates with that package but without being able to change that package.13:19
rbasakAnd Skype could in future provide new translations which would need to override the skype-translations package without breaking anything.13:20
rbasakSo GunnarHj has arranged for the skype-translations binary package postinsts to insert symlinks, but only if regular files don't exist in their place. Then a future skype package would just overwrite those symlinks.13:20
rbasakI think we all accept that this is hacky, but don't have a better solution. Is this acceptable for upload to universe?13:20
rbasakGunnarHj: is that an accurate summary? Anything to add?13:21
GunnarHjrbasak: Thanks, yes I think that's pretty much it. Let's see if someone chimes in. Otherwise I can try one of the lists.13:22
GunnarHjseb128, Laney: A while ago you provided some input wrt bug 1314402 and my symlink idea to avoid future conflicts with the Skype package, and I made a minor change. Now rbasak is sponsoring the request, and is asking whether the idea is a reasonable approach that could be accepted for uploading to universe. Please see rbasaks questions above (13:19 UTC). Would appreciate your input (again).13:36
ubottubug 1314402 in Ubuntu "Please upload skype-translation to the archive" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131440213:36
seb128GunnarHj, Laney is on vac today, and I've no strong opinion, I feel it's hacky and it's going to bite us back, but I have too much to do to argue against it, so if somebody wants to upload just go for it13:42
rbasakGunnarHj, seb128: well, that's what makes me reluctant :-/13:46
GunnarHjseb128, rbasak: Ok, thanks seb128 (I think). ;) All I can say is that my intention is to monitor it to prevent that anything goes wrong (even if I currently don't see what it could be).13:49
seb128GunnarHj, creating symlinks in postinst that are meant to be overwritten by other debs is just a weird hack, sorry13:51
rbasakseb128: everything in the partner archvie is a hack though :)13:53
GunnarHjseb128, rbasak: I don't claim it's not. It's just that it's the only way I could come up with to make it possible to package those translations.13:53
rbasakslangasek: I see that you've done most/all of skype uploads to partner. Do you have any comment on this, please? ^^13:53
seb128GunnarHj, hacks create unreliability in the system and whats makes our upgrades fragile13:54
rbasak(going back ~40 minutes)13:54
seb128GunnarHj, to me the proper solution there seems to work with upstream to have them include the translations, or check a different paths in addition to their13:54
* rbasak wonders if there's a better approach here, such as adding support into the partner skype package.13:54
rbasakI don't know what form that might take though.13:56
GunnarHjseb128, rbasak: Well, admittedly I haven't tried to approach upstream. As regards doing something in the partner repository, I think that would be difficult since people may alternatively install Skype directly from the Skype web site.13:58
rbasakPragmatically I think that having something community-maintained and in universe that makes for a better i8n experience for something in partner is something we should support, since Ubuntu is supposed to be for everyone and the community is volunteering translations.14:01
rbasakBut I'm not sure it makes sense to go the step further and have packages in universe support an even more third party source than the partner archive is.14:01
rbasakIf users are installing Skype directly from the web site, then they can install translations directly from the other source.14:02
GunnarHjrbasak: Well, that's a valid point indeed. Actually, in the proposed package I refer to the partner repository in the descriptions in debian/control.14:03
rbasakGunnarHj: I'm trying to think of how we might make this work with less of hack assuming that we could make a change to how the partner repository's skype package handles it.14:04
GunnarHjrbasak: Yeah.. This is something I haven't thought much about so far.14:05
rbasakGunnarHj: what if the skype package's postinst installed the symlinks instead, and the preinst removed them?14:05
rbasakskype-translations would still provide the actual translations, and the skype package would them hook into them if present.14:06
rbasakOne catch is that removing skype-translations would lead to a tree of broken symlinks.14:06
* rbasak doesn't know14:07
rbasakI think a mailing list thread is appropriate at this point :)14:07
GunnarHjrbasak: Maybe you are right. I'll think a little more about it, and then start a thread. Thanks for your thoughts so far.14:08
rbasakGunnarHj: no problem. Thank you for working on this. It's a tough situation and I appreciate you persevering to improve Ubuntu.14:09
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pmcgowanmlankhorst, can you take a quick look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/qt/+bug/131858414:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1318584 in Next Generation Checkbox (GUI) "checkbox-gui crashed when switching video out mode to external only mode" [Medium,Confirmed]14:49
shadeslayerpitti: poke14:50
* pitti does a jump to the left14:51
shadeslayerpitti: is there any advantage to running package tests on the builder vs on the autopkgtest setup?14:51
pittishadeslayer: in general, if a package has "make check" like upstream tests, run them during package build14:52
pittishadeslayer: that'll cover all architectures and we also have more hardware for it, and failures should cause FTBFS which is more "obvious'14:52
pittishadeslayer: if you can run an upstream test suite against the installed packages, then the autopkgtest can do that14:53
pittishadeslayer: for some test suites that's easy (some projects have a "make installcheck"), for others it's hard/impossible14:53
pittishadeslayer: in the latter case it's usually better to come up with a simple smoke test that ensures that the package works at all (has exectuables/includes/files etc. at the right place and enough dependencies)14:54
pittishadeslayer: so in short: upstream tests during build -> check the fine details; smoke tests during autopkgtest -> ensure that the package is by and large right14:54
slangasekrbasak: what's the gist of your question?  I guess you're not asking me to comment on whether everything in the partner archive is a hack ;)14:59
rbasakslangasek: so GunnarHj wants to add a new skype-translations package to universe, which will augment the skype package by providing translations not available upstream.15:17
rbasakslangasek: the awkward thing is that skype looks for translations in one place, so I'm not sure how to technically do this without skype-translations messing with the directory that skype ships.15:18
rbasakslangasek: GunnarHj has a solution with symlinks that appears to work, but it is definitely a hack. I wonder if a better way is to add support to the skype package somehow.15:18
rbasakOr, if not, then is the mechanism GunnarHj has come up with acceptable for upload to universe. I'm reluctant to upload without a +1 from someone else on the approach.15:19
rbasak(that first sentence should have been a question)15:19
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slangasekrbasak: what's wrong with skype-translations shipping files in the same directory as skype itself?  This seems perfectly reasonable to me15:34
GunnarHjslangasek: For the case you have time to take a closer look, the skype-translation package that rbasak has reviewed is built in utopic at15:34
slangasekas for adding it to the skype package itself, I would say no unless it gets upstreamed15:35
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GunnarHjslangasek: The problem is possible conflicts if later Skype versions are bundled with the same translations.15:36
slangasekGunnarHj: so use a pre-emptive "replaces"?15:36
GunnarHjslangasek: Err.. What's that in English? ;)15:37
slangasekhave skype-translations declare Replaces: skype, so that the skype-translations versions of the files will always be used without complaints from the package manager15:38
seb128slangasek, the issue is in the other way15:39
seb128slangasek, new skype might includes translations that are in skype-translation15:39
rbasakslangasek: I did not know that would be acceptable. Thanks! I wonder if it's possible to do it the other way round though then? So a new skype will replace older translations in skype-translation?15:39
seb128slangasek, so skype would fail to install15:39
slangasekseb128: not with a Replaces it wouldn't15:39
seb128unless upstream skype add the proper replaces15:39
slangasekno, there would be no failure to install15:40
slangasekyou can always install a "replaced" package, it just doesn't get all of its files unpacked15:40
seb128skype 6 would start shipping de.po which is in skype-translation15:40
slangaseknow, if this is not acceptable because we must prefer the upstream translations over the ones in the skype-translations package, then this doesn't solve the problem15:40
seb128how would that not fail on a file conflict15:40
slangasekbecause that's what Replaces means15:40
seb128(if skype doesn't add the Replaces)15:40
seb128well, that means having skype to add a Replaces to their package15:41
seb128which they didn't do yet15:41
slangasekno, it does not!15:41
slangasekReplaces tells you /which package wins/ in the case of a file conflict15:41
infinityseb128: If skype-translation replaces skype, it always wins.  Install order doesn't matter.15:41
GunnarHjslangasek: But that would mean that if there is a skype-translation translation installed, it would take precedence over the translation bundled with Skype. Would that be an acceptable solution?15:41
infinityThe only minor bug there is that if you remove skype-translation, you'll have files "missing" from skype.15:41
seb128oh, ok15:41
slangasekGunnarHj: it's acceptable from an archive perspective; it just puts the burden on the maintainer of skype-translations to make sure the package is kept up to date15:42
seb128learning every day ;-)15:42
seb128I though replaces was unidirectional15:42
GunnarHjslangasek: Well, I'm ready to assume that role...15:42
infinityseb128: It is.  It's just that install order doesn't matter.  An installed package can Replaces a package you're about to install, and the new one just won't have all its files installed.15:43
infinityAnd, of course, the real problem here is that if there's an overlap, then skype-translations is updated to remove the overlap, peole who already upgraded skype just won't have that translation anymore.15:43
infinity(translations installed, includes de.po, new skype installed, its own de.po is replaced, new translations installed, de.po removed)15:44
infinityWhich is why unconditional replaces is generally a bad idea.15:44
GunnarHjinfinity: What if you just drop a translation from skype-translation, if it gets bundled via a new Skype version? Then it wouldn't be removed.15:46
infinityGunnarHj: That depends on upgrade order.  If your new translations is upgraded BEFORE the new skype, all is well.  If the new skype is upgraded first, the file goes missing.15:46
infinityThis isn't to say that this hack isn't preferable to having no translations at all, perhaps, just that there's a limitation here that can't be solved without upstream interaction.15:48
infinityHaving skype read from a secondary location is much cleaner, in that it avoids this hack.15:48
GunnarHjinfinity: There is just a tiny detail... How to get Microsoft listen to such a request?15:49
infinityHow does skype do translations?15:49
infinityIs it just gettext?15:49
infinityOr something fancy?15:49
infinityCause our glibc is already patched to read secondary locations (this is how langpacks work)15:50
infinityIf you used the langpack location for your translations, maybe it would Just Work?15:50
infinityie: /usr/share/locale-langpack/*15:50
GunnarHjinfinity: Nothing fancy. Special .ts XML files that are converted to .qm files.15:51
infinityOh.  So, yes.  Fancy, from my POV. ;)15:51
infinitySo, the much messier, but won't-cause-disappearing-files-or-conflicts option is to dpkg-divert every one of the files you ship.15:52
infinitySo that if skype ships the same file, it gets diverted, but exists.15:52
infinityAnd then when you remove it from yours, the skype one is moved back to where it should live.15:52
GunnarHjinfinity: That's something new to me. Sounds interesting.15:53
infinityGunnarHj: The manpage can be a bit daunting, as is getting the right syntax.  But in plain english, a dpkg-divert says "if another package tries to install $file, please install it to $file.otherlocation instead", and then when you remove $file from your package, you also remove the diversion, so the other owner's file gets moved back to where it belongs.15:55
GunnarHjinfinity: Can you think of a package where that feature is made use of?15:56
GunnarHjinfinity: (as an example)15:56
infinitypkgbinarymangler has the scariest diversion in the entire archive. :P15:58
infinity(utopic-amd64)root@cthulhu:/home/adconrad# dpkg -S /usr/bin/dpkg-deb15:58
infinitydiversion by pkgbinarymangler from: /usr/bin/dpkg-deb15:58
infinitydiversion by pkgbinarymangler to: /usr/bin/dpkg-deb.pkgbinarymangler15:58
infinitydpkg, pkgbinarymangler: /usr/bin/dpkg-deb15:58
infinity(do not try that one at home, kids)15:59
infinityGunnarHj: There's hackish stuff in pkgbinarymangler's preinst to make sure dpkg-deb always exists, obviously that doesn't matter much for diverting a translation, so you can ignore that bit.15:59
GunnarHjinfinity: Ok.. I will take a look, and try to figure out if and if so how this could be applied to my simple package.16:00
GunnarHjinfinity: Thanks for the tip!16:00
infinityGunnarHj: In the case of a package diverting multiple files (and potentially removing some), I'd probably do it with variable and shell loops.16:01
GunnarHjinfinity: Sounds reasonable.16:02
infinityGunnarHj: ie: CURRENT_TRANS="de kr jp"; OLD_TRANS="es fr", and make sure you're removing diversions for OLD_TRANS on upgrade.16:02
GunnarHjinfinity: Think I get the picture. Have some reading and testing to do now. ;)16:03
ogra_pitti, ugh ... is there any way to not make ofono-phonesim-autostart pull dbus-x11 into the test env ?16:21
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hallyn_ok it's gotta be pulseaudio.  crashing my utopic laptop anytime i've played, let's say, about 10 mins of audio17:04
hallyn_hard crash though, nothing in syslog, alt-sysrq doesn't work, have to hold down power button17:04
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chrisccoulsonmlankhorst, who can I ping about nouveau-specific issues? I could do with some help on bug 130904417:26
ubottubug 1309044 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Unity webapps crash Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my computer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130904417:26
hallyn_serge    11285 26898  0 13:15 ?        00:00:01 /bin/bash /usr/bin/pomigrate2 --use-compendium --pot2po --quiet tmp.Cvh7SoRbeB/af /home/serge/po/af /home/serge/po/templates18:18
* hallyn_ purges translate-toolkit for lack of better idea18:19
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brendandMore utopic trouble anyone?19:13
brendandStuck on 'Started Accounts Service'19:17
brendandStrange thing is i don't even remember upgrading19:18
brendandNow it's colord.service19:20
brendandAhh - it was fsking unity8-greeter at it again19:27
brendandManaged to install itself behind my back19:27
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stgraberGunnarHj: hey there, were you the one requesting the svtplay-dl sync for trusty? Seems likely to be a mistake (trusty instead of utopic), if so, I'll reject it from the New queue.20:33
GunnarHjstgraber: Yes, it was me, and no, it was no mistake.20:34
stgraberGunnarHj: ah, ok, what's the rationale for getting that new package into the archive post-release?20:34
GunnarHjstgraber: It's already in utopic; this is a SRU, sort of...20:34
GunnarHjstgraber: The rationale is to make it more easily available to users already in 14.04.20:35
stgraberGunnarHj: ok, sounds more like something for trusty-backports than for the trusty-updates20:35
stgraber(which to a user wouldn't make any difference since both are enabled by default)20:36
GunnarHjstgraber: Is backports enabled by default these days?20:36
stgraberGunnarHj: it is, yes20:36
GunnarHjstgraber: Ok, didn't know. Well, in that case a backport would be just as good, I suppose. But I also thought that since this is a standalone package, that can't break anything existing, it didn't matter...20:38
stgraberGunnarHj: we usually only allow new packages in stable releases for post-release hardware enablement. Backport from new releases (whether the package already exists in a past release or not) should go through -backports.20:40
stgraberGunnarHj: ok, so I'll reject that upload. Please run "requestbackport svtplay-dl" on your machine to automatically file the backport request, then a member of ubuntu-backporters will process it for you.20:40
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stgraberrbasak: hey there, can you add the SRU paperwork to bug 1309991 please?20:40
ubottubug 1309991 in dict-st (Ubuntu) "crashes when install comodo free antivirus for linux" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130999120:40
GunnarHjstgraber: Ok, will do. Thanks for letting me know.20:42
stgraberpitti: hey, your util-linux upload is missing the usual SRU paperwork, though the bug is sufficiently obvious that I'll accept it anyway (the title pretty much being the testcase anyway)20:50
stgraberbdrung: can you update both the bugs referenced in that audacity upload with the SRU paperwork stuff? they both seem to be lacking testcases at least.20:54
bdrungstgraber: i can quickly add a test case for the libav bug20:54
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stgraberlool: can you update bug 1310715 with SRU information (rational, testcase, regression potential, ...)?21:13
ubottubug 1310715 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu Trusty) "Provide final 14.04 frameworks" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131071521:13
bdrungstgraber: 1076928 updated21:29
bdrungstgraber: paperwork for both audacity bugs done.21:40
stgraberbdrung: cool, thanks. Re-reviewing now21:40
stgraberbdrung: both of those have been fixed in utopic right? (LP says that's not the case but I suspect it's wrong)21:41
bdrungstgraber: audacity should migrate in utopic21:41
bdrungstgraber: audacity is still stuck in proposed due to libav21:41
jdstrandmdeslaur: will we have something equivalent to the apparmor status in upstart jobs when we move to systemd?21:42
stgraberbdrung: ah ok, that makes sense then21:43
bdrungstgraber: do you know why libav didn't migrate?21:44
stgraberbdrung: no, but I can look it up for you21:45
infinitybdrung: libav is a pretty involved ongoing transition.21:45
bdrungthat page says that libav is a valid candidate21:45
infinitybdrung: Sure, and http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt shows how many dozens of packages break if it migrates.21:46
stgraberbdrung: right, in which case you need to also look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt21:46
infinitybdrung: You need to read both pages as a whole, it's two steps in the process.21:46
stgraberhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/libav10.html seems relevant too21:47
bdrungthat page is easier to understand than the update_output.txt21:48
stgraberyeah, update_output.txt isn't the most readable thing ever, it assumes you know how britney works quite well (or that your brain somehow adapted to make sense of that file)21:49
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psusicjwatson, bug #1326143 the user has no efi system partition, yet grub-install failed to fall back to grub-pc for some reason... any clue as to how that could happen?23:43
ubottubug 1326143 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "fatal error installing grub to USB HDD when installing system to USB HDD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132614323:43
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