
kgunnwe have some packages...if you wanna test on an n4, n7, n10...just flash the latest image from --channel=devel-proposed00:03
kgunnthen make the image writable (adb shell, then #touch /userdata/.writable_image)00:03
kgunndon't forget to connect to wifi (phablet-network)00:03
kgunnthen adb shell...logon as phablet user, # sudo -u phablet -i00:04
kgunnthen sudo apt-add-respository ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-00800:04
kgunnthen sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install00:04
kgunnlibmirclient7 libmirclientplatform-android libmirplatform libmirplatformgraphics-android libmirprotobuf000:05
kgunnlibmirserver20 mir-utils libplatform-api1-hybris libplatform-hardware-api1-hybris libubuntu-application-api-mirclient1 libubuntu-application-api-mirserver100:05
kgunnlibubuntu-application-api1 libubuntu-platform-hardware-api1 qthybris qtubuntu-android libunity-mir1 unity-system-compositor00:05
kgunn...reboot the device00:05
kgunndo some exploratory testing, note...go back to fresh image if you think you found an issue to double check00:06
kgunnalso, you can test on desktop as well...almost the same process, except for picking mesa instead of android for the lib install00:06
kgunnif you wanna test, but not sure what to do on the devices...just follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/Mir00:07
kgunnany oddities...ping me or camako or any of the other mir guys here (kdub, anpok, AlbertA etc)00:08
AlbertAin pastebin format:00:08
kgunnthanks AlbertA00:08
kgunnnote: it'll be a short window...assuming all is good, we'll land tomorrow00:09
josharensonAnyone tested on nex701:08
josharensonI'm having bad issues01:08
kgunnjosharenson: what kind ?01:09
josharensonI added the ppa, did a dist upgrade (which failed). I resolved the failure, and the screen won't turn on. Tried the exact same method w/ a clean flash and got same results.01:09
josharensonkgunn, let me look at logs/dmesg01:10
kgunnjosharenson: did you try just a clean flash first...to make sure n7 isn't having issues clean ?01:10
josharensonkgunn, well thats what I tried second01:10
josharensonsaw same thing.. device is responsive via cli, but screen won't turn on01:11
kgunnjosharenson: oh, that's what you meant "clean flash"01:11
kgunnjosharenson: lemme flash real quick here01:11
AlbertAwhat does /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log say?01:12
kgunnjosharenson: curious also, did you do ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel-proposed --bootstrap ?01:13
kgunnor something else ?01:13
josharensonalberta http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7584119/01:13
josharensonkgunn, just devel01:14
josharensonkgunn, I can try w/ proposed01:14
kgunnjosharenson: mos def01:14
kgunnthe last 3 were nasty01:14
josharensononly other remarkable thing was '# phablet-network' never returned correctly... had to set up wifi manually... could be my wifi situation though on my host machine01:15
kgunnwell..i guess, devel should be an ok image...01:15
AlbertAumm closing session-0...01:15
AlbertAthat's shouldn't happen01:15
kgunnyeah...that log looks not so great01:15
josharensonflashing devel-proposed... gotta download it so stay tuned01:16
josharensonbrb in 501:16
AlbertAit looks like terminal is acting wonky, I'm not getting copy/paste things01:18
AlbertAwith clean image01:19
AlbertAphablet-screenshot is broken01:20
kgunnAlbertA: copy/paste has been broken for last few images...01:20
kgunni filed a handful of bugs01:21
kgunnthe latest was the worst... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/132103401:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321034 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[regression] copy/paste prompt inactive" [Undecided,New]01:22
AlbertAis the phablet-screenshot broken filed? or where would I file that?01:22
kgunnAlbertA: unsure if phalet-screenshot already broken...wonder if split greeter might have broke it ?01:23
AlbertAkgunn: it must have been broken since 0.1.901:23
AlbertAsince we changed the default tmp file name01:23
AlbertAfor screencasting01:23
kgunnAlbertA: or...didn't chris move the endpoint from /tmp/mir_socket to run/mir_socket01:23
kgunnif that may effect it01:23
AlbertAit seems to be file name only currently01:24
RAOFIf lightdm had landed, sure?01:24
RAOFI didn't change the defaults, only what lightdm was specifying, so there shouldn't be any transition issues; lightdm will both ask for /run/mir_socket and tell unity8 to use /run/mir_socket at the same time.01:24
AlbertAkgunn: vis "remote object '/tmp/mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba' does not exist"01:25
AlbertAkgunn: this is on a clean image01:25
kgunnAlbertA: oh, then yeah...its busted :)01:25
kgunnunsure if there's a bug01:25
kgunnjosharenson: my clean N7 flash coming up ok here...01:27
josharensonwith devel or devel-proposed01:28
kgunnjosharenson: devel-proposed01:28
kgunnrunning unity8 AP test, gonna step away for a bit...back in a while01:30
josharensonill let you know what happens, download just finished. I'm about to leave for dinner though.01:31
kgunnjosharenson: no worries, its not a mandate01:32
* kgunn makes note to fire josharenson01:32
josharensonlol ok01:33
AlbertAhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/1326191 for phablet tools...01:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326191 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "[phablet-screenshot] Fails to capture screenshot" [Undecided,New]01:38
josharensonkgunn, alberta. Didn't get any errors w/ the dist-upgrade this time. UI comes up after a reboot, all looks well.01:44
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camakothat's good news..01:44
camakoAlbertA, on N4 windows carousel (I think that's what it's called -- when you have windows stacked at an angle), is the background supposed to be solid black?01:55
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RAOFHeh. Mir's support for external touchscreens isn't currently great, but then again neither is X's :)04:12
anpokRAOF: hi!05:23
RAOFanpok: Yo!05:24
RAOFWhat can I do you for?05:25
anpokRAOF: i followed the code path of gbm initialization, and now I am back where I started looking..06:36
anpokwhich is the pipe-loader module06:37
anpokI now try to add swrast as a fallback if no vendor id matches..06:37
anpokno problems so far .. just distractions, that should be gone today06:44
RAOFanpok: Sweet06:48
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alan_galf_: @std::this_thread::yield() - interesting. It tempts me to try to root cause the bug.11:14
alan_gdandrader: Are you picking up https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/trusted_sessions/+merge/221191/comments/531459?11:38
dandraderalan_g, I know close to nothing about trusted sessions11:42
alan_gdandrader: ack. Finger trouble. Sorry11:43
* alan_g wonders where dednick is today11:45
dandraderalan_g, enjoying holidays in Malta :)11:46
dandraderalan_g, I think Saviq might have taken over his work...11:47
Saviqalan_g, yeah, he's off, back on Monday, I was meaning to ping you - I built all the packages for trusted sessions, but it seems something moved and u-s-c crashes on startup, was just getting some symbols11:51
alan_gSaviq: OK. I'll deal with the trivial coding stuff on trust sessions - but there are "why" questions I can't answer.11:53
Saviqalan_g, sure11:54
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AlbertAcamako: yes I see a black background on a clean image13:09
AlbertAcamako: on the carousel thingy13:09
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camakoI'm compiling the test results for the 0.2.0 release. If anyone wants to share their results, let me know... Thank you.14:07
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racarr__Does anyone have a good solution for syncing working directories + some extra files (i.e. .bashrc) etc between computers14:42
racarr__Trying to get laptop/desktop more seamless.14:43
racarr__actually I guess technically im piddling around while android source tree builds :p14:43
alan_gracarr__: I just use rsync.14:44
racarr__alan_g: Mm...something transparent would be nice though14:45
racarr__haha no like some magic combination of file watches and rsync14:46
racarr__i.e. I am editing a file on my desktop then I come back from making tea and start editing on my laptop because who remembers what they were doing 5 minutes ago14:47
racarr__and its already there14:47
alan_gAh! NFS14:47
* alan_g ducks14:47
racarr__I need a better offline degredation story though14:48
racarr__I guess its just a distributed file system14:49
racarr__clearly a job for hadoop14:49
racarr__in the cloud14:49
racarr__anpok: Yeah I think git is the answer lol. but I want a series of scripts to like configure certain directories to be watched14:49
racarr__and handle the merging and perhaps even pop things up in my face if there are conflicts, etc14:50
AlbertAracarr__: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/14:52
racarr__AlbertA: Hey that sounds like it! Thanks14:56
racarr__imma try it out this evening....14:57
racarr__anpok: Standup ?15:03
anpokracarr__: had to fiddle with usb cables of nexus 10 didnt want to stop the test15:09
camakoanpok: my N10 won't boot... Do you think you can run the unity8 AP test on N10 from a clean reboot?15:27
camakoAlbertA, would you mind running the unity8 AP test on N7 from a clean reboot?15:29
AlbertAcamako: sure, what's the command?15:38
camakoAlbertA, (on the host) phablet-test-run -n -p unity8-autopilot unity815:38
camakoanpok, AlbertA (in the spirit of "a good deed never goes unpunished"   :-)  ) could you also run the browser test (also from clean reboot)?15:40
camakophablet-test-run -p webbrowser-app-autopilot webbrowser_app15:40
anpokthe unity test is still running15:43
anpok(had to restart because i touched the cable [again])15:44
anpokit looked like the unity8 instance was hanging.16:19
anpokcamako: ^ ... now runnig webbrowser tests16:21
camakoanpok, thanks... doesn't seem to happen on N4.. strange.16:23
camakoanpok, oh... and does this happen without mir 0.2.0?16:24
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kdub_alf_, with https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/unify-db-optimizations/+merge/221965/comments/53158516:52
kdub_did you mean the logic in bypass.cpp or mgm::DisplayBuffer::post_renderables_if_optimizable() ?16:52
racarr__lol...deadlock on cursor spike phase 4 was brackets around lock scope17:01
racarr__being deleted in merge17:01
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camakoracarr__,  yikes!17:15
alf_kdub_: both I guess, it seems the code is less straightforward than it could for what it needs to do17:26
alf_kdub_: (but that's only a note, not meant to be blocking)17:26
kdub_alf_, sure, and I agree it still has scars from the old scene interface it was implemented around first17:27
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anpokcamako: webbrowser tests on n10 ran OK17:54
camakoanpok... sounds good. Thanks for your help.17:54
anpokhm can I simply downgrade17:54
anpokk trying 0.1.918:12
anpokhm 6 failures o_O18:27
anpokcamako: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7589540/ this is from 0.1.918:56
anpokthere also the same one that fails on 0.2.0 fails18:57
camakoanpok, wow.. I guess we're in good shape with 0.2.0 then :-)18:59
camakothanks for your help18:59
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kgunnhey, has anyone updated from utopic and had weird cursor-jumping-around issues?21:12
kgunni'm not running xmir21:12
kgunnsomething definitely weird21:12
kgunncamako: forgot to mention, also, after we release mir0.2.0, and jenkins puts new info in the changelog on trunk...you'll need to remerge trunk back onto devel to pick that up....21:34
kgunnjust keep a watchful eye to make sure that's the only thing coming back onto devel (e.g. the 2 reverts shouldn't obviously)21:34
camakokgunn, ack21:34
camakokgunn, no need to merge it back to 0.2 branch, is there?21:36
kgunncamako: nope21:39
camakoThanks for everyone helping with the testing. Testing is now complete and the release is ready to be merged.21:48
kgunni'm gonna run this smemstat on my phone for the next 5 hours....lets see what happens22:20
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racarr__ no meeting today either?23:48
RAOFracarr__: I've got a notification for one at 11?23:55
RAOFracarr__: ...on next Tuesday :)23:55
RAOFracarr__: So, as you were :)23:55

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