
soeegood morning06:21
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yofelapachelogger: considering you merged frameworkintegration, do you plan to rename kf5-kio into kio as well?08:05
ovidiu-florinHow can I rename the Guest user?08:10
apacheloggeryofel: most likely08:11
apacheloggerI doubt anyone cares08:11
yofelapachelogger: seems so (see #dqk)08:11
apacheloggerright then, renaming it is08:13
apacheloggerI actually was writing a script to get a list of all upstream frameworks before I got interrupted by everyone at the same time :P08:13
Riddellovidiu-florin: you can't, it's not a real user?08:13
Riddellapachelogger: any way to specify a branch in tarme?08:13
apacheloggeryou are asking the third time now08:14
apacheloggerno you can't08:14
Riddellyou haven't answered :)08:14
apacheloggeryou can specify an origin08:14
Riddellisn't that just for translations?08:14
apacheloggertranslations always map to one exact branch08:14
apacheloggerso by defining the translation origin you implicitly also define which branch must be used for the source08:15
Riddell./tarme.rb --origin frameworks --version 4.97.0 kfilemetadata08:18
Riddell./tarme.rb:25:in `<main>': invalid argument: --origin frameworks (OptionParser::InvalidArgument)08:18
Riddellit no likey08:18
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I just want to change the name it shows on the login prompt08:18
ovidiu-florinGuest is not descriptive enough for kids in the school I put Kubuntu in08:19
apacheloggerRiddell: trunk or stable08:19
ovidiu-florinI want to change it to Elev08:19
apacheloggeralways trunk or stable08:19
apacheloggerthere is no origin other than trunk or stable :P08:19
apacheloggermy comput0r is too slow for bzr08:23
ovidiu-florinRiddell: any solutions, pleasE?08:24
Riddellovidiu-florin: isn't it translated?08:26
ovidiu-florinin 13.10 it isn't08:26
ovidiu-florinI haven't upgraded yet08:26
Riddellit won't have changed08:27
Riddelld_ed will probably know08:27
Riddellor robert ancell08:28
ovidiu-florinis there a meta package for all KDE games?08:28
yofelthere is kdegames08:29
ovidiu-florinthank you08:30
apacheloggerthe guest string might actually be from accountservice FWIW08:30
Riddellapachelogger: ah, I think what you mean to say is "jonathan, set the trunk branch in projects.kde.org and wait 10 minutes for it to propagate"08:39
apacheloggerRiddell: possibly08:40
Riddellnow, I wonder if there's a way to magically rename the tar08:40
apacheloggerthere isn't08:44
apacheloggerRiddell: why would you?08:44
ovidiu-florinRiddell: rm -rf *.tar08:44
ovidiu-florinoh wait08:44
Riddellapachelogger: because e.g. baloo needs to be baloo-kf5 or something08:44
ovidiu-florinthat't not rename08:44
apacheloggerRiddell: what, why?08:44
ovidiu-florinoups :P08:44
Riddellapachelogger: else distros will have to rename it, and better to do it upstream08:45
d_edRiddell: I'm pinged in something?08:45
apacheloggerRiddell: nope, that indeed best had been done on a distro level08:45
Riddelld_ed: ovidiu-florin here asks if the Guest user can be renamed or translated in lightdm08:46
Riddellapachelogger: why do you think that is?08:46
apacheloggerthey only need renaming because shitty distro tools cannot deal with the same source having two different versions08:46
d_edit /should/ be able to08:46
apacheloggerthat is to say with rpm I think you don't even need to rename the source at all for example08:46
d_edit comes from KDE code08:46
d_edwhich goes via i18n08:46
ovidiu-florind_ed: how?08:46
apacheloggerd_ed: a grep did not yield useful results on Guest08:47
d_ed        QStandardItem *guest = new QStandardItem(i18n("Guest"));08:48
d_edin lib08:48
apacheloggerah, in lib08:48
d_edit's probably not covered by a Messages.sh or something equally rubbish08:49
ovidiu-florind_ed: So there's no whay I can change that to "Student" or something like that without recompiling?08:49
d_edsorry, no.08:49
apacheloggerif it is translated you could simply change the translation 6^08:50
ovidiu-florincan I do that without changing the official translation?08:51
ovidiu-florinis that a spupid question? since no one is answering, i can assume so..08:54
yofelmore tricky than stupid I think, as my answer would be no08:55
yofelbut I'm not a l10n expert08:56
ovidiu-florini guess the translations are stored as po files08:56
ovidiu-florinso I should be able to change the text in one08:56
ovidiu-florinto get it overritten on update08:56
yofelpo yes, but compiled to mo which is what you would have to replace08:57
yofelsee gettext docs08:57
ovidiu-florinso, the answer is no08:57
yofelmaybe a PPA package that's adjusted would be an option08:58
yofelshadeslayer: what happened to you uploading 4.13.1?09:02
yofelapachelogger: regarding E: libkf5wallet5: arch-dependent-file-not-in-arch-specific-directory usr/bin/kwalletd509:04
yofelput into 'kwallet' (which doesn't exist yet), or kwalletd5 ?09:04
apacheloggeryofel: libkf5kwallet-bin09:05
yofelor kwalletd09:05
yofelhm, ok09:05
yofelit's a single binary... so I didn't really want to add lib09:05
apacheloggerit's a runtime support binary for the lib09:05
apacheloggeron its own I doubt kwalletd will have much use09:06
apacheloggeryou could ask teo in kde-devel though09:06
yofelah nevermind, it has a bunch of support stuff too09:06
yofelso -bin it is09:06
yofelapachelogger: pre-depends was nonsense, right?09:07
apacheloggeryofel: we at least did not find out what it was good for09:07
apacheloggerbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/kf5umbrella/".09:08
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ that's why upstream we shouldn't randomly rename things09:08
yofel"To ensure that a multiarch-compatible libc is configured before your shared library package is unpacked to the new multiarch library paths (and the old version of the library deleted from /usr/lib), each shared library must declare a Pre-Depends on the multiarch-support package."09:09
yofelBut that seems to be from the old times09:09
yofelapachelogger: it does actually get substituted to Pre-Depends: multiarch-support09:11
ovidiu-florinhow does the guest session work?09:12
ovidiu-florinhow does it start?09:12
ovidiu-florinit creates a new user with a tmp home dir?09:12
Riddell/usr/lib/lightdm/guest-session-auto.sh may help09:12
ovidiu-florinwhere does it copy the settings from?09:12
Riddellalso /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session09:12
Riddelland /usr/sbin/guest-account09:13
apacheloggeryofel: I am not sure that is still necessary09:13
Riddellovidiu-florin: same as any new user I expect09:13
Riddellovidiu-florin: yes it makes a new user with a tmp home dir09:13
yofelapachelogger: I'll ask debian if they need it09:13
ovidiu-florinRiddell: that file does not exist on 13.1009:13
ovidiu-florinare there any logs for when a guest session failes?09:15
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yofelapachelogger: 09:19
yofel[11:16:46] <ansgar> yofel: That was only for squeeze -> wheezy upgrades.09:19
yofel[11:18:51] <ansgar> yofel: It's not needed any longer.09:19
yofelso as we won't backport << trusty we won't need it either09:19
Riddellovidiu-florin: /var/log/lightdm/ maybe?09:23
yofelhm, libkf5kwallet5 is definitely not section:libdevel09:23
shadeslayeryofel: I did09:29
shadeslayerprobably in the queue09:29
yofelah yeah, probably09:29
yofelapachelogger: libkf5wallet-bin would be Multi-Arch: none? (or just skip the field?)09:30
apacheloggeryofel: skip == none09:30
apacheloggeryofel: and lib recommends bin09:30
yofelapachelogger: on the topic of naming, is it intentional that we're using kactivities and not libkf5activites-bin ?09:34
apacheloggerI have no clue09:34
yofelconsistency-- -.-09:34
apacheloggermind you kactivities is special because upstream says the runtime bits are interchangable09:34
apacheloggeri.e. you can use kde4 runtime or kf5 runtime, doesn't matter to the lib09:35
yofelwell, the kde4 runtime is in libkactivities-bin :S09:35
apacheloggerthen something is astray I'd say09:35
apacheloggerbut yeah, I'm doing a whole review of frameworks later09:35
apacheloggeralso structural alignment and whatnot09:35
apacheloggerpossibly also trying to get substvars going for descriptions09:36
Riddellnot quite interchangeable, kf5 kactivities needed for kf5 land09:36
Riddellbut should be backwards compatible09:36
yofelso you're supposed to be able to run kde4 with kf5 activities o.O?09:37
Riddellyes I believe so09:37
apacheloggerRiddell, santa_: did you run the kdelibs4support patch by upstream?09:42
apacheloggeralso, it doesn't have dep309:42
yofelwhich reminds me I never voted on policy :(09:43
yofelI'll do that after lunch09:43
yofel+1 anyway09:43
Riddellapachelogger: he promised to do so09:44
apacheloggerRiddell: did you read what I wrote about backlog yesterday09:44
apacheloggerthe patch is not documented in the changelog in any way09:44
Riddellnope, what did you write about backlog?09:45
apacheloggerthat there's a bug09:45
apacheloggera bug that has been fixed 20 hours ago mind you09:45
santa_apachelogger: not yet, but will submit the pacth today to reviewboard and add the headers09:48
apachelogger[11:45] <apachelogger> a bug that has been fixed 20 hours ago mind you09:49
apacheloggeryou first talk to upstream and then you do things.09:49
apacheloggeryofel: is list-missing our code?09:51
yofelapachelogger: in the build logs? It's a patch to pkg-kde-tools I believe so it's script-parsable09:51
apacheloggeryofel: just wondering why we don't make it detect manpages properly ^^09:52
shadeslayerquite fancy that stuff09:52
yofelshadeslayer: only implemented in update-manager I believe?09:52
yofelthe issue listing is cool though09:53
shadeslayerhttps://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/2bb11f5013b5638956cbb06a6f822d811fde60a4 < known issue09:53
shadeslayerhttps://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/d43591a91bd75c89b52b372618f42d0cabdc7e94 dupe09:54
shadeslayerhttps://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/e0d7f4fb342e721238de3d5cc79148ab67ba3fe2 dupe09:54
shadeslayerhttps://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/1a794f4f0b1fa61aa9916353ae643de6085125fc dupe09:54
* apachelogger wonders how one makes kate open */debian/* without thorwing a bazillion errors on directories09:54
yofelapachelogger: generally list-missing is part of dh_install though, extended by pkg-kde-tools to support not-installed and run by us during build time for parsing09:54
apacheloggerwell yeah09:55
apacheloggerbut if we can estend through not-installed we could just as well check manpages I guess09:55
yofelwhat's actually wrong with the manpage check?09:55
apacheloggersupposedly dh_install should get its act together though09:55
apacheloggeryofel: manpages get compressed by dh_manthing09:56
apacheloggerso they always yield false positives09:56
yofeloh right, it did complain about that09:56
yofelit's the same for movelibkdeinit09:56
Riddellmovelibkdeinit neeeds posted to kf509:57
Riddellmovelibkdeinit neeeds ported to kf509:57
apacheloggerwhat's that do?09:58
yofelmoves libkdeinit4_* to /usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit/09:59
apacheloggerwhy don't we do that upstream?09:59
yofeluh, no idea? That was done before my time...09:59
apacheloggerwhy don't we do that upstream for kf510:00
yofelno idea, should be done really10:00
apacheloggerRiddell: release dude we haz feature request :P ^10:00
* yofel -> lunch10:01
apacheloggeryofel: I hope you are already done with kwallet10:10
* apachelogger is breaking all the frameworks10:10
* apachelogger will need to write a control parser at some point10:13
santa_apachelogger: the inclusion of that patch is documented in the changelog10:14
apacheloggernot what it does10:14
Riddellapachelogger: needs working out what else dh_movelibkdeinit does then working out if it can be done in cmake or elsewhere10:15
santa_apachelogger: yes, it does, it's listed as a change below "build against network-manager"10:16
apacheloggerit does not explain what the patch does10:16
santa_meanin it's needed to build against network-manager10:16
apacheloggerit does not explain what the patch does10:17
santa_making you able to build against network-manager?10:17
santa_but if it's not clear enough, feel free to re-word it10:17
Riddellapachelogger: merge for you https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/kdelibs4support-work/+merge/22215410:23
Riddelltsdgeos: does setting the master branch for baloo and milou and kfilemetadata to frameworks in projects.kde.org screw up 4.14 alpha/beta releases?10:25
tsdgeosRiddell: busy, please send me an email or reask when not working10:25
yofelapachelogger: what exactly are you doing to our poor frameworks o.O?10:33
apacheloggeryofel: everything10:42
apacheloggerI am actually thinking about splitting short and long description such that you can append stuff to the shortsies10:43
apachelogger- development files10:43
apacheloggerotherwise the short description is the same for all packages of the framework which is a tad rubbish10:44
Riddellapachelogger: waa, tarme doesn't save the release_data file if you run it multiple times :(10:45
apacheloggerRiddell: suggestions?10:46
apacheloggeror for that matter... why do you run it multiple times and expect the data to be there?10:47
Riddellapachelogger: append rather than overwrite10:48
apacheloggerRiddell: but why10:49
Riddellbecause I need to make multiple tars then e-mail the release list with the list of hashes10:50
apacheloggerRiddell: tarme.rb -v 1.0 --origin trunk kde/workspace/ rolls aaaaaallllll tars at the same time10:51
yofelapachelogger: btw. I asked you yesterday whether kubotu has flood control for the commit messages enabled (if it has to process like 200 commits). Is there something?10:52
apacheloggerit posts 13 lines at the most10:52
yofelenough for me10:52
apacheloggerthat is 12 commits and one for the fact that there is more than 12 commits10:52
apacheloggermight reduce it to 8, but since I haven't seen a 12 line block yet I can't say whether that ends up too much10:53
yofelI think it's fine, most I've seen was 10 so far which is rare10:53
apacheloggerI find the package control sorting really annoying what with -dev being first becuase they don't have the soversion suffix -.-10:55
Riddellapachelogger: mm, interesting10:56
yofelthat's how we always did it.. and why do you need the soversion o.O?10:56
apacheloggeryofel: noooo, we always had lib first, dev second, dbg last10:57
yofelmy memory is buggy then10:57
apacheloggerRiddell: pft, I made that feature specifically for you so you don't have to run releaseme 300 times and then have forgotten about one tarball :P10:57
apacheloggeryofel: well, last I really packaged something was like 4 years ago, so who knows :P10:58
Riddellapachelogger: features are no use unless someone knows about them :)10:58
apacheloggerafter a while the kde4 controls wer a bit of a mess anyway, but I really think libs generally came before the dev package10:58
apacheloggerRiddell: I did tell you about that :P10:58
apacheloggerlike twice at the very least10:58
apacheloggershort and long description split10:59
apacheloggerand I really think I need a control parser, because I also think Architecture should be listed first in the package stanzas10:59
apacheloggerin particular section should not be first becuase it's rubbish and no one cares about it anyway ^^11:00
yofelsection should be there, end. Architecture usually comes next, but that's not defined anywhere, just how we usually do it11:00
yofelafter that I don't think we really have a pattern what comes next, IIRC usually it's Pre-Depends, Depends, Recommends, Suggests, Breaks, Replaces, Conflicts11:01
apacheloggeryofel: section is optional11:01
apacheloggerarchitecture is not11:01
apacheloggerso really the order should be arch>multiarch>section>priority>depends>breaks>conflicts>replaces>description IMO11:02
yofelI know it's optional, but I've always seen section coming before architecture11:02
* yofel looks at policy11:03
apacheloggerit doesn't even come first in the policy, becuase the policy also knows that the mandatory architecture fields is more important :P11:03
yofelwell, by that logic description should come after architecture, but you're right, section comes after arch11:04
apacheloggerdescription is a multiline field11:05
yofeland breaks-conflicts-provides-replaces11:05
yofelyeah, but homepage, built-using and package-type coming after that sounds a bit weird then - even if it's like that in DEBIAN/control11:07
apacheloggeryofel: coming after what?11:07
yofelI guess I'll agree though that the order should at least follow policy11:08
apacheloggerthose are autogenerated for the binary anyway11:08
apacheloggerbut even when not descripition would be last11:08
yofelwe never use those so that's a moot point anyway11:09
yofellooking at kde4libs you're right that libs come before dev though :/11:09
yofelapachelogger: in any case, please at least tell debian about the field reordering in case they're against it11:10
apacheloggerI am not even sure I'll bother TBH11:10
yofelshadeslayer: are you adding back libs to kdepim o.O?11:11
apacheloggerif I write a control parser or get down and dirty with perl I'd just do mass changes to fields through that11:11
apacheloggerthen I'll never have to look at the fugly control files anyway11:11
shadeslayeryofel: yes, for utopic11:11
yofelit's not like they're coming back...11:12
shadeslayerfor a .1 release it's bad to remove them?11:12
shadeslayerwe can nuke them in the beta release11:12
yofelwell, that was for the SRU, but whatever11:12
apacheloggerwhat does it matter whether the release is .1 or not for utopic?11:13
shadeslayerthe reverts were for the SRU11:13
yofelapachelogger: well, I did write a very basic control file editor in perl for neon once as overriding some fields at build time in rules didn't go so well11:14
yofelit was fun11:14
yofelwas for the apport stuff IIRC11:14
apacheloggerperl is a really dumb ruby, that's all11:14
* yofel should read learnrubythehardway once11:15
shadeslayerI'm currently reading learncthehardway 11:15
shadeslayerneat stuff11:15
yofelI used perl because ruby isn't part of the default system :P11:15
shadeslayeryofel: since Riddell uploaded some 4.13.1 stuff, how do you want to handle 4.13.1 for utopic11:17
yofelshadeslayer: for the 2 packages I did yesterday I just uploaded .111:17
shadeslayerso just upload then?11:18
shadeslayer*upload 4.13.111:18
yofelapachelogger: that thing is still there actually ^^ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon5/project-neon5-runtime/view/head:/opt/project-neon5/share/pkg-project-neon5/scripts/get_control_field.pl11:19
apacheloggeryou could just have used the existing perl modules you know :P11:22
yofelthey were confusing me even more so I was frustrated enough to write it from scratch..11:22
apacheloggeryeah, perl does that11:23
apacheloggerbut the dpkg modules are actually reasonably well documented from what I have seen11:23
apacheloggerdch -.-11:37
apacheloggerRiddell: how does one check whether a bzr branch has uncommited changed through the $?11:53
apacheloggerwell that only caused a bunch of bogus commits -.-11:58
yofelbzr diff?11:58
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Riddellas yofel says11:59
apacheloggerstrangely enough it returned 0 in both cases earlier12:00
yofelwell, parse output wrt. not/empty then12:02
apacheloggermuch terrible12:04
yofelapachelogger: what exactly are you trying to do?12:05
apacheloggercheck whether a working tree is dirty12:05
yofelyou can just go and commit, empty commits will give exit 3 from commit12:05
apacheloggeryofel: except they'd be dirty if I simply dch 12:06
yofelwhy would you not want to commit dchß12:06
apacheloggeryofel: dch -a -m yolo && debcommit12:06
apacheloggerwhich is conditional to initial dirtyness12:07
yofelwhy is it conditional?12:08
sgclarkRiddell: good morning, anything for me to work on?12:08
apacheloggeryofel: because dch would make it dirty12:09
BluesKajwhynot dirtynessful :)12:09
yofelapachelogger: are you trying to auto-generate changelogs from actual changes o.O?12:09
apacheloggerwell yes12:09
yofelah, interesting12:10
apacheloggerI did a sed on all 3 million branches12:10
apacheloggerbut the change only applies to 2 of the 3 million12:10
apacheloggerso one needs a way to check which were actually changed and then dch && commit those12:10
apacheloggerthe other ones ought to be left alone12:10
yofelhm, if I run bzr diff on a branch with changes I get exit 112:11
yofelwhich matches the 'diff' behaviour12:11
* yofel wonders why he always writes that in en_GB12:11
yofelI blame school12:12
apacheloggeryofel: yes, except when I tired that it still was 012:12
BluesKajit's proper english, not the 'merican english12:12
apacheloggeralas, now it is 1 when I try it12:12
apacheloggerdiff is nasty12:12
yofelwell, parsing of $? is rather error prone12:13
apacheloggeryeah, for if you use it on bzr diff :P12:13
apacheloggerwhich is why I was asking for a proper way12:13
yofelI show the exit status in my prompt and even that has $? caching in PS112:13
kubotufeed branches-next had 25 updates, showing the latest 1612:14
yofelah, flood limit is 16 ^^12:14
Riddellsgclark: here's a first short of tars, you can see if they compile, install translations, do other sane things http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-4.97.0/12:14
Riddellsgclark: I'll be remaking the tars because the version numbers are not updated there12:14
sgclarkRiddell: on it, thank  you12:15
apacheloggerkubotu: config set rss.announce_max 812:15
Riddellsgclark: so just for checking for problems for now12:15
apacheloggeryofel: 8 seems to be the golden spot really12:15
sgclarkRiddell: ok12:15
yofelapachelogger: fine with me, IRC throttling does make 16 a bit long12:15
apacheloggerif it spammed all within a second it would almost be fine, but even so, too big a wall of text 12:16
Riddellsgclark: oh actually you probably can't compile much because it needs qt 5.312:19
sgclarkRiddell: oh, is that available?12:19
Riddellso one could ask if we should move next development to utopic which has at least some qt 5.3 packages12:19
Riddellsgclark: yep, in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2  but for utopic12:20
Riddellapachelogger, yofel, sgclark: should we move next development to utopic?12:20
sgclarkRiddell: I think we should12:21
Riddellsgclark: than I guess you can dist-upgrade and tell us if it's safe :)12:21
yofelif plasma needs 5.3, sure.12:22
yofelI'm not upgrading to utopic though until the whole init mess is kind of sorted out12:22
sgclarkRiddell: lol sure12:22
apacheloggerRiddell: ENOPOINT until alpha2 if you ask me12:23
Riddellapachelogger: how else would we do development?12:23
apacheloggertrusty, we are only doing userspace anyway, if something breaks from trusty to utopic that would strike me as odd :P12:24
apacheloggermy point is... until most of us are using utopic there is 0 point in developing on utopic12:24
apacheloggeror well, some at least :P12:24
sgclarkbut the missing qt 5.3 is the problem12:25
apacheloggerearlierst point would be when qt 5.3 lands12:25
apacheloggersgclark: is that landed yet in utopic?12:25
Riddellit's in a PPA12:25
yofelapachelogger: it's in PPA12:25
apacheloggeryeah, so no point :P12:25
Riddellthe point is to have qt 5.3 packages available12:25
yofelapachelogger: so you want to not work on it until 5.3 is in o.O?12:26
apacheloggerRiddell: take them and build for trusty?12:26
apacheloggeryofel: what's the point if they are in a ppa anyway12:26
yofelapachelogger: what's the point of backporting 5.3?12:26
yofel(that's rather heavy)12:26
apacheloggerjust as much work as ppa porting12:26
apacheloggerwell I don't care12:26
apacheloggerif you feel that you need utopic, use utopic12:27
apacheloggerI find it very pointless12:27
yofelas I understand it it would be a no-change rebuild to use the archive 5.3 packages, if anything12:27
yofelapachelogger: point is to continue working on plasma without much extra work12:28
yofeland backporting 5.3 is work12:28
yofelapachelogger: if anything we can wait on you to finish rewriting the kf5 packages12:29
apacheloggerwell that would be rather handy :P12:32
apacheloggergod this is a mess12:37
apacheloggerlibkf5auth5-dbg vs. libkf5auth-dbg vs. kauth-dbg12:37
yofelor hm12:38
apacheloggerexactly :P12:38
yofelI think debug stuff is SOVERSION coinstallable, so first usually, second if a -bin package exists, third if a kauth package exists12:39
yofeltotal mess12:39
apacheloggerlooking through the archive middle certainly appears the most12:40
Riddelldebian-kde gave both answers when I asked them12:40
Riddellsome preferred foo5-dbg and some didn't care12:40
Riddellso I went with foo5-dbg12:40
apacheloggerutterly random12:41
yofelwell, debug coinstallability is probably nonsense, or can by done with dbgsym, so first is junk, so it would be middle if only one lib is there, and last if multiple?12:43
apacheloggerwhen will debian get dbgsym so we can do away with those shitty dbg packages12:43
apacheloggerit's an outrage12:43
sgclarkit shouldn't be, they should be foo5-dbg. Now I was new at the beginning and perhaps some old builds were missing 5 but should be removed12:43
apacheloggeryofel: debugs are always coinstallable as the symbol file name is the uuid of the build artifact12:44
apacheloggerthere is no actual tie to soversion or anything in terms of debug symbol12:44
yofelwell, not if the packages have the same name12:44
yofeli.e. libfoo5-dbg <-> libfoo6-dbg versus 2xlibfoo-dbg12:45
apacheloggerhence the so is supreme12:45
apacheloggerbut what about packages like kio12:45
apacheloggerand wouldn't kio-dbg render the entire notifion of having coinstallable dbg completely pointless anyway12:45
yofelit would12:45
yofelwhich is why I said that it's junk12:46
* apachelogger declares manual dbg packages the biggest piece of bullshit ever invented12:46
yofelyou need dbgsym for that12:46
yofelI would prefer dbgsym, if only they were properly compressed -.-12:46
apacheloggerwhy is sonnet split into 2 lib packages and 1 plugins package?12:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^12:49
apacheloggersome of these packages seem drunk12:49
yofellooks sane to me12:50
apacheloggerupstream makes one tarball, not 312:50
yofellibs have to be by themselves, everything else is in sonnet-plugins12:50
apacheloggerno they don't have to be12:51
apacheloggerstop making the weird lib splitting nonesense up to be policy 12:51
apacheloggerit aint12:51
yofelstop meshing stuff into packages that don't belong together12:51
apacheloggersolid-bins vs. libkf5solid-bin vs. libkf5solid5-bin12:51
apacheloggeryofel: upstream makes one tarball, not 312:52
yofelmiddle is what we decided on, didn't we?12:52
apacheloggerthere is absolutely no reason why sonnetcore and sonnetui couldn't be in the same package12:52
apacheloggerthey are both multiarched and their soversion is actually linked together in the build system12:52
yofelapachelogger: ok, so bring back kdelibs5 which has all libs in it12:52
apacheloggeryofel: upstream makes one tarball, not 312:52
yofeldebian package library naming requires the package to match the lib name in it, more than one lib in a lib package is an error12:53
apacheloggerwhere does it say that in the policy?12:54
sgclarklintian tells you everytime12:54
apacheloggerwhere does it say that in the policy?12:54
yofelapachelogger: there's even a lintian warning for that http://lintian.debian.org/tags/package-name-doesnt-match-sonames.html12:54
apacheloggerwhere does it say that in the policy?12:54
yofelif it doesn't then that's a bug in the policy12:55
yofelnot in our packaging12:55
apacheloggerso we must have one package per library because debian packaging mandates that12:55
apacheloggerand if debian packaging doesn't mandate it then it should because...?12:56
santa_it's good to have just the library in the package library12:56
apacheloggerthe point of naming a package after the library is that you can install two versions at the same time12:56
yofelNot sure, the original reason might have been to prevent disk space waste12:57
yofelas libs are supposed to be installed on demand, not when the developer thinks it makes sense to have libfoo or libbar installed12:57
santa_having plugins in the lib package usually adds additional symbols (which shouldn't be there) to the symbols files, making it harder to maintain12:59
santa_also it would make easiear to deal with a possible abi break13:00
yofelsanta_: we're not talking about plugins, but /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfoo.so.5 and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libbar.so.5 from the same source being in the same package13:00
yofelthough I'll agree that this would most likely break the debian abi manager as well13:00
apacheloggerpkg-kde invention13:00
yofelas that does package name <-> cmake rule matching13:00
santa_yofel: second thing I said still applies13:00
yofelsanta_: as I admitted with my point about the abi manager13:01
apacheloggerabi break should be dealt with upstream13:01
santa_yofel: k13:01
yofelapachelogger: it's a freakin' bloody workaround for stupid or ignorant upstreams13:01
yofelmake that ignorant13:01
apacheloggerdon't package their software then?13:02
yofeldon't package kde-workspace?13:02
santa_no, sometimes upstream says they don't intend to keep bc13:02
santa_so it has to be done in the packaging13:02
apacheloggeryofel: if you have a problem with the upstream don't package the software?13:02
apacheloggerbinary bumpery is half way forking it anyway, might as well go and fork it entirely13:02
apacheloggersanta_: right, so you are to fork upstream13:03
yofelapachelogger: I would very much like to package it in the contstraints that our policy put on it, if upstream derives from that we have a problem13:03
santa_no, just bumping the soname when it's needed13:03
santa_apachelogger: ↑13:04
apacheloggeryofel: the made up constraint about lib packages being based on the soname or the real constraint of not having a constraint on library naming and/or bc?13:04
apacheloggersanta_: yeah, so you fork it13:04
yofelwell my point was about  BC really13:04
apacheloggeryofel: we also have no policy on that13:05
apacheloggerthat is also made up13:05
yofelwe have a policy that BIC changes must cause a SONAME change13:05
yofelout of pure practicability13:05
santa_apachelogger: call it the way you like, it's the right thing to do13:05
yofelwe don't have a policy that SONAME must not change, after all we're doing that all the time13:06
santa_and if not that, rename the package and rebuild everything depending on it13:06
apacheloggersanta_: says who?13:06
apacheloggeryofel: where's that policy?13:07
santa_apachelogger: says the common sense, if you have an abi break you must deal with it in the packaging13:07
yofelapachelogger: why does that need a policy? An application breaking because of BIC in a lib is ok by policy?13:07
apacheloggerif it s common sense then I guess everyone will want to do it, so 300 distros will do an abi bump manually on their own13:08
apacheloggerso back to my point, it should be done upstream13:08
yofelok, please fix all our X-Debian-ABI > 0 issues upstream13:08
yofelI usually get yelled at when I try 13:09
apacheloggerwhat issues were those?13:09
ovidiu-florinHow can I change the default settings for the Guest user?13:09
yofellast was a BIC in libtaskmanager IIRC, which is obviously KDE-public-but-in-fact-private-ABI13:09
ovidiu-florinI've tried adding my changes to /usr/share/kde4/config13:10
ovidiu-florinbut they don't take effect13:10
apacheloggeryofel: private, I wonder why we package that publicly13:10
yofelapachelogger: IIRC it has to be public to be usable in kdeplasma-addons and some third party task managers13:11
yofel(if any of those still exist)13:11
apacheloggerwell it's not private if we allow third parties to use it13:11
yofelsanta_: that belongs in meta-kde, not pkg-kde-tools13:11
yofelapachelogger: yeah, which lead to the issue that it's private upstream but in fact public for us13:12
yofelof the SONAME change was rejected upstream13:12
santa_yofel: yep, I have realized my repo name is wrong13:12
yofel*so the13:12
santa_sorry about that13:12
yofelah ok13:12
santa_the rest of the merge request is fine though13:12
yofelapachelogger: FWIW:13:14
yofelNormally, the run-time shared library and its SONAME symlink should be placed in a package named librarynamesoversion, where soversion is the version number in the SONAME of the shared library. Alternatively, if it would be confusing to directly append soversion to libraryname (if, for example, libraryname itself ends in a number), you should use libraryname-soversion instead.13:14
apacheloggernot required13:14
yofelAIUI, the normally is for the exception in the second sentence13:15
apacheloggerno, then it would say Except13:15
yofelIf you have several shared libraries built from the same source tree, you may lump them all together into a single shared library package provided that all of their SONAMEs will always change together. Be aware that this is not normally the case, and if the SONAMEs do not change together, upgrading such a merged shared library package will be unnecessarily difficult because of file conflicts with the old version of the package. When in doubt, 13:16
yofelalways split shared library packages so that each binary package installs a single shared library.13:16
yofelthis is uselessly complicated13:16
shadeslayerhurray for autopkgtest13:19
shadeslayerI love this stuff13:19
shadeslayercaught an issue in my kate merge13:19
yofelapachelogger: I would still keep the single lib package for abi manager and pretictability13:20
apacheloggeryofel: if sonnet breaks ABI that is a legit upstream break13:20
apacheloggeron related note.. the plugins really should be lumped in with core as well13:20
yofelI have no issue with that as long as the SONAME changes13:21
yofelapachelogger: you'll still need a plugin package for map file which is foreign13:21
yofelor data package13:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: qtdeclarative5-kf5solid-5.0 is that common naming?13:23
yofelshadeslayer: hm, which test hook are you using locally?13:24
apacheloggeryofel: data that is13:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: where is that from?13:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: solid? :P13:24
yofelapachelogger: I would prefer not to have so break/replace so-1 though, libkscreen showed how well apt handles that (BAD)13:25
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594792/13:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: and does the changelog blame me?13:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: ur orig maint13:25
yofelshadeslayer: thanks13:25
apachelogger  * Added qtdeclarative5-kf5solid-5.0 to hold libsolidextensionplugin.so.13:25
apacheloggerscarlett made that13:25
apacheloggersgclark: is the package naming conforming to some standard?13:26
yofelRiddell was discussing qml naming with debian13:26
* apachelogger sees at least all the ubuntu things use that naming13:26
sgclarkapachelogger: Riddell was talking to someone to come up with that, I only followed directions13:26
apacheloggerRiddell: ping13:26
* apachelogger doesn't see another package that has the version appended with a hyphen actually13:27
sgclarkpretty sure it was a conflict thing13:27
yofelshadeslayer: is that part of our pbuilder-hooks yet?13:27
shadeslayeryofel: nope13:27
yofelcould you add it?13:27
apacheloggersgclark: that version suffix definitely is wrong, should be 1.0 actually13:28
apacheloggeralas, I am not sure we should add the version13:28
apacheloggerimpossible to keep track of13:28
yofelversion makes no sense if it's not part of the path IMO13:29
apacheloggerthey are plugins13:29
apacheloggercould be any version really at any time13:30
apacheloggerso IMO it makes no sense in general13:30
yofelright, which is why IMO plugins should have a matching subfolder13:30
apacheloggeryofel: ah, yeah, that's true as well13:30
yofelsgclark: considering we were just talking about policy, did you read the debian policy yet? If not, as packager and now member and thus aspiring ~kubuntu-dev you should do that in the near future13:34
apacheloggerI think that solid package should be qtdeclarative5-solid or possibly qtdeclarative5-kde-solid or qtdeclarative5-kde-solid-plugin13:35
sgclarkyofel: ok13:35
apacheloggervery random nonense those declarative package names are13:35
Riddellapachelogger: pong13:36
apacheloggerRiddell: how did you come up with the name qtdeclarative5-kf5solid-5.0 13:37
yofelapachelogger: wrt. kubuntu policy and council quorum: when did we decide that 4 people is quorum? Last I knew it required 3 people for it and none against which is what we usually applied13:37
Riddellapachelogger: chatting to various people in debain-qt-kde channel13:37
apacheloggerRiddell: I don't see a version that separates version with hyphen in the archive, also some have a -plugin suffix13:38
apacheloggeralso the version is pointless in general13:38
yofelI do think the DMB has a +4 quorum rule where -1 is allowed I think, but I'm not sure13:40
yofelbut that's 4 out of 713:41
Riddellapachelogger: qml modules can include multiple versions so yes it might be pointless13:42
Riddellunless an incompatible version is released13:43
apacheloggerRiddell: as yofel pointed out that version would need a different path though, or if it doesn't it would simply not be installable at the same time as the old version which again would render the version moot13:44
apacheloggeryofel: there might been data lost on the council13:44
yofelhm, lets continue that on the ML13:45
apacheloggeryofel: it's le wrong13:45
apacheloggerA vote is defined as quorate if at least three council members are present. 13:45
apacheloggerIf the meeting is not quorate, voting shall be done by e-mail over a period of three days. 13:45
apacheloggerThe chair shall have a casting vote. 13:45
apachelogger^ you are not actually ever appointing a chair13:45
yofelwhere's that from?13:46
apacheloggeras I said, information loss13:46
yofelsoooo... how's quorum defined by that? chair: +1, 2 others +1, 3 others -1-> passed?13:47
apacheloggerthat's +3 -3, chair breaks tie13:48
yofelthat's rather different from the DMB though which quires +413:49
apacheloggerbecause we actually do not do a majority of members but a majority of present vote13:49
yofelthen the ML continuuation is moot13:49
apacheloggerthe policy simply is wrong, please point that on the ML13:50
apacheloggerneeds carrying over the items from the aforementioned page13:50
yofelwill do13:50
apacheloggeryofel: I would suggest the council clearify that part on their own actually13:50
yofelsure, but I don't think we need the council ML for that13:51
apacheloggeras I said, you do not ever select a chair and according to the way old blueprint from intrepid or whatever Riddell is defined as chair which raises the interesting question what exactly would happen if he drops out of the council13:51
yofelIMO, then the DMB rules apply, just with 1 point less13:52
apacheloggerDMB is developers is it not?13:52
apacheloggeralso what happens if 4 council members are present and tie but the chair is not present13:52
apacheloggere.g. +2 -213:53
yofelwhich is IIRC why we've settled on the simple +3 rule13:53
yofellet me actually look up the last CC meeting logs, I think there was something about voting too13:53
apacheloggeryofel: I think that should be written like that then13:55
apacheloggerwhat if you have +3 -3, is the motion carried or not?13:55
apacheloggerif it is simply +3 then it woud be carried anyway, so the chair position is pointless13:56
yofelhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/05/15/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t17:00 has pretty much the same talk ^^13:56
apacheloggerwell, you need to figure that out for yourselves :P13:56
apacheloggerI am just pointing out the actual voting rules are not exactly clear13:56
yofelyeah, which I would like to have fixed13:57
yofelanyway, ML13:57
apacheloggeroh, a bug, oh my13:58
apacheloggerRiddell: so, any objections to dropping the pointless version?13:59
* shadeslayer feels like his eyes are going to pop out13:59
* apachelogger wonders whether we should put the declarative plugin into the libsolid package14:00
apacheloggerthat's madness btw14:01
yofelshouldbe .*14:01
apacheloggerthe 4 is shite too14:01
apacheloggeryofel: does the release scripty have logic to deal with bumping all so versions?14:01
yofelalthough, then the install won't fail on version change14:01
apacheloggerbecause we'll have to touch all 60 frameworks come final...14:01
apacheloggeryofel: install would fail on .so.514:02
yofelno, we never needed that, because the SC has like 5 dozen differen so versions14:02
yofelapachelogger: yeah, but I just realized that I overly simplyfied that in kwallet to general .*14:02
yofelneeds fixing14:02
apacheloggeroh well14:03
apacheloggerworse things in life14:03
apacheloggerwouldn't be the first time the glorious abi tracking scheme didn't work out :S14:03
yofeluh, aspiring kubuntu-members need to inform the council, not the other members, right?14:03
yofelmember don't really have anything to do with this14:04
apacheloggeryofel: where's that from?14:07
yofelapachelogger: policy: "Application: To apply for membership all you need to do is inform the ~kubuntu-members about your desire to become member..."14:07
yofelthat's council, right?14:07
apacheloggeryofel: kubuntu-devel mailing list technically14:08
yofelalso, "Notes: Ninjas are members of both ~kubuntu-packagers and ~kubuntu-ppa", is packagers membership waiting on policy approval?14:08
ScottKCouncil is correct though.14:09
apacheloggeryofel: yes14:09
apacheloggeryofel, ScottK: I think it best had been changed to 'kubuntu-devel ML'14:09
yofelapachelogger: well, devel is the usual contact, but it's council really. How about "... inform the ~kubuntu-council over the kubuntu devel ML" ?14:09
apacheloggereverything else is silly at best14:09
ScottKs/over/via/ but yes.14:10
kubotuScottK: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"14:10
yofelvia it is then14:10
* apachelogger hungry14:10
yofelapachelogger: I'll also add that ninjas can commit to packagers in the ~packagers section so that's in sync14:10
apacheloggersomeone please review solid changes in bzr, might totally have broken something14:12
apacheloggeruploaded as ppa4, afk getting somethign to eat14:13
Riddellnew tars http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-4.97.0/14:29
Riddellbut first everything needs moved to utopic14:29
sgclarkRiddell: I set up a utopic chroot14:31
sgclarkI will start on those and continue reading mounds of policies14:33
Riddellsgclark: policies are pretty dry, don't send yourself mad by going bored!14:35
Riddellsgclark: I think the first thing to do is just repackage all the kf5s for utopic14:35
Riddelland throw them up into next PPA14:36
yofelsgclark: uhm, you may read 'near future' as a time span counted in weeks. You should finish it before you apply for ~kubuntu-dev at least ^^14:36
yofelthe only thing that's more boring than the DP is the make manual14:37
Riddellapachelogger: home come tarme shows md5sums but sysadmins these days like sha256?14:37
sgclarklol ok14:39
kubotuRiddell meant: "apachelogger: how come tarme shows md5sums but sysadmins these days like sha256?"14:39
sgclarkso anything I should be aware of that I have been doing wrong? apachelogger did a bunch of updates and I am not clear on all that transpired today14:40
* sgclark wans to improve and learn from mistakes14:40
yofelwrong might not be the right word, we've been clearing some things up in here and with debian and apachelogger did a bunch of templating14:41
yofelsgclark: I think the points are mostly that pre-depends should be gone for multiarch, and package naming changes14:42
Riddellnothing is wrong when there are no rules set, and rules are inflexible hinderances :)14:42
apacheloggersgclark: don't define Section unless you know you need to, also make sure that Description is always last for package stanzas otherwise it looks really weird, otherwise nothing comes to mind14:42
apacheloggeroh and try to not split workspace bits too much I guess :P14:42
Riddellapachelogger: wrap-and-sort did moving Description around I think14:42
sgclarkahh apachelogger: wrap-and-sort did that wierd order14:42
apacheloggerpiece of shit script that one is14:43
* sgclark agrees14:43
yofelwell yeah, python lib bug -.-14:43
sgclarkit also randomly removed -dev packages14:43
apacheloggerwhy it is written in python I do not get btw14:43
yofelsomeone got tired of perl? ^^14:43
apacheloggeror someone simply didn't feel like using what everyone else uses...14:44
yofelapachelogger: didn't you want to rename kio?14:44
apacheloggeryofel: dude, I am walking up a pile of packages14:44
apacheloggercurrently I have reviewed 514:44
apacheloggerand that's not even really precise reviews14:44
apacheloggeryou see why I am not particularly happy about having soo many binary packages14:44
apacheloggerthe plasma packaging definitely has a runtime tie that is not represented14:46
apacheloggernamely I think the libs need to recommend plasma-framework14:46
apacheloggerguess the problem will turn up sooner or later14:46
apacheloggerBreaks: libkf5windowsystem5-data14:48
apacheloggerReplaces: ${F:Breaks}14:48
apacheloggerlook what I just did14:48
yofeldoes that seriously work o.O?14:51
apacheloggershould anyway14:51
yofelI'll trust it when I see the binary control file14:51
apacheloggerno faith in my awesome14:52
apacheloggerultimately I'd totally love to have a substvar for dev packages btw14:53
apacheloggermade a PoC for neon14:53
apacheloggersince the cmake configs declare other cmake packages that need to be present one can theoretically build the majority of -dev dependencies automatically from that14:54
apacheloggeryofel: doesn't work it seems14:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: does dpkg automatically substitute that or do you have to add additional scripts14:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: it would do it automatically 14:57
apacheloggerF: is a builtin14:57
yofelI think that it won't really work for fields that can be there multiple times14:58
apacheloggerfrom what I understand while parsecontrol runs through the control it will simply throw the resolved fields at the substvar instance14:58
apacheloggeryofel: it does14:58
apacheloggerI am not yet sure what exactly decide in which order they become available/get resolved though14:59
apacheloggerthere may well be buggery somewhere14:59
apacheloggerseeing as F: isn't exactly the most used thing ever14:59
apacheloggeryofel: I think you can only access the fields of the previous stanza actually15:00
yofeldeb-substvars doesn't really say much about it either :S15:00
apacheloggermaybe I need to address it differently15:06
apacheloggerit works when I pack it in description though15:06
apacheloggeryofel: it apparently processes things in a fixed order15:08
apacheloggeror not15:09
apacheloggerI don't get this ^^15:09
apacheloggerscrew it15:09
apacheloggerRiddell, sgclark: Package: kimageformat-plugins15:59
apacheloggerwhy -plugins?15:59
apachelogger!info kdoctools16:04
ubottukdoctools (source: kde4libs): various tools for accessing application documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu1.1 (trusty), package size 167 kB, installed size 2035 kB16:04
apacheloggeryofel, Riddell: did anyone ever make a conclusion on kf5-foo vs. foo-kf5 vs. foo5?16:04
apacheloggerwhen there's name clash with kde4 that is16:05
sgclarkapachelogger: has been -plugins since intitial release which was Rohan Garg (shadeslayer?)16:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: wheare art thou16:08
shadeslayerwhat's the source16:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: kimageformats16:09
apacheloggerwhich is what I reckon the package name should be16:09
shadeslayerthem logs blame Riddell16:10
apacheloggeryofel, Riddell: here's an intersting one as well ... kded5 contains kded5 binary and cmake stuff and so forth, so holding on to our defined convention it needs to be kded-dev kded kded-dbg, but isn't that way crazy then?16:11
sgclarkwell bzr yeah but changelog says you :)16:11
kubotufeed branches-next had 14 updates, showing the latest 816:14
apacheloggermaybe 6 after all16:14
apacheloggerkubotu: config set rss.announce_max 616:14
sgclarkapachelogger, Riddell: are you working on all of kf5? I should probably wait before porting all of these to utopic?16:15
apacheloggerI am anyway16:16
apacheloggerplus I fully expect some breakage in the deps16:16
sgclarkanything I can do to help?16:17
apacheloggernope, just wait :P16:17
apacheloggergoing to upload ppa20 when I am done16:17
apacheloggerthen probably some build fixing and then we are good for utopic16:17
=== vinay is now known as Guest91783
apacheloggeruploading ppa20 now16:43
apacheloggeroh actually that may not end in build failures, we'll see for utopic though ^^16:45
apacheloggersgclark: feel free to throw everything at utopic16:45
apacheloggerif both trusty and utopic end up green I guess we don't have any obvious dep issues at the very least16:46
sgclarkapachelogger: want me to help with build breaks?16:52
apacheloggersgclark: please, I am about to head out anyway16:59
sgclarkapachelogger: ok on it16:59
santa_apachelogger: wrt the kdesu todo in notes.k.o I was planning to do a massive change aabout that, mind if I prepare some merge requests today so you could review them later?17:06
apacheloggerlater == next week most likely17:07
apacheloggersanta_: the change actually doesn't need to be massive, it just needs a -bin package ^^17:08
santa_no, but I mean there are other packages affected by the same issue17:08
santa_i.e. having files which would belong somewhere else17:08
santa_* i.e. having files in lib* which would belong somewhere else17:09
apacheloggerah, didn't see any17:09
santa_apachelogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/kauth-work/+merge/222161 for instance17:10
santa_I think I found ~15-10 having similar issues17:10
santa_hmm, not so many17:11
apacheloggerI don't think moving plugins out makes any sense17:12
apacheloggerthey shouldn't be in the symbols file though if that's at all possible17:13
kubotufeed branches-next had 7 updates, showing the latest 617:13
apacheloggerah yeah, there's some with data files in lib apparently17:14
santa_I tend to think dpkg-gensymbols will complain17:14
apacheloggerthese framework packages are truly shitty to maintain17:14
santa_in any case that's what -bin packages are for17:14
apacheloggernot really, they are there for arch:any content17:14
apacheloggerjust like data is there for arch:all17:15
apacheloggerother than that one should be very mindful of what one decides to put where17:15
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=== Haudegen_ is now known as Haudegen
santa_sgclark: are you working on build failures?18:09
sgclarksanta_: yes18:11
santa_sgclark: may I help? let's use notes.kde.org?18:11
sgclarkas of right now solid is the hold up and nnew rev is building right now18:12
santa_sgclark: I see, now it seems it's almost done18:27
sgclarksanta_: don't think there will be much, but will let you know18:28
santa_sgclark: the kio -dev renaming18:29
santa_sgclark: I think kservice amd64 just needs a retry18:30
sgclarkkio-dev renaming?18:31
sgclarkthat is not someing I want to do without apachelogger approval18:31
santa_sgclark: I mean he renamed it, thus some packages should change its build deps18:32
sgclarkoh ok18:33
santa_sgclark: same for kdoctools, I think a retry would fix it18:35
santa_sgclark: same for ktextwidgets (I'm checking if they build here)18:43
sgclarkwe are doing the same thing heh18:43
santa_and now we have to wait because evrything else is below in the b-d graph :)18:45
yofelapachelogger: I don't think we really had a decision on naming conflicting stuff, to foo-kf5 would be my choice so it's at least still in the same alphabetical order18:45
yofeldebian folks didn't really say anything either :/18:45
CodePulsarDoes Kubuntu 14.04 come with a cron job for TRIM when enabling encryption at installation time ?19:12
CodePulsar*SSD Trim19:12
yofelCodePulsar: the util-linux package provies /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim, I don't think encryption will have anything to do with that, not sure though19:16
apacheloggeryofel: well, that's the thing kded technically doesn't conflict19:28
apacheloggerit might possibly just be confusing to the casual observer19:28
yofelwell yeah, all hail the splittery19:38
apacheloggerOTOH no one cares about kded19:39
apacheloggerand chances are there won't be a kded6 but stuff might get outsourced to systemd19:39
apacheloggerit's a bit of a cointoss the name on that one ^^19:39
yofelwell, if there is one we can name that kded6 then19:44
apacheloggeryeah, just saying that makes it even less desirable to name it  kded-kf5 rather than kded IMO19:49
yofelwell, foo-kf5 sounds pretty bad in general, so if there's any other better name that would be preferable, like kded5 here19:49
yofelexcept that kded is completle sufficient19:50
CodePulsaryofel: for encrypted partitions additional stuff needs to be done as per http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/enable-trim-on-ssd-solid-state-drives.html "For encrypted partitions" section20:00
shadeslayeryofel: pokety poke20:01
yofelshadeslayer: pong20:01
yofelCodePulsar: I don't have an ecrypted partition to verfy this either, so either ask in #kubuntu if someone can help, or feel free to file a bug 20:02
shadeslayeryofel: know anyone from Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Ubuntu GNOME?20:02
shadeslayerI can't think of anyone :S20:02
yofelfor what o.O? #ubuntu-quality would be a place to dig someone up for testing I guess, and there's #xubuntu-devel - haven't been in contact with the other flavors much lately20:04
shadeslayerwell, badgering them to give a session at UOS20:05
shadeslayerbtw, if anyone wants to give a session in the Ubuntu Development track, feel free to propose one and give me a link :D20:06
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ good idea to propose a session about KF5 packaging status/plans maybe?20:15
yofelagain, what do we still need to discuss?20:15
shadeslayernot a discussion, but more of a "Inform everyone about what our plans are"20:16
yofelif anything we could talk about how to get it in debian, but that's probably not a plan for the next debian release20:16
yofelhm, we need a dh_test result parser for kubuntu-status20:42
ahoneybunhey valorie22:12
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah go for it22:44
shadeslayerRiddell: go for the KF5 packaging session?22:44
shadeslayeryou'll have to do it btw :P22:44
Riddellque? mi? get sgclark to do it22:48
valoriehi ahoneybun23:05
valoriesorry, about to go afk and run23:06

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