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dholbachgood morning06:58
dpmmorning dholbach07:00
dholbachhey dpm07:00
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Environment Day! :-D08:16
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Laneyis it possible for something to swallow console.log and qDebug output?08:46
LaneyI can put them in system-settings code but they don't get printed out08:52
Laneywhy :(08:52
seb128Laney, how do you start system settings?08:59
Laneyseb128: ssh> system-settings --desktop_file_hint=/the/path/...09:00
Laneyit comes up and I get some warnings from qt but not the ones I put in the code09:00
dholbachdpm, do you have access to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+manage-official-tags?09:22
dholbachdpm, maybe I need to be admin in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntudeveloperportal/+members?09:23
dpmlet me have a look09:23
dpmdholbach, done, I've kicked you out of the team09:25
dholbachlooks like I'm done here09:25
dholbachseb128, do you need somebody new on your team?09:25
dpmthat'll teach you for complaining about tags09:25
dholbachdpm, I still don't have access to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+manage-official-tags09:25
dpmhm, weird09:26
seb128dholbach, want to come back doing desktop updates and merges like in the good old time? ;-)09:26
dholbachseb128, ... and ignore my bugs inbox ;-)09:26
dholbachor try to ignore09:26
seb128dholbach, that's not going to fly here :p09:27
dholbachdpm, maybe set the maintainer of the ubuntudeveloperportal project to ~ubuntudeveloperportal?09:28
dholbachseb128, I'm sure that's exactly what the rest of your team is doing ;-)09:28
seb128dholbach, calling them slackers?!09:28
dholbachseb128, my settings daemon crashed this morning!09:28
dholbachand how about some desktop sponsoring? :-P09:29
dpmdholbach, yeah, that was what I was trying to do, but LP does not seem to allow me to do that. I can only set it to be ubuntudeveloperportal-editors, which is another team. Give me a few mins to sort it out...09:29
dholbachdpm, don't worry too much09:29
dholbachdpm, I'm just filing a bunch of bugs right now and tag them with 'bitesize', 'screenshot', 'diagram' - that sort of thing09:30
dholbachI hope we make the whole thing a bit more manageable this way09:30
dpmseb128, even if dholbach is not officially joining the desktop team, feel free to give him some work, he's got way too much spare time09:30
seb128dholbach, desktop sponsoring queue is clean, "desktop-core: 1", "desktop-extra: 1"09:30
seb128dpm, yeah, I just noticed09:30
seb128dholbach, and yeah, the settings daemon issue is known/being worked on09:30
* dholbach looks into the direction of the kernel team09:30
seb128dholbach, you don't drink enough to join the kernel team09:30
* dpm hugs seb128 and dholbach09:30
* seb128 hugs dpm and dholbach09:31
dholbachseb128, I can at least try!09:31
* dholbach hugs you all :)09:31
dpmdholbach, ok, I'm asking in #launchpad how to set the maintainer to be that team, which I don't seem to be able to do. In the meantime, I can set up the official tags for you. Which ones would you like to have?09:38
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dholbachdpm, I used example, bitesize, diagram, screenshot09:39
dholbachdpm, not sure if there's others which have been used a lot09:39
nik90zbenjamin: ping (again sry :P)09:39
zbenjaminnik90: i'm here09:40
nik90zbenjamin: I am having trouble with the kit09:40
nik90zbenjamin: let me create a kit for the x86 emulator now, and send you a screenshot of the error09:40
nik901 min09:41
nik90zbenjamin: https://imgur.com/GCGToAr09:42
nik90zbenjamin: As you can see, i have used the chroot we created yesterday. It is a i386 chroot for the emulator.09:43
zbenjaminnik90: your host, is a also x86 or x86_6409:43
dpmdholbach, can you try now accessing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal/+manage-official-tags ?09:43
nik90zbenjamin: I have also added it to the project. However when I choose it as the kit and then press run, I get the error09:43
nik90zbenjamin: my host (laptop) is a x86_6409:43
dholbachdpm, well done - thanks09:44
zbenjaminnik90: what does the compile output say?09:44
nik90zbenjamin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7593701/09:44
zbenjaminweird , so it actually tries to start to build09:46
zbenjaminnik90: what you can try is, outside of qtc, log in the chroot, go to your project : cd project && mkdir build && cmake .. && make09:46
zbenjaminnik90: see if it builds09:46
nik90zbenjamin: how do I login into the chroot?09:46
zbenjaminnik90: in QtC you can go to Tools -> Options -> Ubuntu -> and click on Maintain  in the click chroot list09:47
zbenjaminnik90: or fromt he commandline  "click chroot -a <arch> -f <framework> run"  i think09:48
nik90zbenjamin: if I do it through the terminal, the it built fine09:51
nik90 Built target ubuntu-clock-appbackend-qmldir09:51
nik90zbenjamin: should I delete the kit and create it again?09:54
nik90zbenjamin: this was the kit that was automatically created by qtc09:54
zbenjaminnik90: no, i don't think that will help09:54
zbenjaminnik90: try rightclick on the project -> run cmake -> and then build again09:56
nik90zbenjamin: same error09:58
zbenjamini try to reproduce your issue but i need to create a click chroot first09:59
nik90zbenjamin: however in my emulator, I see an empty ubunut-clock-app09:59
nik90zbenjamin: On clicking it I was shown the qml file chooser dialog :)09:59
zbenjaminok let me try to reproduce this, sadly that will take a while because my connection is not so fast10:00
dpmpopey, branch review call?10:03
karniHi folks. How can I force the emulator to be smaller in terms of screen size? How can I change density?10:25
karnidensity in terms of resizing the emulator10:25
nik90karni: when you run from the terminal you can add an argument -size: 0.510:26
nik90if I remember vaguely10:26
karninik90: thanks, will try (and find a place where to put that in Ubuntu SDK)10:26
nik90karni: np10:27
karnizbenjamin: Do you perhaps now how to apply nik90's hit regarding emulator size through Ubuntu SDK? I'm not starting the emulator from terminal, been looking for where I can provide -size: 0510:30
zbenjaminkarni: there is a script called local_start_emulator in /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts10:33
karniaha, line 19 looks like it :)10:33
karnizbenjamin: thanks pal! I think it would be fantastic to be able to apply this settting from Ubuntu SDK :)10:33
zbenjaminkarni: line 30 is the command just add --size behind the memory switch10:34
karnioh, this computer is still trusty. different like, but I got the point :)10:34
zbenjaminkarni: thats true, but that is convenience and atm not very high in priority ;)10:35
karnizbenjamin: sure, I imagine. though, the emulator is huge :)10:35
karnizbenjamin: I'll file a bug, so we keep trak of this10:35
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zbenjaminkarni: make it more generic , like "Support setting emulator switches from the SDK" instead of just the size switch10:36
karnizbenjamin: reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/132673710:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326737 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Support setting emulator switches from the SDK" [Undecided,New]10:41
zbenjaminkarni: thx10:42
karnithank you10:43
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zbenjaminmzanetti: didn't you create a bug for the problem with the SSH keys?10:48
zbenjaminbug report i mean10:48
t1mpkalikiana: I happroved https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/initSortOrder2/+merge/222072 again after the fix for the .xauthority file was merged in staging10:56
mzanettizbenjamin: yes10:57
mzanettilemme search for it10:57
mzanettizbenjamin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123792310:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1237923 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "SSH keys should not be generated automatically - or at least kept for QtCreator use only" [Medium,Confirmed]10:58
zbenjaminmzanetti: thx, just uploaded a branch with the fix for that10:58
mzanettizbenjamin: yay :)10:58
mzanettiSaviq: ^10:58
Saviq\o/ \o\ /o/10:59
* Saviq can't ssh into my device image 65 anyway, I think they start locking stuff up ;)11:00
mzanettiSaviq: yes. there was a mail about that11:00
Saviqit's good that we *just* got the phablet-shell tool, which is useless now ;)11:00
kalikianat1mp: thx11:01
ogra_Saviq, security demanded we drop password auth support11:01
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Saviqogra_, yeah, I'm publickey...11:02
ogra_cant argue with the security team :)11:02
Saviqogra_, and I can't log in11:02
ogra_oh ?11:02
Saviqneed to dbg a bit more11:02
ogra_not even with phablet-shell ?11:02
zbenjaminno SSH process started?11:02
Saviqzbenjamin, no, it rejects me11:02
ogra_use adb to debug ;)11:03
Saviqyeah I know, just have a bit bigger thing to tackle first, TED!11:04
karniSaviq: please let me know of your findings, I didn't have time to debug phablet-shell, I'm having the same problem.11:10
Saviqkarni, will do11:10
zbenjaminnik90: i can reproduce your problem . Currently I don'T know why its not working. Theoretically it should be exactly the same11:14
nik90zbenjamin: it is good to know that you can reproduce the issue though11:14
zbenjaminnik90: it should not make a difference between logging in and running the build and running the build with click chroot run cmake11:14
zbenjaminnik90: there might be a bug in the chroot itself11:14
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carldukeanyone know a Canical email address that I could write to? I'm an Ubuntu apps developer and I'm having some troubles with uploading my app (not reiceving any answer)11:51
dpm_hi carlduke11:52
dpm_what type of issues are having?11:52
nik90ahayzen, dpm: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYed7aW-8ZozRAdVgfKTJW-xmC2Skpf9eef_V4pKUmL9oGmNyA11:52
nik90popey: ^^11:53
ahayzennik90, o/11:53
dpm_nik90, joining in a minute, thanks!11:53
carldukeI uploaded my app something like two weeks ago, and it's still in pending review.  I tried to write in the "feedback" section but I didn't get any reply11:53
ahayzenvthompson, ^^11:53
nik90ah he is on irc11:53
dpm_carlduke, can you give us the URL of your app in myapps.developer.com for us to have a look?11:54
carldukesure wait11:54
nik90ahayzen: are you able to join?11:54
carldukehere it is https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/3783/11:54
popeynik90: one moment11:55
ahayzennik90, i'm in!11:55
popeycarlduke: there's quite a queue for desktop apps I'm afraid, and one of the guys who deals with it is on vacation.11:56
popeycarlduke: sorry about that.11:56
carldukeAh okay! no problem, thanks! I just wanted to be sure there was no problem with my package :)11:56
popeycarlduke: well I can't guarantee that ☻11:57
carldukeyeah but It must be something like that as usually problems with the package show up during the following steps ;)11:58
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mihirpopey: for calendar we doing hangout or IRC  today ?12:33
ogra_Saviq, fyi, i cant reproduce any issues with phablet-shell over here, works just fine12:39
dholbachpopey, regarding your last webapp-googlecalendar review: try again with the version from trunk12:39
dholbachpopey, unfortunately it's just in trunk, but not in other versions yet, because of some issues we're still working out12:39
dholbachjdstrand, shall I do an upload of click-reviewers-tools to utopic?12:40
popeydholbach: I always use trunk. every review I do, I pull click-reviewers-tools12:40
dholbachpopey, and you ran from bzr?12:40
dholbachjdstrand, what do you suggest we do about bug 1324121?12:40
ubot5bug 1324121 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "FTBFS on saucy/trusty since r195" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132412112:40
popeydholbach: i bzr pull every time12:40
dakerpopey: battery life has decreased this week, not sure why :(12:41
dakeri am seeing apport always running and taking +50% on CPU12:41
dholbachpopey, with latest trunk I just get a warning in the lint_description test12:42
ogra_daker, which image ?12:42
ogra_we had a few seriously broken ones12:43
Saviqogra_, yeah, I need to dig in12:43
popeydholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594571/12:43
ogra_daker, uuh, upgrade :P12:43
dakerogra_: and the indicators don't appear when the welcome screen in on12:43
ogra_thats a completely broken image12:44
ogra_64 too iirc12:44
dholbachpopey, maybe it's calling /usr/bin/click-run-checks?12:44
dakerogra_: :(12:44
dholbachinstead of ./bin/click-run-checks?12:44
popey /home/alan/phablet/click-reviewers-tools/bin/click-run-checks12:44
popeyits calling that12:44
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7594585/ is the script12:45
dholbachpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594588/ is what I got12:45
popeydholbach: dunno what I'm doing wrong then12:47
dholbachpopey, I'll take a look at it - to me it seems like the app could be approved, but I'll have a closer look first12:48
jdstranddholbach: lets not do a build just yet, something came up with scopes confinement and I need to make a change to the tools12:52
dholbachjdstrand, ok, WFM - shall I upload a backported apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu to the sdk staging ppa for trusty? (saucy will be hard and we might want to ignore it for now?)12:53
jdstranddholbach: as for apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu to saucy-- why is this an issue? is the sdk team even supporting saucy any more? (I thought I heard they were not)12:53
jdstranddholbach: hold off on the apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu backport until it is at 1.2.4 (same thing with scopes confinement)12:54
dholbachjdstrand, we had a daily build which was targeting saucy first, then saucy and trusty, etc - I'm happy to turn off and ignore saucy12:54
dholbachjdstrand, all right, I'll just disable saucy for now then12:54
dholbachthanks jdstrand12:54
jdstranddholbach: I could be wrong btw-- like I said, I thought I heard that somewhere12:54
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popeyjdstrand: do you have an eta for a-e-u 1.2.4 in the image so we can land https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalManagement/+merge/213355 ?13:07
jdstrandpopey: I am working on it right now13:07
jdstrandpopey: do you have a device on the latest image? if so, can you paste the output of 'cat /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/com.ubuntu.music_music_<highest version>'13:11
dholbachpopey, do you get the same output if you go into the directory manually and run bzr pull; ./bin/click-run-checks <click path>? (still not sure why this is happening)13:12
popeyi do13:12
* jdstrand wants to know if it is still unconfined13:12
popeyjdstrand: it is13:13
popey    "template": "unconfined",13:13
jdstrandok, thanks13:13
jdstrandthat helps with my 1.2.4 upload13:13
popeyanything else you need? tea, cakes?13:13
jdstrandhehe, no, I'm almost to the point of testing it13:13
popeydholbach: yes13:14
popeydholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594734/13:14
popeydholbach: is it possible it's pulling some python library from the installed click-reviewers-tools deb, rather than the local stuff?13:15
dholbachpopey, ahhhh, you're on trusty right? probably and "old" version of apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu or click or wherever the framework definitions live?13:15
dholbachpopey, ok, then I guess we'll have to wait for stuff to be backported to the sdk ppa13:17
popeyoh, thats annoying. i cant reliably check apps then13:17
jdstrandzbenjamin: hey, so, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu 1.2.3 has the debug policy group13:19
dholbachpopey, I don't know which package exactly needs backporting right now - I pinged bzoltan about click itself and apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu is on hold (cf above)13:19
dholbachAFAICT it'll be done soon13:19
jdstrandzbenjamin: have you tried it? it isn't clear to me how to test it13:19
dholbachand it's "just" the lint_framework check13:20
dholbachbut yeah, it'll be good when this is fixed13:20
dpm_hi fginther, balloons - could you give us a hand determining why this MP failed on Jenkins? -> https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/DatePicker/+merge/21216313:23
fgintherdpm_, it looks like the failing test is meant to be skipped. Is that the case?13:28
Saviqogra_, does https://pastebin.canonical.com/111156/ tell anything to you re: ssh issue?13:28
dpmpkunal-parmar, do you know more about that failing test to answer fginther's question?13:29
pkunal-parmarwhat i know is, Leo is going to help us fixing the those test case13:30
pkunal-parmarso we need not skip those13:30
ogra_Saviq, the keys dont match i think13:30
Saviqogra_, well, they match in image 64 ;D13:31
Saviqogra_, ok, cleared things up and it works now13:32
Saviqogra_, looks like it's more strict now or something13:32
Saviqogra_, had to drop the original authorized_keys*; touch -m authorized_keys and cat > authorized_keys my key13:32
Saviqkarni, ↑13:32
ogra_file a bug against ühablet-tools please, i'm sure robru didnt intend to have it behave like this13:32
karniSaviq: \o/13:33
Saviqkarni, wait for it13:33
Saviqnow I can't log in again13:33
SaviqI could only log in once?? wtf13:33
dpm_ok, thanks pkunal-parmar13:34
Saviqaaah phablet-tools breaks it for me13:34
Saviqphablet-shell I mean13:34
Saviqyup, it replaces authorized_keys with the canonical one, and it tries my own one first and fails13:35
Saviqkarni, so yeah, as long as you don't use phablet-shell, stuff should work13:35
dpm_elopio, we've got a test failing on https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/DatePicker/+merge/212163 and we can't figure out why - the calendar devs are mentioning that you were saying you were planning to fix that test. Is this something that you are looking into? Or is there anything else we can do to get that longstanding branch landed?13:36
karniSaviq: haha wait. wasn't this supposed to *FIX* using phablet-shell :D?13:36
Saviqkarni, yeah, I don't know what's happening13:36
SaviqI can't log in again13:36
karniSaviq: ah, I suppose we were talking about diffrent things. you're trying to ssh in, I was trying to use phablet-shell. similar symptom once you use phablet-shell, I suppose :)13:37
Saviqkarni, p-s uses ssh13:37
Saviqkarni, just tcp-forwarded over adb13:37
karniyes, I know :)13:37
karniI mean, I don't know the internals, but it just wraps stuff we'd normally do in CLI13:37
t1mpzsombi: I cleaned up https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1wUUKtPmRmwbUELC1BUB9l0VOAwS_zAPRSCqMopUxR1c/edit after our discussion13:38
t1mp\o/ hurray we have finally agreed on the new header API :)13:38
zsombit1mp: looks "clean" now :)13:39
Saviqok I *kinda* know what's happening now13:39
t1mpzsombi: the "content" property is very close (actually the same) as what we were using all the time, but which we did not support :)13:40
zsombit1mp: :)13:41
t1mpzsombi: btw, what do you think of this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/98-DeprecateHeader/+merge/22193513:43
t1mpzsombi: ^there are 3 apps that use select_single(Header) in their AP tests that need to update to use our cpo's before I can make that change, but other than that it is ready13:43
t1mpzsombi: I'm gonna propose changes to those apps now, it is some work so better stop me now if you think that MR is complete nonsense13:44
zsombit1mp: so we have a CPO now for that, right?13:44
t1mpzsombi: yes, we have a CPO, but elopio checked and three apps don't use that yet13:44
t1mpso they use the internals which will break when we change stuff13:45
zsombit1mp: what if you make the CPO first with the current setup, change the apps then we remove the header?13:45
Saviqkarni, bug #1326805, sounds related to what you're seeing?13:45
ubot5bug 1326805 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-shell replaces authorized_keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132680513:45
t1mpzsombi: can you top-approve this? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/98-DeprecateHeader/+merge/22193513:45
t1mpzsombi: no not that one!13:45
t1mpzsombi: can you top-approve this? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/deprecateSheets/+merge/221879 :)13:46
t1mpzsombi: ya13:46
zsombit1mp: done13:46
karniI believe it may be the same issue. The problem is that I haven't ssh'ed in for a while (just used adb shell). I'll mark it as affecting me.13:46
t1mpzsombi: hmm.. is it going to land now that you top-approved after CI rejected (because of the .xauthority file which just got fixed in staging)13:47
Saviqoh yay, now I locked myself out of chinstrap :D13:48
karniFTR not the case here, though13:51
zsombit1mp: let's see... I don;'t think so...13:51
t1mpzsombi: ok I'll do an empty commit to re-trigger CI13:51
t1mpzsombi: I merged staging on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/deprecateSheets/+merge/22187913:52
t1mpzsombi: interesting, it is still "Approved", it didn't go back to "Needs review" automatically13:52
t1mpI thought that always happens when I make a change13:53
zsombit1mp: no, it doesn't, but the CI will fail, and then we can set it again13:53
t1mpzsombi: I set it back to needs review13:53
t1mpzsombi: if you happrove now, it will be happroved after my latest change13:53
t1mpand then everything should pass automatically13:53
t1mpor I can happrove myself ;)13:54
t1mpok thanks13:54
t1mpzsombi: did we ever discuss changing default values of properties?13:56
t1mpzsombi: I am thinking to set useDeprecatedToolbar to false by default in uitk 1.1, but keep it true in 1.013:56
t1mpthat may mess up apps that use 1.1 but which rely on the toolbar13:56
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zsombit1mp: hmm... you shoudl communicate before doing that. The name of the API is anyway bad :)13:57
t1mpzsombi: I'm not saying to just make the switch today, of course I'll communicate it first if we do that :)13:58
t1mpand useDeprecatedToolbar is a suitable name :)13:58
t1mpzsombi: or we introduce 1.2 and switch there13:58
elopiodpm_: I have never seen before the test that's failing. But I can give it a try.14:02
dpm_elopio, great, thanks. Even if it's to give us some pointers, that'd already help. Not really sure why it's failing14:03
elopiodpm_: ok, give me some minutes14:03
elopiodpm_: replying late, yes, we don't need the evernote 2.7 packages.14:04
elopiodpm_: and on evernote I found that it's now getting a segfault on online accounts.14:04
elopiostill debugging there.14:04
dpm_elopio, ah, yes, confirmed by Nick (re: the 2.7 packages), but thanks for coming back to me on that one14:05
zsombit1mp: postpone the pain :D14:05
zsombit1mp: that will not happen in 14.10 timeframe14:05
dpm_elopio, what is getting a segfault? The python sdk when trying to access evernote via o-a?14:05
elopiodpm_: no, online accounts when the reminders app is opened.14:06
elopiosomething similar happened on the click scope14:06
elopioso I'm tracing back my steps on how we fixed that one.14:06
t1mpzsombi: before using the new header API (in 1.1), app developers still have to explicitly say useDeprecatedToolbar: false, which seems a bit silly14:07
dpm_elopio, huh? I've not seen that one. It's working fine here. On what image? Or are you testing on the desktop?14:07
elopiodpm_: ah, but it's because of the account we add before opening the app14:07
zsombit1mp: that's why we should change its default value to false14:07
elopionothing to worry on your side. Ot doesn't happen if we add the account throug system settings.14:07
t1mpzsombi: in 1.1 only, right? 1.0 doesn't offer all of the new header stuff anyway14:08
zsombit1mp: yep14:09
t1mpzsombi: ok14:09
jdstranddholbach: ok, click-reviewers-tools can be updated (though apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu 1.2.4 still isn't uploaded)14:15
dholbachjdstrand, ok, I'll take care of it now and we can still do the backports later on14:15
jdstranddholbach: be sure to use r198. thanks for taking care of that! :)14:19
dholbachjdstrand, I saw your message a millisecond too late - I'll take care of that :-/14:20
t1mpboiko, elopio: I have an MP for messaging-app: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/messaging-app/ap-get-header/+merge/22220114:25
t1mpboiko, elopio: I did not test it (I think the messaging-app dependencies will mess up my system), but we need a change like this. If the MP is wrong, probably you can easily remove that function in your own branch14:25
t1mpanyway I couldn't see any place where you use the function14:26
boikot1mp: thanks for that, I will be doing some more changes to messaging-app's ap tests, I will probably include that in the same branch if you don't mind14:27
t1mpboiko: sure14:27
elopiot1mp: boiko, +114:27
t1mpboiko: do you know how long it will take?14:27
t1mpboiko: let me know when you have the changes. I am preparing a change in UITK that breaks your test if you are using your custom get_header() function, see https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/98-DeprecateHeader/+merge/22193514:28
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t1mpelopio: I'll check notes-app and terminal-app later14:35
t1mpelopio: unless you want to do it first ;)14:35
* t1mp afk now14:36
elopiot1mp: unlikely :)14:36
t1mpelopio: ok, np :)14:38
balloonsdpm, on https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/DatePicker/+merge/212163 the test likely needs updated. They've changed the new event qml14:39
dpmballoons, but he did update the test, didn't he? The failure in the logs doesn't look like a failed test?14:40
balloonsdpm, no the only changes I see are to skip tests14:40
dpmhm, weird14:40
balloonsit's probably not too hard to update the test14:41
balloonsbut the results are legitimate14:41
dpmballoons, ah, so I guess it's down to what this comment was already saying: https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/DatePicker/+merge/212163/comments/50386214:42
dholbachdpm, balloons, mhall119, popey: I filed a bunch of bugs on ubuntudeveloperportal and tried to tag them / set importance of them... if you could help a bit during your docs day (or one of the next), that'd be great14:42
balloonsdpm, wow, this branch is quite old.. I wonder if the datepicker emulator has landed. If not we can ask someone to write one14:43
balloonsneed to make sure a bug exists for it if one doesn't14:43
dpmballoons, it's our oldest branch indeed. Could you help us figuring out whether there is an emulator already and if not, to figure out what to do?14:44
dpmIt'd be great to finally merge the branch14:44
balloonsdpm, yep I'll look and see if it exists. If not, I'll write it. Getting it into the sdk will be a separate task14:45
dpmballoons, if there is no emulator we could also skip the test, get the branch merged, but block a store update until the test is written14:45
balloonsdpm, yes we could do that.. That would take seconds if you just want ot land the branch14:45
dpmdholbach, awesome, will don, thanks!14:46
balloonsI could propose a branch to add it afterwards14:46
mhall119dholbach: thanks, I'll go through the open bugs today14:46
dholbachrock on14:46
dpmballoons, ok, cool, so do you think it makes sense?14:46
ahayzen_balloons, when your free could you let me know14:46
balloonsdpm, yes given the circumstances. To do it, I would want a bug filed and linked in with the skip14:46
balloonsahayzen_, I haven't forgotten about you.. I'm sorry I've been out!14:47
balloonsI spent a little time with the branch last night14:47
ahayzen_balloons, no worries we have a slight change of plan.... so firstly we are gonna ignore the dbus error on startup and concentrate on fixing the autopilot tests first, as i have proved it is not music-app it is mediascanner2....14:48
ahayzen_balloons, now the autopilot tests themselves popey said if we can't figure out how to get the isolation/fakeenv working then we should go back to patching the live home rather than trying to create a fake environment.... as it is more important to land this and remove grilo than preserving peoples ~/Music correctly at the moment14:49
dpmballoons, bug 1326833 - how do we skip a test?14:49
ubot5bug 1326833 in Ubuntu Calendar App "[QA] Need test for adding a new event" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132683314:49
balloonsahayzen_, yes the plan was always to remove the fakenv patching so the branch could land14:50
ahayzen_popey, did we set a deadline date/time for not figuring out isolation/fakeenv?14:50
balloonsahayzen_, I don't want to play with it in this merge14:50
ahayzen_balloons, ah cool... i've got sooo confused where everything is now14:50
popeyahayzen_: by the end of the week really.14:51
balloonsahayzen_, hah, yay. The only thing stopping me was the core dump on launch.. I still can't run music by itself, even with a pristine home and nothing in it14:51
ahayzen_popey, sounds like we may be going this route anyway14:51
ahayzen_balloons, what about on device?14:51
balloonspopey, yes basically I spent time with jdstrand trying to get it to work, but it's proving extremely difficult to get right.. the apparmor policy keeps growing14:51
ahayzen_balloons, i can run in a utopic VM... and on my device ... it seems to be worse when you have large libraries14:52
ahayzen_balloons, or the 'hack' i found was to make another process use 100% CPU then it doesn't core dump lol14:52
balloonsahayzen_, I couldn't run it last not on utopic14:52
balloonsahayzen_, yes, well, heh, that should be fixed14:52
ahayzen_balloons, even on your device can you not run?14:53
balloonsahayzen_, I didn't try the device.. I was focusing on the desktop as I need it to run to write the test easily14:53
ahayzen_balloons, yep there is a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner2/+bug/132675314:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326753 in mediascanner2 "Mediascanner2 QML applications fail to start" [Undecided,New]14:53
balloonsahayzen_, so how are you going to land it then?14:53
ahayzen_balloons, ah damn14:54
ahayzen_balloons, we popey said to just land it anyway as it isn't our bug...14:54
balloonsahayzen_, well we can land as-is then.. it passes jenkins.. but indeed tests are broken14:54
balloonsrunning it is broken14:54
ahayzen_balloons, but we obviously need to get the AP tests passing14:54
balloonswe don't want to push that into the store14:54
balloonsyou can file a bug to track the tests14:55
ahayzen_balloons, it runs *sometimes* lol... as i said small libraries usually work14:55
balloonsahayzen_, lol.. my library was 0 files and it doesn't run for me14:55
ahayzen_balloons, oh damn :(14:55
balloonsI can do the work to undo things anyways and assume it will work I guss14:55
jdstrandbug 1326753 is likely a dupe of bug 130396214:55
ubot5bug 1326753 in mediascanner2 "Mediascanner2 QML applications fail to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132675314:55
ubot5bug 1303962 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "please integrate mediascanner2 and media-hub with apparmor" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130396214:55
ahayzen_jdstrand, but this is on trusty desktop...and it *sometimes* works14:56
jdstrandah, then likely not14:56
ahayzen_jdstrand, surely that is not apparmor?14:56
jdstrandahayzen_: you could double check by doing 'grep DEN /var/log/syslog'14:56
ahayzen_jdstrand, nothing appears in syslog14:57
ahayzen_jdstrand, nothing appears in any logs which is really worrying :(14:57
ahayzen_balloons, do you experience the same? nothing in any of the logs?14:57
elopiodpm_: the calendar test calendar_app.tests.test_calendar.TestMainView.test_new_event also fails in trunk. And it's because when you click the a text field for the first time, it doesn't get enabled.14:57
elopiothat's on create a new event. The second time you click it, it gets the focus.14:58
balloonsahayzen_, not entirely sure I can run again and check14:58
balloonselopio, there's a bug for that one14:58
ahayzen_popey, what direction/actions should we take now?14:59
balloonsvictor actually worked around it and that landed, so trunk should work14:59
elopioballoons: I can't find it, do you have the # ?15:01
popeyso we have two choices? proceed with (trying to) mock home or revert and go back to trampling on ~/Music, right?15:01
balloonspopey, no we can only trample on ~/Music15:02
popeyOk, that's what we do then.15:02
balloonsbut the mediascanner2 issue that stops it from running is a problem15:02
popeyi thought the ms2 issue only occurred intermittently, not during AP?15:04
ahayzen_popey, if it occurs on your machine then you seems to always get it15:05
balloonspopey, I can't launch the branch at all on my desktop.. it just core dumps15:07
balloonsand yes ahayzen_ jdstrand nothing in syslog about apparmor denials :-)15:08
ahayzen_balloons, i tried running dbus-monitor but couldn't spot anything obvious either15:08
popeyballoons: any suggestion who might be able to debug this? guessing tvoss / jamesh ?15:09
balloonsdpm, there is a datepicker helper in the sdk15:12
balloonsso the tests should be able to use it15:13
dpmballoons, ah, nice. Could you help the developer with some pointers as a comment on that MP? I don't think he's got previous AP experience15:14
balloonsI think I should try on my laptop with a clean home.. maybe the out of mem errors won't appear and it will print something usefulk15:17
dpmelopio, oh, so howcome the test_new_event fails on trunk locally but not on Jenkins? Was it disabled somehow in the past?15:19
balloonsahh yes the trace is better15:22
elopiodpm_: I don't know. The results of the latest MP on trunk are too old and no longer on Jenkins.15:24
elopioalso, I'm running on trusty. But I'm not sure if jenkins will succeed.15:24
elopioon yohan's branch it's currently failing because of the wrong use of skip.15:24
dpmelopio, what do you mean by the wrong use of skip?15:26
elopiodpm_: I left a comment on the branch. He's trying to skip the test, but without a comment python will raise an exception.15:27
elopiodpm_: maybe, if the skip is removed, jenkins will show the same error I'm seeing.15:27
balloonsdpm, yep, link the bug in there15:27
balloonsalso, he doesn't need to have the     @unittest.skip on the helper function15:27
balloonsahayzen_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7595542/ is a dump of me trying to start music app on a blank /home15:36
ahayzen_balloons, thanks, as popey said who would be best to debug this?15:39
balloonsahayzen_, who has helped you with mediascanner in the past?15:41
ahayzen_balloons, jamesh mostly but he cc'd tvoss in the last message related to dbus issued15:41
balloonsahayzen_, then I would start with those two for this as well :-)15:42
ahayzen_balloons, cool15:42
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dpmelopio, so do you think you might be able to fix the test as per your comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~yohanboniface/ubuntu-calendar-app/DatePicker/+merge/212163/comments/532186 ? Or shall we skip it, merge the branch as it is, and block store uploads until the test has been fixed?15:44
dpmThe branch is over 2 months old, so I'd really like to merge it asap before it diverges even more15:45
ahayzen_balloons, i've added your dump to the bug and ping'd a mail the james and thomas...now we wait for a reply :)16:06
balloonsahayzen_, so I pushed the backup / restore code. I've no way to confirm it works tho ;-(16:06
ahayzen_balloons, ok thanks... i can try in my utopic VM as that was working...16:06
ahayzen_balloons, self.home_dir is never set anywhere so it breaks16:12
balloonsahayzen_, cool, let me fix quickly16:12
balloonsahayzen_, pushed16:14
* ahayzen_ pulls16:14
balloonsI still don't know how you have this working16:14
balloonsahh, I think there is another issue tho16:14
ahayzen_balloons, tests/__init__.p: line 193, file exists16:14
ahayzen_balloons, it cannot do the os.mkdir(musicpath)16:15
balloonsahayzen_, right.. let me check all the mkdirs and fix16:15
ahayzen_balloons, idk my VM seems to work (only has ~30 tracks) ... but i'm not complaining as it is helping us debug autopilot for now :)16:15
elopiodpm: I'm not able to fix it, but it's a regression16:36
elopioit shouldn't be skipped.16:36
elopioit should be fixed in a separate branch by a developer, and no new branches should be merged while we have that regression16:37
nik90t1mp: ping16:39
t1mpnik90: hi16:41
nik90t1mp: I need your opinion on the design I got...https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JvDyhsW17d1-Mz8OY1YMBKwfRI2z9qgyRjbujEsxEMk/edit#slide=id.g34303b1ce_2_016:41
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t1mpwhat do you need an opinion on?16:42
nik90t1mp: as you see the home page does not have a header. So I will just be using the MainView.16:43
t1mpI thought bottom edge was going to show the clocks in different places, or is the bottom edge different in the alarms page?16:43
nik90t1mp: however when a user slides up the bottom panel, the saved alarms will be shown.16:43
t1mpnik90: you can still use a Page. Currently just set the title to "" (bad API, with the new API you can set Page.head.mode: "hidden")16:44
nik90t1mp: but can I put the page inside a bottom panel?16:44
t1mpnik90: yes, should work I think. And once you swipe it up completely, you push it on the PageStack and the header appears :)16:45
t1mpnik90: there is an app that does this already.. let me see which one was it16:45
t1mprenato: ^was it address-book?16:45
t1mpboiko: or messaging-app?16:45
t1mprenato, boiko see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/presentation/d/1JvDyhsW17d1-Mz8OY1YMBKwfRI2z9qgyRjbujEsxEMk/edit#slide=id.g34303b1ce_2_016:46
nik90t1mp: ah so while it is being swiped up, the page is shown, but once the swipe is complete, I push the page into the pagestack16:46
dpmelopio, it's a regression where? In AP, or in the test, or in the app?16:46
t1mpnik90: yes, that seems the way it should work. If it doesn't work maybe we should make it such that it works16:47
nik90t1mp: ok.16:47
nik90t1mp: last thing was https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B-I2gOjaTc7dR01RODhVbXBLbkk16:47
elopiodpm: in the app. You can give it a try. Open the calendar, go to new event, and then click the name text field.16:47
renatonik90, yeah we have that implemented as a private component for address-book-app, message, dialer16:47
renatoyou can copy the code16:47
nik90t1mp: is it possible to make the bottom panel indicator hide after a certain time..in the video the "2 active alarms" hint hides after 3 seconds16:47
nik90renato: thnx. Do you have a link to that private component?16:48
t1mpnik90: we don't have indicators for the panel yet in uitk, and I don't think we will before rtm, so you have to implement that yourself16:48
renatonik90, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/address-book-app/new-designer-contact-list/view/head:/src/imports/ContactList/PageWithBottomEdge.qml16:48
nik90t1mp: ack16:49
nik90renato: thnx16:49
balloonsI love music and mediascanner. Seems I've wiped my entire local music collection16:50
dpmelopio, I'm running the DatePicker branch on my desktop, and clicking on the "Event name" field does as expected. What are you seeing? Or should I be running this on a device to reproduce it?16:50
balloonspretty slick...16:50
dpmsee, your storage space problems gone! :)16:51
balloonsyea.. just a decade or so of music wiped.. heh16:51
t1mpballoons: oh, crap.16:51
dpmoh really?16:51
dpmthat sucks16:51
balloonswell, I don't backup my music folder in my backup run.16:51
t1mpballoons: I had something similar with gallery-app (does that use mediascanner?) autopilot tests wiping my ~/Pictures16:52
balloonsyea, I think it might really be gone16:52
dpmah, shit16:52
balloonsthis is why backup/restore sucks and mocking is the only sane solution16:52
t1mpballoons: I agree with that16:52
balloonsI moved it.. I've no idea how it got caught up16:52
* balloons sits stunned16:57
popeyballoons: thepiratebay has a backup of your music for your convenience16:57
balloonspopey, lol.. I found my of my original work, so I only lost a couple pieces there I think.. Those are backed up :-) But yea, pretty vrazy16:58
balloonsI'm just confused how it happened16:58
balloonstime to get forensic.. time to boot from the livecd16:59
balloonsback in a bit16:59
jphilipzpopey: hope the suggestions were useful, sent you another suggestion today :)17:22
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
balloonsbig system offline while the attempted restore runs :-017:31
balloonsahayzen_, I'll be back to hacking when it's odne17:32
ahayzen_balloons, ok :)17:32
mhall119ahayzen_: nik90: the Community Council is talking about the app dev community in #ubuntu-meeting if you guys care to join and give feedback17:32
popeyIf any core apps devs are about there's a community council meeting in #ubuntu-meeting right now which may be interesting for you to lurk or contribute to17:32
popeybeat me to it17:32
balloonstoo slow!17:32
elopiodpm-afk: are you on trusty or utopic?17:36
elopiowhat I see is that nothing happens the first time I click the text field.17:36
elopiothe second time, it gets focused.17:37
balloonselopio, i have time now i can help17:38
elopioballoons: can you run the gallery from trunk and try to create a new event, please?17:39
balloonsyou mean calendar yes? and yes17:39
elopiosorry, yes17:40
balloonselopio, this is the new menu system.. I wonder if I'm missing a component17:42
* balloons installs ubuntu-sdk17:43
elopioballoons: I'm seeing the new menu too, I thought that was the idea.17:45
balloonselopio, it is.. I just can't use it.. Finally got a new laptop, so I'm probably missing a lib. Just set it up17:46
balloonsinstall almost done and I'll try again. Anyways, let me find the old bug and merge for this17:47
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balloonshmm.. I'm not seeing it. I'm feeling crazy17:50
balloonsvthompson isn't about.. but I remember him looking at this and fixing it17:50
balloonselopio, cool working now. So what issue are you seeing?17:56
elopioballoons: when I click the name text field, it doesn't get the focus.17:57
elopioI have to click it twice.17:57
balloonselopio, ahh.. it was rssreader!17:58
balloonsthis is what I was thkning of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/132168017:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1321680 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "TextField onAccepted is fired twice when enter or return is pressed" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:58
balloonselopio, i believe it only required one click for me17:59
balloonsahh nope, you are correct18:00
elopioballoons: utopic?18:00
balloonsthere's some other issues I see, and yes this is on utopic18:00
elopiooh, good :)18:00
balloonsI also can't get dayview to show up18:00
elopioballoons: so, regression right? Not tests fault?18:00
balloonselopio, that's a problem.. But the merge in question also changes the new event page and probably should include test updates for it18:01
balloonsso it's complex :-)18:01
balloonsI wonder if it's an sdk issue or something within calendar18:01
balloonswe'll have to look @ the qml18:01
balloonselopio, seems like the first textfield requires 2 clicks, then they all work18:02
elopioballoons: any text field fails at the first click.18:02
elopioafter you click one text field, any one works.18:02
balloonselopio, yes I agree18:02
* balloons pulls and tries clock-app18:02
elopioI'm going to have lunch. I'll ping you when I'm back to see if you need help.18:02
elopiothis requires a QML test :D18:02
balloonselopio, :-)18:02
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
popeyt1mp: any estimate on when https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1317816 will be looked at?18:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1317816 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Tab drawer icon color should be the same as the header text color" [High,Confirmed]18:14
t1mppopey: "soon" ;)18:35
t1mppopey: it is high on my list, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bugs?search=Search&field.assignee=tpeeters18:36
t1mppopey: I'm working on a new header api and adding search to the header now, when that is done I can go through the list of smaller bugs that tweak the header18:36
t1mppopey: I don't think I'll get to it this week, and next week I'm at Qt contributor summit mostly, so the week after18:36
t1mppopey: lets hope the evenings at QtCS are very boring ;)18:37
popeyNo irish pubs!18:38
t1mppopey: reggae bars then? ;)18:39
popeyoh that was a great bar.18:41
popeyI enjoyed that evening.18:41
t1mpyes, me too18:42
t1mpI had time to sleep 45 minutes and then I had to catch my taxi to the airport18:43
t1mpsurprisingly, I made it :)18:43
balloonsreggae bar? :-)18:45
t1mpballoons: http://www.juulsbar.com/18:49
t1mpwas it that one?18:49
balloonselopio, if you are back it seems r300 causes the regression18:59
elopioballoons: I'm back.19:00
balloonsrenato merged it this morning19:00
balloonsand the diff is small.. it's weird19:01
elopioit's good we found a regression. I'm still not clear on why they keep appearing on trunk, if jenkins and launchpad should prevent it to happen.19:01
balloonselopio, I can't find an MP or branch for it19:02
balloonsping renato are you about?19:03
renatohey guys what are you talking about?19:04
renatoI merged the tests re-factory today but on the staging branch19:04
balloonshey renato http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/trunk/revision/30019:04
balloonsdid you accidentally push that to trunk or ?19:04
renatono popey asked me to do that19:05
renatowhat is the problem with that?19:05
balloonsahh.. well I don't see an MP for it. And despite it being so simple it seems to have exposed / caused a random regression19:06
balloonstextfields don't activate on the first tap19:06
balloonstry creating a new event and tap a textfield on r30019:06
balloonsyou have to tap twice for the field to open.. it only occurs on the first one19:06
balloonsr299 doesn't have this19:06
elopiorenato: yes, don't worry about the re-factor in the address book, that one was fine, thanks :)19:07
renatoballoons, this is the MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1311125/+merge/21725119:07
balloonsahh.. I didn't see it because you pushed it yourself gotcha19:08
balloonsso yea, when that happens we don't get the test runs which would have caught this19:08
renatoballoons, maybe the problem is related with line 16-20, these should not be part of this change, I am not sure how this appear on this, I did not change that19:08
balloonsrenato, oh really? Well let's try then and see19:09
balloonsnope, still exists19:10
balloonsI don't know why the small amount of code would cause the issue.. it's probably just revealing something in the toolkit19:10
renatoyes this code only add a new button on the toolbar19:12
t1mpballoons: heh.. you don't know so its probably something in the toolkit? ;)19:12
t1mpwhat got broken?19:12
balloonst1mp, caught yay! of course it's the toolkit!19:12
balloonst1mp, so renato added a new button to the toolbar as he says and we are seeing some weird behavoir with textfields19:13
t1mplet me branch calendar-app19:13
t1mpwill it work on desktop? or do I need to install dependencies first that will mess up my system?19:13
balloonst1mp, yep the breakage shows on the desktop, it's where I am19:14
balloonsrenato, is this import needed btw? doesn't seem to make sense: import QtQuick.Window 2.019:14
t1mptim@trusty:~/dev$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app19:14
t1mpssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused19:14
renatoballoons, this is part of the code in line 16]19:14
t1mplp is not responding to my pulls/branches19:15
balloonsrenato, thanks for confirming.. so removed it too.. we should push an mp to do that19:15
balloonsI'm playing with the properties of the button to see if one of them is causing it19:15
balloonsor merely the existence of another button19:16
balloonsseems to point to the latter19:19
t1mpwhere should I get this? file:///home/tim/dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/calendar.qml:4 module "Ubuntu.SyncMonitor" is not installed19:19
balloonst1mp, qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-syncmonitor0.119:20
balloonsit's in universe19:21
balloonsubuntu-sdk-libs or install it directly19:21
t1mpI'm no trusty, its not there?19:21
balloonsas of last month no.. i'm not sure if it's there now or not19:22
t1mp*on trusty19:22
balloonsI don't think it matters19:22
jphilipzpopey: hope the suggestions were useful, sent you another suggestion today :)19:23
balloonst1mp, indeed it doesn't matter19:23
balloonshere I'll push a branch19:23
t1mpanyway, I can run it when I comment out the syncmonitor19:23
balloonst1mp, lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/regress-test19:24
balloonst1mp, yea.. basically I removed everything renato did, just made another button.. that's enough to trigger it19:25
t1mpballoons: how should I reproduce? I go to new event and edit in a textfield?19:26
balloonst1mp, yep go to a texfield and attempt to select it19:26
balloonsthe first click won't select the field19:27
balloonst1mp, then revert to trunk r299 and see that it works on the first click19:27
t1mpok, confirmed19:29
balloonst1mp, ok cool.. so looking at the qml.. look in newevenentryfield.qml19:30
balloonsthe textfield being used it defined there19:30
balloonstrying to make a simple example19:30
t1mpsomething weird is happening19:38
t1mpthe popover that shows the two actions doesn't close properly after the new page is pushed19:39
t1mpso that is eating the events.19:39
t1mpif I remove the pageStack.push from the action, it does close the popover19:39
balloonst1mp, ahh interesting19:46
balloonst1mp, are the icons working properly too.. seems weird to show 1, but then have the others in a popover19:47
t1mpballoons: it was designed like that. If there is the tabs drawer button on the left, there should be at most two buttons on the right19:47
t1mpif there are more than two buttons on the right, they go in an overflow19:48
balloonsI figured, just curious19:48
t1mpI am guessing those rules will change for desktop/tablet since there is plenty of space for more buttons19:48
balloonst1mp, so do you have enough to go on now?19:49
t1mpI'm confused now why this happens ;)19:50
balloonst1mp, how can I help? I've been trying to create a slim version of this to play with.20:00
t1mpI am trying to figure out what is the problem20:01
t1mpit seems it all works fine, except if in onTriggered, there is a pageStack.push().. then the Popover.close() that is called in onTriggered for the listitem (which represents the action) is not executed20:01
t1mpballoons: a small qml program that can reproduce this would be useful20:01
t1mpfor reporting the bug20:02
balloonst1mp, I'll work on it20:09
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t1mp21:12:33 < balloons> t1mp, caught yay! of course it's the toolkit!20:18
t1mpballoons: ^ you were right! ;)20:18
t1mpwhen pushing a new page, the list of actions in the header changes, which destroys the list items in the popover that shows the actions20:19
t1mp^ and that happens before the onTriggered of the list item which should close the popover is executed20:19
t1mpthat messes up things20:19
balloonst1mp, awesome. I have a simple example almost ready20:20
t1mpballoons: great. can you report the bug and attach the example there?20:21
t1mpI am still figuring out how to fix this20:21
balloonst1mp, yep will do20:21
=== shenk is now known as shenkz
t1mpballoons: can you send me the link to the bug when you reported it?20:37
balloonst1mp, i just reported it, but lp might have eaten it20:43
balloonsthis is the branch lp:~nskaggs/+junk/pagestack-push20:43
balloonsthere we go t1mp, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/132696320:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326963 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "New header toolbar popover eats events" [Undecided,New]20:44
t1mpballoons: I found it by searching for nskaggs :)20:45
balloonsty for the help in determining the issue20:47
t1mpballoons: yw20:48
t1mpballoons: I linked a branch with the fix :)20:48
t1mpballoons: now I have to think hard to see if I can come up with a regression test20:48
balloonst1mp, wow, that's what I call service!20:49
t1mpballoons: don't be too enthusiastic.. next we have to land it ;)20:49
balloonst1mp, I know, I know.. that could be a week20:50
Neo31Hello, I am looking for a guide to package a QtQuick2 Extension Library. Do I have to add it as a dependency for the QML click package or do I just include the library into the QML click package?20:53
t1mpNeo31: click packages don't have dependencies (as I understood it), so you include the lib in the package20:55
Neo31thank you t1mp20:56
Neo31t1mp, can you provide a file structure for where to include the library in the click package please?20:57
pmcgowanNeo31, if you use qtcreator it should do that for you, or you can check the template there to see how it would do it20:58
yakizaanyone here21:00
yakiza i need help21:00
balloonsyakiza, hard to know what it is you need21:03
Neo31pmcgowan, it did run the qml+extension out of the box (good this wasn't the case in the early releases) but building the click package shows this error "It is not supported to create click packages for a non UbuntuSDK target"21:05
pmcgowanyour kit needs to be set up properly21:06
pmcgowanNeo31, did you make an armhf ubuntu kit for your project?21:09
pmcgowanballoons, might remember how to do that21:09
balloonspmcgowan, Neo31 no one has to remember anymore as it's a part of developer.u.c now :-) http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/21:11
yakizaballons i spoke to  private21:12
balloonsyakiza, please feel free to ask whatever question you have to the channel. ask directly no reason to ask if you can ask, or if someone is about, etc21:14
yakiza look21:14
yakiza this video21:15
yakiza i did this21:15
yakiza and when i go to write on my teamspeak in the end   my21:16
yakiza  i get an error21:16
yakizafaild to connect to server21:16
yakizathere is my problem21:18
yakizaballons can you help me with taht21:21
t1mpballoons, renato here is the MR for the fix https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/closeActionsPopover/+merge/22226121:25
t1mpballoons, renato feel free to test the branch and comment on the MR. I will ask a review from the SDK team tomorrow21:25
t1mpelopio: if you are still around, could you review the autopilot part of https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/closeActionsPopover/+merge/222261 ?21:28
renatot1mp, thanks21:35
balloonst1mp, thanks mate21:48
balloonsahayzen_, re: music.. didn't we discuss just moving to unconfined again/22:04
ahayzen_balloons, we *are* unconfined again aren't we?22:04
balloonsahayzen_, well as unconfined the mocking should work22:04
ahayzen_balloons, even in trunk http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/trunk/view/head:/click/apparmor.json22:04
balloonsahayzen_, btw don't run the tests on your desktop at the moment, unless you want to lose stuff like me :-)22:05
ahayzen_balloons, i'm running in a VM...where does it go? lol22:05
balloonsahayzen_, yes I know it's in trunk, lol, I did it22:05
balloonsI mean I forgot, but I remember now22:05
ahayzen_yeah you did22:05
ahayzen_balloons, does it not move it to ~/Music.old like before?22:05
balloonsahayzen_, it wiped several folders.. all sorts of weird stuff22:06
balloonsjust not good to be mucking around in /home22:07
ahayzen_balloons, oh as in it removes /home!22:07
balloonsahayzen_, and the merge is still unconfined.. so are we sure the mocking doesn't work22:07
balloonsman I hate being sick22:08
balloonsI'm feeling crazy22:08
ahayzen_balloons, :(... i just did it on my vm and it removed all the folders in /home/$USER lol22:08
ahayzen_balloons, hope you get better soon22:08
balloonsahayzen_, yea.. goes nuts22:11
balloonsahayzen_, did you do it with the latest code.. as of say 13 mins ago?22:12
ahayzen_balloons, i think it was #49622:12
ahayzen_nik90, that is the latest that has been pushed no?22:12
* ahayzen_ now needs to rebuild his /home22:12
balloonsahayzen_, yea that was the latest.. anyways, let's just remove all that22:13
balloonsahayzen_, I reverted everything and pushed again22:14
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ahayzen_balloons, ok so what state is it in now?22:16
* ahayzen_ wonders what happened when it ran on jenkins22:20
ahayzen_oh loads of pep8 errors :/22:21
Neo31balloons, thank you for the link concerning armhf click packages, just a little question, i have been using ubuntu 14.04 since the alpha release and it is still showing framework 13.10 even after a full system update (do-release-upgrade show that i have the latest version)22:24
balloonsahayzen_, the state should be the same as before hah..22:27
balloonsthe mediascanner2 issues are the breakers for me22:27
ahayzen_balloons, yeah it appears to be reading ~/Music now22:27
ahayzen_balloons, but i have nothing in ~/Music so it then starts stating that nothing is in the library22:28
balloonsNeo31, not sure what you mean22:40
Neo31i've been using 14.04 alpha release, after system update i still have framework 13.10 when using ubuntu-sdk22:41
ahayzen_balloons, fyi from tvoss relating to your mediascanner2 dump... 'Sure, happy to look into it. I'm close to EOD, so tomorrow it is. We'll keep you posted in this thread and update the bug as I gain insight.'22:41
Neo31I am not sure if this might cause any problems. maybe i should purge and resintall ubuntu-sdk or reinstall the whole system balloons22:42
Neo31i was just asking for suggestions22:42
balloonsNeo31, you should be able to make a new target22:42
balloonsperhaps the name is just the same but the target is 14.0422:43
balloonshard to say.. however, you can make a new target22:43
balloonsno need to re-install.. if you really feel the need you can purge and re-install ubuntu-sdk if you think something is up22:43
balloonsI can't imagine it's needed22:43
Neo31thank you balloons22:44
balloonsahayzen_, looks like jenkins is running utopic tests again properly.. and showing the same as I see locally22:46
ahayzen_balloons, is that good or bad lol22:54

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