
=== prth is now known as prth|away
=== prth is now known as prth|away
=== DASPRiD_ is now known as DASPRiD
=== prth|away is now known as prth
=== prth is now known as prth|away
=== prth is now known as prth|away
=== prth is now known as prth|away
Noskcajdarkxst, Anything you want me to be doing? I've done most of what i can for upower 0.9921:12
darkxstNoskcaj, did you make a list of rdepends status and work required for each imcomplete one?22:13
darkxstNoskcaj, rygel and sushi can probably be merged from debian22:17
darkxstalso evolution (and evolution-data-server) could be merged, but would need to live on the ppa until gtk is ready probably, but would be good to get testing first anyway for that22:19
stolernnomenclatcan anyone help me with a nautilus problem?23:40
stolernnomenclatif i view a directory containing video files (mts, mpg, mpeg) the hard disk begins to chatter away indefinately. If i move to another directory the disk activity stops.23:42
stolernnomenclatif i view the directory conatining video files but turn off the icon preview, the disk activity also stops.23:43
stolernnomenclatany ideas what might be the problem?23:43

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