[13:53] good morning openssl [14:15] party [15:15] Good morning [15:35] hey [15:35] jrwren: what about ssl? [15:35] moar vulns [15:52] Yeah, now that people are looking at openssl and not taking it for granted we're getting more vuln reports. [15:53] Though are these in the "regen your certs" category? [15:53] I didn't think so [16:00] not sure. one is a MITM vuln, but not sure if that leaks a private key or not [16:04] http://shrturl.co/MhCOZ [16:04] http://goo.gl/v9V3OP - Apple to Open Source OS X Mavericks After The Release of Yosemite [16:05] Um, where in that article does it even mention Open source, releasing source, or anything source? [16:06] lol [16:06] http://shrturl.co/ [16:06] http://goo.gl/imfmzq - SHRTURL - Faking the web since 1942 [16:06] Or has TechCrunch hit a new way to drive clicks to their site [16:06] Lovely. [16:06] Remind me to smack you in the near future. [16:07] saw it on hacker news and i had to [16:07] :) [16:07] No, no you didn't. [16:08] its linkbate. [16:08] bait [16:08] i could have changed the picture and the article [16:08] its fail. [16:08] we need a bot to warn us of the link is gigaom or techcrunch [16:08] jrwren: http://shrturl.co/ [16:08] http://goo.gl/imfmzq - SHRTURL - Faking the web since 1942 [16:08] gigaom doesn't irritate nearly as much as techCrunch [16:09] At least gigaom makes long-term bullshit predictions [16:09] TechCrunch makes short-term bullshit-stirring bullshit. [16:09] jrwren: were you referring to the CCS vuln? [16:09] mrgoodcat: no [16:10] mrgoodcat: https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20140605.txt [16:10] http://goo.gl/g7yIRU - text/plain; charset=UTF-8 [16:10] yea thats the same one [16:11] here's a good article about it http://ccsinjection.lepidum.co.jp/blog/2014-06-05/CCS-Injection-en/index.html [16:11] http://goo.gl/Me0eFx - How I discovered CCS Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224) - CCS Injection [16:12] just..... why?...... http://opalrb.org/ [16:12] http://goo.gl/sdRqk - Opal: Ruby to Javascript Compiler [16:19] I love when folks come over to my cube and look at my screens and say that this is "old school" development. :) [16:20] what, vim? [16:20] Just in general [16:20] Not sure what they expected [16:20] Some Geoerge Jetson setup or something [16:21] Though they didn't know what a Timex Sinclair 1000 was [16:21] * cmaloney has one at his desk [16:22] lol [16:22] does it still work? [16:22] they only made those for like one year [16:25] Huh? I think you're thinking of the ZX80 [16:25] That was pretty short-lived until the ZX81 came out [16:25] and those lasted for quite some time [16:25] 'bout 3-5 years iirc. [16:26] And yeah, it still works. Thing was built like a tank. [16:26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timex_Sinclair_1000 [16:26] http://goo.gl/F5U5 - Timex Sinclair 1000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [16:26] released in 82 [16:26] discontinued in 83 [16:27] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZX81 [16:27] http://goo.gl/fpTTs - ZX81 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [16:27] 1981 - 1984 [16:27] Had a shorter run in the states [17:31] .np squeekyhoho [17:31] squeekyhoho's current track - I've Sold Your Organs On the Black Market to Finance the Purchase of a Used Minivan by Everything Goes Cold on Vs. General Failure [17:36] good title [17:37] Good song. [17:37] Also a reminder why I have never enabled "show what I'm currently playing" at work. :) [17:38] 47 songs with the F-bomb in the title alone. [17:40] "at work" as in "on my work IM account"? [17:59] Yeah [17:59] hahaha. [20:25] why is java so suck? [20:25] i keep typing python methods [20:25] and it doesn't compile [20:25] and i'm all FUUUUUUU [20:25] simply reading a file line by line should be simpler than this [20:25] but NOOOOO [20:26] you have to make a FactoryFactory to make a FileReaderFactory to make a FileReader to pass into a BufferedReader that you got from your BufferedReaderFactory [20:26] who seriously fucking thinks of this shit? [20:31] factory workers [20:32] lol [20:32] java must be a union job [20:38] didn't java just release a much better file api? [20:39] waf: Don't try to quell the Java rage [20:41] ah yeah, Files.readAllLines to get a list of lines, and if line-by-line is important, use Scanner.nextLine [20:47] the trick with java is to ignore every search result from 2011 or so and before. [20:48] another trick is not to use it.