
cardHrm, this article, is this reffering to the Linux OS booted directly on the MBR or on the GPT?00:00
apb1963no idea00:01
apb1963it says what it says :)  I wll point out this little tidbit I just noticed: "It?s quite easy you need just a Linux live cd like (the Ubuntu live cd or Knoppix) or an installed Linux you want get rid of."  I'm not sure it's an entirely accurate statement... I'm sure someone else has more knowledge on the subject than I do.  I only know what I read.00:02
vap3Hello, I've got a Compaq Presario C500, can't get it to shutdown all the way. Can I fix this?00:03
cardHrm, ok, I'll read further, maybe there's something I haven't seen; thanks!00:03
cardVap, hold the power button for about 10-20 seconds00:03
cardYou should hear a little *click* and the computer should completely power off00:04
card(this is OS independent, it's a hardware feature)00:04
vap3That's really all I can do at this point, anyway of getting it to shutdown without forcing it?00:04
cardHow much time did you give Ubuntu to do it?00:05
cardSometimes the shut down times can be pretty stupidly long00:05
K1rkcard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair   ??00:05
K1rkIf you messed up the Windows boot loader...you might need to use your Windows DVD to rebuild that boot loader first then install GRUB00:05
vap3well over an hour, until the battery died.00:05
cardWell, uhm, thats rather odd00:06
cardOther than the ACPI shutdown, I haven't a clue00:06
apb1963card:  Another link that seems useful: http://askubuntu.com/questions/183799/fix-windows-mbr-using-ubuntu-live-cd-and-ms-sys-tool00:06
cardklrk, I appreciate the offer a TON, but I can't use the install media00:06
vap3Thanks allot! :)00:06
card(for reasons that I don't quite understand myself)00:06
cardNo prob, sorry I couldn't do anything else for ya :)00:07
K1rkShutting down your computer is so 1997 :P00:08
K1rkoh it's a laptop didn't realize that00:08
card"real men just sleep their computers!"00:09
K1rkYes just leave your laptop on for the rest of eternity00:09
K1rkew sleep always messes things up00:09
wilee-nileeK1rk, Many here are multi booting, one reboots to get there.00:09
cardHibernating on Windows breaks more stuff than all hell00:09
cardApb, you might just have found the solution00:09
cardUsing the link you gave me, it appears I can explodimate my MBR and replace it with one precisely for Windows00:10
K1rkwilee-nilee: Yeah I know I'm 40% joking.00:10
wilee-nileeK1rk, Please don't make sweeping generalized statements here, opinions and jokes are yours not the channel.00:10
cardNow, the question is now; how do I load a linux OS so that it see's everything from the MBR side of town instead of the GPT?00:11
cardWould using an OS that only boots in BIOS mode accomplish this?00:11
KionI am trying to install a vsftpd server in ubuntu 14.04 it seems it does not work, after sudo apt-get install vsftpd the server is not listening...00:12
psusicard, yes, any bios booting OS first boots from the MBR, whether you are using gpt or not00:12
KionAfter googoling it seems like a 14.04 problem00:12
ptepeteyI'm trying to install ubuntu on my macbook 2,100:12
ptepeteybut I keep cropping up against the error from the refit boot loader : error not found returned from legacy loader00:13
cardPsui and apb, you brilliant motherf***rs! :D00:13
wilee-nileeKion, googoling, that a new dance?;)00:13
cardWait wait ptepety, this is a macbook 2,1?00:13
cardWhat year is this from?00:13
ptepeteyan ancient device ^___^00:13
ptepeteymade out of stones00:13
ptepeteynot sure00:14
cardSeriously though, is it so old it has a PowerPC processor?00:14
ptepeteyintel core2 duo00:14
cardSo lemme see here00:14
cardFirst of all, if you haven't booted Ubuntu already, I tryed for AGES without getting it to work until I figured it out00:15
cardFirst of all, I wiped anything related to Ubuntu, and cleared out some free space at the end of the disk00:15
wilee-nileeptepetey, I doubt ubuntu will run on that, I would start lighter with lubuntu.00:15
cardThen, boot into the liveCD and "try OS". Keep installation as normal, but when it asks you how to install00:15
cardselect "something else"00:16
wilee-nileeptepetey, How much memory?00:16
cardOh Ubuntu should run fine with that, shouldn't it?00:16
wilee-nileeptepetey, Should work than, my mistake.00:16
card(Fine meaning it will boot without errors usually :P)00:16
ptepeteyproblem is the boot loader00:16
cardAh yes00:16
cardI have a remedy for that as well00:17
ptepeteyi created a bootable usb with the linux pendrive installer00:17
ptepetey**should work**00:17
cardWhich ISO did you use?00:17
ptepeteyi tried both 64bit00:17
cardDid you make sure it was 32 bit and NOT the "Mac ISO" image?00:17
ptepeteyit's a 64bit processor00:17
cardAre you sure?00:17
ptepeteypretty sure00:17
cardThat computer definately seems 32 bit00:17
ptepeteylet me check00:17
wilee-nilee!who | ptepetey00:18
ubottuptepetey: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:18
cardHell, at that time, even though they COULD make a 64-bit computer (I think), it probably wasn't useful00:18
cardSince you only have 2 GB of RAM00:18
apb1963card: Almost everything you ever wanted to know about the MBR & GPT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table00:18
cardCan I just give you like a virtual high-five complete with a "HELL YEAH" apb?00:18
cardAnyways, try the 32 bit ISO00:19
apb1963card: if you insist00:19
cardMake sure to install rEFInd from OSX first00:19
cardIt will save you countless hours of fixing things00:19
apb1963!who | card00:19
ubottucard: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:19
card@ ptepetey :P00:20
factotumthose of you running a windows VM, what's worked best for you? I gave KVM a go and it was great but the graphical lag was odd. Giving Virtualbox another go since it's seemed to work the best so far.00:20
card*gives virtual high five*00:20
ptepeteyyeah it's the 2007 model00:20
wilee-nileefactotum, Best is an opinion and polling here is not supported.00:20
ptepeteywhich is 64b00:20
cardWell, uhm00:20
factotumwilee-nilee: noted00:21
cardInstall the 32 bit ISO either way00:21
cardIt couldn't hurt since you have less than 4 GB of RAM00:21
cardIf that doesn't work, come back (remember to install rEFInd before Ubuntu)00:21
cardNow also00:21
wilee-nileeptepetey, Preface every answer to another with their nick please.00:21
ptepeteycard thanks00:21
ptepeteyfor the card00:21
cardPtepe, make sure when your installing and your using "something else"(cont)00:21
cardYou make SURE that the "boot loader installation" option is NOT set to /dev/sda00:22
ptepetey"something else ? "00:22
cardIt has to be set to the one immediately under it, /dev/sda100:22
cardYeah, make sure to use the "Something Else" option in the Ubuntu installer00:22
cardManually create the EXT4 and swap partitions00:22
ptepeteylet's try to get the installer to appear first of all00:23
cardLet me see, uh, try booting it from rEFInd (it should pop up a little menu at boot) (also rEFInd is like a 2 MB download so don't hesitate), and try the 32 bit ISO00:23
cardMake sure you don't use the "Mac ISO", that breaks everything on macs00:23
card(ironic, I know)00:24
cardGood luck!00:24
ptepeteymust've been built by the mac haters00:24
ptepeteyit's a trap!00:24
cardActually, it was built to help00:24
cardAnd *sometimes* it does00:24
card(It forces the computer to boot in BIOS emulated mode)00:24
cardBut *most of the time*, it breaks everything and kills everyone you love and hold dear00:25
cardSo again, I wouldn't use it unless your doing some VERY specific stuff between windows and linux ptep00:25
ptepeteyand... you want your mac to explode00:26
ptepeteyjust kidding00:26
ptepeteystill it will be good to go from tiger to ubuntu00:26
ptepeteythe wonder of moving from java 2 to java 700:26
cardJava 2 lmao00:27
cardUse OpenJDK if Oracle refuses lol00:27
card(Worst case scenario, I think you have to use some form of the Java 6 JDK)00:27
ptepeteymaybe I should just try light ubuntu00:27
ptepeteyit would run faster right00:27
cardLubuntu is a good idea00:27
cardYeah, it should00:28
cardAce? No that's my son *badatss*00:28
cardHell, Debian might be a good idea00:29
cardMost Ubuntu packages work on Debian (unless they do something Ubuntu-specific), and pure Debian itself isn't too bad00:29
cardAlso, use a lightweight desktop enviroment00:29
ptepeteywhy debian00:29
cardI think KDW has something like that?00:29
ptepeteyand not lubuntu00:29
cardDebian is extremely light-weight00:30
cardIt comes with like a desktop and thats it00:30
cardAnd it should run most of your software00:30
ptepeteyso basically they're all equivilent00:31
card... not necessarily00:31
cardIn terms of software running, mostly yes00:31
phantomx013I downloaded ubuntu 14.04 iso file and then simply burnt it on a dvd00:31
phantomx013but my laptop doesn't start from dvd and install new version of ubuntu00:32
phantomx013do I have to burn it in some special mode?00:32
cardIn terms of how "heavy" they are, Debian is extremely bare boned (most people just use it to create a more "complete" OS; Ubuntu and Mint are based off of Debian)00:32
cardGo into your BIOS00:32
ptepetey(up up right right left down down)00:32
ptepeteyto unlock special mode00:32
cardAnd change the boot order, so that the CD-R drive is before the hard drive00:32
phantomx013thats how it is now00:33
cardWhat happens?00:33
phantomx013Optical drive, then hdd00:33
cardDoes it just skip straight to Windows?00:33
cardAlso, what do you have, Windows 7 or Windows 8?00:33
phantomx013i have ubuntu 8 on my old laptop00:33
phantomx013so it boots into ubuntu 800:33
cardSo no Windows00:33
cardGotcha :)00:34
cardLet me think here... hrm...00:34
phantomx013I had a old bootable ubuntu 8 cd ..i just installed it 2 days back using that cd ...00:34
cardTry re-downloading and burning the ISO00:34
cardSet it to burn as slow as practically possible00:34
cardI wouldn't recommend a DVD install00:35
cardIf I were you, I would do a USB-boot00:35
cardOr if that doesn't work, a frugal boot is even more bullet-proof00:35
phantomx013in the boot option in my laptop, there is no usb boot00:35
card... :(00:35
cardTry the frugal boot with UNetBootin00:35
phantomx013how do I do it?00:36
phantomx013frugal boot00:36
phantomx013any link?00:36
cardDownload UNetBootin00:36
cardBut when it asks you where to burn the ISO00:36
cardJust don't change the option to any USB port00:37
cardOn Windows it should say C://, on *NIX it should say something similar00:37
phantomx013let me explore00:37
cardDon't worry, it's not erasing your disk, it's just using the OS's own boot loader00:37
GuyThatNeedsHelpI needs apache2 help00:38
phantomx013card: thanks ... i'll give it a shot00:38
ptepeteyhmm card: it didn't like lbuntu either00:40
GuyThatNeedsHelpSoo, i went into the etc directory and opened up the hosts file and changed localhost to cheese and it worked fine till i removed the index file in /var/www when i tried to make another file and restart apache i got this error "AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message"00:40
cardOh it doesn't like Lubuntu either...00:41
GuyThatNeedsHelpand now when i go to or just type cheese nothing happens00:41
cardAre you using rEFInd /nag?00:41
cardIf you are, then I haven't a clue00:41
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: yeah that's not actually a serious error, it's obvious you're trying to make use of apache without reading into docs about it or education yourself about it.00:41
ptepeteyjust vanilla rEFInd00:41
GuyThatNeedsHelpyou're right00:41
GuyThatNeedsHelpBut i've removed files before and it worked fine00:42
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: typically, if you owned example.com and you had a server called "server", you would call your server by its' FQDN or fully qualified domain name - which would be server.example.com - so that's what apache likes to be able to see in hosts files etc.00:43
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daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: things will still work, it'll just always print that error message until you resolve it... every time you start/restart the service. so i'd recommend you look into the apache fundamentals on how to set up a new web server00:44
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: the thing is, this channel is more for support of the OS... not support on how-to-do-every-task-ever with the OS00:44
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins: why do you have to hurt me all the time?00:45
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frickenateHas anyone here installed varnish 4.0 on trusty from repo.varnish-cache.org? Added the key and sources entry, apt-get update pulls without error, but I'm still only seeing 3.0.5-2 from universe.00:50
OerHeksfrickenate, v4 will be in next release https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/varnish , or just compile it yourself > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/varnish/4.0.0-200:56
frickenateOerHeks: I'm not looking at the ubuntu repo. Varnish provides their own. However, I just discovered the 4.0 for trusty Packages.gz is empty. Going to try precise.00:58
frickenateyep, there it is. who pushes an empty repo, sigh. :)00:59
Obiwantjeguys - here is to hoping to get some solid answer on a few silly questions. I travel a lot - and spend a lot of time on corp networks and in hotels - I have always used TeamViewer for remote access rom my WINDOWS PC to my Ubuntu box - no setup needed, no ports needed, and works really from anywhere. Lately TV though has been crashing more often and I am trying to test a (hopefully) free alternative to TV - any suggestions you01:01
Obiwantjeguys can give me?01:01
phantomx013card: I found the method ... https://discussions.apple.com/message/24838470#2483847001:03
phantomx013you have to burn the dvd in a different way on mac to make it bootable01:03
apb1963Random software application recommendation for today.  Tomahawk - the music player to end all music players.  Type in your criteria (artist, genre, etc.) and it finds it anywhere on the Net and plays it.01:03
tyhma_Why can't ubuntu find network printer anymore?????01:04
tyhma_probably some unfinished update broke everything again01:04
cardAh hrm01:06
cardOh you have a mac01:06
cardThat would've helped :P01:06
cardI would just use UnetBootin for burning, it works cross-platform from personal experience01:06
phantomx013yea i have 2 pc ..one old laptop on which i have ubuntu while I was burning the dvd on mac01:06
cardAh hrm01:07
tyhma_my computer and printer are connected to the same wifi and ubuntu doesn't find the printer!! hellp!!!01:07
cardSo yeah, UNetBootin: it works wonders01:07
cardTyhma, first of all, calm down01:07
tyhma_card: it worked like a charm a month ago01:07
cardScreaming "HEEEELP" won't help at all :p01:08
cardYour sure you have the drivers?01:08
qinapb1963: I thought the only allowed talking bot in this channel was Ubottu...01:08
cardMake sure the thing is actually on and you didn't disconnect it by accident, that happens to me all the time :P01:08
qintyhma_: can you ping your printer?01:09
aeturnumAre there any known problems with the "mac" live USB image & OS X 10.9.2? I tried formatting a usb stick using both the mac and Windows techniques and wasn't able to see the USB key as a bootable drive on the macbook pro.01:15
holsteinaeturnum: does the unit boot usb? i had to use plop on the mac i was using.. plop or a CD01:15
aeturnumholstein:  Its possible it doesn't boot from usb...Ive never tried before01:17
holsteinaeturnum: then, dont assume its an issue with the image, or the USB stick01:17
holsteinaeturnum: there *are* known issues with mac's booting usb.. like, usually, they dont/cant01:17
tyhma_all I can say is ubuntu makes my life difficult... ****01:17
holsteinaeturnum: you can take the USB to a non-mac, and try booting it, then, you'll know that the stick is "good"01:18
aeturnumMakes sense - you said you used plop?01:18
holsteintyhma_: ?01:18
holsteinaeturnum: plop allows to boot a CD, and select the USB from there to be booted01:18
holsteinaeturnum: on mac hardware, i try and do what is expected.. a CD or DVD when possible01:18
aeturnumI was worried that, as there is a specific "mac" image, the image might not work on a non-efi board (or whatever)01:18
apb1963Obiwantje: I use teamviewer.  I stumbled on something called X2go yesterday.  I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.01:19
holsteinaeturnum: that may be an issue..01:19
aeturnumI'll try chaining boot loaders and come back if I still can't figure it out :) thanks!01:19
holsteinaeturnum: good luck01:19
huzaifasis marc deslarus around by any chance?01:33
Obiwantje<apb1963> thank you for your suggestion - I will look into that one01:33
iankellingso i'm doing a netinstall, i go to a different virtual console, now I want to go back to the installer, but all i get is blank black screens for virtual console01:33
ObiwantjeI am getting more and more issue with clipboard not working and plain crash of the server side01:33
iankellinger virtual console #6 and above.01:33
iankellingany idea how to get back to the installer?01:34
icesherpa24is there a quick way to change the host name (computer name) in terminal ? I forgot how to do it01:35
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iankellingicesherpa2, as root, echo whatever-hostname-u-want >> /etc/hostname; hostname -F. if i remember right01:38
icesherpa24iankelling thanks01:39
Maple__If anyone here has Calibri installed on their system, could they please screenshot what "Testing this font" looks like at size 12pt, please? ktx01:39
* Maple__ usually doesn't come in here.01:40
OerHeks!find calibri01:43
ubottuPackage/file calibri does not exist in trusty01:43
SonikkuAmericaOerHeks: Calibri is a Microsoft TTF01:43
iankellingi'm in the netinstall installer, i switch to a dif vc, then I can't get back to the installer. #6+ are just blank screens. how do I get back?01:44
Maple__e.g., in LO Writer or smth?01:46
OerHeks!info fonts-crosextra-carlito01:46
ubottufonts-crosextra-carlito (source: fonts-crosextra-carlito): Sans-serif font metric-compatible with Calibri font. In component universe, is optional. Version 20130920-1 (trusty), package size 724 kB, installed size 2770 kB01:46
Maple__I think in Ubuntu it came with the something-something-restricted-somethings.01:46
Maple__been too long since I remembered.01:46
Maple__er, used.01:46
Maple__hmm, intriguing, will check out.01:46
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:46
SonikkuAmericaiankelling: Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?01:47
Bashing-omicesherpa24: Also see ^^.01:47
iankellingya, it asks me if i want to activate, ima try activating each of them01:47
maddawg3am i correct in assuming that you can only have one hostname defined in /etc/hostname01:48
icesherpa24Bashing-om really thank you01:48
maddawg3but as many as you want in /etc/hosts01:48
Bashing-omicesherpa24: : ) .... the care and feeding of our 'buntu.01:49
SonikkuAmericaBashing-om: How often does a 'buntu eat? :D01:49
icesherpa24bashing-om yes true that01:50
sydneySo,does ctrl-alt-f1 start the terminal,and close the graphical enviroment?01:50
iankellingSonikkuAmerica, vc 2 and vc 3 give consoles, the rest of ctrl-alt-1,4,5 do nothing, 6+ give a blank screen01:51
SonikkuAmericasydney: No, it fires a tty up, but leaves X running on :701:51
SonikkuAmericaiankelling: You may need to rewrite your image if that's all it's giving you01:52
asdufWhat's a good Linux distro for use as a web browser? (Something along the lines of HP QuickWeb)01:52
OerHeksasduf, how about .. ubuntu?01:53
sydneywhat is a tty?01:53
iankellingSonikkuAmerica, idunno about that.01:53
SonikkuAmericaasduf: Why ask here in #ubuntu ? Try ##linto x01:53
SonikkuAmericaasduf: Or maybe ##linux , how about that?01:53
Bashing-omSonikkuAmerica: To be honest, 'buntu frequently eats my lunch !01:53
icesherpa24OerHeks Good call01:53
SonikkuAmericasydney: A giant login shell01:54
jschall_trying to add a second network interface that will connect directly to another device, but when i set it up in networkmanager the internet stops working.01:54
* sydney is slightly confused.01:54
SonikkuAmericasydney: So you log in with username and password, then you get to a bash prompt, just like hitting Ctrl+Alt+T01:55
jschall_also when i run "route," it never exits.01:56
asduf##linto isn't a real channel, and ##linux requires registration, which I don't want to do for a single question.01:56
SonikkuAmericaasduf: Blame my tablet, please.01:56
Bashing-omsydney: Used to be long ago and in that far way world there was a thing called "TeleTYpe" that was shortened to TTY, now-a-days tty is a terminal interface.01:56
SonikkuAmericaBashing-om: As far away as 500 m01:57
Bashing-omSonikkuAmerica: Nay, I had in mind as in yers,, huh ??01:58
SonikkuAmericaThey didn't have TTY in 151401:58
icesherpa24Bashing-om must be on the Apernet ^^01:59
SonikkuAmericaOr else Martin Luther would've TTY'ed his 95 Theses all over Europe :D01:59
jschall_i followed http://goo.gl/lfOVpH and i cannot access the internet with my internal network connection active. also, the "route" command does not exit - it just sits there.02:02
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asdufI might just give Chromium OS a try.02:06
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triplchi all02:11
triplchow to sync with a samba folder? in office, people have a shared folder in windows fileserver; how can i sync it with a folder in my personal ubuntu laptop?02:12
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
unicornjediHello, i bought a new 24 pin power supply for my computer. I connected it to my motherboard and the fans starts turning but nothing comes up on my monitor. the monitor is working fine. I took out the power supply and when I looked at the 24 pin connector I noticed one of the pins was missing. Is this normal?02:14
wilee-nileeunicornjedi, ask the manufacturer.02:16
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wilee-nileeunicornjedi, Might be worth asking in ##hardware02:17
OerHeksunicornjedi, you can miss a ground pin, but then it wouldn't be wired http://www.motherboards.org/images/articles/guides/24-pin.jpg02:18
iankellingi'm in the netinstall installer, i switch to a dif vc, then I can't get back to the installer. ctrl-alt-f6 brings up a blank screen. any suggestions?02:18
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unicornjedithanks guys02:20
sakangre-start and try again02:20
jasonsmrhello ubuntu channel,02:22
jasonsmrQuestion is this the correct channel to ask tech questions02:23
atari314hello, anyone here using apparmor?02:23
jasonsmrQuestion I want to set my mouse to issue a right-click after a left-click is held for say 2seconds02:23
iankellingi figured it out. it was in the debian install guide. in the installer, you use left alt + f1, not ctrl alt02:24
RaMcHiPIs this the place to ask server questions?02:25
wilee-nileeatari314, You don't want anyone using apparmor, but who understand the issue you should post.02:25
holstein!server | RaMcHiP or you can ask here02:27
ubottuRaMcHiP or you can ask here: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server02:27
atari314wilee-nilee: I was going to ask if it was ok to use apparmor without apparmor-utils? Or if I would have any issues on apparmor. All I want is to enforce a since profile (alone on /etc/apparmor.d/).02:27
wilee-nileeRaMcHiP, In a Ubuntu context yes, there is #ubuntu-server as well.02:27
wilee-nileeatari314, I have never used it is all. ;)02:27
atari314wilee-nilee: :)02:28
wilee-nileeI hear it's the bees knees though02:29
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RaMcHiPWell I am trying to figure out how to disable password recover to help even hardware access penetration02:30
atari314wilee-nilee: yup, works pretty smooth, but all doc I find kinda force me to use the apparmor-utils, and, unfortunately I cannot install all those deps, so I'm trying to figure out a way to keep apparmor without 'em.02:30
RaMcHiPI have googled it but am coming up blank getting totally off topic results no matter my wording02:31
TJ-RaMcHiP: can you give us a bit more detail of what you mean?02:33
basketballHi i Just got a pair of powerbeats is there a way to make the pause/play and volume up/down buttons work?02:34
RaMcHiPI am setting up a box02:35
RaMcHiPmy powers at be have given me a completely insecure server room02:35
RaMcHiPI want to prevent recovery mode and password recover so hacking it if you have access to hardware is just that more difficult02:36
jerome_Hi, i'm trying to migrate to Ubuntu from windows.. and i'm having trouble finding a solution to opening a remote file over ssh.. i'd like to use Sublime Text Editor.. the local command 'subl' becomes unavailable.. any tips for how i can better troubleshoot?02:37
qinRaMcHiP: You need to remove such option from grub, disable recovery more and root shell, as for insecure server room, full encription or couple of K-902:38
holsteinRaMcHiP: http://askubuntu.com/questions/321115/how-to-remove-password-recovery-reset02:38
TJ-RaMcHiP: once someone has physical access they can boot from, for instance, an external USB or DVD. You can apply a password to GRUB's boot menu though, if you want to block easy access to the Recovery option02:38
holsteinRaMcHiP: pretty much, if they can touch it, its a matter of time02:42
ezeqlhi, anyone workign with sublimetext3 on 14.04?02:48
RaMcHiPYa, I know but I want to prevent as much as posssible02:49
RaMcHiPand all the basic methods02:49
TARDISguyaflach nik rumbus ni ho chem po chi?02:49
yosry1hello there02:52
yosry1i want little help to make sym link02:53
yosryseeking symbolic link commands02:58
ajvillaloboshey guys02:59
ajvillaloboshey guys, the thing is, i03:00
ajvillalobossetup a smtp server, now i can send via port 2503:00
yosry2ajvillalobos: aha03:00
qinyosry2: man ln;03:00
ajvillalobosi want to use a external program with it.03:00
ajvillalobosi cant seem to find my credentials on what to put03:00
ajvillalobosim using postfix03:00
ajvillaloboswhat username/password and will i put?, like smtp.domainname.com:25?03:01
ajvillalobosalso i set it up using root, i want to make a new user e.g. smtp1user just for smtp mailing.03:01
yosry2did u sudo apt-get update ?03:02
tandrum123imagine i have two programms running on the same machine and they establish a socket connection (in C) over their LAN-wide hostname. would the data be transfered over the "real" network (limiting the bandwidth to wire-speed) or is there some mechanism that redirects such machine-local traffic?03:02
ajvillalobosyosry2: do you have idea on my problem?03:05
yosry2ajvillalobos: am searching for u over google03:06
ajvillalobosim doing it too. hehe.03:06
XYZAFFA1RI am trying to run garrys mod on ubuntu 14.04 and it lags like crazy. Im only using about 50% of my machine, and about a year ago on windows 8 it ran just fine when I got my computer, and ran well since but now it wont. here's my harware: 4GB DDR3, 1.7Ghz dual core intel celeron, Intel® Sandybridge Mobile03:06
XYZAFFA1RMy graphics card doesnt have a good desciption in Details....03:07
basketballHi i Just got a pair of powerbeats is there a way to make the pause/play and volume up/down buttons work?03:08
unicornjediXYZAFFAIR, are you using playonlinux?03:08
XYZAFFA1RNo, it has had linux support for like a year now.03:08
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yosry2i need help to mount driver into my home03:09
yosry2as sym link03:09
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yosry2like mount partion and make it in downloads or music home folder03:10
yosry2using fstab03:11
unicornjediXYZAFFAIR, i'm sorry i don't know why. I suggest using 8gb of memory.03:11
XYZAFFA1RIts never been a problem before and I have no money for a computer upgrade or that would of happened already03:12
unicornjediXYZAFFAIR, well the other advice I could give is to update your graphics driver.03:13
holsteinor downgrade..03:13
unicornjediholstein, really? downgrading helps?03:14
XYZAFFA1Rholstein, Why downgrade?03:14
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: if you say "it's always worked in the past, and i have no money to upgrade the hardware" run the older software that works.. 12.04 is still supported03:14
XYZAFFA1ROK How do I downgrade?03:15
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: i would first relax and try some other drivers in 14.0403:16
cardI heard a ping, who pinged me03:16
XYZAFFA1Rholstein, yeah, how do I downgrade03:16
Bashing-omyosry2: see if this help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2117020 <- symlinks to partitions.03:16
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: what have you tried? have you tried the xorg ppa? have you tried the open and proprietary drivers?03:16
cardOh lol, someone said graphics CARD03:16
XYZAFFA1Rholstein, Havent changed from what ever the default is03:17
XYZAFFA1RIm asking how to do so03:17
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: ok.. try the proprietary driver, if there is one.. what hardware do you have?03:17
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: so, you can try the xorg edgers ppa03:18
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: first, are you up to date with upgrades? and booted into the most recent kernel?03:18
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: in a temrinal.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:19
XYZAFFA1RE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:20
XYZAFFA1RE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:20
XYZAFFA1RE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:20
XYZAFFA1RE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:20
XYZAFFA1RSome index files have failed to download03:20
unopasteXYZAFFA1R you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted03:20
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: so, you can address those errors easily.. and you need to that can break your system03:21
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: thats where i start.. with the errors from "sudo apt-get update" and get that, and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to complete without error03:21
XYZAFFA1Rholstein, How do I fix those?03:21
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: then, you and reboot into the latest kernel, and test the latest stock drivers03:21
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: you start by sharing the complete errors if you'd like a volunteer to look03:22
holstein!paste | XYZAFFA1R03:22
ubottuXYZAFFA1R: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:22
XYZAFFA1RI know I didnt mean to do that03:22
XYZAFFA1RSo, how do I fix this?03:22
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: im asking that you share your error messages with me, friend03:23
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: you can open a terminal, and run "sudo apt-get update" and share the *entire* output in a pastebin, as suggested above03:23
saeedullahHello All friend03:26
XYZAFFA1Rholstein, Did you get that link?03:26
saeedullahDose Ubuntu 12.04 Operating System need Antivirus to install?03:26
blaz0r_saeedullah: nope03:27
saeedullahDose Ubuntu 12.04 Operating System need Antivirus to install?03:27
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch03:27
blaz0r_saeedullah: I told u already no03:28
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: thats the issue to address..03:28
holstein!av | saeedullah03:28
ubottusaeedullah: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:28
holsteinsaeedullah: if you want it, install it.. i dont use it.. many dont..03:28
XYZAFFA1RHow do I fix tha?03:28
holsteinsaeedullah: proper permissions and patching is more important on *any* os, really03:28
saeedullahholstein brother some people told me the linux system don't need to Antivirus some said me needed?03:29
holsteinXYZAFFA1R: did you try and search? when i did, i came up with http://askubuntu.com/questions/311842/how-do-i-fix-apt-errors-w-failed-to-fetch-hash-sum-mismatch try that , and let us know03:29
DrewciferHow much space should I dedicate to the persistent file on a large external HDD?03:30
saeedullahi am confuse in this issue03:30
holsteinsaeedullah: i just did, and so did blaz0r_ ...03:30
holsteinsaeedullah: if you want it, get it.. its not going to be the "end all" security fix03:30
blaz0r_saeedullah: with Ubuntu you are already *secure*03:30
holsteinsaeedullah: how many times have you, or have you heard of anyone getting a virus while using AV programs on windows?03:30
holsteinsaeedullah: it happens, AV is just that.. its not a securityy "fix".. education and proper maintenance is the key03:31
holsteinsaeedullah: did you read the link i gave?03:31
DrewciferStay out of nefarious neighborhoods of the internets03:31
holstein!av | saeedullah03:31
pavlosXYZAFFA1R, seems /var/lib/apt/lists is corrupt03:31
xjkxI dont understand the versions. I have ubuntu 13.10, and I'm to upgrade to 14.04 ? Isnt it the natural process I upgrade to 14.10 ? But there is no such thing03:32
lotuspsychjemorning to all03:32
holsteinxjkx: no.. 14.10 will be out later03:32
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136303:32
pavlosxjkx, versions are year.month03:32
XYZAFFA1RFixed that03:33
XYZAFFA1RSo on to drivers03:33
lotuspsychjewhats that unity log name again to see whats lagging after login till unity load?03:34
xjkxThanks for the bot activation holstein, and thanks pavlos I had no idea it was year.month, 13 (2013) makes sense even :o plus 10 october03:34
pavlosxjkx, 14.04 is 2014 April ... the next will be 14.10 (2014 Oktober)03:34
saeedullah<holstein yes03:34
XYZAFFA1Rholstein, Its fixed03:34
XYZAFFA1RIm updating now03:35
saeedullahit mean the virus damage the linux operating system03:35
Bashing-omxjkx: Release schedule; every 2 years a Long Term Support (LTS) -support for 5 years - is released, interim releases (development) have a 9 moth support.03:36
holsteinsaeedullah: windows machines with antivirus protection get viruses..03:36
wilee-nileesaeedullah, There are no know virus or malware out on the web going after linux, however there are root kits that will run in any OS.03:36
xjkxBashing-om: I guess you're saying 13.10 has only 9 months support ?03:36
lotuspsychje!security | saeedullah03:36
ubottusaeedullah: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server03:36
XYZAFFA1Rsaeedullah, Virus protection is nothing but a false sense of security03:38
lotuspsychjejust for the record, grab your files fast from ubuntu one, shutdown soon: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/06/ubuntu-one-discontinued-grab-files-now03:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone03:39
XYZAFFA1RNo one uses ubuntu one.03:41
XYZAFFA1RHence why its shutting down03:41
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dylanhey all, how can i raise the open file limit without rebooting on ubuntu 12.04?04:04
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dcopenvm, i think i got it. ulimit -n is reporting 65535 now04:07
toordog-wrkis there a native way to monitor a daemon and restart it if it is not running?04:08
toordog-wrk*enforcing it is running*04:09
wilee-nileetoordog-wrk, man daemon should give you info, however http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man8/start-stop-daemon.8.html04:11
toordog-wrkthe daemon is already started via init.d04:12
toordog-wrki wanted to monitor apache2 which keep crashing *i couldn't figure out exactly why yet* and i wnated to ahve a method to ensure it is running04:13
GordioHow fix? "locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory"04:13
Gordiolocale-gen; dpkg-reconfigure locale - not help04:14
shunya_chakraIs there way to change the color of ubunter terminal 'tabs'04:14
wilee-nileeshunya_chakra, I think the tabs are just part of that windows header04:16
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wilee-nileeyou can change the font color04:16
shunya_chakrawilee-nilee, I mean when I open new tab in terminal... the the color of tab is white..04:17
wilee-nileeshunya_chakra, Ah, I guess I don't understand.04:17
shunya_chakraok np04:18
lotuspsychjeshunya_chakra: whats your end goal? to see multiple terminal windows more easy?04:18
wilee-nileeshunya_chakra, Mine are white till I open another.04:18
shunya_chakrayup mine also white.... wilee-nilee but i want to change the color04:18
shunya_chakralotuspsychje, I want to change that white color to some better color04:19
shunya_chakramay be some better white color04:19
shunya_chakraI get irritated by that color04:19
Gordiolocaledef help. Thx. Have nice nice day :Ъ04:19
lotuspsychjeshunya_chakra: maybe terminator is something for you, having multiple terminal windows?04:19
lotuspsychje!info terminator | shunya_chakra04:19
ubottushunya_chakra: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-2 (trusty), package size 337 kB, installed size 2048 kB04:19
shunya_chakraok lotuspsychje, and wilee-nilee  I'll try that...04:20
shunya_chakrabut is there way to change that color???04:20
shunya_chakrai mean any option04:20
shunya_chakralotuspsychje, i'm concern with when you open terminal and open new tab.. the tab-bar color comes white.04:21
shunya_chakraI want to change that04:21
sickgirlhey, if I'm using my computer and sharing my wi-fi network  using a phone, and this phone is vulnarable, that can make my computer vulnerable?04:21
lotuspsychjeshunya_chakra: not sure if that exists, think tabs is part of your theme04:21
shunya_chakralotuspsychje, ok thanks04:22
lotuspsychjesickgirl: the computer runs ubuntu?04:23
sickgirllotuspsychje: yeah04:23
sickgirllotuspsychje: and I also installed firewall04:23
daniel_no is not vulnerable04:23
lotuspsychjesickgirl: if its your own wifi network, ubuntu computer will be safe04:23
sickgirllotuspsychje: ok thx =)04:24
lotuspsychjesickgirl: if its public wifi and not your own network, traffic can be sniffed04:24
daniel_use VPN if you're so worried... ;-)04:24
lotuspsychjesickgirl: your phone is android?04:24
sickgirllotuspsychje: it's my network. from home. I'm asking because my sister use her phone here sometimes04:24
sickgirllotuspsychje: her phone is not android04:25
qinsickgirl: if any segment of the network is compromise whole communication is in danger04:25
lotuspsychjesickgirl: what Os is her phone?04:25
sickgirllotuspsychje: to be honest I don't know...04:25
sickgirllotuspsychje: I bet if I ask her.. she'll say is none of my bussiness04:26
daniel_it doesn't matter... if your Ubuntu is properly configured, you're gonna be just fine...04:26
lotuspsychjesickgirl: if her phone doesnt contain linux rootkits and you not sharing files, you will be fine04:26
lotuspsychjesickgirl: but a healthy paranoia is good, nice question04:26
sickgirllotuspsychje: that's just great.. fine. I think it's not linux.04:26
sickgirllotuspsychje: thank you =)04:27
lotuspsychjesickgirl: if you like more into security look into: snort, rkhunter,nmap, clamav04:27
lotuspsychje!security | sickgirl04:27
ubottusickgirl: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server04:27
CerebellumAnyone have a sec to answer a Squid / Firewall / Webmin question?04:30
lotuspsychjeCerebellum: shoot away mate04:31
quigon007umm no04:31
quigon007name your current distro :)04:31
quigon00714.04 xubuntu04:31
CerebellumI'm trying to set up a transparent proxy on my home network.  I have the router working, I have the proxy working, but when I set the NAT rule, everything borks.04:32
CerebellumI get invalid url for everything.04:32
Cerebellumcannot for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong.04:32
CerebellumI used:  iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 312804:33
Cerebellumsorry, this:  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING 1 -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 312804:33
lotuspsychje!squid | Cerebellum04:35
ubottuCerebellum: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org04:35
lotuspsychjeCerebellum: webmin isnt supported anymore for ubuntu aswell04:36
Guest74016Hey guys! I asked for help in the #xubuntu channel but there's no one. Mind If I ask you guys for help?04:37
Cerebellumok, webmin aside though, squid alone won't allow me to use ACLs to block access to specific sites?04:37
CerebellumI have to use squidguard?04:37
sickgirllotuspsychje: snort is a firewall right??04:38
lotuspsychje!info snort | sickgirl04:38
ubottusickgirl: snort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 560 kB, installed size 1836 kB04:38
lotuspsychjeGuest74016: go ahead and ask mate04:38
maddawg3well this is facinating... i can only run etherape as root and it wont show up in my user's login04:39
lotuspsychjesickgirl: firewall is ufw and iptables04:39
maddawg3however if i set up ubuntu to login as root (I know bad idea) etherape will run as root04:39
maddawg3but i dont want to login as root in order to see the programs interface04:40
lotuspsychjemaddawg3: you want to automate etherape as service?04:40
lotuspsychjeCerebellum: not sure mate, maybe the #squid guys might know aswell?04:41
sickgirllotuspsychje: ok, I'm using Gufw and downloading snort, will check the others, thx04:42
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter | sickgirl also pretty nice04:42
ubottusickgirl also pretty nice: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-3 (trusty), package size 205 kB, installed size 876 kB04:42
sickgirlubottu: yeah I just checked04:42
ubottusickgirl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:42
sickgirllotuspsychje: will do!04:42
lotuspsychjesickgirl: you have ubuntu 14.04?04:43
sickgirlubottu: lol no worries I don't think04:43
ubottusickgirl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:43
sickgirllotuspsychje: yepp04:43
lotuspsychjesickgirl: nice choice :p04:43
sickgirllotuspsychje: I was using gnome, but changed.04:44
lotuspsychjeCerebellum: also try the ##networking guys, might know bit more complex layouts04:45
Cerebellumroger that.  Thank you04:45
sickgirllotuspsychje: the only thing I didn't like it it this sidebar fixed04:45
lotuspsychjesickgirl: you mean unity sidebar?04:45
lotuspsychjesickgirl: you can auto hide unity sidebar if you like, and install docky to bottom04:46
lotuspsychje!info docky | sickgirl04:47
ubottusickgirl: docky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-2 (trusty), package size 591 kB, installed size 3594 kB04:47
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sickgirllotuspsychje: I don't know if it's called unity... it came with the ubuntu 14.04 version...04:47
sickgirllotuspsychje: now I realized this ubottu is just anwering the commands.. lol I'm so slow04:48
lotuspsychjesickgirl: yes unity comes by default on ubuntu now04:48
lotuspsychjesickgirl: youl get used to sidebar soon, its very intuitive once you work with it04:49
sickgirllotuspsychje: I know... but I still prefer the one I can hide. I will check docky04:51
lotuspsychje!info cairo-dock | sickgirl also a good one04:54
ubottusickgirl also a good one: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.99.beta1.2.really.3.3.2-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 46 kB04:54
sickgirllotuspsychje: I was using cairo dock with gnome, but I was reading on line you shouldn't use ppas, so I don't know04:55
ubottuYou can identify to NickServ automatically when connecting to freenode. See https://www.freenode.net/faq.shtml#identify for more information. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.04:56
Voyagehttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Planner.png  theres no way to write the task name/ description at the end of each bar line ?04:56
kaydesHey guys04:57
sickgirllotuspsychje: couldn't find rkhunter with the UBC04:57
kaydesI am having trouble with the context menu in the current version of chromium; The text size is too large for the menu and a lot of the content is impossible to click04:57
lotuspsychjesickgirl: you can sudo apt-get install cairo-dock from terminal without ppa04:58
lotuspsychjesickgirl: ubc?04:58
sickgirlubuntu cencer software... ops05:00
sickgirllotuspsychje: do you think I should download all these snort, rkhunter,nmap, clamav you recommended?05:00
graham0kind of strange question regarding apache's www-data user's permissions if anyone feels like helping me out05:00
asdf__Can someone help me? Actually I was supposed to get help in #xubuntu channel but no one is there. Please help me.05:00
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:01
lotuspsychjesickgirl: you can install them from terminal if you like05:01
wilee-nileeasdf__, graham0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^05:01
graham0okay thanks05:01
sickgirlI will, I was just asking to see if all are necessary05:01
lotuspsychjesickgirl: your choice, if you want more secure system05:01
lotuspsychjesickgirl: its not necessary if you dont want05:02
=== thiago is now known as Guest65695
Guest65695someone from Brazil?05:03
wilee-nileeasdf__, Xubuntu is supported here, give us an outline of the issue. ;)05:04
wilee-nilee!br | Guest6569505:04
ubottuGuest65695: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.05:04
Guest65695is this channel only for support?05:04
wilee-nileeGuest65695, Ubuntu support yes, there is #ubuntu-offtopic for chat05:05
sickgirllotuspsychje: alright I cannot find snort here...05:05
sickgirllotuspsychje: downloaded snort but I don't really find it here05:05
lotuspsychjesickgirl: try to push 'show 24 technical items' at bottom of software centre05:05
lotuspsychjesickgirl: ah snort is a terminal package, start from terminal05:06
sickgirllotuspsychje: alright!!!05:06
sickgirllotuspsychje: snort, rkhunter,nmap, clamav05:06
sickgirllotuspsychje: snort Running in packet dump mode          --== Initializing Snort ==-- Initializing Output Plugins! ERROR: Failed to lookup interface: no suitable device found. Please specify one with -i switch Fatal Error, Quitting..05:07
lotuspsychjesickgirl: snort should start as service when you put on pc05:07
sickgirllotuspsychje: ok05:08
lotuspsychjesickgirl: rkhunter and nmap start manually from terminal05:08
sickgirllotuspsychje: ok sir =)05:10
lotuspsychjesickgirl: rkhunter you can scan your system from terminal for rootkits, and nmap you can scan your open ports/services05:11
Voyagehttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Planner.png  theres no way to write the task name/ description at the end of each bar line ?05:12
sickgirllotuspsychje: my problem with ports is that I don't what is ok and what is malicious or dangerous05:13
sickgirllotuspsychje: rootkits I have no idea what it is but I will search on like hahaha05:13
lotuspsychjesickgirl: an open port doesnt mean its dangerous, its more the outdated service on the open port that can be vunrable05:13
wilee-nileesickgirl, Be aware that these are not a gui that just name a know problem and give you an option like a windows virus/malware app, this is stuff that will red flag changes alone, especially rkhunter.05:14
lotuspsychjesickgirl: so nmap -PN -sV youripadress can show the services05:14
sickgirlwilee-nilee: yeah I know05:15
wilee-nileesickgirl, Cool. ;)05:15
sickgirlwilee-nilee: I've been learning a lot these days. and I bothering and asking too much here haha sorry =P05:16
wilee-nileesickgirl, From what I can tell you are asking fair questions, not just coming here for every issue for hand holding. ;)05:19
wilee-nileewe have a few of those types always05:19
dupingpingumm, I could not print with my printer in 12.04 lts.05:20
dupingpingwho can help me?05:20
wilee-nileeand handfuls of enablers, lol05:20
nonubyany idea why I cant upgrade this server? https://www.refheap.com/8629605:21
lotuspsychjedupingping: printer brand?05:21
wilee-nileenonuby, dist-upgrade is an in release upgrade05:21
dupingpingcanon pixma ip118005:21
nonubywilee-nilee, yes upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 (but do-release-upgrade -d returns no new releases)05:22
wilee-nileenonuby, I missed the do my mistake. ;)05:23
wilee-nileenonuby, I believe the -d is development try without it05:23
nonubysame result05:23
wilee-nileenot sure I never upgrade distros others will know ninu05:24
wilee-nileenonuby, ^^^05:24
hateballnonuby: If you're not in a rush, once 14.04.1 is out you will be able to do-release-upgrade straight up05:24
sickgirlwilee-nilee: =)05:24
hateballnonuby: using -d will land you on utopic now most likely05:24
histoAnyone have lxc installed mind testing that creation of a archlinux container doesn't work?05:25
wilee-nileesickgirl, My hypothesis on the enablers is they are parents, they are used to this, personally i have never had children, just a guess though.05:26
sickgirlwilee-nilee: what?05:27
wilee-nileesickgirl, I just had made comments on the support the people who never research and come here for hand holding and get enabled to continue this methodology05:28
TBotNikAll, trying to write a BASH script to find any/all USB flash drives, using CLI of: a.) dmesg |grep -i 'SCSI device', b.) fdisk -l | grep sdd, and c.) df -h | grep dev to create exposure VAR containing a.) Flash Name, b.) Size, c.) Available Space, d.) Mount point.  Hope someone has some hints, cause been working on this a while and not getting where I want to go yet!05:29
wilee-nileesickgirl, You research you try to figure this stuff out, that is what I like to see anyway.05:29
hateballTBotNik: paste your script on pastebin and show us05:30
hateballTBotNik: There is also #bash05:30
sickgirlwilee-nilee: ah I see..05:30
TBotNikwilee-nilee: Gave up on player after 6 hrs and nothing making anything work!05:30
wilee-nileeTBotNik, I forget exactly what you were working on, my brain is the size of a walnut, on a good day. ;)05:31
Valtamis anyone here aware of a hack to get around the 5gb min hard driver requirement? I have a 4gb emmc05:31
TBotNikwilee-nilee: All I have for code is: FD="`fdisk -l | grep -i disk | grep -i media`";05:31
TBotNikDI="`df -h`";05:31
TBotNik#echo ${FD} | od -bc;05:31
TBotNikecho ${FD};05:31
TBotNikecho ${DI};05:31
TBotNikexit 0;05:31
unopasteTBotNik you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted05:31
wilee-nilee!mini | Valtam A guess here05:32
ubottuValtam A guess here: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:32
histoTrying to create a Arch Linux container using lxc-create and receiving http://paste.ubuntu.com/7592605/05:32
histoWas hopeful that someone else here could also try, So I can file a bug.05:32
Valtamwilee-nilee: the operating system is fixed size,somewhere in the OS there would be a setting for the 5gb min05:34
wilee-nileeValtam, IF you say so.05:34
ValtamI need to know where that is set, where the installer checks it05:34
TBotNikwilee-nilee: The echos work right, but run all the line together.  You see I tried, but commented out the "| od -bs" option, because it was too cryptic also.05:34
TBotNiksp "but run all the lines" and "| od -bc"05:35
hateballTBotNik: are you trying to grep for both disk *and* media, or greping for media in the result of 'grep disk' ?05:35
sickgirlwilee-nilee: I try, but I overthink and most of the time I'm slow. btw do you know where I can read to learn more things?05:36
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TBotNikwilee-nilee: The later!  But there were issues where I got sde1 from fdisk and sdc1 from df, so need to plug in "dmesg" to make sure I'm getting right drive designator from these.05:37
wilee-nileesickgirl, Not really, the little I do know was ascertained being on the ubuntu forums and lurking here at first, and about 7-8 years of use, however I started on open source, I think that has been helpful.05:38
sickgirlwilee-nilee: sounds nice, curiosity is always good I guess.05:39
TBotNikwilee-nilee: I really want to get the right drive designator into VAR SDDRV, then run fdisk to get just the drive 'size' and then get 'available space' and mount point from 'df'05:39
wilee-nileesickgirl, Yeah has been more of an obsession, this was al while getting a undergrad and now in grad school, but not related to computers, to much free time and little of any responsibilities.05:40
TBotNikwilee-nilee: Then DF cmd would be "df -h | grep -i ${SDDRV}".  Don't thing I would need anything else.05:41
wilee-nileeI had been self employed for a long time as well, so self motivated05:41
TBotNikwilee-nilee: I know "self employed"05:41
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ahmad^guys, I need assistance.05:42
sickgirlwilee-nilee: haha alright05:42
hateballTBotNik: so you're using /var/log/messages to determine what is mounted or not?05:43
TBotNiksp: Don't think I would need anything else.05:43
TBotNikhateball: Don't understand your msg/point.  Explain!05:44
hateballTBotNik: Well you plug in devices, and want to know their mountpoint, is this correct?05:44
hateballTBotNik: I am just trying to understand what you are trying to achieve, easier to know why the script "isnt working" then05:46
TBotNikhateball: No I really already know that, but have to verify as it changes by device and device size.05:46
TBotNikhateball: That is why the final var must expose, so the calling script can check it all.05:46
histoTrying to create a Arch Linux container using lxc-create and receiving http://paste.ubuntu.com/7592605/05:47
rajis rsync smart about only replacing modified files in a directory?05:50
rajso if I'm trying to update a directory, as long as that directory name exists in the directory I'm copying to, it'll update the changed files only05:50
planetmakerhisto, the paste shows that you miss pacman...05:50
rajrsync -Praz /home/raj/somedir/mydir raj@
planetmakerraj, for details see man rsync ;)05:51
rajbecause `mydir` already exists in `anotherdir`05:52
planetmakermaybe use the arguments with trailing / ?05:53
sickgirlwilee-nilee: lotuspsychje: i'm off, thank you once again. both of you05:53
lotuspsychjesickgirl: cheerz!05:53
histoplanetmaker: I thihnk it's more having to do with the br005:55
TBotNikhateball: Just getting started on this, but even though I haven't started parsing anything yet, put up existing code at: http://pastebin.com/jREPRGxa05:56
TBotNikhateball: Before I start pasting need to make sure what I'm trying to parse.  Right now formats are not right, but saw one thing saying the data format is right in STDOUT, but the "echo" statement is what concatenates it.  Not sure of that, can you verify?05:58
planetmakerhisto, it's generally a excellent idea to solve errors from top to bottom... so if you think you can solve the latter errors first... have fun :)05:58
TBotNiksp: Before I start parsing need05:59
histoplanetmaker: So it's a bug then thank you.06:02
planetmakerhisto, so did you try after you installed pacman?06:02
TBotNikhateball: Think I need a "while" loop, but not good at that yet, so lot's of research to get things right. That is why I'm concerned about the STDOUT format, because I'll drive myself mad, if format is not what I think it is!06:02
planetmakerif you didn't, it will be hard to call it a bug, tbh06:03
histoplanetmaker: No, because my question was merely trying to find the issue. I'm not installing pacman on ubuntu. It's a patch that is needed upstream if they are going to distribute the template to create an arch guest.06:04
histoplanetmaker: the issue is that you ucan't bootstrap arch from within ubuntu host.06:05
histoplanetmaker: no pacman <<<06:05
* histo and not the video game06:06
planetmakerlol I'm pretty much convinced that any archlinux bootstrap will need a pacman...06:06
Voyagehttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Planner.png  theres no way to write the task name/ description at the end of each bar line ?06:07
histoplanetmaker: yes it will I agree with you.  I'm just trying to wrap my head around why the hell they would distribute a template for an Arch container in the default package.06:09
histoSince it's not possible out of the box.06:09
planetmakerhisto, the template still needs the tools to create it on the host system06:10
planetmakerand pacman is *the* tool for arch linux06:10
histoplanetmaker: then one would think since ubuntu dev's like to include so many other uneeded packages they would pull the required files.06:10
planetmakera container is not a virtualized system06:10
histoplanetmaker: I'm well aware of what containers are.06:11
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histoplanetmaker: I assumed it would pull the necessary software to use the application as it was intended.06:13
planetmakerhisto, the creation of a container cannot do that - that needs root priviliges to install on your system. And the installation of lxc is questionable. Should it automatically contain bootstrapping every possible system and distro? Or require you to post-install them as needed?06:14
histoplanetmaker: It should contain the packages to atleast bootstrap the distros of the TEMPLATES it ships with.06:15
histoplanetmaker: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-archlinux   is there among others that I'm sure won't work.06:17
hateballTBotNik: Sorry I am at work so I don't have much time to look at things. Was just trying to clarify to make it easier for others to help as well :)06:24
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histoTBotNik: You may have more success in #bash but what is the issue with the current output06:28
moarrrcan i have some quick help06:28
moarrrhow do I grep a .log file to exclude all lines that contain "ProcessBlock" and "UpdateTip" and display everything else in console?06:29
planetmakercat file | grep -v 'ProcessBlock' | grep -v 'UpdateTip'06:29
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planetmakermaybe piped to less06:30
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somsipmoarrr: grep -v 'ProcessBlock|UpdateTip' | less06:31
somsipmoarrr: grep -v 'ProcessBlock|UpdateTip' {filename}.log | less06:32
blueingressHi all, was swat discontinued?06:40
rajthanks planetmaker06:41
rajalthough, I didn't quite understand your last statement06:42
wilee-nileeblueingress, THe swat PPA?06:42
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:42
histoplanetmaker: thought there was a factoid for unecessary use of cat06:42
wilee-nileeblueingress, xswat that is06:42
histomoarrr: you don't need to cat just grep and -v06:42
graham0Question about permissions and mounts (I'm using xubuntu 14.04): I have a php script that uses the stat() function on a directory and I am using is with apache2 as the webserver. It works for any directory on the local filesystem that the apache user www-data has read-only permisisons on. I have a external hard drive which automounts to /media/user/diskid. The php script fails when attempting to stat() any directory in the mount.(con06:42
graham0If I chown /media/user/diskid to www-data the script still fails. If I remount the drive and leave /media/user/diskid owned by my user account and www-data with read-only permissions but chown /media/user to www-data, the php script runs fine. I'm a bit confused about why that is - anybody have any clarifying info?06:42
Guido1hello, i get a message that i don't have enough RAM to send an error report, but the latop should have 2 or 4 GB. SO my idea is that one RAM is broken. Is there a comand to chek this and to see the other haardware propertys (processor, processor spead etc.)06:46
histo!mount > graham006:46
ubottugraham0, please see my private message06:46
histoGuido1: free06:47
histoGuido1: and lshw06:47
graham0thanks histo - will read it over06:47
hateball!memtest | Guido106:47
hateballGuido1: You can run memtest from a liveboot or from the grub menu on bootup06:48
blueingresswilee-nilee, thanks, is there any big difference?06:48
Guido1histo: don't get you compleatly. just enter "free" or "ishw" in the terminal?06:48
histoGuido1: yes free will show you how much ram is being detected used etc...06:48
hateballGuido1: "free -m" in terminal will show ram stats06:48
histoGuido1: to actually test your dims you want to use memtest from the livecd or grub menu06:48
wilee-nileeblueingress, I was trying to confirm what swat meant to you.06:49
hateballGuido1: for more detailed hardware info you can use something like "sudo dmidecode" and "lscpu"06:49
blueingresswilee-nilee, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat06:50
wilee-nilee!info swat06:50
ubottuPackage swat does not exist in trusty06:50
wilee-nileeblueingress, Xswat is a ppa for graphic drivers so not the same, it appears swat is not in trusty06:51
Guido1histo, hateball: right now I'm running the laptop with the problem wit xubuntu06:51
histoGuido1: ok.06:51
hateballGuido1: All the commands I specified are run in a terminal, they don't care about your DE/GUI06:52
histoGuido1: Does free -m   in a terminal show the right amount of ram?06:52
blueingresswilee-nilee, E: Package 'swat' has no installation candidate06:52
histoGuido1: or you can do free -h   in a terminal to make it human readable like 3.9G etc...06:53
wilee-nileeblueingress, Never used it so I have no idea other than confirming wha you were looking for and if in the 14.04 release.06:53
vadimkolchevhi all, after a fresh install I noticed that have backports enabled. Is it safe to update with backports? will I still have a stable system?06:54
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histoblueingress: what swat?06:54
wilee-nileevadimkolchev, I believe the backports are only running on the developments06:54
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vadimkolchevwilee-nilee, hmm, not sure why they are enabled by default then06:54
blueingresshisto, Swat - Samba's web-based GUI configuration utility.06:55
vadimkolchevwilee-nilee, ok, I will comment the lines in sources.list06:55
wilee-nileevadimkolchev, cool06:55
Guido1histo: one 2 GB and one 512 MB RAM instaled. that could be true. fiurst there was a smale one06:56
Guido1lwhen I bought it with XP - not sure about the size. later i added a 2 GB ram06:56
wilee-nileevadimkolchev, I may have been wrong here is a wiki. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:57
histoblueingress: you'd have to use a ppa or something if you want to use it.06:57
athanHey guys.. I just installed portmap, but there wasn't a service recognized. I've got a config file in /etc/init/ and that's it :/... any ideas? I'm just trying to get the nfs-common client to work. Thanks!!!06:57
histoGuido1: what does free -h  show?06:57
Guido1histo: invalide option06:57
vadimkolchevdoes any1 successfully run wow on ubuntu?06:58
wilee-nileevadimkolchev, many are here daily06:58
Guido1vadimkolchev: xubuntu06:58
histoGuido1: in a terminal type in free -m  and press enter  pastebin the output06:58
blueingresshisto, I can I tell which ppa to use for that swat?06:58
histoGuido1: or pastebin the output of sudo dmidecode -t memory06:59
Guido1histo: so maybe another parameter?06:59
vadimkolchevGuido1, wilee-nilee,never done it, is there a good manual somewhere?06:59
histo!ppa | blueingress06:59
ubottublueingress: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:59
wilee-nileevadimkolchev, Me neither.06:59
histoblueingress: notice the unsuported line06:59
histoblueingress: you may want to investigate why it was removed.07:00
Guido1vadimkolchev: think i understood you wrong ...07:00
Guido1histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7592977/07:00
blueingresshisto, yeah, you are right07:00
histoGuido1: and the pastebin for the dmidecode one?07:01
albert88ntromani pe aici?07:02
albert88nthy all.i`m new to ubuntu.Someone help?:D07:02
histo!ask | albert88nt07:03
ubottualbert88nt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:03
Guido1histo: now all together: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7592994/07:03
histoGuido1: uggh07:04
albert88nti want to install ubuntu an my laptop on an hard drive of 500Gb.I want to have 3 partition letters(like windows microsoft) C(system),D(my files),E(my files).I have 2 gb ram07:04
albert88ntsorry for my english07:05
Guido1histo: yes, it's a bit old and i think about a new one, but i need it until i found and got one for a student price ...07:05
histoGuido1: do you have a 512mb and a 2gb dim installed?07:05
histoGuido1: that's what your hardware is reporting.07:06
Guido1histo: defenetly a 2 GB and the other is somewhere betwen 512MB and 2 GB. in the beginning it was without the 2 GB07:06
Guido1histo: but 2 GB shoulkd be enough for xubuntu to send a error report, right?07:07
albert88nt!ask i want to install ubuntu an my laptop on an hard drive of 500Gb.I want to have 3 partition letters(like windows microsoft) C(system),D(my files),E(my files).I have 2 gb ram07:07
ubottualbert88nt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:07
histoGuido1: idk depends on what it's trying to do?07:08
histoalbert88nt: well you don't have drive letters in linux. Are you going to dualboot windows and ubuntu or just ubuntu only?07:08
albert88ntjust ubuntu07:08
Guido1histo: don't know what the erroreport is about. except that updating, browser and libre office open (not using)07:09
albert88nthisto: just ubuntu07:09
histoalbert88nt: you can do that. create a / partition for the main os.  Install your files to a /home partition07:10
histo!it | albert88nt If you want someone that speaks your language07:10
ubottualbert88nt If you want someone that speaks your language: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:10
histo!ro | albert88nt maybe this?07:11
ubottualbert88nt maybe this?: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro07:11
histo!partition | albert88nt07:11
ubottualbert88nt: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap07:11
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penoshow to upgrade ubuntu to windows 8.1?07:46
histopenos: You mean downgrade07:46
DJonespenos: Probably a question for ##windows, but I guess, format hdd & install from your Win 8.1 install media07:47
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penosdjones wat about mbs?07:48
histopenos: You could give me the $200 and I'll kick your in the rear instead.07:49
histo!test | loopbug07:55
ubottuloopbug: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )07:55
apb1963I put my USB 2.0 flash drive in... it fails to automount and I get a notification that it fails.  I run fsck on it, it claims it was not unmounted cleanly.  Now fsck reports that it's clean.  Note - it has not been mounted at this point.  I pull out the stick, and put it back in.  Repeat from beginning.08:00
apb1963What am I missing?08:01
histoapb1963: what file system?08:02
apb1963histo: ext408:02
histoapb1963: is there any info in dmesg when it fails to mount?08:02
apb1963histo: Yes, but nothing terribly useful08:02
apb1963histo: Just states that it found errors in the journal... which jibes with what fsck says.08:03
apb1963histo: If I mount it manually after fsck, there's no problem.  Until I unmount, and pull it back out and then back in again.  Then I go back to the same loop above.08:05
someHumanMy Ubuntu's been starting slowly lately08:05
histoapb1963: try sync before unmounting08:05
apb1963apb1963: but.. I didn't write anything!08:05
someHumanWhat are ways on how I can make my Ubuntu the fastest and best performance it can be?08:05
apb1963oh look i'm talking to myself.  lol08:06
apb1963histo: ok, good idea08:06
histoapb1963: sudo sync && sudo umount /whatever08:06
apb1963histo: sync; sync; sync; :)08:06
histosomeHuman: use a SSD or a different DE08:07
someHumanhisto: What DE is better for Ubuntu?08:07
someHumanI'm a person who cares about functionality rather than looks/arts/graphics/etc.08:07
histosomeHuman: whatever de you like, Some lighter ones might be XFCE, LXDE, or you can go really light with like i3wm or openbox etc...08:07
someHumanYeah XFCE is probably what am talking about08:08
histosomeHuman: do you like vim?08:08
someHumanhisto: vim?08:08
histosomeHuman: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop for xfce08:08
someHumanhisto: Thanks!08:08
histosomeHuman: then at your login screen just select xfce for the session08:08
someHumanWill that give me the latest stable?08:08
someHumanhisto: Thanks!08:08
histo!info xfce08:09
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in trusty08:09
apb1963histo: nope... same old same old08:09
histo!info xfce4 | someHuman08:09
ubottusomeHuman: xfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.10.1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB08:09
histoapb1963: that's odd.08:09
apb1963histo: I thought so08:10
histoapb1963: mount backup your stuff, and format08:10
someHumanhisto: This is the latest release http://archive.xfce.org/xfce/4.10/08:10
someHumanI've just seen it08:10
histoapb1963: also you shouldn't be using ext4 on that.08:10
apb1963histo: what should I be using?08:10
histoapb1963: well you can but I'd turn off journaling08:10
apb1963histo: now that's something I'm not sure how to do.08:10
histosomeHuman: well if you are running 14.04 then you will get xfce 4.1008:10
someHumanhisto: Cool! Thanks!08:11
someHumanhisto: Will it be the same experience? Just a different desktop?08:11
histoapb1963: then journaling will cause excessive writes to the disk. With it being a thumb drive and having a limited number of writes before failure that's not what you would want.08:11
someHumanI also want to delete Unity08:11
someHumanI don't like it, it's slow haha!08:11
histoapb1963: just use vfat08:11
apb1963histo: ok.  i'll do that right now08:11
someHumanEspecially the fade effect whenever I ctrl+d08:11
someHumanI don't need effects that much lol08:12
someHumanI also hate the panel08:12
histo!purexfce | someHuman08:12
ubottusomeHuman: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »08:12
someHumanSide panel08:12
histosomeHuman: althoguht the packages being installed will not effect performance in xfce08:12
someHumanI want the GUI to be the same as Windows 8.108:12
someHumanWindows 8.1 GUI is straight up08:12
histosomeHuman: Don't know of a DE that looks like the metro interface08:12
someHumanhisto: No what I mean is the GUI of Windows 8.1 is simple.08:13
histosomeHuman: so is unity's IMHO08:13
someHumanThe alt+tab, ctrl+d, taskbar they're simple and fast.08:13
apb1963histo: vfat is not a choice in partition manager08:13
histoapb1963: fat08:13
someHumanWe'll just see how after I've got XFCE :D08:14
apb1963histo: fat16 and fat3208:14
histoapb1963: fat3208:14
histoapb1963: http://archive09.linux.com/feature/13121808:15
wilee-nileefresh from 200808:15
someHumangedit or emacs?08:15
bazhangsomeHuman, dont poll here08:16
someHumanbazhang: Ok08:16
apb1963histo: article is 6 years old08:16
apb1963haha wilee-nilee saw that too08:16
histosomeHuman: you still have alt+tab in unity and you can create keyboard shortcuts for system monitor like the task manager in windblows08:16
someHumanhisto: Haha what do people hate about Windows anyway?08:17
histosomeHuman: Well you couldn't change your DE to whatever you fancied in windblows now could you?08:17
someHumanhisto: Yup08:17
histosomeHuman: psssst.... it's not free either.08:18
apb1963histo: fat32... Problem Remains the Same08:19
histoapb1963: how are you un mounting the drive?  are you just yanking it out?08:20
apb1963histo: Yes08:20
histoapb1963: do you have another thumb drive to test?08:21
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apb1963sorry... was time for my quarter of the hour irc client crash.08:22
apb1963histo: actually... it mounted.. even though the message said it didn't08:22
histoapb1963: that's odd.08:22
apb1963histo: very08:22
apb1963histo: but yes... I have another one08:23
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histoapb1963: see if the other one behaves the same way.08:24
nexa1Good morning08:25
nexa1how are you guys08:25
apb1963histo: it does.  Notification of failure to mount... but mounts anyway.08:25
nexa1what is the newest ubuntu news today08:25
histoapb1963: What version of ubuntu are you running?08:26
someHumanhisto: I didn't see that much of a change when I installed XFCE08:26
histosomeHuman: change in what?08:26
apb1963histo: 12.0408:26
someHumanhisto: Performance08:26
someHumanhisto: It in fact slowed08:26
someHumanOk how I want my DE to look is to be similar to Cinammon08:27
histoapb1963: Is this a gui error you are receiving?08:27
apb1963histo: yes08:27
histosomeHuman: then install cinammon08:27
histosomeHuman: what type of video card do you have?08:27
someHumanhisto: AMD08:27
histosomeHuman: and what are you measuring your performance by?08:27
someHumanhisto: I want speed :D08:28
someHumanSpeed and stability08:28
histosomeHuman: speed of what and what are you compairing it to?08:29
someHumanhisto: Mint08:29
someHumanhisto: I mean Manjaro08:29
someHumanManjaro Linux08:29
histosomeHuman: I doubt you'll see much difference speed wise from xubuntu to manjaro08:30
histosomeHuman: ahh it's arch based08:30
someHumanI also want to change the look of my DE, probably similar to Cinammon08:30
nexa1why i have to update08:30
someHumanhisto: Yup08:30
nexa1major reason i meant?!08:30
histosomeHuman: you can install cinnamon08:30
someHumanhisto: On it08:31
someHumanIt seems that I replaced Unity?08:31
histosomeHuman: you didn't replace unity you just installed xfce08:31
someHumanThe only change I have noticed is the login screen and bootsplash08:31
someHumanIs anything bad about removing Unity?08:31
someHumanThat probably slows the boot.08:32
someHumanI expect XFCE to speed things up08:32
someHumanI'm not getting my expectation :(08:32
histosomeHuman: unity has nothing to do with the boot08:34
someHumanhisto: It's slower now :(08:35
someHumanIt's suppose to speed things u[p08:35
histosomeHuman: I highly doubt that.08:35
someHumanYeah it is slow08:35
histosomeHuman: installing xfce would not effect your boot speed.08:35
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
someHumanhisto: Can I remove Unity then?08:35
someHumanWill I lose stuff?08:35
histo!purexfce | someHuman08:35
ubottusomeHuman: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »08:35
histosomeone: you are not going to achieve boot speeds anywhere close to an arch system though unless you take similar approach to your setup.08:37
labeeb32i want to install ubuntu on windows 8.108:37
histosomsip: i.e. install a minimal system and work you way up with no-recomends08:37
labeeb32i have shrinked  free space08:37
histolabeeb32: download virtualbox08:37
labeeb32let me finish plz08:37
histolabeeb32: or do you mean dualboot08:37
labeeb32then i disabled fast boot08:38
labeeb32secure boot is also disabled08:38
wilee-nileelabeeb32, All in one post please08:38
labeeb32im using bootable usb for buntu08:38
someHumanDone it! :D08:38
labeeb32oh sorry08:38
someHumanNo more annoying Unity stuff haha!08:38
bazhanglabeeb32, use the enter key less please08:38
someHumanhisto:  and bazhang Thanks guys!08:38
someHumanNow I have to setup the menu keyboard key08:38
apb1963histo: fixed it08:38
histolabeeb32: did you download the 64bit version?08:39
someHumanhisto: Main thanks to you man! :D08:39
=== mich is now known as Guest11944
labeeb32when ubuntu installation page shows partitions, it just shows all my hard in one piece. i mean no unallocated space or my windows partitions.08:39
histoapb1963: what was the issue?08:39
someHumanWhere is menu located?08:39
apb1963histo: /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf  I disabled automounting... go figure.08:39
histo!enter | labeeb3208:40
histoapb1963: lol08:40
labeeb32yes 64 bit08:40
* histo shakes fist at whomever removed that factoid08:40
someHumanWhere is the menu button located?08:41
someHumanI want to assign it to super key/windows key08:41
larrypgsomeHuman, right click08:41
apb1963apb1963: the primary difference is that instead of mounting at /media/usb0, now it mounts at /media/<my login id>/<random Hex string>08:41
histosomeHuman: what menu button?08:41
wilee-nileelabeeb32, Worth looking at. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729508:41
apb1963histo:  ^08:41
histoapb1963: I don't believe that string is random, it's probably the guid of the disk08:42
apb1963apb1963: probably right.08:42
histoapb1963: try sudo blkid and compare08:42
apb1963histo: on the money... it's the uuid08:42
apb1963histo: but now i'm concerned about my other external usb hard  drive which was happily automounting 4 partitions.08:43
histolabeeb32: What are you expecting to see on the partitioning screen?08:43
apb1963apb1963: Guess I'll cross that bridge yada yada08:44
apb1963sigh... I must be tired... keep talking to myself.  <mumble mumble>08:44
histoapb1963: what's wrong with the other external?08:44
apb1963histo: nothing.  yet.  I'm just worried that since I disabled automounting, it will be affected.08:45
apb1963histo: won't know until I reboot08:45
histoapb1963: Oh ... So you didn't fix the issue you just disabled the automounting.08:46
histoapb1963: I thought you meant it was disabled orignally.08:46
histoapb1963: NO idea why your thumb drives are throwing errors with automount on. That's odd.08:46
KovacsHmm, I have a problem, when I install java (with sudo apt-get install default-jdk), the intall is OK but I havve an error : E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), can you help me ? :D08:46
apb1963histo: no... it was enabled.  I disabled it, and then it automounted.08:46
apb1963histo: very odd08:46
apb1963histo: Odder than the Odd Couple.08:47
KovacsAnyone can help me ? :(08:48
someHumanWoah I lost a lot of keyboard shortcuts!08:48
someHumanWhere is the whisker menu located?08:48
apb1963histo: so here comes my primary test for the monkey drive... Back In Time :)08:48
lamrzhello everyone, do you know if photorec or testdisk has an own irc channel? (read it also as whether I can ask my question here? :) )08:48
someHumanI think whisker is how the call it. The menu button. Here it08:48
someHumanit's a mouse logo.*08:48
histolamrz: just ask08:48
someHumanI can no longer also change the volume via keyboard keys.08:48
someHumanLike volume and brightness08:48
someHumanAlso lost my keys to lock screen08:49
bazhang!alis | lamrz08:49
ubottulamrz: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:49
histosomeHuman: change your binds08:49
histobazhang: they dont' have a channel here08:49
someHumanAlso what's the equivalent of super+s?08:49
histolamrz: They don't have a channel here. There is a forum on their site; however, I'm also quite experienced with both so if you want ask away.08:50
histosomeHuman: You're not making any sense whatsoever.08:50
lamrzthank you histo! thank you bazhang! I have a big problem, I have to find my keyring files that were deleted. I am trying it with photorec, it has pgp/gpg search option, though with partial support, as it says. and then there is a "brute force" enable/disable option. I'd like to ask if it damages my disk or the current files in it to enable brute force.08:50
someHumanhisto: I done it haha!08:50
histolamrz: if you're worried about damaging the disk, I would create an image and work from that image.  Photorec should be read only.08:51
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Kovacshisto : Can you help me ? I have an error when I'm trying to install java (with sudo apt-get install default-jdk) it make many errors about DPKG and I have that : "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)",08:55
solarsdoes anyone know how to show the current urxvt font?09:01
lamrzhisto, I have several disks to search, creating images should take time, I think?09:04
lamrzor rather, I guess?09:04
lamrzhisto, do you mean, read-only prevents damaging even if I dont create an image, and work on the disk directly?09:05
histolamrz: The first rule of data recovery create an image and work from that. If any writes are comitted to the disk you are losing chances at recovery of your files.09:07
histolamrz: just the disk being mounted causes changes etc...09:07
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lamrzhisto, how can I create that image? with dd?09:13
Jordan_Ulamrz: I thought you said you wiped all of the keyring files?09:15
histolamrz: dd if=/dev/of/your/disk  of=/path/to/where/you/want/image bs=1M09:15
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bcvery!ask | GuyThatNeedsHelp09:15
ubottuGuyThatNeedsHelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:15
histo!dd | lamrz09:15
jackarius86hi does anyone here use cmus? I am having trouble getting it to play my m4a files09:15
GuyThatNeedsHelpi keep getting disconnected09:15
Jordan_Ulamrz: And make sure that the place your saving to is not one of the disks you're trying to recover files from.09:16
bcvery!details | GuyThatNeedsHelp, disconnected from what?09:16
ubottuGuyThatNeedsHelp, disconnected from what?: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:16
GuyThatNeedsHelpfrom my internet, i have a phone and the wifi works fine but on ubuntu it keeps disconnecting09:16
lamrzJordan_U, there are some usb and hard drives that have at least once contained the files. I thought it is worth the try.09:17
apb1963histo: any special reason you told him a 1M block size... other than it's pretty big?09:17
Jordan_Ulamrz: Ok.09:17
histo!undelete | lamrz09:17
ubottulamrz: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:17
lamrzdanke histo!09:20
lamrzthank you, I mean. :)09:21
lamrzI was talking german recently09:21
yakiza i have a problem09:23
yakiza i cant run somethink09:23
yakiza  well i download lineage 2(game) but i couldent run it09:23
yakiza i search on internet and i saw that i have to download09:23
yakiza i did it but again nothink09:23
yakiza can someone help me09:23
histoyakiza: is it a steam game?09:24
histo!appdb | yakiza09:24
ubottuyakiza: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help09:24
histoyakiza: you can install wine from the software center also09:24
yakiza you jut download the clinet (lineage 2 hight five)  then you download the server sytem that you want to join and you join09:24
yakiza  ubottu i know but  everyone say that i have to download it  or i cant play the game09:25
ubottuyakiza: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:25
histoyakiza: yeah that's if they have a linux client or if the application works with wine then you do the same thing.09:25
histoyakiza: apt-get install wine09:25
yakizai did it histo09:25
yakiza i installit like this09:25
yakiza i pm you on private09:26
histoyakiza: okay then wine whateversetup.exe  or follow the directions on the wine appdb09:26
yakiza  sec09:26
=== damocles is now known as damocles2
lamrzhisto, I can create an image of the whole disk at one run, right? that is, it doesnt matter that it has encrypted partitions like /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdb2..09:30
beggeracan anyone plz help me regarding dual boot ubuntu on windows instalation. i am installing 14.04 version on windows 8.1. in windows i shrinked free space but during installation process of ubuntu, it shows all hard in one piece.09:33
beggerai cant see that free space09:33
histolamrz: were the files stored on the encrypted partitions?09:34
histolamrz: to answer your question you can create an image of the whole disk or individual partitions09:34
Jordan_Ubeggera: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".09:34
lamrzhisto, no, at the time when the file was on the drive, the location was not encrypted09:35
lamrzbut that respective location may currently be encrypted09:35
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histolamrz: What??09:37
histolamrz: please pm me as this is getting offtopic for #ubuntu09:38
GuyThatNeedsHelpcan anyone help me with this? I keep getting disconnected from my wifi, for an example i have to disconnect from my wifi to get it to work. but it only works for about 15 secs and after that when i try to connect to something like google it keeps just loading the page and takes a long time. at first i thought i just had bad internet but on my phone my connection is great09:40
jackarius86does anyone use cmus?09:41
bcvery!ask | jackarius8609:42
ubottujackarius86: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:42
jackarius86IF anyone uses cmus, do you know how to make it play m4a files properly?09:43
jackarius86at the moment all i get is static when i try to play them09:44
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GuyThatNeedsHelpNo help?09:45
jackarius86GuyThatNeedsHelp: try in ##linux09:46
iraciciao a tutti09:51
iracichi mi può consigliare un programma per il montaggio delle foto09:52
iracijester- ci sei09:52
DJones!it | iraci09:52
ubottuiraci: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:52
iraciok scusa09:53
jackarius86IF anyone uses cmus, do you know how to make it play m4a files properly?09:54
jackarius86at the moment all i get is static when i try to play them09:54
Alex_ERROR: The kernel header file        '/lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build/include/linux/version.h' does not        exist.  The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files        in '/lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build' have not been configured.09:58
jackarius86IF anyone uses cmus, do you know how to make it play m4a files properly?09:59
jackarius86at the moment all i get is static when i try to play them09:59
histoCyberspirit: lspci | grep Network10:00
blizzywhat's up, guys?10:00
blizzyi just installed ubuntu 14.0410:00
blizzyunity sucks10:00
blizzyi'm going back to debian10:01
bcvery!ot | blizzy, don't use this channel to vent/rant10:01
ubottublizzy, don't use this channel to vent/rant: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:01
blizzysorry i upset you10:02
Alex_ERROR: The kernel header file        '/lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build/include/linux/version.h' does not        exist.  The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files        in '/lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build' have not been configured.10:02
=== otto- is now known as subterfugium
histoblizzy: no one is forcing you to use unity btw10:03
gryblizzy: I've been using ubuntu for 4 years without unity - I like the people. What you like is up to you though; your call.10:04
blizzyi like the debian people10:04
mashuare there different GUIs for ubuntu??10:04
blizzythey're more intelligent10:04
histoblizzy: then why are you here /j #debian10:04
titch515@mashu loads10:05
gryblizzy: thanks :) I like both10:05
histoblizzy: Yes because you are displaying some real intelligence with your comments. You obviously belong elsewhere.10:05
mashutitch515, unity is one isnt it? what are the others? how do you change?10:05
grymashu: yes, I think they're called 'desktop environments'10:05
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:05
grynope, not that10:05
bcvery!desktop | mashu10:06
ubottumashu: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors10:06
grythanks bcvery10:06
titch515^^ what he said10:06
mashutitch515, those are the different flavours ... how do i change?10:06
Alex_ERROR: The kernel header file        '/lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build/include/linux/version.h' does not        exist.  The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files        in '/lib/modules/3.13.0-27-generic/build' have not been configured.10:07
someHumanI originally had Ubuntu 14.04 as one of my native OS, and had just replaced unity with XFCE DE10:07
lamrzJordan_U, histo has quit all of a sudden. he last told me that I could mount the drives read only to use photorec. In this case do I not need to create dd images anymoreß10:07
someHumanIs my case similar to installing Xubuntu mainly?10:08
grysomeHuman: there is not always a need to replace. Our local sysadmin customized gnome to an extent that it's hard to find a difference of his setup and xfce.10:08
someHumangry: I like my DE better than Unity10:08
gryI think that potential might be ...underestimated.10:08
someHumanIt crashes and stuff10:08
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)10:09
gryI don't have a way to know, I didn't try it. I recall it's more stable in 14.04 than in non-LTS releases.10:09
titch515Mashu: install the desktop environment you want and then choose it at the login screen10:09
someHumangry: Yup10:09
lamrzdoes mounting a drive read-only eliminates the need to create its image before deploying photorec on it?10:09
titch515sudo apt-get install <desktop package>10:10
someHumanIn my case, seems like as if I had Xubuntu originally. In Xubuntu's download page http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ they offer Trusty Tahr too which is probably the same as with Ubuntu10:10
someHumansudo apt-get upgrade is a full system update right?10:11
someHumanI am doing it now10:11
ikoniasomeHuman: define "upgrade" from what to what are you expecting10:11
someHumanikonia: I just want my system to be up to date10:11
ikoniasomeHuman: that will take your packages to the current versions in the repo10:12
someHumanikonia: Ah, what then is a full system update?10:12
ikoniasystem update ? from what to what ?10:12
iptablesomeHuman, apt-get upgrade will update all packages in your current ubuntu version to latest, also installing any new dependencies that might be required to perform full package upgrade. It does not get your from 12.04 to 14.04.10:12
mashusomeHuman, sudo apt-get update10:13
someHumaniptable: Ah, I lack of my expression.10:13
mashusomeHuman, sudo apt-get upgrade10:13
someHumanI ran upgrade instead of update10:13
ikoniaupdate just updates the meta package index10:13
someHumanI don't want to go to any versions of my distro, just want to update my packages.10:13
iptablesomeHuman, apt-get update will udpate a list of package available in the repo. Following that, apt-get upgrade will upgrade all those packages that are old, as I described10:14
ikoniasomeHuman: apt-get update to bring your package LIST up to date, then apt-get upgrade to upgrade those packages to the lates versions in the list10:14
someHumanI probably won't go into other versions of Ubuntu as 14.04 is the latest lol.10:14
someHumanikonia: Ah ok10:14
iptablesomeHuman, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:14
someHumanWill upgrade literally upgrade the packages into the latest? Even if it isn't stable?10:14
someHumanThat's how I see the difference of update from upgrade.10:15
ikoniait weill not go outside your distro version10:15
ikoniasomeHuman: no10:15
ikoniait takes you to the latest version in the distro version, defined by the list you get from "apt-get update"10:15
someHumanikonia: Ah cool! I just want the stable release.10:15
jackarius86IF anyone uses cmus, do you know how to make it play m4a files properly?10:16
jackarius86at the moment all i get is static when i try to play them10:16
iptablesomeHuman, it will update them to the latest version available in the repos you are using. If you are using official repos for 14.04, it will upgrade to the latest available there - stable.10:16
mashujust out of curiosity what is the difference between linux minut and ubuntu apart form the installed programs and GUI?10:16
Ben64jackarius86: maybe try a different player?10:17
CyberspiritI would like to download a full set of the ubuntu isos for server and desktop, with a large mirror of the entire repository, could someone please point me in the right direction (eg, url), I've gone to the site and cant find the links to any DVD isos for ubuntu10:20
CyberspiritI'm kinda paranoid that the worlds going to end and that I'm going to lose access to apt-get10:20
Cyberspiritthats my reason and I'm sticking to it10:20
bcveryCyberspirit, both server and desktop can be downloaded from www.ubuntu.com/download/server and www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop respectively10:22
moarrr_bitcoinzive installed the standard desktop version of ubunu, 14.04 LTS10:22
moarrr_bitcoinzis there anything i need to do to make it secure?10:22
Cyberspiritubuntu.com/download/server just links to the cd iso, not dvd iso10:23
Cyberspiritshould I just make a mirror of the repository?10:24
amriunixwhat's up guys !! :)10:25
mashuwhat is the most popular desktop environment for ubuntu?10:26
amriunixmashu: gnome,kde !!!10:26
=== qstrahl`` is now known as qstrahl
iptablemashu, for ubuntu itself out of the box, that would be unity. Some people choose to install KDE, others Gnome3 or Cinnamon. On slow machines some install Mate. Now install all of them, have a look and pick the one you like the most. And YES, they can all coexist, you pick which one to start at login.10:34
mashuiptable, thanks10:35
jackarius86at the moment all i get is static when i try to play them10:35
jackarius86IF anyone uses cmus, do you know how to make it play m4a files properly?10:35
jackarius86at the moment all i get is static when i try to play them10:35
labeeb32i cannot see unallocated space for ubuntu dual boot in windows in ubuntu installation10:35
jackarius86Ben64: i dont want to use a different player :P10:35
jackarius86i really enjoy using cmus10:35
Ben64then you probably can't listen to m4a's10:35
labeeb32someone guide me10:36
labeeb32can anyone ??? plzz10:37
bcvery!patience | labeeb3210:37
ubottulabeeb32: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:37
labeeb32i have windows 8.1 and i want to dual boot ubuntu. i shrinked from c but this unallocated space does not show up in ubuntu installation. it shows all hard in one piece10:39
mashui got this msg when installing gnome desktop environent ...  A display manager is a program that provides graphical login              │10:39
mashu │ capabilities for the X Window System.                                     │10:39
mashu │                                                                           │10:39
mashu │ Only one display manager can manage a given X server, but multiple        │10:39
mashu │ display manager packages are installed. Please select which display       │10:39
mashu │ manager should run by default.                                            │10:39
unopastemashu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:39
jjavaholicwhere do I change the opacity of what was the global menu in 14.04?10:40
mashujjavaholic, download "unity tweak tool"10:41
jjavaholicI had/have that but get a the following schema is missing: com.canonical.unity.webapps10:42
labeeb32i have windows 8.1 and i want to dual boot ubuntu. i shrinked from c but this unallocated space does not show up in ubuntu installation. it shows all hard in one piece. and it says its all free.10:42
histo!dualboot | labeeb3210:42
ubottulabeeb32: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:42
labeeb32i followed accordingly but still i have unusual results10:42
labeeb32like it said, i disabled secure boot and fast startup10:43
philinuxjjavaholic;~ what do you want to set the opacity too10:47
histolabeeb32: are you sure the hard drive has been resized properly?10:47
philinuxjjavaholic;~ you can change it with compizconfig-settings-manager10:49
labeeb32yes the unallocated space is seen in disk management in windows10:49
mashuwhen installing gnomeshell i was asked lightdm or gdm?10:50
mashuwhich one should i choose>?10:50
histolabeeb32: did you select to install along side windows?10:50
philinuxjjavaholic;~ as seen here. it should still work in 14.04 http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/transparent-panel-titlebar-ubuntu-unity/10:51
labeeb32i dont know where to select it.10:51
labeeb32there was no such option10:51
histolabeeb32: Where are you in the install process10:51
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
labeeb32its ubuntu 14.0410:51
histolabeeb32: i'm aware of that10:51
labeeb32right where u have to chose disk for ubuntu10:52
histolabeeb32: what are your options?10:52
bcverymashu, go for lightdm for the moment - this can be changed later on if you decide to use GNOME10:53
yakizahello i10:53
labeeb32i chose 'something else' option then i have 2 options 1. /dev/sda 2. free space that is 500107mb. Thats my hard disk10:54
histolabeeb32: Okay so it doesn't see the windows partition or it doesn't see the freespace?10:55
labeeb32it sees nothing. its just showing all my hardisk as free space10:55
histolabeeb32: can you post a picture of your screen please10:55
histo!pastebin | labeeb3210:55
ubottulabeeb32: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:55
histolabeeb32: take a pic with your phone or camera and put it on imagebin.org/?page=add10:56
histolabeeb32: did you select try ubuntu, and then click the installer?10:56
icesherpa24labeeb32 naybe go back if its not to late and take another look choose instal along side windows what do you think histo10:56
histoicesherpa24: yeah that's what I told him hours ago10:57
CyberspiritI need to remove sudo10:57
Cyberspiritits driving me crazy10:57
histoCyberspirit: why?10:57
Cyberspiritbecause i've been using debian for 10 years10:57
Cyberspiritwithout sudo10:57
labeeb32there is no such option as alongside windows10:57
histolabeeb32: Does it say that it failed to detect an operating system?10:58
philinuxjjavaholic;~ I just changed it with tweak. It's the Panel tab you need10:58
ranjanhi all, any IBM Lotus users out there who has successfully installed Lotus Notes and Sametime on Ubuntu 14.04?10:58
histolabeeb32: and did you start ubuntu with the "try ubuntu" or the "install" option?10:58
jjavaholicphillinux:something near zero10:59
histooh well I have to go someone else i'm sure will help.10:59
philinuxjjavaholic;~ just push the slider to the right under the Panel tab of unity tweak tool11:00
bobharryHi im getting errors with mysql but its a ubuntu problem11:00
ddrs #kali-linux11:00
labeeb32well it says this computer has no detected operating systems. and i chose something else option11:02
bobharryDoes anyone know the fix?11:03
grybobharry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.511:05
bobharryk one sec11:05
bobharryroot@playmcpe:~# sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5 /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mysql-server-5.5 is broken or not fully installed11:07
grybobharry, sudo aptitude reinstall mysql-server-5.511:08
bobharrylabeeb32: Google Chrome has blocked access to imagebin.org for now. gg11:08
labeeb32so wghat can i do?11:09
bobharryIts malware11:09
labeeb32best sao11:10
damocleshi , i m looking for a channel in french for an help to configure Ubuntu11:10
yakizaguys anyone who know about wine11:10
DJonesdamocles: #ubuntu-fr is french language support11:11
jnhghydamocles: #ubuntu-fr11:11
damoclesok thanks11:11
bobharrygry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594112/11:11
DJonesyakiza: Probably best joining ##winehq and asking there11:11
* gry reads the previous one again11:12
labeeb32what can i do now?11:12
philinuxyakiza;~ what is it are you trying or wnating to install11:12
* bobharry Laughs11:12
yakizai wanna play a game11:12
yakiza and i cant runn it11:12
bobharryWhat game11:13
grybobharry, sudo apt-get remove mysql-server-5.5; sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.511:13
philinuxyakiza;~ thats cos it's an exe windows game11:13
yakizayes i know i have downloaded the wine11:13
gryyakiza, does it give you an error message?11:13
philinuxyakiza;~ you could try playonlinux11:13
yakiza but  again nothink11:13
yakiza no11:13
gryyou might want to ask #winehq about it11:13
yakiza i just cant run it11:13
yakiza ok11:13
yakiza i go ther11:13
gryif you run it from terminal, it will probably give you an error message11:14
philinuxyakiza;~ have you looked on the wine site and check if it runs under wine11:14
philinuxHere http://appdb.winehq.org/11:14
bobharrygry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594137/11:15
* bobharry laughs11:15
bobharryNever gonna find a fix >.<11:15
grythat "runlevel:/var/run/utmp: No such file or directory" thing is bothering me enough now to read on it11:16
* bobharry laughs11:16
bobharryIt loves to keep saying that11:16
bobharryI don't even know what it does though11:16
llutzbobharry: what's the output of "cat /etc/issue"11:18
bobharryMhm one sec11:18
bobharryWait how do I find that out? xD11:18
bobharryIm noob xD11:18
llutzbobharry: that is a command, just enter it into a terminal11:18
bobharryroot@playmcpe:~# cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l11:19
philinuxbobharry;~ seems you not alone. http://askubuntu.com/questions/296946/upstart-cant-start-mysql11:19
bobharryphilinux: That is 13.04 though11:19
grythere is plenty of incompetent information at the URL philinux posted11:19
bobharryYet the error is a little different to that link11:20
philinuxgry;~ seems the missing directory is partly to blame11:20
philinuxthats what I was pointing at11:21
bobharryMhm let me give it a go11:21
philinuxbobharry;~ you can always remove that directory if it does not help11:22
bobharryIll try what it says in the link first11:22
philinuxbobharry;~ yes the rest is not applicable i reckon11:23
bobharryOk i hope this works11:23
bobharryUrgh it didn't work im doomed11:26
bobharrymhm it seems its frozen :311:28
bobharryseems to be stuck on runlevel:/var/run/utmp: No such file or directory11:29
bobharryIts not moving ._.11:29
rturHi guys, in my device.map are my three drives listed by id but two of them are in a LVM VG does grub need to know about this or is it enough to list the drives but not LVM PD ?11:30
labeeb32why does it say that there is no operating system detected during ubuntu installation11:31
rturlabeeb32: is there one ?11:31
bobharrygry: do you have any other fixes?11:31
labeeb32yes wondows 8.111:31
rturlabeeb32: try os-prober , what does it say ?11:33
rturlabeeb32: yeas, it's a program. Do you have a shell ?11:34
bobharrylabeeb32: You know any other fix?11:34
labeeb32who says so?11:34
rturlabeeb32: You could ignore it for the moment, install ubuntu (but WITHOUT overwriting your win partitions) and reinstall grub after the ubuntu installation11:35
Ben64labeeb32: this seems to be your problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218118911:35
labeeb32i cant see any partitions. just all my hard disk in one piece by name free space11:36
labeeb32so i cant continue ubuntu installation11:36
grybobharry: I would probably ask at the Ubuntu Mailing List or just stay in here for another few hours (if it's a server, try #ubuntu-server)11:36
bobharryeh?? mailing list?11:36
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maddawg3labeeb32 your install only sees one partition and it's empty?11:39
labeeb32and i found this. If Windows is now MBR you just need to remove backup gpt partition table. FixParts is the easiest way to remove the stray GPT data. GPT fdisk (gdisk or sgdisk) can do it, but the procedure's a bit more involved.11:41
Ben64labeeb32: did you see the link i sent you?11:41
labeeb32yes i did11:41
labeeb32If Windows is now MBR you just need to remove backup gpt partition table. FixParts is the easiest way to remove the stray GPT data. GPT fdisk (gdisk or sgdisk) can do it, but the procedure's a bit more involved.11:41
maddawg3labeeb32 out of curiosity how large is your drive and does the ubuntu installer report it as that big?11:44
labeeb32500GB and installer shows it as free space11:44
maddawg3but it says that's 500GB in the installer right?11:44
maddawg3i'm trying to see if it's not picking up a partition for some reason11:44
labeeb32yes in installer11:45
maddawg3cuz it's odd that it'd be free space if you have stuff on it (unless you formated the drive)11:45
labeeb32i didnt format11:45
maddawg3well then that's just strange.. what's the file system?11:45
labeeb32and i can restart and boot windows normally. i tried it11:45
labeeb32file system?11:46
labeeb32its MBR system11:47
wallshello guys11:54
santhoshlubuntu14.04 kernel version is there any drAWBACKS11:56
jellowsanthosh, 3.13.0-27-generic as far as I know, no reason to expect problems12:05
NK`_how long before the ubuntu openssl release ?12:05
NK`_anyone have information about that ?12:06
EeinnI have a quick question. How can I monitor firewall information gui'ly in ubuntu? :)12:08
philinuxEeinn;~ app gufw from software center12:10
EeinnThanks philinux :)12:11
mashuhey, i installed the gnome3 desktop environment on ubuntu to test it out ... for some reason ... now whenever turn my computer on it doesnt ask for a password despite the settings asking it to do so ... whats happening?12:12
jellowNK`_, all information can be found through apt-get command, apt-get changelog openssl ( unless you have a specific question? )12:13
NK`_I'm wondering about when the openssl1.0.1g will be release in ubuntu repository12:14
santhosh<jellow> in lubuntu 13.10 kernel version is 3.8 but lubuntu 14.04 kernel version is 3.1 it is decresing order in that case iam asking12:14
moarrr_bitcoinzthis unbuntu interface is confusing as hell12:15
moarrr_bitcoinzhow do i get to the menu of my app?12:15
llutzNK`_: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/12:15
moarrr_bitcoinzcan i please just have the menu of my APP on the ACTUAL APP?12:15
moarrr_bitcoinzlike windows12:15
moarrr_bitcoinzthis is pissing me off12:15
SirLagzmoarrr_bitcoinz: don't use Unity ?12:16
NK`_llutz: that is the fix for the heartbleed bug that's been release in april12:16
NK`_I'm wondering about the flaw published today12:17
enleetenanyone know when ubuntu's going to have the new ssl vuln patched?12:18
enleetenis it waiting for upstream debian or something like that?12:18
llutzNK`_: try being less vague next time you ask something12:18
maddawg3does anyone on here use Etherape?12:19
NK`_14:12:31 < NK`_> I'm wondering about when the openssl1.0.1g will be release in ubuntu repository12:19
NK`_llutz: how more explicit can it be ?12:19
maddawg3i'm having an interesting issue with running it as root...  actually any program i have on my computer that requires root i am having issues with12:19
llutzNK`_: 14:05 < NK`_> how long before the ubuntu openssl release ?12:20
mguymaddawg3: what's the issue12:20
NK`_that's my first sentence i got more precise after that12:20
maddawg3any program that has a GUI that is...  it seems when i click on "Etherape (Run as Root)" it looks like it is about to run but nothing comes up12:20
maddawg3funny thing is mguy if i enable root login (I know it's not suggested which is why i want to fix it) I can launch it fine12:21
moarrr_bitcoinzi cant figure this out12:21
moarrr_bitcoinzHow do i get the menu of this program?12:21
moarrr_bitcoinzplease someone help me12:21
moarrr_bitcoinzwhy does the alt key not work?12:22
mguymaddawg3: does the luanch script use gksudo12:22
maddawg3mguy.. not sure...12:22
maddawg3how do i find out?12:22
moarrr_bitcoinzcans omeone please help me?!12:22
moarrr_bitcoinzthis is really simple12:22
mguyYou said you are starting it with a link, what does it actually do12:22
maddawg3it prompts for root password then i enter it then nothing opens12:23
maddawg3it's an icon in my launcher i installed it from the ubuntu software center thingy mahoo12:23
maddawg3it requires root to scan12:24
santhosh<maddawg3>it isd keyring problem12:24
maddawg3i'm sorry?12:24
maddawg3what did you say about my mom?12:24
maddawg3santhosh: what is an isd keyring... not familiar with that lolz12:24
santhoshin lubuntu /ubuntu keyring software it is always password12:24
mguymoarrr_bitcoinz: did you search for 'remove global menubar'12:25
llutzmoarrr_bitcoinz: you deactivate global menu in systemsettings - Appearance panel12:25
jellowmoarrr_bitcoinz, I do not use unity, from memory unity uses global menu so application menus are in the top panel12:25
santhoshkeyring multple password asking tool12:25
maddawg3santhosh: what?12:25
philinuxmaddawg;~ if etherape is a gui tool then from terminal gksu etherape12:25
santhoshswhat os did u use12:26
maddawg3philinux: already did12:26
maddawg3same issue... it's an issue with EVERY program that requires root12:26
maddawg3like gparted too12:26
moarrr_bitcoinzjellow: i cant find the menu i need12:26
moarrr_bitcoinzllutz: thx12:26
Guest48378NK`_, I got a mail form Debian's security mailing list half an hour before, that it's fixed in their area (Debian). - Likely within the next 24 hours it will come upstream to the Ubuntu repos. - But don't shoot me, if not ...12:26
mguymaddawg3: what version are you on12:26
philinuxmaddawg;~ have you tweaked something to do with sudo12:27
santhoshsorry i don,t know phlinux and iam telling lubuntui12:27
moarrr_bitcoinzmy system seems to stop responding alot and is very slow12:27
moarrr_bitcoinzdoes anyone know why this is?12:27
moarrr_bitcoinzit cant halt for up to 20 seconds a t time12:27
SirLagzmoarrr_bitcoinz: how old is the system ?12:27
mguymaddawg3: and are you using the launcher or terminal to run your command12:27
santhoshremove /tmp files and c;lear the browsing history to improve the pewrformance12:28
maddawg3mguy i've tried both here's the terminal output12:28
mguymoarrr_bitcoinz: is there anything in your log files that looks related to the pauses12:28
maddawg3(etherape:28525): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :112:28
moarrr_bitcoinzSirFunk: I installed it yesterday12:28
maddawg3oh wait a minute hold my horses12:28
walls windows is the best OS in the world, friends :)12:28
walls<walls> safe, reliable, fast.12:28
walls<walls> I have windows 98 is not used by hackers12:28
maddawg3i'm gonna kick myself in the head if this was the issue the whole time12:28
SirLagzmaddawg3: what was the issue ?12:29
maddawg3SirLagz: nvm it wasnt that12:29
moarrr_bitcoinzi just did what you said llutz and now i have no menus at all12:29
maddawg3i thought i was using the wrong password but i wasnt12:29
moarrr_bitcoinzwtf are my menus ?!12:29
mguymoarrr_bitcoinz: why don't you just run lxde or mate or something12:30
maddawg3interestingly i get the "(etherape:28525): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 1" output with every program i try to run with gksudo12:31
moarrr_bitcoinzi donno, nothing seems to be working here12:31
SirLagzmoarrr_bitcoinz: use Xubuntu or Lubuntu if you want a more "classic" feel12:31
moarrr_bitcoinzhow do i change this?12:31
moarrr_bitcoinzcan i use kde?12:31
SirLagzmoarrr_bitcoinz: sure. apt-get install kubuntu-desktop-environment IIRC12:32
SirLagzI don't have my *buntu box handy at the moment so can't check12:32
llutzmaddawg3: "ls -1 /tmp/.X11-unix | wc -l"12:32
moarrr_bitcoinzand what is up with this? why does ALT not activate the menus?12:32
moarrr_bitcoinzif i wanted to goto file menu, and F was underlined12:32
moarrr_bitcoinzwhat key do i hit?12:32
NK`_Guest48378: thx12:32
moarrr_bitcoinzin windows is alt-f12:32
Guest48378NK`_, you're welcome.12:33
moarrr_bitcoinzurgh my entire top menu bar isnt working now12:33
maddawg3llutz: i get a return value of "4"12:33
SirLagzmoarrr_bitcoinz: if you're having so many issues, might as well just start afresh with Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Kubuntu if you don't like the default Unity interface12:34
mguyAnd quit expecting things to work like Windows12:35
bobharryCan anyone find a fix? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594137/.12:37
llutzbobharry: ls -ld /var/run12:38
mguybobharry: you're running as root, and using sudo?12:38
bobharryAnd yeah i use sudo12:38
bobharrylluts its doing nothing12:38
llutzbobharry: sudo ln -s /run /var/run12:38
llutzbobharry: then try again without sudo12:39
llutzas root12:39
llutzbobharry:no need using sudo as root12:39
bobharryllutz: I ran it but then it makes a space.12:40
bobharryHeres the pic of it http://prntscr.com/3pvgyx12:40
llutzbobharry: it does what?12:40
jellowcould also be a permission issue ( ls -l /var/run/utmp )  it should be -rw-rw-r--12:41
llutzjellow: he#s missing the symling /run -> /var/run12:41
llutzbobharry: it doesn't return to prompt?12:42
bobharryIm running it on putty12:42
llutzbobharry: press ctrl-c, "ls -ld /run"12:43
bobharryroot@playmcpe:~# ls -ld /run drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Jun  5 16:45 /run12:44
llutzbobharry: exit root-shell, as user "sudo ln -s /run /var/run"12:45
bobharryWait how do I check what usernames are on the system?12:45
bobharryI can't remeber any xD12:45
llutzbobharry: getent passwd12:45
bobharrysoftware caused program abort12:46
llutzbobharry: you can't remember? so you ssh in as root? stupid idea12:46
ubottuhp_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:46
bobharryGreat... cant connect to putty now12:46
bobharryIm back in12:47
bobharryOk one sec12:47
hp_why so many people is here?12:48
hp_who is craker?12:49
KGM70!kr | hp12:49
llutzhp_:  Do you have any ubuntu support related question?12:49
cfhowletthp_ ask your ubuntu questions.12:49
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cfhowlett!topic > hp_12:49
ubottuhp_, please see my private message12:49
bezabanhp_: welcome to IRC.  You will find that many people leave their clients online even though they are not here or actively talking.  Freenode is probably not the right network for cracking related issues, and please stay on topic in channels that are dedicated to a specific topic (in this case ubuntu)12:50
bobharryOk im logged in as user now12:50
bobharryWhat now?12:50
bobharryllutz: playmcpe@playmcpe:~$ sudo ln -s /run /var/run [sudo] password for playmcpe: ln: failed to create symbolic link `/var/run/run': File exists12:51
lotuspsychje!jp | hp_12:51
ubottuhp_: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。12:51
lotuspsychjehp_: english only here mate12:52
cfhowletthp_ this channel is English only12:52
llutzbobharry:  as user "sudo ln -s /run /var/"12:52
KGM70lotuspsychje, nope it's korea but there's no info for it12:52
santhoshsudo ln -s /run /var/run where is the destination file(linked file)12:52
bobharryplaymcpe@playmcpe:~$ sudo ln -s /run /var/ ln: failed to create symbolic link `/var/run': File exists12:52
bag3960hello i ahve been trying to install reaver on ubuntu can anyone please help12:52
llutzbobharry: ls -ld /var/run12:53
hp_KGM70 あの。…どなた…12:53
bobharryplaymcpe@playmcpe:~$ ls -ld /var/run lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jun  2 21:32 /var/run -> /run playmcpe@playmcpe:~$12:53
cfhowletthp_ stop that.12:53
KGM70!kr | hp_12:53
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko12:53
bobharrywhats !kr?12:54
KGM70nope no info\12:54
bobharryOh xD12:54
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: tnx :p12:54
KGM70bobharry, Korea12:54
llutzbobharry: so one of the previous attempts already created it. "sudo service mysql start"12:54
maddawg3haha... figured it out12:54
bag3960guys please can you help me solve this problem12:54
lotuspsychjebag3960: ask away mate12:55
ubottubag3960: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:55
maddawg3if i turn off Xserver access control i can run my apps as root properly12:55
bobharryplaymcpe@playmcpe:~$ sudo service mysql start mysql start/running, process 967112:55
bag3960i am trying to install reaver and i am geting this msg:Reading package lists... Done12:55
bag3960Building dependency tree12:55
bag3960Reading state information... Done12:55
bag3960reaver:i386 is already the newest version.12:55
bag3960The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:12:55
bag3960  wireless-tools:i386 libiw30:i38612:55
unopastebag3960 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted12:55
bezabanmaddawg3: xhost +SI:localuser:root to allow, but it is not really recommended, instead give your user/program access to the resources it needs or use alternative modes for privilege escalation12:56
bobharryllutz: playmcpe@playmcpe:~$ sudo service mysql start mysql start/running, process 967112:56
llutzbobharry:yes, running. wasn't that your issue?12:57
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maddawg3bezaban huh?12:57
LocolinoHello guys, i have a 5 year old samsung notebook and finally installed ubuntu 12.04ts first time12:57
bobharryBut its giving errors so it might not work. Because at forums.playmcpe.com It says mysql isnt installed12:57
Guest48378NK`_, just got an OpenSSL update (openssl (1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.2) trusty-security; urgency=medium) => http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2232-1/12:57
maddawg3some programs can only be ran as root... like gparted12:57
llutzbobharry: what error?12:58
lotuspsychje!yay | Locolino12:58
ubottuLocolino: Glad you made it! :-)12:58
bobharryllutz: the error in http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594137/.12:58
Locolinonow i have 2 problems: 1st: my display is much darker then it was before on windows 7 .... 2: when i start the fullscreen mode on youtube the temperature will increase that much that it will shut don12:58
maddawg3bag3960 cuz you already have the latest version installed12:58
NK`_bobharry: what's your output for "mount|grep /run" ?12:58
maddawg3reaver:i386 is already the newest version12:59
Locolinomy notebook is really much faster with ubuntu then windows, but if it breaks by watching fullscreen videos on youtube i wont use it12:59
lotuspsychjeLocolino: did you check your additional drivers list for graphics drivers?12:59
maddawg3well i can say fullscreen video works on my laptop12:59
maddawg3however not my server, cuz it's a vmware guest12:59
Locolinoyes but there are no additional drivers12:59
bezabanmaddawg3: did you try running it with sudo? Also, better than disabling the access control you can allow access for user root with xhost +SI:localuser:root12:59
bobharryllutz: The required PHP extension MySQLi could not be found.12:59
llutzbobharry: mysql is running now, so why would you want to remove/install that12:59
bobharryMysql isnt installed then.12:59
lotuspsychjeLocolino: can you pastebin output of lshw -C video13:00
NK`_Guest48378: got it, it's upgrading13:00
llutzbobharry: instal it then13:00
NK`_that's good13:00
f0x_Dear all, i have a question about Ubuntu MAAS this is the right section ?13:00
maddawg3bezaban you mean gksudo?13:00
bobharryllutz: But how...13:00
lotuspsychje!maas | f0x_13:00
ubottuf0x_: Metal as a Service is a dynamic server provisioning service for scalability. See more about it at https://maas.ubuntu.com.13:00
maddawg3it's a gui program i am trying to run13:01
maddawg3gksudo gparted13:01
cfhowlett!info maas13:01
ubottumaas (source: maas): MAAS server all-in-one metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.1+bzr2269-0ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB13:01
maddawg3or gksudo etherape13:01
=== terje is now known as Guest15848
bag3960i have been trying to install reaver here on ubuntu and this the message i get : bag@bag-TravelMate-6292:~$ sudo apt-get install reaver Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree       Reading state information... Donereaver:i386 is already the newest version.The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:wireless-tools:i386 libiw30:i386 Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to13:01
bag3960remove and 66 not upgraded.13:01
bag3960 13:01
f0x_Yes, but i have some questions about it, and i cant find it on the docs13:01
bezabanmaddawg3: either.13:01
bobharryllutz: How would i install it then?13:01
maddawg3what exactly does  xhost +SI:localuser:root do ?13:01
bag3960and now i do not know what to do13:02
cfhowlettf0x_ could be that #ubuntu-server might be better quipped to respond, but ask13:02
maddawg3will that apply to all the users on my computer?13:02
NK`_bobharry: do you have the "php5-mysql" package ?13:02
bezabanmaddawg3: it allows access to the x server for the local user root, rather than everyone which is what I assume happens when it is disabled :)13:02
NK`_bobharry: you might want to install it then13:02
bobharryOh xD13:02
themhzhow can i restart unity desctop on my 12.04?13:02
maddawg3bezaban, local user root? i'm confused13:03
maddawg3don't i want everyone to have access to the x server13:03
bezabanmaddawg3: the local user root.  Root is just another (super)user, and local user as opposed to remote.  The x server also allows remote connections, and if you are not firewalled and access control is off that is a risk13:04
santhoshhow can i restart unity desctop on my 12.04?  sudo init 6 if it is asking password ur normal users ot direct shutdown ur the root user13:04
maddawg3ok i will try your command13:04
bezabanalthough I don't have an ubuntu desktop to test with at the moment, so I am just going on general behaviour :/13:05
maddawg3seems to sitll work13:05
maddawg3so thats good13:05
bezabangood :) Probably better than completely disabling the access control13:05
bezabanor. it is.13:05
bezabanmaddawg3: that only gives the root user on that machine access. The 'localuser' in there refers to it not being a remote user on another machine :)13:06
maddawg3so any user on this local machine13:07
maddawg3of course13:07
tkkrlab-baruch, aaps hier13:10
santhosh<bezaban> normal users can access remote users13:10
tkkrlab-barwe gaan weer een klein drama delen van de PF13:10
s1gmab3tahey everyone, currently my ubuntu 14.04 set up is booting to a wallpaper with no unity shell or way of launching apps.13:10
s1gmab3taalt+f2 doesn't work13:10
lotuspsychje!nl | tkkrlab-bar13:10
ubottutkkrlab-bar: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:10
bezabanCan you go directly from 12.04.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS or do you have to drop by 13.10? I thought you could do LTS -> LTS upgrades, but it doesn't seem to work.  Going through 13.10 works, but is that the best practice upgrade path? (for future reference)13:10
s1gmab3tai can right click the deskto pand get the usual popup menu, but hardly anything in there works13:10
lotuspsychjetkkrlab-bar: english only here13:10
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: older computer?13:11
llutzbezaban: when 14.04.1 is out, you can directly upgrade from 12.0413:11
s1gmab3talotuspsychje,  no, brand new. my setup has been working fo rmonths13:11
llutzbezaban: until then, use do-release-upgrade -d13:11
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: did you update recently?13:12
s1gmab3tai didn't do any software changes since the last reboot, maybe an apt-get upgrade?13:12
bezabanllutz: oh yes, I see.  I changed /etc/update-manager/release-upgrases prompt=normal then went ahead, then back to LTS when i hit 14.04.  Should have exactly the same effect shouldn't it? And thanks :)13:12
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: maybe try the recoverymode from grub/fix broken packages or failsafeX?13:12
llutzbezaban: i'd guess it does the same13:13
s1gmab3talotuspsychje, unfortunately recovery mode wont work for me as my monitor is one of the korean 1440p panels that requires a custom EDID to be loaded13:13
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: you cant enter grub by shift?13:14
s1gmab3tai.e. recovery mode will result in a blank screen13:14
s1gmab3talotuspsychje, yes i can enter grub, and windows works fine13:14
s1gmab3talotuspsychje, it appears as if i dont' have a window manager. i'm getting all these "ubuntu has an encountered an error, report it?" messages in the top left corner, undecorated13:14
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: thats strange, ive had this scenario on few older machines recently13:15
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: clean install?13:15
s1gmab3taoriginally? yes13:15
s1gmab3tarecently? no13:15
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: maybe try 14.04 clean to check with updates on during setup?13:16
s1gmab3talotuspsychje, that's a lot of work...13:16
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: i know, but if you cant get grub.. can you still enter a terminal?13:17
Kartans(This is the guy who/whom i want to beat up.) Is it whom or who ?13:17
Locolinohy. i run the latest version of ubuntu on a 5 year old samsung notebook, any idea for overheating problems on video fullscreen mode ... ?13:17
llutzKartans: /j #english13:17
lotuspsychjeLocolino: mention your graphics card +i915 driver loaded13:18
s1gmab3talotuspsychje, i can enter grub. and when in my non-functioning ubuntu desktop, i can alt+F1 into a terminal13:18
s1gmab3tait really really appears as if just unity itself is not launching13:18
s1gmab3taor maybe compiz13:18
Locolinohy. i run the latest version of ubuntu on a 5 year old samsung notebook, any idea for overheating problems on video fullscreen mode ... ? +i915 driver loaded13:18
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: maybe install a light window manager from terminal to fix stuff?13:18
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: or unity restart13:18
neriumI just removed a big file using rm -rf file.log, but the disk space remains the same13:19
neriumWhy wasn't the file removed? I can't see the file if I do 'ls -lah'13:19
llutznerium: the file-dscriptor is still opened by a process, space will be freed after the process ends13:20
lotuspsychjes1gmab3ta: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/reset-unity-and-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu-14-04/13:20
neriumllutz: That worked, thanks!13:21
llutznerium: and don't use "rm -rf" for files13:21
cuddylierIs it normal for a HW RAID card to still be at 0% rebuilding after 10 hours? http://puu.sh/9g6w1/22dcf4201d.png Any idea on what I should do?13:22
llutznerium: to empty a logfile while the process runs, just use " >file.log "13:22
shunya_chakra!find libz13:23
ubottuFound: libzeitgeist-1.0-1, libzeitgeist-1.0-1-dbg, libzeitgeist-2.0-0, libzeitgeist-2.0-0-dbg, libzeitgeist-2.0-dev, libzeitgeist-2.0-doc, libzeitgeist-dev, libzeitgeist-doc, libzephyr-dev, libzephyr4 (and 115 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libz&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all13:23
s1gmab3talotuspsychje, very strange, I updated my nvidia proprietary driver and it's resolved now13:24
s1gmab3tathanks for the help anyway13:25
=== zz_MikeJ92 is now known as MikeJ92
frank_the_tankHi, I'm having some problems with the multistrap package, looked it up on the launchpad and the bug is already fixed and the patch is pending review, how long does it take for such a fix to be applied through the updates? Could I install the unicorn package on tahr or would that mess things up?13:27
unknown11223i am unablt to search in evince13:30
unknown11223this did not happen in earlier versions of evinvce13:32
lotuspsychje!info evince | unknown1122313:32
ubottuunknown11223: evince (source: evince): Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.3-0ubuntu10 (trusty), package size 156 kB, installed size 1172 kB13:32
shunya_chakrahi, I sat my brightness, and on restart it comes to default setting, How can I set it permanent...13:32
=== rwtrecs is now known as Guest5942
shunya_chakrameans whenever i restart my brightness setting don;'t loss13:33
unknown11223shunya_chakra: it will require some editing in files13:33
unknown11223shunya_chakra: its very simple13:33
unknown11223shunya_chakra: open a terminal13:34
shunya_chakraok unknown11223 i'm ready :)13:34
unknown11223shunya_chakra: ok  type cd /sys/class/backlight13:35
unknown11223shunya_chakra: and then type ls and tell me whats there13:36
bobharryWhats wrong with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7594854/13:36
llutzbobharry: the packagename13:37
llutz!info php5-mysql | bobharry13:37
ubottubobharry: php5-mysql (source: php5): MySQL module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 58 kB, installed size 258 kB13:37
unknown11223shunya_chakra: are you still there?13:37
bobharryYet it needs to be mysqli for my xenforo forum13:37
bobharryThe required PHP extension MySQLi could not be found. Please ask your host to install this extension.13:37
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unknown11223shunya_chakra: ?13:38
EzeQLhi, anyone working with sublimetext3 and 14.04?13:38
llutzbobharry: nd php5-mysql brings it, php5-mysql: /usr/lib/php5/20121212/mysqli.so13:38
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shunya_chakraunknown11223, sorry first i typed wrong.. command that's why i'm replying late13:38
moarrr_bitcoinzive installed kde13:39
=== Mauritiz is now known as Mauritz
moarrr_bitcoinzhow do i use it?13:39
unknown11223shunya_chakra: be quick13:39
shunya_chakraunknown11223, it giving me acpi_video0 file13:39
cuddylierIs it normal for a HW RAID card to still be at 0% rebuilding after 10 hours?13:39
bobharryllutz: If you goto http://forums.playmcpe.com/install/index.php?install/ it gives the error though I've just done apt-get install php5-mysql13:39
unknown11223shunya_chakra: good now type cd acpi_video013:39
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shunya_chakraunknown11223, 2 dir and one file13:40
newbie|3I just downloaded? a program called "manager" for accounting.  It had an unresolved and apparently unresolvable problem.  I found a solution for the dependency, but can no longer find "manager"13:40
shunya_chakraunknown11223, bl_power, type, device, power13:40
strI have a problem since I upgraded to 14.04, pidgin message notifications do not play, no sound from pidgin. Anyone else with the same problem?  How can I solve it?13:40
unknown11223shunya_chakra: whats in there13:40
newbie|3Anyone wanna tell me how to find it?13:41
shunya_chakraunknown11223, some files and folder,,... i think max_brightness will be interesting?13:41
unknown11223shunya_chakra: nano max_brightness13:41
cfhowlettnewbie|3 downloaded from where?13:41
unknown11223shunya_chakra: wahts in the file13:41
shunya_chakraunknown11223, 813:41
sgp667hey guys I have a question is there any app in ubuntu that can pop some image or text using some key shortcut? I need to look up all lot of cheatsheets these days like for vim, tmux etc.13:41
shunya_chakravalue 813:42
unknown11223shunya_chakra:  ok good13:42
newbie|3cfhowlett:  from the repo (I'm using Ubuntu Studio 14.04)13:42
shunya_chakraunknown11223, is i need to change that value?13:42
unknown11223shunya_chakra: now exit13:42
shunya_chakraunknown11223, done!13:43
unknown11223shunya_chakra: and type chmod 777 brightness13:43
unknown11223shunya_chakra: add sudo before13:43
llutzunknown11223: editing files in sysfs /sys makes no sense, they will be gone after reboot13:43
labeeb32so i finally figured out that its the backup gpt partition table that prevents dual boot ubuntu to find partitions on installer on already installed windows 8.113:43
unknown11223llutz: i know that i will add in rc.local13:43
llutzunknown11223: and why would on chmod 777 files there then?13:44
unknown11223shunya_chakra: what happened, u still there?13:44
labeeb32so how should i delete that gpt backup???13:44
labeeb32bcos in installer screen it says there is no operating system detected13:45
shunya_chakraunknown11223, done13:45
shunya_chakraunknown11223, 6 is there13:45
unknown11223shunya_chakra: where is 6?13:45
labeeb32but i do have windows 8.113:45
shunya_chakraunknown11223, there is 6 inside brightness file13:45
unknown11223shunya_chakra: did you do chmod 777 brightness13:45
shunya_chakrayup! unknown1122313:45
CalimeroTeknikis there anything on ubuntu server 12.04 (precise) that prevents a single process from causing a load exceeding 5?13:46
MrPPSI think I have bad lag13:46
unknown11223shunya_chakra: ok great now open a terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/rc.local13:46
cuddylierIs it normal for a HW RAID card to still be at 0% rebuilding after 10 hours?13:47
maddawg3cuddylier depends what card13:47
bobharryYAY llutz thanks for helping now i can setup my forums ;D13:47
shunya_chakraunknown11223, I opened it.13:47
maddawg3also size of drive13:47
cuddyliermaddawg3: How about this one? http://puu.sh/9g7XL/bb766d4cd5.png13:48
unknown11223shunya_chakra: now add this line before exit0  echo 3 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness13:48
cuddylierI'm not sure if it's worth waiting any longer.13:48
labeeb32guide me anyone plz13:48
unknown11223shunya_chakra: echo 3 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness13:48
unknown11223shunya_chakra: and then save and exit and restart your computer to check13:49
shunya_chakraunknown11223, done!13:49
unknown11223shunya_chakra: did your brightness change?13:49
shunya_chakraunknown11223,  I haven't restarted it yet.13:49
shunya_chakrais i need to restart?13:49
labeeb32the backup gpt partition table that prevents dual boot ubuntu to find partitions on installer on already installed windows 8.113:49
unknown11223shunya_chakra: go and restart now good luck13:50
labeeb32so how to remove this gpt partition table backup13:50
shunya_chakraunknown11223, Thanks so much for helping me! :)13:50
labeeb32so that ubuntu finds the uefi partition of windows and proceeds for dual booting13:50
cfhowlettlabeeb32 I don't dualboot 8.1, but I have NEVER seen a recommendation to delete the backup partition.  proceed with caution13:51
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:51
labeeb32ubuntu installer dont see my partitions. it just shows all my hard disk as free space13:52
labeeb32and says there is no operating system detected13:52
RMYCreally quick and simple question, what does the "$" mean on the command line?13:53
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llutzRMYC: usually singnals "normal user" prompt (while root has #)13:54
bobharryERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)13:54
bobharryAnyone know the fix?13:56
RMYCI don't.13:57
RMYCI'm sorry!13:57
sydneybobharry: Sorry,a havent been here. The fix to what?13:57
bobharryERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)13:58
bobharryIs that a ubuntu problem?13:58
bobharryOr mysql side?13:58
savidI installed fglrx via the Ubuntu proprietary drivers screen, and now my laptop won't boot. How can I undo this?13:58
pavlosbobharry, fix /etc/my.cnf13:58
santhoshno it is an mysql problem just type the command rm -rf var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock and restart the mysql service13:58
bobharryHow can I do that?13:58
bobharryIs it openable by nano?13:59
bobharryNothings in /etc/my.cnf13:59
bobharrypavlos: Its completely empty in /etc/my.cnf14:00
bobharrysantosh: Theres nothing in it to config.14:01
bobharrysanthosh: Its completely empty.14:01
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sydneybobharry: Hmm14:01
EzeQLanyone working with sublimetext3 and 14.04?14:02
bobharrysydney: santhosh: http://prntscr.com/3pw3z314:02
sydneybobharry: I am not sure how to help you.:( i am not familiar with this. :(14:03
bobharry:santhosh :sydney Found it xD14:03
bobharryroot@playmcpe:~# sudo service mysql restart stop: Unknown instance:14:04
bobharryIts restarting now xd14:05
alazare619does anyone in here use caffeine in xubuntu i dont get the tray icon14:07
pavlosalazare619, https://bugs.launchpad.net/caffeine/+bug/131512714:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1315127 in Caffeine "Caffeine doesn't work on Xubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,Won't fix]14:12
=== rwt is now known as RwtRecs
=== RwtRecs is now known as rwtrecs
nacerhi there14:16
ademonehello guys, i have an usb stick but i can not access it14:18
ademoneit is mounted on sdc14:19
ademonethe gparted cant see it14:19
ademoneto format it14:19
ademonei can see it from the disks application but i cant do nothing14:20
ademoneany ideas?14:20
matt444Hi, when I run sshfs as a user the mounted directory is owned by root:root, any idea why?14:20
newbie|4I am trying to install an accounting software bundle.  I click to install the program called "Manager", but the installation stops quickly, telling me "manager-accounting: Depends: libmono-wcf3.0-cil (>= 2.6.3) but it is not going to be installed"14:20
newbie|4I found wcf3.0a... but that doesn't help me14:21
newbie|4Where do I find this thing and should I find it?14:21
=== cassio is now known as Guest38290
obochamany bueno entonces?14:31
obochamanno entiendo bien el funcionamiento de esto14:31
bcvery!es | obochaman14:31
ubottuobochaman: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:31
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obochamanget it :P14:32
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pavlosademone, what's the filesystem on the stick?14:37
RMYCanybody know what "/etc/hp" represents in the command line?14:37
santhosh<RMYC> i think it is printer14:38
LinuxNoob89Hi all....got a question.....Im trying to set up ftp access to a folder. When I connect as Anonymous to ftp which directory do I end up? Which config file should I edit to set it to my custom folder14:38
dupingpingwhy i don't print with my printer in ubuntu12.04 lts14:40
dupingpingwhy i don't print with my printer in ubuntu12.04 lts?14:40
GarheadeLinuxNoob89, the defautl ftp directory is /var/ftp or something like that14:42
LinuxNoob89@Garheade, thanks will check14:42
cfhowlettdupingping probably you need to configure the printer ...14:45
dupingpinghow to configure?14:45
cfhowlettdupingping "add printer"14:45
dupingpingmy printer is Canon Pixma IP 1180. o/14:45
dupingpingI already tried it.14:45
funtableLinuxNoob89, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/ftp-server.html14:46
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc
LinuxNoob89@Garheade, it wasnt there................@funtable, thanks gonna read14:47
jay21does anyone know what apport-gtk is??14:48
jay21i get an internal error14:48
jay21is there a help channel i can get info?14:50
=== London3D_ is now known as London3D
bcvery!info apport-gtk | jay2114:51
ubottujay21: apport-gtk (source: apport): GTK+ frontend for the apport crash report system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.1-0ubuntu3.2 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 203 kB14:51
SomeusHi. Im using Ubuntu 14.04. IM trying to install AMD proprietary drivers for graphics card. How do i add fglrx repository?14:51
jay21well ok what can i do abot the internal error14:52
LinuxNoob89@funtable, thanks found it on the page and confirmed on my system ....the default ftp directory is /srv/ftp14:52
funtableLinuxNoob89, nice =)14:52
SomeusHi. Im using Ubuntu 14.04. IM trying to install AMD proprietary drivers for graphics card. How do i add fglrx repository?14:53
LinuxNoob89Cheers guys, gotta go14:53
SomeusHi. Im using Ubuntu 14.04. IM trying to install AMD proprietary drivers for graphics card. How do i add fglrx repository?14:54
bcvery!patience | Someus14:54
ubottuSomeus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:54
Wulfon my system, some things like rsyslog aren't running yet. I'm deliberately blocking another upstart job and now trying to find out how this influences rsyslog. Can I somehow see the status of upstart?14:55
SomeusHelp me14:57
Someusi want to install AMD proprietary driver14:57
cfhowlettSomeus READ the patience message - if no one knows, no will answer14:58
Someusof course someone knows14:58
cfhowlettSomeus for INSTANT help, go to Canonical paid support14:58
IdleOneif nobody who is currently active knows*14:58
SomeusActive also may know14:58
Someusmaybe bored to help14:59
Someusor lazy14:59
cfhowlettSomeus repeatedly demanding "help me!" is unlikely to gain their interest14:59
IdleOneDid you try reading the README file you got when you download the drivers from AMD?14:59
Someusim reading this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD14:59
IdleOnealright, so what specifically do you need help with?15:00
SomeusBUt i dont know how to add something to repository!15:00
Someusi want to add flgrx to repository15:00
cfhowlett!repo| someone15:00
ubottusomeone: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.15:00
SomeusHOw to add this to repository?15:00
IdleOneedit /etc/apt/sources.list or you can do it via the software center -> settings15:00
cfhowlettsomeone https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources15:01
SomeusSo should it look like this: 'deb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer trusty main/restriced ?15:01
IdleOnelooks right15:01
Someusmain or restricted?15:01
IdleOnewhat does the wiki page say?15:02
IdleOnemy guess is restricted15:02
Someuswiki say nothing15:02
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
Someusi dont want to mess up something15:03
IdleOnewell proprietary drivers won't be in the main repository15:03
SomeusWhat is canonical partners repository? Drivers?15:03
lykwhello everyone, in 14.04. there is a feature at disk utility, which says,create disk image. is this feature the GUI version of dd imaging command?15:04
elarsonI've been debugging my network and installed wireshark to see if there were any clues as to why I was having connection issues. after installing wireshark and configuring it to capture packets without being root, network manager (and the software update UI) are asking me for my root password.15:04
ernesto_hi! have any of you tried copy cloud service? i've just created an account, installed the GUI but cannot share other folders but the copy home...15:04
elarsonI'm assuming the wireshark change is what triggered it b/c it messes with capabilities and/or policy kit15:05
elarsontwo things I know nothing about :(15:05
SomeusI have enabled Proprietary drivers for devices ( Restricted ) but it doesn't find proprietary drivers for my graphics card15:05
ernesto_talking about https://www.copy.com15:05
elarsonalso, it is *not* a sudo prompt b/c my password doesn't work and it specifically says "root" in the text.15:06
metallicohi guys, $.ajax seems to be converting json data to array when sending xhr. is there a way to make it send the json as a string?15:06
metallicosorry wrong channel15:06
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc
elarsonmetallico: that sounds like your server is processing the data before you see it as a string ;)15:06
mrvisserhmm, for some reason running unattended-upgrade is not pulling in the openssl fix libssl-1.0.1ubuntu5.14 . Should it be?15:07
user__When i start openvpn on my vps i get disconnected. How i can make my vps use vpn and still be able to connect to vps?15:11
SomeusHi. Why I dont find Proprietary driver for graphics card in Additional Drivers update section?15:11
TJ-user__: sounds like you've configured openvpn to take over the default route15:13
SomeusHi. Why I dont find Proprietary driver for graphics card in Additional Drivers update section?15:13
SomeusI dont understand15:13
SomeusWhat exactly i need to do?15:14
user__yes, TJ can you point me to the right direction ? I use google, but most results its to complicated ...15:15
cobalt237I ran system updates on my laptop yesterday running 12.04 and now DNS isn't working15:15
cobalt237Is there a good guide for debugging this or any tips?15:16
SomeusHi. Why I dont find Proprietary driver for graphics card in Additional Drivers update section? What should i do?15:16
cobalt237If I enter the IP addresses manually I can ping, so it does seem to be a problem with DNS itself15:16
TJ-user__: you'd need to check the logs when the VPN connection is established, see if the route is being changed. "/var/log/syslog" should help you there15:17
testdrcobalt237: last update 12.04 with a new kernel did not change my dns-settings -- pls. more infos, networksetting/config15:17
cobalt237testdr: what in particular?15:18
testdrcobalt237: does your network-config get dns-settings per dhcp or what is set up15:18
SomeusCan someone help me please?15:18
balawhat is called dns server15:18
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
balawhat someus?15:19
testdrbala: dns = domain name service server15:19
cobalt237testdr: I don't know15:19
balawhat is work was ? testdr15:19
testdrcobalt237: system-settings, network-configuration, ip4 .. or do you use ip6?15:20
balacan you explain15:20
CasaVivahello all, Q: how to remove a service from boot?15:20
cobalt237testdr: I use what is installed by default, I guess.  How would I check that?15:20
SomeusHELP ME!15:21
testdrcobalt237: systemconfiguration --> and there the network-icon ..15:21
SomeusHelp Please!15:22
waykool99ip6 is now online? couple months ago i heard there were security issues.15:22
SomeusWhy i dont see proprietary drivers in Additional drivers tab?15:22
user__well, i see that vpn change route, but have no clue what todo15:23
ubottuSomeus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:23
Someusim ignored15:23
cfhowlettSomeus bad attitude towards the volunteers will do that15:23
Someuscfhowlett and you don't know the answer?15:23
cobalt237testdr: like network under system settings?  I see a wired connection, but don't see any relevant information besides IP address, subnet mask, route, and DNS (
SomeusI don't care that15:24
Someusi know im good guy15:24
SomeusJesus loves me that's most important15:24
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:24
SomeusHere are 1000 people and everyone is offline?15:24
Someusdont show me guidelines please15:24
testdrcobalt237: this DNS(xx.xx.xx.xx.xx....) is not a valid ip-address15:24
Lucaxgood morning, day, afternoon evening or goodnight to you all ubuntees15:25
SomeusLucax can you help me?15:25
cobalt237testdr: I agree15:25
MattiasPeople will answer if they have an answer to the question and if they feel like answering. Just because they don't write doesn't mean they're offline.15:25
SomeusCan someone talk to me in PM?15:25
LucaxI recently installed ubuntu gnome and my backupthing is nor working, anyone?15:25
SomeusMattias i don't believe 1000 people dont know solution for me15:26
testdrcobalt237: if you know your dns-server - maybe the dial-in-router? something like ?? you can correct it manually ... but why do you not know if you used dhcp to set those things automatically15:26
balaya i will someus15:26
CasaVivahello all, Q: how to remove a service from boot?15:26
shaddowedwhen will nvidia 337 hit the main repo? xorg-edgers tends to be unstable15:26
balai dont know  casaviva15:26
cobalt237testdr: why would I know?  I assumed it used dhcp because I haven't changed any settings and just plugged the ethernet cable into the back of the system15:27
testdrcobalt237: you can use a free available dns-server like the google one:
MattiasSomeus: What is the problem? Symptoms? Generic questions like "Why won't this thing show for me?" is hard to answer.15:27
cobalt237testdr: how do I set the dns endpoint manually?15:27
llutzCasaViva: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting15:27
Someusi don't know why i dont see proprietary drivers in Additional drivers list!15:27
SomeusCAn you help me add repositories?15:27
Someusor what i need to do?15:27
testdrcobalt237: you can setup for dhcp again and specify the dns-server ip and try the google-dns-server15:27
SomeusI have Ati X1200 graphics card15:28
Someusi need to install fxglr i guess15:28
waykool992 days ago, i asked a question, saved to Gedit chat.txt.  forgot to save to usb thumb. me dummy. formatted drive. what is the apt-get command to add the Gnome GUI to ubuntu studio v14.04 LTS 64 bit, please?15:28
llutzcobalt237: add "nameserver x.x.x.x" to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and run "sudo resolvconf -u" then15:28
MattiasSomeus: google knows the answer, ask what you asked us on google. and add "in ubuntu" or something15:28
SomeusMattias i tried15:28
digilordIs there a way in 14.04 to make it so that the menu items for a window don't auto hide? That is annoying15:29
SomeusMattias i got this good website: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD15:29
Macerspaces is a bit messed up. or compiz15:29
testdrcobalt237:  it happened 2 times in a few years for me, that my internet-provide crashed his dns-service -- and then i had to manually chose another one15:29
Macerwhen i move windows between the spaces compiz crashes/freezes15:29
shaddoweddigilord: +115:29
skinuxIs JACK audio a replacement for ALSA/OSS or just extensions/additional tools?15:29
SomeusBut i didnt got guide there how to add fxglr repository15:29
skinux** replacement for ALSA/OSS/PULSE?15:29
MattiasSomeus: Do you know how to use a terminal?15:29
SomeusCtrl + Alt + T :)15:30
MattiasSomeus: do you know how to install packages with apt-get?15:30
SomeusMattias i could learn that.15:30
Someusyeah i know15:30
=== AEM` is now known as aem`
MattiasSomeus: in terminal: sudo apt-get install fglrx-installer   I'm on archlinux at home right now so I can't verify that is the actual name of the package, but try that first.15:31
cobalt237testdr: there's an "autogenerated" warning in that file and when I run the resolvconf command it says "Error: /etc/resolv.conf isn't a symlink, not doing anything"15:31
stayaI've been looking for a modern XFCE4 theme for a bit now and haven't found much, any suggestions?15:31
MattiasSomeus: might be just "fglrx" without the -installer part15:31
Someusok it works15:32
Someusbut i wonder why i didnt have that driver in Additional drivers list15:32
MattiasSomeus: actually, if you continue reading the 2.1 section, all the instructions for how to install is there step by step, including the fglrx install command15:32
shaddowedstaya: shimmer-themes15:32
Mattiason that site you posted15:32
SomeusMattias but i wanted to go for easiest way15:33
Someuswasnt so sure about that15:33
waykool99try going into Synaptic. type in keywords: ati, amd, fglrx etc.15:33
SomeusGUI way!15:33
MattiasSomeus: command line is the only thing I use, sorry :) most of the time command line is faster and easier15:33
waykool99could try apt-get install fglrx, see if it suggests others.15:34
SomeusBut i have problem15:34
emil_stdioI am getting an error on a setup asking me to run dmesg, but it is empty.  after unsuccessful search I tried sudo service dmesg status and got dmesg: unrecognized service.  how do I run it as a service?15:34
shaddowedwhy not use xserver-xorg-video-ati?15:34
Guest48378CasaViva, try this => https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootServices => additionally => read "man update-rc.d" => more general => https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+14.04+deactivate+system+services+on+boot15:35
Someusshaddowed because i think i need proprietary driver for Arcane Legends game to work15:35
cobalt237testdr: I can set the DNS endpoint to in the wired connection interface (where it pulls only "addresses" from DHCP)15:39
testdrcobalt237: and if you set the dns-address manuall, does it work?15:39
cobalt237that gives me a valid IP in the network display and I see as the endpoint, but still can't resolve domain names15:39
waykool99is your PC behind a router? if yes, try your routers gateway IP.15:40
Lucaxwhat is the name of the backup program in gnome?15:40
Lucaxis it s3?15:40
Lucaxit's icon is a safe15:41
ubuntu1i have ubuntu 12.1015:41
thalizHi, I need help with LTSP installed through edubuntu out of the box. so much lag on thin 3 thin client  -server is amd phenom2 x6cores 6gb ram netgear gigabit15:41
ubuntu1but my webcam not recognized15:41
ubuntu1for my project in c++ opencv15:41
ubuntu1what should i do?15:41
LucaxI am gettting an error for the program does backups in gnome, it says: no connection to backend, can somebody help?15:42
ubuntu1nobody khow?15:42
ubuntu1khnow *?15:42
wilee-nileeubuntu1, 12.10 is end of life not supported15:42
waykool99is your webcam USB?15:42
ubuntu1ubuntu 12.10 on VM15:43
cobalt237waykool: if I set it to my router's IP I still don't get a connection15:43
ubuntu1my webcam work in win 715:43
ubuntu1but in ubuntu not working15:43
wilee-nilee!12.10 | ubuntu115:43
ubottuubuntu1: 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/121015:43
digilordshaddowed: I found it finally. Here is a link on how to get your menu to not disappear. http://goo.gl/gta7bo15:43
testdrcobalt237: do you have: nslookup              test it in a terminal?15:44
waykool99most consumer routers use gateway as your login and as its own DNS Server IP address.15:44
ubuntu1what can i do for DL webcam driver ?15:44
cobalt237Yeah, I was doing nslookup on yahoo.com15:44
ubuntu1my net is slow speed :(15:44
cobalt237looks like it's timing out15:44
Greek-BoyI did sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade from the command line and got some erros and segmentation faults. Now apt says segmentation fault tree. :-(15:44
testdrcobalt237: you used nslookup to lookup a name with the default dns-server? ...15:45
ubuntu1?? :???15:45
ubuntu1:my god :(15:45
cobalt237testdr: Yes, like "nslookup yahoo.com"15:46
cfhowlettubuntu1 12.10 no longer supported15:46
cobalt237it says the connection timed out and no servers could be reached15:46
waykool99go to Terminal. type 'ifconfig -h' and 'netstat --help'15:46
XPS1105cfhowlett what support?15:46
chris73_rmciao a tutti15:46
testdrcobalt237: and it spit out something like:
ubuntu1what i do?15:46
XPS1105ubuntu1 support ?15:47
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | ubuntu115:47
ubottuubuntu1: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:47
shaddoweddigilord: well that disables global menu all together, which is fine on large desktop monitor, but on my lappy i enjoy having more screen space15:47
waykool99netstat -Wn is a lot like netstat -ano in windows a few years ago.15:47
wilee-nileeXPS1105, channel policy is not supporting eol's15:47
cobalt237testdr: no, it timed out, ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached"15:47
ubuntu1isnt any way that i install driver for webcam ?15:48
Under-C-CaptI have a bit of an issue...won't auto connect to wireless after suspend...there was a previously answered question like this in the forums but this is a bit daunting for me here...Ubuntu 12.04 LTS w/ Unity desktop15:48
Macerdoes cssm not work in ubuntu?15:48
CasaVivathanks Guest4837815:48
phunyguywilee-nilee, we are allowed to help with the upgrade.15:48
testdrcobalt237: use nslookup and specify the dns-server-address -- after start of nslookup type: www.google.com
wilee-nileephunyguy, No really, lol.15:48
phunyguywilee-nilee, just making sure that is clear...15:48
wilee-nileephunyguy, I have been here for years. ;)15:48
phunyguy"wilee-nilee> XPS1105, channel policy is not supporting eol's"15:49
ubuntu1can U explain exactly to what i do? :||||||||||||15:49
phunyguythat's only half true.15:49
cobalt237testdr: that seems to output what I'd expect -- a list of google IP addresses15:49
cfhowlettubuntu1 your running an unsupported system - NO security upgrades.  Time to install a supported OS - 14.04 is current.  THEN worry about your webcam15:49
phunyguy1.) it is not a policy, 2.) we need to be as helpful as possible.15:49
wilee-nileephunyguy, in your mind, look at there question of another user here.15:49
wilee-nileephunyguy, And by the way do not harass me.15:50
cfhowlett!eolupgrade|ubuntu1 this is how15:50
ubottuubuntu1 this is how: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:50
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testdrcobalt237: this proves you can get a workint dns-system if you specify a working dns-server --- its not your computer (at 90% shure)15:50
phunyguyhello CREEEPEREXPLOSIV15:50
phunyguywilee-nilee, excuse me?15:50
testdrcobalt237: after manually changing the dns-server in network-settings, did you down/up the network-interface?15:50
cobalt237testdr: It was just a guess that it was the update because I updated my laptop before going home and now it can't connect while the other two computers on ethernet still work15:51
cobalt237testdr: yes15:51
phunyguyCREEEPEREXPLOSIV, do you have a support question?15:51
captain-nemosorry guys easier name for you here15:51
XPS1105privmsg XPS110515:51
ubuntu1????????????? only upgrade.................15:52
testdrcobalt237: then check the network settings of the working computers .... and try their dns-setting --- if it is set via dhcp, it could be your computer does not get a dhcp-resolv of your router15:52
ubuntu1no way with terminal?15:52
ubuntu1install driver for my ubuntu ?15:52
ubuntu1with terminal ?15:52
phunyguyubuntu1, I don't understand what you are asking15:53
cfhowlettubuntu1 you're running a dead and unsupported version of ubuntu.  unsupported means WE AIN'T SUPPORTING IT.  upgrade15:53
testdrcobalt237:  for a first fix you can set the network-settings manually -- only to be shure the system is working15:53
wilee-nileeubuntu1, You could do a fresh install, 13.04 is eol, and 13.10 will be in july. The important part here is that you are aware of release and end of release dates.15:53
cfhowlettubuntu1 running an unprotected system is ASKING for serious troubles15:53
phunyguyubuntu1, an upgrade to 12.10 to 13.10 is possible, but I am not sure how well it works.  A fresh install would be better15:53
phunyguyupgrade from*15:54
planetmakerwhat's the life span of a normal release?15:54
planetmakerif 13.04 is already eol?15:54
cfhowlettplanetmaker it is.  sorry.15:54
ubuntu1i cant do it ... my speed internet is alow :||||||||||15:54
phunyguy9 months15:54
phunyguy12.10 was the last 18 month release, which is why it went longer15:54
planetmakeraye. thanks15:54
cfhowlettubuntu1 yes you can.  use torrent to get the ISO.15:54
ubuntu1any way else?15:54
testdrcobalt237: last -- it could be something like your router and a router-poweroff/on may fix it ..15:54
wilee-nileeplanetmaker, lts 5 years, others it has depended lately, but generally 18 months.15:54
phunyguyubuntu1, order a DVD in the mail15:54
ubuntu1can not !!!!!15:55
phunyguyubuntu1, then I don't know what to tell you15:55
cfhowlettubuntu1 if you've got enough internet for RIC chat, then you've enough to torrent 13.10 or 14.0415:55
planetmakerwilee-nilee, 18 months can't be true, if 13.x is already at EOL :)15:55
ubuntu1i think that with terminal i solve my problem for dl driver15:55
phunyguycfhowlett, indeed.  ubuntu1, it may take a while, but you will get it eventually.15:56
wilee-nileeplanetmaker, As I sid depends lately some were 9 months DO THE RESEARCH.15:56
phunyguywilee-nilee, with 13.04 on up for no LTS releases, they changed it to 9 months15:56
cobalt237testdr: okay, so comparing to my other machine, it also has the dns set to "", I didn't notice the space originally15:56
ubuntu1git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git uvcvideo15:56
ubuntu1Cloning into 'uvcvideo'...15:56
stayashaddowed, thanks a bunch15:56
ubuntu1does it solve my problem?15:57
wilee-nileeplanetmaker, This stuff is on the web, look it up, rather than argue a moot point here.15:57
phunyguywilee-nilee, relax man15:57
ubuntu1it is Downloading .....15:57
planetmakereverything's on the web. somewhere ;)15:57
planetmakerbut nvm15:57
Macercan't seem to find the option where you zoom the desktop cube out15:58
ubuntu1git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git uvcvideo15:58
ubuntu1Cloning into 'uvcvideo'...15:58
wilee-nileeplanetmaker, True, I like the nick though, as an armchair astronomer.15:58
phunyguyubuntu1, please stop that15:58
phunyguypasting that output to the channel15:58
phunyguyubuntu1, I have no idea why that is relevant to anything.15:58
testdrcobalt237: then you can try with nslookup if the comast-dns-server works .. and if so, the setting in the network-config, try first only one ip-address15:58
planetmakermy nick taken literally pays my bills ;)15:58
Greek-BoyI did sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade from the command line and got some erros and segmentation faults. Now apt says segmentation fault tree. I search online and the advice I gathered is to do sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin and then start synaptic. The thing is this, I am remotely connected to this machine through SSH command line.15:59
ubuntu1what? relevant or not?15:59
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phunyguyGreek-Boy, synaptic is irrelevant there.15:59
testdrcobalt237: comcast ... dns is for first dns-server15:59
phunyguyGreek-Boy, just do your apt-get commands after deleting the contents of that folder15:59
wilee-nileeGreek-Boy, Pastebin the the commands and all the proceeding text with errors15:59
ubuntu1<phunyguy> why?15:59
wilee-nileeall the*15:59
phunyguyubuntu1, what are you talking about??16:00
ubuntu1<phunyguy> why stop it?16:00
phunyguyubuntu1, why are you pasting the git stuff to the channel?16:00
Greek-Boywilee-nilee: Will paste shortly.16:00
ubuntu1what does UVC video work?16:01
ubuntu1it provide my driver for webcam or not?16:01
phunyguyubuntu1, do you have a real support question?16:01
cfhowlettubuntu1 try it16:01
wilee-nileeGreek-Boy, Cool just include it with your posts on the to the channel, I'm on my way out is all.16:01
phunyguyubuntu1, that is the 2.6 kernel branch anyway16:01
phunyguyubuntu1, pretty outdated.16:01
ubuntu1what is kenrel branch?16:02
phunyguyubuntu1, are you still asking for support on 12.10?16:02
cfhowlettubuntu1 still not supported16:02
ubuntu1ubuntu 12.1016:02
Maceris there a way to zoom the desktop cube out for compiz?16:02
cfhowlettubuntu1 still end of life16:02
Maceri keep looking for the option but the zoon only lets you increast it and not decrease it16:02
phunyguyubuntu1, it is still not supported anymore.16:02
phunyguyhello CREEEPEREXPLOSIV do you have a support question.16:03
cobalt237testdr: both of the 75.75.* dns IPs work for nslookup for google.com16:03
phunyguyCREEEPEREXPLOSIV, then please leave this channel clear for support16:04
g0bl1nhow can one check if there are other accesses to x11vnc ?16:05
testdrcobalt237: ok -- for multiple dns-server-addresses in the network-settings, they should be seperated with a komma (i m quit shure about 80%) -- you can correct it like this and try again16:05
ubuntunobody that help me?16:05
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest34033
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:05
phunyguyGuest34033, if you keep asking I will remove you from the channel.16:05
cobalt237testdr: that's just in the form field, it's not an input16:06
phunyguyGuest34033, either upgrade, or stop asking please.16:06
cobalt237I'm not setting anywhere16:06
Guest34033nobody know openvc here in visual stadio?16:06
phunyguy!ot | Guest3403316:07
ubottuGuest34033: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:07
cfhowlettGuest34033 visual studio support is in Microsoft - are you sure you're in the right channel?16:07
Guest34033ok baba16:07
Guest34033i not upgrade my ubuntu :|16:08
testdrcobalt237: sorry, then i am off -- it looks like i have a different ubuntu-12.04 version than you ... -- i was speaking about the system-configuration for the network and there for the ip4-settings16:08
Guest34033but U not help me16:08
Guest34033only one sulution ....................16:08
cfhowlettGuest34033 you were several times how to upgrade16:08
cobalt237testdr: how do you go into it?16:08
Guest34033its wrong !!!! U should help many solution .... not only upgrade upgrade upgrade..........16:09
Aaruniproblems with fglrx and amd APU. the GUI is lost as soon as fglrx is installed. it doesn't come back after purging fglrx. help ?16:09
testdrcobalt237: system-configuration (from the menu .. or drop-down from top-bar) and then the network-icon ...16:09
AaruniGuest34033: official support is only available for officially supported versions..16:09
planetmakerGuest34033, they *should* do nothing. They all do it voluntarily. So watch your tongue, if you expect help16:09
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wilee-nileeGuest34033, A eol looses the standard ubuntu repos link.16:09
dusf123i have tried removing the amazon spam ubuntu comes bundled with using a fixbuntu.com script, it output 'enjoy your privacy' but i still receive amazon search results from the dash. how do i remove this please?16:10
cobalt237testdr: sorry, I see "system settings" and just wanted to verify.  If I go into that I see the wired info and I have an options button in the bottom right16:10
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:10
ubottudusf123: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:10
Macerwow.. compiz support in unity is a bit broken16:10
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unrsi325Hello there. I’m posting my problem here because I don’t know where to post it. Since today I can’t access some websites (it’s not a DNS problem, I can’t ping the IP). Any idea where it could come from ?16:10
Macercssm tends to break everything and spaces are broken :/16:10
cfhowlettor is that "no lens" ?16:10
wilee-nileedusf123, Turn it off in privacy, that is all you had to do. ;)16:10
planetmakerunrsi325, if you can ping the IP but not the server by name, then it's exactly a DNS problem16:11
planetmakeroh... "can't"16:11
unrsi325planetmaker: I can’t ping the IP16:11
wilee-nileedusf123, Be careful in just buying into a rhetoric and running commands.16:11
Jordan_U!adlens | dusf12316:12
ubottudusf123: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ16:12
cobalt237testdr: is there a current working document describing the ubuntu network configuration?  I feel like it's always changing16:12
testdrcobalt237: you can try to start it directly out of a terminal with command: nm-connection-editor16:12
dusf123wilee-nilee: then https://fixubuntu.com/, makes no sense as it says i need to run a script! thanks i will look in privacy16:12
cobalt237testdr: Is 12.04 all using resolv.conf?16:12
testdrcobalt237: as far as i know: yes16:13
dusf123Jordan_U: thanks for the blog entry, i think i will disable in prviacy and remove the package16:13
* dusf123 applauds ubuntu support.16:13
cobalt237testdr: is that autogenerated from something?16:13
Jordan_Udusf123: You're welcome.16:13
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ16:13
cobalt237testdr: "/etc/resolv.conf" specifically16:14
testdrcobalt237: depends on what happens, for example if using dhcp with the dns-server settings, then its overwritten16:14
Macerwhen i drag winows between spaces compiz freezes :/16:14
Maceri need to HUP compiz to get it working again16:14
cobalt237testdr: dns-server settings?16:15
cobalt237Is that when running a dns-server locally?16:15
testdrcobalt237: resolv.conf has the dns-server-settings inside, nameserver blablablab16:15
cobalt237testdr: kk, thanks for your time16:15
testdrcobalt237: cant you run the nm-connection-editor ..?16:16
Macerblah. let me try a closed video driver16:16
Macermaybe that's the problem16:16
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cobalt237testdr: I will try, but I have an appt and will try later16:18
cobalt237thanks again16:18
AaruniRepost1 : problems with fglrx and amd APU. the GUI is lost as soon as fglrx is installed. it doesn't come back after purging fglrx. help ?16:20
Maceryeah there's a problem with the desktop spaces16:20
Macerwhen you drag windows between the "spaces" unity/compiz freezes16:21
Maceri can't find any information about this16:21
Macerbut i am having that problem on 2 different systems16:21
Macerok. i'm at  a loss and i guess nobody here knows why compiz freezes when dragging windows between workspaces :/16:33
Macerguess i'll try a forum16:33
phunyguyMacer, sorry we couldn't be of more help :(16:34
Macerphunyguy: yah. it seems like a huge bug.16:34
Maceri'm surprised more people haven't ran into it16:34
phunyguyIt may not be that widespread.  if you mentioned it before, I apologize, what ahrdware?16:35
MacerAMD/ATI gpus16:35
Macerbut on 2 different systems16:35
Macersame problem16:35
Macerone is an AMD A10.. the other is an i5 laptop with an amd16:35
Macerer.. ati16:35
phunyguyeehh... that is part of the reason.  Linux and ATI doesn't really mix well.  The open source drivers are mediocre, and the closed source drivers aren't maintained by the linux kernel devs.16:35
phunyguymakes it REALLY tough to keep things working outside of Windows16:36
RWOverdijkCan anyone explain why file descriptors are set to 1024 by default? This has bitten me in the butt twice so far and I'm really curious.16:36
Maceri don't know tho. i refuse to believe that such a giant bug is a matter of the hw devs being lazy :)16:36
Macerphunyguy: can you try it on your system? drag windows between workspaces? :)16:36
phunyguyMacer, I wish there was more I can give on that subject, but that is a downside to Linux+ATI, and has been for a long time.  We cannot help that the hardware vendor keeps a tight lid on the proprietary driver source.16:37
phunyguyMacer, I do it on my systems all the time, but they have intel video hardware16:37
Macerblah lol16:37
Macerlet me try the updates driver and see if it still breaks :/16:37
Macerthat sucks16:37
phunyguyit is 100% ATI related.  I can promise that.16:37
yshdoes cron use the same timezone as date command ?16:38
phunyguyysh, cron uses whatever timezone you have set.16:38
g0bl1nhow can one check if there are other accesses to x11vnc ?16:38
phunyguydate can be made to use another timezone.16:38
Jordan_UMacer: Have you filed a bug report?16:39
llutzysh: unless you set CRON_TZ to something different, yes16:39
yshphunyguy: so my date command output is in UTC, so cron will the same?16:40
pedestriUbuntu desktop and server have the same kern? and same about over low-level access?16:40
TJ-Macer: which ubuntu release?16:40
gewoonmhi y'all! Anybody know how I can create virtual, encrypted volumes (like TrueCrypt), that can expand when more files are added to it?16:41
phunyguyysh, what is the output of cat /etc/timezone?16:42
daftykinsgewoonm: If you only encrypt where files are, that makes it pretty obvious that there is encrypted data in a finite range. Only full volume encryption makes sense really, what's the application? (Reason for encryption)16:43
pedestrii dont want to piss anyone off, but does powershell for windows make it as lower level acess as linuz?16:43
daftykinspedestri: ask in ##windows16:43
daftykinsit is pretty powerful but it's off topic here16:44
phunyguypedestri, probably, but that is not what this channel is for16:44
daftykinsand you should know that.16:44
gewoonmdaftykins: application is storing my family photos in Google Drive. I want to store them per year, so for some years I have a predefined size, but obviously for this year the volume should expand :)16:44
pedestriwell im just debating on wether or not to stick with 8.116:45
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pedestrii spent 90 on it, but i like ubuntu also16:45
daftykinsgewoonm: you're aware that encrypting at your end won't make them encrypted on Google's end?16:45
phunyguypedestri, again, not the proper channel16:45
gewoonmdaftykins: the idea was creating an encrypted volume in the Google Drive, so that it would synchronize a year as a full block of random looking data16:46
TJ-gewoonm: You could use ecryptfs, which encrypts per-file including file-names16:46
ubottubanana82: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:46
gewoonmTJ- that would make it easier on the syncing for Google16:46
gewoonmTJ- but wouldn't that still give Google some idea at what I'm storing?16:47
gewoonmTJ- or am I being to paranoid now ;)16:47
daftykinsgewoonm: you were too paranoid from the beginning :) look into owncloud if you don't trust Google16:47
TJ-gewoonm: And probably really easy to achieve, since Ubuntu uses it to provide encrypted home directories already, so if you have one, your content is probably already encrypted (see "/home/.ecrypt/$USER/.Private/")16:48
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gewoonmTJ- yeah, but since Google Drive is living in user space, it would see the files un-encrypted also16:48
gewoonmdaftykins: well the news is that NSA is intercepting photos for facial recognition since 2011, so that's where I got my paranoia from :D:D16:49
TJ-gewoonm: Sizes will be slightly larger than the original, names are encrypted16:49
TJ-gewoonm: depends on how you configure it, and how you configure the source ecryptfs16:50
daftykinsgewoonm: lol.16:50
gewoonmdaftykins phunyguy owncloud is nice, but google stores 100GB on multiple servers for next to no money, I couldn't get a host to do that16:50
phunyguygewoonm, my owncloud setup has 4TB to work with.16:50
gewoonmdaftykins if you're interested: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-2766313016:51
gewoonmphunyguy but where do you host it?16:51
gewoonmphunyguy if it's in your own home, still not a good place for backups (my usecase)16:51
phunyguygewoonm, at my house16:51
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phunyguyahh backups, yeah owncloud is never a good use case for that16:51
gewoonmphunyguy, sorry should've mentioned that16:52
gewoonmfull usecase is storing my photos encrypted offshore in a really cheap way16:52
phunyguyunless you get a VPS and put it there, but you won't get 100GB for cheap.16:52
gewoonmecryptfs looks like the way to go then16:53
gewoonmGoogle offers 100GB for $2, don't think anybody can beat that16:53
phunyguynope, but small price to pay for privacy16:54
phunyguy(or lack of)16:54
Macerwell.. probably not the best thing to do16:54
Maceri installed the ati drivers from the ati website16:54
Macerinstead of using hte repo ones16:55
Macerlets see if it's still broken :D16:55
phunyguyyikes :)16:55
Maceryeah... bold move16:55
daftykinsMacer: please keep to as few lines as possible to avoid unnecessary unreadable channel spam16:55
gewoonmphunyguy: true, but let's see them cracking an AES-cypher16:55
Macerwow that actually worked16:56
phunyguygewoonm, I am curious to see how all of this works for you.  Good luck16:56
phunyguyMacer, if it works, then file a bug stating that16:56
gewoonmphunyguy daftyskins TJ- thank you, I've got something to play with this weekend!16:56
Macerphunyguy: heh.. well there was another problem using the proprietary drivers was giving me.. i'm about to test that now16:56
daftykinsgewoonm: good luck16:56
Macerresuming from suspend would completely freeze the laptop16:56
Macerlets see if i have that same issue16:57
Greek-B0ywilee-nilee: Sorry I didn't manage to paste those apt-get segfaults. I rebooted the machine and have now lost remote access. I guess apt-get messed something up that is critical of the boot up process. Now I am going to have to get the machine in and check it out. :-(16:57
Macerawesome.. everything works now :D16:58
phunyguyMacer, awesome!16:58
phunyguyyeah you should file a bug and notate the exact version of fglrx that works16:58
Macerand i just asked on a forum... heh... if someone replies to it i'll put my findings there16:58
gewoonmdaftyskins phunyguy TJ- I'll post my progress here: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/5354846 (if you're interested) . For now, thanks again. Dinner time now :D16:58
phunyguy!bug | Macer16:59
ubottuMacer: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:59
phunyguycya gewoonm16:59
Macerphunyguy: filing that bug requires making yet another acct for something17:01
phunyguywell it is ultimately up to you, but I still think you should17:01
Macerphunyguy: someone needs to make 1 bug reporter to rule them all and 1 forum to rule them all heh17:01
Macermaybe they should all just resort to usenet again.. like before it was used for piracy :P17:02
Macernowadays every piece of hardware and software requires making 10 accounts in various places just to do stuff like ask a question in a forum or file a bug. big reason you have people coming here asking the same questions over and over ;)17:03
Macerah well.. thanks for the help tho... much appreciated17:03
llutzMacer: usenet still is alive and helpful, much more than most of those web-forums. just ignore the bin-hierarchy17:03
Macerllutz: yeah i'll set it up later today .. i meant to do it sooner but just hadn't gotten around to it17:04
Macerbut i am happy that all that was required was an updated ati driver.. i wonder why the fglrx repo doesn't have an updated one17:04
Macerdoes ati not allow ubuntu to push out an update to their driver?17:05
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TBotNikAll: Running CLI: dmesg | grep -i 'scsi' | grep -i removable, need to parse result of:  [ 344.636679] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk, to get the "SDC" value.  Where is a good HOWTO on this, been searching 3 days for this solution.17:06
=== Guest86796 is now known as jack
VladislavHow many commercial linux distros are there?17:10
llutzVladislav: ask in ##linux17:11
Vladislavllutz: I can't speak there :/17:12
llutz!register | Vladislav17:12
ubottuVladislav: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:12
Vladislavubottu: Thanks!17:13
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:13
moneycat_is there a way to "alt tab" out of a program once i am running it from cli?17:14
ipfaffymoneycat_: bg?17:15
FinnTheMewmoneycat_: Is it still in the console?17:15
mark06why did juju moved to github?17:15
FinnTheMewIf not, then it should be pretty easy to Alt-Tab to another window17:15
moneycat_umm... maybe i'm not explaining myself correctly17:15
moneycat_say i run a program in cli17:15
moneycat_like irssi17:15
moneycat_how do i get back to cli without closing the program and keeping it running?17:15
FinnTheMewIf it's in the terminal, you have to run it through screen17:16
moneycat_what do you mean by "run it through the screen"?17:16
FinnTheMewThe command "screen"17:16
FinnTheMewSuch as "screen bash"17:16
FinnTheMewThen, if you want to go out, press Ctrl, and then A, and then D17:16
ipfaffyif you're running a long command, I believe you can also hit ctrl + z, and then run the bg command, and it will finish processing17:17
FinnTheMewSome programs, however, have the ability to run in the background themselves17:17
ipfaffybut screen/tmux is definitely a better option17:17
moneycat_ah ok gotcha17:17
moneycat_i'll google the manuals on screen and bg17:17
moneycat_is there any other related ones i should read up on?17:18
pedestrimy down arrow is broken on my laptop, i was thinking about going into keyboard and making a custom shortcut to remap the down arrow to a different key17:20
pedestribut i dont know the command17:20
Flolilahey there i have the strangest /etc/shadow/ - could somebody look into my pastebin? http://pastebin.com/jZakU15417:25
Flolilawhat is this root entry?17:25
Flolilai dont know anyone from hungary17:26
llutzFlolila: whats strange with that?17:27
Flolilathis blabla.hu17:27
llutzFlolila: man shadow  "encrypted password"17:28
Flolilado this .hu doesnt have any meaning?17:28
loaFlolila, ahaha17:28
llutzFlolila: nope17:28
loait is hash...17:28
Joelas root can I load an ssh key into another users ssh-agent?17:30
miraiEI wanna ask something: anyone knows why http://ubottu/ljl/apt is forbidden?17:31
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miraiE* http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt17:32
planetmakerJoel as your you can become any user, so yes, you can by becoming that user temporarily17:32
llutzmiraiE: ask the webmaster of ubottu.com17:32
Joelplanetmaker, "as root"17:32
daftykinsmiraiE: more to the point, what are you looking for?17:33
planetmakerthen make it a small bash script which uses the su command and ends it, too17:33
miraiEllutz: I think they are here17:33
miraiEdaftykins: that site is useful for the people here17:34
miraiEpeople with limited internet access17:34
daftykinsmiraiE: in what way? what specifically?17:34
Joelplanetmaker, I think you're not following. but that's ok.17:34
llutzdaftykins: it refers to !offline factoid, i guess17:34
miraiEthe site is apt-web,  which is apt packages link generator17:35
daftykinsmiraiE: as in a search function that returns a direct URL to a .deb ?17:36
miraiEfortunately, I have downloaded the source code of that site and now, I host it in http://apt-web.tk please have a look17:36
daftykinsmiraiE: so you've intentionally broken copyright and reworked it for your own means?17:36
miraiEno, it's GPL17:37
daftykinsmiraiE: you have an email for the dev, but i haven't seen him active on Freenode for a few days... have you tried contacting?17:37
miraiEit's useful for people here mostly in my country17:37
daftykinsmiraiE: yes you keep repeating the same statement...17:38
miraiEdaftykins: yes, I have send email to the developers a few days ago, but no reply since17:38
miraiEis it breaking the license, daftykins?17:39
daftykinsmiraiE: the tiscali.it address?17:39
miraiEdaftykins, yes it is17:39
daftykinsmiraiE: i'm sorry, at first i thought you were referring to something on the main ubottu page. that part looks fine i suppose, but i have no idea why it has been blocked. however, i do know that that user has become somewhat... estranged to the ubuntu community if you understand my meaning17:41
miraiEdaftykins: estranged, do you mean he goes away?17:44
daftykinsmiraiE: i see your page only offers i386 though17:44
miraiEi don't have 64bit installation17:44
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daftykinsmiraiE: sure but you want to help others in your country right? :)17:46
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miraiEdaftykins: yes, i'm waiting for my friend's help for providing the databases17:48
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daumhey guys17:59
daumanyone getting hash sum mismatches today?  W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty-updates_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch17:59
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MK`Damn, didn't learn about Ubuntu One shutting down the file service until I got repeated messages it was failing so sync. Is there no wait to disable it trying to sync or should I just uninstall the client now?18:02
poochican somebody tell me what CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO does ? (linux kernel)18:02
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llutzpoochi: http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/LOCALVERSION_AUTO.html18:04
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poochihey can you tell me what LOCALVERSION_AUTO in .config does ?18:09
poochiLOCALVERSION_AUTO in .config doesnt produce intended results while CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="Gowtham" in .config does  . any pointers ?18:11
llutzpoochi: you may ask in ##linux18:11
poochi##linux has no members18:13
llutzpoochi: about 150018:13
DrewciferJust attempted to load a live version of Ubuntu onto a machine via a USB drive and Universal USB loader. Upon start-up it began the initialization stuff and got stuck on Call Trace: rest_init. I am a super-n00b, what should I do?18:22
daftykinsDrewcifer: what kind of system? know any of its' hardware? specifically graphics18:26
DrewciferJust attempted to load a live version of Ubuntu onto a machine via a USB drive and Universal USB loader. Upon start-up it began the initialization stuff and got stuck on Call Trace: rest_init. I am a super-n00b, what should I do?18:30
daftykinsDrewcifer: i already replied to you and you have ignored it18:30
daftykinsDrewcifer: what kind of system? know any of its' hardware? specifically graphics18:30
Drewcifergot lost in the join/quit stuff18:31
DrewciferIts an HP laptop, I had just did this yesterday with the same ISO different USB device and it loaded fine.18:31
DrewciferI killed a machine about two months ago when I had this similar problem and I force stopped the initialization18:31
daftykinsDrewcifer: so why aren't you using the known-good flash drive? what do you mean 'initialisation' ?18:32
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daftykinsDrewcifer: can you discover the hardware in this system?18:36
daftykinsDrewcifer: or can you find the model # and find specifications online?18:36
daftykinshelp me... to help you :)18:36
candelabraI've got a launcher that launches version 5 of a program via program.sh, I just downloaded version 6 that includes a program.sh file.... how can i replace the launcher item? ubuntu 14.0418:37
DrewciferFlash drive was a trial run yesterday to learn how to use Univ. USB Load. I then went out and bought a 1TB extHDD with the intentions of making it a portable OS and general storage. I am 99.9% windows and I run computationally-intensive statistical analysis software, on complex models, ram is limiting on my primary windows machine. My back-up windows machine has more ram but the process is18:37
Drewcifermaxed on complex models. I would like to run a light OS, I have had sucess with puppy in the past, but I thought Ubuntu would give me more bells and whistles.18:37
pratzI install 14.04 few days back and now system hangs on grub screen18:38
pratzeven keyboard is hanged and I can not do any activity18:38
pratzand I see this grub version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/2.02~beta2-918:39
Drewciferdaftykins: Regardless, I placed the USB in the backup machine, booted to USB, and I got a black screen with white text that doesn't fit the screen. it looks like install or intialization from command line. There is a _ prompt but no response from any input.18:39
Drewcifercaps lock is flashing18:40
swenzelhey, i found this article and wanted to use it. but i have ubuntu 14.04 x64 and there seems to be no file 95-keymap.rules i also tried 'locate 95-keymap.rules' but got no result... any ideas?18:40
daftykinsDrewcifer: ok, md5 hash the downloaded ISO to confirm it's not corrupt and re-make the flash drive after a full format18:40
swenzel http://rebelliard.com/enabling-scrolling-using-the-microsoft-natural-ergonomic-keyboard-4000s-zoom-slider-on-ubuntu-12-10/18:40
daftykinsswenzel: did you 'sudo updatedb' prior to 'locate x' ?18:41
Drewciferdaftykins: I am stuck in a black command screen that looks stuck. Should I just hold down PWR? I don't mind remaking the USB, I just don't want to damage anything on my back-up machine, it has important stuff on the windows partition of the built in HDD.18:42
swenzeldaftykins: now I have, but still no result18:42
daftykinsDrewcifer: attempting to boot on it will not have attempted to mount any Windows partitions, so yeah just turn it off.18:42
daftykinsswenzel: create it :) is the best advice i can give18:42
DrewciferI thought that too until I had a machine not boot to Windows after interupting a Linux initialization. But it was a corrupt HDD to start.18:43
swenzeldaftykins: not sure what to put into it18:43
stevenpage129looking for support with apt-get/dpkg, any suggestions on what a good room would be?18:44
daftykinsswenzel: i assume your guide was suggesting to do something with it, if not i have no idea sorry.18:45
DrewciferOkie Doke, Windows booted normally. Sorry, I just cannot lose this machine. The last one died trying to install linux, but luckily it was junk and unimportant.18:46
daftykinsDrewcifer: as a genuine tip, when it comes to technology, never even sacrifice known-good working systems at even the most basic level as booting a flash drive if they are important to you :)18:47
TuxRescuewhat are good places to chitchat with fellow ubuntu users other than #ubuntu-offtopic?18:47
wilee-nileeimage it and backup the image18:47
DrewciferI tried for three days to back it up using windows and I didn't have a big enough HDD.18:47
jhutchinsdaftykins: You don't need to format a drive if you're writing an image to it, that's redundant.18:47
DrewciferGot a HDD and now I want to use it as my primary18:47
daftykinsjhutchins: i know, but there's also no harm.18:48
jackstevenpage129, apt+dpkg are pretty much parts of the core18:48
jhutchinsstevenpage129: On what platform?18:48
DrewciferIm a sloppy users18:48
wilee-nilee!alis | TuxRescue18:48
ubottuTuxRescue: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:48
TuxRescuethat is quite useless as answer18:49
jackso any debian/ubuntu chan should do18:49
stevenpage129jhutchins: 12.0418:49
TuxRescueyou did not read my sentence properly then18:49
wilee-nilee!attitude | TuxRescue how about this one.18:49
ubottuTuxRescue how about this one.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:49
jhutchinsstevenpage129: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?18:49
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stevenpage129well, the issue seems that it would be simple to fix, but it has eluded me so far18:49
stevenpage129apt-get fails to create any uses18:49
TuxRescueonly because i am not happy with your answer i have attitude problems?18:49
TuxRescueare you serious?18:49
wilee-nileeTuxRescue, Your question is not one of ubuntu support.18:50
jackman apt-get is good too18:50
stevenpage129one seconds, I have a question posted to ask ubuntu, and ill get the link fo ryou18:50
TuxRescuewho is in charge here for stopping trolls?18:50
jhutchinsstevenpage129: Please summarize it here.18:50
TuxRescuedont answer then. a bad answer is a useless answer18:50
wilee-nileeTuxRescue, I'm a regular helper here, hardly a troll, read the link abd the channels policy period.18:50
TuxRescueyou are what?18:50
jhutchinsstevenpage129: Generally apt-get should not create users.18:51
stevenpage129jhutchins: simply put, when i install any package that requires the installation script to create a new user, it fails18:51
TuxRescuenow who is the one with attitude problems18:51
TuxRescuei am curious18:51
jhutchinsstevenpage129: Ah!  A well stated problem.18:51
stevenpage129for example, when installing varnish, i get the error "invalid user: varnish", or varnishlog18:51
stevenpage129but /etc/passwd is not chattr +i18:51
jackjhutchins, a few postinst scripts do create users18:51
jhutchinsstevenpage129: Can you give us the error message, or approximate it?18:52
jacklike varnish....18:52
stevenpage129Setting up varnish (3.0.2-1ubuntu0.1) ...18:52
stevenpage129install: invalid user `varnish'18:52
jhutchinsstevenpage129: I mean what apt-get says?18:52
stevenpage129dpkg: error processing varnish (--configure):18:52
CodePulsarHow can I enable SSD Trim support if I've installed Ubuntu on an encypted partition?18:52
stevenpage129 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 118:52
gilligan_anyone here running ubuntu on  macbook6.2 ?18:52
jhutchinsstevenpage129: Excellent, thank you.18:52
stevenpage129at first I figured it was an issue with a particular packages installation script, but it appears when trying to install any package that requires a user18:53
jhutchinsstevenpage129: /etc/passwd should be owned and writable by root, world readable.  Is it?18:53
wilee-nileestevenpage129, apt-get does not make users.18:53
stevenpage129mind you, if i create the users manually, and run apt-get install -f ,  the installation completes with success18:54
jhutchinsstevenpage129: So you can create users as root (or with sudo), and of course you're running apt-get/dpkg as root or with sudo, right?18:54
wilee-nileestevenpage129, In ubuntu with a desktop?18:55
jhutchinsstevenpage129: That's very odd behavior, it would suggest that something is broken with dpkg.18:55
stevenpage129server edition, LTS18:55
jhutchinsstevenpage129: What about dpkg-configure (or recnfigure)?18:55
daftykinsgilligan_: imagining for a moment that the answer is yes, what would your actual question be?18:56
wilee-nileeCodePulsar, trim is not just a package, but a set of config mods18:57
wilee-nileeand a cron if you like18:57
pratzhello guys18:57
alcidesguys, I can for my connection through a vpn? I mean... if the vpn is down there is no internet... right now it starts to use the direct link to access everything...18:57
stevenpage129like I said, if i user "useradd" and create the users and groups manually, and use "apt-get install -f", it completes with success. as part of the install script, i'm fairly certain apt-get calls dpkg --configure (dpkg: error processing varnish (--configure))18:57
CodePulsarwilee-nilee: any tutorial, wiki, blog I can look at to enable TRIM for encypted partitions?18:57
pratzmy system hangs on grub screen. I am using 14.0418:57
stevenpage129and i can still install and install other packages just fine...18:57
gilligan_daftykins, well turns outs its not as much an easy ride with  linux on macbook air as i thought..  right now i am still trying out how to even control display brightness18:57
pratzgrub version https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/2.02~beta2-918:57
pratzany ideas what to do next ?18:58
wilee-nileeCodePulsar, Sure I was looking for the one I used, https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd18:58
gilligan_daftykins, also there is a bug with suspend/resume where the sata controller goes nuts and i only find rather vague descriptions how to work around this18:58
gilligan_daftykins, like this  https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6235118:59
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 62351 in Serial ATA "Marvell PCIe SSD controller 0x9183 suspend/resume problem" [Normal,New]18:59
wilee-nileeCodePulsar, Not sure on encrypted is all.18:59
stevenpage1294 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1983 Jun  3 20:11 /etc/passwd18:59
CodePulsarThere is special config needed when using encypted partition18:59
stevenpage1294 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1268 Jun  3 20:09 /etc/group18:59
Flolilais there any linux audioplayer that can read tag embedded covers?18:59
CodePulsarwilee-nilee: the config is different when using encryption18:59
wilee-nileepratz, Just hangs, but will still boot if you choose the OS?18:59
Lucaxhello, my backuprogram in ubuntu is giving an error: no connection to backend, does anyone know how to solve this issue?19:00
captain-nemoi heard someone mention the resume/suspend problem...19:00
captain-nemojust now19:00
captain-nemo*saw not heard of course19:00
wilee-nileeCodePulsar, Yes, I assumed that was the case, encryption is a good way to loose all the data, we see people here everyday in that circumstance.19:00
pratzwilee-nilee, even the keyboard is hanged19:01
stevenpage129and if there was something wrong with the package manager, it seems to be confined to creating and removing system users... because I can still install any package without this requirement as needed, and updates still work as expected19:01
SheerLucidity614stevenpage129: It really sounds like a permissions problem to me.19:02
wilee-nileepratz, So if you get to grub it does not automatically boot after the count down? Real exacting info is important here.19:02
stevenpage129me too, but i simply cannot figure out where19:02
stevenpage129hmm, maybe i should try again, but running strace on apt-get19:02
jhutchinsstevenpage129: What if you become root before you run apt-get?19:03
pratzwilee-nilee, no it does not automatically boots :(19:03
daftykinsgilligan_: oh right, things far beyond that i am familiar with then... you did use the mac ISOs to install from i take it?19:03
SheerLucidity614jhutchins: sounds like a permissions problem for the dpkg app19:04
user1is there a similar free tool for linux like this ? http://www.5pmweb.com/images/timeline_feature.gif19:04
captain-nemocan anyone recommend a better irc client than xchat for the unity desktop?19:04
xangua!irc | captain-nemo19:04
ubottucaptain-nemo: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:04
daftykinscaptain-nemo: look into weechat perhaps19:04
wilee-nileepratz, Not sure on the keyboard issue, is this a laptop or desktop, if a desktop have you tried other keyboards? Have you modified grub, and is this a new install and has it always bee this way? multiple questions here.19:04
pratzwilee-nilee, its a desktop. have tried with other keyboards (they hang too). I have not modified grub. I had installed the system a week back19:06
Flolilaany ideas how to check my .mp3-file integrity?19:06
stevenpage129switching to root, removing the package in question, along with the required users from passwd and group, and trying the installation again, resulted in the same issue19:06
daftykinsFlolila: re-rip from CD :)19:07
wilee-nileepratz, Was it ever working correctly?19:07
Flolilatoo much work :/19:07
Flolilabut the problem is my dover.jpg is embedded in the files19:07
Flolilanow linux seems to have problems reading it19:08
captain-nemoEmpathy is better but I might use the firefox add-on19:10
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llutz!info mp3val | Flolila19:11
ubottuFlolila: mp3val (source: mp3val): program for MPEG audio stream validation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.8-3 (trusty), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB19:11
SheerLucidity614stevenpage129: I found where you asked the question on the ubuntu help site and withdrew it.  Otherwise, I can't find a similar situation19:11
stevenpage129sorry i moved it to serverfdault19:11
Flolilathanks already tried it but i would prefer something that can do batch19:12
SheerLucidity614ah!  Sounds like dpkg has a permissions problem, but you've done everything I would have done19:12
stevenpage129apt-get or dpkg should run okay with strace attached to it, no?19:13
stevenpage129looks like its my last resort19:13
jack!info dpkg19:13
ubottudpkg (source: dpkg): Debian package management system. In component main, is required. Version 1.17.5ubuntu5.2 (trusty), package size 1894 kB, installed size 6208 kB19:13
nectaryshi, how to activate the usb support on virtualbox, please ?19:13
yetanotherx_Hi, I'm having a problem with DNS resolution. For some reason, I cannot ping http://google.com, and ping gives me "destination host unreachable". I do host http://google.com, and it says it's not found 3(NXDOMAIN). However, pinging google.com (without the http://) works fine, and host google.com shows all of the IPs. What could be going on here?19:14
jackping should always go to a raw host, without http://19:15
stevenpage129http:// is a protocol and not part of DNS?19:15
llutzyetanotherx_: http is a protocol, not a domain/hostname, so its ok19:15
SheerLucidity614stevenpage129:  I did find where someone had the same problem installing zentyl on 10.04 here https://forum.zentyal.org/index.php?topic=8251.0 and the fix there required a patch on the zentyl side19:15
yetanotherx_Okay. I can't access http://google.com either though19:15
SheerLucidity614so, is it possible it's a bug in the app?19:16
stevenpage129i thought maybe the same thing, during the installation of another package (Mon). now im trying varnish, and it appears to be doing the same thing19:16
stevenpage129and they are fairly reputable19:16
stevenpage129ill have to try something else that requires the installer script to create a user and see how that turns out19:17
jackyetanotherx_, telnet google.com 8019:17
SheerLucidity614damn ... looks like you'll have to do the initial install, add the required users, then reinstall, on anything new until you get it resolved19:17
jackif that works, your browser is screwed19:17
SheerLucidity614either that or try to reinstall dpkg19:17
stevenpage129SheerLucidity614: never though about that. ill try another package, and if it is varnish, ill appeal to them. if it doesn't work, ill have to try and reinstall dpkg19:18
ubuntuboxhello, I am getting 2 "experienced an internal error" during login, I checked in /var/crash and found its because if virtualbox and mousepad (my default text editor) that I installed, so I removed virtualbox but still getting the same thing, its 14.0419:18
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SheerLucidity614I'll give you fair warning though, Steve, whenever I've had to go to the "reinstall dpkg" route, I've ended up reinstalling the whole os19:19
stevenpage129unfortunately, this is a production system19:19
ubuntuboxany help please?19:19
stevenpage129so id be better just implementing this workaround each time ^)^19:19
Voyageis there a similar free tool for linux like this ? http://www.5pmweb.com/images/timeline_feature.gif19:19
SheerLucidity614yikes, well, good luck!19:19
trismstevenpage129: in the question it says you manually added the users, how did you do it? the varnish postinst just uses adduser if getent passwd varnish returns nonzero exit19:20
stevenpage129trism: i just used useradd -r varnish; useradd -r varnishlog, and then apt-get install -f. afterwards, installation finished with success, and varnish is working19:21
ubuntuboxVoyage, theres Redmine I think if you need project management software.19:21
Voyageubuntubox,  k19:23
Canaimero-rossiehola cree19:25
planetmakerVoyage, the answer probably depends on what and how you use that software19:25
planetmakerI've been using GanttProject for fancy graphis similar to that19:26
planetmakerFor the software projects management I use redmine - but there I'm not interested in times at all, but more its integrated bug tracker19:26
planetmakerthough it supports assignements, time spent on stuff etc19:27
Voyageplanetmaker,  project planning19:27
planetmakerhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_project_management_software has an overview over more software... not sure how helpful it is19:28
ubuntuboxhello, I am getting 2 "experienced an internal error" during login, I checked in /var/crash and found its because if virtualbox and mousepad (my default text editor) that I installed, so I removed virtualbox but still getting the same thing, its 14.0419:29
phunyguyubuntubox, care to pastebin that error log?19:30
trismstevenpage129: did you test that adduser works?19:30
ubuntuboxphunyguy, looks like I don't have read access to that file...19:31
stevenpage129trism: yes, i just created a test user with adduser, and all seems well19:32
phunyguyubuntubox, then how did you find the errors?19:32
=== qstrahl` is now known as qstrahl
ubuntuboxphunyguy, because it is named virtualbox crash19:32
phunyguyubuntubox, so are you not able to log in at all?19:33
e^ubuntubox: use sudo to read it19:33
ubuntuboxphunyguy, I am able to login, and everything just everytime I log in it is showing a popup window with "experienced an internal error"19:34
phunyguye^, ubuntubox, also those crash files may not eb related to the failing login19:34
phunyguyubuntubox, can you take a screenshot of the error?19:34
phunyguyOH you are talking about apport!19:34
ubuntuboxphunyguy, yes apport19:35
phunyguyif you actually click through those, they will go away.19:35
trismstevenpage129: if you run getent passwd on some nonexistent user, do you get a nonzero exit status?19:35
e^i get a com-gtk-root (something like that) almost every time i login19:35
ubuntuboxphunyguy, but I am getting it with everytime login19:35
phunyguyubuntubox, and if you never want to see them again, change the /etc/default/apport file to contain "enabled=0" without the quotes.19:36
phunyguythen service apport restart19:36
phunyguyubuntubox, (use sudo of course!)19:37
phunyguyubuntubox, and when I said "click through those" I mean don't just close them... actually follow the prompts.19:37
phunyguythe Ubuntu dev team wants to know about bugs, and apport wants you to file them.19:38
sydneyTrue. ;)19:38
stevenpage129if i run "getent passwd" with my regular user,  the passwd file is returned. if i change user to varnish, or any user system user, i get the same. from what I can tell, there is no error status19:39
wilee-nileeplanetmaker, I like that, good drummer, the obligatory triplets. ;)19:39
trismstevenpage129: no i mean: getent passwd username; replacing username with a user that doesn't exist on your system19:39
stevenpage129ok one sec19:39
wilee-nileeoops wrong channe;19:39
ubuntuboxe^, this crash file is full of binary data...19:40
trismstevenpage129: then: echo $?;19:40
phunyguyubuntubox, yes ignore those.19:40
phunyguyubuntubox, file the bugs, or disable apport.19:40
ubuntuboxphunyguy, ok19:40
skinuxI can access Windows drive using Nautilus, but via shell the directory is empty. And Eclipse says workspace (location on Windows drive) is invalid or read only.19:40
skinuxHow do I fix this?19:40
trismstevenpage129: the postinst is pretty simple so if adduser works, my only guess is you are getting something weird from getent, though if getent passwd alone works then I kind of doubt that too, so I'm pretty stumped19:41
wilee-nileeplanetmaker, Sorry about that.19:41
phunyguyskinux, which directory is empty?19:41
stevenpage129if i run "getent passwd someuserthatdoesntexist" it just returns nothing19:41
captain-nemowhoever said it was right, encryption may be secure but it is a great way to lose data19:41
trismstevenpage129: yeah the output doesn't matter only the exit status, so: echo $?; after you run that19:42
phunyguyskinux, gvfs is a funny program which is how nautilus mounts devices... it uses its own interface as well as other gnome apps to access the drive directly via gvfs.  any non gvfs aware apps can find the data under /run/user/$uid/gvfs19:42
skinuxDirectory /media/<user>/os19:42
phunyguyskinux, oh wait, which ubuntu version?19:43
ubuntuboxphunyguy, hey BTW why "virualbox" is still is my /etc/init.d/ /etc/default folders after its removed19:43
stevenpage129getent passwd blah19:43
phunyguyskinux, yeah they moved that to /run/user/ a few releases back.19:43
trismstevenpage129: ahh there is your problem right there19:43
trismstevenpage129: it should be nonzero19:43
trismstevenpage129: weird19:43
phunyguyubuntubox, because you didn't remove with the purge option19:43
mitthi peers!19:43
phunyguyubuntubox, when you remove as just "remove" it keeps configs.19:43
skinuxWell /run/<user> doesn't exist. Nautilus shows it as mounted to /media/<user>/os19:44
ubuntuboxphunyguy, so I have to install it again and purge it?19:44
mittbash:/sudo su hi_peers19:44
phunyguyskinux, /run/usr/<UID>19:44
phunyguyubuntubox, you should just be able to purge it19:44
phunyguywhat are you doing?19:45
mittI am like a terminal19:45
streulmahello, my notebook is a week back from repair (Acer) sometimes the webcam works, sometimes not, after 1 minute the light goes off. Same problem on Ubuntu and Windows 8.1. Now after repair, the problem cames back...19:45
skinuxThat only has '1000' which only contains Linux stuff19:45
lykwif you reinstalled your system with a slightly smaller partition size (like 2-3 GB), and you open gnome disk utility, and the partition containing your system is shown on the same side, say, the left of your disk block, does that necessarily mean that mostly the same areas of your HDD has been used for both your last and present system?19:45
phunyguyplease stop doing that19:45
mittme stop?19:45
streulmaI thought it was an Ubuntu bug19:45
ubuntuboxphunyguy, ok19:45
phunyguymist, please leave this channel for support only19:45
streulmaas I saw reported19:45
phunyguysorry mist19:45
mittokay, sorry19:45
phunyguyskinux, that is the directory you are looking for19:46
phunyguyskinux, is there gvfs under that?19:46
streulmais this a19:46
stevenpage129trism: it seems that i get the same from  getent passwd blah; echo $?;  on another system, but one that does not have this issue19:46
streulman Ubuntu problem ?19:46
stevenpage129so i is even further stumped :P19:46
sydneystreulma: Hmm19:46
skinuxYes, it's empty19:46
phunyguystreulma, no it is a hardware issue19:46
phunyguystreulma, if it does it in both OSs, then it is not OS related19:47
phunyguyskinux, hrmm... is it open in nautilus or unmounted?19:47
trismstevenpage129: yeah that is weird, you should be getting 219:47
streulmaphunyguy: is there no warranty status that after 3 repairs you get a new notebook ?19:47
skinuxNautilus shows Windows mounted at /media/<user>/os, and I can see Windows files via Nautilus, just not via shell.19:47
phunyguystreulma, that is beyond the scope of this channel19:47
streulmaskinux: you have ASUS? :)19:48
phunyguydo you have that specified in /etc/fstab?19:48
skinuxI'm not sure....I have a DELL Inspiron19:48
phunyguyskinux, can you pastebin the contents of /etc/fstab?19:48
skinuxfstab doesn't have any info for Windows mount19:49
stevenpage129trism: so my issue is that the postinst script is having issues checking whether a user exists or not? atleast this is somewhere to work from / something to go on19:49
phunyguyok so can you get to /media/<user>/os ?19:49
skinuxYes, but it's empty19:49
sydneystreulma: I agree with phunyguy;if it happens in both os'es the problem is probably in the webcam itself19:49
phunyguyskinux, did you install ntfs-3g?19:50
skinuxIt's empty via shell, I can see the files via Nautilus19:50
trismstevenpage129: yes it has: if ! getent passwd varnish; then adduser varnish; fi basically19:50
streulmasydney ok that is clear, but he is JUST repaired !19:50
phunyguyskinux, I am not entirely sure how that is possible.19:50
skinuxYeah...my either! Which is why I'm confused19:50
phunyguyls -al /media/<usr>/os produces no output?19:51
phunyguyjust . and ..?19:51
OerHeksskinux, what does "mount" tell you19:51
* sydney shrugs,because he doenst know how what else to say to streulma.19:51
phunyguyOerHeks, it may not show up there with fuse mounted stuff19:51
wheresmypaaantsHey guys19:51
skinuxmount says it can't find /media/<user>/os in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab19:51
planetmakerstreulma, it's not unheard that sometimes hardware shops simply "repair" it by re-packing it ;)19:52
OerHeksphunyguy, you are correct19:52
phunyguyskinux, JUST the mount command19:52
phunyguyno arguments19:52
planetmakeror just exchanging stuff unrelated to the complaint19:52
sydneywheresmypaaants: Hi!!(also get some pants on) ;) :P19:52
wheresmypaaantsHaving an ubuntu issue. When it turns on now, it stays at boot screen. If i hit altF1 fast enough, it shows two lines. Disabling IRQ, then something dispatcher and an edit command19:52
wheresmypaaantsright now im talking in recovery mode19:52
wheresmypaaantsbut i'd love to get to the bottom of this :D19:52
phunyguywheresmypaaants, "recovery mode"?19:53
phunyguywheresmypaaants, how are you chatting from that?19:53
wheresmypaaantsphunyguy: Boot into recovery mode VIA grub, then i hit resume19:53
wheresmypaaantsit loads in low graphics res, and i can open browsers and what not19:53
phunyguywheresmypaaants, oh... do you get any errors at all?  What about dmesg?  These things will help troubleshoot19:53
skinuxOutput of mount: http://pastebin.com/pgHwAaZg19:53
SenorSenpaihi everyone i have a huge problem, my unity stopped loading all I have is a blank desktop with a mouse, and I can right click it and make folders etc. what can I do to fix it? thanks in advance19:53
stevenpage129trism: sorry, my fault again.19:53
stevenpage129steven@rapidwebs:~$ getent passwd blah; echo $?;19:53
stevenpage129trism: that seems right?19:54
wheresmypaaantsphunyguy: No errors, just those two lines. Any way to fetch the latest BOOT log?19:54
trismstevenpage129: yeah that's right19:54
phunyguyskinux, /dev/sda5 on /media/skinux/OS type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)  <---- that is the one we are concerned with19:54
phunyguyand apparently it does show there!19:54
skinuxNot before I check what that command does....one second19:54
phunyguyskinux, are you typing OS at the command line, or os?19:55
phunyguyskinux, that's not a command19:55
skinuxOhh, okay.19:55
skinuxPut that inside of fstab?19:55
phunyguyskinux, no, answer my question19:55
skinuxIt is 'os' NOT 'OS'19:55
phunyguyskinux, not according to that paste19:56
phunyguytry to ls -al /media/skinux/OS19:56
wheresmypaaantsphunyguy: DMESG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7597000/19:56
skinuxOh, FFS! It always worked using 'os' before...not it's working using 'OS'19:56
wheresmypaaantsphunyguy: BOOT.LOG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7597003/19:56
DrewciferGoogle broke. What PAE?19:57
phunyguywheresmypaaants, for reference, I have no idea what the issue is, and I have to do some work.  Someone else can look at the logs19:57
nectaryshow to make the virtualbox supports usb PLEASE !!19:57
phunyguyskinux, good luck to you sir, and enjoy your found data19:57
phunyguyalso please keep your language clean, skinux19:57
e^nectarys: I'm not sure, but you can make the mounted USB a shared folder and use it in virtualbox.19:57
skinuxI didn't use any profanity.19:58
phunyguyskinux, acronyms are still curses19:58
nectaryse^, i've tried that. but it wouldn't work19:58
skinuxOhh.....you guys are no fun :P19:58
phunyguyskinux, "ffs"19:58
phunyguyskinux, just be careful :)19:58
skinuxSure...take all the fun out of it. lol19:58
e^nectarys: no way, it should. did you install the guest additions?19:58
phunyguygotta run, see you all later19:58
wheresmypaaantsAnyone else wanna help with my boot issue?19:59
DrewciferDon't even know what that means19:59
sydneyI dont know what that stands for,nor do i want to know. ;)19:59
DrewciferSo effectively you made look at a curse word thanks19:59
wilee-nileenectarys, You have to add it in the preferences in the start gui19:59
phunyguyDrewcifer, relax.19:59
nectaryswilee-nilee, Config > USB > ?19:59
DrewciferI am, just showing you hole in your logic19:59
nectaryse^, what guest additions ?20:00
Drewciferfor pete sakes could had been replaced there, FYI. now you know20:00
skinuxNow, how can I tell Ubuntu to make sure a few symlinks are present during boot?20:00
e^nectarys: im trying what wilee-nilee is suggesting now.20:00
phunyguyDrewcifer, please drop it, and let's stick to support topics.20:00
sydneySenorSenpai: can you log out?Can you start the terminal?20:00
DrewciferNow, I am downloading a .iso what is PAE?20:00
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info20:00
e^nectarys: you click on devices > insert guest additions (in the main menu, global menu)20:00
wilee-nileenectarys, I forget exactly where, but it would be in the gui that you start the vbox with, I don;t have it installed at the moment.20:00
phunyguynow I really have to go.20:01
sydneyLets all say goodbye to phunyguy. :D20:01
sydneyGoodbye :D20:01
stevenpage129trism: where are you reading the varnish postinst scrpt from20:01
Drewciferby phunyguy20:01
stevenpage129trism: if i could go thru it and check each command for a permissions error this might help me track down the issue20:02
DrewciferAnd thanks for !20:02
e^nectarys: when you install it, it appears as a cd-rom in the guest OS, and you just install it.20:02
gregLI would like to have a script run at startup..  You used to be able to use the app "startup applications"  Would anyone know of an App like that or a way to call a script at startup?20:02
Martijn-NLHi everyone - i want to convert wma files to mp3. I found this code on google: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5784661/ffmpeg-convert-entire-directory I edit it to this, but it doesn't work: http://pastebin.com/57xB53eq20:03
trismstevenpage129: I'm looking at the source package but you can find it at /var/lib/dpkg/info/varnish.postinst20:03
stevenpage129trism: ty20:03
Martijn-NLFiles cannot be found. Does anyone know how to do this?20:03
wilee-nilee!details | Martijn-NL for the channel.20:04
ubottuMartijn-NL for the channel.: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:04
sydneyMartijn-NL: Did you try WinFF? Or do you only want to use terminal?20:04
Martijn-NLsydney: terminal20:04
Martijn-NL*** THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED *** This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead. 18: No such file or directory20:04
sydneyMartijn-NL: ok,but it works. :D20:05
Martijn-NLsydney: No, It cannot found the wma files. Don't know why.20:05
SenorSenpaisydney: i can start it with ctrl + alt + f120:06
SenorSenpaiwhat do I do from there20:06
SenorSenpaii think its becuase i installed emerald20:06
Martijn-NLSenorSenpai: Are you talking to me?20:06
sydneySenorSenpai: Will ctrl-alt-t work?20:07
SenorSenpaisydney it does not20:07
Drewciferis Slacko Puppy 64 bit the devx/sfs ones? opposed to the pao/no-pao versions?20:07
SenorSenpaiand no Martijn-NL i dont think so, thats why i spoke directly to sydney20:07
sydneySenorSenpai: ok,ctrl-alt-f1.then it asks for your username and pasword.20:08
skinuxIs there still a file to put commands for Ubuntu to perform as desktop environment boots up?20:08
Martijn-NLsydney: What works, Sydney?20:08
sydneySenorSenpai: sudo apt-get remove emerald?20:08
e^skinux: .profile in your home directory, that's what i use anyways20:08
e^maybe somebody more knowledgeable will pitch in20:09
sydneyMartijn-NL:Have you tried WinFF? What is your problem? Not showi your wwa files?20:09
sydneyMartijn-NL: I need more info. ;)20:10
SenorSenpairebooting to find out if that fixes it20:10
Martijn-NLsydney: I use commandline. The script cannot find the files. Did you see my script on pastebin? http://pastebin.com/57xB53eq20:10
SenorSenpaithat didnt fix it ;/20:10
sydneySenorSenpai: Can you log out?20:11
SenorSenpaiim thinking to try installing another DE, then pick that20:12
sydneySenorSenpai: Thats what i was thinking. ;)20:12
=== shenk is now known as shenkz
sydneySenorSenpai: What one?20:12
sydneySenorSenpai: What are your specs?20:13
sydneyMartijn-NL: Sorry,not 100% sure how to help. Dont quite understand.20:14
sydneySenorSenpai: Gnome,lubuntu,xubuntu,kde?20:14
SenorSenpaisydney ubuntu 14.0420:14
sydneySenorSenpai: oh,does it work if you log into the guest session?20:14
SenorSenpaigonna try that quick20:15
Martijn-NLsydney: I fixed it using your tip WinFF (only i did want it to with cli). I want to convert from WMA to MP3.20:15
sydneySenorSenpai: I was listing a few DE's. :D20:15
SenorSenpaihah it does, unity loaded20:15
sydneySenorSenpai: weird!!20:15
SenorSenpaiyea i dont get it lol20:16
sydneySenorSenpai: Would you like ubuntu gnome as your DE?20:16
maddawg3fascinating... Why is it that my system monitor says I am using 80% of my CPU in the "Processes" tab it only shows 12% of my CPU being used?20:16
SenorSenpaiubuntu gnome as in gnome3?20:16
OerHeksMartijn-NL, wma is prop., i had issues with playing them, this answer with ppa is a solution > http://askubuntu.com/questions/456072/clementine-wont-play-wma-with-your-gstreamer-installation-is-missing-a-plugi20:16
sydneySenorSenpai: yes20:16
SenorSenpaihonestly I dont like that20:16
sydneySenorSenpai: gnome 2?20:16
sydneySenorSenpai: you like gnome 2?20:17
SenorSenpaiive used gnome2 a lot in the past, as well as mate desktop20:18
SenorSenpaiso yea gnome2 is what i like20:18
Martijn-NLOerHeks: Thanks. I experience no problems at this moment. Did you know how to get the CD track titles from the internet?20:18
OerHeks!info gnome-desktop-environment20:18
ubottugnome-desktop-environment (source: meta-gnome3): The GNOME Desktop Environment - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.8+4ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB20:18
sydneySenorSenpai: do you want to install that?20:19
Martijn-NLOerHeks: I convert a collection wma files from an already stored cd?20:19
SenorSenpaignome flashback aka gnome2, is package gnome-session-flashback right?20:19
SenorSenpai!info gnome-session-flashback20:19
ubottugnome-session-flashback (source: gnome-panel): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME Flashback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.8.0-1ubuntu12 (trusty), package size 69 kB, installed size 282 kB20:19
OerHeksMartijn-NL not sure clementine can do wma title search20:19
sydneySenorSenpai: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback20:19
SymphonymGuest48378 Are you the same "guest" that I talked to about my Wifi problems the other day?20:19
OerHeksnor mp3 editor tools20:20
sydneySenorSenpai: or just sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback20:20
SenorSenpaithanks, logged out and into it, working with my account :)20:21
sydneySenorSenpai: great!!20:22
sydneySenorSenpai: I have like 8 DE's on my pc. :D20:22
SenorSenpaieheh i tend to stick to one for th majority20:22
sydneySenorSenpai: Me to,but sometimes variation is good. :D20:23
maddawg3can someone help me understand the system monitor that comes with ubuntu20:23
ihswi tried running apt-get update and i'm getting hash sum mismatch... why is this happening and how do i fix it?20:23
maddawg3it says i'm using 80% of my cpu but the process tab doesnt show what is using it all20:23
sydneyNow,Windows,beat that!! :D20:23
Squarepymaddawg, reminds me of the windows task manager20:23
AmketroeI've stuck w/ xubuntu for the longest time due to laptop specs...20:23
maddawg3no this only shows i'm using 10%20:24
maddawg3which isnt true20:24
maddawg3i think it's only showing tasks running as me20:24
das_someone can help me to upgrade my ubuntu to 13.1020:24
das_i'm using 13.0420:24
sydneymaddawg3: what task manager are you running?20:24
CodePulsarAny reasons why I only see the swap partition in /etc/cryptab ?20:25
CodePulsarI have 3 encrypted partitions20:25
CodePulsar./ , /home , swap20:25
maddawg3oh figured it out20:25
Canaimero-rossiehalquien  abla español20:26
sydneySenorSenpai: Bye!! Have fun with gnome fallback. :D20:26
Jordan_UCodePulsar: Are you sure that you have 3 LUKS volumes, rather than one LUKS colume containing 3 LVM logical volumes?20:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:27
das_http://postimg.org/image/fgihx6lwn/1f9df543/ why this error when i try to update ?20:29
CodePulsarJordan_U: I've selected "Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security" at installation time20:30
OerHeksdas_, does that repeat after 'try again'?20:30
das_don't change nothing OerHeks20:30
OerHeksdas_, open terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:30
das_it repeat20:30
makkihi! i have installed ubuntu 14.4 on an old hp pavilion and now the wifi is not working! when i run " lspci | grep Ether" i get "03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)"   help plzzzz20:31
OerHeksyou have a networkconnection, for irc, but does your browser have a connection?20:31
CodePulsarJordan_U: hmm, sudo cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 says /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is inactive.20:32
OerHeksdas_,  try changing mirror in softwarecenter> sources20:32
das_how can i do that ?20:33
makkihi! i have installed ubuntu 14.4 on an old hp pavilion and now the wifi is not working! when i run " lspci | grep Ether" i get "03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)"   help plzzzz20:33
Jordan_UCodePulsar: Please pastebin the contents of /etc/fstab and /proc/mounts.20:33
OerHeksdas_, softwarecenter > top panel edit > sources20:34
keychainredwhats the easiest way to make a python script i can load on a web page that allows me to input data to be used in printing out simple statements that i can copy paste20:35
CodePulsarJordan_U: http://paste.kde.org/phfcohjpk/0fmtmb20:36
=== shenk is now known as shenkz
CodePulsarI see that UUIDs change frequently20:38
SymphonymI'm suspecting Wifi driver problems since after ugprading to 14.04 I get very consistent lag spikes, only occurs with Wifi, not wired. My laptop is using the "AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter", any package/driver I can download that might solve the issue?20:38
CodePulsarwhat is in /etc/cryptab is different than any UUID spitted by blkid20:38
Jordan_UCodePulsar: No. UUIDs never change unless you create a new filesystem.20:38
CodePulsarthey've changed several times20:39
KupersteinOh jeez. is everyone having fstab issues?20:39
CodePulsarKuperstein: yes20:39
makkihi! i have installed ubuntu 14.4 on an old hp pavilion and now the wifi is not working! when i run " lspci | grep Ether" i get "03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 02)"   help plzzzz20:39
KupersteinI'm frustrated with configuring fstab in Xubuntu 14.0420:39
KupersteinI just came from #xubuntu and nobody answered... why was gnome-disks removed from xubuntu 14.04?20:39
Jordan_UCodePulsar: You have an unencrypted root filesystem, and your home directory (/home/username/, not /home/) is encrypted using ecryptfs.20:39
CodePulsarJordan_U: so only home got encrypted?20:40
Kupersteinor.. why was gparted not included? do they just expect us to do fstab the old fashion way?20:40
CodePulsarJordan_U: /home/username that is20:40
Jordan_UCodePulsar: Correct.20:40
amflirhow to find and copy all images?20:41
KupersteinAnyone mind chatting w/ me about fstab configs?20:41
neldogzwhat does the Ubuntu Software updater update that the Sudo apt-get upgrade command does not?20:42
Kuperstein@amflir you can do a search using find ~ \*.ext and replacing ext with the filetype extension20:42
Kuperstein@neldogz I believe it is the same. using apt-get upgrade and updating through the ubuntu software center should essentially do the same thing given your subscribed PPAs20:43
amflirKuperstein, there are a lot of image types, any simple way to find file type, by reading header, etc?20:44
neldogzKuperstein, I performed a test today. I fully updated using the upgrade command.. but afterwards the Ubuntu Software updater still had updates to apply20:44
elementary-site4does anyone have experience with BOOTICE?20:44
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Kuperstein@amflir I'm not sure, you can take a look at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/foremost.1.html20:45
Kuperstein@neldogs you may need to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to apply those changes.20:46
neldogzthanks Kuperstein20:46
Jordan_Uamflir: file /path/to/file20:46
yshi wrote a shell script and the script have multiple runs multiple php script with arguments, but when i run this script from cron it doesnt run as aspected20:48
yshon further findings i found that php script didnt get the arguments20:48
Jordan_Uysh: Please don't cross post questions. Wait for a bit to see if you get an answer in the first channel before asking in another.20:48
Kuperstein@amflir if you want to copy all images to a certain directory, you can write up a short bash script that does "sudo cp ~\*.ext (target destination here) for each extension type.20:49
unopasteKuperstein: Error: No closing quotation20:49
Kuperstein@amflir if you want to copy all images to a certain directory, you can write up a short bash script that does "sudo cp ~\*.ext (target destination here) for each extension type. "20:49
HM06each time my conky updates, it draws the new clock on top of the old one. http://zagortenay333.deviantart.com/art/Conky-Vision-395777503 vs http://imgur.com/nqbwrT120:49
Kuperstein@HM06 does your clock save its state on shutdown? In that case, you may not need to have it auto-run on bootup. Go to your menu, type in "startup applications" and see if your clock widget is starting a new instance every time you boot20:50
Jordan_UKuperstein: Please don't prepend '@' to your messages, just use the person's nick alone. (that said, we will also fix our bot :)20:50
KupersteinJordan_U: bad habits die hard. I work for the gov and it's how we chat on AdobeDCO20:51
ActionParsnipKuperstein: type a few letters of the name and hit TAB. Habit broken20:52
HM06Kuperstein: The conky isn't in that list. I also have this issue when I start it manually from cmmand line20:52
KupersteinHM06: How many items are in your startup-applications?20:54
ActionParsnipHM06: is your system time drifting?20:55
das_OerHerks thank u a lot, seems that the command that u suggest me work :D20:55
HM06ActionParsnip: the system timeon the comp matches the time on my phone, at least.20:55
HM06Kuperstein: one. Indicator application20:56
Martijn-NLWho did ever run Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi?20:57
KupersteinMartijn-NL: I have, back in the day when ubuntu still had a netbook edition20:57
Martijn-NLKuperstein: Does it perform good with the pi?20:58
shreezbotI'm having an issue with my mouse acting very strange and dissapearing on 14.04...20:58
ActionParsnipMartijn-NL: i'd run Ubuntu + OpenBox personally20:58
shreezbotAnd when I click tabs in Chrome for instance, it sometimes just closes them...20:58
Martijn-NLActionParsnip: At the Raspberry Pi?20:58
KupersteinMartijn-NL It's okay. There are definitely better debian based distros than ubuntu for the Pi20:59
Martijn-NLKuperstein: I know, but I like Ubuntu the most.20:59
ActionParsnipMartijn-NL: sure. Comes in at 300Mb running here....20:59
ryan_46If I have a Windows 8.1 machine and I install Ubuntu to the whole HD, will Ubuntu sucessfully install and boot up the Ubuntu grub?20:59
shreezbotI can hit CTRL+ALT+F1 to swap to the terminal and then CTRL+ALT+F7 to swap back, and it fixes it for a few minutes, but it breaks again very soon thereafter...20:59
Jordan_Uryan_46: Yes.20:59
yakizahello everybody i have21:00
yakiza a problem with the teamspeak21:00
ryan_46Thanks Jordan_U21:00
yakizacant  start the server21:00
KupersteinMartijn-NL It surely worked for me, try your louck with the Pi :)21:00
Jordan_Uryan_46: You're welcome.21:00
yakizai have a problem i saw a lot of tutorials on youtube and google but i cant run my server21:00
yakizaanyone here know?21:00
ActionParsnipyakiza: you need to hit enter less dude21:01
ubottuteamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/21:01
KupersteinOkay... Anyone know what is the current disk utility for Xubuntu 14.04? Or which one is included in Ubuntu 14.04?21:01
amflirI'm trying to find and copy all images but I get this error, can you help me solve it? http://paste.debian.net/103638/21:01
ActionParsnipKuperstein: gparted21:01
Martijn-NLKuperstein: How many pi's do you have?21:02
ActionParsnipamflir: id ask in #bash21:03
Tom322 I'm trying to install XUbuntu 14.04 on a DL360 G4, it's older hardware, I had it get to the "Install" page once but have not been able to get back to it since, it gets stuck on a black page with a keyboard=and a person in a circle page...21:10
xeno_I cannot get an upside down Spanish starting exclamation quote from my keyboard.21:10
xeno_Any suggestions?21:10
Tom322 I'm trying to install XUbuntu 14.04 on a DL360 G4, it's older hardware, I had it get to the "Install" page once but have not been able to get back to it since, it gets stuck on a black page with a keyboard=and a person in a circle page...21:13
ActionParsnipXeno_: have you asked in #ubuntu-es ?21:13
ActionParsnipTom322: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?21:14
Tom322it works on other hardware21:14
ActionParsnipTom322: what GPU do you use?21:16
=== mohammad is now known as Guest45924
Tom322its built into the mb21:17
ActionParsnipTom322: yes, but what is it21:18
Tom322let me get the name 1 sec21:18
ActionParsnipTom322: it can range from a SiS 755 to an Nvidia 250 and anything between and beyond.....21:18
canaima__hola coño21:18
Tom322how do i address my answer back to your name21:20
ActionParsnipTom322: type a few letters from names and hit TAB21:21
Tom322ActionParsnip: i c thx21:22
canaima__bola de mierda21:22
Tom322ActionParsnip: i will get the name off the diagnostic page, 1 sec21:22
ActionParsnipTom322: we just need the GPU21:22
muruCan someone tell me what is the difference between security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com? I read somewhere that the first is just an alias for the second.21:24
ikoniamuru: they are different repos21:25
ActionParsnipMuru: ping both and you'll see if it is the same, won't you?21:25
ActionParsnipToo obvious?21:26
Tom322ActionParsnip: it is a ATI Rage XL Video Controller21:26
ActionParsnipTom322: try the boot option: radeon.nomodeset=121:26
Tom322ActionParsnip: where do i type that21:27
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.21:27
Tom322ActionParsnip: i dont get to the boot option screen...21:29
ActionParsnipTom322: it will show on ANY hardware. You do get it21:29
Tom322ActionParsnip: it goes to bootlogo then the screen is black and i see 2 icons on the bottom, in the middle, one looks like a keyboard then an "=" and then a person in a circle21:32
Tom322ActionParsnip: it sits there21:32
Jordan_UTom322: Press any key within the first 5 seconds of seeing that screen to get to the syslinux menu.21:33
deydoes anyone here use a intel hd gpu with 2+ monitors?21:33
Jordan_Udey: If they did, what question would you ask them next?21:34
deyJordan_U: is bezel compensation possible21:34
ActionParsnipTom322: guess what that icon means....?21:34
ActionParsnipTom322: keyboard equals man21:35
ActionParsnipTom322: pressing something on the keyboard brings up the menu to allow human interaction.21:35
Tom322Jordan_U: ActionParsnip I hit the spacebar and got the menu back...I selected Install Xubuntu...21:37
Tom322ActionParsnip: Jordan_U it seems to be stuck21:37
Jordan_Udey: Do you want bezel compensation for a specific application (like a fullscreen game), or for everything?21:37
Jordan_UTom322: Did you press a key within 5 seconds, or only after 5 seconds?21:38
Tom322Jordan_U: before 5 secs21:39
deyJordan_U: right now im using a gtx660. im using 2 displays with i3. between the bezels is a virtual gap representing the real gap. The displays act as seperate displays, but if i put any application across all of them, the stuff that would be where the bezels are is simply not visible21:39
Jordan_UTom322: Ahh, I see, you are at the menu now. You need to actually add the "radeon.nomodeset=1" kernel parameter that ActionParsnip was talking about before booting.21:40
deyJordan_U: i want to know if the same is possible with the intel hd21:40
deyJordan_U: to give you an idea how its done via nvidia. you simply draw the two displays away from each other to create a gap as big as you need it to be between them http://www.ismprofessional.net/pascucci/wp-content/uploads/nvidia-settings.png21:41
Tom322Jordan_U: I'm at the select the language screen21:41
Tom322Jordan_U: how do i add this radeon.nomodeset=1" kernel parameter?21:42
Tom322ActionParsnip: I'm at the language screen21:43
Jordan_U!nomodeset | Tom32221:45
ubottuTom322: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:45
Guido1I have a hardware question IF i look at the processorspeed at http://ark.intel.com/products/76753/Intel-Celeron-Processor-N2810-1M-Cache-2_00-GHz does it mean that each core has 2 GHz or both together? I heard somethink like that you have to multiply the GHz by the amount of cores.21:47
deyGuido1: cpus do not HAVE frequencies. They work WITH a given frequency. And yes, all cores work WITH that frequency21:48
deyor AT.... not sure which one is appropriate :P21:49
TheEmpathhai... how do i get my bind9 dns server to stop reaching out to the internet to update itself?21:49
Tom322ubottu: where do i type it in?21:50
ubottuTom322: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:50
TheEmpathid just like for it to be a local domain name resolver :D21:50
Mido_KSAGuido1: yes you have to multiply the GHz by the amount of cores21:50
Guido1dey: but is the assumption right that a dual core 2 GHz is faster than a mono or is the diference only the stability ore something else?21:50
Guido1Mido_KSA: thanks21:50
muruikonia: So If I were running an apt-cacher, I would have to add both, right?21:51
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muruActionParsnip: I know they resolve to different places, I figured one could be a mirror of the other.21:51
deyGuido1: well you COULD say that two cores @2ghz are combined twice as powerful as a cpu using just one of those cores. THis isnt correct in reality, due to cores sharing resources, programs being unable to multithread perfectly etc...21:52
Tom322ActionParsnip: I'm at the main install screen where do i type in the radeon.nomodeset=1" kernel parameter21:52
Guido1dey: okee, but it sounds that a dual core 2 GHz is still much better than a single 1,7 GHz and it's already worth considering buying21:54
Jordan_Udey: It looks like xrandr allows you to create an arbitrarily large "screen" (the total size in pixels of the virtual single display that each output only displays part of), and also allows you to set an arbitrary position for outputs within this screen. Together, those to abilities should allow you to accomplish bezel compensation.21:55
deyGuido1: ofc. a multicore cpu is better than a single core. Its like having multiple single core cpus!21:55
Jordan_Udey: Do all your outputs have the same DPI?21:55
deyJordan_U: yes, they are all the same21:55
Mido_KSAdey: is there any program like hotspot shield for ubuntu?21:56
joem86I'm considering installing Ubuntu on my workstation for the unix tooling. I haven't used it in a while. Is it considered more or less pretty stable (comparable to OS/X) for daily work use?21:56
TuxRescueguys, what is the difference between the nvidia legacy and binary driver?21:56
deyJordan_U: i wonder if nvidia-settings just works as a xrandr gui :/21:56
Guido1dey: thanks. My laptop is getting a bit slow and now I'm looking for newer one which should be faster and more stable. Are there other things to consider by buying a laptop vor (x)ubuntu? (By my laptop I can't use an external VGA screen with linux)21:57
deyGuido1: well, i dont think you will even find a solo core notebook anymore. Even the most basic netbooks have multicore cpus iirc.21:57
deyMido_KSA: was your message really meant for me?21:58
Jordan_Udey: I don't have a second monitor to test with at the moment, so I don't know if the standard GUI display settings in gnome-control-center allow you to configure this, but if you were to use the xrandr command you'd be looking at the options --fb widthxheight and --pos xxy .21:58
tgunrI have a messs on my hands, We had a Ubuntu server running 12.04 who was reporting an initramfs error executing ap-get. One the people said see had corrected the issues and we were putting in a new server in order to back uo it up. Before that could happen one of the techs at the colo hit the power siwtch accidentlly and the box dropped into a initramsfs prompt. I had them install slaxx on a USB stick and can boot from that. I cloned21:58
tgunr the main drive and ten put the second drive back in. (There was no data on the second drive) but it was part of a volume group. No matter what I try I get an error about one of the pv volumes missing with ` Couldn't find device with uuid bcG7QT-ShDH-l2qA-pbpw-xAgg-HB9o-VnQbYp.' showing on pvscan and other commands.21:58
deyJordan_U: np. if its possible with xrandr im going to figure it out :)21:58
Guido1dey: the one i use right now is single ... I also mean if there are cores or other hardware which is known to cause trouble with linux. maybe  page where i can check if the components will work21:59
Mido_KSAdey: yes . i want to know if there is a program for ubuntu like hotspot shield21:59
ritmcan someone help i have mono sound on ubuntu studio22:00
tgunrI have scoured the net looking for a solution and nothing tried seems to bring back the PV volume, At this point I am running out of ideas and turning to the channel22:00
deyGuido1: cpus wont cause a problem. CHeck which components the mainboard uses. And if they are compatible with linux. (soundcard, network, etc.)22:00
Tom322I'm trying to selected any option from the install menu on XUbuntus main install screen, it keeps freezing...22:00
tgm4883Looking at the trim support in 14.04, since it says that it's only enabled for intel and samsung does that mean that I can manually enable it for my non-intel/samsung SSD if I check the manufacture says that trim is supported, or does it mean that it's only enabled on those because other venors have buggy trim support (even though they say the SSD supports22:00
deyMido_KSA: i wouldnt know, i dont even know hotspotshield22:00
=== toby_ is now known as Guest63405
ritmi have mono sound want stereo22:01
Mido_KSAdey: oh ok. thanks22:01
SymphonymConsistent lag spikes after 14.04 upgrade  (occurs every ~2 mins and lasts ~10 sec)  which I believe to be because of Wifi driver issues. I'm using "Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter", any package/driver I can download to hopefully fix the issue? The problem did not exist in 13.10.22:01
Guido1dey: okee. is there a side where i can se which components of the motherbord are (not)compatieble or do i have to search each part with google?22:01
ritmi had stereo before22:02
ritmturned of stereo22:02
ritmcan someone help with mono problem22:03
Mido_KSAany one knows a vpn program for secure surf ?22:03
bitcoinassassinHello. I have an encrypted home drive; nightmare! So, if I just copy (or back up using tar, etc.) the files from my home folder to an external drive, they will be copied without being encrypted, correct?22:03
ritmi have mono sound want stereo22:04
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
deyGuido1: i usually use google. But most mainboards use the same stuff anyways. Intel network, ALC soundcards etc. are usually never a problem. Usually only the expensive 'gamer'stuff causes problems. Special soundcard chips, those KILLER NICs dont work flawlessly either iirc. etc. Stick to the cheaper mainboards and you usually dont have a problem. But i never bought a notebook, i dont know how easy it is to find out which chipsets they used22:04
bitcoinassassinThis is from my computer with the encrypted file mounted during a normal boot.......22:04
Jordan_Ubitcoinassassin: Correct.22:04
bitcoinassassinHey Jordan_U22:04
ritmgod damm can someone help me22:05
ritmdont have stereo sound22:05
deyGuido1: but im pretty sure that if you check the common notebooks that someone already wrote a bit about the linux compatibility somewhere22:05
ritmonly mono22:05
Guido1i only know from my laptop that the VGA is not working with linux. The graficcard is something from NVIDA22:06
meek_geekmy update manager says cannot trust sources22:06
ritmjust idiots here gonna search google22:06
bitcoinassassinmeed_geek, my journalism friends say cannot trust sources.....22:06
bitcoinassassiner, meek22:07
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
deyGuido1: did you install the official nvidia drivers? Maybe your card is to old, but nvidia cards usually work well :/22:07
meek_geekbitcoinassassin, it said so really and would not update anymore22:07
kingbeowolfhow can i find out how many blobs are on my system?22:07
Mido_KSAGuido1: i have HP Pavilion g6 laptop and it is compatible with linux. i think you have to try searching about HP laptops.22:07
bitcoinassassinkingbeowolf: what's a blob22:08
kingbeowolfbitcoinassassin, binary blob is usually a bit of code that makes some hardware work22:08
Guido1dey: i think so. it's an extra driver22:09
sudormrfhey guys, I am trying to understand repos a bit better.  I am working on testing something with a group of people.  one person synced a file to a repo, but the repo is not pingable or browseable so I think it won't work at all until he does something on his end...correct?22:09
bitcoinassassinkingbeowolf: ahh.... thanks.22:09
kingbeowolfi.e. not open source22:09
bitcoinassassinoh............ like that22:09
sudormrfstupid question but I am second guessing myself here.22:09
bitcoinassassinthere are not stupid questions; only stupid people (not you sudormrf); I'm just saying . . .22:10
Guido1Mido_KSA: In the moment I'm looking at HP and Lenovo and try to find somthing with a QWERTY keyboard below 500, maximal 700€ (I'm a student)22:10
planetmakersudormrf, using a repository doesn't mean that the repository is public.22:10
sudormrfbitcoinassassin, lel22:10
cristobalguys i connect a hardrive of a laptop to get some information since the laptop died that had windows now i cant umount /media/Drivename    any  suggestions?22:10
sudormrfplanetmaker, hmm.  ok, well I can't ping it, nslookup fails for it...not sure how I can access it in that case22:10
planetmakerI'd be frightened if every repo on my local machine would be public ;)22:10
kingbeowolfanyone know how to figure out how many binary blobs are in their kernel?]22:11
sudormrfplanetmaker, any idea how I can sort of force a connection?22:11
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TJ-kingbeowolf: "grep firmware /var/log/dmesg | wc -l"22:11
planetmakersudormrf, no. Especially as 'repo' is as general as 'collection of files with version information attached'22:12
sudormrfplanetmaker, that's what I thought22:12
Mido_KSAGuido1: the one i mentioned is about 600 USD . it is core i7 third generation and 8 GB Ram with AMD radeon 7500 VGA + intel HD VGA ( give it a try and you will like it)22:12
planetmakerthus it highly depends on what vcs you actually use.22:12
kingbeowolfTJ-, printed 022:12
Guido1Mido_KSA: okee, I will have a look at it thanks22:13
auralI am having troubles using a mobile scanner Brother DSmobile 620 in a linux environment: http://privatepaste.com/cc1fac292022:13
lixdammit. what other alternative to OpenSSL!??22:13
abcswitched from windows to ubuntu and i was like wth .22:13
sudormrfplanetmaker, not sure what he is using on his end22:13
kingbeowolfTJ-, dmesg doesn't exist in that folder i guess22:13
sudormrflix, libressl? but it isn't available yet22:13
lixsudormf: tnx. - nerver heard.22:14
Tom322Jordan_U: I typed in radeon.nomodeset=1 at the end of the boot options line....22:14
planetmakersudormrf, and without the right client you cannot access it anyway. Unless he configured properly and started a web interface for it22:14
cristobalAnyone knows how to force umount a device under /media  ?22:14
Tom322Jordan_U: it freezes...22:14
sudormrfplanetmaker, this is supposed to be an ubuntu repo setup for grabbing files to test their system.  I just figured if I can't ping it and can't get an nslookup it wouldn't work until something was fixed on his end.22:14
sudormrfhe said dns wasn't setup for it yet22:15
TJ-cristobal: identify why the device is busy first; some process has a file or directory open on it most likely22:15
bitcoinassassincristobal, what have you tried22:15
bitcoinassassinand what type of device is this?22:15
lixsudormrf: FYI: http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q2/46622:15
cristobali connected a hdd from a dead laptop with windows mounted to try to see it with ntfs config but now i cant unmount so everytime i boot the laptop try to look for it :(22:15
cristobalunder /mnt/devicename22:16
sudormrflix, ?22:16
sudormrfcristobal, check fstab?22:16
TJ-cristobal: how was the file-system mounted (what tool) and how are you trying to umount it, and what error do you get?22:16
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cristobalsudo umount /media/ACER     => error said not mounted but when i go manually to the folder i see the ACER22:17
Tom322can anyone help...I typed in radeon.nomodeset=1 at the end of the boot options line....it freezes...22:17
abc ubuntu = (fail)22:18
TJ-cristobal: Then it isn't mounted ... "/media/ACER" is the *mount point* only ... if a file-system were mounted at that point you'd see files below "/media/ACER/"22:18
Jordan_Uabc: Do you have a support question? If not then this is the wrong channel.22:19
cristobalyes no files on the folder but cant get the system not to try to mounted on system boot :(22:19
bitcoinassassincristobal, unless you added a line to /etc/fstab your linux install will not try to mount that drive ... if it's unplugged.... right?22:19
auralHas anyone else used any moden/recently released paper scanner hardware components with a linux environment?22:19
TJ-cristobal: Then you have an entry in "/etc/fstab" for it ... try "cat /etc/fstab" and inspect the file-system table22:20
Jordan_Uaural: Please post your actual question.22:20
xeno_Say, does anyone here know that the United States has the second largest number of Spanish speakers in the world, after Mexico?  More than Spain?  And yet the default distro does not come configured with ability to write Spanish Characters, nor any clear way to get it set up?22:20
auralJordan_U:  I am having troubles using a mobile scanner Brother DSmobile 620 in a linux environment: http://privatepaste.com/cc1fac292022:20
auralI posted that a few minutes ago22:20
cristobalokay found it #Entry for /dev/sdb2  UUID=18AEEED8AEEEAD86/media/ACER22:21
cristobalso gedit?22:21
auralJordan_U: Besides, that quetion I just asked about if anyone else has used any is also my actual question22:21
sudormrfcristobal, check /etc/fstab22:21
sudormrfcristobal, comment out that line22:21
sudormrfcristobal, then do sudo umount /media/ACER22:21
auralbecause, if anyone has success with a different hardware component than the one I have, I can return this one and get the other one22:21
TJ-cristobal: is the first character a "#" ? if so, that means the line has been commented out22:21
sudormrfTJ-, I am thinking that may be a note above the actual mount line22:22
TJ-sudormrf: I think you may be correct :)22:22
sudormrfcristobal, do this 'cat /etc/fstab > pastebinit'22:22
sudormrfcristobal, without the quotes22:22
bitcoinassassinaural, this isn't going to be any help, but my brother dcp-j140w that is supposed to work with Ubuntu ... the printer is fine; the scanner, no... even with the brother/linux software blobs... as people like to say; this *might* be because I have attempting this wirelessly; I have ordered a USB cable and hope to have more luck when that arrives22:23
Jordan_Uxeno_: Please keep discussion to actual support questions. If nobody currently awake knows the answer, nobody will answer. You can try Ubuntu Forums, or http://askubuntu.com also, or if you speak spanish well enough to you can ask your question in spanish in #ubuntu-es (they'll be able to understand your question without a '¿' in your message).22:23
TJ-sudormrf: or just "pastebinit /etc/fstab" :p22:23
xeno_Thank you Jordan.22:23
auralbitcoinassassin: mm, I've observed the scame with all-in-one devices which printer functionality works, but scanner functionality does not.22:23
cristobalsudormrf:  http://pastebin.com/WYvXWmfW22:24
bitcoinassassinaural, is your device plugged or wireless22:24
Jordan_Uxeno_: You're welcome.22:24
auralbitcoinassassin: usb cable/wired22:24
auralas can be seen from output of `lsusb`22:24
bitcoinassassinaural, yes, and there is even a separate brother download that supposedly will allow "one touch scanning" ... again... no luck22:24
bitcoinassassinI think they need to call it insane22:25
yakizai am really going to  make format and put windows back22:25
yakiza i need help if someone wont help i will go back to my windows22:25
bitcoinassassinyakiza, mazeltov22:25
TJ-aural: I have 2 networked: A4 Samsung CLX-6220FX and A3 HP Officejet 761022:26
bitcoinassassinTJ- and these scanners work?22:26
yakizabitscoinassasin ?22:26
Jordan_Uyakiza: I hope you have a better experience with Windows then.22:26
TJ-bitcoinassassin: Yes, that's why I responded22:26
bitcoinassassinTJ-, ok, thanks. just checking. :-) happy and surprised22:26
yakiza i cant even istall a program in ubuntu i dont even know when i install somethink where is going22:26
yakizain windows you just  select where you want somethink to go here you doint on the terminal and you dont know22:27
yakiza and if i want to unistall i cant cause i dont know how22:27
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com22:27
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:28
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:28
Jordan_Uyakiza: Please keep discussion to Ubuntu related support questions only.22:28
john_ramboI installed pclinuxos as dual boot with ubuntu. After reboot I found that there is no entry for Ubuntu in grub ..... Then I use super grub disk to get back into Ubuntu ...I want replace grub legacy (installed by pclinuxos) with Grub2 and add entries for Ubuntu and pclinuxos .....what is the procedure22:28
TJ-yakiza: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware22:28
yakizafuck you jordan i am like 16 hours on my pc and try to  install a program22:28
cristobalwow so rude22:29
cristobalwhat a lady XD22:29
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:29
bitcoinassassincristobal, darn, I always ignore just before the fun begins22:29
yakizais anyone who can help me from skype (share screen)22:30
yakiza I AM 16 HOURS  to my pc22:30
yakiza and i cant do a shit22:30
yakiza i  turn from windows to ubuntu and now i am   thinking go back to windows22:30
Guest40535is there any built in virtualbox type software in ubuntu? it used to come with virtualbox i think22:30
Jordan_Uyakiza: Again, please keep comments to productive support discussion.22:31
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planetmakerdusf123, there's a virtualbox package. No not only like, but exactly virtualbox22:32
TJ-yakiza: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement22:32
Jordan_Uyakiza: If you don't like using Ubuntu that is fine, if Windows is right for you then that's great. It's not OK to clutter the channel with ranting, and certainly not to direct abusive comments at users of this channel.22:32
bitcoinassassinwhat is the command please to un-ignore someone in chat? I'm missing all the fun.......22:32
yakizai  work on windows a lot of years i want to lern ubuntu but if i want just to install a simple program i dont know where this program is installed22:33
dusf123planetmaker: i have searched ubuntu software centre for virtualbox but there are no hits22:33
yakizaand i get all the time  erors22:33
dusf123yakiza: try the ubuntu software centre in the left hand dock22:33
e^i see a BOO-PC in "Browse Network", it isn't any of my pc's, is there any way to find out what this pc is doing there in ubuntu or some package? i tried to port scan from 0 to 255 but it didn't show up.22:33
Jordan_Uyakiza: You can use "dpkg -l packagename" to find all of the files that a package installs, or "which command_name" to find where a specific command's binary is installed.22:33
cristobalyakiza under settings printer ubuntu use something call cups the printer should be listed if not on the website of the printer manufacturer they should have a .deb file double click adn it should open the software store to install the program22:34
planetmakerhm, interesting it's indeed not listed for trusty, but earlier versions, dusf123 : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=virtualbox-ose22:34
planetmakerthough... http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/misc/virtualbox22:35
dusf123planetmaker: thanks22:36
TJ-planetmaker: 4.2.8-dfsg-0ubuntu1 dropped the need for the -ose transitional packages22:37
e^how can i get more info about a computer in the "Browse Network" ?22:39
bitcoinassassinnot sure this is the correct place for this, but given truecrypt's recent announcement(s) ... what are people using as an alternative? and... if it's off-topic, .. mea culpa22:43
orst3nnothing till now but its belived that 7.1a is still save ..22:44
xeno_Say, why does this post say System -> Preferences -> Keyboard when my Unity config doesn't seem to sport such a sequence from the GUI?22:46
bitcoinassassinorst3n, granted, I'm just looking forward.........22:46
xeno_I see Systems Settings -> Keyboard, but nowhere to go to a preferences inbetween.22:46
bitcoinassassinsooooooooo many conspiracy theorists out there....22:46
xeno_Am I not seeing some secondary entry point to "System"?22:47
daftykinsxeno_: could be an older version of ubuntu without Unity, or a different desktop environment entirely22:47
Jordan_Ubitcoinassassin: LUKS, which has IMHO always been a better alternative (Truecrypt has always had severe license issues among other problems).22:47
xeno_Well, this is the canonical recommentation from what I can see.22:47
cristobalall setting - details have default applications if thats what you look xeno22:47
xeno_Is my experience old, or the instructional doc?22:47
TJ-bitcoinassassin: Some people are picking it up and running with it as a new project, for example the GeekCrypt/FalseCrypt/CipherShed F/OSS project22:47
xeno_I am on Unity with 14.04.22:48
bitcoinassassinJordan_U, Ok, thanks. TJ- as well. I used TrueCrypt partly because I could use it from Windows or Linux; maybe if I knew more I could access LUKS from Windows as well; I don't know. But, am learning.22:49
TJ-bitcoinassassin: There's been a lot of discussion on the Cryptography mailing-list, and investigations on how we can merge it with dm_crypt/LUKS and others to provide a cross-platform, audited, F/OSS solution22:50
bitcoinassassinbut, yeah, it's licensing and other stuff seemed like a snafu to me....... and those appeals for money where they said "we might take the money and go on vacation" .... seemed a little... odd22:51
TJ-bitcoinassassin: I've been rebuilding the source-code commit history of TrueCrypt since it was Encryption for the Masses in the late 90's. That will help us audit the code and make some decisions.22:51
TJ-bitcoinassassin: It is possible to implement the interfaces and formats using brand new, un-encumbered code, with a clean license and audit trail22:51
bitcoinassassinTJ-, thank you so much for that information. Now I feel REALLY dumb /// j/k... sort of... :-)22:52
bitcoinassassinI am happy to learn and really appreciate all the help22:52
TJ-bitcoinassassin: It's possible to use TrueCrypt volumes on Linux already as you know, but what we're investigating is eventually merging the on-disk formats and encryption suites22:53
bitcoinassassinTJ- is there an irc channel or rss feed for what you are doing? er... and something not completely over my head?22:54
Jordan_Ubitcoinassassin: You can access LUKS volumes with FreeOTFE in Windows, but I wouldn't trust FreeOTFE until it has had a thorough audit, especially after (admittedly very old) things like this message: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2009-05/msg00082.html22:55
grobe0bagood evening everyone. i am having some rather annoying problems with upstart.22:55
grobe0bai haven't tampered with it any way, no extra scripts of my own. it's unable to see any of the scripts being added by apt-get22:55
grobe0baeven after initctl reload-configuration, nothing is updated22:55
grobe0bai'm currently on 14.04 amd6422:55
grobe0balatest updates, etc.22:55
grobe0baany ideas?22:55
unopastegrobe0ba you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted22:55
TJ-bitcoinassassin: not as yet, just mailing list and private emails22:55
bitcoinassassinTJ-, ok, thanks. I'll check that link a gnu.org22:55
welch_i need help22:56
bitcoinassassinhaha I just read the first line of that post; classic.........22:56
welch_i need help anybody!!!!22:56
bitcoinassassin"FreeOTFE has a function which allows reading sectors from a device without authentication"22:57
bitcoinassassinwelch, yes you need. what kind are you seeking here?22:57
bitcoinassassinI hate when my brain doesn't connect with my fingers22:57
welch_how to add ubuntu to your sessons22:57
grobe0bai take it your worthless bot has never heard of lag....22:58
bitcoinassassingrobe0ba: that was a helpful comment.22:58
welch_bit how do i add ubuntu to my sessions?22:59
bitcoinassassinwelch_, I'm sorry, I don't know/understand22:59
grobe0bawhich one? the part where it muted me because i have a horrible connection and lagged out?22:59
grobe0ba'cause so far i've seen nothing addressing my statements22:59
sudormrfcristobal, sorry I was AFK.  put a # in front of line 10 of your pastebin.  then do sudo umount /media/ACER and restart.  see what happens23:00
grobe0bawhy the hell did ubuntu get rid of sys 5 style init? it at least bloody worked reliably23:00
bitcoinassassingrobe0ba: and raging against the machine probably won't help. :-)23:00
grobe0babitcoinassassin, fair enough23:00
grobe0babut seriously, upstart is killing me.  i've made NO changes to it, and it can't be bothered to function reliably23:01
bitcoinassassingrobe0ba: and if I knew, I'd help, honest.23:01
welch_when i log out and click my user, on the bottom it says sessions. how do i add ubuntu 14.04 to it?23:01
grobe0bathanks mate. appologies for raging at the bot23:01
sudormrfcristobal, no PMs please.  keep support stuff in the main room23:01
welch_bit i need your help23:02
jimi_When I am on the gdm login screen, I have loud/normal audio.. when I login to my user, I have very low audio and I can't turn it up, it lists no devices in the configuration.23:02
cristobaldont worry sudormrf already fixit i forgot toput sudo23:02
cristobalcommented on the fstab # and done23:02
sudormrfcristobal, nice23:02
TheEmpathhi.. having a really, really hard time setting up a local DNS server.  IS there anything that simplifies the process?23:02
bitcoinassassinjust for the record, I did that......... helped cristobal... just so people don't think I'm completely worthless ;-)23:02
TheEmpathcurrently using bind9, but only one computer on the network sees it23:03
sudormrfTheEmpath, welcome to the club.  You should probably be asking in #ubuntu-server thought23:03
grobe0baTheEmpath, you sure you updated everyone's DNS settings?23:03
grobe0baperhaps your DHCP server?23:03
bitcoinassassingrobe0ba: your ? is way over my head but I have a rule against upgrading to new systems........ which probably makes me a luddite and whatever but there always seem to be problems that need to be fixed.... I'm sure you know to what I refer23:04
grobe0bayeah, sys v init has worked for decades23:04
grobe0bai want it back23:04
grobe0banone of this cannot find service crap23:04
nikolamMy software updater in 13.10 64bit, just went bananas.23:05
bitcoinassassinyou rang?23:05
welch_when i log out and click my user, on the bottom it says sessions. how do i add ubuntu 14.04 to it?23:05
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume23:05
cristobalnikolam you should upddate to 14.0423:05
nikolamIt displays just window manager and one grey line23:05
Jordan_Ugrobe0ba: Could you give an example command that fails but shouldn't? For example, "sudo service apache2 restart" ?23:05
grobe0bavsftpd, in this instance23:05
bitcoinassassinnikolam, I liked it better when you left it at "just went bananas" ..... that was awesome :-)23:06
grobe0baUnknown service for any variety of issuance23:06
nikolamcristobal, I know, I know, but it is still supported, right. And I can not afford any breakage, because I need this machine for work23:06
welch_can abybody help me with this23:06
grobe0bai've run initctl reload-configuration several times23:06
welch_when i log out and click my user, on the bottom it says sessions. how do i add ubuntu 14.04 to it?23:06
nikolamthnaks bitcoinassassin :P23:06
Jordan_Ugrobe0ba: Please give an exact command and its exact output, if that's more than one line please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .23:06
grobe0basudo service vsftpd status  . or start, or restart23:06
yosryhey i get this when nstalling mp3 plugins23:06
yosry http://pastebin.com/Beh7ac6s23:06
bitcoinassassinwelch_, well, what are you logging into now?23:06
grobe0baANY command given results in it returning Unknown job23:07
cristobalnikolam end of life date its July 201423:07
nikolamfor 13.10? cristobal huh didn't know it.23:07
bitcoinassassinwelch_: as in what version of ubuntu?23:07
welch_i have xbuntu23:08
welch_it came with my computer23:08
Jordan_Ugrobe0ba: Please pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy vsftpd".23:08
grobe0basudo initctl check-config /etc/init/vsftpd.conf  or just check-config vsftpd   both return Invalid job class23:09
welch_i want to add ubuntu 14.0423:09
bitcoinassassinwelch_: and if I wasn't busy backing up my freaking encrypted home file (now backing up /home/user/Audio/Frogs with frog calls I recorded this spring) I'd sign out and see for myself23:09
grobe0baJordan_U, rgr, w123:09
bitcoinassassinwelch_, have you actually installed ubuntu 14.04?23:09
welch_no that why i need help23:09
Jordan_Uwelch_: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" will install all of the packages in a default Ubuntu installation.23:10
bitcoinassassinwelch_: and now we get to it..... lol23:10
grobe0baJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7597998/23:10
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welch_i don't want to delete anything on this computer23:10
HooleanHey guys, please direct me elsewhere if this is not relevant. I'm getting >600 wakeups a second when viewing on powertop; I discovered this after noticing my battery life was worse on ubuntu than on windows. What should I do to improve this?23:10
HooleanIt was >1000 before also23:11
Jordan_UHoolean: What suggestions does powertop give?23:11
SilverSlimerhey guys23:11
welch_if i install this will it delete anything23:11
Jordan_Uwelch_: No.23:11
HooleanHey Jordan_U: I enabled the tunables that were set to "bad" if that is what you mean23:12
welch_it will keep everything23:12
Jordan_Uwelch_: Correct.23:12
larrypgwelch_, which version are you using ? lsb _release -a...23:12
bitcoinassassinwelch_, to be clear, you want to install ubuntu 14.04 instead of xbuntu 14.04, is this correct?23:12
bitcoinassassinI mean and not xbuntu 14.0423:13
welch_no i want to add ubuntu to my sessiond23:13
bitcoinassassinwelch_: as larrypg asked, which version are you using?23:14
bitcoinassassini think you said xbuntu 12..........23:14
grobe0baJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7597998/23:14
yosryneed help wz this23:15
Jordan_Ugrobe0ba: I don't know. Try asking in #upstart.23:15
grobe0baJordan_U, rgr. thx23:15
Jordan_Ugrobe0ba: You're welcome.23:15
bitcoinassassinyosry: do you have a version of synaptic running at the same time? if so, close that.23:16
bitcoinassassinyosry, or another package manager instance23:16
buck1is there a way to get file(1) to tell me a mime type of text/x-python for python scripts?23:16
Jordan_Ubuck1: What is your end goal?23:17
samthewildonehow can I view pdf files in web with chromium and how can I get java plugins to work with chromium ?23:17
buck1Jordan_U: i'd like to let people configure my system with mime types, and match python files as such23:17
daftykinssamthewildone: there are plenty of guides online, after installing say, oracle java - that show how to symlink the plugin into the right folder.23:17
yosryhelp wz this23:18
HooleanJordan_U: any ideas what it may be? :)23:18
m1dnight_No Ãmore default sounds for alarm-clck-applet. Can anyone with ubuntu < 14.04 try?23:18
samthewildonedaftykins, thats just the problem23:18
m1dnight_It used to have 4 .ogg files as default sounds23:18
m1dnight_but it seems to have none, now23:18
samthewildonedaftykins, I follow all those guides and not one has work...23:18
buck1yosry: killall apt-get23:18
samthewildoneYou think I have time to waste looking at guides, i've got work to do...23:19
samthewildonethats why I can into the chat...23:19
yosrybuck1: am trying now23:19
Loshkiyosry: something else is running that uses the package system e.g. update-manager. ps -ax to see if you can spot it23:19
buck1yosry: fuser -v /var/cache/apt/archives/lock23:19
daftykinssamthewildone: what often happens, is people follow the guides 100% precisely, but you might actually have a newer java installed and so the file and folder paths are wrong23:20
buck1Loshki: a better way to "spot it" ^23:20
daftykinssamthewildone: also, chrome may be in another path than the one being used23:20
Loshkibuck1: agreed, fuser is better23:20
yosrybuck1:  fuser -v /var/cache/apt/archives/lock spots nothing23:20
Loshkibuck1: unless...23:20
buck1yosry: it's possible the killall fixed the situation. try again23:20
daftykinssamthewildone: find the "ln -s ..." command in a guide and instead of pasting it, type out the path and use tab complete to find paths which actually exist.23:20
m1dnight_what is so timeconsuming about this answer?23:22
yosrybuck1:  thx alot all done23:23
m1dnight_Chromium now have a pdf viewer on chrome store based on pdf.js that works like a charm. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pdf-viewer/oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm23:23
m1dnight_tried it. it works.23:23
buck1yosry: somehow you had an apt-get running in the background23:23
buck1holding the lock23:23
yosrybuck1: i tried to spot it but no luck with that23:24
buck1yosry: i assume it was bc the killall killed it before you ran fuser23:24
mjuszczakHave a question.  I've set chmod 777 /etc/ssl/private (just for testing) and as a non-root user, I can't ls -al the contents.  Any thoughts?23:25
yosrybuck1: i got this now http://pastebin.com/3rLayLF723:26
SilverSlimerhey polish guy23:26
m1dnight_mjuszczak: what happens when you 'll' the /etc/ssl/ directory?23:26
yosrybuck1:  after installing ubuntu restrickted extra23:26
m1dnight_can you see the perms  are actually set?23:26
buck1mjuszczak: ls is often about th edirectory permissions, not the file permissions23:26
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Likely apparmor is preventing access.23:26
nikolamFresh news from me, it was actually installing updates in background and pulled requester: "the computer needs to restart to finish installing updates , requester bitcoinassassin23:26
buck1mjuszczak: ls -ld /etc/ssl/23:27
nikolamso just fine, i supose.23:27
buck1mjuszczak: i hope you understand that making that stuff world readable/wriatable is a Bad Idea23:27
mjuszczakll returns: drwxrwxrwx  2 root root  4096 Jun  4 16:52 private/23:27
buck1mjuszczak: then you haven't run the command: ls -ld /etc/ssl/23:28
mjuszczakbuck1: This is just for testing - I'm in a dev container.  Trying to figure out why OpenlDAP can't read the key inside /etc/ssl/private even though I've made it owned by root:ssl-cert and openldap is part of the ssl-cert user.23:28
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Check OpenLDAP's Apparmor profile.23:28
samthewildoneThis is annoying.23:28
buck1samthewildone: "this"23:29
mjuszczakbuck1: that returns drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Jun  4 16:52 /etc/ssl/23:29
buck1seems accessible. shrug. I'd guess apparmor.23:29
* samthewildone snaps buck1's neck23:29
mjuszczakapparmor: unrecognized service23:29
mjuszczak(when I try service apparmor shutdown)23:30
m1dnight_got it working, samthewildone ?23:30
daftykinsmidnight_: i sense a direct hand-holding is being requested23:30
bitcoinassassindaftykins: haha..... nice23:30
m1dnight_derp, it's a plugin23:31
m1dnight_how can a plugin not work23:31
samthewildonelooks like i have to do more23:31
buck1samthewildone: strace -e file may help pinpoint the issue23:31
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Check the Apparmor profile in /etc/apparmor.d/ .23:31
samthewildonelook some websites work with the java and so don't23:31
daftykinsmidnight_: it does not automatically place itself within browsers added by the user23:31
daftykinssamthewildone: so oracle java *does* show up in chrome's extensions/plugins page?23:32
daftykins(assuming you installed oracle java... please say if you didn't)23:32
larrypgmjuszczak, ufw instead of apparmor? no idea just a thought23:32
Jordan_Ularrypg: mjuszczak: ufw is completely unrelated to local file access.23:32
samthewildone^ not loading the java23:35
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samthewildoneIn the past 3 hours I've been playing around trying to figure of this.23:36
mjuszczakJordan_U: There happens to be a profile in there for usr.sbin.slapd, which is the service I'm trying to get to be able to read that darn file, but nothing in there for the openldap user.23:36
samthewildoneI thought everything would had been managed by the software installer...23:36
daftykinssamthewildone: 2 things: 1) that's chromium 2) that's not the plugins/extensions page23:36
daftykinssamthewildone: please check whether it's showing the java or not23:37
samthewildonewell I went back to chromium because the google-stable ain't working either23:37
SilverSlimerit just dawned on me that ubuntu becomes one hell of a gaming os if one installs burger space23:37
vilambitburger space?23:37
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Please pastebin the profile for slapd.23:37
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m1dnight_what is burger space23:37
samthewildonedaftykins, only thing I got on chromium is "chromoting viewer + adobe flash"23:37
m1dnight_I found about a burger that was sent into space23:38
samthewildoneno other plugins present23:38
m1dnight_but that's it23:38
buck1this is less than desirable http://paste.pound-python.org/show/BaUBAc9Z2CX2exDRwNpD/23:38
SilverSlimerm1dnight_, the most graphically-intensive game ever23:38
daftykinssamthewildone: ok so you need to symlink the plugin to the correct path as i mentioned above23:39
m1dnight_to watch another episode of xmen tas, or not to watch an episode of xmen tas23:39
daftykinssamthewildone: what does "which chromium" or "which chromium-browser" in a terminal output? something in /opt ?23:39
samthewildonethis is what happens when I abandon linux for windows...23:39
m1dnight_can you give ma a site that requires java, samthewildone ?23:40
m1dnight_i want to check23:40
m1dnight_im on a fresh install, since today23:40
buck1m1dnight_: http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre23:40
samthewildoneyum chromium does not take it23:40
samthewildoneeven though I have java installed.23:40
daftykinssamthewildone: yum is redhat and fedora, NOT ubuntu...23:41
buck1linux_: and may the greetings be considered reciprocal23:41
SilverSlimerfedora's great if you need the latest software but that's about it23:41
andylandHowdy night crawlers. I’m currently running the GParted live cd trying to repair a ext4 partition.The partition is on 2TB and it’s been running for a while now. I’m by no means an expert at GParted, and was wondering if anyone here knows how I can get a more thorough status report on how the progress is going?23:41
daftykinssamthewildone: so have you run my 'which' commands yet?23:41
samthewildonedaftykins, do you recommend i remove chromium and install google-stable ?23:41
linux_guys could somebody help me resolve problems in Ubuntu 12.04  system running on low graphics, unable to boot23:42
buck1samthewildone: google-stable also does not include java23:42
samthewildonedaftykins, can you reprint please23:42
daftykinssamthewildone: java working has nothing to do with that.23:42
samthewildonei know23:42
daftykinssamthewildone: no, it's just above... scroll up23:42
bitcoinassassinciao bella23:44
mjuszczakso what else other than apparmor can not let me run ls -al on a directory that is 777?23:45
ecod3hello everyone23:47
ecod3any free vpn certificates?23:47
daftykinsecod3: just make your own and self-sign it, if it's only going to be you using it23:48
m1dnight_andyland: I just had soemthing similar. I started up gptd and it kept scanning.23:48
m1dnight_I disconnected a broken external drive and it worked fine.23:48
m1dnight_try disconnecting your drives23:49
m1dnight_(except the one you need)23:49
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ecod3daftykins, I am little bit new in this. Any link with a tutorial for dummies?23:50
daftykinsecod3: i would only be googling, so you could cut out the middle man :)23:50
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN23:50
* samthewildone looks for an exit strategy 23:50
Jordan_Umjuszczak: Please pastebin the output of "strace ls /etc/ssl/".23:51
bugcy013Hi am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 server edition which has 3TB Harddrive23:51
daftykinssamthewildone: i have told you how to solve it and i have given you a command to start helping - you have followed neither, so i'm afraid that that's it23:51
daftykinssamthewildone: also, i hope that wasn't your real name, email and phone #23:51
m1dnight_lets call it23:51
andylandm1dnight_: Thanks, I might give that a try, I’ll just let it keep running now since it’s already started.23:52
m1dnight_try one thing though23:52
bugcy013When the installer starts it says that Error: partition table requires a separate partition for boot loader code23:52
m1dnight_kill the process23:52
m1dnight_run it again via terminal23:52
m1dnight_'sudo gparted'23:52
bugcy013I have configured RAID1 in LSI card23:52
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Jordan_Ubugcy013: Is this machine BIOS based or UEFI based?23:52
m1dnight_andyland: ^, you might get more output there23:53
bugcy013Jordan_U not sure what it means23:53
freeroutesup everyone, I'm just casually dropping in to remind you to update your Ubuntu because of the recent GnuTLS and OpenSSL (critical) vulnerabilities :)23:53
mjuszczakJordan_U: As root or as the openldap user?23:54
bugcy013When it was in JBOD before configuring it to RAID, I had no issues installing23:54
Jordan_Umjuszczak: As the openldap user.23:54
Jordan_Ubugcy013: What motherboard or server model is this?23:55
bugcy013It has super micro and has UEFI Shell on it23:56
daftykinsbugcy013: you need to load a driver module for the LSI controller cards to allow them to see the RAID volume23:57
shaddowedanyone noticed that rhythmbox idles at 1-2% cpu use (not playing or anything)23:57
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bugcy013daftykins: it sees the drive but it says that it requires a separate partition for boot loader23:58

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