
xnoxjodh: when is unmounted-remote-filesystems emitted? before or after rc job for shutdown?!15:17
jodhxnox: it's emitted by /etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh :-)15:20
xnoxjodh: excellent!15:20
nicksloanI'm getting a syntax error on the following line: env MYLIST=(a b c d e f)20:59
nicksloanany ideas as to why?20:59
grobe0baUbuntu 14.04 LTS, amd64, latest updates, upgrades, etc. Using only default repos. Upstart fails to find new or use new services added. I have added none of my own, everything is via apt. I have in no way modified this installation. initctl reload-configuration fails to make even a small difference. In this instance, the package is vsftpd.23:17
grobe0bainitctl check-config /etc/init/vsftpd.conf  or check-config vsftpd  returns Invalid job class23:19
grobe0baany commands to 'service' return Unknown job23:19
grobe0badoes anyone have any pointers?23:20

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