
davecheneywhat the heck happened ?00:39
perrito666davecheney: well first of all, it would seem that the bot is not properly merging stuff since at some point i in detached mode00:41
davecheneycan anyone just hulk smash this00:41
davecheneythis is blocking a fix00:41
davecheneyi've been trying to merge this SOB for 3 days00:41
perrito666davecheney: wallyworld_ is the man you are looking for00:43
perrito666well perhaps its mgz but I hink at thi time you can only get wallyworld_00:43
* wallyworld_ is having network issues :-(00:44
wallyworld_so i missed the question00:44
davecheneywallyworld_: can you land https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10 manually00:44
davecheneyi've been stuck on this for days00:44
wallyworld_sure, why?00:44
wallyworld_so don't you need to fix the merge conflict first?00:46
davecheneyi'll try again00:46
davecheneythat probably means someone already bumped the versino of juju testing00:46
davecheneyso I probablky don't need to do this at all00:46
wallyworld_i am happy to help if needed00:47
davecheneywallyworld_: thanks for your help, I think I have it now00:49
wallyworld_ok, i didn't do anything though :-)00:49
perrito666wallyworld_: your sole presence is enough00:50
wallyworld_debatable :-)00:51
davecheneyhey, what's happening with juju/names ?01:05
davecheneylooks like the job is 1/2 done01:07
jcw4davecheney: how so?01:07
davecheneyis there a job to nuke the copy in juju/juju ?01:07
davecheney+ ./bin/lander-merge-result --ini development.ini --pr=10 --job-name=github-merge-juju --build-number=3601:07
davecheneyFailed to add comment: Failed to merge: {u'sha': u'6bbbdb86e38120549487326600e16bc1a340d59d', u'message': u'Pull Request successfully merged', u'merged': True}01:07
davecheney++ date01:07
davecheney+ echo Finished: Fri Jun 6 01:07:08 UTC 201401:07
davecheneyFinished: Fri Jun 6 01:07:08 UTC 201401:07
davecheney+ exit 001:07
davecheneyDescription set: davecheney 101-update-juju-testing-dependency01:08
davecheneyFinished: SUCCESS01:08
davecheneywallyworld_: failed, but success ?01:08
wallyworld_otp, sec01:09
jcw4davecheney: sorry, I thought you were talking about in your own repo/branch01:10
wallyworld_davecheney: yeah, dumb message, github seems to think it's merged from what i can see. i'll get martin to look into it as he's tidying up all that stuff at the moment01:13
davecheneywallyworld_: i'm moving on to finishing the juju/names package01:14
davecheneythat is blocking me today01:14
wallyworld_davecheney: ok, but at least your dep change got merged even if the console message sucked01:15
davecheneyi'll go close the bug on LP then01:15
wallyworld_axw: so i have a large set of changes i want to split up into 2 branches (like a bzr pipeline). i want to add a pre-req branch to my current one. the work is currently not committed. do you know how to do that efficiently with git? do a need that stacked git addon?01:52
axwwallyworld_: why do you want to do it in two branches - just to split up the review?01:54
wallyworld_like we do in launchpad and bzr01:54
wallyworld_and i want to switch between the 201:55
wallyworld_make changes in the upstream one and push those to the other01:55
axwso there's no prereq sort of thing in GH. if they're small enough, you could just put them in one review as separate commits. you can then see commit-specific changes in the review01:55
axwI don't know much about stacked git, just that it exists01:56
wallyworld_ok, ta01:56
wallyworld_i'm really missing bzr and launchpad already01:56
davecheney^ finishes the move to juju/names01:59
thumperdavecheney: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/2702:00
davecheneythumper: I don't get it02:01
davecheneymy working copy doesn't have this02:01
davecheneyoh fuck02:01
thumpergit fetch upstream?02:01
davecheneyhow do you set that up ?02:01
thumperdavecheney: what do you have now?02:01
davecheneyjust editied .git/config to set original to my fork02:02
davecheneythats it02:02
thumpergit remote -v02:02
davecheneylucky(~/src/github.com/juju/juju) % git remote -v02:02
davecheneyoriginhttps://github.com/davecheney/juju (fetch)02:02
davecheneyoriginhttps://github.com/davecheney/juju (push)02:02
axwgit remote add upstream https://github.com/juju/juju.git02:02
wallyworld_davecheney: were there supposed to be so many changes to dependencies.tsv in you mp?02:02
davecheneywallyworld_: supposed to only be one change02:03
thumperdavecheney: git remote set-url origin git@github.com:davecheney/juju.git02:03
wallyworld_the diff has a few more than that02:03
davecheneyi do godeps -t $SOMEPKG >> dependencies.tsv02:03
thumperdavecheney: and what axw said02:03
thumperthen do:02:03
davecheneythen hand edit dependencies.tsv afterwards02:03
davecheneybecause godeps is so pickup about the file format02:03
wallyworld_i just always hand edit it02:03
thumpergit branch --set-upstream-to remotes/upstream/master02:03
davecheney% git branch --set-upstream-to remotes/upstream/master02:04
davecheneyerror: the requested upstream branch 'remotes/upstream/master' does not exist02:04
thumperbut  do "git fetch upstream " first02:04
thumperdavecheney: also "git remote set-url --push upstream no-pushing" will mean you can't accidentally push upstream02:04
wallyworld_davecheney: so i think you need to fix the tsv file so the diff only shows one change02:05
davecheneythere is no way i'll remember this02:05
axwif anyone cares, I have a local branch called "master" that tracks upstream/master. I pull into this and branch off there for my feature branches02:05
davecheneyis this writtne down anywhere02:05
thumperdavecheney: you only have to do it once02:05
thumperand I think it is written down02:05
thumperif not, it should be02:05
wallyworld_wtf is git so obtuse and difficult?02:06
davecheneythumper: do I need to do the updates upstream thing for every juju repo ?02:11
jcw4menn0: great feedback so far... let me know when you're done and I'll respond to them all03:28
menn0jcw4: will do03:30
sinzuiCI Loves trunk after 9 days. Blessed: gitbranch:master:github.com/juju/juju 6bbbdb86 (Build #1451)03:44
jcw4sinzui: yay03:45
waiganithumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3503:51
waiganiaxw: I have the same setup03:53
waiganithumper: you about?04:04
menn0jcw4: all done04:09
jcw4menn0: sweet, all good comments thanks04:09
menn0jcw4: sorry that I don't feel like I can LGTM it (due to my lack of background, not a problem with the code)04:09
jcw4I'll address the stuff you brought up and then ask fwereade for review too..04:10
jcw4menn0: no worries, I appreciated all your feedback04:10
menn0hopefully I've caught a few things fwereade would have otherwise04:10
menn0davecheney: regarding  https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3404:12
menn0davecheney: I've seen your comment. Is the diff shown no longer accurate?04:13
davecheneymenn0: it is accurate04:14
menn0davecheney: ok, the comment confused me a little. I will review!04:14
axwif anyone's able to review goose changes, I need one please: https://codereview.appspot.com/10390004504:15
menn0davecheney: why the changes of errors.New to fmt.Errorf?04:16
davecheneymenn0: why have two differnt ways of making an error ?04:16
menn0davecheney: ok. so because fmt.Errorf is more flexible you're standardising to that?04:17
davecheneyjust reducing the number of imports04:18
davecheneywhy import errors to make one call to it04:18
davecheneywhen fmt is already imported and does the smae job04:18
menn0why not use the new juju/errors package which gives tracing?04:18
menn0davecheney: ^^04:19
davecheneymenn0: it was just a cleanup04:19
davecheneyi'm not trying to boil the ocean04:19
menn0davecheney: fair enough. but in general we should be using juju/errors right? esp for new stuff?04:19
davecheneymenn0: nfi04:19
menn0davecheney: I think we are but that doesn't matter for this change ;-)04:20
davecheneyafaik the errors package is for wrapping other errors04:20
menn0davecheney: it also generates new errors with the source information recorded04:21
menn0there's New and Errorf which are compatible with the standard library functions04:21
menn0davecheney: anyway, review done.04:23
thumperwaigani: here now04:35
thumperand missed the ping from before04:35
thumperwas collecting daughter04:35
waiganidavecheney: creating a test for the error, I can't see how to do this. d.dir is not exported, so I can't override that ... ?05:12
waiganimenn0: thumper: github is erasing my backslashes. The regex in the comment *should* read: ^.+\.jenv$05:15
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menn0waigani: regardless I still think you should consider using Glob instead of a regex :)05:17
waiganimenn0, thumper: what are we doing for review fixes? amending? rebasing? or just pushing?05:17
menn0waigani: I've generally been editing history (either git commit --amend or some kind of rebase) and pushing with --force. Github handles that pretty well and it's not like anyone is going to be checking out your PR on their machine.05:19
waiganimenn0: Cool I'll amend and push -f05:19
menn0waigani: if there was a large change in response to a review comment then I would probably commit it was a separate rev05:19
waiganiyeah, fair enough, makes sense05:20
jcw4menn0: I'm going to run some smoke tests on my changes and push an update to PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3305:28
jcw4menn0: I did make one comment and asked one question in there though05:28
menn0jcw4: cool. I'm about to finish up but can hang around for a little longer05:28
jcw4no worries menn0 I'm eod'ing right after I push...05:33
menn0jcw4: I've responded to your comments. I thought of more potential issues with the ActionResults() lookup unfortunately.05:37
jcw4heh... thanks menn005:38
jcw4menn0: how about ActionResultsForUnit(globalKey), and ActionResultsForAction(actionId)?05:40
menn0jcw4: yes, that sounds good05:40
jcw4cool, tx05:40
menn0jcw4: another thought: a comment describing the structure the of the action ids might be useful05:42
jcw4menn0: +105:42
menn0right I'm done05:42
* menn0 thinks review duty is hard work (but rewarding)05:43
menn0have a good weekend all05:44
jcw4Okay I pushed latest changes for PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3306:14
jcw4fwereade: if you get a chance today your input would be appreciated06:16
wallyworld_axw: i'm getting errors trying to push a feature branch (missing packages). so i changed to master, did a git pull upstream master. i want to push that to my fork on gh using git push origin but still it says  packages are missing. do you know what i need to do?06:25
axwwallyworld_: sounds like the pre-push hook is failing06:26
axwwallyworld_: some packages have been moved around (out of juju/juju)06:26
axwyou probably just need to go get them06:26
wallyworld_ok, will try. git is so easy to use06:27
axwwallyworld_: sorted?06:42
wallyworld_no :-( sort of. i was working on branch A. I committed some files. I stahsed the rest. I checkout -b branch B. I pop the stash. I commit and push. Now branch B in the pull request has all the stuff from branch A as well06:44
wallyworld_and I can't do anything with branch B because it depends on changes in branch A06:44
wallyworld_this sucks06:44
wallyworld_so ideally i want to delete stuff from branch B (all of the branch A work)06:46
wallyworld_but nothing in the log seems to indicate where the branch A stuff came from to get into branch B06:47
dimiternfwereade, jam, please take a last look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/13 i really need an approval to land it already06:56
axwwallyworld_: if you "checkout -b", that's coming off the branch you were previously on07:02
axwwallyworld_: if you didn't want the stuff from A, branch off master07:02
axwwallyworld_: now that you've done that, you can just "git rebase -i master" and delete the commits you don't want in that branch07:03
wallyworld_axw: thank, will do that after soccer07:08
rogpeppe1does anyone know if the issues with the jenkins bot are fixed yet?07:26
rogpeppe1axw: ^07:26
axwrogpeppe1: issues?07:27
rogpeppe1axw: there was a checksum issue which was causing all builds to fail like this http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/30/consoleText07:28
rogpeppe1axw: because the go tool wasn't available07:28
rogpeppe1axw: if you've succeeded in landing stuff, i guess it's fixed07:28
axwrogpeppe1: I'm pretty sure I've seen things landed today07:29
rogpeppe1axw: ok, i'll try again07:29
BjornTcould someone please take a quick look at this bug and say what more information i can add to it, before i shutdown the failed instance?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/132707807:32
_mup_Bug #1327078: Failed to bring up an LXC with 1.19.3 <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1327078>07:32
rogpeppe1anyone know what happened to lbox.check? i'd like to run the checks locally that the bot runs remotely, so i don't do silly things like forget to gofmt or govet.07:46
rogpeppe1(having just realised i failed to gofmt my last merge req)07:47
axwBjornT: if there's no /var/lib/juju, then I think cloud-init-output is all we can work with07:47
axwrogpeppe1: symlink scripts/pre-push.bash as .git/hooks/pre-push07:47
BjornTaxw: ok, thanks07:47
rogpeppe1axw: ah, excellent, thanks - i'd have taken ages to find that07:48
rogpeppe1axw: is the pre-push script guaranteed to run in the root dir of the repo>07:49
rogpeppe1axw: (when doing git push)07:49
axwsinzui: interesting thing I found - the HA-failing-on-precise thing only occurs on your machine when the mongo db is on the ephemeral disk07:49
axwrogpeppe1: yes, I confirmed that07:49
axwpushed from some other subdir, it always was run in the root07:50
rogpeppe1hmm, pity it takes 30s to run07:51
rogpeppe1cp /bin/true $(go tool -n vet)07:54
voidspacemorning all08:07
dimiternTheMue, hey08:16
dimiternTheMue, I need an LGTM on this if you can take a look - I fixed all that was suggested earlier https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1308:17
TheMuedimitern: yep, will take a look08:19
axwvoidspace: I've had a breakthrough on the local-provider/replicaset issue08:19
dimiternTheMue, thanks08:19
axwvoidspace: I can reproduce it on my own m2.xlarge instance08:19
axwvoidspace: the trick is to use the ephemeral disk as the root-dir08:19
axwif you use the EBS disk it works fine08:19
rogpeppe1is there any way of telling jenkins to stop retrying tests because i've pushed a new version of the branch?08:30
voidspaceaxw: ah right08:32
voidspaceaxw: interesting08:32
TheMuedimitern: a bit hard to follow now on GH. the comment by william yesterday at 10:16 (at the bottom), is it covered?08:40
dimiternTheMue, about constraints?08:44
dimiternTheMue, yes08:44
dimiternTheMue, there are a few things i'll do in follow-ups as agreed as well08:44
TheMuedimitern: fine08:44
TheMuedimitern: done08:45
dimiternTheMue, cheers08:45
TheMuedimitern: does GH provide a side-by-side diff too?08:45
dimiternTheMue, no, but menno found some chrome extension that gives you that - check the mailing list08:46
TheMuedimitern: chrome is a no-go for me, it’s a resource hog. since changing to ff everything runs better, even the google apps like mail or hangout08:53
voidspaceaxw: any idea *why* that should make a difference - IO performance?08:56
axwvoidspace: not really. I wouldn't think it'dbe iops, because the ephemeral disk should be faster08:57
* axw checks hdparm08:57
rogpeppe1ffs, it's *still* retrying the tests08:58
voidspaceaxw: can you reproduce it with trusty?08:58
voidspaceaxw: or is it just precise08:58
axwvoidspace: I did, same issue. I sent instructions to juju-dev on how to repro08:58
voidspaceaxw: ah yes, I see08:58
axwvoidspace: EBS on that machine gets 80.33MB/s, ephemeral gets 552.59MB/s08:58
axwvoidspace: I tried it on m3.xlarge and the ephemral disk was fine. on there it's an SSD though08:59
rogpeppe1it seems like a failed test delays the merge queue by at least 30 minutes. that's really not great.09:00
axwrogpeppe1: we are working on improving it, there are still some intermittent failures09:00
rogpeppe1axw: it would be great if it was possible to tell jenkins "please kill this job now - i know it's going to fail"09:01
axwhmm yes, that would be nice...09:01
rogpeppe1axw: even with intermittent failures, it might still be better if it didn't retry automatically09:04
rogpeppe1axw: then at least the person responsible can look at the failure and see if it looks like it's correctly intermittent, or if it's just a bad test09:04
axwinitially it was so bad that we had to, but now, yeah, I think you may be right09:05
rogpeppe1right, hoping for 5th time lucky09:07
rogpeppe1dimitern: your branch failed to merge: tmp.ZRpISWCH5X/RELEASE/src/github.com/juju/juju/juju/testing/instance.go:119: undefined: includeNetworks09:09
rogpeppe1dimitern: (i can't say i'm unhappy because if yours had succeeded, mine would probably have failed. again)09:10
dimiternrogpeppe1, yep, some merge didn't go well i'm fixing it09:10
voidspaceaxw: hmmm... maybe my Friday project can be to diagnose this09:11
axwheh :)09:11
axwwell it sure is mystefying, so it's gotta be educational if you can figure it out09:12
voidspacenot useful education, but education none-the-less ;-)09:12
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rogpeppe1i love my ISP09:36
rogpeppe1ssh: Could not resolve hostname github.com: Name or service not known09:36
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voidspacerogpeppe1: stop using their dns?10:01
rogpeppe1voidspace: i think it's just the whole thing's flaky. i get random delays, even when i'm not using their dns10:02
rogpeppe1dimitern: provider/ec2/local_test.go:359: too many arguments in call to "github.com/juju/juju/juju/testing".StartInstanceWithParams10:34
dimiternrogpeppe1, just fixed that, but I can't stop the ci job10:34
rogpeppe1mgz: would it be possible to turn off the automatic test retry on the bot?10:34
rogpeppe1mgz: it's taking over an hour to process a commit with a test failure10:34
mgzrogpeppe1: maybe10:36
mgzI ill at least cut down to two I think10:36
mgzwe have still got bogus failures10:37
rogpeppe1mgz: i think one would be better10:37
rogpeppe1mgz: we've got to look at the failure status anyway10:37
rogpeppe1mgz: and it takes 18 minutes to process a job if all goes well10:38
rogpeppe1mgz: but doubling that when a test fails seems wrong10:38
mgzI prefer to inconvience on failing test run, rather than on good branhc that hits a random issue10:38
rogpeppe1mgz: it inconveniences everyone though10:39
rogpeppe1mgz: i've spent the entire morning waiting for the bot10:39
rogpeppe1mgz: can we *try* not retrying10:40
rogpeppe1mgz: and if the sporadic failures turn out to be a real problem, going back to retrying10:40
rogpeppe1mgz: alternatively, try to diagnose the sporadic failures and only retry if it looks like one of those10:41
dimiternand I can't merge my PR for 2 days because everything keeps changing across the codebase - imports mostly10:41
rogpeppe1dimitern: yeah, sorry about that10:41
rogpeppe1dimitern: nothing i can do to help about that, but it does mean that we *can't* submit PRs that will definitely work10:41
rogpeppe1dimitern: because we have fundamentally clashing branches10:42
mgzrogpeppe1: we've already had runs that have only landed successfully because of the retry10:42
mgzsee build 34 for instance10:42
rogpeppe1mgz: any other examples?10:43
mgzI'mm trying to find the graph thingy10:43
dimiternmgz, we need accounts on the jenkins ci instance for cases like this - stopping a build that'll never succeed10:44
mgzdimitern: we don't really10:44
mgzwe just need our tests to not be so flakey10:44
mgzthen 10-15mins for a run is fine10:44
dimiternand the retry logic can detect build failures and do not attempt to retry10:44
mgzI've changed the job to do a single retry, it should fail in around 30-35 mins now10:46
dimiternhaha :) beat you to it rogpeppe1  :)10:46
dimiternsorry about that10:46
rogpeppe1dimitern: frick10:46
mgz#36 #23 #21 all required the rerun10:47
rogpeppe1mgz: could we please change it to no retries at least for today10:47
rogpeppe1mgz: because dimitern and i are conflicting and we're constantly watching the jobs and a failing job can double the time we're going to need for all this overhead10:48
mgzrogpeppe1: I feel you two could work out a better solution between yourselves..10:48
mgzbut okay, I'll put it back in after y'all have sorted out your mess10:49
perrito666good morning everyone10:49
rogpeppe1mgz: so, all those intermittent failures failed with "panic: Session already closed"10:50
dimiternrogpeppe1, I think changes like this (extracting a dependency and changing all imports) is very frustrating to deal with, especially when they are several like that in a row10:50
rogpeppe1mgz: wouldn't it be possible to see that and retry only in that case?10:50
rogpeppe1dimitern: yeah, particularly when the dependency is widely used10:50
rogpeppe1perrito666: hiya10:50
voidspacecrazy internet today :-/10:51
mgzyeay rural england?10:51
voidspacemgz: yeah, and yay talktalk10:51
dimiternrogpeppe1, we should've handled that better - announce it on the ML, perhaps pick a day to do a few of these in sequence, so it can be expected and we can fix our PRs after that10:51
voidspacerogpeppe1: got a minute to help me diagnose a problem?10:52
rogpeppe1voidspace: sure10:52
rogpeppe1voidspace: yay talktalk :-\10:52
TheMuedimitern: missed our hangout, but now nobady is there. has it already been?10:52
rogpeppe1voidspace: my talktalk connection is really crappy today too10:52
rogpeppe1voidspace: do you have slow/crappy DNS issues too?10:53
voidspacerogpeppe1: heh, maybe coincidence maybe not10:53
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voidspacerogpeppe1: I don't use their DNS10:53
rogpeppe1voidspace: ?10:53
dimiternTheMue, i haven't bothered today :) my bad - we can still do it, though if we need10:53
voidspacerogpeppe1: this test passes10:53
voidspacerogpeppe1: but note the 20 second sleep10:53
* dimitern is not ipv6 capable :)10:53
voidspacewithout that it fails10:53
TheMuedimitern: I’ve got nothing special, so it’s ok for me to not do it10:54
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dimiternmy shiny new hurricane electric tunnel just works10:54
dimitern(after a few issues resolved)10:54
voidspacerogpeppe1: without it state.Open fails with10:54
voidspace... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"no reachable servers"} ("no reachable servers")10:54
voidspacerogpeppe1: so I need some way of polling for when mongo is ready10:54
voidspaceI suspect it is waiting for replica set initiation10:55
dimiternwho's most git-savvy around?10:55
rogpeppe1voidspace: does it work if you increate the DialOpts timeout to 30s from 10?10:55
rogpeppe1dimitern: me! *chortle*10:55
voidspacerogpeppe1: ah...10:55
dimiterni have this issue almost every time i need to push changes from a PR branch after fixing stuff/review comments10:55
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dimiternit tells me Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind10:56
voidspacerogpeppe1: it's set to testing.LongWait10:56
dimiternhow can my local branch be behind my origin/samebranch ?10:56
voidspacerogpeppe1: which is ten seconds10:56
rogpeppe1voidspace: exactly10:56
voidspacerogpeppe1: should I create a VeryLongWait ?10:56
voidspaceor hard code 30 seconds?10:56
rogpeppe1voidspace: just hardcode it10:56
dimiternwhat do you guys use as a workflow? we need to document it somewhere more extensively10:56
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rogpeppe1voidspace: is that git complaining?10:57
rogpeppe1voidspace: when you try to do the push?10:57
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rogpeppe1dimitern: ^10:57
dimitern(i.e. more than what you do initially, but also how you do specific steps)10:57
dimiternrogpeppe1, yep10:57
rogpeppe1dimitern: are you rebasing before pushing?10:57
dimiternrogpeppe1, the only way i found around it is push -f10:57
dimiternrogpeppe1, sometimes, but not always10:58
rogpeppe1dimitern: if you rebase, you'll have that problem10:58
voidspacerogpeppe1: that passes10:58
voidspaceship it!10:58
voidspacerogpeppe1: thanks10:58
rogpeppe1dimitern: if you don't, you should not10:58
rogpeppe1dimitern: i've stopped doing any rebasing10:58
rogpeppe1dimitern: after the discussion on juju-dev10:58
dimiternrogpeppe1, without rebasing you get a lot of pollution in the commit log10:59
rogpeppe1dimitern: if you're going to rebase, then do it a) before starting the review and/or b) just before sending the $$merge$$ message10:59
dimiternrogpeppe1, like your PR might land from a branch which last commit was "Fixed merge conflicts", which you'll see in the upstream master commit log, rather than your nicely formatted commit message10:59
rogpeppe1dimitern: but i think i'd go with just the former10:59
rogpeppe1dimitern: yup11:00
rogpeppe1dimitern: this is the world we've moved into11:00
dimiternrogpeppe1, i really don't like that11:00
rogpeppe1dimitern: if you rebase you'll have to push -f11:00
rogpeppe1dimitern: because push will only step forward in time11:00
voidspacerogpeppe1: I already had an LGTM, the only change I've made since is increased that timeout11:01
dimiternrogpeppe1, there has to be a better way to have both sane commit logs eventually and the ability to go over a reviewed branch fixing stuff11:01
voidspacerogpeppe1: so I'm going to merge, unless you want to take a look first...11:01
rogpeppe1dimitern: rebase just before sending the $$merge$$ message11:01
rogpeppe1voidspace: sgtm11:01
voidspacerogpeppe1: thanks11:01
rogpeppe1dimitern: but as discussed on juju-dev, you can still see sane commit logs even when all commits go in11:02
rogpeppe1dimitern: and i'd prefer not to all the extra overhead of rebasing11:02
rogpeppe1s/not to/not to add/11:02
natefinchI think it's worth not rebasing if we still have a way to see sane logs of all the merges going in11:02
rogpeppe1natefinch: +111:02
dimiternrogpeppe1, how's that going to work?11:03
voidspacenatefinch: morning11:03
voidspacefwereade: ping11:03
natefinchvoidspace: morning11:03
dimiternrogpeppe1, examples?11:03
fwereadevoidspace, pong11:03
rogpeppe1dimitern: see the juju-dev thread11:03
natefinchdimitern: called not rebasing after PR11:03
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dimiternrogpeppe1, natefinch, will do, thanks11:04
rogpeppe1can anyone thing of a particular reason why juju/testing/charm.go should not live inside charm/testing ?11:18
rogpeppe1it doesn't seem like it should live in github.com/juju/testing, to my mind11:20
rogpeppe1although... i suppose we could move charm/testing into github.com/juju/testing/charmtesting11:20
rogpeppe1jam, jam1: ^11:20
bodie_morning all11:27
mgzmorning bodie_11:35
natefinchrogpeppe1: seems like charm.go should be in charm/testing   seems like a good idea to keep charm stuff away from the rest of core11:39
rogpeppe1natefinch: that's my thought too11:39
perrito666voidspace: did you see axw mail about the replicaset enabled for local issue, apparently he found out what it was, or at least very close11:48
voidspaceperrito666: I did see11:52
voidspaceperrito666: he found a way to reproduce it11:52
voidspaceperrito666: which is not quite the same as finding out what it is :-)11:52
voidspacebeing able to reproduce it is useful11:52
voidspaceI might do some experimentation11:52
perrito666well he mentioned having an idea of what it is :) he just did not tell us11:53
mgzhe knows how to reproduce it, not fix it. he wasn't leaving it as an educational puzzle for you guys :)11:54
perrito666mgz: oh, sad, I love puzzles11:59
perrito666although, technically if we don't use ephemeral storage, it would be "fixed" :p or at least workarounded12:00
perrito666anyone else with good grammar and redaction skills wants to take a shot at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/30 ?12:01
perrito666rogpeppe1 and menn0 have both added very valuable comments which where addressed but being docs, the more the merrier12:01
* mgz redacts perrito66612:01
* rogpeppe1 wonders what is different in the ephemeral fs semantics12:02
* perrito666 wonders if redacting means the same in English than in Spanish12:03
mgzperrito666: I suspect not, but *common* usage in english is now as in "draw black lines over sensitive parts" rather than editing in general12:06
mgzso, it's generally understood as closer to "censor" than "edit"12:07
perrito666mgz: ahh, I see, in Spanish is used for "create a text" or "properly format a text"12:07
mgzyeah, that's pretty much the orignal english meaning12:08
* perrito666 has an outdated dictionary12:08
natefinchthere's the definition, and then what people *mean* - often different12:09
perrito666meh, users :p12:10
voidspacethe build for my branch passed: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/?13:46
voidspace(build 47)13:46
voidspacebut it still hasn't merged yet13:46
voidspacethis was a few hours ago13:46
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
mgzvoidspace: looking13:58
mgzvoidspace: see the end of the log13:58
mgzI'll run the command manually see if it now works13:59
mgzI wonder if our bots merging can pass when github itself will fail, I'm not sure what strategy they use exactly14:01
voidspacemgz: ah, failed to merge14:02
mgzvoidspace: can you see if you conflict with trunk at all?14:02
mgzI wonder if the preceeding pull conflicts, but when the bot pulled trunk for the next run it didn't get that yet14:02
mgzor something14:02
natefinchvoidspace, perrito666, wwitzel3: standup14:03
voidspacemgz: merge seemed to work fine, no conflict14:03
voidspacenatefinch: might just be you and me14:03
mgzvoidspace: also wtf is up with python and getattr({u"a":1}, "a") vs {u"a":1}["a"]14:06
mgzlast successful job also failed my branch to catch this, even though I *did* change it to use the unicode literal14:06
voidspacemgz: getattr does an attribute lookup14:06
voidspacemgz: that's an *item lookup*14:06
voidspacemgz: not an attribute14:06
voidspacemgz: so uhm, they're different14:06
mgztoo much go14:06
voidspacemgz: itemgetter?14:07
sinzuimgz, My branch is merged https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/juju-ci-tools/local-tarball/+merge/22226614:07
voidspacemgz: specifically operator.itemgetter14:07
mgzI just want `"a" in {..}`14:07
abentleyvoidspace: How about just {u"a":1}.get("a") ?14:07
mgzor that14:08
voidspaceheh, or that14:08
voidspaceunless you *want* the KeyError14:08
sinzuimgz, We can try to simplify git-merge-juju when you are ready14:08
mgznah, the else raises anyway14:08
mgzsinzui: thanks!14:08
mgzvoidspace: I have requueueeeueued14:13
voidspacemgz: I saw, thanks14:13
mgzsinzui: in case you missed it in the log earlier, I took out the test retry for now as it was upsetting rog and dimiter's merge conflict landing fun14:19
sinzuimgz, understood. I had missed that14:20
sinzuimgz, did you see I had a pastebined link to how I *thought* git-merge-juju would work? I didn't know about the retry change, but run-unit-tests doesn't retry14:21
fwereadesorry, didn't realise irc was wedged14:21
mgzno, I missed that, will find14:21
fwereadevoidspace, are you around?14:22
fwereadewwitzel3, also, please ping me if you have a moment14:22
voidspacefwereade: I am, but in standup14:22
sinzuimgz, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7597888/14:22
rogpeppemgz: ta!14:36
jcw4natefinch: menn0 reviewed this yesterday, but wanted other eyes on it too, I've addressed all his issues but the one about the errors package, pending discussion: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3314:42
jcw4fwereade: I'd appreciate a quick sanity check review on ^^ too?14:43
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
natefinchforgot you can do markdown in comments, that's awesome14:50
natefinchjcw4: not a huge fan of encoding one id in another one.  Why do we need to do that?  why not just have a separate field for ActionId?14:53
jcw4natefinch: that was an early suggestion by fwereade14:53
jcw4natefinch: not that it was intended to be in stone... just for now14:53
jcw4natefinch: the benefit is facilitating watchers to filter on specific actions based on key14:54
voidspacenatefinch: just grabbing a drink - back shortly14:54
mgzvoidspace: erk, you hit the random failure the retry was in to get around14:54
natefinchmgz: doh14:54
natefinchjcw4: not sure I understand how encoding two keys together makes it easier to watch one of those keys :/14:55
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
jcw4natefinch: a unit would have a watcher on the actions collection and filter out only actions that have the unit prefix14:55
natefinchjcw4: .... or filter on the unitId field if one existed instead?14:56
jcw4natefinch: that was my original design14:56
* natefinch squints at fwereade 14:57
jcw4natefinch: fwereade wasn't issuing an edict just suggesting we try the simpler approach until clarity emerged14:57
jcw4natefinch: but you're looking at ActionResults, not Actions... I propogated the pattern because it seemed to make sense to keep it consistent14:57
rogpeppeanyone know of a (nicely implemented) package that implements recursive directory copying?14:58
fwereadenatefinch, there's a quick select-on-initial-simple-regexp which we can use to build the initial watcher cleanly, using just ids without further db hits14:58
jcw4natefinch: ActionResults don't need a watcher, so a regular key would probably be fine with an ActionId and a Unit Name in it14:58
rogpeppei want to change charm/testing so it doesn't use cp -r14:58
fwereadenatefinch, it's how relation scope watching works and it seems like a tolerable approach to me14:59
voidspacemgz: heh15:00
voidspacemgz: github hates me15:00
fwereadejcw4, I'm not sure you're right that the results collection doesn't need a watcher; it *probably* doesn't need a watcher that'd benefit from that id style15:00
jcw4natefinch: I've also already run into a couple spots where filtering on key seems to be easier than loading the whole doc15:00
voidspacemgz: in fact git hates me, which is why I never got on with it in my previous attempts15:00
jcw4fwereade: I see... I haven't been able to think of a watcher for results, but I may not be trying hard enough.15:00
fwereadejcw4, but I'm not sure I'd want to rule it out -- at the very least you'll want to watch for completion of a particular action, and I can imagine that as a gui user you'd probably want to get completed action notifications streamed in along with everything else15:01
jcw4fwereade: +115:01
natefinchfwereade: it just requires that we have intimate knowledge of how the id is constructed.... I've been burned before by code merging two strings and then encoding the knowledge of what the two strings are supposed to be in various places in the code (or even in a single place).15:02
fwereadejcw4, but given the 1:1 correspondence of actions to results I'm pretty comfortable keeping the keys the same15:02
jcw4natefinch: agreed, but I've tried to abstract the details away behind funcs as much as possible15:02
voidspacenatefinch: I'd really like to take a break15:02
jcw4fwereade: could you imagine multiple results for one action?15:03
natefinchvoidspace: what do you need?15:03
fwereadejcw4, I don't... *think* so15:03
voidspacenatefinch: well, we need to decide what we're doing next (collectively) and which bit I should take on15:03
voidspacenatefinch: I think we've decided we're *not* going to need to stop mongo, so we're not going to need to take down a state server for maintenance15:04
natefinchfwereade: do you know why we were stopping mongo to run backup before?  Was it just that we didn't know there was a better way?15:04
fwereadenatefinch, I'd suggest most of the problem lies in allowing the knowledge of that string's structure to spread through the codebase instead of properly abstracting it15:04
voidspacenatefinch: we wanted to run by fwereade the idea that instead of a url we have a backup "number" and a "juju fetch-backup n" command15:04
fwereadenatefinch, I forget why we didn't keep mongo going, I'm afraid15:06
natefinchfwereade: I guess most of my problem with the id thing is that I don't understand why we have to do it.  Why can't you just filter by another field?  You said it causes another db hit, but I don't understand why that is.15:07
fwereadenatefinch, I know it was on the table, but I can't recall if there were complications, or whether the one that got implemented just happened to stop-start and that was acceptable for the use case so we didn't quibble15:07
fwereadenatefinch, primarily because id and txn-revno are the only pieces of information we get out of the watcher package15:08
fwereadenatefinch, we can make useful inferences about watcher events if we encode some meaning in the _id15:08
natefinchfwereade: I see.15:09
fwereadenatefinch, checking the prefix is what we do when we're filtering the firehose of settings-collection changes to determine which ones apply to a particular watcher15:09
voidspacenatefinch: we shouldn't store any information about available backups in mongo15:10
voidspacenatefinch: we should use the filesystem15:10
fwereadenatefinch, and it seems smart to use the same method of identification where we can, lest subtle semantic drift in other fields catch us unawares15:10
voidspacenatefinch: otherwise restore will think there are backups that don't necessarily exist15:10
fwereadenatefinch, so we also construct initial state with a query for docs with a particular _id prefix15:10
fwereadenatefinch, and it's nice that mongo has a way of doing that query fast15:11
voidspacenatefinch: and restore is interesting - should we allow restoring from a backup already on the state server or should you always have to upload15:11
voidspacenatefinch: if we allow both we need two variants of the restore command15:11
fwereadenatefinch, *also* it's genuinely important that we minimise db hits in our watchers, because any one of them can block the whole watcher infrastructure if it doesn't pick up the events on the channel it registered15:12
fwereadenatefinch, in essence every watcher is implicitly expected to consume every watcher notification fast enough that it's ready and waiting before the next notification comes in; if that's broken, *every* other watcher has to wait for the slow one to catch up15:16
natefinchfwereade: yeah, I forgot you just watch a collection, and can't pre-filter your watch (like, watch this collection and only show me things that match this query)... and then I also didn't realize all we got out of the notification was the id, not the full document15:21
natefinchvoidspace: that's a good point about restoring from an existing backup on the server already15:21
natefinchvoidspace: yes, we need to keep the backups on disk, not in mongo, so that if everything else on the machine dies, but the disk still works, you can still get your backups.15:25
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perrito666hey, back15:31
perrito666I notice you are talking about backups15:31
perrito666my favorite subjects15:31
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natefinchperrito666: are you aware of why we were calling mongodump with --dbpath rather than --oplog?  sounds like --dbpath requires that you stop the db, where --oplog does not15:43
perrito666natefinch: I became aware last night when I got a mail from fwereade about it15:44
bodie_https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/42 (mgz)15:50
bodie_I'll really be happy to get permanently out of charm/actions.go, heh15:50
bodie_(jcw4, have a look if you like -- this is the simple version of the function to conform keys to strings)15:51
jcw4bodie_: yeah I'm looking through the diff...15:51
bodie_mgz, fwereade I wasn't sure if that's too many commits for a single PR, but a few of them were responses to discrete concerns raised over the initial PR, so I figured they might be good to have individually (?)15:51
mgzbodie, looks much nicer15:53
natefinchvoidspace: ha, Wayne had requested yesterday and today off.  It's in the HR site, just not on the calendar16:00
natefinchI'd forgotten16:00
perrito666natefinch: ah, true, he was traveling right?16:01
voidspacenatefinch: ah, cool16:01
voidspaceso he's probably alright then16:01
natefinchperrito666: yeah, he was working from some other state on Wednesday16:02
natefinchmgz, fwereade, rogpeppe: anyone want to give me a crash course in writing an API facade?  I can deduce a bunch of the proper structure from the code, but getting some background would help I think16:11
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fwereadenatefinch, I might be able to a bit later today, how long are you around for?16:15
natefinchfwereade: probably later than you, I would think ;)16:16
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fwereadenatefinch, yeah, but cath's going out soon -- laura will likely fall asleep before she gets back but the precise time that happens can vary16:17
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natefinchfwereade: I'll stay available16:17
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natefinchbrb, grabbing lunch real quick16:22
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=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
natefinchvoidspace, perrito666:  so, I think we can split up the work so one person works on writing backup, one person works on writing restore, one person works on writing the code to  list & download the backups16:44
natefinchand wayne gets whatever crap jobs are left over because he's out today16:44
voidspacenatefinch: sounds good16:44
voidspacenatefinch: I'm about EOD though16:44
voidspacenatefinch: I'm happy for you to assing me stuff to start working on though16:44
natefinchvoidspace: yep, no problem.  I'll get the facade written today so there's a place to put the code monday morning16:45
mgzrogpeppe: your charm/testing branch may now conflict with trunk, watch out for that when landing16:45
mgzvoidspace: I'd not be happy if he was assing me stuff...16:46
natefinchmgz: you get used to it after a while16:47
voidspaceno assing please16:48
voidspaceg'night all17:08
jcw4natefinch: Are you comfortable LGTM'ing this or should I get fwereade to finalize? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3317:57
natefinchjcw4: not sure I understand enough of the background to LGTM it.  You'd just have me asking a bunch of stupid questions, like why we're munging two Ids together ;)17:59
jcw4natefinch: lol... that was good (and the discussion should be captured in documentation somewhere)18:03
jcw4natefinch: I'll bug fwereade18:03
* perrito666 hacks juju-backup a lot18:03
natefinchperrito666: go go go! :)18:06
perrito666no, actually bash :p18:07
perrito666well mongodump "works" now let me try to make the same with mongoexport18:07
perrito666and then lets see if all of that restores18:07
natefinchperrito666: this says that you restore with mongorestore --oplogReplay: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongodump/#cmdoption--oplog18:13
perrito666natefinch: yup, I am trying to make export work right now18:18
* perrito666 was an hour trying to make mongoexport work only to realize its output is not used to restore18:40
natefinchheh oops18:43
natefinchug... talking to insurance about what is covered and what's not covered.... my favorite thing ever18:46
jcw4hopefully not because of a loss that actually occurred?18:47
perrito666natefinch: usually whatever happened to you is not covered18:48
natefinchperrito666: yep18:53
perrito666did you have an accident?18:54
natefinchperrito666: nah, just some tests we'd like to do... you know, to make sure things are ok, and if they're not, do something about it before it gets to be a big expensive problem.18:57
* perrito666 thinks ensurance is something different in the US18:58
jcw4perrito666: I think natefinch is talking about medical insurance18:58
jcw4which, yes, is something different all right in the US18:58
natefinchheh yeah19:01
perrito666ah yes, we have public healthcare or private healthcare which are pretty much the same excepting a few differences on the prettiness of the hospitals19:01
natefinchit's funny how insurance companies will refuse to pay for the $300 test, but then have to pay for the $10,000 medical procedure the test would have prevented19:02
perrito666natefinch: wow that is some interesting sum of money, there is no procedure in this country that costs that much19:02
jcw4perrito666: our insurance system drives the prices way up for many things19:03
natefinchperrito666: the US is the king of expensive procedures. There's few procedures that are *less* than that, if they involve being in a hospital (versus a doctor's office).19:03
natefinchyeah, the problem is that hospitals and doctor's practices are generally for-profit corporations, so their motivation is to make a lot of money, which means charging as much as they can get away with, and *doing* as much as they can get away with.  And since a lot of people get insurance through their work, where it's often partially paid for by work, and taken out of their paycheck before they see it.... the average consu19:05
natefinchmer doesn't really see the cost of the procedures directly... unless you have no insurance, in which case you just go bankrupt any time anything bad happens.19:05
perrito666wow, but just for you to use as a comparator 10k USD is around 12 times the avg salary in this country so if procedures where that expensive everyone would be dead19:07
jcw4perrito666: which country are you in?19:07
natefinchperrito666: it's 1/5th the median salary here... so, still sort of amazingly expensive.19:08
jcw4I see, and you mean avg salary there is USD 1,000 per year or per month?19:08
perrito666jcw4: month19:08
perrito666altough real avg must be around 60019:08
natefinchoh ok, you were doing per month19:09
perrito666natefinch: in a country with more than 25% inflation you dont do yearly salary calculations19:09
natefinchso, 10k is like 2.5x the monthly salary for a median household in the US19:09
natefinchperrito666: wow, I didn't know it was that bad19:09
jcw4perrito666: that's nothing, I grew up in Zimbabwe...19:10
* perrito666 running tests for restore19:10
natefinchjcw4: really?19:10
jcw4Although I wasn't there during the hyperinflation days19:10
jcw4natefinch: yeah19:10
natefinchjcw4: that is really interesting. What were your parents doing there?19:10
jcw4My dad is South African - a preacher (not missionary :) )19:11
perrito666at some point in the 90s we had a currency worth as much as the dolar which was fake, at some point that was dropped and since then our currency is loosing weight which drives the price up19:11
jcw4my mom is American19:11
jcw4perrito666: how do people handle inflation?19:11
jcw4buy durable goods and sell them later?19:11
perrito666jcw4: nope, they buy dollars driving inflation even higher19:12
perrito666and land or appartments driving the prices of real state also up19:12
jcw4:( Zimbabwe tried to make that illegal19:12
perrito666so did we19:12
jcw4but they gave up eventually19:12
perrito666there is a large market for parallel dollar19:13
perrito666which is 35% higher than official19:13
perrito666and there is fiscal pressure19:13
jcw4yeah... danger pay!19:13
jcw4fiscal pressure?19:13
mgzwhat's a parallel dollar?19:13
perrito666if you buy dollars in an official seller you will be investigated by the irs19:13
jcw4perrito666: gotcha19:14
perrito666mgz: in countries where there is fiscal control over who aquires dollars there is a black market for currency19:14
jcw4a parallel black market19:14
natefinchperrito666: is there interest in bitcoin there?  Not sure if there's enough internet infrastructure / mobile infrastructure to make it feasible to normal folks19:15
natefinchit's like the ultimate parallel dollar..... though not very stable either, I suppose19:15
perrito666natefinch: regular people invest more in traditional stuff19:15
perrito666for instance its customary to buy real state in cash (declaring 1/3 of the price to irs)19:16
perrito666no one takes credit or morgages19:16
jcw4perrito666: how could you take long term credit I suppose19:16
natefinchI bet credit is impossible to get for almost anything19:16
perrito666ironically, people buy cars in 52 or even 60 mensualities19:16
natefinchI guess if the payments are locked to inflation19:17
perrito666jcw4: yes, thank you19:17
natefinchjcw4: monthly payments19:17
perrito666natefinch: well my car costs 180U$D per month including insurance19:17
jcw4from what I've read inflation always favours the debtor19:17
natefinchjcw4: same word base as menstruation :)19:17
jcw4although the creditor could make terms that removed that favor19:18
ahasenackhi, I'm trying to debug a relation-set failure, it fails with "argument list is too long". I want to see that argument list, but juju-log fails with the same error of course :) Before I start opening files, didn't there use to be a debug setting for charms? So it would log everything?19:18
natefinchahh work?  boo.19:18
jcw4ahasenack: sorry I'm just here for the economics chatter19:18
natefinchmarcoceppi_: ^^ debug setting for charms?   Sorry, I don't know, ahasenack.19:19
ahasenacksome time ago the log used to be like "going to call this"19:19
ahasenackand then it would do it19:20
ahasenackand fail, in my case19:20
ahasenackbut the intent was logged and I was able to see the details there19:20
natefinchahasenack: google says that can happen if you use *.foo, because bash will expand *.foo to actually be all the different files, and if there's too many, boom19:20
ahasenacknatefinch: well, boom can also happen with silly things like https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1274460/comments/119:21
_mup_Bug #1274460: juju-log vs. command line length limits <juju-log> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1274460>19:21
ahasenackjuju-log "$output" where $output contains, say, -e stuff19:21
ahasenackbut ok, I'll add something to write this stuff to a file and inspect the file19:21
marcoceppi_ahasenack: run juju debug-hooks19:26
natefinchahh right, duh19:26
* natefinch likes the way you can summon people on irc to swoop in and save the day.19:27
* natefinch gives marcoceppi_ a cape.19:27
ahasenackit's relation_set() from charm helpers that is crashing19:27
ahasenackbut I'm debugging it now19:28
ahasenackI think at some point in time a default changed in juju and DEBUG logging was turned off, that's what I wanted to re-enabled19:29
perrito666natefinch: backup restore using oplog workls19:31
perrito666works even19:31
perrito666at least the restored machine is functional19:31
natefinchahasenack:  juju set-environment logging-config "unit=DEBUG"19:31
ahasenacknatefinch: ah, thanks!19:32
natefinchahasenack: (figured it out from juju help logging)19:32
ahasenackgood to know19:32
natefinchfor me too :)19:32
perrito666I need to leave for a moment now bbl19:33
natefinchperrito666: thanks for figuring that out19:33
perrito666the only difference is that we will need the password for admin to to the backup, but that is something easy if we are part of api19:34
natefinchperrito666: yep19:34
jcw4fwereade: if you happen to get back on again tonight I'd like your approval to merge https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3319:53
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
perrito666what is the preferred way to call external binaries?22:26
jcw4menn0: weird your comments showed up in my email but not in github23:24
jcw4I'm going to add that errors stuff in and then hope for a merge :)  I can do it myself now, but I'd like fwereade to at least nod :)23:25
menn0jcw4: for one comment today I added it then figured out it was dumb so I deleted it. That could by why.23:25
jcw4menn0: lol23:25
jcw4menn0: it was a good comment23:25
jcw4menn0: I should really add comments there to clarify23:25
menn0jcw4: the one about actionMarker vs actionResultMarker? yeah a comment could help23:26
jcw4menn0: yep23:26
menn0jcw4: also, with the comments describing the structures of the action and actionresult ids it might be helpful to show an example of each23:26
menn0that would make it super clear23:26
jcw4menn0: +123:26
jcw4menn0: godoc doesn't support any markup right?23:27
menn0you're asking the wrong person. I'm fairly new to Go.23:27
menn0jcw4: back again. had to deal with the kids for a bit23:51
jcw4those kids... :)23:51
jcw4mine will be home from a day at the amusement park soon23:51

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