
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
soeegood morning06:13
=== serverhamster is now known as alvin
apachelogger!find GLES2/gl2.h07:28
ubottuFile GLES2/gl2.h found in emscripten, libcogl-gles2-dev, libgles2-mesa-dev, qt4-qmake, qt5-qmake07:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: what are we sessioning about with kf5?07:29
apachelogger!find EGL/egl.h07:29
ubottuFile EGL/egl.h found in emscripten, libegl1-mesa-dev07:29
apacheloggerE: kapidox source: source-is-missing src/kapidox/data/htmlresource/jquery-2.1.0.min.js07:40
apacheloggerhow does that even happen07:40
yofelsomeone thought: it's a text file so it counts as source? ^^07:41
apacheloggerwell, eitherway, why is it missing07:42
apacheloggeror how can something go missing?07:42
yofelnot even git has the unminified js :(07:42
yofeloh fun, agateau added that07:42
apacheloggerwhy would one have an uniminified version anyway07:43
yofelsource means readable source, i.e. something that doesn't qualify as unmaintainble code ^^07:44
apacheloggerhow would it check that? 07:44
apacheloggerand why07:44
yofeliirc that really checks for the 'min' part in the filename07:45
apacheloggerit's almost as if the lintian dev doesn't have anything else to do but lintian has all the useful stuff so he's adding important features like telling me whether I can read the javascript or not07:47
agateauyofel: I could keep the unminified js in the source code but then I would have to either minify it everytime someone generates a doc or at install time but that would mean removing the ability to run kgenapidox without installing it :/07:57
agateauyofel: there is an interesting bit about jquery in Doxygen package, you may want to look at /usr/share/doc/doxygen/README.jquery07:58
yofelagateau: well, yeah, but they do ship the unminfied version in the source so they're fine08:03
yofelScottK: do we need to fix ^ and would shipping both files be enough?08:03
agateauyofel: the difference is Doxygen is compiled so they do not need to support the "run without installing" use case08:04
agateauyofel: would it be enough to add the unminified file in the source, even if it is not used?08:05
yofelthat's what I just asked scott, I'm not sure there08:05
agateauI could also adjust the code so that installing kapidox would generate the minified file from the unminified file, while running from the source code would directly use the minified file08:07
Riddellagateau: yes adding the unminified source without build instructions should be fine as long as you would sensibly run the minify command manually and not through a build system08:46
Riddellnicer to have it included in the build system though08:47
agateauRiddell: not sure I understand the second part of your sentence08:47
Riddellagateau: GPL requires all build scripts to be included, if there's no build script then that's fine08:48
agateauhow can it be fine to not ship a build script if it is required to include it?08:48
Riddellif it doesn't exist08:49
Riddellmaybe you create that file by running a command by hand08:49
Riddellmaco, valorie: gonnae tell your president to stay out of oor politics unless he wants to be re-colonised08:52
valoriewhat did he say?08:52
* valorie calms the angry Scot08:52
Riddell"Scottish independence: Barack Obama backs 'strong and united' UK" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-2771332708:53
valoriesilly Obama08:53
valoriethe US president told reporters in Brussels the decision was "up to the people of Scotland".08:54
valoriehe might have wanted to avoid the comparisons with the Crimea08:55
valoriealthough that is really not a comparison that can be made08:55
RiddellI don't see anything about Crimea08:55
Riddellhe also said "the future of the UK is up to the people of Great Britain" which is just weird08:56
valorieyes, he should have said nothing about it IMO08:57
valorienot our business08:57
* valorie leaves a great old video here and goes to bed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9J5Zt2Obko09:01
valoriebest drummer *ever*09:01
valorieno invasions of angry Scots by morning, I hope.....09:01
Riddellno no, he should have said "we were free in 1776, what took the scots so long" :)09:01
ScottKyofel: Yes, you need to fix and shipping both files is enough.09:34
* Riddell comes across a comparison of oxygen font and ubuntu font https://projects.kde.org/news/17909:38
yofelScottK: ok thanks09:39
BluesKajHowdy all10:20
shadeslayerScottK: mind merging pykde4?10:26
ScottKshadeslayer: No.  Although when depends on if I fall asleep on the plane or not.10:46
shadeslayerok :)10:46
yofelspeaking of python: If you have using python for GUI apps, how about this? http://micropython.org/ :D10:48
ScottKapachelogger: Minified JavaScript is definitely not the preferred form of modification, so it's not source. 10:48
apacheloggerneither is perl.10:49
ScottKagateau: As upstream it would be ideal for us (and Debian) if you could ship only the un-minified one in the source and then minify it as part of the build process. 10:51
ScottKPerl is write only, so it's a bit special. 10:53
apacheloggerframeworks shit is driving me mad I tell ya10:56
Riddellapachelogger: what's the status of that? can we start uploading KF5 packages to utopic today?10:59
Riddellubiquity not working on today's daily-live, I wonder if I risk a dist-upgrade10:59
apacheloggerRiddell: shoudl be uploaded11:09
apacheloggeror maybe ppa is hating me again11:09
yofelI see nothing for utopic11:10
apacheloggerah I should hit enter I guess11:10
apacheloggertoo many flipping terminals open really11:10
Riddellwe'll probably have to delete the trusty packages to get enough sapce11:11
apacheloggerwgrant: can we please get a bump to 10 GiB for https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/next11:11
apacheloggeror 5 would be enough as well I guess11:12
yofelshould still have enough space for the upload I think, but we'll have to remove the trusty packages after that11:13
apacheloggeror just get a space bump :S11:13
yofelwell, if that takes too long I mean11:14
Riddellapachelogger: why override that? seems pretty important11:16
ScottKapachelogger: Unless the source is really there, don't override that.11:18
ScottKIt's an issue that should cause it to be rejected by the archive admins.11:19
apacheloggerbecause it has no pointless whitespaces?11:20
ScottKThat would be one way to look at it. For humans the white space isn't pointless. 11:21
yofelbecause it's unreadable, and just because you can magically understand character garbage doesn't mean others can too11:21
Riddellit's not preferred modifiable form, so it's not allowed as source11:23
apacheloggerso if I were to use shit variable names in code woud that code get rejected?11:25
ScottKNot if that's the actual source. 11:25
apacheloggerthat makes 0 sense11:26
ScottKIf you're using the machine readable copyright format it's really easy to fix using Files-Excluded. 11:27
yofelfrom what I saw you can also put the source file in debian/missing-sources or so11:27
Riddellwhatever your preferred modifiable form is that's fine, minified javascript is nobody's preferred modifiable form11:27
sneleguys is 4.13.1 update coming anytime soon to trusty?11:29
apacheloggerso, what if I had an editor that stored stuff in minified and expanded on its own?11:29
yofelsnele: should be in -proposed unless it's still stuck11:29
yofelapachelogger: it's supposed to be readable even without $special_editor11:30
sneleyofel: ok I will enable -proposed and give it a test. thanks 11:30
yofelor I guess you could ship the editor with the source11:30
apacheloggeryofel: right, so what if I used shit variable names in my code?11:30
yofelapachelogger: as scott said, if that's the actual source no issue. min.js has a source that it's minified from11:31
ScottKapachelogger: That doesn't make it source.   If you could de-minify, you could include the results as source,  but the minified one is still not preferred form for modification.11:31
apacheloggerhow do you know it's the actual source?11:31
Riddell"preferred modifiable form" is a key part of the GPL and of archive admin reviews, it shouldn't be a novelty to anyone involved in free software11:31
ScottKIf it's minified, it's not.11:32
apacheloggerright, so if I use shit variables11:32
Riddellthat's your problem11:32
yofelsnele: not yet in :/11:32
sneleyofel: yeah just saw that11:33
apacheloggerRiddell: how is that any different from not using any whitespaces11:33
yofelScottK: could you look at sc 4.13.1 in trusty-proposed unapproved please?11:33
apacheloggerthis argument is yanked from someones ass I tell you11:33
apacheloggerif I write javascript without whitespaces, will it get rejected?11:33
yofelif you have a source that has whitespaces, I would say yes11:33
apacheloggerhow do you know if I have a source that has whitespaces11:34
ScottKyofel: after the airplane takes off, if the WiFi works, and if I don't fall asleep,  yes. 11:34
yofelok, thanks11:34
yofelapachelogger: well, I might not, in which case I might not reject it, but if I can find a source from it I would11:35
yofel*for it11:35
Riddellapachelogger: if you can write javascript without whitespace I'd be amazed, but then you often do amaze me11:35
ScottKapachelogger: There was recently a huge debate about this in Debian.   It's pretty well a closed issue. 11:36
ScottKThere is sometimes ambiguity about what's source, but I've yet to see minified JavaScript where it was at all uncertain. 11:37
apacheloggerthe entire thing says preferred11:38
apacheloggerI'd prefer it software to not have shitty variable names11:38
ScottKIf I have a graphic file of some kind, it might have been made in gimp and there's a source.   The gimp file (pcx, IIRC) might have been lost or not save and all you can do is bit edit the graphic file.11:40
ScottKIf you have the pcx that's the source. If you don't then it's the png (or whatever).11:42
apacheloggerno one would ever know11:42
apacheloggerI could have made it from a svg for all you know, I could have made it in kolourpaint, imported the png into svg, exported to png, edited in gimp11:43
ScottKYes. So for that kind of file it can be hard to tell. 11:43
apacheloggerI could write fancy fromatted javascript, minified, autoexpanded11:44
apacheloggeryou'd also never know11:44
apacheloggercomplete bullshit policy11:44
yofelFWIW: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/08/msg00365.html has pretty much the whole discussion in it already11:45
ScottKNo. Minified JavaScript isn't one of those ambiguous cases. 11:45
apacheloggerScottK: you have autoexpanded code in the tar11:45
apacheloggeryou couldn't possibly tell whether that was autoexpanded or I whether I am terrible at code formatting11:46
yofelfor that matter, shipping jars would be allowed too - you can make jars that can be cleanly decompiled11:47
ScottKAlso related: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/04/msg00014.html11:47
ScottKNo.  Jars aren't allowed either. 11:48
apacheloggeryofel: that's not the same thing11:48
apacheloggerI have a png11:48
apacheloggera run pngcrush on the png11:48
apacheloggerthat is now like minified js11:49
ScottKGotta go. 11:49
yofelhave a nice trip :)11:49
Riddellyou'd still modify that png fine11:49
apacheloggerRiddell: and you can't modify minified js?11:49
Riddellno, it's not the preferred form for modifications11:50
apacheloggerit is still js?11:50
apacheloggerjust like the png is stilla png after pngcrush, it doesn't magically become an unmodifiable png11:50
yofelapachelogger: seriously, if you have a problem with this, take this up on debian-devel so the interpretation of the DFSG gets changed, until then it stays that most people believe that minified js is not the preferred form of modification11:50
apacheloggerI have a problem with you people actually supporting that11:51
yofelwell, then a pre-compiled bin is hex-editable as well, as I said that jars are editable too11:51
apacheloggeryofel: my argument is that it is the same thing11:52
apacheloggerit's still js, it's badly formatted js11:52
yofelso we need to draw *some* line in this very fuzzy definiton of source11:52
apacheloggerit's js11:52
apacheloggerI can edit with the same software I could edit js with11:52
apacheloggerI can read it like I can read js11:52
apacheloggerI can do everything I can do with js11:52
apacheloggerbut magically one is considered unacceptable and the other is not11:52
yofelright, and this was already discussed as there is some point in it. But if we *know* that there is a source for $js, then that source should still be included11:53
apacheloggerand if I wrote the exactly same file originally without ever having used pointless whitespaces or \n it'd also be considered acceptable11:53
yofelgo file a bug against lintian that the check is rubbish and should be removed11:53
apachelogger[13:51] <apachelogger> I have a problem with you people actually supporting that11:54
apacheloggerif you say you support it because of lintian then I'll ask you to write a manpage for muon-discover please11:54
yofelIf I see 2 js with the same content, and I want to edit it, and you give me the hard to read one, why would I not want the other one plesae?11:55
yofelapachelogger: missing manpage is not a DFSG issue11:55
RiddellI feel this discussion is no longer useful, you're against the consensus apachelogger 11:55
yofelapachelogger: I don't think that you're completely wrong, but Javascript is a shitpile of special cases sadly11:56
yofelif people would never have started minfying it we wouldn't have this talk11:56
yofelapachelogger: so, are you removing the override or should I?11:58
apacheloggerI'll not11:58
yofelok, removing11:58
Riddellmore's the question, is agateau fixing upstream or should someone else?12:00
agateauRiddell: I am happy with adding an unminified jquery version upstream12:01
Riddellthanks agateau 12:01
agateauRiddell: Assuming src/jquery contains the unminified version as well as this README: http://paste.kde.org/pbyepm4pm . Would it be good enough?12:12
Riddellagateau: yep12:15
agateauRiddell: done12:17
=== vangelis_ is now known as Guest60178
Riddellsweet, a dist-upgrade to utopic works!12:21
Riddelldeleted trusty packages from next PPA12:21
yofeldist-upgrade sure works, how does it run? ^^12:22
Riddellmuch like trusty12:25
Riddellso blue http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_4.100.0_utopic.html12:35
* Riddell uploads ecm12:40
ScottKyofel: kde4libs for trusty needs a reupload with the SRU bug in debian/changelog12:52
yofelScottK: ok, please reject then, I'll re-upload12:53
ScottKyofel: Already rejected.12:53
yofelRiddell: if you fix things in the PPA SRU packages, please merge your changes into the SRU changelog instead of adding new changelog entries12:55
yofelthe upload script doesn't auto-merge that12:55
yofelRiddell: also, does the update for kubuntu_add_langpack_path.diff really need to be in trusty?12:57
Riddellyofel: it did but not now we've moved kf5 stuff to utopic13:01
yofelI'll remove that from the SRU then, we can have it in the 4.14 backports later on13:03
Riddellthanks yofel 13:04
yofelScottK: new try uploaded13:12
Riddell"debian/rules:8: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop."13:43
* Riddell looks at apachelogger 13:43
santa_Riddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/kapidox-work/+merge/222328 :P14:10
santa_realized this yesterday just before going to bed14:10
santa_I had that problem in my first siduction porting attempt14:11
Riddellsanta_: groovy, that's what I need14:26
ScottKyofel: accepted libs. I'll do the rest after it builds. 15:01
kubotufeed branches-next had 25 updates, showing the latest 615:15
* yofel uploaded lintian versions of pkg-kde-tools to next and ninjas15:56
kubotufeed branches had 8 updates, showing the latest 616:13
santa_I'm building the latest kdeframeworks packages for siduction16:13
santa_some extra stuff was needed, like libdbusmenuqt, phonon and such16:14
santa_when it's done I will write you a list in notes.k.o so you would know what would be needed to change in debian if you want them to adopt your packages16:15
kubotufeed branches-next had 7 updates, showing the latest 616:16
santa_hacked buildd ftw16:17
santa_btw qt 5.3 is arriving to debian sid16:19
yofelconsidering that kf5 is supposed to always pass all tests, the amount of tests that rely on -DBUID_TESTING=TRUE is rather large :(17:14
yofelsanta_: why... xauth?18:21
santa_yofel: it's needed for the tests apparently18:23
yofelI don't remember one failing18:23
yofel100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1318:24
santa_yofel: the relevant part of the build log http://paste.kde.org/pzrudvafc also note that this only happens in debian sid18:25
yofelsounds like a bug in xvfb packaging really18:25
yofelon ubuntu xvfb depends on xauth18:25
yofelhm, 18:27
yofelxvfb recommends xauth in debian18:27
yofelrather unlucky18:27
yofelfine then I guess18:27
yofelyeah, kdelibs autopackagetest config depends on xauth too18:30
yofelfun, I lost sound after upgrading to utopic :(18:46
yofeland why do I have 2 pulseaudio processes running :S18:46
geniiMaybe init and init.d both getting ran18:48
yofelcould be18:48
yofelrc2.d certainly has S05pulseaudio -.-18:50
yofelstill shouldn't be killing my sound device, now it's trying to output over HDMI which obviously won't work18:52
yofelok fixed19:00
yofelnow I would like to know why phonon switched sound cards on upgrade :S19:00
BluesKajyofel, that happens quite often now, dunno why tho 19:35
ScottKyofel: All accepted.20:00
yofelapachelogger: I just realized something about our patch policy: Where do patches coming from debian fit in there?21:03
yofelWe either just accept them, or we try to get the team to go by the same policy (which I belive will be rejected for reasons that only debian understands), or we blacklist patches as violating our policy21:03
yofelwell, or d) we do the upstreaming - up to the point where a patch gets rejected upstream but debian keeps it anyway21:04
ScottKTypically we keep them unless the cause an actual problem to keep the diff down. 21:13
yofelyeah, but our patch policy isn't quite what we've typically been doing, although I guess we can decide after upstream review in those cases21:17
ScottKPatch policy should rhen also say something about minimizing diff with Debian. 21:35
ScottKThat's an overall Ubuntu project policy. 21:35
yofelah right, I guess we can agree on that21:36

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