
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 70 building (started: 20140606 02:10) ===02:10
robruwell image 69 looks pretty damn good02:43
=== plars-away is now known as plars
plarsrobru: it does indeed, what was the fix?02:54
plarsI'm glad to see things starting to get back to normal02:55
plarsbtw, all of our mantas are down at the moment, I have an RT in to get that fixed02:55
robruplars, this one contains the further UAL fixes I think02:55
robruplars, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/69.changes no, it's mterry's touch session fixes03:00
ToyKeeperTesting Click stuff, I randomly selected tipster as an app to install.03:00
ToyKeeperIt took so long that the network shut itself off and the download failed.03:00
robruToyKeeper, awesome03:01
ToyKeeperOn a later attempt, I made sure to keep the screen on, and I investigated afterward why the app was so big.03:01
ToyKeeperIt consists of 10 KB of qml, 80 bytes of json, 161 bytes for a .desktop file, and the other 99.8% of the package consists of its launcher icon.03:02
ToyKeeper(including multiple different copies of the icon's original svn file, and the resulting rendered PNG)03:03
ToyKeeperI have to wonder what goes through people's heads sometimes.03:03
plars   * Don't run lightdm-session if using a Mir session.03:04
plarsI guess that?03:04
robruToyKeeper, seems pretty clear that the person did not check the file sizes. obviously nobody thought "yes, my app needs to be 99% launcher icon"03:04
plarsif I'm looking at the right changes file03:04
ToyKeeperrobru: Well, yeah.  :)03:05
ToyKeeperJust a general lack of sanity checking before hitting 'publish'.03:05
robruToyKeeper, make sure to rate it 1 star and say "Hey jerk, pngcrush your launcher icon" or something.03:06
ToyKeeperMore like "Hey, don't put unnecessary build files in your package!"03:06
robruToyKeeper, to be fair, it's retardedly easy to just have one directory with all the files, and then 'click build .' and upload that to the store. It takes extra work to have a subdirectory that contains only what the app needs to run, and then have supporting files in a separate directory from that03:07
robruToyKeeper, but I agree, app authors should stop sucking ;-)03:08
ToyKeeperI hope we have plans to increase bandwidth for the click app servers before any hardware launches.  I consistently get 20 KB/s or less for app downloads.03:10
robrumandel, bregma: i got you guys silos and kicked builds for you. 2 and 8 respectively.03:11
robruand with that, I'm gonna go pass out. this jetlag is just killing me03:11
robrugoodnight everybody!03:11
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 70 DONE (finished: 20140606 03:45) ===03:45
ToyKeeperOops, I guess I flashed a little too soon.03:45
ToyKeeperJust a few minutes too soon.03:45
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/70.changes ===03:45
Mirvtwo awesomes in the row it seems, for images05:38
ToyKeeperSo, I tested and approved some silos...  but only one actually landed.06:07
ToyKeeperThe others pretty much all got stuck at "One package at least is not available in the destination...  foo is in the proposed pocket."06:08
ToyKeeperAnd one silo got reassigned before that could be resolved.06:08
ToyKeeper(silo 008, I think...  and I've been so sleepy today I don't remember which change was in it earlier)06:09
ToyKeeperIIRC, several of our failures over the past week were due to things getting stuck in proposed.  Wondering what we can do about it.06:10
ToyKeeperom26er: Hi.  I'm not sure what's up with the silos I tested and approved today.  Just FYI.06:14
ToyKeeperOnly one actually landed.06:14
ToyKeeperThe others pretty much all got stuck at "One package at least is not available in the destination...  foo is in the proposed pocket."06:14
ToyKeeperAnd one silo (008) got reassigned before that could be resolved.06:15
om26erToyKeeper, yeah I was noticing that as well. Is there any silo remaining that needs testing ?06:15
ToyKeeperNot that I'm aware of, but it's possible I missed something.  I worked straight through the hours my body thinks are sleep time, and was a bit of a zombie.06:16
om26erToyKeeper, i came to the rescue early, its a new record start time for me06:19
om26eryou may sign out if you want06:19
ToyKeeperI think I'll take you up on that; I'm exhausted and have been working for 15 hours.06:20
om26errobru, do you whats up with the landings ?06:21
ToyKeeperrobru went to sleep a few hours ago, I think.06:21
Mirvom26er: which landing in particular?06:23
om26erMirv, 31 for example06:24
Mirvom26er: ok, click is in already, that info is old. currently the backend jenkins is out of disk space (I've reported it to webops), so it's probable that the spreadsheet also doesn't update itself anymore.06:25
ToyKeeperYup, line 31 (silo 010) is one that should have landed but got stuck.06:25
ToyKeeperOh, cool.06:25
Mirvyep, not stuck: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/0.4.25 -> release pocket06:25
ToyKeeperIn that case, I have no idea if any silos are waiting on QA.06:25
MirvI guess not, since the Mir one was mentioned in sil2100's e-mail to be postponed until we're out of TRAINCON-0 anyway06:26
ToyKeeperUh...  yeah.  Seems like a really bad idea to land a major high-risk change to a foundational bit of architecture right in the middle of traincon 0, which was caused by several other similar landings happening too quickly.06:27
MirvI found out that the upstart^Wubuntu-app-launch joy is also found in the SDK now https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/132706606:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1327066 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "upstart-app-launch was renamed to ubuntu-app-launch, launching apps from SDK broken" [Undecided,New]06:49
ogra_Mirv, how about an image to pick up the click fix ?07:31
Mirvogra_: sure, why not07:37
Mirvwe can't land anything new anyhow before webops fix the jenkins07:38
ogra_well, i think the click issue was the last promotion blocker07:39
ogra_and the tests look good07:40
ogra_so if dogfooding brings good results 70 might be the way out of traincon-007:40
ogra_"Daily rebuild quota reached for product."07:40
ogra_aha ?!?07:41
* ogra_ goes to build direct ....07:41
Mirvyep 69 + 70 look very good on the dashboard, finally07:41
ogra_build started07:42
mandelrobru, thx07:43
mandelogra_, just to double check, is the commit good enough => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/dbus-cpp/provide-macros/+merge/221840 (not being sarcastic I want to help :) )07:45
ogra_mandel, perfect "07:46
mandelogra_, ok, will keep them like that then07:46
ogra_thanks ! :)07:46
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 71 building (started: 20140606 07:50) ===07:50
mardyalesage: hi! Do you have a few minutes to help me to solve this? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts-utopic-amd64-ci/17/console08:03
mardyalesage: the coverage targets are only available if the CONFIG+=coverage is passed at configure time08:04
mardyalesage: but I don't want to add that all the time; is it possible to activate it only for jenkins? is there some debian variable which is set during jenkins build which I could use in debian/rules to enable this flag?08:05
popeywill 71 include the click removal fix?08:05
popeylooks like click 0.4.25 as it08:06
Mirvpopey: yes08:06
popeyok, good08:06
Mirvand webops just arrived, so hopefully jenkins will come back alive soon08:06
popeyoh, jenkins is dead?08:06
Mirvout of disk space again :(08:07
popeyI have a 32GB USB key they can plug in and use ㋛08:07
popey#69 looked good from a dogfooding pov08:07
popeyjust not happy promoting it with the click regression08:07
ogra_popey, yeah08:08
ogra_we wouldnt, dont worry :)08:08
popeyis #71 expected to be more awesomer?08:08
ogra_i think 71 is the one :)08:08
ogra_nothing else landed i think08:08
popeygood good.08:08
popeythats the only thing about #69 that would block IMO08:09
ogra_well, there is that webbrowser fix that makes youtouboe work ... but who wants *that*08:09
popeyoh. cat videos you say?08:09
* popey wakes 08:09
ogra_on m.youtube.com ...08:09
brendandpopey, i preferred it back in the 50s08:10
ogra_without ending up just reloading the page if you press play08:10
mardyalesage: nevermind, I think I fixed it with this :-) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/master/revision/12508:11
Mirvok jenkins restored08:27
Mirvogra_: popey meeting?08:31
Mirvright on time08:31
Saviqoh yay! http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/70:20140606:20140530/8429/08:38
Saviqwe're back in business08:38
ogra_on out way to at least :)08:43
Mirvso the spreadsheet got broken with the jenkins breakage, and it does not seem it would be automatically recovering now that jenkins is back up.08:50
Mirvall ideas / information bits welcome on what sil/didier used to do to restart things on the spreadsheet :)08:50
MirvI only know about manually running the refresh function, but that fails08:51
Mirvnot that we immediately need much of the spreadsheet08:51
Mirvwell, http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/ to the rescue too08:51
* Mirv updated info on the top of the sheet08:52
ogra_is didier off today too ? he probably could help08:52
Mirvtrue, no he's not08:57
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-away
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 71 DONE (finished: 20140606 09:25) ===09:25
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/71.changes ===09:25
Mirvspreadsheet is back to life again too09:27
popeyogra_: i was right, mirscreencast broke.09:44
popey$ adb shell mirscreencast -n 109:44
popeyFailed to connect to server. Error was :connect: No such file or directory09:44
popeyadb shell mirscreencast -m /var/run/mir_socket -n 109:45
popeythat works09:45
popeygetting a lot of lp timeouts09:52
popeybug 132713909:53
ubot5bug 1327139 in mir (Ubuntu) "mirscreencast broke (moved socket) in #71" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132713909:53
popeyNot only youtube video work, video works in BBC News webapp too09:58
popeyThis changes *everything*!09:58
ahayzenomg what!09:59
ogra_popey, it didnt before ?09:59
ogra_popey, for me all embedded videos worked in my news apps10:00
ogra_just the direct youtube ones didnt10:00
popeythe bbc ones didnt10:00
ogra_wow, bad10:00
popeythey do now, so i dont care. image #70 and before are dead to me10:00
popeynow we just need to get someone to agree to allow webapps to keep screen on and not suspend phone10:01
popeyand play in background10:01
popeyhaing grooveshark stop playing music when you swipe away makes the webapp useless10:02
ogra_it will do that once it starts using media-hub10:02
ogra_(and videos will be HW accelerated then ... not eating battery )10:03
ogra_its just very complex to inject that into the browser sandbox10:03
ahayzenwhen did youtube start working as well?10:09
popeyin this image I believe10:10
ogra_wow, surprising ... the boot time didnt degrade at all with split greeter10:20
ogra_still around 30sec10:20
* popey wonders why image 69 fell into the trusty testing bucket http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/10:33
popey(flo only)10:33
ogra_psivaa, ^^^10:35
psivaapopey: ogra_: let me take a look10:37
psivaaogra_: popey: somehow jenkins thinks the content of http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/trusty-proposed/flo/index.json changed when new images were built10:47
psivaafor the last couple of days that is10:47
ogra_funny jenkins ...10:47
psivaanot just once, but the trusty job for flo has run twice.10:48
popeyogra_: still can't uninstall on #71 ☹11:21
ogra_i cant either (OTA here)11:22
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ogra_and tedg wont be around for a few more hours :(((11:23
om26erpopey, ogra_ it was working fine with that version of click I tested deeply11:23
* popey updates bug 132669411:24
ubot5bug 1326694 in click (Ubuntu) "Can't un-install clicks #65 mako - missing uninstall button" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132669411:24
popeydo i need to re-run the apport hooks thing perhaps?11:24
* popey tries that11:24
cjwatsonpopey: no stop11:25
* popey stops11:25
cjwatsonpopey: nothing to do with apparmor :)11:25
cjwatsonpopey: can you pick an affected application and see if it has X-Ubuntu-Application-ID in its .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ ?11:26
popeycjwatson: it does not http://paste.ubuntu.com/7601190/11:27
cjwatsonpopey: right, so please remove everything in ~/.local/share/applications/ and reboot11:27
cjwatsonpopey: they should get regenerated with proper contents11:27
ogra_semi sweet11:27
cjwatsonpopey,ogra_: it occurred to me that this might happen, but it didn't happen in my case; it only affects people who upgraded through the broken -proposed images11:27
cjwatsonso I don't think it's worth going to special measures to handle11:28
ogra_right, but it is something we need to mention in the landing mail i suppose11:28
cjwatsonI'd send a mail myself now but I have internet problems11:28
popeyit has one now11:28
cjwatsonpopey: cool, and uninstall works?11:28
cjwatsonstuck in the library, no access to mail11:28
popeyer, different app, but yeah.11:28
ogra_dont worry, thats what we have the daily landing mails for11:28
ogra_i'll make sure robru adds it11:29
popeycjwatson: yes, i see an uninstall button now. and it works11:30
ogra_bzoltan, i know i have seen a fix for this smoketest error in UITK the last days ... http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/71:20140606.1:20140530/8440/ubuntuuitoolkit/1226263/ but i cant seem to find a branch for it ...11:30
popeyok, commented on bug report, thanks cjwatson11:31
* ogra_ wonders if that fix was from the AP guys and not from the UITK guys 11:31
t1mpogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix1326072-create_fake_xauthority/+merge/22195311:32
ogra_t1mp, you rock ...11:32
t1mpogra_: it is in UITK staging, so should go in the next landing beginning of next week (I think zoltan is off today)11:33
ogra_ah, k ... great next week is fine11:33
popeyogra_: mako finished testing11:33
ogra_and we have one failure less than 70 even11:34
popeyyeah, bonzer!11:34
popeyBeen dogfooding all morning. It's looking solid.11:35
ogra_ah, calendar-app11:35
ogra_seems flaky ...11:35
ogra_popey, hmm, so we should probably promote something ;)11:35
popeyDo it.11:36
* ogra_ does it ... i want the new shiny on my phone *now* !11:36
popeyDon't spend all afternoon playing youtube videos ☻11:37
ogra_=== IMAGE #71 Promoted ===11:37
ogra_Mirv, do we want to drop TRAINCON-0 now or should we better wait til the meeting11:38
ogra_asac, yeah :D11:38
asaci guess wait if people scream11:38
asacfor a bit11:38
asacif noone complains, lift TRAINNCON-011:38
asaclike give end of day lift it so we can still react on rick going ballistic11:38
asacor me :)11:38
ogra_right, so the evening meeting then11:38
* asac upgrades11:38
* ogra_ upgrades too 11:38
asacme has to find a usb cabkle11:38
asacbecause i still cant upgrade without ubuntu one account11:39
asacseb128: ^11:39
asacdidnt you say that was landing?11:39
ogra_planning on playing youtube vidos all afternoon11:39
asacthats awesome indeed11:39
asacnow i would need tor or nice proxy app11:39
asacso i can really watch intersting you tube content11:39
seb128asac, check with gatox11:39
asacgatox: hey :)11:39
gatoxasac, hi11:40
asacgatox: where are we with fixing that i cant upgrade system image if i dont have ubuntu one account set up11:40
asacwould like to start enabling ubuntu one so i can install apps, but wanted to be sure its not forgotten before doing that :)11:40
gatoxasac, are you using the last image? that should already be fixed11:40
asacgatox: ok i am on previous devel, so after this upgrade it shoudl be gone. will confirm! thanks!11:41
* asac upgrades to 7111:43
popeythanks ogra_11:43
ogra_well, thanks for dogfooding :)11:43
popeycan we call it catfooding?11:44
asaclets also think about vegetarians11:44
gatoxasac, seb128 this was the branch that fixed that: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-system-settings/duplicate-and-credentials/+merge/21841411:44
asacso horse/cowfeeding :)11:44
asacor something sweet that doesnt eat meat11:44
ogra_guineapiggin ;)11:45
asacplantfeeding :)11:45
* asac wonders what will show on screen aftrer install/restart11:46
ogra_same sh*t as always11:46
ogra_UI wise nothing changed yet11:46
asacare the scope images now cached?11:46
ogra_the boot animation is there but not enabled11:46
asacfeels super instantaneously how the display11:46
ogra_i dont think so11:46
asacthe UI is pretty much transalted11:47
asacin gertman11:47
asacthats surealy new11:47
asaceven the sim unlock dialog was good11:47
popeyogra_: are you sending the mail?11:49
Mirvelopio: any updated on bug #1275012 ? I'm trying to have some sort of manually run results again before the meeting but obviously that's not the same thing11:49
ubot5bug 1275012 in Ubuntu CI Services "Add a job to run all the image tests with new qt versions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127501211:49
popeyor are we doing that later?11:49
ogra_popey, thats robru's job today ... after the evening meeting11:50
ogra_sigh ... first boot after flash always takes ages11:50
elopioMirv: robotfuel had that task. I'm not sure if he had already talked with ci.11:51
elopiohe should start working soon, I'll check with him.11:51
Mirvok, thanks!11:51
elopioMirv: do you have any idea what's this task about?11:51
elopioUITK Unit tests to be fixed (Leo)11:51
elopioI'm not sure why I'm assigned to the unit tests.11:52
Mirvelopio: maybe you're assigned to keeping in touch with the SDK team? all the unit test bugs for UITK are there at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.3 and they have assignee too. I just also filed the two AP failures they have (= 247 AP tests pass fine), those are not assigned yet.11:54
elopiowow, so many already.11:55
elopioMirv: ok, I can keep track of them and ask for triaging.11:55
Mirvelopio: if we could get the camera + multimedia working, it'd so far look very functional at the moment11:56
ogra_EEEK !11:57
* ogra_ found a regression 11:57
ogra_asac, what does the clock on the greeter show for you ?11:57
asacogra_: greeter == lock screen?11:58
asacthe time i see there is correct11:58
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
asacFreitag, 6. Juni 201411:58
ogra_i see 1:58 PM11:58
ogra_in the indicator too11:59
asaci am sure you set your locale settings long ago11:59
ogra_as soon as i swipe the greeter away i see 13:58 in the panel clock11:59
asaci set them recently, maybe there is another field for date/time that wasnt migrated and is out of sync for you?11:59
ogra_i surely did11:59
asactry setting to US11:59
asacthen set it back11:59
asacthat will mean people didnt bother about the upgrade path11:59
asaccharles: you said the shell work needed for alarm working is in or wil land right after next promotion?12:00
asacindicator/shell work that12:00
ogra_asac, i think ricmm's platform-api 2.0 contains that12:00
Mirvogra_: ahum, I missed your highlights. but yep evening meeting is probably a good point, and a huge yay for promotion! let's land Qt 5.3 :)12:01
asacogra_: its frontend work that is missinga faik12:01
asacand that charles was landing or is about to land12:01
ogra_ah, k12:01
asacaccording to folks our backend work is complete and in12:01
asacfolks == chicken and rsalveti iirc12:01
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ogra_asac, FYI clock is right after switching to US and back ... (and three reboots to make it pick it up)12:10
asacogra_: ack. guess file a bug against system settings and forget12:14
asace.g. no migration done12:14
ogra_well, not sure ... thats not a user setting ...12:15
ogra_greeter is system12:15
asaci dont know, thjey can deal with redirecting it12:15
* ogra_ will wait for mterry 12:15
asacthey provide the UI12:15
asacthat sets the setting that didnt get properly migrated12:15
asacif you find a better place thats great of course :)12:16
ogra_my user setting was properly migrated12:16
ogra_the greeter is "before login"12:16
asacseems not really :)12:16
asacthe coupling to the sysstem didnt migrate12:16
asacfor me its all one thing12:16
ogra_it is a different session running as the lightdm user12:16
asacwhoever does the change to settings approach, must ensure it happenes everywhere12:16
asacsure, still someone pushed for change12:16
asacand didnt ensure that all that needed changed :)12:17
ogra_right, its a split greeter issue12:17
asacwhoever did that push shyould get the bug so he remembers next time to think about everything :)12:17
ogra_mterry bug :)12:17
popeyogra_: with new split greeter, my .profile seems ignored. I have export PERFORMANCE_OVERLAY=1, but it no longer works.. does it work for you?12:17
ogra_there are a bunch ...12:17
ogra_like no avatar pic when recieving a call and the screen iis locked12:17
ogra_popey, using phablet-shell ?12:18
popeyphablet-shell to do what?12:18
ogra_did you use phablet-shell ?12:18
popeyno, i dont know what phablet-shell is ☻12:18
ogra_it had a bug that copied the desktop/laptop .profile file over the one on the phone12:18
ogra_popey, what ?!?12:19
popeyah, no, my .profile is intact12:19
popeyi copied that line from it12:19
popeybut it seems ignored.12:19
ogra_upgrade to latest phablet-tools ;)12:19
popeyphablet-shell is nice!12:19
ogra_run phablet-shell ;)12:19
popeythanks! :D12:19
ogra_it so is !!12:19
ogra_flowers go to robru12:19
ogra_popey, hmm, could be that with split greeter it doesnt process .profile anymore12:20
ogra_file a bug i guess12:21
popeyin what?12:21
popeyenv shows it's set12:22
popeyunity8 seems the right place?12:22
ogra_hmm, ubuntu-touch-session i guess then12:22
om26erso I am trying to test unity8 silo, seems add-apt-repository is broken12:26
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: TRAINCON-0
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Chipacawho do I know and is a MOTU?12:35
* Chipaca wonders12:35
ogra_have you tried #ubuntu-motu ?12:37
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* Mirv would like to be MOTU one day12:52
Chipacaogra_: I hadn't, but found it on the wiki just before you asked :)12:53
Chipacaogra_: thanks12:53
Chipaca(not getting any love there, but hey)12:53
Chipacaactually, looking at the logs, i found it a while after you asked, but didn't see the xchat notification. strange.12:54
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Mirvpopey: davmor2: can you come to the Qt 5.3 meeting?13:02
popeyits in 30 mins?13:03
popeyoh, it moved!13:03
plarsogra_: any chance we'll ever do a trusty image again? I'd like to kill those jobs at some point. They don't run since there's no new image, but some how the json file for trusty on flo got touched and it thought there was a new one13:34
ogra_plars, i think thats a management decision ... asac ^^^13:36
tedgWhat gets us out of traincon-0 ? It seems like 69 fixed the critical issue, is it all the way to promotion?13:44
tedgI've got some people asking for me to put through some non-critical branches, but I was planning on letting things get out of traincon-0 first.13:44
popeyMirv: which ppa should i use for 5.3 testing?13:46
ogra_tedg, after tonights landing meeting we'll lift it13:46
ogra_(in 2.5h or so)13:47
tedgogra_, Ah, okay.13:48
tedgWhen is the new platform API going in?13:48
ogra_its the next big thing on the list13:48
ogra_i guess on monday13:48
* tedg wants to avoid big things :-)13:48
Mirvpopey: let's put it this way: open any related doc / PPA page you know is related to Qt 5.3, and report if some of them don't point you to the correct direction (I try to update everything with interlinks or such..)13:49
Mirvpopey: so the default answer is that read instructions that are written on page https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 (which is slightly confusing of course, but I don't want to edit landing PPA's description) -> you get to ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-00513:50
tedgogra_, So I think the reason that the AP-legacy thing didn't get caught is because the libraries were parallel installable (and worked that way).13:52
tedgogra_, So because I upgrade/removed and then installed the autopilot tests it just reinstalled the lib from the archive.13:52
ogra_right, except for the testing infra :)13:53
tedgI think the lesson here is to install the AP tests, and then remove the old library.13:53
asacplars: its good that we noticed that that file was touched. when was that? check with stgraber why it was touched13:54
tedgNot sure that we could really automate that, or should because it's a rare case though.13:54
asacplars: i assume the timestamp got updated?13:54
ogra_well, the lesson is that the remaining python2 tests finally need to be migrated i guess :)13:54
tedgHeh, that too.13:54
plarsasac: I'm not sure timestamp is enough, it's just a jenkins url watcher that iirc compares a checksum of the file from what it last knew13:54
plarsasac: there was no new image though13:55
asacplars: right, check with stgraber what happened13:55
ogra_i think he cleaned up some old cruft13:55
ogra_that likely re-gernerated the index13:56
asacimo we shouldnt just say "the proble is that the trusty jobs are there", but "did we see odd behaviour on system image files"13:56
plarsand it was just flo, which is sorta weird: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/trusty-proposed/flo/index.json is the file it was watching13:56
plarsstgraber: any ideas why that got bumped? ^13:56
asaci feel its index, but double check with stgraber etc.13:56
* stgraber reads backscroll13:56
plarsasac: The downside in a case like this is that it could potentially delay running utopic jobs if we get a false update, and if it's on a release that's unlikely to see an update again, disabling the job would be the safest course of action13:57
ogra_plars, asac bug 128654213:57
ubot5bug 1286542 in Ubuntu system image "keyring DuplicateDestinationError when updating from custom s-i server" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128654213:57
ogra_stgraber, ^^^ i think it was your fixing of that one13:57
stgraberplars: ok, so what exactly is the problem? you saw trusty-proposed/flo/index.json change recently? when exactly?13:58
asacstgraber: seems we say a trusty job in CI scheduled, which only happens if some file change on the server13:59
asacso i just wanted to check if that was a wanted change etc.13:59
stgrabercdimage@nusakan:/srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/www/full/ubuntu-touch/trusty-proposed/flo$ ls -lh index.json13:59
plarsstgraber: twice actually... once on June 5, and once on June 613:59
stgraber-rw-rw-r-- 2 cdimage cdimage 139K Apr 22 11:09 index.json13:59
stgraberthe file hasn't changed on disk since the 22nd of April13:59
stgraberwhich matches the timestamp of image 30314:00
stgraberso I suspect something went wrong with whatever you guys use to monitor it...14:00
plarsat 21:11 and 02:01 respectively14:00
asacstgraber: maybe the timestamp was force kept old while the checksum changed? or maybe that file was temporarily not there and jenkins just saw it reappearing?14:01
asacbut gguess jun 5 and 6 you should remember if anything happened on the server14:01
asacnot too long ago :P14:01
popeyMirv: haha, nice14:02
stgraberasac: all changes to index files are atomic and I don't have code to hardcode the timestamp, so I'm pretty sure things didn't change on my side.14:02
asacso mayube server was down temporarily14:02
asacor jenkins is just buggy (never heard of that)14:02
plarsasac: absence of the file wouldn't trigger it14:02
stgraberyeah, that could be, I have no control over the frontend servers14:02
asactemporary absence?14:02
plarspffft no... jenkins has NO bugs14:02
asacyou never know14:02
asacplars: ok guess disable the trusty trigger14:03
asacshould be fine14:03
plarsanyway, it's an anomaly related to flo only at the moment14:03
stgraberplars: does Jenkins monitor over https or http?14:03
plarsasac: but it raised the question of whether we can just mark the trusty jobs as disabled for now14:03
asacplars: so we should really have jobs: devel-proposed, devel, stable14:03
asacand not trusty etc.14:03
plarsstgraber: http14:03
asaci think we discussed that we have stable-proposed (aka beta) at some point14:03
asacnot sure if we will use beta or stable-proposed for that14:04
stgraberplars: can you do it over https instead? that should at least make things slightly more robust to network glitches14:04
asaccjwatson: ^14:04
asaccjwatson: last 2 lines only :)14:04
cjwatsonI think stable-proposed was my suggestion14:04
cjwatsonI prefer the obvious correspondence with devel-proposed14:04
plarsasac: we can't use the name "devel" because it's not available at the beginning, and I think it also might pull the series from that - so unless you want to miss the first image, and have a long running set of tests for "devel" rather than separating them like trusty, utopic, vigorous, etc...14:05
stgraberplars: it may also be worth spending the extra time to make the checker a bit more clever, either by checking that the file is valid (simple json check) or better yet, grab both the .json and .json.asc and make sure the signature is valid (which will do integrity checking for you)14:05
asaccjwatson: i agree. lets do that14:06
asacplars: what does it mean its not available at the beginning?14:07
asacplars: it is available :)14:07
asacplars: for the very first promotion we didnt have a devel image, but since then there is an image in devel14:07
plarsasac: no, not until there's an image - the devel-proposed channel is an alias that has to be created iirc. stgraber could probably explain the details better14:07
asaci dont understand14:08
asacisnt there devel image before and after release?14:08
asaci think all phones got auto updated to next devel14:08
asacso should be fine14:08
stgraberthere are, they just may end up being the wrong release as we don't do the switch to the new release immediately14:09
asaci think once we have stable and stable-proposed thats what we should do though for devel-rpoposed14:09
asace.g. last promotion to devel happens from utopic before release14:09
asacand next promotion will be coming from utopic+114:09
stgraberdevel-proposed pointed to trusty-proposed until a week or so after release (we were waiting for the name), then we created utopic-proposed, checked that things worked and then changed the alias to point to it14:09
asacyeah, thats because we didnt have a stable/stable-proposed solution14:10
asacguess that will be solved next time14:10
asacanyway,not really important i guess, just would feel cleaner if CI would track channel names14:10
asacand not releases14:10
plarsasac: if we move over to using the devel-proposed channel instead of the ${series}-proposed, I'll need to work with the dashboard guys and figure out what the fallout will be. I suspect it will mean we now see another set of results for series "devel" since it doesn't know the series name then, which will probably mean needing to rework parts of the dashboard to cope with the fact that we no longer have touch results linked to the se14:10
stgraberasac, plars: btw, just did a quick check with a backup from the 12nd of May, index.json for trusty-proposed/flo matches perfectly between the two (same sha256sum), so the file didn't change and didn't get corrupted on my end. It may have been a problem with the frontend server IS runs or somewhere on the network.14:11
asacplars: yeah, not urgent. maybe put this into the backlog, and dont even start doing it until aligning with foundations what to do14:11
plarsstgraber: very possible, I wonder if it downloaded a 404 page or something in the middle there14:11
* ogra_ remembers a mail about VPN issues to the lab in the beginning of the week14:12
plarsogra_: that's unrelated I think14:13
plarsogra_: that affected my ability to get to our lab machines and actually do anything on them, not the ability of the lab machines to get out to other systems like the s-i server14:14
plarscould be though, who knows14:14
plarsbut it seems to be working now14:14
plarsand happened yesterday/today, not at the beginning of the week when we had those problems14:14
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train support - US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: ci.ubuntu.com is down due to DDoS mitigation testing
om26erMirv, Hi!14:40
om26erMirv, it seems line 33 have wrong status ?14:40
om26erMirv, its not approved by QA but says can be published14:41
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fgintherom26er, renato, in 1149, phablet-test-run used python-autopilot 1.4 instead of python3-autopilot 1.5 which was used on a prior run14:44
om26erfginther, you can fix it ?14:44
Mirvom26er: hey. I'm off already (yeah right), discuss it with robru when he's around - in general, it's expected that the landing meeting will decide to put away TRAINCON-0 in a little over an hour since an image was promoted, and I guess at that point QA sign off wouldn't be needed14:44
om26erMirv, woho, that's good to hear :)14:45
renatofginther, om26er, is this a problem in my package?14:45
mardyalesage: yes, it's fine14:45
fgintherrenato, om26er, I have no idea yet what triggered the change14:45
mardyalesage: though, I wonder why are we using these hooks and not the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS variable? we could set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="coverage", and then let each project's debian/rules do the right thing, without using hooks14:46
alesagemardy, intriguing14:46
mardyalesage: so you wouldn't have to worry about what build system a project is using14:47
alesagemardy, I'll have to learn a little about, thanks for that :)14:47
fgintherrenato, I see that in your MP, revision 179 merged with staging and brought in a bunch of autopilot test file changes, perhaps something in there is forcing the fallback to python 1.4... phable-test-run does a couple of tricks to determine whether to use 1.4 or 1.5, one of them is to attempt to import the test dir under 1.5 and if it fails, it falls back to 1.414:48
renatoelopio, do you know if your changes is related with that ^14:49
=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CI Train Status: TRAINCON-0 | CI Train Support: US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
renatofginther, how I can try to fix that?14:54
fgintherrenato, I'm just going through the code in phablet-test-run and trying to figure out if indeed it's hitting an import error14:55
fgintherrenato, I've got my mako setup to test this but need to get you packages in place first14:55
renatofginther, elop did the changes on the autopilot14:56
renatoand jenkins approved it14:56
elopiorenato: checking.14:56
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: TRAINCON-0 | CI Train Support: US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
elopiorenato: which is the branch that's failing for you?15:10
renatoelopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/address-book-app/fix-click-mode15:10
fgintherelopio, renato, here's the error that gets reported when trying to import address_book_app with python3: "The ubuntuuitoolkit.emulators module is deprecated. Import the autopilot helpers from the top-level ubuntuuitoolkit module."15:11
elopiofginther: that's a warning.15:11
fgintherelopio, right, but that's enought to trip up the login in phablet-test-run :-(15:12
elopiofginther: really? but that's pretty old.15:13
elopiowe have been throwing that warning for a month.15:13
elopioand it happens on all the apps, as no one has been migrated to the new namespace.15:14
fgintherhmm, was this change released to the archive a month ago?15:15
fgintherelopio, nope, looks like tests were passing before with the same version of uitk15:16
elopiofginther: yes, https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/reorg_autopilot_helpers15:16
elopiomerged at the end of april.15:16
elopiowe have had many toolkit versions since then.15:16
fgintherelopio, I've learned a couple of things...15:44
fgintherelopio, 1) there is a bug in generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako that will cause it install an -autopilot package on top of the MP packages if a newer one exists in the archive.15:46
fgintherelopio, 2) the deprecation import error for address-book appears to be triggered by the recent addition of 'import ubuntuuitoolkit'.15:48
fgintherelopio, 3) bug 1) appears to have masked 2) until today when the address-book mainline was merged into the staging branch15:49
ubot5bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115:49
fgintherno, not that bug15:49
fgintherelopio, the first bug I mentioned needs to be fixed on our end asap. working with the deprecation error on import may need a little coordination15:50
elopiofginther: great, so many things you have found.15:51
elopioI can probably workaround the deprecation. But it's not even an error, is just a message logged on the warning level.15:52
fgintherelopio, it's questionable if phablet-test-run should even be making that check still. Have all the autopilot tests moved to python3?15:53
elopiofginther: no, not all.15:56
elopioI was looking at the calendar yesterday and it's py2.15:56
fgintherelopio, rats15:59
ogra_popey, want to join the meeting ?16:01
elopiofginther: can we change phablet-test-run to check for the exit status of the import, instead of the size of the output?16:16
ogra_Saviq, robru, i suppose someone can delete row 20 from the spreadsheet now ;)16:16
robruogra_, on it ;-)16:16
elopioagh, there's a command saying that adb shell always returns 0 :/16:19
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
elopiofginther: I suck at bash, but would something like this be better? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7602724/16:31
ogra_robru, spreadsheet still says traincon-0 at the top ... FYI16:33
robruogra_, ah yeah, thanks16:34
camakorobru, standing by for mir landing in case you need anything from me... Just to reiterate that it's been tested comprehensively by the team and it's good to go...16:35
robrucamako, excellent thank you, I'm just writing an email then I'll look at that16:35
robrucamako, alright, I hit publish. it looks ok on my end but i'm not sure, it might get caught up on this whole 1.2.0 / 2.0.0 issue with platform-api, we'll have to keep an eye on at16:46
camakorobru, excellent.. sure I'll keep a watchful eye...  thanks.16:47
robrucamako, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/platform-api this would be a good place to watch, shortly there'll be two versions listed under utopic, (one in release and one in proposed)16:48
camakorobru, ack16:49
robrucamako, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html also this page can tell us if there's any problems. it won't be in there just yet, but if platform-api hits a snag it'll get listed in there eventually16:49
robrucamako, (I also have my eye on those, but if you happen to notice something odd feel free to ping me)16:49
camakorobru, sure.. will do16:50
camakorobru, do you have a feel for how long publish would take?16:51
robruSaviq, hey, I see your unity8 landing in silo 14, i'll publish it today but I'd rather not land unity8 and mir in the same image, so I gotta wait for this mir landing, then kick an image build, then land your silo16:51
robrucamako, usually it gets into proposed within ~20 minutes or so, and then how long it stays in proposed depends on how many tests have to get run... for mir I think it takes a couple hours16:52
fgintherelopio, sorry I was fooding. Looking at your suggestion17:01
elopiofginther: that one doesn't work, because adb shell is affecting the $? somehow17:01
elopioI'm not sure how to test this.17:01
fgintherelopio, maybe we can do a grep on "ImportError", the deprecation message doesn't emit that17:03
elopiofginther: yes, that's what I was aiming at.17:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
fgintherelopio, just curious, how would we fix the deprecation warning in the address-book tests?17:05
fgintherelopio, a fix to phablet tools would have to make it through the citrain17:06
elopiofginther: I haven't been able to work it around on the address book. I think we would have to remove the deprecation warning on the toolkit, and it will also have to go through the train.17:12
elopiommm, wait, maybe if I set the warning log.17:12
elopiofginther: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7602962/17:15
elopiothe it will not go to std17:15
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
fgintherelopio, that appears to do it17:17
fgintherelopio, I still think the fix is to update phablet tools to either do a better import check or to skip it, but it helps to have a short term fix as well17:20
elopiofginther: renato: I'll propose the workaround to the address book17:22
elopiofginther: will you propose the fix to phablet tools?17:22
renatoelopio, thanks17:23
elopioalso, some other applications might start being affected by this, so it would be nice if we get it into ci-train quickly.17:23
fgintherelopio, yes, I'll do that17:23
elopiothanks fginther17:23
elopioand finally, I think I have a bug on the toolkit, because the deprecation message will appear even if we are not importing anything from the old namespace :/17:24
elopiofginther: I reported the bug to link it on the workaround17:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1327325 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-test-run will fail if the python3 import prints something to std" [High,Confirmed]17:28
fgintherelopio, much thanks17:28
fgintherelopio, I just pushed a fix for the generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako bug I mentioned earlier17:30
elopiofginther: nice, thanks.17:30
fgintherelopio, will keep an eye on it to make sure it continues to work after address-book-app has a new release17:31
elopiofginther: I didn't understand all the details of that one, but I have seen a couple more times where we test the wrong version because of various reasons.17:32
elopioIt would be nice to make sure that the smoke runs with the right versions.17:32
elopiomaybe we can somehow set manually the version we expect on the phone, and add tests that verify it.17:33
fgintherelopio, indeed, that is *VERY* important17:33
elopioit could be tedious, but I would feel safer.17:33
elopiorenato: please give this a try: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/address-book-app/workaround1327325-warning_to_file/+merge/22237717:33
elopiowell, actually, your failure was on the jenkins-mako. I think we just need to wait.17:34
elopiooh, wait, you have staging.17:34
renatoelopio, could you change the MR target to staging branch, please?17:37
elopiorenato: I've just updated it ^17:37
robrucamako, ok, we had a hiccup, but platform-api is now in -proposed ;-)18:03
fgintherelopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/phablet-tools/fix-ptr-python3-import-check/+merge/22239118:05
fgintherxnox, could you lend a review to this as well? https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/phablet-tools/fix-ptr-python3-import-check/+merge/22239118:06
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xnoxfginther: hm, that looks weird, that's not the code i used to have there. let me look at the history.18:48
fgintherxnox, thanks for reviewing18:51
xnoxfginther: yeah, the check is definately bogus, now that you point it out18:51
fgintherxnox, I had hoped to remove it completely, but alas I found 1 project that is still falling back to python 218:52
xnoxfginther: haha, there is more than one, deb based ones, no?!18:52
fgintherxnox, the one I found was mediaplayer-app, still deb based18:53
xnoxfginther: all good. Approve.18:54
fgintherxnox, thanks!18:58
robruricmm, looks like we're on the verge of having success with this platform-api landing (1.2.0 is in -proposed and is just about to hit the release pocket). so in silo 7 you'll soon need to rebuild platform-api and unity-mir. let me know if you need any help with it19:05
robruI'm off for lunch but I'll be back!19:05
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cprov | CI Train Status: TRAINCON-0 | CI Train Support: US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
Saviqrobru, if around, could you please publish silo 014? it's been ACKed for a few hours now20:03
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robruSaviq, yeah, i'll do it today, just waiting on an image build20:16
robruwhich reminds me20:16
robruslangasek, can you kick an image build please? thx ;-)20:16
Saviqrobru, ah ok thanks20:21
robruogra_, cyphermox, rsalveti: anybody around? I need an image build kicked20:22
robruSaviq, you're welcome!20:22
cyphermoxrobru: done20:25
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imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 72 building (started: 20140606 20:35) ===20:35
=== cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: TRAINCON-0 | CI Train Support: US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
cyphermoxrobru: we still traincon-0?21:22
robrucyphermox, somebody isn't reading the landing mails ;-)21:22
cyphermoxactually, I'm just reading the topic right now ;)21:23
robrubah, ten million places to change the status21:23
cyphermoxcprov: could you remove traincon-0 and just write normal landings?21:23
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #71 promoted | CI Train Support: US: robru, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
robrui got it21:24
cyphermoxah ok21:24
cyphermoxI'm always expecting this to be chanserv's domain21:24
cyphermoxgoing hiking tomorrow, I can't wait21:25
robrusweet, big hike? i'm going for a short one on sunday21:25
cyphermoxnot that big21:25
cyphermoxjust mucking around at Montmorency Park near Quebec21:26
cyphermoxmaybe I can convince my gf to walk on the suspension bridge above the falls ;D21:28
robrui love suspension bridges21:28
cyphermoxI love the fact it means I can go gear shopping tonight :)21:29
robruhaha, awesome. i got some new hiking poles recently, some outdoorsy store closed down and cleared out their inventory21:29
robrunot lucky for them!21:30
cyphermoxI know Catou would like some, but it's too expensive... 100$+ for poles :(21:30
robrucyphermox, oh dude, what are you buying them, NASA? the ones I bought were regular $40 but on sale for $1521:30
cyphermoxI didn't see any where I usually go21:31
cyphermoxI'll just pick up some suitably-straight dead branches on the way21:31
cprovcyphermox: sorry, missed your msg21:32
cyphermoxcprov: no worries, robru took care of it21:32
cprovcyphermox: anytime. Have a nice weekend!21:33
cyphermoxyou too21:33
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 72 DONE (finished: 20140606 21:55) ===21:55
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/72.changes ===21:55
robruwoop woop!21:55
* popey stabs "check for updates"21:59
ricmmrobru: theres more to it than a rebuild, I'll work on it monday23:02
ricmmim glad that silo 7 got unblocked tho23:03
ricmmthank you23:03
bregmarobru, it looks like the choo choo is being moody again23:15
robruricmm, you're welcome23:17
robrubregma, how so?23:17
robruoh, the bot you mean?23:18

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