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didrocksrobru: excellent explanation on the changelog, thanks for doing that :)06:06
Laneygooooooooooood morning desktoppers08:04
Laneyhappy friday08:04
didrockshappy frrrrrrrriday Laney!08:09
Sweet5harkHappy Friday everyone!08:09
* Sweet5hark packs stuff for german LibreOffice community weekend.08:10
didrockshey Sweet5hark!08:10
Sweet5hark(... and is depressend by LibreOffice4.3/utopic failing on the buildds in tests, but working fine in a local pbuilder)08:11
Sweet5harkwell, actually LibreOffice 4.2 is failing on the buildds too.08:11
Laneyhey didrocks et Sweet5hark08:11
Sweet5hark(which used to work fine)08:12
Laneythere's some kind of law here08:12
Laneydistro developers spend x% of time fixing tests of which y% is actually not the fault of the tests but the environment08:13
Laneywhere x and y are large08:13
seb128good morning desktopers, happy friday!08:13
Sweet5harkseb128: morning!08:13
seb128hey didrocks Laney Sweet5hark08:13
Laneyhey seb12808:14
Laneyhappy friday!08:14
seb128Laney, well, at least pitti&co work on improvement the infra which should reduce y08:14
Sweet5harkLaney: The law is actually not new. We just have more controlled environments now to pinpoint issues IMHO.08:14
Laneyit's things like no network in buildds08:14
Laneyor different kernel versions08:15
seb128right :/08:15
seb128what's the solution? stop running tests?08:15
seb128(if you reply "yes" I'm going for some slapping!)08:15
Sweet5harkseb128: yes08:16
LaneyUSERS = QA!08:16
seb128Sweet5hark, lol08:16
* seb128 slaps Sweet5hark08:16
Sweet5harkseb128: IMHO, we should move ~all tests to autopkgtests instead of during the build. Throwing away 24 hours of building because a tests ran in the wrong moon phase is bad. Test should obviously still be run and watched closely etc.08:18
seb128you are free to do that on your packages08:19
seb128I'm not sure I've much of an opinion on the topic08:19
seb128out of that tests shouldn't be flacky08:19
Sweet5harkseb128: well, this case is a bit different: the tests _are_ stable in my local pbuilder/upstream/everywhere else. Just not in the buildd which is fun to debug ...08:25
Sweet5harkspeaking of which: does anybody know where the "Cannot create pipe for readline" in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/175001708/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.libreoffice_1%3A4.2.4~rc2-0ubuntu1~utopic1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz comes from?08:28
Sweet5harkwhat should happen in the case of a test crash is that it creates a core dump and parses the dump with gdb (all inside the LibreOffice build system) -- that would be rather helpful here.08:30
Sweet5harkI need to forced a test to crash in my local pbuilder to see if I get a crash here ...08:30
Sweet5harks/get a crash/get a stack trace/08:30
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seb128marga, hey, reopening https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/1016103 doesn't seem a good idea, if it's an apparmor issue neither the title nor the description, nor the tags, nor the subscribed people are correct, it's just going to sit ignored09:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1016103 in evince (Ubuntu) "evince unable to save changes to toolbar" [Low,Confirmed]09:04
margaseb128, yeah, I had the feeling it was not the best course of action, but I'm kind of in a tight spot right now and don't have the time to report a new bug properly :-/09:05
seb128marga, ok, I'm just pointing it, don't expect much09:05
seb128marga, I don't know apparmor well, but to me it still seems you are in the case of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor#Adjusting_Tunables09:05
margaIt could be09:06
margaBut why would adding the rule I said fix the issue, then?09:06
seb128no idea09:06
seb128is the issue specific to GNOME3?09:06
seb128or does it happen under Unity?09:07
margaI couldn't repro under Unity09:07
seb128even weirder09:07
margaYeah, well.09:07
margaYou could just close the bug if you think it will not get anywher.09:07
margaI won't get offended :)09:07
seb128well, if it's a real issue we should keep it open09:08
seb128it just that it's not defined well enough atm I think09:08
seb128so it's likely to get anywhere09:08
margaAs I said, I'm currently under a lot of pressure for other things and I didn't have a lot of time, I just wanted to report the magic line09:08
seb128bug #101610309:09
ubot5bug 1016103 in evince (Ubuntu) "changes to toolbar don't persist under GNOME3 with non standard userdirs (due to apparmor restrictions)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101610309:09
seb128marga, ^ I updated the title at least09:09
margaseb128, thanks09:12
maxbIs there any nicer way to configure autostart apps (the ones in /etc/xdg/autostart/) other than first editing the files there to remove NoDisplay=true, so that they show up in gnome-session-properties ?09:33
seb128not really no09:35
LaneyYou can copy them to ~/.config/autostart/ and remove NoDisplay=true in there ...09:35
maxbOh. Hiding these appears to be an unhelpful Ubuntu diff :-/09:35
seb128Laney, "I've got a followup because the same/different toggle is buggy" ... mean you are going to propose a branch?09:35
seb128cool, waiting to organize a landing then09:36
seb128"unhelpful" ... it's helpful, it prevents users to shoot themself in the foot by disabling an essential session service without understand why it's there09:36
Laneythere's the mp09:36
Laneyoh I forgot to prereq it on his one, hang on09:37
maxbseb128: Well.... the situation is such that so much has been hidden to protect the user from themselves that gnome-session-properties is now entirely useless09:37
seb128it's not09:38
seb128it's there to add things09:38
seb128not to remove system components09:38
maxbOn my fresh trusty install, ironically the only displayed item is indicator-application09:38
seb128it's meant to be an empty list where users add e.g tomboy09:38
seb128indicator-application shouldn't be listed, that's a bug09:38
maxbI suppose the current situation is an uneasy compromise because there wasn't time to add a GUI selection to opt out of the hiding09:39
seb128why would you want to display the things that are hidden?09:42
maxbTo turn off the ones I don't want (like gnome-keyring-ssh)09:42
maxbSo that traditional openssh ssh-agent can take over09:43
maxbHm, apparently gnome-session-properties has been removed upstream anyway09:55
seb128your ssh think seems like a bug09:58
seb128not something you should have to fiddle with autostarts to make work09:59
seb128especially that some of those services are upstart jobs now09:59
maxbIt is hard to see where this is configured, yes.10:01
maxbThe ssh-agent I actually use is the one launched by /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90x11-common_ssh-agent10:01
xnoxmaxb: what's wrong? we run user sessions with upstart, so you can use upstart jobs in ~/.config/upstart/10:01
seb128what's the issue with the gnome-keyring one?10:01
xnoxmaxb: ssh-agent is started by upstart. and in utopic upstart also starts the gnome-keyring agents (well makes the environment variables exported the right way)10:02
xnoxmaxb: we didn't SRU it into trusty yet.10:02
xnoxwhat does "$ status ssh-agent" say?10:03
maxbOh, hmm, it does say start/running there. So perhaps what I mean is that I *used* to use the ssh-agent started by /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ but this has been taken over by upstart without me noticing in trusty10:04
maxbAs to why I don't use the gnome-keyring agent, it's partly because I want something I can interact with in all cases when SSHed into my workstation remotely, and partially because it has a tendency to fail to sign auth challenges if you initiate lots of SSH sessions at the same time10:05
xnoxmaxb: default in pre-upstart sessions was ssh-agent starts, then gnome-keyring starts and takes over the agent vars. What are the symptoms? you do login with password and you never used to be asked for ssh passwords, but now you get a GTK+ dialog for ssh password?10:06
xnoxmaxb: to disable gnome-keyring, you need to copy it's autostart file, into ~/.config/xdg/autostart (i think) and set an extra var hidden=true, if that's what you think the problem is.10:07
xnoxwe only have upstart user-session in "normal" desktop logins, not when login in via tty/ssh/etc.10:07
maxbRight - that's what I've been doing for the past few releases. It just occurred to me to see if there was a better way than copying .desktop files around10:08
xnoxnot that i know off, per spec it can be a two-liner file with the matching name. But gnome-session rejects files if they lack e.g. Name arg and a few others, hence the copy & paste10:09
maxbIt looks like gnome-tweak-tool would be upstream's designated place for this sort of config these days10:10
xnoxin the future of running user sessions under systemd, you'd be able to symlink a unit file to /dev/null to disable it.10:11
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om26ermvo, Hi! I am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/7601417/ when i try to add a ppa on my phone. help ?12:50
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mvohey om26er - does it happen for all ppas or just for a specific one?13:07
mvoom26er: hm, actually - that looks a lot like some sort of corruption, it fails to import13:07
mvoom26er: what does "python3 -c 'from xml.sax.saxutils import escape'" say?13:08
mvo(or maybe just python instead of python3)13:08
om26ermvo, works fine, no exceptions13:08
om26erand phone only have python313:08
mvoom26er: both? py3 and py?13:08
ogra_did you make the image writable ?13:09
om26erogra_, its writable, yes13:09
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seb128kenvandine, mterry: hey, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/background-toggle/+merge/222298 ?13:12
mvoom26er: hm, badmarshal usually indicates a corrupted .pyc file13:13
mterryseb128, I'm sort-of off today, but could review this weekend if ken doens't13:14
seb128mterry, no worry, can be next week13:14
seb128mterry, don't connect to IRC on your days off! and enjoy the w.e ;-)13:14
kenvandineseb128, i'll look at it13:43
kenvandinemterry, stay away from IRC :)13:44
seb128kenvandine, thansk13:44
* kenvandine shouldn't have highlighted him again :)13:44
popeyHas anyone tested ubiquity on a 14.10 daily live cd recently? I can't get ubiquity to start - gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/7601879/ "pkexec must be setuid root"13:55
xnoxpopey: hm, so latest desktop image that was promoted was in may.14:00
xnox(20 - 22 May)14:00
xnoxthus pending are borked in automated testing, let me check.14:01
kenvandineseb128, approved14:01
kenvandineseb128, can you arrange landing of that gsettings-qt fix?14:02
popeyxnox: pretty sure I tried the ones from 20/22 may and had the same problem14:04
xnoxpopey: the image itself, has pkexec with setuid bit set in the squashfs. Botting to see what's happening in the live system.14:05
popeyxnox: okay, double checked, the amd64 image from 2014-05-20 loads ubiquity14:09
seb128kenvandine, sure14:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, i think i've figured out bug 130770914:15
ubot5bug 1307709 in Oxide "webbrowser-app does not start in Unity 8 preview session" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130770914:15
xnoxX starts, panel loads, unity-settings-daemon does not come up.14:15
chrisccoulsongood news, it's not in oxide \o/14:15
chrisccoulsonbad news, it's because the mir egl backend in mesa is incomplete14:16
seb128chrisccoulson, good that we have a team working on mir ;-)14:16
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah14:22
chrisccoulsonseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1307709/comments/1314:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1307709 in mesa (Ubuntu) "webbrowser-app does not start in Unity 8 preview session" [High,Triaged]14:23
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Laneyseb128: you uploading u-s-s?15:10
seb128Laney, yes, is that ok?15:11
Laneyjust checking15:11
seb128Laney, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-020/+packages if you want to check/test it15:12
Laneyoh it's already there15:12
seb128kenvandine, can you test https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-018/+packages ?15:12
kenvandineseb128, sure15:12
popeyxnox: would you like me to file a bug for the ubiquity issue?15:18
xnoxpopey: yeah. It does launch, and then idle's in perl process and i don't know why yet.15:19
popeyxnox: the boot splash menu is broken too15:21
xnoxpopey: we have a bug about boot splash menu already15:22
kenvandineseb128, works great!15:23
seb128kenvandine, thanks for confirming15:23
kenvandinenp, i'll look forward to that landing and making my click hook reliable :)15:24
popeyxnox: ok15:26
* dro|desrt eyes bugzilla15:40
didrocksok, time to run (was trapped in work, didn't see the time), and EOW! :)15:50
didrocksMonday is be off in France, see you on Tuesday!15:50
Laneybye, happy weekend!15:51
didrocksthanks, you too Laney!15:51
* dro|desrt digs into the codepath that keeps giving back -- signal handler closure invalidation15:54
chrisccoulsonseb128, i just had oxide running in desktop unity8 :P16:11
chrisccoulson(although, I had to disable the form factor detection, as it still crashes there)16:12
seb128chrisccoulson, nice!16:12
dro|desrtlarsu: quick signoff?  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73133916:19
ubot5Gnome bug 731339 in general "giochannel: avoid setting uninitialised length" [Normal,New]16:19
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dro|desrtlarsu: thoughts also welcome on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=730296 if you're looking for a larger time investment :)16:21
ubot5Gnome bug 730296 in gobject "gsignal: Fix a potential NULL pointer dereference" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:21
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NoskcajI'm making a MIR bug for uhttpmock, which libgdata now build-depends on. Would this team be willing to be the "owning" team23:27
Noskcajbug t23:44
Noskcajbug 132745823:44
ubot5bug 1327458 in uhttpmock (Ubuntu) "[MIR] uhttpmock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132745823:44
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