[07:18] nhaines: so i installed unity8-desktop-session-mir like you said, and now i get only a text console [07:33] Hm, that's unfortuante. [07:35] and i can't get unity7 to run anymore either [07:35] where are mir's logs? [07:36] No idea--I don't run Mir. [07:36] But you should get lightdm running and then you just choose a different session. [07:36] Alternativel, removing unity8-desktop-session-mir... [07:37] lightdm doesn't run anymore [07:37] nor does plymouth [07:39] I haven't looked into it since March, but I've never had that happen before. [07:40] I'd remove any proprietary graphics drivers, and if that doesn't work, remove the package. [07:40] removing the pkg does not remove mir [07:41] nor does it remove unity8 [07:41] graphics are intel [07:46] Purging the package shuold remove all first-level dependencies. [07:47] doesn't [07:52] I don't have any further advice. Any open source driver should work, but I haven't used it in production. [08:16] gah, i'm dumb [08:16] grabbed ubuntu-touch-session along with it [08:16] removed that and it boots [08:17] into lightdm anyway [08:17] the mir session just gets a black screen [08:37] Well that's a happy improvement, at least. [13:45] Good Morning [14:08] Good Morning [16:22] morning [16:23] * ianorlin decided on letting phillw do UOS because I don't want to start talking at 7am and wake my dad up grumpy on mike [16:25] hehe [19:54] Killed my Twitter account yesterday - I feel liberated : ) [20:00] I never really understood twitter [22:53] I understand Twitter, but never really got into it - at one time I had accounts with ALL the major social platforms and now I've weeded down to just G+ [22:55] I think I have already spread all my "feelers" out three and tested the waters time to reduce the mess to a smaller more manageable circle [23:03] Has everyone gotten their new openSSL packages installed? [23:15] I think so, but wondering if I need to change a bunch of passwords now. [23:15] As I understand it, the danger is mostly from attackers on the same net (or a net between you and the server) [23:16] so on sites where you use SSL from open networks, there's a danger, but sites you only access from home, maybe not? [23:18] unless someone has your wifi password [23:24] I'm not too worried about that.