
JoshStroblYo popey, when did you land the Youtube app?00:43
JoshStroblJust noticed it today, search for it a couple days back and there wasnt one :D00:44
JoshStroblah, noticed that the videos now work as a result of image 71 being promoted. awesomeness. http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/70.changes01:12
xenos1984hi everyone, does anyone have experience with (manually) installing multirom (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2011403) for building a dual-boot system with ubuntu touch and other linux flavors?04:25
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Guest77830any one help me to port ubuntu touch04:31
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OzziemotoHello is there any way to install this on windows.05:51
lotuspsychjeOzziemoto: you mean as emulator?05:53
lotuspsychjeOzziemoto: or install ubuntu-touch on windows phone device?05:53
mihailocan i wrote here if i need help with installing touch on ''other'' device? :-)06:09
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ogra_popey, tried ubuntu-app-stop ?10:43
xenos1984Tassadar: hey, would you mind helping me with some issue i have with (manually) installing multirom on a nexus 7? i flashed the multirom twrp recovery, but when i try to flash the multirom zip from recovery / install, it says "failed to unpack boot img"... any idea what could be wrong?11:30
Tassadarwhat did you have flashed previously? like, android, some custom ROM or somethin else?11:31
xenos1984in fact, ubuntu touch from the ubuntu installer tools11:31
Tassadarmultirom needs android as the primary ROM (the one which is installed on the device by default and will be there even if you'd remove multirom)11:32
Tassadarubuntu touch can only be installed as secondary ROM11:32
xenos1984oh, i see, i guess then it won't work the way i planned... thanks for the clarification11:34
Tassadarxenos1984: do you have adb installed? can you access the device via adb while it is in recovery?11:36
xenos1984Tassadar: yes11:36
Tassadara log from the recovery after the failed installation might be useful, it should in theory work even with ubuntu now that I think about it11:36
Tassadarokay, can you go to recovery, try to install the zip, and after it fails, do 'adb pull /tmp/recovery.log' on computer?11:37
Tassadarand put that log on some pastebin or whatever11:37
xenos1984oh, good, sure, i will do that11:37
xenos1984Tassadar: http://pastebin.com/VQjHPw6411:41
Tassadarthat's weird, it fails to extract the boot.img completely Oo11:45
xenos1984hm... i guess that should not happen... let me check the size of the zip, maybe it is corrupted11:47
Tassadarcan you make a backup of boot partition (just the boot, it's pretty small) and send it to me?11:47
Tassadarit will be in /sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/*serial number*/boot.emmc.win11:48
xenos1984ok, let me try11:48
Tassadar*/sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/*serial number*/*backup name*/boot.emmc.win11:48
xenos1984so... that gives me some 8MB file, how should i send it to you?11:51
Tassadaryeah, via dropbox or some other file sharing thingy11:52
xenos1984ok, good11:52
Tassadar(file sending via irc is kinda slow)11:52
xenos1984Tassadar: this should work:
xenos1984so the boot.img is extracted from the boot partition? maybe it is corrupted, in fact i had some issues booting ubuntu lately... maybe i need to flash it again11:57
Tassadaryeah...it seems to be too big11:57
Tassadarit has 6.72MB kernel + 2.45MB ramdisk11:57
Tassadarwhich is more than 8MB (the size of boot partition)11:57
Tassadardid you modify the kernel?11:58
xenos1984hm... i see...11:58
Tassadaroh, did you flash multirom's kernel already?11:58
xenos1984i used the standard ubuntu installer11:58
xenos1984and then tried to flash multiboot11:59
xenos1984it's possible that i also accidentally flashed the multirom kernel11:59
Tassadaryeah...ubuntu won't work with it, because it is android kernel11:59
Tassadarand since the ubuntu kernel isn't patched with kexec, it won't support all multirom's features12:00
Tassadarso I think I'm gonna have to go back to "having ubuntu touch as primary ROM is not supported", sorry :/12:00
xenos1984ah, i see... so which features would be missing?12:01
Tassadarthe patch is needed to boot other kernels12:01
Tassadarso all the systems would have the same kernel, the one from ubuntu12:01
Tassadarand android ROMs won't work with it12:02
xenos1984ah... ok, i see, too bad... i was hoping to get archlinux running somehow, but it seems that this is not so easy with (or even without) multiboot and ubuntu as primary...12:03
xenos1984i guess then i have to find some other solution, but anyway, thanks for your help!12:07
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popeyogra_: seen this? https://github.com/kulve/tegra-ubuntu13:25
popeyubuntu tv revivied ㋛13:25
gregor3005hi, i get a hint to ubuntu-touch seconds before in the main #ubuntu channel. i read the official page first but beside i have a important question. is it possible to install eclipse on ubuntu-touch and develope java application on a tablet :-) ?14:11
popeygregor3005: we don't ship java by default on ubuntu for devices14:14
gregor3005popey: how can i imagine ubuntu-touch? will it be a fully ubuntu on a tablet, with the full shell so i can compile any software that i need when have the source?14:16
popeygregor3005: not quite, apps will need to be ported to run on mir14:18
gregor3005popey: the nexus 10 device looks good for that + i found also cyanogenmod for it14:18
popeyand they may need to be tweaked for a touch UI14:19
popeyrather than a keyboard / mouse14:19
gregor3005popey: i will also attach a keyboard, developing with a touch-keyboard sound horrible :-)14:19
gregor3005popey: the idea why i want to do this. i have a good old laptop which i use very often but the battery holds only 25 minuten (in good cases). yesterday i looked for a new device but they are very expensive. then i thought for my needs a tablet would be enough but i need to develop sometimes when i'm around14:22
gregor3005popey: worst alternative case will be a macbook but i love linux. so spend 900€ for a macbook and install linux on this sound not like a good idea :-D14:23
ankohoups wrong button sry for notice :D14:42
lotuspsychjepopey: nice work on the youtube app :p14:44
lotuspsychjei have to enable web version because mobile version doesnt work14:46
lotuspsychjebut its the same with youtube on webbrowser-app14:47
popeyyeah. i just threw the webapp together when i saw that yt worked on device now14:50
lotuspsychjedailymotion worked also nice on my n714:51
popeyoh nice14:51
lotuspsychjeso with the youtube and outlook app, it starts to get complete on touch :p14:52
popeygetting there14:52
popeydaker / jdstrand fyi bug 132757315:59
ubot5bug 1327573 in qtwebkit-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "QtWebProcess crash on #73 flo running baboom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132757315:59
dakerpopey: is it related to the app ?16:00
popeyi get an apparmor crash when running it16:00
popeysorry, apparmor denial, and a qt crash16:00
popeydunno if it's a problem with the webapp profile, or apparmor or the app16:01
popeyjust filing it and letting you know ☻16:01
dakeri'll update the app to use the new webapp-container16:06
popeyalso. [Sat Jun  7 16:01:23 2014] type=1400 audit(1402156885.059:681): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mkdir" parent=1253 profile="com.ubuntu.developer.daker.x-type_x-type_0.4" name=2F686F6D652F706861626C65742F2E6C6F63616C2F73686172652F51742050726F6A6563742F pid=16032 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201116:07
popeyand steel story16:07
dakerhm :(16:08
dakerpopey: where can i find the list of frameworks ?16:31
dakerpopey: WARNING:root:Ignoring missing framework "ubuntu-sdk-14.04-html"16:35
jdstrandpopey: fyi- $ aa-decode 2F686F6D652F706861626C65742F2E6C6F63616C2F73686172652F51742050726F6A6563742F18:25
jdstrandDecoded: /home/phablet/.local/share/Qt Project/18:25
jdstrandpopey: something is not setting the qml applicationName correctly and so it is using the default shared directory, .local/share/Qt Project18:25
jdstrand(which isn't allowed)18:26
jdstranddaker: the framework definitions are stored in /usr/share/click/frameworks18:26
jdstranddaker: note that your development box and the device may have different installed frameworks18:27
dakerjdstrand: i see18:33
popeyjdstrand: cunning!18:42
dakerpopey: i have submitted two updates18:44
popeywill review in a bit, in the middle of running every single app on my phone :D18:45
dakerbaboom & steel story18:45
popeyhave run have run 240 so far, another 70 or so to go18:45
popeyonly 6 crashers so far18:46
cwaynepopey: hey, im having trouble launching 'shorts', have you seen that at all?19:21
popeycwayne: no19:27
ogra_bah, battery time is really gotten bad19:28
cwaynehm, i wonder if its just the mae image19:28
ogra_cwayne, what are you basing on ?19:28
ogra_anything before 70 was trash19:28
popey71 is *awesome*19:28
ogra_trouble started with 59 ... iirc19:28
cwaynebut split greeter breaks n7 in landscape19:28
cwayneyeah, 58 was last one before split greeter ogra_19:29
cwaynei wish i could use 71, but no dice19:29
ogra_popey, i had the network indicator crash multiple times today ... and battery life degraded a lot19:29
ogra_and while testing a bunch of new games for packaging i nearly burned my fingers ...19:30
popeyI have had no crashes today19:30
ogra_i went shopping and when i returned the indicator was gone19:30
ogra_took three reboots to get it back19:30
popeyone thing I have noticed is that it hangs onto far away access points more, in recent images19:31
ogra_and with the new tech. design it also removes your wlan settings in the settings app now :(19:31
popeyeven on a clean boot it chooses the one at the other end of the house, not the one next to me19:31
ogra_it feeds the info int the app nowadays19:31
ogra_so if it crashes ... no info19:31
ogra_and thus no settings19:32
* ogra_ tried out a bunch of wbgl games today ... all flickery :(19:34
popeyi tested every single app in the store today ☻19:35
popeyonly 7 bugs filed19:35
dakerpopey: do you know why i can't uninstall some apps ?19:54
dakerthey only have an "open" button and no sign of a comment form19:55
popeydaker: rm /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/*.desktop19:58
popeythen reboot19:59
popey(on the device)19:59
ahayzenpopey, will people running on the devel branch have to run that to 'fix' the issue or is it just an issue that was introduced when running devel-proposed?20:04
popeyonly people who went through the broken ones20:07
popeyif you went 50->71 you're okay20:07
dakerpopey: ok20:09
ahayzenpopey, ah cool just wanted to check ;)20:23

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