
jrwrengreg-g: oh greg! :)00:03
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho04:01
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Tapporauta by Korpiklaani on Nuclear Blast Showdown Spring 200804:01
cmaloneyoh Last.fm you cray cray04:01
jrwrenanyone know of a tool which will take a python stack trace and let me walk those files in vim?14:49
jrwrenzomg, 2 yrs later-ish - i finally fix my byobu tmux binding to the behavior I want.15:10
jrwrensometimes I htink python3 is not worth it.15:53
jrwrensomeone should fork python3 and make a python that doesn't suck.15:53
jrwrenway too many wrong decisions in python315:53
jrwrennevermind, I take it all back.  :p15:55
jrwrenbut seriously, 2to3 should support rfc822-> email.utils15:55
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/niFr4 - Spitz Bench | Official Dan Spitz Blog and Community20:15
cmaloneyDowngraded my kernel for the first time in a while.23:03

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