
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
killmakercheck this out http://codes4free.net/?ref=FPjYNpU2b00:29
XimoHello, does anyone knows how to delete those two icons?(Not the K menu) http://i.imgur.com/WOD7QQ9.png02:14
XimoWith the cashew I can't02:14
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lordievaderGood morning.08:33
geoextraHey :-)08:36
lordievaderHey geoextra, how are you?08:37
geoextraFine, thx. How about you?08:43
amichaircan anyone confirm whether a tmpfs ram disk takes up any RAM if it's empty?08:50
bashebaIs Kubuntu awesome or what <308:56
valoriebasheba: good to hear you love it too08:58
valoriewhat is your favorite bit?08:58
basheba16 years i prefer no other desktop08:58
valoriesince the beginning, then08:58
valorielonger than me08:58
valoriemaybe 10 years or so for me08:58
bashebaoh there you are. Had to change the font color08:59
tsimpsonamichair: no, if it's empty it doesn't take up space09:00
amichairtsimpson: great09:00
amichairis it recommended to put /tmp on tmpfs?09:01
bashebahey what happened to the kubuntu women channel?09:01
amichairtsimpson: do you know why not?09:01
tsimpsonamichair: you may need more storage than you have memory, like if you want to burn a CD/DVD for example09:02
tsimpsonI've also seen browsers store large data in /tmp09:02
tsimpson/tmp was on a tmpfs in Ubuntu a few years back and it was decided it just wasn't worth it for most people09:03
tsimpsonbasheba: you mean #ubuntu-women ?09:03
bashebaoh ok thanks09:03
amichairtsimpson: I see09:04
valoriebasheba: #ubuntu-women is for all of us in the community who support women in Ubuntu09:04
valoriewe'd be pretty small if we split up by desktop09:04
lordievadergeoextra: Doing good here :)09:06
amichairtsimpson: and how much swap is recommended for 16G RAM?09:06
tsimpsonamichair: that depends, do you want to be able to hibernate/suspend to disk?09:06
amichairtsimpson: not really09:07
tsimpsonthen you can probably get away with between 1 to 5 GB09:07
amichairtsimpson: ok, thanks!09:08
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lordievaderHey rd_10:23
BluesKajHiyas all11:19
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Ximo_Hello BluesKaj11:57
BluesKajhi Ximo_11:59
EvilEagleis there some trick when trying to add a printer that is on the network, (a windows network,) that will allow me to browse for the printer.  there is a big Browse button, but it is grayed out.12:06
lordievaderEvilEagle: Is it shared through SAMBA/CIFS?12:08
EvilEaglethey are share yes.  i have 6 or 7 connected at different locations.  i move them often enough being able to browser for them instead of memorizing their shae names would be much better.12:10
EvilEagleshared i meant12:10
lordievaderEvilEagle: The smbclient can list printers it seems: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-8.html12:11
EvilEagleyeah  i was trying to use kde's printer applet.  guess its just broke12:13
EvilEaglei can walk ot the machines and get their share names.  jsut was wondering if i was missing  a package or something12:14
EvilEagleor systems settings that is12:14
EvilEaglewhat is triggering the notification that "proprietary drivers might be required  ."  i have selected the nvida driver i want already but the notification comes back once ever couple minutes or so.12:26
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bashebaya know what?  Someone should let Canonical/KDE/Kubuntu developers know that Kubuntu 13.10 and above should with graphic driver version nvidia-304 by default for the nvidia cards.  I can't get Trusty on here b/c 14.04 won't give me the gpu I need.15:09
lordievader!info nvidia-30415:10
ubottunvidia-304 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.117. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.117-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 19895 kB, installed size 90133 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:10
BluesKaj!info nvidia-current15:13
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.117-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 35 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:13
BluesKajwell now , the 319 driver has regressed to 304 on 13.1015:14
lordievader!info nvidia-current saucy15:14
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu8 (saucy), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)15:14
lordievaderDon't really get his complaint.15:16
BluesKajlordievader, I recall 13.10 nvidia-current was 313 after a clean install, then after upgrades the current went to 31915:16
BluesKajnow it's 304 for stabilitu I assume15:17
=== Ethan is now known as Guest66400
jxjlhi, does anybody know, how to get global appmenu working for gtk apps and LibreOffice in new Kubuntu? I have installed appmenu-gtk as usual, but nohning happened17:03
bubble_beami installed kde-plasma-desktop package17:46
bubble_beamand i cant find the network manager icon on the panel17:46
DarthFrogbubble_beam:  Use the magic cashew to add it.17:49
bubble_beamDarthFrog, ?17:49
BluesKajclick the cashew icon on the far right, then add widgets, type network into the searchbar, choose network management17:50
DarthFrogWhen the panel has the focus, there's a cashew-shaped golden icon on the right.  Click on it.17:50
bubble_beamwhat should i be adding exactly?17:50
DarthFrogDo as BluesKaj suggested.17:51
bubble_beamthere is only network monitory17:51
bubble_beamno network management17:51
BluesKajbubble_beam, install kubuntu-desktop17:51
bubble_beami already did17:52
bubble_beamso , more packages needed?17:52
bubble_beamokay DarthFrog17:53
bubble_beamlemme try17:53
BluesKajkde-plasma-desktop is not kubuntu-desktop afaik17:53
bubble_beamwell, i thought it will be much lighter than the whole package17:53
DarthFrogIt'd be part of it, I imagine.17:53
DarthFrogMuch lighter?  Not likely.17:54
bubble_beama ton of other things comes with the kubuntu-desktop package17:54
bubble_beamwhich are not nearly necessary17:54
bubble_beamokay. a bit lighter :)17:55
DarthFrogWell, then you can chase down the individual packages to provide your desired functionality.  :-)17:56
DarthFrogUse "apt-cache search <search term>" to identify them.17:57
DarthFrogand "apt-cache show <package name>" to get info on them.17:57
* BluesKaj shrugs17:57
bubble_beami should go for something like corelinux or arch :P17:58
* DarthFrog notes a certain similarity in attitude between BluesKaj and Pontius Pilate. :-)17:58
shadeslayerbubble_beam: you probably want to install kubuntu-desktop btw17:58
bubble_beamshadeslayer, ?17:58
shadeslayerbecause, that only installs plasma desktop and stuff, a bit useless by itself I imagine17:59
shadeslayer<bubble_beam> i should go for something like corelinux or arch :P < how does that help?18:00
DarthFrogArch?  Do you enjoy wearing hair shirts?18:00
BluesKajDarthFrog, kubuntu-desktop does include some very useful apps , but also some that I never use18:00
bubble_beamwell, DarthFrog was suggesting just find and install individual packages18:00
DarthFrogOnly to meet your stated goals.  Not because I agree with you.18:01
shadeslayerBluesKaj: rather install more and have stuff working than install less and spend time trying to figure out why things don't work18:01
bubble_beami am not up for an OS war :)18:02
DarthFrogAnd no-one is suggesting one.18:02
BluesKajyup, agreed shadeslayer , but i'm tired of arguing for a package that comes with a lot of excess baggage18:04
shadeslayerBluesKaj: alot of excess baggage? lol18:04
shadeslayerwe have to keep the ISO size down18:04
shadeslayerso it's basically the bare essentials18:04
bubble_beamlike arch18:04
BluesKajlike the PIM18:04
bubble_beamand maybe arch with a gui18:04
shadeslayerBluesKaj: I actually use it tbh ...18:05
BluesKajthen have fun with arch, it never did much for me18:05
bubble_beami am okay with my ubuntu :P18:05
shadeslayerI managed to make it do something, till I broke it at the next update xD18:05
bubble_beamdebian is pretty stable for me18:06
DarthFrogI installed Arch and was rather confused.  Why is eth0 now epS0e6?18:06
lordievaderDarthFrog: That actually makes sense, it is the bios name (or something like that).18:07
lordievaderDarthFrog: The idea is that it prevents name switching.18:07
DarthFroglordievader:  :-)  OK.18:07
bubble_beamunable to locate package kubuntu-desktop18:07
lordievader!info kubuntu-desktop18:08
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.308.1 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB18:08
lordievaderbubble_beam: Update your sources?18:08
bubble_beamdo i have to add any repo?18:09
DarthFrogYou might have to enable it.18:09
BluesKajuniverse deb18:09
bubble_beamit should be by default though18:09
shadeslayerhow *did* you install ? 0.o18:10
bubble_beamshadeslayer, kde?18:10
shadeslayerbubble_beam: ubuntu18:10
bubble_beamsudo apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop18:10
BluesKajcheck your /etc/apt/sources.list18:10
bubble_beamoops i am sorry18:11
bubble_beami made a mistake18:11
bubble_beami was typing into an ssh terminal18:11
BluesKajwrong machine18:12
bubble_beamnow its okay18:12
BluesKajdone that :)18:12
bubble_beamyeah , thanks guy18:12
bubble_beam70 extra MBs needed to be downloaded18:12
bubble_beamthts a whole lot of baggage18:13
BluesKajbubble_beam, 70mb are you on a '98 vintage pc ? :)18:14
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paradoxajdi have a question19:36
paradoxajdcan i have other desktop manager in kubuntu19:37
paradoxajdi really like kubuntu packages (kate, okular,..) but i really liked xfce4 more19:37
paradoxajdwhat should i do19:37
ikoniainstall xfce ?19:38
ikoniaor even better do a clean xubuntu install19:38
paradoxajdbut i want Ksoftware19:38
ikoniathats fine19:38
ikoniaas long as you have the dependencies, it will run19:39
bpromptparadoxajd:    sure, I run kubuntu but my window manager is LXDE19:40
bpromptI used to a long long ago, in SuSE used to run gnome and kde apps, had both desktop managers installed, and also ran apps from both, all ran fine19:41
ikoniathere can be problems if components depends on running desktop components, but they are few and far between19:42
paradoxajdhmm, thanks for help19:42
paradoxajdis it possible for me to get xfce with arch ?19:43
ikoniaas in archlinux the distribution ?19:43
ikoniawith arch ?19:43
paradoxajdarch with xfce desktop19:44
ikoniathen what do you mean by "with arch"19:44
ikoniawhat do you mean by arch ?19:44
ikoniais that a kde app ?19:44
ikoniaI just asked you if you meant archlinux and you said no19:44
ikoniaask the arch linux guys what packges they support19:44
bpromptparadoxajd:     I don't see why not19:44
paradoxajdi thought it isnt distribution19:44
paradoxajd(i kinda begginer to linux related stuff)19:45
ikonia#archlinux is the arch channel19:45
bpromptparadoxajd:     pretty much, you can on any linux distribution, run any desktop or windwo manager, same again, I used to run kubuntu and also at some point in SuSE ran xfce for a while19:45
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paradoxajdokay, thanks everyone for input19:45
paradoxajdi really appriciate it19:45
bpromptaemmm I meant to say, I ran KDE as my desktop manager in SuSE but was using xfce =) anyhow19:46
paradoxajdidk, maybe its because of this plasma thing19:47
paradoxajdis there something like "vanialla" kde ?19:47
ikoniawhat do you not want ?19:47
paradoxajdidk tbh19:48
lordievaderparadoxajd: Kubuntu tries to deliver a vanilla KDE.19:48
bpromptparadoxajd:    keep in mind  that the "plasma thing" is just features of "kwin" window manager, no kde desktop manager, you can run kde apps just fine with whatever desktop manager or window manager you wish, it just happens that kde uses "kwin" window manager by default19:48
ikoniaparadoxajd: why don't you focus on just using the desktop rather than asking for things you don't really know19:48
ikoniaeg: "I want vanilla kde" - but you don't even know what's not vanilla about your current kde19:49
paradoxajdi got problems with my xubuntu, so deciced to try kubuntu19:49
bpromptparadoxajd:      vanilla?   define that? you mean run kde apps on a light window and desktop environment?19:49
paradoxajdi've seen nice simple look of kubuntu at uni lab pc19:50
bpromptwhich is what I do  pretty much with LXDE19:50
paradoxajdwanted the same, but got this plasma thing19:50
lordievaderbprompt: vanilla means no modifications, i.e. as if you compile KDE from source.19:50
ikoniaparadoxajd: again, concentrate on using it and working out what you like/don't like19:50
ikoniayou can't ask for things that you don't even know what you're asking for19:50
paradoxajdwell yeah, my bad19:51
zamalipheupgrade mysql to 5.6 try to remove kde any help previnting that ?19:51
ikoniazamaliphe: where are you getting 5.6 from ?19:51
zamaliphefrom same repo i use19:52
lordievader!info mysql-server19:52
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 12 kB, installed size 130 kB19:52
bpromptparadoxajd:    you can customize kwin lots.... so... as ikonia  said, you can get rid of many say, gestures or animations you may not want, like my kwin window manager, I have it setupu to use the "classic menu" and I removed animations that just cause delays as I see it19:52
ikoniazamaliphe: which repo19:52
ikoniazamaliphe: "same repo" is not information, which repo19:52
lordievaderSeemingly not from the Ubuntu repository.19:52
ikoniait's going to be yet another poorly packages PPA where they have screwed the dependencies up so kde no longer meets the requirements and is removed19:53
zamalipheikonia: trusty19:53
ikoniazamaliphe: that's not a repo19:53
paradoxajdbprompt, i set "classic menu" too19:53
ikoniazamaliphe: which repo are you getting it from19:53
lordievaderzamaliphe: Can you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy mysql-server"19:53
bpromptparadoxajd:    then kwin works for you it seems, just need to change a few things in workspace and appearance19:54
paradoxajdone thing that bothers me is that all apps are in some taskbar, no matter in what virtual desktop arein19:55
paradoxajdin xubuntu, each virtual desktop had it own taskbar19:56
lordievaderparadoxajd: That behaviour, too, is highly customizable.19:56
lordievaderFor example on my laptop only the windows of the current desktop are shown.19:56
lordievaderBut on most other machines I leave it at the default.19:57
zamaliphelordievader: http://pastebin.com/bFsndSJ019:58
lordievaderzamaliphe: Hmm, so what is using 5.6 of mysql?19:58
zamaliphelordievader: i have no idea19:59
bpromptparadoxajd:    each virtual desktop would have its own taskbar.... otherwise it'd lose it's "desktopness"   so... that's expectable I'd think19:59
lordievaderzamaliphe: Then I do not follow your problem.20:00
zamaliphelordievader: how can i force apt to install 5.6 replace 5.5 keep kde pakges ?20:00
lordievaderzamaliphe: mysql 5.6 isn't available in the repo.20:00
bpromptparadoxajd:     then again... that's just kwin.... if you don't want to use kwin... you can use some other window manager... if you want docks... get  lxwm   or ... xfce or whatever else, quite a few out there20:00
bpromptparadoxajd:     but all that's customizable  in appearance or workspace in system settings for "kwin" anyway20:01
paradoxajdi guess i'll play with customisations more20:04
ikoniazamaliphe: where are you getting the 5.6 package from ?20:04
zamalipheikonia: http://pastebin.com/gb2ZHkMD20:05
lordievader!info mysql-server-5.620:06
ubottumysql-server-5.6 (source: mysql-5.6): MySQL database server binaries and system database setup. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.6.17-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 5243 kB, installed size 48115 kB20:06
ikoniathen why is apt-cache policy also showing 5.520:06
ikonia1info mysql-server20:06
ikonia!info mysql-server20:06
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 12 kB, installed size 130 kB20:06
lordievaderWell, that's interesting.20:06
ikoniathis is shambles,20:06
lordievaderStill why install 5.6 if it removes KDE, seems a bit silly to me.20:07
lordievaderzamaliphe: Why do you need 5.6?20:07
zamaliphelordievader: becuse i get few bugs with 5.520:07
zamaliphelordievader: i think that 5.6 will fix them20:07
Exagone313zamaliphe: try to compile it20:08
ikoniazamaliphe: which bugs20:08
ikoniazamaliphe: do not compile anything20:08
ikoniaExagone313: it's not funny20:08
zamalipheikonia: i keep geeting memory errors with 5.520:08
ikoniazamaliphe: what sort of memory errors ?20:08
ikoniaOOM ?20:08
Exagone313ikonia: it can be a solution, but compile is sometimes difficult20:08
ikoniaExagone313: no, it's not a solution, more so when there are official packages20:09
Exagone313or extract deb file20:09
ikoniawhy ?20:09
ikoniawhat benifit is that going to give ?20:09
zamalipheikonia: i know this is why i'm trying to install it from ubutu20:09
ikoniazamaliphe: so what's the memory problems OOM ?20:10
zamalipheikonia: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1135): Can't create a new thread (errno 11); if you are not out of available memory20:10
ikoniazamaliphe: does your machine have memory free ? are you hitting the IPC limits from your mysql setup ?20:11
ikoniazamaliphe: have you changed the my.cnf from default ?20:11
ikonia(or any settings from default)20:11
lordievaderzamaliphe: Seems more like a configuration fault than a bug in the software.20:12
zamalipheikonia: i have 6 GB RAM + 3GB swap20:12
ikoniazamaliphe: not asking your machine spec20:12
miguelhola a todos necesito ayuda para elegir piezas para montar un pc. gracias espero ayuda20:13
ikonia!es | miguel20:13
ubottumiguel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:13
zamalipheikonia: i tested and tryed defrent configration many times but no help20:13
ikoniazamaliphe: from reading the man page on that error code it's when there isn't enough memory for client connections or the "max_used_connections" variable20:13
ikoniadoesn't look like a bug, at this moment in time20:13
ikoniazamaliphe: is this a vps ?20:14
zamalipheikonia: i'm the only one using this and this is my local pc20:14
ikoniazamaliphe: look at the max_used_connections in your database and the settings in /etc/security/limits.conf20:15
zamalipheikonia: i done that and changed that option allready20:16
zamalipheikonia: i rely need to upgrade to 5.620:16
ikoniayou do'nt need anything20:16
zamaliphehow can i hold ubuntu from remove kde till i upgrade ?20:16
lordievaderzamaliphe: I don't think that an upgrade to 5.6 will solve your problem.20:16
ikoniayou have no idea what the problem is or if 5.6 fixes it20:16
ikoniaso you don't need anything20:16
ikonia21:16 < zamaliphe> ikonia: i done that and changed that option allready20:17
ikoniazamaliphe: which option did you change20:17
ikoniawhich option - exactly did you change20:17
zamalipheikonia: i set nproc to 409620:18
ikoniathat's number of processes20:19
ikonia(you may have - I'm asking why you think that)20:19
ikoniawhy do you think you have a process limit issue ?20:19
zamalipheikonia: and nofile to 409620:19
ikoniathose seem like random changes to make20:20
ikoniaunless you have a reason to change them that you've not explained20:20
jazzycoolhey guys21:05
jazzycoolHow can I replace my exisiting xubuntu with kubuntu21:06
jazzycooli.e right now say I have xubuntu dual booted and its support is ending sometime in july so21:06
lordievaderjazzycool: You could just install the kubuntu-desktop package.21:06
jazzycoolwell I know what to install but don't know how to install removing and replacing the old linux os21:07
lordievaderjazzycool: You want to reinstall?21:07
jazzycoolwhen I install through live should I keep the same /, swap area etc I had for xubuntu21:07
jazzycoolkind of21:08
lordievaderjazzycool: Do you have a backup of your important files?21:08
jazzycoolyeah I have the backup and actually there aren't any imp files at all its just garbage files...lol so I dont even care21:09
jazzycoolall I want is to put my kubuntu where my xubuntu exists right now21:09
lordievaderjazzycool: Then you can just reinstall using a Kubuntu live-cd, be sure to mark the current partitions for formatting.21:09
jazzycoolyeah well but for example my xubuntu has lets say 110gb of ext4 at root point do I keep the same partitions and just press install21:10
lordievaderjazzycool: You can yes, but I'd mark the root-fs for formatting.21:11
jazzycoolI m not so much know to linux so can you explain what you said...lol21:11
lordievaderThe partition that is mounted as /21:11
jazzycoolok gotchaa21:12
jazzycoolthanks brother21:12
jazzycoolI actually searched google but didn't quite know how to word it so21:13
jazzycoolthanks brother I appreciate your help21:13
lordievaderjazzycool: No problem, good luck.21:14
jazzycoolsure sir21:14
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