[08:17] hello! I would like to test an application with the ubuntu touch emulator. I would like to install and start the application from the command line, since the ubuntu touch emulator does not work well for me (the screen stays black) [08:18] I copied the click file and installed it with pkcon. Now I would like to start it from the adb shell, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone give me a hint? [11:22] hello! I would like to test an application with the ubuntu touch emulator. I would like to install and start the application from the command line, since the ubuntu touch emulator does not work well for me (the screen stays black) [11:22] I copied the click file and installed it with pkcon. Now I would like to start it from the adb shell, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone give me a hint? [15:14] hi all [15:15] does anyone know how to execute a command in html5 and then get back the output from std out for use in a html5 app? [15:15] or if this is not directly possible, how can one call node.js from within an html5 app? [16:42] is there anyway to link to the underlying OS shell from javascript/html5 app? [16:44] pikachuza: what do you mean ? [16:44] daker - i would like execute a linux command and then use the results in an html5 app [16:45] pikachuza: what kind of command ? [16:45] daker like one would do in a bash script for example. [16:45] pikachuza: that's not possible [16:45] daker - top, df etc [16:45] daker - mmm thought that might be the case [16:46] daker i don't suppose there is any plans to add this? Also no way to call node.js from within your html5 app? [16:48] i am not sure about that [16:49] pikachuza: it can be a security issue their [16:51] daker - yeah. I can image they wouldn't want it for phones but for desktop apps this kind of integration is essential :( [16:52] pikachuza: we do have JS APIs to do some common task, like trigger download, create a alarm, get push notification... [16:53] but accessing a lower level of the shell is not possible [16:54] daker - i seen those. Are there more coming? APIs. For example how can one access a mongdb database from an html5 app? Do you think that will be on the list at all? [16:54] daker or is the plan to be that the developer should create some kind of rest api with another language to provide this info to the frontend? [16:54] ui [16:55] yeah that's what's the recommended way [16:56] daker: ok. Is there any recommendation for the rest "server" side. If it will be running on the same desktop. I am thinking of launching a node.js application then using the html5 sdk for the front-end [16:56] daker: how can I get the node.js portion to launch when the ui luanches? [17:01] pikachuza: it up to you, for now we don't provide a way to automatically link the backend & the frontend like angular and others [17:01] daker - cool. thanks for the info [17:01] you can just jquery or other lib to do that [17:01] use*