
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
hjdHi, I found that the ubuntu delta can be dropped for the moodle packge if the latest version is synced from Debian (http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/moodle.html). However, I notice it has some Release Critical bugs open. At least one of these is affecting the version already in Ubuntu, but the other two might not. Is this a potential concern or should I just file a sync request either way?12:02
=== plars is now known as plars-away
michagogoHello, everyone13:54
michagogoCould I maybe get some attention on bug 1314616?13:54
ubottubug 1314616 in bitcoin (Ubuntu) "[SRU] bitcoin to be maintained upstream in PPA: Replace distro archive "bitcoin" bitcoin with an empty dummy package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131461613:54
michagogoWhat's the next step at this point in moving this forward?13:55
=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc
jackarius86hi how can i get involved with developing for ubuntu?15:22
mitya57jackarius86: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu15:23
jackarius86thnks mitya5715:23
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
soreauI am wondering if kernel.ubuntu.com kernels have all the commits that upstream (linus/kernel.org) has or if the commits are conglomerations of upstream commits16:53
keessoreau: ubuntu kernels start from a common branch point (a specific Linus release), then add a small number of changes/features, and then regularly merge back the upstream stable branches.17:03
keessoreau: you made learn more specifics asking in #ubuntu-kernel too17:03
soreaukees: oh ok, thanks17:03
michagogoHi, I don't see a link in the topic regarding policy or rules or guidelines for this channel, so I'm sorry if I shouldn't be repeating this from 3-4 hours ago.17:35
michagogoWhat needs to happen for bug #1314616 to move forward? How does the process work and get advanced from here?17:36
ubottubug 1314616 in bitcoin (Ubuntu) "[SRU] bitcoin to be maintained upstream in PPA: Replace distro archive "bitcoin" bitcoin with an empty dummy package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131461617:36
=== volkan is now known as vgezer
gryHello. https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/octave does not depend on Java but the Ubuntu's version does. Is that intended?22:02
gryJava is only needed for https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Java-Interface-Functions.html - I found it is on by default in the configure, so if it bothers you, I can ask them to  probably adjust the default. But I don't know whether this is the real reason or not - please confirm.22:21
Noskcajgry, octave in debian does depend on java22:25
NoskcajThe only current diff is a change to the "breaks", which might be droppable22:26
gryNoskcaj, I don't see a Java or jdk or jre word on the page I linked.22:33
Noskcajbecause you linked the page from debian stable22:33
Noskcajrather than unstable (what we sync from)22:34
ari-tczewxnox: could you please take a look on bug 1327909 ? there is one patch added by you. is it forwardable to Debian?23:27
ubottubug 1327909 in usbmuxd (Ubuntu) "Merge usbmuxd 1.0.8-5 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132790923:27
Logan_hey try23:51
Logan_and gry23:51

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